Understanding the Deceptive Nature of Money and Governance

The concept of money, as widely understood by society, differs significantly from the actual financial instruments used by banks and governments.

The concept of money, as widely understood by society, differs significantly from the actual financial instruments used by banks and governments. While individuals handle cash, checks, or digital currencies, banks and financial institutions utilize more complex instruments such as promissory notes and bills of exchange. This system, defined by global frameworks like the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) and country-specific laws such as the Bills of Exchange Act, reveals that money is essentially a system of control, bound by legal structures that most people are unaware of.

The Real Nature of Money: Paper and Signatures

Money, as described by Michael Tellinger, is not a valuable asset in itself but merely a piece of paper with a signature on it. The Bills of Exchange Act, originating in the UK, is a key component of this system and is used in countries like India, Australia, South Africa, and the UK. According to this law, any signed blank piece of paper, known as an inchoate instrument, can be later filled in as a bill of exchange for any amount. This highlights the tenuous nature of what we consider "money."

Both the UCC and the Bills of Exchange Act emphasize the “capacity to contract,” a concept that demonstrates how modern money has no intrinsic backing from physical resources. When you sign a financial document, you're entering into a contract that, theoretically, could be reversed or "contracted" back to zero—further illustrating how modern currency is far removed from any real asset or value.

Capitalism and Control: From Words to Governance

The concept of "capital" underpins much of this system. Capital is not just about money; it extends to the way societies are governed and controlled. For instance, the president of the United States lives on "Capitol Hill," a clear reference to capital in governance. Every country has a capital city, and the word "capital" itself comes from commercial and financial roots. The capitalization of letters, names, and legal terms also plays a part in this structure.

Tellinger draws a historical parallel to the Roman system, where society was divided into three classes of citizens:

  1. Capitis Diminutio Maxima – Maximum loss of rights, equivalent to slavery.
  2. Capitis Diminutio Media – Medium loss of rights, with limited freedom.
  3. Capitis Diminutio Minima – Minimal loss of rights, referring to free citizens with limited restrictions.

Examples of Capitis Diminutio in the Modern World

  1. Capitis Diminutio Maxima (Maximum Loss of Rights):
    • This represents the most extreme form of loss, reducing a person to the status of a slave. In ancient Rome, this status meant complete loss of freedom, citizenship, and personal rights. Today, the remnants of this are seen in how legal documents, especially court orders, sometimes refer to individuals in ALL CAPS—a legal device that some interpret as symbolizing a lack of full human rights. In many official legal documents, names written in all capital letters may reflect a “corporate entity” or trust rather than a living individual, suggesting a diminished status in the legal system.
    • Example: In prisons, inmates are often referred to using all-capital-letter names, symbolizing their loss of rights as they are legally confined. When a person is convicted and imprisoned, they lose many basic civil rights, such as the right to vote in some countries, hold certain jobs, or own firearms.
  2. Capitis Diminutio Media (Medium Loss of Rights):
    • This level of status in Roman law involved the loss of some citizenship rights but not the complete loss of personal freedom. Diplomats and government officials sometimes have their names half capitalized and half lowercase on official documents, which Tellinger argues symbolizes a partial loss of rights.
    • Example: Diplomatic immunity can protect officials from legal prosecution in foreign countries, but these officials are still bound by the rules of their homeland or specific treaties. The way their names are written—partly capitalized and partly lowercase—represents the middle ground of legal status, indicating they have certain protections, but also responsibilities and restrictions imposed by international law.
  3. Capitis Diminutio Minima (Minimal Loss of Rights):
    • This refers to the smallest reduction of legal rights and is seen in Roman law as a minor change in status, such as losing family rights but maintaining personal freedom. In the modern context, this can be related to people who experience minor legal consequences but remain relatively free within society.
    • Example: A person who declares bankruptcy may experience this form of capitis diminutio. They lose the right to manage certain financial assets, but they retain personal freedom and most civil rights. Similarly, a legal name change for marriage or adoption may alter an individual's family or civil status without impacting their broader rights as a free citizen.

One of the most striking examples of how this system works is the Cestui Que Vie Trust, originating from the 1666 Cestui Que Vie Act passed during the Great Fire of London. During this period, everyone was declared legally dead, and the assets of the "dead" were transferred into trusts held by the state. This trust system remains in place today, as individuals technically do not own their property. A careful reading of property title deeds reveals that while one may think they own land or a house, the state reserves all rights to the property.

Furthermore, the spelling of names on official legal documents—often in capital letters—reinforces this status. By legal definition, anyone whose name is capitalized in such a way is essentially seen as "dead" in the legal system, without full rights to their property.

When slaves won their freedom, they were often given a title as a reward. Unbeknownst to them, this title merely identified them as slaves within a new system of control. The manipulation of language through legalese continues to deceive people today. For example, the word “mortgage” derives from the Latin words "mort" (death) and "gage" (pledge), linking financial agreements to death in a symbolic sense. Similarly, the word "attorney" comes from "attorn," meaning to transfer property from one person to another, typically taking a portion for oneself in the process.

The U.S. as a Corporation: From Republic to Corporate Entity

Tellinger also argues that the formation of the United States as a corporate entity marked a fundamental shift in governance. The United States is no longer a Constitutional Republic governed by the people; instead, it operates as US CORP, a corporation owned by foreign interests. Over time, individual states were registered as corporate franchises of US CORP, with representatives and senators acting as managers rather than public servants.

The original U.S. Constitution, known as the "Constitution for the united states of America," was quietly replaced by "THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES," written in all capital letters to signify its status as a corporate document. This change, largely unnoticed by the public, transformed the laws of the land to serve corporate, not public, interests.

The Bankruptcy of 1933: A Turning Point

In 1933, the U.S. federal government declared bankruptcy, and President Roosevelt, acting as the CEO of US CORP, signed over America’s assets—including its people and their labor—to foreign creditors. This move completed the transition of America into a corporate entity, stripping the American people of their rights and transferring control to the owners of US CORP.

Conclusion: A System Built on Deception

The intricate system of legal structures, financial instruments, and language manipulations outlined by Michael Tellinger shows how deeply the modern world is controlled by a financial and legal elite. From the use of money as nothing more than signed paper to the legal fiction of personal ownership, society operates under a system of deception that most people do not even realize exists. Understanding these mechanisms is the first step toward reclaiming individual sovereignty and navigating the complex web of legal and financial control.

Tellinger’s work in Ubuntu Contributionism provides a blueprint for rethinking these systems and creating new models for human prosperity, free from the constraints of the current corporate-financial paradigm.


Michael Tellinger - Ubuntu Contribution A Blueprint for Human Prosperity PDFURL

The “money” that you are forced to use by the banks and the money that the banks use themselves are different. Banks use promissory notes and bills of exchange, and all this is clearly outlined in the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) which is the international Bible for doing business and commerce. Some countries including India, Australia, the UK and South Africa use the Bills of Exchange Act.

So this is what money really is – pieces of paper with signatures on them. The Bills of Exchange Act, which originates from the UK, is common to almost every country in the world. For example, an inchoate instrument is defined across the globe as any blank piece of paper containing a signature. An inchoate instrument can be filled up as a bill of exchange to the value of any amount. Be careful what you sign. Both UCC and the Bills of Exchange Act, talk about “capacity to contract.” Look at the words: Capacity (a volume of liquid/ity) to contract (to shrink back to zero). This means that all of us can ‘contract’ any bill back to zero, because our ‘money’ is no longer backed by any physical resource.

Think about the concept of capital. The president of the United States (which is actually a trading name, the corporation name is actually the “Virginia Company”) lives on “Capitol Hill”. Every country has a “capital.” All things capital, like capital letters, relate to all things commercial and that means everything comes down to money.

The Romans had three classes of people:

  1. capitis dimunitio maxima
  2. capitis dimunitio media and
  3. capitis dimunitio minima.

You can read all about this in Black’s Law Dictionary. Slaves are capitis dimnutio maxima which refers to “maximum loss of rights”. Slaves had their names spelt in capital letters. Official grave stones have names spelt in capital letters because those buried there are legally dead. Clever reading and understanding the Cestui Que Vie Trust Act of 1666, which was passed while everyone was focusing their attention on the Great Fire of London, declared everyone legally dead.

The assets of all the dead people were put into a trust and are held by the state. This still applies today – you do not own property, you only think you do. Read your title deed carefully, it says that the state reserves all its rights. Are you dead? Yes, which is why your name is spelt in block capitals on all legal documents.

Have a look at how diplomats have their official names written/ spelled: half the name is in capital letters and half of the name is lower case. This is capitis dimunitio media and refers to medium loss of rights.

When slaves won their freedom, they were given a title. The slaves were very happy, but they had no idea that their title simply meant “slave.” This just highlights the important aspect of how this convoluted language or ‘legalese’ is used to deceive humanity. More evidence that death abounds in the legal and banking world can be seen in the word ‘mortgage’, which, like the word ‘mortuary’ is related to death. Even the word ‘attorney’ comes from the word ‘attorn’, which means to take from one person and give to another, while keeping a nice chunk for yourself of course.

A-2nd-Declaration-of-Independence PDFURL

  1. The official formation of US CORP set the stage for the transformation of America from a Constitutional Republic of THE PEOPLE to a corporation owned by foreign interests and their families. Over the next few years, the individual States were registered as corporations as well, making them franchises of US CORP. Representatives and Senators neither represent nor work for the American People. Rather, they are managers of US CORP. and, as such, they are obligated first to serve its best interests. The president is just the President of America. He is the CEO of US CORP.
  2. The abbreviated term “United State” was purposely used to represent both America and US CORP. to blur the distinction between them. Similarly, the original U.S. Constitution was quietly supplanted by an impostor “corporate (all-capital letters) constitution” that bears a similar name and appearance, again, to confuse and deceive the American people. Specifically, the “Constitution for the united states of America” was replaced by “THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES,” s with the latter’s corporate statutes becoming the supreme law of America.
  3. In 1933, the U.S. federal government declared bankruptcy, and President Roosevelt, its acting CEO, signed over to US CORP. America and its assets, including THE PEOPLE, and our labor. The bankruptcy of 1933, that was arguably unnecessary, ceremonial in nature, and contrived and orchestrated without the consent of THE PEOPLE, completed the heist and transfer of America and its assets to the same foreign interests who own US CORP.

Blacks Law - 8th Edition PDFURL


cestui que use (set-ee orses-twee kee or k<> yoos).Archaic. The person for whose use and benefit property is being held by another, who holds the legal title to the property. Pl. cestuis que use or (erroneously) cestuis que usent.Cases: Trusts 131. C.J.S. Trover and Conversion § 241. “The basis of this institution was the transfer of property to a trusted friend, who was to hold it not for personal benefit but for the purpose of carrying out the transferor's instructions. The person to whom the land was conveyed for this purpose was the ‘feoffee to uses'; the person for whose benefit the land was conveyed — the beneficiary — was the ‘cestui que use’ ... , from the law French ‘cestui a que use le feoffment fuit fait.’ ” Peter Butt, Land Law § 702, at 97 (3d ed. 1996).


cestui que vie (set-ee orses-twee kee or k<> vee). The person whose life measures the duration of a trust, gift, estate, or insurance contract. Cf. MEASURING LIFE. Cases: Life Estates 1. C.J.S. Estates §§ 28–29, 31, 34.Let us assume that A instead transfers ‘to E for the life of A.’ Since A has used his own life as the measuring life of E's estate, A has given away all that he had. Because E's estate is measured by the life of someone other than himself, his estate is called an estate pur autre vie.A, whose life is the measuring life, is called the cestui que vie.” Thomas F. Bergin & Paul G. Haskell, Preface to Estates in Land and Future Interests 36 (2d ed. 1984).

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