Cosmic Disclosure

From Channeling to Contact

Throughout his life, Ricardo González has connected with and communicated with intelligent beings from Alpha Centauri, called the Apunians. Initially these connections came as channeled messages, of which he was cautious. But one day in the desert, he was brought aboard one of their ships to meet them face-to-face. He shares details of his experience with their craft and interacting directly with the Apunians. We learn more about their consciousness-integrating technology and the message of why they are here interacting with humanity today.


In the realm of extraterrestrial research and contact, few figures stand out as prominently as Ricardo Gonzalez, a Peruvian researcher and author known for his encounters with a species referred to as the Apunians. In a recent episode of "Cosmic Disclosure," hosted by Emery Smith, Gonzalez delves into the nuances of extraterrestrial contact, differentiating between physical experiences and channeling, while sharing his own profound experiences aboard ET crafts. This article explores the key themes discussed, including the nature of channeling, the significance of physical contact with extraterrestrial beings, and the implications of these experiences on human consciousness and societal change.

Understanding Channeling and Physical Contact

The Distinction Between Channeling and 3D Experiences

Gonzalez emphasizes the difference between physical contact with extraterrestrial beings and the more abstract experience of channeling. Physical contact refers to tangible interactions that occur within our three-dimensional reality, where individuals can see and touch the entities involved. In contrast, channeling is described as a mental or spiritual experience, often fraught with complexities and misinterpretations. Gonzalez warns that many confuse channeling with extrasensory perception or the influence of unknown entities, which can lead to dangerous miscommunications.

The Risks of Channeling

The potential dangers of channeling arise from the possibility of receiving messages from entities that may not have benevolent intentions. Gonzalez cites Allan Kardec, the father of spiritism, who cautioned against inviting entities into one's consciousness. He argues that authentic channelers exist, but many who claim to channel may simply be projecting their own thoughts or emotions, leading to subjective interpretations that can distort the truth.

Personal Experiences with Extraterrestrial Craft

Encounters Inside ET Crafts

Gonzalez recounts two significant experiences aboard extraterrestrial crafts, both initiated by a column of light that transported him into the ships. The first encounter took place in Peru, while the second occurred in Mount Shasta, California. In both instances, he describes a sensation of being lifted by a powerful light, leading to feelings of emotional shock and disorientation upon entering the craft.

The Nature of Communication

Inside the crafts, Gonzalez experienced a unique form of communication with the beings present, primarily with a tall Nordic entity named Antarel. This communication was largely mental, transcending verbal exchanges. He describes a profound connection where thoughts and feelings were shared instantaneously, creating an intimate bond that felt both exhilarating and vulnerable.

Insights Gained from the Encounters

During his time aboard the crafts, Gonzalez received significant insights, including forewarnings about future geopolitical events, such as the September 11 attacks. He reflects on the implications of these messages, questioning why such critical information was shared with ordinary individuals rather than influential figures who could enact change.

The Role of Collective Consciousness

The Concept of 144,000

Gonzalez introduces the idea that a collective shift in consciousness could be achieved through a specific number of awakened individuals, referencing various spiritual traditions that mention the number 144,000. He suggests that this number symbolizes a critical mass necessary to maintain a heightened state of awareness and connection to the Earth.

The Power of Love and Connection

Gonzalez emphasizes that love and connection transcend biological ties, suggesting that individuals can adopt traits and wisdom from those they bond with, regardless of blood relations. This concept aligns with the teachings of many indigenous cultures, which recognize the importance of community and shared experiences in fostering growth and understanding.


The discussion between Emery Smith and Ricardo Gonzalez sheds light on the complexities of extraterrestrial contact and the profound implications it holds for human consciousness. By distinguishing between physical experiences and channeling, Gonzalez encourages a more discerning approach to understanding these phenomena. His personal encounters with the Apunians not only provide insight into the nature of these beings but also challenge us to consider our role in the broader tapestry of existence. As we navigate the mysteries of the universe, the call to awaken and connect with one another remains ever relevant, urging us to maintain the sacred fire of consciousness and love.

Mission to Alpha Centauri

The secret space program to Alpha Centauri is already underway with the help of beings from Earth’s nearest star. Through his direct contact with the Apunians, Ricardo González has learned that many of the people who are helping this program get off of the ground are descendants from human beings who travelled there from Earth. But they may actually be from our future. He explains that this program is part of an international collective with many countries participating, independent from any government.

Remembering the Life of William Tompkins

Dr. Robert Wood, along with Emery Smith, remembers the fascinating life work of William Tompkins who was essential in designing many of the craft used in the secret space programs. Throughout his longstanding Naval career, William Tompkins worked on projects that many people have never heard of or refuse to believe exist. After his time in the Navy, he moved into the aerospace sector becoming integral in designing much of the SSP technology. He was also involved in remote viewing and had access to secret underground tunnel system underlying North America. All the while, he claimed that he had help from Nordic beings who had great interest in covert and overt space programs. Dr. Robert Wood is a researcher and editor of two books written by Tompkins about his life and career, titled: Selected by Extraterrestrials Volumes 1 and 2. He also had a long career in the aerospace industry working with many of the same companies and people as William Tompkins. After a longstanding Naval career, William Tompkins designed advanced vehicles for aerospace companies, including TRW, North American Aviation, Northrop and Douglas Aircraft Company. He even assisted with the Saturn and Apollo Space Programs for NASA.

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