Cosmic Disclosure

Unacknowledged Special Access Programs

Why are extraterrestrial species helping humanity? From top-secret documents of the CIA to events such as the Kingman Incident, learn why retired AFOSI agent Richard Doty speculates that various ETs, like Pleiadians, are guiding our evolution. Sharing details about unacknowledged special access programs (USAP), recovered ET craft, and Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), Doty says ETs are purposefully assisting us in advancing our technology and understanding.


In recent years, the topic of extraterrestrial life and government disclosure has gained significant traction, capturing the attention of both the public and lawmakers. This article delves into a conversation with Richard Doty, a retired Special Agent from the Air Force Office of Special Investigations, who has firsthand experience with UFO and extraterrestrial intelligence. Doty shares insights into the classified aspects of government reports, the historical context of UFO sightings, and the implications of potential extraterrestrial contact. As we explore these themes, we will uncover the complexities surrounding government disclosure, the nature of extraterrestrial beings, and the ongoing efforts to make this information accessible to the public.

The Government's Approach to Disclosure

Classified Reports and Congressional Involvement

Richard Doty discusses the classified portion of the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) report that has been shared with select members of Congress. He highlights the collaboration between researchers, some of whom have ties to the government, in gathering historical data and intelligence reports. This effort aims to create a coherent narrative for public disclosure. However, Doty notes the challenges posed by heavily redacted documents, which complicate the communication of vital information to government officials.

Historical Context of Extraterrestrial Encounters

To facilitate public understanding, the government is reportedly taking a historical approach to disclosure, starting with significant incidents such as the Washington sightings and the Roswell crash. Doty emphasizes the importance of these events in shaping public perception and the government's narrative regarding extraterrestrial encounters. He mentions that many intelligence officers have contributed to the documentation of these incidents, but the declassification of such reports remains a contentious issue.

The Nature of Extraterrestrial Beings

Known Extraterrestrial Races

Doty reveals that the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) has identified seven extraterrestrial races, two of which are newly acknowledged. He describes one of these races as humanoid, originating from the Pleiades, while the other is characterized by its robust, brown-skinned features. Both races are reported to be benevolent and have contributed to advancements in human technology. Doty expresses uncertainty about the specifics of these races' intentions and their interactions with government entities.

The Role of DNA and Human-Ancestry Connections

The conversation shifts to the intriguing topic of DNA and its connection to extraterrestrial beings. Doty explains that some individuals may possess alien DNA, a concept that has been explored in various scientific studies. He notes that military recruits undergo DNA testing, which may reveal connections to extraterrestrial ancestry. This raises questions about the implications of such findings and the potential for hybridization between humans and extraterrestrial species.

The Future of Disclosure

Congressional Support and Public Reaction

Doty emphasizes the unprecedented bipartisan support for disclosure within Congress, highlighting the inclusion of a Whistleblower Protection Act and a Disclosure Act in the defense budget. This legislative framework aims to facilitate the collection of information on UFOs and UAPs. However, Doty cautions that the government must approach disclosure in a logical and orderly manner to avoid public panic and address potential religious concerns.

The Importance of Understanding Frequencies

An intriguing aspect of the discussion involves the concept of individual frequencies. Doty shares insights from DARPA's research on how human frequencies can be manipulated, potentially influencing behavior and health. This area of study underscores the complexity of human-extraterrestrial interactions and the potential for advanced technologies to impact our understanding of consciousness and existence.


The conversation with Richard Doty sheds light on the intricate relationship between government disclosure, historical encounters with extraterrestrial beings, and the ongoing efforts to understand our place in the universe. As the government navigates the challenges of transparency and public acceptance, the implications of these revelations could reshape our understanding of humanity's origins and our connection to other intelligent life forms. The push for disclosure is not just about revealing secrets; it is about fostering a deeper understanding of our existence and the universe at large.

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