
Göbekli Tepe: Genesis of the Gods with Andrew Collins

Ancient texts, such as the Book of Enoch, suggest that human civilization originated far earlier than mainstream archeologists will acknowledge. With the discovery of Göbekli Tepe, the walls of resistance to such notions are beginning to collapse. Now, theological accounts of our origins are being viewed in a new light by historians and archeologists alike. Andrew Collins describes these early times, when gods brought the art and science of Heaven, to Earth and built the first human civilizations. Andrew Collins has investigated the relationship between paranormal phenomena, ancient sites, and the human mind for more than twenty-five years. His books challenge our ideas regarding the way we see the past and its effect on our lives today. His most recent book, Gobekli Tepe: Genesis of the Gods examines the megalith’s role in the rise of civilization and how it connects to the Garden of Eden.


In the realm of alternative history and ancient mysteries, few figures stand out as prominently as Andrew Collins, a pioneering truth-seeker whose work has challenged conventional narratives about human civilization. In a recent interview with David Wilcock, Collins delves into a variety of topics, including the enigmatic connections between ancient civilizations, the influence of extraterrestrial beings, and the implications of groundbreaking archaeological discoveries like Gobekli Tepe. This article summarizes their discussion, exploring themes of ancient knowledge, the origins of civilization, and the controversial ideas surrounding the so-called Watchers and their impact on humanity.

The Outsourcing of Power and Symbolism in Currency

Wilcock opens the conversation by addressing the controversial notion that the American government has outsourced its financial system to the Federal Reserve, a private consortium of bankers. He highlights the presence of Egyptian symbolism on the U.S. dollar, particularly the pyramid and the all-seeing eye, suggesting a fascination with ancient mystery traditions. This leads to a broader inquiry into the potential existence of secret societies, such as the Illuminati, which Collins suggests may trace their lineage back to ancient extraterrestrial beings known as the Watchers. These themes set the stage for a deeper exploration of how ancient civilizations and their beliefs may still influence modern society.

The Role of the Watchers and the Book of Enoch

As the discussion progresses, Collins introduces the concept of the Watchers, described in the ancient apocryphal text known as the Book of Enoch. According to Collins, these beings are believed to be extraterrestrial descendants who interacted with humanity, imparting knowledge and wisdom. The Book of Enoch, which was excluded from the biblical canon, details the Watchers' descent to Earth and their relationships with human women, resulting in the birth of the Nephilim—giant offspring that became a significant part of ancient lore. This narrative raises questions about the origins of civilization and the potential for hidden truths within ancient texts.

The Discovery of Gobekli Tepe

A pivotal moment in Collins' research came with the discovery of Gobekli Tepe, an archaeological site in southeastern Turkey that predates Stonehenge by thousands of years. Collins explains that Gobekli Tepe consists of massive stone structures adorned with intricate carvings, suggesting that monumental architecture was being constructed as early as 9,500 BC. This challenges the conventional timeline of civilization's development and supports the idea that advanced societies existed long before previously accepted dates. The site's preservation, having been buried intentionally, offers a unique glimpse into a time when humanity was undergoing significant transformation.

The Implications of Ancient Knowledge

Collins argues that the discoveries at Gobekli Tepe and the insights from the Book of Enoch suggest a much older and complex narrative of human history. He posits that the Watchers may have played a crucial role in shaping early civilizations, imparting knowledge that led to advancements in agriculture, architecture, and societal organization. This perspective aligns with other ancient myths, such as those of the Anunnaki in Sumerian tradition, which also describe divine beings interacting with humanity to foster civilization.

The Controversy of Mainstream Academia

Throughout the interview, Collins expresses frustration with the academic establishment's resistance to new ideas. He notes that many groundbreaking discoveries, including his own regarding the cave systems beneath the Giza Plateau, have been met with skepticism or outright denial by mainstream scholars. This dynamic highlights the tension between traditional academic paradigms and the emerging narratives proposed by independent researchers and writers like Collins and Wilcock.


The conversation between David Wilcock and Andrew Collins opens a fascinating dialogue about the intersections of ancient history, extraterrestrial influence, and the evolution of human civilization. By examining the symbolism in modern currency, the implications of the Book of Enoch, and the groundbreaking discoveries at Gobekli Tepe, they challenge readers to reconsider established narratives and explore the possibility of hidden truths within our past. As we continue to uncover the mysteries of ancient civilizations, it becomes increasingly clear that our understanding of history is far from complete, inviting further exploration and inquiry into the origins of humanity.

Mysteries of Giza with Robert Bauval

The ancient architects of the Giza Plateau kept one eye turned toward the heavens as they embedded celestial secrets into every aspect of their constructions. Though these antiquities have been studied for centuries, many of the ancient mysteries remain hidden. Robert Bauval discusses his ongoing work of uncovering the lost secrets of Giza which has culminated in the Orion Correlation theory and the ongoing search for the legendary Hall of Records buried underneath the sphinx. Robert Bauval’s long fascination with pyramids eventually led him to propose that the layout of the three Giza Pyramids and their relative position to the Nile was intended to mirror the layout of the three stars in Orion's belt and their relative position to the Milky Way. This thesis, now known as the 'Orion Correlation Theory', became the subject of his first book, The Orion Mystery. After publishing several books about Ancient Egypt, Bauval is considered one of the world’s foremost authorities on Egyptian mysteries.

Technology of the Gods with Graham Hancock

As we have all grown so accustomed to the mechanized technology of our modern era, it is very difficult for us to imagine technology in any other form. This is the primary difficulty in discerning the methodology used for constructing great megalithic structures in a time when human beings are purported to have only been simple hunter-gatherers. Graham Hancock explains the basis and various uses of ancient advanced technologies. Graham Hancock is the author of the international bestsellers The Sign and The Seal, Fingerprints of the Gods and Heavens Mirror. His public lectures, radio and TV appearances have put his ideas before audiences of millions. He is recognized as an unconventional thinker who raises controversial questions about humanitys past. Although best known for his non-fiction writings his most recent books are novels: Entangled: The Eater of Souls, War God: Nights of the Witch and War God: Return of the Plumed Serpent.

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