
The Part Encodes the Whole

Of further importance is the fact that even if we dropped our frozen hologram of the ripple pattern on the floor and broke it into a number of pieces each individual piece would recreate the entire holographic image all by itself. The smaller the piece, the fuzzier and more distorted would be the resulting holographic projection but the fact remains that a whole projection would
nonetheless be made.

The key to creating any hologram is that energy in motion must interact with energy in a state of rest (nonmotion). In the foregoing example, the pebbles represent energy in motion while the water (before its agitation by the pebbles) represents energy at a state of rest. To activate or, in effect, to “perceive” the meaning of a holograph, energy (in this case, a coherent light source such as a laser beam) must be passed through the interference pattern generated by interaction between the moving energy and the energy at rest. In the simple example given by Bentov, this requirement was fulfilled by holding the frozen interference pattern in front of the coherent light to project the three dimensional holographic image (its “meaning”) into space. As Marilyn Ferguson, editor of the Brain/Mind Bulletin tells us:

Another feature of a hologram it’s efficiency. Billions of bits of information can be stored in a tiny space. The pattern of the holographic [photograph]…is stored everywhere on the plate.


Energy creates, stores and retrieves meaning in the universe by projecting or expanding at certain frequencies in a three dimensional mode that creates a living pattern called a hologram. The concept of the hologram can be most easily understood by using an example cited by Bentov in which he asks the reader to visualize a bowl full of water into which three pebbles are dropped. As the ripples created by the simultaneous entry of the three pebbles radiate outward towards the rim of the bowl, Bentov further asks the reader to visualize that the surface of the water is suddenly flash frozen so that the ripple pattern is preserved instantly. The ice is removed leaving the three pebbles still laying at the bottom of the bowl. Then the ice is exposed to a powerful, coherent source of light, such as a laser. The result will be a three dimensional model or representation of the position of the three pebbles suspended in midair.

The Consciousness Matrix

The universe is composed of interacting energy fields, some at rest and some in motion. It is, in and of itself, one gigantic hologram of unbelievable complexity. According to the theories of Karl Pribram, a neuroscientist at Stanford University and David Bohm, a physicist at the University of London, the human mind is also a hologram which attunes itself to the universal hologram by the medium of energy exchange thereby deducing meaning and achieving the state which we call consciousness. With respect to states of expanded or altered consciousness such as Gateway uses, the process operates in the following way.

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