
Frequently Asked Questions

Gateway Experience participants have routinely asked certain questions over the years. We have included this "Question & Answer" section to supplement and reinforce your Manual instructions.

Q: What should I do if I do not feel quite awake and alert following an exercise?

A: There are several methods you can use to become more grounded. Try one or more of the following: Slowly count from 10 to 1; drink cool water; take a cold shower or splash cold water on your face, neck and wrists. Weather permitting, you may want to walk barefoot outdoors, taking deep breaths while releasing excess energy through your feet; place your back against a tree and imagine energy flowing from the top of your head to the branches above, and from your feet to the tree's roots and down into the center of the earth.

Q: What if I tend to fall asleep during an exercise?

A: Don't be discouraged. You are learning to maintain a balance between deep relaxation and sleep. If you fall asleep your subconscious will still experience and benefit from the exercise, but the following are some suggestions: Make sure you are rested before doing the exercises (you may need to change the time of day you work with the program). Splash water on your face and neck prior to the exercise. Put a symbol for sleep in your Energy Conversion Box. If these suggestions do not help, you may wish to try listening to the exercises while in a seated position rather than while lying down. Note: You may be "clicking‐out." This is different from sleep. If you are clicking‐out, you will have the sense that no time has passed when you return to conscious awareness. Once again, the memory of your experience will be stored even though you have no recall. Clicking‐out is a common experience that diminishes as you progress.

Q: What if I'm not able or willing to do Resonant Tuning out loud? A: It is important for you to participate in Resonant Tuning. Doing so will help you perceive your nonphysical energy so you may learn to control and use it. Resonant Tuning promotes an accelerated gathering of your vibrational energy while reducing internal dialogue. Your discomfort about vocalizing with the exercise will eventually wane.

Q: What if I can't remain on my back without getting restless? A: You may wish to use ear buds so you can listen on your side or stomach. Alternatively, try propping yourself up with pillows or sitting in a comfortable chair.

Q: What if I can't visualize my REBAL? A: Visualizing is only one way of perceiving. Some people are better able to "feel" their REBAL by simply thinking of themselves surrounded by and filled with tingling bursts of energy. Others might "hear" the crackle of energy or know intuitively that their REBAL is in place. Frequent practice in "popping" your REBAL strengthens your ability to do so in whatever way is most effective for you.

Q: I am aware of a buzzing or pressure in my forehead and/or an acceleration of my heartbeat. Is this normal? A: These phenomena are common for some people in response to the Hemi‐Sync® process. Remember, you are expanding your awareness. You may, therefore, become more conscious of your heartbeat, breathing, or other physical sensations. Many people find such enhanced awareness a comforting link to physical reality that allows them to move more confidently into other states of consciousness. If you continue to feel distracted, put your distractions into your Box. If you experience any discomfort, verify that you have the volume just loud enough for you to hear the verbal instructions.

Q: How do I know if I'm in a particular Focus level or experiencing what the exercise intends? A: Suspend your expectations about Focus levels and trust that your experiences in a given exercise are exactly as they should be at the time. Everyone perceives the various Focus levels in their own way. Similarly, no two individuals' experiences are alike. Simply pay attention to subtle changes or feelings of movement within your body and allow your experiences to unfold. Your experiences may range from cosmic in nature to the mundane. Accept what comes to you, without judgment, and continue to practice with the assurance that all of your experiences are valuable. If the instructions described what your experience should be, you might discount an experience because it was not mentioned even though it was a meaningful event for you.

Q: Will Hemi‐Sync® become a crutch? A: No, absolutely not. Hemi‐Sync® exercises are like training wheels on a bicycle: wonderful for practice, but unnecessary as you learn to ride far and free. In a way similar to biofeedback, you can benefit from Hemi‐Sync® when not listening to an exercise. You can learn to trigger a change in consciousness and obtain a desired state by taking a deep breath and remembering the sensations you had during an exercise. The more you practice this technique, the easier and more effective it will become.

Q: What should I do if the feeling of "heightened energy" makes me uncomfortable? A: Your goal during these exercises is to perceive your nonphysical energy so you can learn to control and use it. You might practice working with your nonphysical energy from an objective "experimental" frame of mind to ease your discomfort. Speed it up. Slow it down. You are in control.

Q: What if I can't have an out‐of‐body experience? A: Don't despair. Please know that not everyone will have a conscious out‐of‐body experience. It takes a lot of practice for most, and many of us have hidden fears that hold us back. Also, if you try too hard for an OBE, the intense effort can become the very distraction that holds you back. Be nonchalant about OBEs. They are just a small part of our programs for self‐exploration and personal growth.

Q: When I am out of my body, can I help someone else have an OBE? A: Participants have reported developing the ability to do this. Experiment. You and another person might try patterning for synchronicity in your OBEs.

Q: What does a nonphysical body look like? A: The nonphysical body may be perceived as a ball of energy, a misty form, or a human shape. Typically, it will appear as something you are comfortable with.

Q: How can I control an OBE? A: If you set a goal before you begin, you won't need to decide what to do once you are out. If an OBE happens spontaneously, remember that thoughts are actions in the nonphysical state. Experiment with thinking of someone and contacting his/her energy, rather than arriving at a geographic destination. Any time you wish to return, think of rejoining your body and/or move a finger or toe.

Q: Is God appearing when I "see" a flood of light during an exercise? A: The perception of light suggests that your potential for nonphysical awareness is developing. Such light is widely reported by explorers of higher consciousness and people who have had near‐death experiences. The light is often accompanied by feelings of euphoria, a oneness with the Universe or a sense of overwhelming love. A Buddhist might associate this experience with Buddha; a Moslem, Allah or Mohammed; a Christian, Christ. We do not endorse any particular interpretation or meaning; rather we encourage you to find your own.

Q: How many times should I do an exercise before going on to the next? A: This varies from person to person. You should become familiar and comfortable with an exercise and allow your intuition to guide you as to when to move on. It isn't necessary to "master" an exercise before progressing and you can always return for more practice.

Q: Would it be beneficial to combine mind‐altering drugs with Hemi‐Sync®? A: No. Hemi‐Sync® exercises are designed so you may learn to control your states of consciousness. Drugs would simply interfere with that control. Also, your rational ability to interpret and comprehend your experiences would be compromised by the use of mind‐altering substances.

Q: Would the Gateway Experience and the Hemi‐Sync® process be beneficial for individuals who practice various meditative techniques? A: Yes, absolutely. Many long‐term meditators have indicated that Hemi‐Sync® facilitates the ease with which they may obtain a deep meditative state and their ability to sustain that state. In addition, the Gateway Experience is widely considered the preeminent in‐home program for developing, exploring and applying expanded states of awareness. Everyone can benefit from the tools and guidelines provided.

Q: The Gateway Experience changed my life. How can I convince a skeptic that the program is worth trying? A: Without interest and desire, the discipline that leads to success with any personal development program would be lacking. The GE training series can supply the tools and guidelines but participants must have an openness and willingness to explore in order to succeed. We suggest you allow your own personal growth to inspire others while realizing that not everyone will be interested in exploring expanded states of awareness. That said, many of our most enthusiastic GE participants were at one time skeptics. You may wish to introduce others to the Hemi‐Sync® process with a more "mainstream" exercise such as Catnapper or Concentration.

Q: Can my children listen to the Gateway Experience? A: That depends on the maturity of the child. Many parents have reported good results using the Gateway Experience with children. Use your own discretion for children who are 10 years or older. We encourage parents to work with their children and to monitor their progress.

Q: What is the hissing or swishing sound I hear when listening to Hemi‐Sync® exercises? A: The sound you are hearing is intentional. It is referred to as "pink noise" or "pink sound." Technically, it is a random distribution of all the frequencies the human ear can hear and is provided as a bed for the Hemi‐Sync® signals. Do not use Dolby® or other noise‐reduction systems as this would interfere with the effectiveness of the Hemi‐Sync® process.

Q: Is a "clicking" sound normal? A: No. If you hear sounds other than the hissing or swishing sounds described above, first check your equipment to see if it needs cleaning or repair. If you determine your Hemi‐Sync® product is defective, return it to us for a free replacement.

Q: What is the difference between Hemi‐Sync® and hypnosis? A: Hypnosis is commonly regarded as a process of being led into a state of high suggestibility and a relinquishing of control to the hypnotist. With Hemi‐Sync®, you consciously control and direct your own state of awareness. In this regard, Hemi‐Sync® has more in common with self‐hypnosis. However, the Hemi‐Sync® process allows you to achieve the desired state more quickly and reliably.

Q: Do Hemi‐Sync® exercises contain subliminal messages? A: No. Hemi‐Sync® recordings contain no subliminal messages. Occasionally, you will hear a verbal message at a very low volume during a "sleep" period so as not to startle you. This, however, is simply a repetition of previously heard information.

Q: Is it important to have the headphones on the correct ear, as instructed on some of the exercises? A: No. If you are using stereo equipment, the intended effect will be achieved.

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