Wave I

Exploration, Sleep

Exploration, Sleep is based on the concept that sleep is a natural Gateway into other states of consciousness. It may be that, whether or not we remember, our nonphysical consciousness passes through this Gateway every night. The exercise helps you recall this common, natural process in C-1 when you awake.

It is important not to hold expectations. Let them go. Relax. Approach the exercise with a playful sense of curiosity and interest. Just as you opened to the wonders of the physical world when you were very young, be open now in the same way to nonphysical experience. You may choose to add to the Affirmation a statement such as, "I am wholly without expectations, and open to all experience that awaits me." During the exercise, questions such as, "Am I starting to separate?" or "Is this what I'm supposed to be feeling?" interfere with the process. There's plenty of time to assess your experiences after the exercise. Simply go with whatever happens and remember that you may perceive in many different ways. The Hemi-Sync signals fade at the end of the exercise, leaving you in natural sleep.

Manual Old

Use this tape after you are completely comfortable with tapes 1 through 4. Out-of-body exploration in this exercise is based on the concept that sleep is a natural Gateway into other states of reality, other energy systems. Entering these nonphysical states requires a nonphysical consciousness which can move „out” of one’s physical body. Therefore, for this exercise, you should be in a comfortable position for sleeping. Ecstasy, once meaning „to stand outside of oneself,” lost this literal Greek translation long ago. It has come to be associated with the feeling of being transported; the feeling of incredible freedom and rapture that accompanies a return to our most natural conditions. Reaching these conditions of being „outside of oneself” and of euphoria is easy and effortless in sleep, although seldom remembered. Bridging different levels of consciousness, this exercise will help you bring into C-1 a common and natural process experienced during sleep.

Out-of-Body Exercises During Sleep

In Focus 10, you will re-experience and remember the out-of-body processes you have used before in sleep. Think how nice it would be to float out and away. Then turn and slowly roll over like a log floating in water. Easily detached, float up, remaining calm and serene. Float down, turn and roll back, returning to your starting point. Move into normal, natural, restful sleep by counting from eleven to twenty. Repeat and remember this exercise in the sleep state. To work consciously with this and other out-of-body techniques, use Discovery #6: Free Flow 10, with its instructions, or refer back to this exercise. As you continue with the Gateway Experience, Freedom (Wave III) offers you additional out-of-body exercises.


The Hemi-Sync signals will fade at the end of the tape, leaving you in natural sleep. Encoding Sleep.


Release and Recharge

Release and Recharge teaches you a method you can use daily, with or without the tape, to release and convert self-imposed limits resulting from the encrustation of negative emotions. Learned fear can be a useful warning signal, but you no longer need it after you acknowledge the warning. In Focus 10 you can calmly identify and gently release fears, blocks, limits - any interferences to your growth - and replace blocked energy with the pure energy that existed before the limits were imposed.

Free Flow 10

Free Flow 10 is an opportunity to create your own experience and pursue your own purpose with all the tools learned thus far. Seek only what you really want to know, and be responsible for the knowing. Whatever you receive becomes a part of you. Your beliefs, energy, and attitude influence the intensity and the extent of your free flow exploration. A sense of gratitude enhances communication and union with sources outside your conscious boundaries. If you have a particular purpose, write it down beforehand in a succinct, straightforward manner, hold it in mind as you begin, but remain open to whatever you experience. Expectations of when and how guidance should come may block the very knowledge you seek. You need not know the way to guidance. Choose only to be guided. You may or may not "see" or "hear." Tingles or twitches and intuitive cues can be equally enlightening. One Gateway experiencer felt nothing but a cramp in the leg. The valuable insight that the object of attention was "cramping her style" came only later.

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