Wave I

Free Flow 10

Free Flow 10 is an opportunity to create your own experience and pursue your own purpose with all the tools learned thus far. Seek only what you really want to know, and be responsible for the knowing. Whatever you receive becomes a part of you. Your beliefs, energy, and attitude influence the intensity and the extent of your free flow exploration. A sense of gratitude enhances communication and union with sources outside your conscious boundaries. If you have a particular purpose, write it down beforehand in a succinct, straightforward manner, hold it in mind as you begin, but remain open to whatever you experience. Expectations of when and how guidance should come may block the very knowledge you seek. You need not know the way to guidance. Choose only to be guided. You may or may not "see" or "hear." Tingles or twitches and intuitive cues can be equally enlightening. One Gateway experiencer felt nothing but a cramp in the leg. The valuable insight that the object of attention was "cramping her style" came only later.

Use repetitions of this exercise to "play" with a particular tool: your Affirmation, Box, REBAL, etc. Each time you work with the exercise, explore from a fresh perspective. Don't expect your experience to resemble anyone else's. Value your uniqueness. It's all right to re­examine a previous experience, but do so with openness rather than trying to recreate an identical situation.

In summary, enter the free flow with awareness, serenity, openness, and enjoy!

Manual Old

Use this tape after you are completely comfortable with tapes 1 through 5.

Open Exploration

This exercise is the culmination of Discovery: your energy, intent, and beliefs will determine both the intensity and the extent of your exploration. It is your opportunity to develop and perform your own purpose in Focus 10. It may be helpful to verbalize the purpose to yourself, and write it in the most succinct, straightforward manner possible. Have that purpose clearly in mind as you begin. The Gateway Experience is designed to provide participants with a variety of methods for consciousness exploration. Note that certain methods seem to be intimately linked to specific means of perception, thus relying heavily on one’s perception of kinesthetic, visual, auditory, and/or intuitive cues. If you feel tingles and twitches, and there is very little change in your perception of „blackness,” use your natural ways of perceiving. For instance, allow your perception to move kinesthetically, rather than being frustrated by a lack of visual imagery. „Getting there” is a misnomer. You are already there. Remain open and sensitive to available energy systems. As your commitment to self-discovery deepens, your 10-State will also deepen, and many new types of exploration will open for you. Whatever is discovered in Focus 10 can be returned to in Focus 10, since your energy has already located that place or pattern. Feelings, patterns of energy, symbols, or messages can be explored and clarified after this exercise. You may do so by using some specific cue (such as an emotional part of the experience) that stands out in your mind as a key to reopen the entire experience. Explore from fresh perspectives. Even if you choose to re-examine a previous experience, do so from a sense of wonder and newness rather than from a sense of trying to recreate an identical situation.


In Focus 10, seek only what you really want to know, and be responsible for knowing, since whatever is received becomes a part of your life. You do not need to know the way to guidance. Choose only to be guided. Expectations of when and by which path guidance should come may block the knowledge you seek. A sense of thanksgiving is an acknowledgement that you have received from a source outside your conscious boundaries of self. Such thanksgiving has an antenna-like effect on energy and communication. Gratitude inspires a spirit of communication and union.

Fast Re-entry

There is no actual countdown on this tape. You will return to full; physical, waking consciousness by simply thinking of the number one.

Free Flow Methods of Exploration

Answering Questions, Problem Solving, Messages In Focus 10, place your question or problem at the center of your consciousness, and push it out, or let it flow strongly and surely out in all directions and in all ways, and then release it. You can also use this method in C-1 with the One-Breath Technique. Inhale vital energy as you think „ten,” ask your question as you „hold,” and then send the question or problem out from your center of consciousness, and release it as you exhale. Allow the answer to come to you in its own way, and in its own time.

Your desire to know, the clarity of your intent, and the intensity with which you send out that desire, are keys to what you receive and the way you will receive it. A sense of thanksgiving seals the experience. Conventional C-1 relationships between questions and answers, problems and solutions, tend to dissolve as new Focus 10 perspectives change the very nature of the original question or problem. For instance, in the case of the Energy Conversion Box that wouldn’t open, the problem was the tendency to use force, rather than a stuck box-top. Recognizing and responding to this situation is a Focus 10 problem-solving dynamic. The C-1 problem is often not the problem, decisions are seldom restricted to the apparent C-1 alternatives, and a different question frequently provides the answer. And the opposite can also be valid in Focus 10 – some answers or solutions appear obvious or simple.

Experiment with creative monologue techniques in Focus 10: give your box a voice and ask why it won’t open, „become” your box and describe yourself, or let your box speak to you in one ear at a time, and perhaps it will have a hidden mess¹ge for either the analytical or the creative you. Our biggest problem may well be, „What is my problem?” and our biggest question, „What question should I be asking?” If guidance enters Focus 10 from an energy system or reality more comprehensive than C-1, we severely limit the parameters of our resources by framing our questions or problems from our C-1 perspective. So approach this in a more general manner and ask, „What is the most important message I can receive and understand at this time?” Or be specific in a big way. Ask, „Who am I?” or „What is my purpose here, and how can I best accomplish it at this time?” Humor can be an instant perspective-giver. Look for it in Focus 10, especially manifesting as puns. (The sixth chapter of Ann Faraday’s book, Dream Game, on „Punny Things” is a wonderful resource.) For instance, a woman in a Gateway Voyage considered her Guides to be without answers and real lemons. As she drifted deeply into an exercise, she found a young man with a pitcher of lemonade sitting near her. He looked extremely bored with her. Only later did she realize that the „pitcher” was worth a thousand words about the kind of „aid” you get when, down deep, you consider your Guides to be „lemons.”


Just as Focus 3 becomes a signpost on the way to Focus 10, some people landscape the path they travel, either deliberately or spontaneously. As an example, one woman in a Gateway Voyage ran across a hot beach at the count of two (undirected energy), balanced on a rock at three (Hemi-Sync), leapt into the air at four (new or different environment), arched into a dive at five (turning point), grew a mermaid’s tail and long flowing hair at six (transformation), dove into the water at seven (returning home), swam through dark blue-green water at eight (at home), plunged deep over a sea-ridge at nine (going deeper), and at ten her body was numb, deep, and perfectly still (Focus 10). There are no right places for certain things to happen, only your places for different things to happen within you. Landscaping may be consistent or not: as your 10-State changes, so will your perceptions, and perhaps your landscape.


Experience a deepening of your 10-State as you count from one to ten, and let that point become one on a new scale, and move to ten again, and again, and again. You may explore various forms of energy. For example, perceive yourself standing under a waterfall and then standing in the sunlight and note if you can perceive different forms of energy pouring down and over you. Or consider merging with a rock or crystal and sense its power to pattern or structure energy, then build a pyramid or geometric structure around you and sense the energy pattern. Be creative. Use your REBAL to resonate, and perhaps communicate, with a tree or a flower. You may also wish to explore, and communicate with, nonphysical energy or energy systems.


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