II - Threshold

II - Threshold

Each Wave and each exercise of Gateway Experience builds directly on preceding techniques and information. Use of Threshold exercises before having completed Discovery is not recommended. As you work with this Wave, you may find it desirable to review the frequently asked questions in the Discovery Manual.

Focus 12 - Overview - The high energy state and expanded awareness of this Focus level enable you to become more conscious of inner resources and guidance. As you continue to use what you learned in Focus 10, you may well find entirely new experiences.

Rarely is nonphysical energy perceived in the same way we perceive in our physical, waking state. Be receptive to subtle nuances of kinesthetic, auditory, or visual experiences. You may sense a "knowing,"

a telepathic comprehension that can be later translated into words. With trust, patience, and practice, you will learn to perceive more clearly. Sometimes this happens slowly, step by step; sometimes dramatically and suddenly, like water breaking through a dam. Let go of preconceived notions about how these exercises "should" unfold for you. Place them in your Box at the beginning of an exercise or at any time they intrude. This opens you to a fuller and richer range of possibilities in your exploration.

Manual Old

In Threshold you will be introduced to, and work with, Focus 12, the state of expanded awareness. You will also reinforce and expand your Focus 10 (mind awake/body asleep) skills. Each Wave of the Gateway Experience is based on the Wave(s) before it. Threshold builds directly on Discovery tools and techniques, as well as on information in the Discovery instructions. Therefore, the exercises in Threshold are effective only if you have completed Discovery. Any use of these exercises without such prior experience is not recommended.

Focus 12: Overview

Focus 12 is a state of expanded awareness: a high energy state where you can become more conscious of inner resources and guidance. Many techniques discussed as part of Discovery may also be applied with specific Focus 12 tapes. Using these techniques at higher energy levels often produces entirely new experiences. As with Focus 10, in Focus 12 you will find that you do not need to know the way to guidance. Choose only to be guided. Not everyone clearly hears voices, sees visions, or feels kinesthetic responses like we hear, see, and feel in ordinary consciousness. Rarely do we perceive nonphysical energy in exactly the same way we perceive in our physical, waking state. Often, there is a knowing, a gestalt, or telepathic comprehension that we normally translate into verbal language. Through trust and patience, and continuing to invest energy in the process of self-exploration, you will learn to perceive more clearly. Sometimes this happens slowly, step by step, and sometimes this happens dramatically and suddenly, like water breaking though a dam.

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