Wave Ii

One-Month Patterning

Dimension: 5

One-Month Patterning is very powerful for taking charge of your life. Based on the principle that we become what we think, the energy of Focus 12 offers this process a speed and intensity in the manifesting of thought not generally available in ordinary consciousness.

Think, feel, or imagine the physical, mental or emotional pattern you desire in your life. Just as you did in the previous exercise, place it in the center of your consciousness and then release it. A sense of ease and detachment about the pattern lets you know that you have, indeed, released it.

Be clear about what you want. For example, do you want a new house, or to be happy where you live? To lose 10 pounds or to feel better about yourself? Pattern only in the present tense, for example, "I am now receiving ... " Use "I" in your patterning statement and perceive yourself as an active part of the pattern. Pattern only for yourself.

Be specific; the more detail in your pattern, the more likely you are to get what you want. Ask only for what you really want, because you'll probably get exactly what you ask for. Put emotion and conviction into your practice to vitalize and strengthen your intention. Then ask that your pattern work only for the good of your total self and simply let go of attachment to the result.

Although a pattern set in Focus 12 can be changed or cancelled in Focus 12, don't keep checking or changing it because of fear or doubt. You wouldn't dig up a seed to see how it's growing, would you? Start with small, reasonable patterns. If you pattern the first time for $10 million, part of you may well be sceptical.If you pattern for $50 and prove to yourself it works, later patterns will come more easily.

Don't specify how your request will be fulfilled. Let your total self decide and direct the method. Though the exercise refers to "one-month patterning," you can request that patterns be fulfilled in any time frame: a week, a year, by your birthday, etc. Or simply release the pattern to be fulfilled in its own time.

Manual Old

This exercise introduces you to a powerful tool for taking charge of your life. You may have already encountered techniques similar to this. We call it Patterning.

This exercise works from the basic assumption that thoughts manifest as things, and that which we think, we become. Accordingly, it’s not a matter of whether we pattern, but of how intensely and how deliberately we choose what we think. As we deliberately make these choices in high energy states, our patterns emerge around us reshaping our lives with a speed and intensity unavailable in ordinary consciousness. To learn more about this important tool, at least consider that the patterning process is a possibility.

To create a pattern, think, feel, or imagine that which you desire to become a part of your life. Patterning functions like problem solving: place the pattern at the center of your consciousness and push it out or let it flow strongly and surely out in all directions and in all ways. Then release it. Releasing your pattern is very important. Doing so will assist the emergence of the pattern in your life. One way to determine if you have released your pattern is if you have a sense of ease and detachment regarding it.

You can use the patterning process to create or enhance many areas of your life: your physical self, your mental self, your emotional self, and your total self; for where you want to be, what you want to be doing, and what you want to accomplish. There is nothing inherently wrong with asking for material things. It does require a change in concept if you’re from the school of economic thought that says this is a world of scarce resources. If so, please consider a concept that’s very different – that this is a universe of unlimited abundance – and there is nothing wrong with asking for a share of that abundance. Here are some key points that will help you make the most of patterning:

  • Pattern only in the present tense. For example, „I am now receiving...” If you pattern in the future tense, it can be’ like a sign in a supermarket window that says, „FREE SODA TOMORROW” – a tomorrow that never comes.
  • Use „I” in your patterning statement and perceive yourself as an active part of the pattern, so it doesn’t wind up happening all around you and not to you.
  • Pattern only for yourself.
  • Be clear about what you want. Do you want a new house or to be happy where you live? Do you want to lose ten pounds, or to feel better about yourself?
  • Be specific. The more detail you put into your pattern, the more likely you are to get what you’re asking for.
  • Be sure to ask for what you really want, because you’ll likely get exactly what you ask for!
  • Put some feeling and conviction into it. Strong emotion will vitalize and reinforce your intention. Then let it go. Any pattern set in Focus 12 can be changed, reinforced, or cancelled in Focus 12. However, don’t keep checking on it or changing it because of doubts, fear, etc. A fisherman has to leave his bait in the water for a while to get a bite, just as when you plant a seed, you don’t keep digging it up to see how it is growing.
  • For starters, it might be a good idea to pattern smaller, reasonable requests. For example, if you pattern the first time for $10 million, at least a part of you is likely to doubt that it will really work. If you start by patterning for $50 to $100 and prove to yourself it works, then other, perhaps bigger, patterns are going to come more easily.
  • Don’t specify how your request will be fulfilled. Let the universe or your total self decide and direct that.
  • It is always a good idea to qualify your pattern, asking that it work only for the good of your total self. This exercise is designed for a one-month patterning cycle. However, you can override the time, requesting that patterns be fulfilled in other cycles: a week, a year, by your next birthday. Or you can simply release the pattern to be fulfilled in its own time. Please look at this exercise as an introduction to patterning. Then carefully consider how you would like to use the process, strengthening it with the components of this exercise. The process of patterning may turn some of your deepest assumptions into questions, which is also a Gateway to freedom.


Physical body pattern

  • I am now receiving a six pack
  • I am now receiving a ..

emotional self pattern

  • I am now receiving love
  • I am now receiving joy
  • I am now ..

"you desire to be" pattern

  • I am now receiving love

"you desire to do" pattern

  • I am now ..

"desire to achieve" pattern

  • I am now ..


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