Compoint, an abbreviation for communications point, is a location you establish along the continuum of consciousness. Actively engage in creating an environment that invites communication. Some examples could be a high tech computer station to receive input from the mainframe, a lush garden with comfortable benches overlooking a tranquil pond, or a cozy log cabin with overstuffed chairs for cherished conversation with dear friends. Let it be appropriate for you.
Your growing NVC skills enable you to use the compoint to gather information, encounter other energy systems, or simply observe. You develop more NVC vocabulary for reaching out, greeting, saying goodbye and expressing gratitude. Because you can go to your compoint easily and surely whenever you wish, it can serve as a convenient rendezvous with your nonphysical friends.
Manual Old
Compoint is our abbreviation for Communications Point – a state of consciousness that you can establish and return to whenever you desire. Here, through NVC, you gather information, meet, and associate with other energy or energy systems, or simply observe events and activities occurring there. It can also serve as an agreed-upon meeting place with friends.
Further practice to develop your NVC vocabulary leads to communicating your Affirmation nonverbally. Then you use your expanded awareness to receive NVC from others. The more you strengthen your NVC ability, the better you will learn from your Gateway experiences. Practice counts
V - Exploring
Listening to these exercises before having completed all the previous Waves is not recommended. You will want all your tools and all your NVC capability for this unlimited Exploring without verbal guidance. Your experiences are facilitated by Hemi-Sync signals that guide access to different points along the continuum of consciousness and by MetaMusic composed specifically to support your further learning. Simply relax and sense your progression through the now-familiar preparatory process; use the methods you know to achieve Focus 10 or 12; and know that you are now able to control the process by your own mental direction. Remain sensitive to NVC and new methods of perception. Here are a few suggestions to stimulate thinking about the exploring you may wish to undertake.