Mission Day
Mission Day provides support for a powerful 15-minute patterning process. Use it in the morning to set the tone for a day of calm centeredness, success and accomplishment. After the preparatory process, go to Focus 10 or 12 (experiment with both) and express your desires for the day in thought, imagination, emotion, or active mental pictures. Refer to Threshold #3 to review suggestions for effective patterning.
Manual Old
This fifteen-minute exercise is designed to help you make the most of your day. Use it in the morning before you begin your activities. After the preparatory process, go to Focus 10 or to Focus 12 (whichever is best for you) and express that which you want to achieve during the day. Express your goal not in words, but in active mental pictures and in feelings. Actually see and feel the accomplishment of the day’s goal. This is a patterning process, so you may want to review Threshold #3: One-Month Patterning on page 40. This exercise can help set the tone for a successful day.
Mission 12
Once again, predetermine your purpose. This can be patterning, problem solving, asking questions, or exploring a new concept or locale, to suggest just a few. Then simply relax, allowing the Hemi-Sync signals to carry you first to Focus 10, then on to Focus 12, and return to C-1 when it's time.
Mission Night
Mission Night is for use when you are comfortably ready to drift into sleep, and will not awaken you at the conclusion of the exercise. Go to your choice of Focus 10 or 12 and pattern to direct your sleep experience. You may choose to solve a problem, receive a message, remember your dreams, have an OBE, remote view, or enjoy any other experience you desire. Let your creativity be your guide for each night's mission.