
Emotional Body Map

Purpose: To provide a channel for focusing energy on the whole emotional structure in order to cleanse it and strengthen it.

First Method: Complete the first method of the IBM exercise. Place the LBM silhouette back wherever you store it in Focus 10. Behind the LBM silhouette is the EBM silhouette cut out of material finer and thinner than the LBM. It is a cut-out silhouette of your emotional body. If no image comes to you of what shape your emotional body is, start with the image of your physical body, realizing that in time this shape may evolve into quite a different form. It may not. Now place this EBM over your emotional body. Or, if you prefer, place it over your physical body with the understanding that the EBM, the silhouette, is glowing from the emotional energy coming from your body. Look for the dim and flickering spots: balance and and strengthen them with the green and purple EBT energies. Then cleanse and strengthen the whole emotional system by sweeping the map slowly from head to foot with the high-energy purple light from the EBT. When the silhouette is much brighter and much cleaner, turn the EBT off and store the emotional body map back behind the LBM.

Second Method: Complete the second method of the LBM exercise. Pull down or use a second translucent movie screen behind the IBM. This screen is finer and thinner them the LBM screen. Place the emotional body behind the screen. Now look at the screen from the front in order to see the sharp, bright, two-dimensional silhouette made from the glowing emotional energies of the emotional body. Complete the exercise as in the first method.

Third Method: Complete the third method of the LBM exercise. Now go behind the LBM statue some distance and notice that a second statue lights up. This statue may be made of a finer and even more translucent substance. It is your motional body system. Look for the dim and flickering spots in the glowing statue, balance and strengthen them with the green and purple EBT energies. Then cleanse and strengthen the whole emotional system by sweeping the statue slowly from head to foot with the high-energy purple light from the EBT. When the statue is much cleaner and much brighter, turn the EBT off and "walk" away from the emotional body and living body statues.

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