
Gateway notes

(You may want to refer to the following notes for your exercise sessions. Remember that these are but guidelines. We strongly encourage you to use your own ideas and ingenuity during your exercise sessions.)

As you start each exercise

  1. Do your Resonant Breathing Exercise. Inhale deeply, pulling in energy from all parts of your physical body up to and then into your head. Hold your breath for a comfortable length of time (eventually holding it to the count of 10), swirling the energy around your brain. Then exhale slowly through your mouth as though you were slowly and easily blowing out a candle. At the same time imagine that you are expelling stale, used-up energy through the bottoms of your feet. After the first inhale-exhale, your brain is filled with the new, fresh energy. On the second inhale, bring the new, fresh energy to your upper chest and arms, and exhale the stale, used-up energy from the abdomen down. On the third, bring the new energy to the abdomen; on the fourth to the pelvic region; to the thighs and knees on the fifth; and on the sixth, to the lower legs and feet. It's as if we are filling an inverted jar full of new, fresh energy in six steps.
  2. Place all your problems and distractions in the Security Repository Box.
  3. Say the Affirmation while bringing back your strong desire to expand yourself and explore, know and understand, control and use the non-physical energies most beneficial for you and those around you. As in all affirmations, the words mean nothing without the feeling.

To reach focus 10 from consciousness No.1 (C-1)

Relax deeply in lying down or sitting down position. Feel yourself drifting into deep relaxation. When you can drift down no more, say to yourself on an exhale, "two." Notice that you drift down a little more. If you do not, wait until you do. Then say "three," and so on until you reach "ten." "Ten" may not feel the same each time, or even feel that it is the same depth each time. If you are dissatisfied with the level of relaxation at your "ten," start again with "five" or even "two." Some find it helpful to associate the numbers with body parts and relax the body in an orderly sequence from head to foot or foot to head. Eventually, however, you will find this is unnecessary.

To return to C-1 from focus 10

Count slowly in your mind from 10 to 1.

Emergency return to C-1

Think of any part of physical body, move that physical part (finger,foot, tongue, etc.)

To create energy bar tool (EBT)

Visualize or think of a dot of light. Expand it into a bar, charging it with brilliant white energy. Practice working with it by giving it different bright colors, making it go on and off at different speeds. The purpose of the EBT is to stimulate and focus non-physical energies.

To create and use living body map ( LBM)

Go to P-10, then create a silhouette in the form of the physical body in bright, white lines. Change the colors of the lines of the form to represent the following physical areas:

  • Blue - nervous system
  • Red - circulatory system
  • Orange - muscle & bone structures
  • Yellow - organs & glandular system
  • White - composite of all systems in body

After doing this, place the LBM over your body and in turn, look for any dim or flickering areas from the different systems. Charge these weak places with your EBT, using bright purple healing energy.

To balance, cleanse and recharge emotional body map (EBM)

(Located behind LBM, finer and thinner than LBM) Use bright purple energy from EBT to charge any parts which are dim and flickering. Look for any parts which are unusually bright; use the EBT and its purple, healing, cleansing and recharging energy to equalize and balance, making the EiM evenly bright, calm, strong and serene.

To perceive distant events and people (remote viewing)

Go to F-10. Charge EBT with bright, fresh new energy. Place one end of EBT close to your center of consciousness. With that end still close to you, stretch your EBT out until the other end is at the person or event you wish to perceive. Then let the energy from the far end of your EBT flow through the bar and into your conscious awareness. With practice, this becomes an excellent method for distant viewing and for sending messages to another person.

To get to focus 12 and return (awareness expansion)

When you have reached a stable and deep level of Focus 10, you will find yourself beginning to get the charged feeling of Focus 12. The mind becomes more awake, but in a different way. When you feel this beginning to happen, say "eleven." After a while, as the feeling strengthens, say "twelve." You will notice that the state becomes stronger and stronger. The more you exercise, the stronger the state becomes. If you find that it does not naturally come out of Focus 10, then you need to exercise the Focus 10 level more. Focus 10 is the key to the whole system. To return from Focus 12, simply put out the desire to come back and slowly count from twelve to ten and then from ten to one.

Problem solving, questions and answers

In Consciousness One, think of a specific problem or question. The more specific you are, the better. Then go to Focus 12, concentrate on the problem or question and your desire for an answer. Then release the concentration and notice visual images, words, sensations or thought forms that come.

Focus 12 clock exercise (spatial orientation)

Go to F-12 and imagine a clock with your consciousness in its center, the 3 to your right, 9 to the left, etc. Send your consciousness in the various direction indicated by the numbers of the face of the clock. Then, swivel the clock 90 degrees, so that the 3 is in front of you, the 9 behind you, etc. Continue exploration, guiding again by the numbers on the clock. Observe closely what you perceive at each point.

To create resonant energy balloon (rebal)

Go to F-10 and inhale deeply, bringing Energy in and up from all parts of your body. Hold you breath for a fairly long but comfortable period (count of ten). Then exhale the Energy down to your toes, as though softly blowing out a candle. Breathe normally. Repeat process, and as you exhale each time, round the angle of the Energy more and more as you build your Energy Balloon. See and feel the Energy swirling around you as you exhale down and around. (Do this about 8-10 times) Then, start the flow from right to left. Inhale, bringing Energy in from right; hold breath, then exhale slowly, flowing Energy to the left. Breathe normally. Each time let the Energy go rounder, forming a round ball - a protective floating ball. Perceive and observe the flowing Energy in your Resonant Energy Balloon all around you. It protects you and lets you float inside it. Now, inhaling in and out, expel Energy into all of the spaces in your Energy Balloon, filling it with bright light and also making it lighter, so that it floats easier and better. When you have finished using your REBAL, let it move inward, let it reabsorb itself into you.

Second state exercises with your rebal

Create REBAL while in Focus 10. When the balloon has become very light, let it carry you upward. You should not have to strain for this sensation. Nor do you have to think of it as taking you upward in this physical matter reality. It should take you upward naturally into a lighter, expanded state of being. Whether you want to float "upward" in a horizontal or vertical position inside the protective shields of the balloon is up to you. But let it carry you upward easily and naturally After you float up a short distance, stop and observe, perceive what is around you. Float downwards, back to where you began. Repeat this 4 more times, floating up to a higher point each time, always observing and perceiving. At the end of the exercise come back to where you began, and let your REBAL move inward, reabsorbing back into your self.

Freemovement exercises (to leave your physical body)

Create REBAL while in Focus 10. Then practice with the following exercises: (1) rolling out like a log rolling in water (2) Going up like a stiff pole (3) backing away from the body (4) going out the head like a gas (5) floating up above the physical body. Reabsorb REBAL when finished.

To make desired pattern changes in your life

Go to Focus 12 and visualize, think about and experience the following: Think of and build carefully in your mind the pattern or position you desire. Release such though pattern and move it strongly out into all areas of your expanded awareness. Let it flow into the farthest points of such awareness. It will begin immediately to form and develop, and will continue to do so until it is a complete reality, provided such pattern is constructive and beneficial to the purpose of the total selves within such pattern or position.

Energy balance

Go to Focus 10 and use bright, purple, healing energy from your EBT on your LBM and EBM, for healing, cleansing and recharging. After doing this, take your problems out of your repository box about which you can do something. Cleanse away any negative emotional energy from them by applying soothing, cool energy from your EBT.

To conclude each exercise

Take problems out of repository box, cleanse them of all excess and harmful emotional charge by using the calming, cleansing green energy from your EBT. Count back to C-1. Sit up, stretch your arms and legs, breathe deeply several times, then slowly get up. Then immediately write down your experiences in this workbook.

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