Breaking Free

4 Powerful Connected Meditation Rituals

Performing the following daily rituals, in the right sequence, can significantly enhance your spiritual insights, powers, psychic abilities, and overall experiences. By following these steps, you'll create a protective shield, balance your energy, cleanse your spirit, activate your chakras, expand your aura, and improve your luck, harmony, and connection with yourself and the world.

For the best results, it’s highly recommended to perform this ritual alone, in a quiet, dark room. Set up an altar with a mirror you can see yourself in, both when sitting and standing, along with two lit candles placed on each side of the mirror and incense of your choice. The key is to feel, see, and imagine everything you do during this practice.

Though the ritual may seem complex at first, it becomes easier once you learn it. It should take around 30 minutes to complete. Begin by mastering one step at a time until you’ve committed the entire process to memory, allowing you to perform it with ease each day.

When instructed to "vibrate" specific words, this means chanting them in a deep, resonant tone. Fully inhale, then chant the word throughout your entire exhalation, allowing it to resonate and vibrate.

If practiced consistently—once in the morning when you wake up and again at night before bed—you should begin to notice positive effects within a few days to a couple of weeks.

Good luck!

Step 1: Relaxation Exercise

Find a quiet room where you won’t be disturbed and lay on your back with your arms at your sides. Close your eyes and focus on being as relaxed as possible.

Begin by Tensing and Relaxing: Start with the muscles in your forehead. Tense them for a moment, then release the tension completely, allowing the muscles to fully relax. Move down to your face and neck, repeating the process: tense, then relax. Continue this pattern down your body: shoulders, arms, chest, back, stomach, buttocks, thighs, calves, and finally, your feet. After each tensing, fully relax the muscles.

Once you’ve tensed and relaxed all areas of your body, tighten your entire body as much as you can for a brief moment, and then relax fully. Repeat this three times. Notice how much more relaxed your body feels compared to when you first started.

Deep Breathing and Visualization: Now, begin breathing deeply, but without strain. As you breathe, visualize yourself enveloped in a sphere of brilliant white light. Feel this warm, radiant light bathing your entire body. As you inhale, imagine the divine light filling your lungs and spreading throughout your body, all the way to the tips of your fingers and toes. Feel the light bringing you ultimate peace and relaxation.

As you exhale, imagine breathing out a portion of this endless light, sending it back to its divine source in a continuous cycle. The more light you breathe out, the more light flows back into you. Eventually, you feel as though your entire being is created out of this divine light.

The Golden Sphere of Healing Light: Next, visualize a glowing golden sphere of healing light in the center of your body, around your heart. Feel its soothing warmth. See this golden light traveling to any areas of your body where tension remains. Wherever the sphere touches, the muscles relax and the tension dissolves.

Allow the golden light to travel through every part of your body, healing and regenerating as it moves. After it has completed its journey, return the golden sphere to its original position at your heart center.

Edward Alexander’s Suggested Variation: At the point where you visualize the healing light, start by imagining the golden sphere at the bottom of your feet. Visualize the light growing and increasing in intensity for a moment. Slowly, let the sphere flow up through your feet and legs, cleansing any negative energy and healing you as it moves. Let it travel up through your stomach, chest, neck, and finally, to the top of your head.

When it reaches the top of your head, pause briefly to intensify its healing power before letting it flow back down through your body to your feet again. Continue sending the light up and down your body for about 10 minutes, until you feel completely relaxed and at ease.

Conclude the Exercise: Afterward, remain in this relaxed state for a few moments. Take a few deep breaths and feel the renewed energy stirring within you. When you’re ready, gently end the exercise and proceed to the next step of the ritual.

Step 2: The Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram (LBRP)

The Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram (LBRP) is a powerful spiritual exercise designed to clear away negative energies, protect your space, and align yourself with higher spiritual forces. This ritual is divided into four parts and should be performed in a quiet, undisturbed space where you can focus and fully engage with the process.

Part One: The Qabalistic Cross

  1. Stand and Face East
    Begin by standing facing east. Visualize a brilliant white light descending from the heavens, touching the top of your head. Reach up with your index finger or a dagger and connect with this divine light. Bring it down to your forehead.
  2. Vibrate "Atah"
    Touch your forehead and say "ATAH" (Ah-tah), meaning "Thou art."
  3. Bring the Light Down
    Now, bring your hand down to your chest, pointing toward the ground. Imagine the light traveling from your forehead, down through your body, and beyond your feet into the earth. Vibrate "MALKUTH" (Mahl-kooth), meaning "The Kingdom."
  4. Extend the Light Horizontally
    Touch your right shoulder and visualize a beam of light extending outward. Vibrate "VE-GEBURAH" (v'ge-boo-rah), meaning "and the Power."
    Then touch your left shoulder, visualizing the light extending outwards from both shoulders, forming a cross of light. Vibrate "VE-GEDULAH" (v'ge-doo-lah), meaning "and the Glory."
  5. Form the Cross of Light
    Visualize a glowing cross of divine light extending vertically through your body and horizontally from shoulder to shoulder. Now, clasp your hands over your heart as if praying, and vibrate "LE-OLAHM, AMEN" (lay-ohlahm, ah-men), meaning "Forever, unto the ages."
  6. Expand Your Consciousness
    Imagine yourself growing taller and taller, expanding beyond the room, the city, and even the Earth. See yourself towering over the universe, with planets and stars beneath your feet. A brilliant white sphere of divine light hovers above your head, representing a tiny fraction of the infinite divine source.Bring this light down to your forehead as you vibrate "ATAH."
    Then bring the light down through your body as you vibrate "MALKUTH."
    Move the light to your right shoulder, vibrating "VE-GEBURAH."
    Move the light to your left shoulder, vibrating "VE-GEDULAH."
    Finally, clasp your hands over your heart and vibrate "LE-OLAHM, AMEN."

Part Two: The Formation of the Pentagrams

  1. Face East and Draw the Pentagram
    Walk to the eastern edge of your space, facing east. Visualize a large, flaming blue pentagram forming in front of you. As you trace the shape with your finger (or a dagger), imagine the flames following the motion of your hand, leaving a trail of energy behind.
  2. Inhale and Focus on Energy Flow
    Take a deep breath through your nose, imagining energy flowing from the far ends of the universe, down through your body, and out through the bottoms of your feet, into the Earth. As you inhale, raise your hands to the sides of your head, with your index fingers pointing forward and the rest of your fingers curled into fists.
  3. Step Forward and Project Energy
    Step forward with your left foot while thrusting your hands forward, pointing directly at the center of the pentagram. As you do this, exhale powerfully, feeling the energy surge back up through your body, out through your hands, and through the pentagram, extending to the farthest reaches of the universe. Use the entire exhalation to vibrate the sacred name: YHVH (Yud-Heh-Vav-Heh).
  4. Return to Position and Trace the Circle
    Bring your hands back to your ears and return your left foot to its original position. Lower your left hand to your side and use your right hand to point to the center of the pentagram. Now, trace a line in the air at the height of the pentagram as you move clockwise around the circle. Visualize a brilliant white light streaming from your fingertip as you move to the south, 90 degrees from your starting point.
  5. Draw the Southern Pentagram
    At the southern edge of the circle, repeat the process. Draw a large, flaming blue pentagram and vibrate the divine name: Adonai (Ah-doh-nai).
  6. Move to the West and North
    Continue moving clockwise to the west, tracing the white light with your finger. Draw another pentagram and vibrate the divine name: Eheieh (Eh-hey-yeh).
    Move to the north, repeat the steps, and vibrate the divine name: AGLA (Ah-gah-lah).
  7. Complete the Circle
    After tracing the final pentagram in the north, return to the east, completing the circle by connecting a white line from the north to the east where you started. As you return to the center of the space, face east once again.
  8. Visualize the Protective Sphere
    Now, visualize the circle expanding into a brilliant white sphere of light surrounding you—above, below, and all around. Within this sphere, the blue flaming pentagrams at the four quarters remain sealed and charged with the divine names you have invoked.

By completing this ritual, you have created a protective sphere of divine light around yourself, with powerful pentagrams at each quarter, charged by the sacred names of God. This not only cleanses and shields your space but aligns you with higher spiritual forces.

Part Three: The Evocation of the Archangels

  1. Form the Cross of Light
    Stand with your arms stretched out to the sides, forming a cross with your body. Take a moment to feel the energies flowing through you, making you a brilliant cross of light at the center of the universe. This cross represents the four archetypal elements: Air, Earth, Fire, and Water.
  2. Invoke Raphael (Air)
    Visualize a figure standing on a hill in front of you, dressed in flowing yellow robes with hints of purple. This figure carries a caduceus wand, symbolizing life-force, and their robes move gently in the breeze. Try to feel the air around you, as if the wind is coming from behind the figure. Say aloud:
    "Before me, Raphael."
    Vibrate the Archangel’s name, imagining the figure becoming more vivid and powerful.
  3. Invoke Gabriel (Water)
    Now, visualize a figure behind you, dressed in deep blue with touches of orange. The figure holds a cup, symbolizing water, and is surrounded by flowing waterfalls. Feel the cool moisture in the air as you call out:
    "Behind me, Gabriel."
    Vibrate Gabriel’s name, feeling the presence and energy of this Archangel.
  4. Invoke Michael (Fire)
    To your right, see a figure dressed in scarlet with accents of green. This figure holds a flaming sword, and you can feel the warmth emanating from this direction. Say:
    "On my right hand, Michael."
    Vibrate the name of this Archangel, sensing the heat and strength of the energy.
  5. Invoke Uriel (Earth)
    To your left, visualize a figure dressed in greens and browns, standing on a fertile landscape. The figure holds sheaves of wheat, representing the Earth and abundance. Say:
    "And on my left hand, Uriel."
    Vibrate the name of Uriel, grounding yourself in the energy of the Earth.
  6. Surround Yourself with the Pentagram
    Move your left foot slightly outward as you visualize a beautiful, flaming blue pentagram surrounding your body, outlining your entire being. Say aloud:
    "For about me flames the pentagram…"
    Feel the protection and energy of the pentagram engulfing you.
  7. Activate the Six-Rayed Star
    Visualize a golden hexagram (six-pointed star) shining brightly in the center of your chest, at the heart. This star represents balance and divine energy within you. Say:
    "And within me shines the six-rayed star."
    Feel the warmth and power of this divine light radiating from your heart.

Part Four: Repeat the Qabalistic Cross

To conclude the ritual, repeat the Qabalistic Cross from Part One. As you do, visualize all the energies you’ve invoked, the pentagrams, hexagrams, and the Archangels, still present around you—though invisible, they are always there, providing protection, guidance, and helping you manifest your Will.

By completing the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram (LBRP), you align yourself with higher spiritual forces, creating a protective sphere around you, and empowering your connection to the divine.

Step 3: The Middle Pillar Ritual

  1. Preparation
    Stand in front of your altar (if you have one) with your arms relaxed at your sides. Close your eyes and focus on steady, calm breathing. Take a few moments to quiet your mind and enter a calm, meditative state.
  2. Focus on the Crown (Kether)
    Direct your attention to the area just above the top of your head. After completing the LBRP, there should already be a sphere of brilliant white light at this point. If you don’t see it, take your time to visualize it clearly. This brilliant light represents your higher self, your connection to the Divine. Contemplate this, and as you do, the light should become even brighter.
    Vibrate the God name: Eh-heh-yeh (Eh-heh-yah) three or four times.
    The sphere should grow even more radiant and powerful.
  3. Move to the Throat (Daath)
    Visualize a slender beam of light descending from the brilliant sphere above your head, moving down through the center of your head, and stopping at the nape of your neck. Here, the beam widens into a smaller sphere of light. Simultaneously visualize both the bright sphere above your head and this new sphere at the base of your neck, connected by the beam of light.
    Vibrate the God name: Yud-heh-vav-heh El-oh-heem (Yahweh Elohim) three or four times.
    The light at your neck should become larger and brighter, representing the link between your conscious mind and higher self.
  4. Solar Plexus (Tifereth)
    Next, see the light descend further, from your throat to your solar plexus. A new sphere of light forms here, radiating warmth and power. This sphere represents your consciousness, your internal "sun."
    Vibrate the God name: Yud-heh-vav-heh El-oh-ah V'dah-aht (Yahweh Eloah va-Daath) three or four times.
    Feel the warmth and intensity increase as the light brightens in your solar plexus.
  5. Genitals (Yesod)
    Let the light continue to descend to the area of your genitals, where another sphere forms. Here, understand that this sphere represents mastery over your "lower" self.
    Vibrate the God name: Shah-dai El Chai (Shaddai El Chai) three or four times.
    The light should grow stronger, reinforcing your control and alignment with your physical being.
  6. Feet (Malkuth)
    Finally, visualize the light descending all the way to your feet. This sphere should encompass both your feet and the ground beneath them. Half of the sphere should be above ground, the other half below, connecting you to the Earth.
    Vibrate the God name: Ah-doh-nye Ha-ahr-etz (Adonai ha-Aretz) three or four times.
    The sphere should grow larger and brighter, grounding you firmly in the physical realm.
  7. Complete the Ritual
    At this point, you should see or sense large spheres of light at the following points: above your head, at your throat, solar plexus, genitals, and feet. These spheres should be connected by a beam of light running vertically through your body, from the top of your head to the ground.
  8. Relax and Release
    Stay in this state for as long as you feel comfortable. When you are ready, take a deep breath. As you exhale, visualize the spheres and beams of light fading from view, becoming invisible but still present. The energy remains, but it is no longer visible.
  9. Completion
    You have now completed the Middle Pillar Ritual. Keep in mind that when vibrating each God name, you should feel the associated part of your body vibrating with the sound, enhancing your connection to each energy center.

This ritual aligns your physical body with divine energy, creating a powerful connection to your higher self and reinforcing the flow of spiritual energy through your body.

Step 4: The Circulation of the Body of Light

After performing the Middle Pillar Ritual, instead of letting the visualization fade away, continue by focusing on Kether, the brilliant sphere of white light above your head. Now, you'll circulate this light around your body, synchronized with your breath. There are three parts to this circulation exercise:

1. First Circulation: Left and Right Side

  • As you exhale, imagine the light moving down the left side of your body, from Kether (above your head) to Malkuth (your feet).
  • As you inhale, visualize the light returning up the right side of your body, from Malkuth back up to Kether.

Repeat this cycle several times until you feel a smooth, flowing energy moving in this pattern.

2. Second Circulation: Front and Back

  • This time, as you exhale, see the light flow down the front of your body, from Kether to Malkuth.
  • As you inhale, visualize it rising up the back of your body, from Malkuth to Kether.

Repeat this cycle several times, again focusing on the smooth circulation of energy.

3. Final Circulation: Fountain or Spiral Technique

For this final part, you can choose one of two methods:

Fountain Method:

  • As you inhale, see the light rising straight up from Malkuth (your feet) through the Middle Pillar to Kether.
  • When the light reaches Kether, visualize it spraying out like a fountain, cascading down and surrounding your body as it flows back down to Malkuth.

Spiral Method:

  • As you inhale, imagine the light rising from Malkuth in a tight, spiraling motion up your body. The spiral wraps you in energy as it moves upward, eventually reaching Kether.
  • As you exhale, visualize the light spraying out from Kether like a fountain, cascading down and flowing all around your body back to Malkuth.

Repeat your chosen method for a few cycles until you feel the light circulating smoothly throughout your entire body.

Ending the Ritual

To end the ritual, you may:

  • Take a deep breath and let the light gently fade away, or
  • Visualize the light being absorbed into your body, leaving you energized and connected to the divine.

Before concluding, focus on Tiphareth (your solar plexus), and visualize your aura as a clear, pulsating, balanced oval of light around you.

Important Notes on These Rituals:

  1. Start with the LBRP
    Begin with just the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram (LBRP), including Step 1 (Relaxation) and Step 2 (LBRP). Practice these rituals for at least a few weeks before moving on to Step 3, the Middle Pillar Ritual. This allows you to build up your psychic energy gradually, activating your chakras and energy body.
  2. Adding the Middle Pillar Ritual
    After becoming comfortable with the LBRP, add the Middle Pillar Ritual (Step 3) to your daily practice. Always perform the LBRP before the Middle Pillar. The Middle Pillar deepens your connection to the Divine and further opens and cleanses your energy centers.
  3. Circulation of the Body of Light
    After practicing the Middle Pillar for a few weeks, you can then add Step 4: The Circulation of the Body of Light. By this stage, you should be feeling the energy moving through you, leading to spiritual experiences, balance, and harmony.

License to Depart (Closing the Ritual)

After finishing the ritual, you should perform a License to Depart to clear any lingering energies or spirits. You can say the following aloud:

"All spirits, beings, and astral entities gathered here today are now free to leave. May you travel in peace and love to where you belong. I grant you the license to depart, so now go in peace with the protection of God. Amen!"

Visualize any energies or entities leaving your space as you say this, clearing the area.

Additional Tips for Practice:

  1. Use the LBRP Before and After
    Always perform the LBRP before any spiritual or magical work to create a protective space. You can also perform it again before the License to Depart to further cleanse the space.
  2. Magical Diary
    Keep a magical diary to record your rituals, results, and any feelings, sensations, or experiences you encounter. Include details like the date, time, weather, moon phase, and your physical and emotional state before and after the rituals. This journal will become a valuable tool to track your progress and experiences.

Final Note on Practice:

Learning these rituals takes time, but with daily practice, you will start to feel the energies and begin to notice positive changes in your life. This includes spiritual growth, balance, protection from negative energies, and quicker results in your spiritual and psychic work.

Keep practicing, and you will strengthen your connection with the divine forces, develop your psychic abilities, and protect yourself from unwanted influences.

Good luck on your journey!

For the Qabalistic Cross:

For the formation of the Pentagrams and Evocation of the Archangels:

The charts might seem a bit complex at first glance, but once you work through them using the instructions provided, everything will begin to make sense. To simplify things, here’s a quick breakdown of how to approach these rituals:

Qabalistic Cross Overview

The image representing the Qabalistic Cross symbolizes you standing in alignment with divine energy. Each part of the body corresponds to a specific God name, which you will chant while visualizing the energy moving through your body:

  • Atah: Touch your forehead (head).
  • Malkuth: Touch your feet (lower body).
  • Ve-Geburah: Touch your right shoulder.
  • Ve-Gedulah: Touch your left shoulder.
  • Le-Olahm, Amen: Place your hands over your chest (heart area).

Pentagram and Evocation of the Archangels Overview

The second image shows you standing at the center of the circle you’ll create during the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram (LBRP). You’ll be facing east to begin with, and as you turn to each direction, you’ll say the appropriate God names and invoke the Archangels.

  • Grey Words: These are the God names you’ll chant when facing each direction to form the pentagrams.
  • Pink Text: These are the Archangels' names, each located at their respective directions with their associated color.
    • Yellow represents Air (Archangel Raphael).
    • Red represents Fire (Archangel Michael).
    • Blue represents Water (Archangel Gabriel).
    • Green/Brownish represents Earth (Archangel Uriel).

Vibrating the Words

When the instructions say to "vibrate" the words, this refers to a form of chanting. Take a deep breath and use your full exhalation to chant the word, almost like when you chant “OM” in meditation. It should feel powerful and resonate with the body. Practicing this will help you build a stronger connection with the energies you're invoking.

Practicing the Rituals

Here’s how you can approach the learning process:

  1. Start with the Qabalistic Cross: Focus on mastering this first. Practice the sequence of touching your forehead, feet, right shoulder, left shoulder, and chest while vibrating the God names.
  2. Move to the Formation of the Pentagrams: Once you feel confident with the Qabalistic Cross, start practicing drawing the pentagrams and invoking the God names while facing the four directions.
  3. Learn the Evocation of the Archangels: Finally, add the evocation of the Archangels, visualizing them and chanting their names as you face each direction.
  4. Perform the Full Ritual: After practicing each part separately and feeling comfortable, perform the entire ritual in sequence. Use candles, a mirror, and an altar as described for the full effect.

Helpful Tips

  • Create notes or diagrams for yourself similar to the ones in the images to help remember the names, directions, and colors.
  • Practice each step until it feels natural. Once you've memorized it, the ritual will flow smoothly, and you can perform it without needing your notes.
  • When you're ready, set up your space with the proper candles and mirror, and perform the full ritual with intention and focus.

By working through these steps gradually, you’ll be able to master the ritual and feel the power of the energy you are invoking. Don’t rush—take your time with each phase, and it will become more natural and impactful over time.

How to Cleanse your House, Area, Object or Person and Turning it Into a Channel for Good Energies

I’ve developed and practiced these rituals over time, and they have proven incredibly useful for spiritual, magical, and psychic work. I’d like to share them with you. I’ve also updated the License to Depart, a ritual used to cleanse your space of any entities you may have summoned during your spiritual work.

The first ritual is an Invocation of God that I find powerful to perform before any spiritual or magical work, including the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram (LBRP). This invocation helps connect you to the true divine source and ensures you are not deceived by false entities. It also enhances your protection and spiritual power. If you're unfamiliar with the LBRP, please refer to the previous chapter.

The second section covers the Testing of Angels. This serves to verify that the entities you summon, whether angels or other astral beings, are genuine. It also includes a simple banishing method in case you encounter deceptive entities.

Finally, I will share a Cleansing Ritual designed to purify your home, clear negative energies, and invite positive forces of harmony, love, and balance.

1. Invocation of God and Testing Angels

When working with astral projection, angels, magic, or summoning, it’s essential to protect yourself and ensure that the entities you connect with are authentic. The following rituals will guide you through invoking God, testing the angels, and, if needed, banishing false entities.

The Invocation of God

Start your spiritual work by invoking the divine source to bring protection, clarity, and guidance. You can say this invocation aloud:

"Dear God, Lord of the Universe, Creator of All and Source of All Existence! I now summon and invoke you! Fill me with your glorious powers and Holy Spirit! Surround me and fill me with your protection, guidance, and love, so that I may walk the path toward my true purpose and connect with my Holy Guardian Angel. May I be filled with love, balance, and the wisdom to distinguish truth from falsehood. Lead me to success and fortune in all that I do. I open myself to you, Divine Creator, let it be so! With love, blessings, and gratitude, Amen!"

As you say this, visualize a brilliant beam of divine light descending from above and entering through the crown of your head. Let it flow through all your chakras, filling and expanding each one—crown, third eye, throat, heart, solar plexus, sacral, and root chakras. Feel this light explode outward, completely filling your entire being. Then, visualize the light radiating from your heart, surrounding your body with protection.

Spend a few moments in this state, feeling the divine energy flowing through you. This will prepare you, protect you, and help you distinguish between true and false entities.

2. Testing Angels and Other Entities

Once you have invoked God, you can test the angels or other entities that appear. This is a simple but important step to ensure that you're working with genuine beings.

Say aloud: "May only the true angels of the God of Love be present here, and may any false beings reveal themselves in the name of the Highest Creator. Amen!"

You can also ask the entity directly, "Do you love the Holy Spirit?" Demons and false entities will be unable to truthfully affirm this.

If you discover that an entity is false, you can either ask why it’s there or banish it. To banish, say: "By the power of the True God, the Lord of Love, I banish you and send you back to where you belong, with God’s protection on your way. May you now leave in peace. Amen!"

While saying this, visualize beams of divine light emitting from your third eye and heart chakras, pushing the false entity away.

3. The License to Depart

After completing any spiritual work, it’s important to release any entities that may have been summoned. The License to Depart helps clear the space of any remaining energies.

Say aloud: "May the true Angels of Love and the powers of the Highest God remain with me. All other spirits, astral entities, and beings gathered here are now free to leave. Travel with peace and love back to where you came from and where you belong. I grant you the License to Depart, so go with God’s protection. Amen!"

As you vibrate “Amen,” visualize all remaining entities gently leaving, like moths flying away from a light being turned off. Afterward, blow out the candles, and the ritual is complete.

Additional Tips for Spiritual Work

  1. Perform the LBRP: It’s always a good idea to perform the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram (LBRP) before and after any spiritual or magical work. This ritual strengthens your protection and clears away unwanted energies.
  2. Customize Your Invocation: Feel free to add personal requests to the Invocation of God—such as asking for success, happiness, or health—as long as these requests are positive and do not harm anyone else.
  3. Healing Permissions: If you wish to perform healing for someone else, always ask for their permission first. Some people may not want to be healed for various personal reasons.

By following these steps, you will not only enhance your protection during spiritual work but also ensure that you are interacting with true, positive entities. Remember, your intention and belief are key, so speak and visualize with focus and conviction.

May you be blessed with love, light, and spiritual growth!

Creating an Astral Sanctum to Unveil all Mysteries

This method I use helps me connect to the Source to explore existence and find answers to my questions. Essentially, I've created an astral world of my own, a personal realm I can enter anytime during meditation. It’s a space where I’m in control, and it serves as a bridge to deeper knowledge and insight.

In my world, there’s a mountain where one of my spirit guides stands guard, keeping the space free from entities I haven’t invited. On top of that mountain is a portal that leads to my Astral Sanctum—a room I designed, filled with objects that help me gain information and spiritual guidance.

For example, in this sanctum, there’s a large screen covering an entire wall. In front of it, I have two chairs with controls. One chair is for me, and the other is for my Guardian Angel, spirit guide, or any other being I wish to communicate with. By sitting in the chair and focusing, I can activate the screen to ask questions—like about a past life—and it will show me the answer visually.

The fascinating part is that I can then step into the screen and fully immerse myself in that past life, experiencing it firsthand. The same goes for communicating with ascended masters. I can invite them onto the screen, talk with them, or even have them step into my sanctum to interact with me directly. I can also journey into the screen with them to explore deeper realms or receive guidance.

This space connects directly to the Superconscious and the Akashic Records, which means it can access everything that has ever happened, is happening, or may happen. Keep in mind that future events aren’t set in stone; they are possibilities, and different future timelines exist.

In fact, you can even create your own future timeline. You can envision the life you want—full of positivity and success—grab that future, and bring it back to the present, planting it as a seed within yourself. As long as you take the necessary steps, this future will unfold.

Now, let me show you how you can create your own astral world and how to visit it during meditation.

Steps to Creating Your Astral World

  1. Enter an Altered State
    Begin by getting into a relaxed, meditative state. Once you're settled, start visualizing a place that feels peaceful and safe to you. This will become your personal astral world.Personally, I imagined a beautiful valley surrounded by mountains, rivers, and lakes. But your world can be anything—whatever feels right to you. Once you’ve created this world in your mind, imagine a portal in a special location, like on a mountain or in a hidden part of the landscape.
  2. Call in Protection
    Visualize one of your spirit guides or guardian angels standing by the portal to protect your world. Their job is to make sure only beings you invite can enter.
  3. Build Your Astral Sanctum
    The next step is to visualize walking through the portal and into a room or space you’ve created—this is your Astral Sanctum. Design it however you like. For me, I added things that hold sentimental value, like an altar I use in real life, plants, and a window with a view of the valley. You can also include a screen and chairs, like I did, for interacting with spirit guides or accessing past lives and knowledge.Spend time returning to this place in your meditations, exploring it, and making it feel more real. With regular practice, it will become easier to visit whenever you want.
  4. Use Your Astral Sanctum
    Once the space is familiar, you can start using it to find answers. For example, you could sit in a chair, activate your screen, and ask a question like, "What was I in a past life?" or "What should I focus on in my spiritual journey?" The answer will appear on the screen.If you wish, you can even step into the screen and experience the answer firsthand. Or you could call upon a spirit guide or ascended master and invite them into the room for a conversation.
  5. Strengthen and Protect Your Space
    It’s important to make this world feel strong and secure. You can use a pendulum or other tools to ask your spirit guides or guardian angels to help you maintain the space. They can assist in keeping it protected and aligned with your intentions.

Tips for Using Your Astral World

  • Exploring for Answers: When you visit your astral world, you can ask virtually anything. The key is that this space connects with the Source and the Akashic Records, which hold all knowledge of past, present, and possible futures.
  • Creating Your Future: You can also shape your future by planting seeds in your astral world. Visualize the timeline or life you want to live, take hold of it, and bring it back with you. The more you align your actions with this vision, the more it will manifest in your life.
  • Relax and Recharge: Besides finding answers, you can use your world as a place to relax and renew your energy. For instance, in my world, the lakes and rivers are filled with Holy Water. Whenever I bathe in them, I feel cleansed and charged with spiritual energy.
  • Trust Your Intuition: The more you practice, the easier it will be to distinguish between your own thoughts and outside communication. You’ll develop a strong sense of what’s coming from you and what’s coming from external sources. Trust that this clarity will grow with time.

Remember, this astral world is yours. You can shape it however you like, use it to find answers, explore spiritual questions, or just relax and recharge. Every thought you have manifests on some level of existence, and the astral planes are as real—if not more real—than the physical world we live in.

This technique doesn’t require full astral projection; it’s about visualizing and connecting with your inner world. The answers may come visually, or as thoughts, ideas, or feelings. Trust yourself, and soon this will become a natural and rewarding part of your spiritual practice.

Meet Your Inner Guide – And Manifest Perfection

Lately, I’ve been trying a new approach in my meditations to connect with my inner guide. But before diving into the technique itself, there are a few important points I’d like to share.

First, it's crucial to remember that we are the creators of our own world. What we experience in life, and what we see around us, is often a reflection of what we project outward. In a way, each of us carries our own universe inside, and that inner world shapes the way we see and interact with everything.

As I’ve mentioned before, when we make changes within ourselves, we also shift the way we perceive the "outer world." The more balanced and in tune you are with your true self, the more harmony and balance you'll notice in your life and the world around you.

You can easily observe this in daily life. Take any situation, object, or event: one person might find it deeply upsetting or negative, while another person might love it. It’s not necessarily about whether the thing itself is "good" or "bad"—it’s about how we each perceive it.

This brings us back to the idea that "we create our own world." The things we encounter that we dislike or find negative are shaped by our own inner energy. The same applies to the things we find positive and enjoyable. Deep within our unconscious minds, we have energies that influence how we experience life. These internal forces project out into the world, shaping what we see and feel in our everyday surroundings.

Consider a person who constantly fails at everything, can’t hold a job, is always poor, and might even live on the street. Most people would see him as a "failure" and label him as such. Even those who feel sorry for him might think, "Poor man, maybe one day he’ll turn his life around." While this thought seems compassionate, it actually reinforces the negative reality we see. By holding onto that image of him as a helpless person, we send that energy into the world and unintentionally help sustain his current situation.

Some people might just walk past without giving him a second thought. But then, once in a while, someone comes along and helps that person get back on his feet. You could be that person—not just for others but for yourself as well. When you are balanced, in harmony, and at peace with yourself, you’ll naturally influence others in a positive way. You’ll lift them up just by being in tune with your own inner world.

When you’re in balance, the world around you follows suit. Your life will flow more smoothly, and things will work out in your favor. And this doesn’t just benefit you; it affects everyone you interact with. There’s a deep part of us that many people never really access, a truth about ourselves that we often overlook. But if we take the time to work on our inner selves, we can come to understand who we truly are—and in turn, understand each other more deeply.

Most people aren’t living as their "True Self." Instead, we’re influenced by other people’s opinions, beliefs, and energies. These external forces shape our experiences and even how we see ourselves. It’s as if our existence is "inside out." We think that the outside world is reality and that we, as individuals, are making our own choices. Many people believe they have a soul that represents their true self, something deeper that exists in spirit form.

But my experiences suggest otherwise. It seems that creation works in reverse from what we usually think. We aren’t simply souls placed into bodies to live in a pre-made world. Instead, it seems that we are creating the world we live in, and we bear some responsibility for what happens around us. However, our sense of self is shaped by inner energies and the ego, which is constantly influenced by external forces. This means we don’t always experience our True Self.

That’s where the Inner Guide can help. Your Inner Guide is the deepest, truest part of you—so different from your everyday self that it may feel like an external force. Some traditions refer to this as the Holy Guardian Angel, but no matter the name, its role is to help you stay balanced and in harmony. But here’s the key: you have to ask for its guidance and allow it to work with you.

Once you connect with your Inner Guide, the changes you can experience within yourself and in your life can be profound. People have healed from illnesses, transformed their financial situation, gained the ability to heal others, and seen negative influences vanish from their lives. This inner connection can be life-changing.

Within each of us, there are various forms of life and consciousness—though, for simplicity’s sake, I’ll refer to them as "energies." These are often called archetypes, which channel different emotions and feelings, leading to causes and effects in both your inner and outer world. These archetypal energies are part of what Carl Jung referred to as the Collective Unconscious. Since we all share this collective unconsciousness, these energies have a direct influence on how we perceive and experience the world around us.

These archetypes are a natural part of who we are, just like our soul, mind, and physical body. They exist within us constantly, even if we’re not always aware of them—similar to the cells in our body or the air we breathe, which we don’t always notice but are always present.

The good news is, once you become aware of these archetypal energies, you can begin to work with them to create positive changes within yourself. These inner changes will reflect in your outer reality, transforming the way you experience the world.

Your Inner Guide, however, is unique to you. Unlike the archetypes, which we all share, your Inner Guide is your personal companion on this journey. It can help you understand these archetypes and guide you safely through your inner exploration. Your guide can also help you identify which energies are influencing different situations in your life and how to work with them to improve your circumstances.

You also have a Shadow Self, hidden deep in your unconscious mind. This shadow is made up of your ego and the parts of yourself you’ve suppressed or repressed—your unacknowledged feelings, emotions, ideas, and beliefs. The shadow continuously projects itself onto the people in your life, meaning that the way you experience others is partly shaped by your own unresolved inner conflicts.

Getting to know your Shadow Self and bringing it into harmony with the rest of you, alongside your archetypes and other inner energies, can lead to powerful changes. You’ll begin to transcend your ego, discover your True Self, and see a new version of reality reflected in your outer world.

At the core of your being is your Center, your inner “sun.” This is the life-giving force within you, always present, always offering love and light. Working with your Center alongside your Inner Guide is incredibly valuable for personal growth and transformation.

To get in touch with your Inner Guide and work with the different energies within you, here’s a simple method you can follow.

Step 1: Get Comfortable

Start by finding a comfortable position. You can sit in a chair with both feet flat on the ground, arms by your sides, or lie down in bed or on a couch. The key is to be relaxed.

It’s important to stay fully conscious during this meditation—don't drift into a trance or fall asleep. The goal is to be aware of everything you experience, so it’s best to do this when you’re fully awake and alert.

Step 2: Visualize Yourself in a New Space

Once you’re settled, begin by imagining yourself in a new environment, such as a cave. The crucial part of this step is to see through your own eyes, not as if you’re watching yourself from outside. Imagine yourself inside your body, experiencing the environment directly.

Pay attention to the details of the place. Is the ground flat, bumpy, or rocky? Is it sandy or solid? What does it smell like? Do you hear any sounds? As you explore, touch the walls or surfaces around you and notice how they feel. Look at your hands and body. How are you dressed? The goal is to make this experience vivid and real in your mind.

If you don’t like the idea of a cave, feel free to visualize yourself in another location like a room or a garden. Just make sure you immerse yourself fully, following the same procedure.

Step 3: Explore and Move Forward

Now, imagine there’s a door or passage in front of you. This can be anything from a literal door to a simple opening or portal. Walk towards it, noticing how your feet feel against the ground, and touch your surroundings as you go. Study the door or portal for a moment, then pass through it.

After stepping through, turn left and find yourself in a new landscape. You’ve now exited the cave (or whatever space you imagined) and are outside. Don’t force the images—let them come naturally, like watching a picture gradually form.

Take a moment to explore this new environment. Is it indoors or outdoors? Hot or cold? Dry or wet? Use all your senses—what can you hear, smell, or feel?

Step 4: Call for Your Power Animal

Once you’ve settled into this new space, ask for your power animal to appear. This animal could be anything—a bird, a frog, a snake—just make sure it’s not a pet or a fantasy creature. When it appears, observe it closely and ask it to lead you to your Inner Guide.

Follow the animal. If it moves quickly, imagine yourself flying or moving effortlessly to keep up. Soon, you will arrive at your Inner Guide.

Step 5: Meet Your Inner Guide

Once you’re with your Inner Guide, take a moment to observe them. Start by looking at their feet. What kind of footwear do they have? What are they wearing on their legs? Continue scanning their entire appearance, noticing every detail. When you reach the face, you may find it difficult to see clearly. This is normal for a true Inner Guide, while false guides often have easily visible features.

Greet your Inner Guide and hold their hands. Notice how their hands feel—are they soft or rough, warm or cold? Ask your guide to let you feel how they feel about you. A true guide will exude deep love, kindness, and acceptance. If you don’t feel this, ask again for your True Inner Guide to appear.

Step 6: Test the Guide

Ask your Inner Guide if they truly are your guide and if they can protect you in your inner world. They should answer “yes.” If they don’t, restart the process and call for your True Guide.

Next, ask your guide to point you toward your Inner Sun. A false guide won’t be able to do this or might delay. Once your guide points to the Inner Sun, look at it and ask it to take a human-like form so you can interact with it.

Step 7: Meet Your Inner Sun

Once the Inner Sun appears in human form, take a moment to observe it. Is it male or female? Old or young? What is it wearing? Hold the hands of the Inner Sun and ask for as much light and love as you can handle. Many people feel an overwhelming sense of love and may even be moved to tears, as blockages are cleared and energies flow freely.

If you don’t feel much, ask the Inner Sun to remove any blockages that may be preventing the energy from flowing.

Step 8: Ask for Guidance

After this experience, ask the Inner Sun what you can do to bring more harmony into your life and deepen your connection with it. The answer will usually be something that helps you in your day-to-day life or your inner work. You may also receive an object as a gift from the Inner Sun. If you’re unsure about its purpose, ask your guide for clarification.

Repeat the same process with your Inner Guide. Ask for their name, what you need to do, and what gifts they have for you.

Step 9: Return and Reflect

When you’ve finished, return to the cave or starting point and slowly come out of the meditation. Bring everything you’ve learned with you, and write down your experience in a journal. This logbook will help you reflect on what you’ve discovered and track your progress.

Additional Tips:

  • If you’re facing challenges in your life, go to your Inner Guide and ask for clarity. You can ask them to symbolically represent the problem or even bring the person you're having difficulty with into your meditation. Ask your Inner Guide to transform this person into the true form of the energy they represent. For example, if you’re dealing with an angry partner, they might appear as a barking dog in your meditation. Then, ask the energy what you can do to harmonize the situation and improve your relationship.
  • Always ask your Inner Guide to confirm the truthfulness of any advice you receive from other energies in your meditation. Your guide knows what is best for you.
  • Remember that the energies you see during your meditation aren’t representations of actual people or situations. They are symbols of the inner energies you project onto those people or events. These projections influence how they behave toward you. By working with these energy forms, you can change your own inner world, which will, in turn, influence your outer experiences.

There’s no limit to what you can achieve with this type of meditation. This is just the beginning. As you continue, you’ll get to know the archetypes within you (often represented by the 22 Major Arcana cards of the Tarot) and experience significant positive transformations in your life and understanding of existence.

If you’re interested in diving deeper into this practice, I highly recommend the book The Inner Guide Meditation by Edwin Steinbrecher. It provides a wealth of information on archetypes, the Tarot, astrology, and how to use these tools to work with your Inner Guide and improve your life.


I hope this book has helped you understand how the world truly operates and how you can unlock advanced spiritual experiences both in this life and beyond. What you choose to believe after reading is entirely up to you, but know that everything I’ve shared comes from my own personal experience, involvement, and deep knowledge of the subjects discussed.

The practical exercises I’ve provided are for those who wish to explore and develop their spiritual awareness. These tools can guide you toward breaking free from the Trap System and lead to greater balance, harmony, success, and fulfillment in life. More importantly, they offer a way to prepare for the inevitable journey beyond death—teaching you how to free yourself from the physical constraints of your earthly body. Through this liberation, you will be able to see and experience the truths discussed in this book for yourself.

Break free from the chains that bind you to Earth. Explore the vastness of the universe, travel beyond the stars, and discover the greater reality waiting for you.

See you out there, and good luck!

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