Here’s some guidance on astral projection, along with useful tips and techniques to help you practice and improve your skills. Before diving in, I highly recommend reading Astral Dynamics by Robert Bruce, which is the most comprehensive work on astral projection I’ve encountered. You can find more resources on his website,
How to Increase Your Astral Projection Skills
1. Choose the Right Time
One of the most common mistakes people make is trying to astral project when they’re too tired, especially at night. This usually leads to falling asleep instead of successfully projecting. The best time to practice is in the morning, after you’ve had some rest. Your body and mind are more relaxed, and you’re closer to the state needed for projection. Avoid attempting astral projection late at night when your body is too exhausted to stay conscious.
2. The Morning Method
Set your alarm to wake you about 6 hours after going to sleep. Once awake, get out of bed and do something for 30 minutes to an hour to wake up your mind—reading about astral projection during this time can help. Afterward, go back to bed and attempt any astral projection technique. You may find it easier to enter the right mental state after this brief period of wakefulness.
3. The "Stay Awake" Method
This technique involves lying in bed while keeping your eyes open. Don’t allow yourself to drift off right away; instead, observe your surroundings, focusing on every detail in the room. Let your body fall asleep naturally while your mind stays alert. By repeating a self-suggestion, such as, "When my body falls asleep, I will stay awake in my astral body and project," you can program your mind to remain aware during the transition.
4. Self-Suggestions
You can use self-suggestions to help guide you into an astral projection. While practicing any method, repeat a phrase like, "I will enter my astral body and project out of my physical body." This constant reinforcement will help you stay focused and direct your energy toward projecting.
5. Visualize Your Destination
As you lie down, visualize a place you want to project to—start with somewhere familiar, like your bedroom or the ceiling above you. Imagine yourself floating up, feeling what it would be like to be suspended in midair. If you start to feel vibrations or a floating sensation, amplify that feeling until you separate from your body and find yourself in the astral realm. This method works well if you’re already familiar with achieving the initial state for projection.
6. Lucid Dreaming as a Gateway
If you can have lucid dreams—where you are aware you’re dreaming—you can use them to astrally project. During a lucid dream, focus on the sensation of leaving your physical body, and you may find yourself transitioning into an astral state. If you’re unfamiliar with lucid dreaming, there’s plenty of information available online to help you learn this skill.
7. Body Awareness
In this method, you actively shift your awareness around your body to prepare for projection. Lie down and focus on moving your awareness back and forth—imagine your energy moving from one side of your body to the other, then up to the ceiling and back down. Feel your awareness travel through your body, as if it’s bouncing around in waves. This exercise loosens your connection to your physical body, making it easier to slip into the astral state.
8. Ask for Help
Don’t hesitate to ask your spirit guides or guardian angels for help. Simply ask them for assistance in leaving your body. You may suddenly feel a pull or lift as they guide you out of your physical form. Your guides are always ready to help, even after you’ve projected—they can assist you with learning new things or navigating the astral realm.
Refining Your Techniques
You can mix and match these methods to find what works best for you. Every person is different, so it’s essential to experiment and discover the combination of techniques that feels the most natural.
If you successfully leave your body but feel disoriented, try using simple commands like "AWARENESS NOW!" to sharpen your focus, or "CONTROL NOW!" if you’re having trouble moving. If your vision is unclear, say "CLARITY NOW!" These simple phrases can significantly improve your astral projection experience.
The Importance of Keeping a Diary
Just like dreams, astral projections can fade from memory quickly. This is due to the mind-split effect—when you project, your astral body is aware, but your physical brain is still asleep, recording only the body’s experience (which is simply sleeping). When you return, you must "overwrite" the physical brain's memory with your astral experience.
To help with this, start with short projections of just 10 seconds, and when you return, immediately think, "I will remember this!" Then, get up and write down everything you experienced in a special astral projection diary. Over time, increase the duration of your projections, but always remember to log your experiences right away.
Along with an Astral Projection Diary, keep a Dream Diary where you write down your dreams every morning. This will enhance your memory and help with both dreams and astral projections. By regularly writing in these diaries, you will notice improvements in your skills and awareness over time.
Astral projection can be a fascinating and transformative experience. With practice, patience, and the methods described here, you can develop the skills necessary to explore the astral realm. Keep your diaries up to date, read books on the subject, and don't hesitate to seek guidance from spirit guides. I wish you success on your astral adventures!