Our Multidimensional Existence

We exist in a multidimensional reality, and sometimes we catch glimpses of this through experiences like déjà vu. These brief moments happen when different dimensions intersect, causing an overlap of realities. Most often, déjà vu is the result of a connection with one of your other selves or soul fragments, each existing in different dimensions, but all part of your interdimensional being. In that moment, you’re receiving input from another version of yourself, as all these parallel experiences are happening simultaneously. This idea is captured in the phrase, “Call me Legion, for I am many.”

In truth, we are much more than just one physical or spiritual being. We are made up of a multitude of parallel, alternate versions of ourselves, all existing in the same moment. Each version of you is connected to your higher self or Higher Soul, and what we experience as "you" in this reality is just one of many soul fragments.

Rather than expanding outward in consciousness, we are constantly developing inward, meaning that each of your alternate selves will not evolve in isolation. Instead, all experiences from every version of yourself eventually merge into your Higher Soul. This process brings together all the knowledge, experiences, and spiritual progress of your different selves into a unified Oneness. When this happens, you’ll experience yourself from a completely new perspective, seeing the true being you really are.

Once you achieve this Oneness, you will ascend to higher realms, breaking free from the physical bonds of Earth. You’ll then understand how to continue your spiritual and mental development, gaining a deeper understanding of your True Self. But this isn’t the end. After achieving Oneness, there are still new dimensions and realities to explore—other alternate or parallel dimensions that hold further truths about Being and Existence.

Since each of your soul fragments contains an astral body or other energy bodies, they are all connected to the "true" Higher Soul. Even though all your past, present, and future incarnations are linked to this Higher Self, they live their own unique lives, unaware of the other soul fragments. Every fragment develops separately but ultimately contributes to the merging with the Higher Soul.

Once all your alternate selves have merged with your Higher Soul, you will be able to move on to new levels of spiritual development, gaining insights and experiences on a higher plane of existence.

This concept may be hard to fully grasp, so consider your Higher Soul as the "host" and all your alternate versions as "guests." Think of it like a tree: the Higher Soul is the trunk, the branches are different dimensions, and the leaves represent your alternate selves. Over time, the life force (or sap) in the leaves is drawn back into the tree, symbolizing the energy and experiences of your soul fragments being reabsorbed into the Higher Soul. The leaves (your soul fragments) wither and fall, but the tree (your Higher Soul) grows stronger, absorbing the knowledge it has collected.

You, in this life, are a soul fragment of your Higher Soul. Simultaneously, other soul fragments of your Higher Soul are living different lives across time and space, unaware of each other. However, each fragment plays a vital role in feeding energy and knowledge back to the Higher Soul.

Furthermore, your Higher Soul could be a fragment of an even greater Higher Soul. As your soul fragments ascend and merge, they may eventually become Higher Souls themselves. This process is like the construction of a pyramid: at the top is the Higher Soul, and as you move downwards, it branches into more and more soul fragments, each living their own unique lives, all connected back to the top.

In summary, we are all multidimensional beings, each fragment playing its part in a much larger spiritual journey, contributing to the evolution of our Higher Soul. This journey of merging and ascension continues as we reconnect with our true essence, expanding beyond the physical and into the higher realms of existence.

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