This meditation is designed to help you connect deeply with both your spiritual and earthly aspects, bringing them into perfect balance. By merging the divine energy with the material world through your being, you align yourself with the universal forces that govern both planes of existence. In this practice, you will become a channel, allowing these energies to flow through you and bring harmony between the spiritual and physical realms.
Find a place in nature where you can meditate without interruptions. This could be in a forest, by a lake, or on a mountain. If you can’t access nature, you can also do this meditation indoors by visualizing yourself in a natural setting.
Step 1: Get Comfortable
Sit down with your root chakra in contact with the ground. Ideally, sit with your back straight and your legs gently crossed. If this position is uncomfortable, sit on a stone, a tree stump, or place a pillow under you to elevate your hips and relax your legs. Ensure you’re comfortable, as you’ll be sitting in this position for a while.
Step 2: Relax and Breathe
Close your eyes and begin to relax your body. Take a few deep breaths. As you inhale, breathe in peace and stillness. As you exhale, release any tension or stress. Let the quiet of nature (or your visualization) wash over you, clearing your mind.
Step 3: Call Down the Divine Energy
Visualize a brilliant pink beam of light shooting down from the sky, coming directly from the Source of All Existence. This pink light is filled with love, joy, peace, and the Holy Spirit.
Imagine this light touching the top of your head and entering your Crown Chakra. Take a deep breath, and as you exhale, chant the sound “OHM”. Let this sound stretch through your entire exhalation: “ooooohhhmmmm.” As you chant, visualize the pink beam of light intensifying, filling your crown chakra with a glowing pink ball of light. This ball sits at the top of your head, half inside and half outside your skull.
Step 4: Flow the Energy Down Your Chakras
Now, as you inhale again, imagine the pink energy ball in your crown chakra sending a beam of light down into your Third Eye Chakra, located between your eyebrows. Exhale and chant "OHM," allowing a new pink energy ball to form in this chakra.
Repeat this process as you move the pink light down your body:
- Inhale and visualize the light flowing down to your Throat Chakra. Exhale "OHM," and form an energy ball there.
- Continue this pattern through each chakra:
- Heart Chakra (center of your chest)
- Solar Plexus Chakra (above your belly button)
- Stomach Chakra (below your belly button)
- Root Chakra (at the base of your spine)
With each exhale of “OHM,” feel the energy grow stronger, filling each chakra with brilliant pink light. Visualize each chakra glowing with this pink energy, and a beam of light connecting all seven chakras.
Step 5: Connect the Energy to the Earth
Once all of your chakras are filled with pink energy, inhale deeply and feel the energy flowing through you even more intensely. Chant “OHM” three times, and on the third exhalation, imagine your Root Chakra opening up and sending a surge of pink energy down into the Earth. Picture this energy traveling all the way to the core of the Earth, connecting you to its heart.
Step 6: Receive Energy from the Earth
Now, imagine a brilliant green beam of light rising from the center of the Earth. This green energy is filled with life, vitality, grounding, and the spirit of Earth. Visualize this green beam entering your Root Chakra and beginning to fill each chakra in reverse order.
- Inhale and imagine the green light flowing up from your root chakra into your Stomach Chakra. Exhale with “OHM,” forming a green ball of light.
- Continue moving the green energy upward, through the Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third Eye, and finally the Crown Chakra. As you reach the crown, chant “OHM” and visualize the green energy bursting out of the top of your head and flowing into the heavens.
Step 7: Balance the Divine and Earthly Energies
Now, sit for a moment with both energies flowing through you—pink light from above and green light from below. Visualize the pink beam flowing from the Source of All Existence down through your body and into the Earth, and the green beam flowing up from the Earth and into the heavens. You are now the channel between these two worlds, balancing the divine and the material within you.
Step 8: Close the Meditation
When you feel ready, slowly bring the meditation to a close. Visualize the beams of light becoming invisible, but know that they remain within you, keeping you connected to both Earth and the Divine. You are now in harmony with the spiritual and material worlds, balanced in your connection to the universal energies.