Navigating The Awakening Experience
The awakening process can be challenging and disruptive as it confronts our deeply ingrained notions of self, ego, and personal identity. Most individuals are fully absorbed in their ego, body, and mind, unaware of the broader spiritual dimensions and disconnected from the Divine Energies and realities beyond the physical Matrix.
Awakening can be likened to rousing from a profound, unconscious slumber, where one has been completely unaware, oblivious, and detached from the realm of Spirit and higher truths. Imagine being in a deep sleep, peacefully resting and dreaming. The bed is comfortable, soft, and soothing. You have no awareness of your physical body, thoughts, or the external world beyond the dream. Instead, you find yourself immersed in the vivid landscapes of the dream realm. It may involve battling aliens, fleeing from monsters, reliving familiar scenarios like being in an old school or conversing with long-lost friends and family. Sometimes, dreams can be abstract, confusing, and nonsensical, featuring vague images, people, or places. Regardless of the content, you become deeply absorbed and captivated by the mental imagery within your dream. You genuinely believe that the dream is real. Therefore, if abruptly awakened or startled, you might react with anger and resistance towards those attempting to lift the veil from your eyes.
Interestingly, our current reality bears striking similarities to this dream-like existence. There is an aspect of our experience that closely resembles a dream, suggesting that this reality is not entirely "real." Just like in a dream, most individuals remain oblivious to this fact. This course will explore, contemplate, and study the true nature of awakening from this illusory dream of existence. We will delve into what the dream represents, who its inhabitants are, and how we can liberate ourselves from the slumber of the sleepers.
This quote by Rumi is quite profound because he describes how most “sleepers” are unconscious and unaware of the FALSEHOODS that are this reality. Only a “sleeper” considers this reality to be real,
Common emotions during awakening to the matrix include but are not limited to:
- Questions who, what, where, when, why am I here
- searching for deep meaning, the purpose of life
- feeling lost
- feeling a sense of renewal or spark in life
- awakening to falsehoods, fears, insecurities, anger, tensions
- feeling on a much greater level, exhibiting emotion, feeling, etc
- feeling a renewed sense of purpose
- feeling angry, hateful, depressed
- intense love and excitement about creation
Note: If you are AWAKENING and experiencing ANY of the following, this is NORMAL. YOu are awakening to an existence that is VASTLY different than what you once perceived to be; therefore, shock, trauma, and fear are expected when one shatters their entire paradigms and feelings of reality!
Common Experiences/situations when awakening:
- losing friends, family, jobs, co-workers
- desiring alone time
- more time for introspection
- less desire to be around crowds and large gatherings of people
- an intense desire for spiritual knowledge, gnosis, readings, etc
- feeling drawn to psychic abilities, extrasensory perceptions, higher awareness
- knowing DEATH is NOt the END
- Desire to ESCAPE Samsara/the Wheel of Reincarnation
- newfound passions/interests
- a manifestation of occult phenomenon, subtle energies
- paranormal experiences with ghosts, spirits, aliens, faeries, or even UFOs
- seeing BEYOND the cube of TIME and Reality, seeing past illusions, deceptions,
- no longer desiring to participate in society, politics, governments,
- intense longing for nature, the natural world
- increased desire for healing, healthy foods,
- diet, weight, and health all fluctuate
- feeling electrical energies, surges, tingling, magnetics, presence,s feeling, energy, and different emotions of energy and subtle life force energy
- seeing glitches in the Matrix and much more!
- prophetic, precognitive dreams, lucid dreaming, astral projection, sleep paralysis,
- Extradimensional contact, seeing visions when closing eyes, colors, flashing lights, etc
- deep ancestral contact, connection, and awareness
- feelings of being "contacted," spoken
- synchronicities with time, clocks, numbers, words, people, and many more