Navigating Emotions as Energy Waves
Emotions can be likened to energy waves, constantly ebbing and flowing through our consciousness and energy field. While emotions may not be physically visible to the human eye, a subtle energetic light exists beyond the visible spectrum, extending into ultraviolet and subtle energy fields.
In this understanding, emotions are the dynamic energies that move and fluctuate within our physical body, mind, etheric body, and soul. They originate from various sources, including our environment, interactions with others, external entities, energetic forces, and vibrational frequencies. In the present times, our world is saturated with an abundance of emotional energies, making it particularly challenging for inexperienced or newly awakened people to navigate this intricate landscape of emotional energy.
As we embark on our spiritual journey, developing the necessary tools and skills to navigate and harness these emotional energies skillfully becomes crucial. Without proper guidance, the overwhelming influx of emotional energy can lead to confusion, overwhelm, and imbalance. It is essential to cultivate awareness and discernment to differentiate between our emotions and the energies we absorb from the external world.
One powerful practice is learning to attune to our inner guidance system, the compass of our soul. Through deep introspection, meditation, and self-reflection, we can gain insight into the origin and nature of our emotions. By understanding the underlying causes and triggers, we can consciously choose how to respond to emotional energy rather than being swept away by its tide.
Moreover, establishing energetic boundaries and practicing emotional hygiene are vital for maintaining our emotional well-being. Setting boundaries protects us from energy drains and unwanted emotional influences. Engaging in energy clearing, grounding, and emotional release techniques empowers us to cleanse and recalibrate our energetic system, promoting inner balance and harmony.
Additionally, seeking support from experienced mentors, healers, or like-minded individuals who have traversed similar emotional landscapes can provide invaluable guidance and wisdom. Sharing experiences, exchanging insights, and receiving guidance from those who have walked the path before us can help us gain clarity, find solace, and accelerate our emotional growth and mastery.
Remember, navigating emotions is an ongoing process of self-discovery and refinement. As we deepen our understanding of our emotional landscape and develop the necessary tools, we can navigate the vast ocean of emotional energy with grace, resilience, and empowered choices. Embracing our emotions as powerful messengers and catalysts for growth, we unlock the transformative potential within us and pave the way for a more balanced and harmonious existence.
Using emotions as a "guidance system," we can determine how we TRULY feel about a person, place, thing, or situation. Oftentimes, INTENSE emotions such as anger, hatred, etc., indicate something about a particular person or situation which is IMPARTING upon free will, freedoms, sovereignty, etc. Those who experience negative emotions from others indicate those individuals are NOT healthy.
Positive emotions are a SOURCE of POSITIVE energy, generating life force energy, inspiration, creativity, love, peace, harmony, intention, etc. If something makes one feel positive, happy, or elated, these positive signals direct higher consciousness energies toward the individual. Therefore, positive energies serve to expand and increase one's energy field, their divine source connection, and the spark within.
Navigating The Awakening Experience
The awakening process can be challenging and disruptive as it confronts our deeply ingrained notions of self, ego, and personal identity. Most individuals are fully absorbed in their ego, body, and mind, unaware of the broader spiritual dimensions and disconnected from the Divine Energies and realities beyond the physical Matrix.
Greetings, and welcome back to The Matrix Unveiled School of Mysticism. Today's video and article lesson will discuss the differences between ego, soul, and spirit. These differences will allow you, the practitioner and student of the Mysteries, to unravel the differences within one's consciousness and existence when acting out of ego, soul, or spirit.