Serpent Races

Found in 6 Books

File: David Icke - Reptilian Research -


  • subject "palatable" to the mass readership, may have in fact had an adverse affect. If then Shaver was being used as an unwitting "disinformation agent", then why would these powers of darkness - the serpent races and their demonic allies - wish to hide the truth concerning, if not the very existence of, such a nether region from surface society? We believe that the reasons are obvious. Although not all, much


  • There is still another group which we should include here. There have been some accounts concerning so-called "nordics" or "blondes" or "Aryans" connection with the sauroids or the serpent race. The serpent races have apparently convinced a relatively few from one or more of these human 'races' just mentioned, to work with them, perhaps enticing them with certain promises of supernatural or technological adva
  • just 'what' was behind this conspiracy to orchestrate this destruction of human society. This lack of discernment of reality on the part of humanity is one of the enemy's major strategies, since the serpent races attempt to blind and confuse the nations of the earth as to the true nature, and in fact the very existence, of their warfare-subversion-invasion-infiltration of human society.

File: Michael Tsarion - Irish Origins Of Civilization - Volume 1 -


  • ythology this was a title denoting Celtic chieftains, such as King Arthur.) NACAAL (Denotes the semi - mythical serpent people of the Aztecs and Maya. ) KUMARAS (This word denotes the semi - mythical serpent races of India.) CHERUBIM AND SERAPHIM (These terms originally referred to the Elohim or nine creator gods of Egypt. In Hebrew, they mean "fiery" or "blazing serpents.") NAHASH (The word means "serpent " i

File: David Icke - Reptilian Research -


  • subject "palatable" to the mass readership, may have in fact had an adverse affect. If then Shaver was being used as an unwitting "disinformation agent", then why would these powers of darkness - the serpent races and their demonic allies - wish to hide the truth concerning, if not the very existence of, such a nether region from surface society? We believe that the reasons are obvious. Although not all, much


  • There is still another group which we should include here. There have been some accounts concerning so-called "nordics" or "blondes" or "Aryans" connection with the sauroids or the serpent race. The serpent races have apparently convinced a relatively few from one or more of these human 'races' just mentioned, to work with them, perhaps enticing them with certain promises of supernatural or technological adva
  • just 'what' was behind this conspiracy to orchestrate this destruction of human society. This lack of discernment of reality on the part of humanity is one of the enemy's major strategies, since the serpent races attempt to blind and confuse the nations of the earth as to the true nature, and in fact the very existence, of their warfare-subversion-invasion-infiltration of human society.

File: Forlong - Rivers of Life (2) -


  • all connection with Ahee, or Serpent faiths, yet like Medes he was an undoubted Solar-Fire worshipper, and would oppose all followers of Astyages as both East and West Aryans used clearly to call the serpent races they ejected. Whether the Eastern or Western tale was the earlier we know not, but most probably the former. MEDIAN FAITH.—I have no doubt that Medes at one time worshipped Serpents, but when here kn

File: Dulce Book -


  • not a 'universal' scenario in miniature and therefore the 'Conspiracy' sees it as a most valuable prize. Therefore it would probably not be too 'far out' to suggest that the war between the human and serpent races from all three 'realms' [extraterrestrial, ultraterrestrial and intra-terrestrial] CONVERGE within the United States, and to be more exact, within the vicinities of the Archuleta plateau near Dulce,


  • the earth, this nocturnal invader has chosen to reclaim what was once theirs & use it, and us, as a staging area in their ancient conflict with the 'ELs'. (Note: That is, to reclaim that which these serpent races WANT US TO BELIEVE was once theirs. The 'ELs' are the so-named EL-der race, a human branch tied-in with the Evadamic heritage yet who had attained to or had retained a very tall physical stature aver


  • ory instincts was of course the serpent race, which originally held a position somewhere between mankind and the beasts. Due to mankind's 'fall' and the reptilians' alliance with the Luciferians, the serpent races began taking the upper-hand over the human race -- or rather, the fallen angels began taking the upper hand over the human race THROUGH the serpent races. Today one could say that we see basically th
  • eptilians' alliance with the Luciferians, the serpent races began taking the upper-hand over the human race -- or rather, the fallen angels began taking the upper hand over the human race THROUGH the serpent races. Today one could say that we see basically the same thing happening, however in this case the "Luciferians" are known as "subspace beings", and the "Serpents" through which they have incarnated are k


  • The Dulce Book Now unless I'm grossly misinterpreting scripture, it would seem that here God is saying that the [fallen-angel-incarnated] serpent races are told to praise the Almighty -- who after all was their creator before they allowed their own race to be corrupted. This MAY apply to both the spiritual-angelic and physical-bestial natures of the
  • are told to praise the Almighty -- who after all was their creator before they allowed their own race to be corrupted. This MAY apply to both the spiritual-angelic and physical-bestial natures of the serpent races. Other verses that we might add to the one above include: "Let EVERY THING that hath BREATH praise the Lord." -- Psalm 150:6 "And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to


  • ination with planet earth in that the nethermost depths of this planet is apparently the realm that they have chosen to make their "last stand" or their "command headquarters" -- in alliance with the serpent races which they incarnate -- in their ancient conflict with Michael and his legions of standing angels. The 12th chapter of Revelation is revealing in this regard, as it seems to generally convey a pictur


  • thin the deeper cavern systems or in the sea and which 'seem' to be used more for 'psychic energy' channels. All of these various alien branches collectively make up what has been referred to as the "Serpent Races". - Branton). "THE WINGED SERPENT -- The Reptilian/Amphibian Humanoids have been interacting with Earth for AGES. Many Contactees and Abductees repeatedly describe an Insignia of a Flying Serpent on

File: MATRIX V - Quest of the Spirit - The Ultimate Frontier - The Code to the Matrix -


  • ly one but there are ma ny more. Thus we should be able to establish that we are not alone. Reason 2: The Maya clearly show they had already pledged allegiance to a group of “Masculine” Serpents. The Serpent races are just as vast as our own. Many of the Serpents are on a “collective mind” thus th ey are generally out to accomplish there own agenda and stop at nothing to see it through. Humans are looked at as


  • a we ll respected last name in th eir country till this day. Reason 153: The Naga are more in the image of the Serpents described in Japan and China rather than bipedal hybrids. As I said before the Serpent races are as vast as our own possibly a lot more diverse. It is clear man has inhabited this Planet, along with the serpents for thousands of years intermingling, we easily forget the Dinosaurs. Will there


  • of consciousness. When your eyes are spread wide your third eye is stretched open. This is a much more effective portal for mind control. Even now many tribes maintain that they are descendants from Serpent races, however, what they are always excluding is that the Serpent races ge nerally cross bred with them in a forcible manner. These types of Serpents, which ar e not your common garden snake, do not stay


  • Earth itself has a cleansing mechanism that seems to activate approximately every 12,600 years. Du ring these times the Earth is in undated with water or scorched by fire. Many of the members of the Serpent races during these times simply burrow deeper into the ground towards the center of the Earth in order to escape the damage that is wreaked on the surface. Even as this is being written deeper tunnels ar e

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