
Quotes from different sources

Dulce Book.pdf PDF URL

The mass consciousness of the government agencies cooperating with the Rigelians have failed to realize that it is not to the aliens' advantage to give either the Soviets or the U.S. an advantage in the "arms race". These aliens have given the U.S. technology that is flawed. Much of the technology can only be operated by the Greys.

They control governments by picking up likely subjects and implanting them, manipulating their careers and elevating them within the societal structure to positions of power and/or a position as a leader of public opinion. When a human candidate becomes controlled by reason of inculcation therapy, they often knock the individual "out of his head" and store the human's consciousness/individuality or soul/chakra matrix, while an artificially created intelligence is placed in the head of the candidate's body via electronic intelligence implants to carry forth covert operations against the human population.

Humans implanted as controls are indoctrinated into the belief that they are superior to other humans (leading to schisms within the 'body' of humanity, resulting in warfare as in the case of the racist Germanic atrocities in world wars I and II, eugenic population reduction policies, etc. - Branton). The aliens then give the humans technology OR help them to obtain weapons for use against each other (the old divide and conquer strategy, as in the case with the Nazi forces whose elite leaders maintained a treaty with the Ashtarian "Komogul-II" or "Gizeh" empire, a joint humanoid-reptiloid collective operating from beneath the deserts of Egypt. - Branton). All key personnel in the NSA, etc. are implanted and controlled by the alien species.

If the 'elite' are successful, they are used as "priests and caretakers" of the SLAVE planet. If they fail Hitler then they are betrayed and thrown to the wolves...

The first stage of their One World plan is to use biological warfare ENGINEERED PLAGUES, etc. to rid the planet of undesirables. (Note: It is interesting how plagues have often historically accompanied the appearances of 'comets', as will be seen further on in this section. - Branton). The biological warfare is out of control. Decimation of population places the remaining population ultimately under their control...

They blanket couples for sexual thrills and are drawn to aberrants and sexual deviates (feeding off of their negative orgasmic sexual energy, as -- according to legends -- do the vampirial incubus and succubi 'demons' that have been recorded throughout history. - Branton)...

Project Monarch PDF URL

THETA considered to the “psychic” programming. Bloodliners (those coming from multi-generational Satanic families) were determined to exhibit a greater propensity for having telepathic abilities than did non-bloodliners. Due to its evident limitations, however, various forms of electronic mind control systems were developed and introduced, namely, bio-medical human telemetry devices (brain implants), directed-energy lasers using microwaves and/or electromagnetics. It is reported these are used in conjunction with highly-advanced computers and sophisticated satellite tracking systems.

Manual For Organized Gang Stalking Operations.... FBI’s COINTELPRO, Operation Gladio, NATO Stay Behind Armies, and Ongoing Global U.S. Military “Unconventional”/”Civil- Military”/” Psy-War”/”Information War” Operations PDF URL

Modern Day COINTELPRO Objectives:

  • These are counter-proliferation centered programs intended to subvert all progress To discredit the target / To character - assassinate / To slander the target
  • To taint the target’s image / To misrepresent the target
  • To suppress the target’s monetary success
  • To suppress the target’s good character qualities or people’s awareness of positive aspects of the target
  • To arrange a partner for the target or mind control the partner of the target
  • To destroy relationships of the target
  • To co-opt the target’s manifestation
  • To turn the target into controlled opposition (In terms of beliefs & actions)
  • To incriminate the target
  • To round down the target’s output and audience – To marginalize the target
  • To eliminate connections & networking ability
  • To suppress the target’s personality
  • Sanitization of pleasure, emotions, and individuality To punish the target / To torture the target
  • To destroy the target’s life
  • To stop a target from procreating / Ending a target’s bloodline (Eugenics)
  • To suicide the target / To covertly assassinate the target
  • To cover up the targeting operation
  • “If they see too much power and originality coming out of someone, they either use it and siphon it or they undermine it in order to neutralize it.” ~Ahmad Enani (TI)

COINTELPRO 2.0 Methodology:

  • Covert remote influencing technology suite
  • COINTELPRO 2.0: Thought surveillance neural AI net for psyche profiling
  • COINTELPRO 2.0: Directed energy weapon mind control network for counter-proliferation targeting
  • Ai based retro-causation; Extensive international neural monitoring programs can calculate a target’s potentials before the target is aware of them
  • Gangstalking / Organized Stalking
  • Trauma based mind control – No touch torture
  • Character assassination / Slander via proxies
  • Technological illusions (PSYOPS) / misdirection
  • Electromagnetic mind control aimed at discrediting the target
  • Mind control of people who provide opportunities for the target
  • Use of family against the target (e.g. Mind control of family)
  • Use of pharmaceutical drugs against a target
  • To orchestrate the detaining of the target in a psyche ward
  • v2k to get a target diagnosed as a “paranoid schizophrenic”
  • Exaggerated, warped and untrue slander about the target is proliferated
  • Technology playing devil’s advocate via implanted thoughts to get a target in trouble Agenda to incriminate the target (Advice for COINTELPRO targets: Stay lawful)
  • Use of ego against a target
  • Weaponized mind control against a target
  • Coercing of a target into appearing overly paranoid (e.g. An objective of stalking)
  • Specific technological control of a target’s body language or vocal tone (e.g. To generate mistrust)
  • Total individual control technology is used as a tactic to take away a citizen’s rights through faulty mental illness diagnoses21
  • Outlandish black project technology experiences intended to discredit when spoken Use of electronic control grid to mind control misfortunes for a target
  • Synthetic social phobias ~ Synthetic social anxiety (e.g. Public speaker related suppression)
  • Suppression of whatever platform the target is talented in (e.g. Music production, software design)
  • To dehumanize a target via electromagnetic neuroscience
  • Severe targets are sanitized of pleasure, emotions, and personality
  • Synthetic suicide programming
  • Technologically enabled serial killers with a taste for revolutionaries & activists

What is a Targeted Individual? URL


Fritz Springmeier - The Illuminati Formula Used To Create An Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave PDF URL

He is further told, "You are an assassin for Videodrome. They can program you. They can make you do what they want." Interestingly, the name of the brand of cigars smoked on the show are named Medicis. He is told, "To become the new flesh you must kill the old flesh." This is the type of suicide programming given Monarch slaves.

Eyes Wide Open - Fiona Barnett 2nd Edition PDF URL

Römisches Recht – Kürzestzusammenfassung URL


1.1 Rechtsfähigkeit

  • Freiheit (Verlust: capitis deminutio maxima)
  • Bürgerrecht (Verlust: capitis deminutio media)
  • Stellung im Familienverband (Verlust: capitis deminutio minima)


Entstehung d. Unfreiheit: • Abstammung

  • Kriegsgefangenschaft
  • Strafe
  • Statusprozess

Beendigung d. Unfreiheit: • Verleihung d. Freiheit vom Staat

  • Ersitzung d. Freiheit
  • Freilassung (manumissio)

America In Peril - A Call To Arms PDF URL


There are concrete reasons that traitors in the U.S. government have brought in more than 1,500,000 Russian and other foreign soldiers into the United States. There are reasons these more than 1,500,000 foreign soldiers have been carefully spread around on a variety of U.S. military bases. We do know these 1,500,000 despise-America Russians as well as the many other foreign troops will gleefully conduct house-to-house searches for guns, food and water. They'll categorize and arrest American civilians and send many millions to slave labor, concentration camps! We must not ignore the fact that these 1,500,000 troops will be acting on behest of the New World Order in forcibly subjugating America! Yes, they are theenemy and they'll have to be dealt with accordingly!

Illuminati Handbook PDF URL

First homo sapiens was only meant for slave labor and couldn't breed. Later on this was changed. Ea didn't like, though, how his created race was treated and wanted to enlighten them by telling them who they were and where they came from. He also wanted to tell them the well hidden truth that each individual is a spirit inhabiting a body and that after body death the spirit lives on and reincarnates on Earth.

Ea's superiors didn't agree to this, as they were afraid of chaos and turmoil, but Ea told them anyway. The early homo sapiens revolted against their Masters, but were forced to retire. Ea then started this secret society, the Brotherhood of the Snake, to enlighten people in secret. But he was discovered and judged by the alien laws, which meant that Ea was deported to Earth for eternity – to die here and be reborn here in endless cycles, using fragile, short living human bodies. If this is right, he might still be here ...

In the meantime, as time passed by, the »Brotherhood of the Snake« was infiltrated by the Draconian Master aliens and the knowledge was distorted to trap man instead of enlighten him. The Egyptian Era was in fact real »space opera«, with aliens walking around among us, even taking the throne as pharaohs on mostly. By that time the Brotherhood was very infiltrated and its purpose to manipulate the masses, making them believe in false gods and masters.

Helsing, Jan van - Secret Societies and Their Power in the 20th Century (1995) PDF URL

A possibility to control the masses is the “social conditioning” of the RIIA mentioned previously. They trained the military technician JOHN RAWLINGS REES who later opened the TAVISTOCK INSTITUTE FOR HUMAN STUDIES in Sussex, England. The Tavistock Institute is the center of England’s psychological warfare, Tavistock methods have been used, as mentioned, in England and in America. Besides the press, radio and movies have been used for mass manipulations that – as they have been utilized for decades already – can now be called brainwashing.

Global Health Mafia URL

This includes the collusion of those organizations entrusted to set acceptable medical standards and health policy which regulate prescriptions, vaccines and injections, bio-tech medical devices and the ranges of toxic environmental exposures, while actually measuring the effects that these assorted chemicals and weaponized organisms have on human consciousness and DNA. We have entered a new era when these many substances are being combined with nanotech to functionally interface us with a host of electronic devices which transmit digitally coded frequencies, along with their artificial intelligence programs that are designed for collecting data, implanting thoughts, surveillance and hooking up our brain’s neuronal links into the Hive Net. 1

Medical Industry as the Delivery System

Genetic modification of human beings is carried out by mind control methods and uses the umbrella of the current medical industry as its main delivery system in order to make humans more genetically hospitable for the NAA species to colonize and finally inhabit the earth surface. The goal for infiltrating the medical system was to first torture and inject us as babies coming into this world, and to continue this medical torture and inject us on the way out, to capture our consciousness in physical pain, torment and spiritual disconnection. This in itself is an effective set up for demonic Possession of the human Soul, while in a most vulnerable transition of being birthed into this world and then setup to be sick or in pain when leaving this world, through current medical design. Over the last hundred years with Rockefeller and other bloodline families heading several storefronts of medical philanthropy organizations, the forced exposure to many chemical compounds, toxins and poisons combined with experimental genetic engineering began, using human beings of all ages as their lab rats. The medical industry was cleverly hidden as the perfect delivery system, consumer products being peddled as health care, when for the most part the design is purely profit driven, cruel and Satanic.

Implanted Thoughts URL

Child Sexual Abuse Implanted Thoughts

The NAA broadcast this message of sexual abuse towards children into the earth body to get people to pick up these frequencies in their thoughts, and then carry out the sexual abuse of children worldwide. It is extremely important that any adult with a functioning brain that cares about the welfare of human children, be made aware of this most disturbing Archontic Deception Strategy, which is to specifically target human children for a range of NAA related bio-warfare strategies, such as:

  • inflicting trauma based mind control and implants,
  • vaccinations for genetic degradation, compromised immunity and bio-neurological hijack,
  • to create lifelong pharma-drug dependencies and addiction while in childhood,
  • to culturally shape their minds to accept anti-soul and anti-life agendas like Transhumanism,
  • perpetrate mass child trafficking for sexual slavery, sexual slavery = consciousness slavery bindings,
  • accept child marriages,
  • genital mutilation,
  • organ harvesting
  • child sodomy/rape in group settings,
  • rampant sexualization and promiscuity in childhood to adulthood,
  • blood sacrifice,
  • Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA)

Top 5 Archontic Strategies URL

Top 5 Archontic Strategies

The Big Five Archontic Deception (AD) Strategies to generate more AD Negative Ego Behaviors through Mind Control and spread their anti-human value systems in the human public are:

  1. Divide and Conquer
  2. Victim/Victimizer
  3. Sexual Abuse and Sexual Misery
  4. Child Abuse and Child Sacrifice
  5. Misogyny

Valdamar Valerian - Matrix III Volume 2 PDF URL

Also, I may add that my research has proven absolutely with the Mega Arkons and Dr. N have been emphatically telling is - that profound states of altered consciousness that are self-induced by the techniques taught to us in the Order, and also transcendental meditation, Zen meditation, Taoist Golden Flower meditation, and Flower of Life Merkaba meditation, do make an individual immune to external subliminal programming. Unfortunately, only great masters and advanced Yogis are able to resist the electronic mind control intrusions using scalar wave technology. Our only protection against that powerfbl intrusion is equally strong Scalar, Solitonic and Takyonic force fields. And that we can easily do with our own available technology. Other folks worldwide are less fortunate -- unfortunately!

Michael Tsarion - Atlantis, Alien Visitation And Genetic Manipulation PDF URL

  1. 1998 Director James Cameron was inducted as a 33rd Degree Freemason at the Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles with an informal ceremony. Cameron's induction took place in a small room inside the Shrine while celebrities and movie stars were filing inside for the March 23, 1998, Academy Awards. Later, on his birthday Cameron formally became a 33rd Degree Freemason in the Supreme Council 33rd Degree Temple in Washington, D.C. Cameron is a leading “light” for the military-industrial-Hollywood complex, formerly the “military-industrial complex,” which President Eisenhower had warned against in his 1961 Farewell Address.
  2. 1998 On November 5, 1998, the movie “Titanic” began playing in Houston, Texas. The special showing debuted Theatre Vision technology. Houston is south of the 30th degree of north latitude. However, the beginning time of the showing is significant: it began playing at 3:33 p.m. At least two attendees were 33rd degree Masons: Director Cameron and former President George Bush. Bush was a member of the secret society “Skull and Bones” when at Yale. A former director of the CIA, he is in the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission. After Bush took over the CIA in 1974, having been appointed by 33rd degree Mason President Gerald Ford, he destroyed or hid MK-ULTRA (CIA mind-control) projects. The Theatre Vision technology may be a new generation of MK-ULTRA mind-control. Bush is alleged to have been involved in the smuggling of drugs from Central America to the U.S. in the 1980s and when President, he publicly uttered the words “New World Order” in front of the entire world.


Q: What's the difference between this kind of program and cult-type abuse and Satanic abuse in the kind of cults with the candles and the...

Dr.H: This type of programming will be done in the cults with the candles and all the rest. My impression is this is simply done in people where they have great access to them or they're bloodline and their parents are in it and they can be raised in it from an early age. If they are bloodline they are the chosen generation. If not, they're expendable and they are expected to die and not get well. There will be booby traps in your way if they aren't non-bloodline people that when they get well they will kill themselves. I'll tell you just a little about that. My belief is that some people that have ritual abuse and don't have this have been ritually abused but they may be may be part of a non-mainstream group. The Satanism comes in the overall philosophy overriding all of this. People say, "What's the purpose of it?" My best guess is that the purpose of it is that they want an army of Manchurian Candidates, ten of thousands of mental robots who will do prostitution, do child pornography, smuggle drugs, engage in international arms smuggling, do snuff films, all sorts of very lucrative things and do their bidding and eventually the megalomaniacs at the top believe they'll create a Satanic Order that will rule the world. One last question. Then I'll give you couple of details and we need to shift gears.

Taylor - Thanks for Memories - Memoirs of Bob Hope's and Henry Kissinger's Mind-Controlled Slave URL

They plan to "market" the mind/brain technologies they themselves have been using for decades, to the general public, and are doing so already. This will allow them to make mega money in this new market as well as allow them to begin to educate the masses in regard to the new technologies of the mind, "The Frontiers of the Mind." But, while the public is spending vast sums of money on this new technology, they will also be conditioned through advanced forms of electronics, harmonics, and subliminal conditioning to accept this shift to a 'new existence.' The Council plans are to have a robotical working class that won't cause any problems, but will simply work to supply the needs of the Elite-those who by their breeding and intellect are deemed worthy of being allowed to be "awake" so they can rule, live and create without any interference from the common man. They say that the working class already makes non-thinking robots of their own everyday lives, and it might as well be more planned and regulated so that others who want to create, invent, and otherwise use their minds, can do so without hindrance from the common man. They view the "common man" with great disdain as a lower form of the human species. And they figure that by the time the year 2000 rolls around, when the purse cinches shut, and they are in full control, that people will already be sufficiently conditioned and won't even be able to think to figure out or even be aware that a change has taken place. They see it as the perfect cover up for the continuation of the experiments in mind control they have participated in and feel very assured that the public will never be able to discover what happened because the more intelligent pubic has been sufficiently "tamed" and conditioned to go along with the rest of the herd.

MK ULTRA PROJECT : The CIA, Tavistock Institute, and the Global “Intelligence-Police Gestapo” State URL

There are probably hundreds of groups like Blackwater working with the CIA. And the CIA now has its own its own Air Force. They have the predator drone aircraft. There was a big fight between the Air Force and the CIA to see who would get to control these drone spy aircraft. The CIA won. They can watch and track you with drones. And then there are the RFID (radio frequency identification cards), these smart cards, and later smart chips, that can go in your body. People are already taking these chips. And you can be tracked with these.


In the past few years, a few protective devices that can retard, attenuate (weaken) or change the character of electromagnetic radiation effecting the human body have emerged. The most popular early device was the Teslar Watch originally developed by Dr. Andreas Puharich. It was effective against most electromagnetic fields, but not against tactical or psychoactive electromagnetic signals, the "imaginary", "etheric" component of alternating (time, phase) electrical.systems. The drawback with the Teslar Watch was that it had to be sent to the factory for battery replacement. Other products which emerged on to the market were somewhat effective, but they all needed batteries - the drawback was that the protective effect which resulted from projection of a field of specific pulsing EMF wavered or weakened proportionally to the state of the battery.

Recently, the so-called "tachyon" glass beads and jewelry appeared on the market — none of them claimed to relate to our relationship with the mind and behavior altering fields that surround us. They were not designed for that purpose. Furthermore, these glass beads could not have produced tachyonic energy, because tachyonic energy can only exist within a Unified Field, because only within a Unified Field can superluminal (faster than light) particles exist. These glass beads probably radiated so-called "soft electrons" for a period of time - they were advertised as relating to strength and vitality of the wearer. The production of takvons (the original Greek spelling) occurs as a result of precise processes using both pulsing EMF and controlled atmospheric vacuum heat treatments in regard to the components forming the Unified Field Devices, as well as magnetic annealing and precipitation hardening treatments of special alloys (which are also used in the aircraft industry).

Without these critical processes and parameters relative to the construction of these devices, there is no way to produce unified field processes and takyonic radiation of specific frequencies and hyperspatial components designed to counteract much of the psychoactive and mind altering electromagnetic environment. We categorically state that takyons can only exist in a Unified Field, and/or a Bio-Field, for otherwise, per Einstein, no real-mass particles of signals can travel faster than 186,000 miles per second. Without unified field takvons (not Tachyons), there is no protective field against these frequencies.

What is a Unified Field? How Does the Device Work?

A unified field is a field in which all energies are in a state of unification. It is a field in which magnetic, electrical, gravitational, strong/weak nuclear, thermal, acoustical and other radiative attributes are in a state of mathematical, geometric and harmonic unification. They are not de-coupled, separate or broken down into radiative attributes. It is based on Einstein’s modified equation E = me2 * 0 c2 , based on E = me2, where © is the consciousness constant. It means a shift from Special Relativity to General Relativity by accelerating energy to reach otherwise continuum, intei'penetrates the universe. The overall frequency of the unified takyon field that vibrates from the Takyon Capsule is estimated to be in the range between io68 - 1098 cycles per second (or chaotic, non-linear oscillations, not Hertz, or symmetrical sine-wave oscillations). The field output contains multiple hyperspatial harmonic phase-modulated frequency overlay patterns which create a phased pulsed interference with psychoactive mind affecting frequencies, molding the generalized natural field structure around the human body into a "barrel" shape (see figure) with specific protective characteristics. Because of the process of the generation of the unified field within the device, it is self-pouiering and requires no external power source, not even batteries. The device essentially creates a five-dimensional (x,y,z, time, gravity) hyperbolic tensor field which manifests as a bi-directional hyperspacial Einstein-Rosen bridge.

Jim Keith - Mass Control PDF URL

Tavistock is invariably portrayed in its literature as being a non-political organism, but the lie is apparent. As an example, one recent Tavistock project is SMARTCARDS, a pilot program done in collaboration with Manchester Metropolitan University on behalf of the European Commission. This project for putting a person’s work history and skills including academic accreditation onto a single ID card is being carried out in Europe and America, and is intended to gradually facilitate the creation of a universally-policed and regulated world economic system.4

New Underworld Order PDF URL

The families of these persons', the Manual asserted, 'are often deranged from idleness and glut, and this fact must be played upon, even created. The normal health and wildness of a rich man's son must be twisted and perverted and explained into neurosis and then, assisted by a timely administration of drugs or violence, turned into criminality or insanity. This brings at once someone in "mental healing"' (e.g., Rasputin, a German agent) 'into confidential contact with the family, and from this point on, the very most must then be made of that contact'. This prescription is identical to the splinter-programming operations of specialist US intelligence cadres working within the framework of the Himmlerian tradition and such mind-control programmes, designed to split targeted personalities, as MK-ULTRA Project Monarch, under which Multiple Personality Disorder was created and subdivided so that the victim acquires a wide range of 'alters' which his or her handler can trigger using pre-programmed words or phrases from 'The Wizard of Oz', 'Alice in Wonderland', and many other freakish mind-fantasies. The fact that Lavrentii Beria, who has been exposed as a German agent, like Rasputin, was promoting the same Satanic destructive degradation prescriptions as the heirs of Nazi psychological warfare operatives, provides irrefutable confirmation of the common llluminati origins of the two primary 20th Century 'Black' regimes, Soviet Communism and Nazism.

Vatican Assassins PDF URL

“ . . . That I will provide myself with arms and ammunition that I may be in readiness when the word is passed, or am commanded to defend the church either as an individual or with the militia of the Pope . . .

In testimony hereof, I take this holy Eucharist and witness the same further with my name written with the point of this dagger dipped in my own blood Does this not sound like the oath of the Mafia called ‘Omerta’? and sealed in the face of this holy sacrament . . .

I do further declare that I will . . . do my utmost to extirpate the heretical Protestant or Liberal doctrines and to destroy all their pretended powers, legal or otherwise . . . I do further promise and declare, that I will, when opportunity presents, make and wage relentless war, secretly or openly, against all heretics, Protestants, Liberals and Masons, as I am directed to do to extirpate and exterminate them from the face of the whole earth, and that I will spare neither age, sex, nor condition . . . And that I will hang, burn, waste, boil, flay, strangle, bury alive, these infamous heretics, open up the stomachs and wombs of their women and crush their infants’ heads against the walls in order to annihilate their execrable race . . .

Notice the Jesuits have taken this Oath to destroy “Protestant or Liberal doctrines” as they wage “relentless war” against “Protestants and Liberals.”

The term “Protestant,” as the Jesuits understand it, includes all believers in the Lord Jesus Christ who reject both the Spiritual Power and the Temporal Power of the Pope of Rome, while believing and teaching the Biblical doctrines proclaimed during the Protestant Reformation, championed by Martin Luther, John Calvin and John Knox (“Calvin with the Sword of Just Defense”) in particular. Protestants are “heretics” and must be “exterminated from the face of the whole earth.”

The term “Liberal,” as the Jesuits understand it, includes all Catholics who concur with the Protestants in rejecting the Temporal Power of the Pope of Rome. Liberals both believe and teach that governments are best when they serve the people, and when their powers are expressly limited by written Constitutions. Liberals, like both the Protestant and Baptist Calvinists, further believe that if governments become absolute tyrannies, they have the right and duty to formally withdraw their allegiance and resist those tyrannies with armed force, called by John Knox “the Sword of Just Defense.” It is for this reason the Black Pope’s fascist- communist military dictatorships forbid gun ownership by the peoples they rule. It is for this reason “The Jesuit Conference” within the United States seeks to abolish gun ownership through their agents within their Council on Foreign Relations, thereby destroying the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution — that “heretic” document created by condemned “Protestants and Liberals.”

Architects of Deception PDF URL

Corrado Guerzoni, who was a close associate of Moro, testified in Rome on 10 November 1982 at the trial of the alleged killer that Moro was under great threat. During an official visit to the United States, Henry Kissinger showed up at Moro's hotel room and threatened him: "Either you change your policies or you will pay for your opposition with your life." Aldo Moro was upset and immediately went home to Italy. His wife Eleonora confirmed this in her testimony. Moro stuck to his policy. The American press did not report this, but in Italy it was widely published. The plan to kill Moro was co-ordinated at the highest level. This is shown by the fact that his police protection was withdrawn, although it was known that many infamous red terrorists were gathered in Rome at the time. The abduction and murder was a co-operation between the CIA, the KGB, the Mafia, the Red Brigades and the freemasons. At the interrogation many Red Brigades members admitted that they knew the CIA was involved. The Italian writer Lionardo Sciascia and the film director Giuseppe Ferrara were convinced that the police knew exactly where Moro was hidden, but that they had orders not to find him (Bjorn Kumm, "Terrorismens historia" / "The History of Terrorism", Lund, 1998, pp. 172-173).

Taylor - Thanks for Memories - Memoirs of Bob Hope's and Henry Kissinger's Mind-Controlled Slave PDF URL

Guy Cooper was a man who filmed me in porn at his home in Hidden Hills, with his younger daughter, Buffy. In this porn I was also forced to have sex with animals, some of them large farm animals. You can imagine how shameful and degrading these experiences are to a child. To my knowledge, my father's affiliation was not limited to any single group, nor did he subscribe to membership in any group for any length of time. Instead, his membership was temporary, as he moved from one group to another, suiting my programmer's needs for the time. The groups I am aware of that he attended for different periods of time were the Lions Club, Ku Klux Klan, and Neo-Nazi groups. Publicly and consciously my father adamantly professed that he was not prejudiced against any race or religion and taught me not to be racially prejudiced. In private, secret gatherings with like- minded men, he witnessed and participated in ceremonies where they humiliated, tortured, dismembered and killed Black people and Jewish people. I know, because as a child I was present at some of those "meetings."

History Of Freemasonry Throughout The World Vol 3 PDF URL

ReCtIFIeD RITE.-Left face to face with a single rival, this body bethought itself to put its house in order. The first step was to fill the vacant Grand Master-ship and Sarasin, of Basle, was elected to that office. All the Lodges of the system were invited to his installation (1823)—nine in all; while various attempts were made to bring the system and Rite more into harmony with the spirit of the times. But the close of this, the third period of Swiss Masonry, presents to us two Grand Bodies, one—on the wane— the antiquated Templat system, the other - older still — an offshoot of the pure English Craft, lusty as a young giant, prepared to run his race-and confident of victory. The fourth period therefore opens with the National Grand Lodge of Berne and the Grand Directory of the Rectified Rite at Basle only in the field; for the Helvetic Rite, which still pretended to exist, for very many years resembled a general without an army, or a head without a body. In 1828 the Rectified Grand Lodge was so dull and lifeless that Sarasin resigned and it was not until 1829 that Von Escher, of Zurich, was elected in his stead. The Lodges themselves were induced to take part in festivals and meetings of the National Grand Lodge and, individually, were not averse from a fusion, though unprepared to take active steps from an honourable feeling of loyalty towards their Grand Officers. Only one Lodge, that at Locle, deserted to the National Grand Lodge.

Blue Planet Project PDF URL

They were interested In Inteigent disposabie biology, (Humanoids), to do the dangerous Atomic, (Plutonlum) propulsors and saucer experiments. They cloned their own little humanoids, via a process perfected in the Blo-Genetic Research center of the world. Los Alamos | Now they have their disposable slave race.

Like the Greys (EBEs), the U.S. Govemment clandestinely impregnate human females. then removed the hubrid fetus's also after about ninety (90) days, like the Allens, (for more details about how the Government does their abductions, see volume two of this document, called the PULSAR PROJECT, ATR-25A, CODE: ARAMIS V - ADR 3-24AT) then acceleratetheir growth in the lab Bio-Genetle, (DNA Manipulation) programming is instilled, they are implanted and controlled at a distance through reguiar RF (Radio Frequency) transmissions. Many humans are also being implanted with brain transceivers, these act as a telepathic channels and telemetric brain manipulation devices. The network, net was set-up by DARPA, (Defense Advanced Research Project Agancy). Two of the procedures were R.H,I.C. (Radio Hypnotic intracerebral Control) and E.D.O.M., (Electronic Dissolution of Memory). The brain transceiver is inserted into the head through the nose, they learned this from the Greys. These devices are used in the Soviet Union and the United States, as well as, Sweden. The Swedish Prime-Minister Palme gave the National Swedish Police Board the right In 1973, to insert brain transmiters into the heads of human beings coverti!

Blue Planet Project PDF URL

Hybridizellon - They claim that RH O- blood is the proof ot hybridization and our own science tends to bear out their claim.

New Underworld Order PDF URL

Among the old-line 'ruling families' which are not actually 'royal' at all but which consider that their Jewish ('Khazar') or Frankist lineage entitles them to ex officio or, at some stage, co- opted membership of the globalist ruling elite, with some still claiming descent from ancient and 'Holy' Roman Emperors, are the following dynasties: Rothschild, Kuhn, Loeb, Lehman, Rockefeller, Sachs, Warburg, Bush, Lazard, Sieff, Goldman, Schiff, Morgan, Schroeder, Harriman, and Du Pont (who actually consider themselves to be descended from Pontius Pilate). Other such families and patriarchs include the Giustiniani family, 'Black Nobility' of Rome and Venice who trace their lineage to the Emperor Justinian; the Hambro banking family; Pierpaolo Luzzatti Fequiz, with lineage dating back six centuries to the ancient Luzzattos, 'Black Nobility' of Venice; Umberto Ortolani, also from an ancient 'Black Nobility' family; the Doria family, financiers of the Spanish Hapsburgs; the French Rothschilds; the late Baron August von Finck; Franco Orsini Bonacassi, of the ancient Orsini 'Black Nobility' that traces its lineage to an ancient Roman senator; the Agnellis; the Alba family; and Baron Pierre Lambert, cousin of the Belgian Rothschilds. Among these, there is not a single family that is not of Jewish/Khazar descent. The Oltramaire family (Swiss 'Black Nobility'), owners of the Lombard Odier Bank, Geneva, are reported by a US military intelligence source allegedly to finance, historically and to this day, an assassination bureau located in Switzerland. US Amy G-2 records reportedly show this group has been heavily involved in the arms trade to the Middle East, and that it allegedly made no less than 30 attempts to assassinate General de Gaulle, the primary contact man being a certain Jacques Soustelle. He was also identified as the coordinator of the 'governing' Illuminati Committee of 300's transactions and relations with the Sendero Luminoso (Shining Path) guerrilla group protecting the European Illuminati's Peruvian cocaine producers.

New Underworld Order PDF URL

'She describes a sadistic satanic cult led by the richest and most powerful people in the world. It is largely homosexual and paedophile, and practices animal sacrifice and ritual murder. It works hand in glove with the CIA and with Freemasonry'. Crucially, Dr Mackow added here: 'It is Aryan supremacist (German is spoken at the top) but welcomes Jewish apostates.... It controls the world traffic in drugs, guns, pornography and prostitution'. Thus the CIA serves these international criminals.

Pulsar Project Document Alien Bases URL

This seemed to be some kind of Govemment Spying Techniques used on the Aliens). Also, the government uses family and/or friends for this type of programmed surveillance of possible witnesses, contactees and/or abductees to collect data. This means of data collection, (thanks to the Mk-Ultra Project) confuses the issue, we have Alien contactees/abductees and then we have our governments contactees/abductees. The government's contactees/abductees are sometimes referred to as suicide spy squads, because the government see's them as expendable. We have Alien Implants, (little devices that varies ni size from 50 microns to 3 millimeters) and then D.r Delgado Mkultra's implants. The motivation of all this perhaps is like Sir Winston Churchill said: "The truth is so precious it must be constantly protected by a bodyguard of lies'

Fritz Springmeier - The Illuminati Formula PDF URL

The Illuminati is fully aware of rare bloodtypes and other genetic properties that run in bloodlines, and breed individuals to get certain traits, and they also take into consideration that certain weaknesses such as weak hearts or AB- negative blood with no RH factor will call for special attention.) The criteria for non-Illuminati cults for their breeders is much lower. Often these are the cults’ leftovers. That is the difference between the good breeding of the Illuminati, and the degenerate thinking of the openly satanic groups. The Satanic groups which are organized into hubs, and some of the lesser occult groups like the KKK., have women which are kept under lock and key to serve as breeders. Breeders are kept from having outside talents that would help them function in the outside world. Some are not allowed to have driver’s licenses and other basics.

Fritz Springmeier - The Illuminati Formula PDF URL

However, these nephalim guardians are perceived as real by Illuminati members, and they strike incalculable fear within the members of the Illuminati. As one of the big sources of fear, the guardians take their place as part of the control mechanisms to keep slaves in place. Polls taken by others, have found that 100% of Satanists have had a experience with UFOs, and report some type of "alien" abduction. (The Programmers & upper level hierarchy don’t get themselves in polls, and the lower levels are all programmed.) The point is that there is a close relationship between UFOs and the occult world. On the following page are some of the more respectable scripts that persons, who are victims of "alien abductions" see in their heads. Signs of MPD were visible in each of these cases, and these abductee are placing their wills at the command of these "higher beings". Their wills are subservient to the will of the "alien". They receive messages in these scripts in altered states of consciousness.

The Executive Summary: Neuropsychological and Electronic No-Touch Torture Report PDF URL

  1. Sexually Disturbing Tailored Pornography

The Summary of the Senate Torture Report disclosed the disgusting revelations that in the secret torture prisons the targets were forced to perform homosexual acts on each other against their will and religion in order not to be beaten or killed. This is a common break down tactic of belief systems and the human will. In no-touch torture the techniques are more psychologically specialized for each target. Most common examples include homosexual targets that are forced with voices that are derogatory to their lifestyle and similar mental images. Almost all targets are forced to view child pornography in their minds.

Mind Control, World Control PDF URL

Interest in peyote and the synthesized version of the alkaloid, mescaline, remained scant, outside of the occasional parlor peyote ritual conducted in a not-dissimilar way from the spiritualist fad of the same era, or the odd psychiatric monograph talking about how the drug seemed to reproduce schizophrenia. But a far more potent brain-changer would soon appear on the scene. LSD was first synthesized in 1938 at Sandoz laboratories, in Basel, Switzerland, although the effects of the drug are said not to have been discovered by Dr. Albert Hofmann until 1943. Basle was the home of three huge chemical companies, Hoffman-LaRoche, Ciba-Geigy, and Sandoz, the latter owned by German chemical monolith I.G. Farben, the mainstay of the Third Reich's war. Although the connection is not often made, and is denied by Dr. Hofmann, I.G. Farben maintained a division researching psychoactive agents, and it is possible that Hofmann was employed in this capacity. It is also a world-class coincidence that S.S. and Gestapo doctors were doing mescaline experiments on prisoners at Dachau at the same time, less than 200 miles away. Allen Dulles, who directed the CIA during the MKULTRA project, was station chief at Berne, Switzerland during the period of the LSD research, and had been an executive at I.G. Farben. His assistant was James Warburg, who later worked with acid-popularizer Aldous Huxley. 2 Captain Al Hubbard, the spy who was termed "the Johnny Appleseed of LSD," told the story of the beginnings of LSD in a different form than the usual chronologies. He said that Hofmann had discovered LSD many years earlier, and that he had been a member of a secret group connected with Rudolf Steiner's mystical Anthroposophy group that had set out to manufacture a "peace pill" in the early 1930s. 3 Early experiments with LSD were conducted by Werner Stoll, a psychiatrist affiliated with the University of Zurich. There were rumors that one of Stoll's female patients was given the drug without her knowledge, and had committed suicide, a foreshadowing of later CIA atrocities.

Bloodlines of the Illuminati by Fritz Springmeier 1998 PDF URL

If families are powerful but not in the Illuminati’s clique, they can be destroyed such as Howard Hugh was. An example of this is how the Rothschilds progressively destroyed the Romanovs (the Russian Imperial Family). But the Romanovs were also an occult bloodline, and so the IlIuminati secretly took children of the Imperial family to serve as breeders for the IlIuminati so that the Illuminati could channel in the Romanov’s occult blood into their bloodlines.

The families that control Switzerland go back to Venice. Some of the Phnariot families of the Byzantine have had enduring powerful lineages. The Venetian and Genoese banker/international commerce families have produced some enduring powerful lineages. Families from these groups have tended toward Satanism (Gnosticism) or cults that are not Christian. In this category, we can mention Darius Socinus of Venice. Note also that the Warburgs, who work so closely with the Rothschilds, are descendents of Abraham del Banco, an old banker in Venice. The Warburgs in turn are related to the Rosenbergs of Kiev, Russia. Some of your old aristocratic Russian occult bloodlines were the first to financially help Hitler’s fledgling Nazi Party.

Henry Makow - Illuminati PDF URL

Sen. Robert Byrd, who controls the nation's purse strings, justified to Cathy his involvement in drug distribution, pornography and white slavery as a means of "gaining control of all illegal activity world wide" to fund Black Budget covert activity that would "bring about world peace through world dominance and total control."

He said, "95% of the people want to be led by the 5%." Proof is that "the 95% do not want to know what really goes on in government." Byrd believed that mankind must take a "giant step in evolution through creating a superior race." Byrd believed in "the annihilation of underprivileged nations and cultures" through genocide and genetic engineering to breed "the more gifted, the blonds of the world." (118)

O'Brien visited a series of secret paramilitary compounds throughout the U.S. like one at Mount Shasta in California. "I learned that this not-so-secret military build­ up consisted of special forces trained robotic soldiers, black unmarked helicopters, and top secret weaponry including electromagnetic mind control equipment." At these compounds O'Brien and her daughter were often hunted like wild animals, tortured and raped for the amusement of CIA, military and politicians.

O'Brien worked as a sex slave at Bohemian Grove, the elite's perversion playground on the Russian River in California. She says the place is wired for video in order to capture world leaders in compromising acts.

The Matrix Deciphered Prerelease. PDF URL

I was unlucky. I got a demonstration of the full works of mind control technologies and SATAN. SATAN (silent assassination through amplification of neurons) is the program to try and kill the target through car crashes, heart attack, depression and suicide, self destructive behavior, neglect, or to be a programmed assassin. They were somewhat fair in that they told me ahead of time using the synthetic telepathy, exactly how they were going to try to kill me each day. They told me every torture they were to inflict on me ahead of time. It was oddly routine for them. They said that they had successfully killed an artist in San Francisco with a heart attack, a woman pediatrician, and an old lady in a nursing home.

Valdamar Valerian - Matrix I PDF URL

  • The Government has and is interacting with alien cultures
  • The Government has captured alien technology and has interacted with them to ensure a similar development of cur technology along the same lines,
  • The Government maintains underground facilities, seme of which are jointly occupied by alien entities.
  • Different alien species are interacting with humans beings. Some of the alien species maintain underground facilities. Humans are being manipulated in these facilities.
  • Manipulation of the human species extends to very deep levels; levels of alien manipulation affect human evolution, genetics, and planetary power structures.
  • Various entities that have a non-terrestrial origin walk freely among us.
  • MJ-12/PI-40/54-12 organisations do (and did) exist.
  • Animal and human mutilations are being performed.
  • Abduction of human beings occurs on a regular basis.
  • Alien interaction with the human ccrrmunity will scon have increased impact on society,
  • A minimum of 70 species are interacting with our planet; four or five alien species are doing the most interaction.
  • Star Wars, SCI/ and the "space program" are superficial public constructs that are "fronts" for funding other "black projects"
  • The united States and the Soviet Union are not adversaries at all, especially in terms of interaction with alien species.
  • The project loosely known as "Alternative Three' is at least 60% true.
  • Aliens have affected the human religious systems
  • Some of the most outspoken UFOLOGISTS work, for and with the Government.
  • The public is being acclimated through the media to the following information:
    • Reinforcement of the "One World" concept.
    • Aliens do exist and are among us.
    • Alien motives mray not be pleasant.
    • Acceptance of the dehumanization of man.
  • Mind control is actively being used by alien entities insofar as their ability to manipulate the human mind is being used to subdue hunan beings for their own purposes
  • The CIA and other Government agencies have used Mind Control Techniques to perform assasinations and to further negative operations that are counterproductive to human progress.
  • World domination groups are interwoven with alien control groups. The Illuminati, Bildarbergers, Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Cormission, CIA, FBI, NSA, NRC, the military, Federal Reserve and other groups have areas within them that have conspired to rule the world under a domination based system. This system is committed to the dehumanization of man and the "One World" concept. Society is maintained in a static state of disarray, fostered by ego-oriented activites that focus on security, sensation, and power.

Fritz Springmeier - Deeper Insights Into The Illuminati Forumula.pdf PDF URL

SUMMARY OF ELF WAVE MIND CONTROL CAPABILITIES Naval Intelligence and other groups have conducted research into ELF waves upon the human body and mind. Some of the many things that can be done to the human body and mind with ELF waves include: a. put a person to sleep b. make a person tired or depressed c. create a feeling of fear in a person d. create a zombie state e. create a violent state f. create a state of being sexually aggressive g. change cellular chemistry h. change hormone levels i. inhibit or enhance M(RNA) synthe-sis/processes j. control the DNA transaction process k. control biological spin and proton coupling constants in DNA, RNA & RNA transferases. But electronic control of the brain comes in many forms. Perhaps the controllers only want to carry out mood shifts. ELF waves which will penetrate walls, and even go through the earth will create mood shifts according to how many cycles per minute they are sent at. Studies have proven that the time for ELF waves to cause a shift in mood is between 6 to 10 seconds (not a long time). ELF waves below 6 cycles per second cause subjects to become emotionally upset and this rate may also disrupt bodily functions. At 8.2 cycles/sec. the person gets an elevated high such as would be accomplished by a master of meditation. 11 to 11.3 cycles per second cause the brain to become agitated and to begin riotous behavior. ELF waves could be directed at a population to help incite riots. Research has been carried out to determine how the brain’s sensory inputs are coded. It has been determined that visual input is relayed and built into a series of changing maps. The olfactory sense has thousands of specific codes to determine smells, and combinations of these are triggered by an object. One clue that gave researchers initially the idea that different individual human brains have a common internal electronic type coding for specific thoughts is that drugs will have such common effects on the human race--even -though one obtains individuals from widely different genetic pools.

Fritz Springmeier - Deeper Insights Into The Illuminati Forumula.pdf PDF URL

By genetic breeding and manipulation, the Illuminati are trying to strengthen certain mental features. Considering that this has already been done for centuries by mankind to other species, for instance, when mankind domesticated the horse, the dog, the cat, the lama, the chicken, then it is no secret that a docile servile slave class of humans can be created. The primary goal of this Illuminati breeding is to create a class of people who can work together with others (herd instinct), and who will take orders willingly. Independent thinking and intelligence are not wanted. Educational goals and a world-wide educational system that can accommodate these types of workers is being created world-wide to deal with the eventual working-class- drones that the Illuminati want to create. The creation of this educational system at this present time has four goals, 1. to develop a group mindset, 2. to have education carried out by the multinational corporations, 3. to have students educated on the premise that truth is relative, 4. to teach compliance. Already the public schools in America are Page 234 ... gearing up for the government to dictate what occupations young students can study for. In other words, our educational system is being set up for mind-control, and this is to eventually work hand-in-hand with worker slaves that have the genetics needed to be good compliant stupid slaves. There have also been studies of intelligence such as the five volume Genetic Studies of Genius started by L.M. Terman in 1925, (pub. by Univ. of Stanford Press). The World Order has specific and successful methods to create a class of technical people. At this point, people whose thinking abilities have been created by the monitoring/ manipulating of their genetics is a small but increasing number. Genetic control of breeding is unfortunately where the programmers are headed. This is not happening for the genetic betterment of the human species, this is for the perverted lusts of these demon-possessed megalomaniacs who think they deserve to rule with a sadistic iron fist. Those who mistakingly think the mind- control programmers are trying to improve the human race, need to get to know the programmers better. (See Appendix A for biographical information on some of the programmers.) Those poor gullible naive people who think that when the global masters visibly introduce the New World Order that the NWO will be tolerable if they can simply keep their noses clean, not fight back, and do their jobs, are sadly mistaken. They do not know the dark - sinister side to these global masters. As one man very close to the center of power said to a common man about the men who rule the world, "If you stepped on an ant, you would have more conscience than the global elite have in manufacturing wars and killing millions of people. They want power and they intend to amass total power no matter what the cost." Another area of ILLUMINATI DECEPTION & CONTROLIonizing radiation used in conjunction with chemicals to manipulate the genetics of the mind; or say this another way: USING RADIATION & CHEMICALS TO CHANGE GENETICS associated WITH THINKING.

Valdamar Valerian - Matrix III Volume 2.pdf PDF URL

Also, I may add that my research has proven absolutely with the Mega Arkons and Dr. N have been emphatically telling is - that profound states of altered consciousness that are self-induced by the techniques taught to us in the Order, and also transcendental meditation, Zen meditation, Taoist Golden Flower meditation, and Flower of Life Merkaba meditation, do make an individual immune to external subliminal programming. Unfortunately, only great masters and advanced Yogis are able to resist the electronic mind control intrusions using scalar wave technology.

Valdamar Valerian - Matrix III Volume 2.pdf PDF URL

Dr F: Ok, I will. You see, it is not really the AMA and FDA alliance behind this last outrageous plan, but this comes straight fiom the National Reconnaissance Organization (NRO), the National Security Agency (NSA) and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) headquarters, and it is linked to satellite electronic surveillance protocols.4041 Anyone in a state of profound, self-induced trance or altered state of consciousness will not respond to their own subliminal programming and mind control protocols.42That constitutes "loss of control", and that they cannot tolerate.43So, since, per New Age fads, most people rely on external device? to attain altered states of consciousness, then the logical thing to do is eliminate these devices fiom the market completely.45On the other hand, individuals using drugs to attain altered states of consciousness are literally "sitting ducks" for immediate control46,because their brains have already been chemically prepared with special "additives" introduced on all drugs4' by the very process of "refining" these drugs for public consumption world wide. This was the very basis of the earlier MKULTRA project, using drugs. Later, this became refined to MKDELTA, Delta here meaning sleep brainwave cycle and, finally, the electronic protocols of today4', including Woodpecker, Buzzsaw, videodrome4' and "holy signals". This last one is also secretly coded "Holy See" Project. It involves the use of holograms to create visions of Angels, Light Beings, etc. The research of ONR (Office of Naval Research) researcher Dr. Eldon Byrd describes the process behind this project.

Pentagon workers found to have downloaded child pornography URL

Some of the cases came to light as a result of an investigation by the immigration and customs agency, whose Operation Flicker in 2006 identified 5,000 people who had paid for access to overseas pornography websites.

Among the 5,000 were a contractor at a weapons-testing base in California and another at a naval air warfare centre in the same state.

Illustrating the problems of bringing cases to court, a manager at an advanced secret weapons centre was found to have images on his computer that appeared pornographic – but it could not be established that the children had been abused.

A worker at a separate establishment also had pornographic images but the ages of those involved could not be determined and so it could not be established they were children.

New Underworld Order PDF URL

In addition to integrating internal and external espionage, obsessive secrecy, blood oaths and opportunities for blackmail into The Order's modus operandi, to ensuring the perpetual education of fresh Illuminati cadres drawn from the ranks of the Masonic Blue Degrees, constructively insinuating and installing members of their vast agentur into high places or into the entourage of those occupying positions of power, and more recently ensuring that illuminised, geomasonic, controlled intelligence officers occupy the most important state and international positions, the Illuminati further seek always to ensure that they have scope to select evil people - individuals with gross secret blemishes, and especially paedophiles - for preference within their dark conspiracy (although this practice is not universally applied).

Fritz Springmeier - Deeper Insights Into The Illuminati Forumula PDF URL

The Russians have been noted to have created a "wood-pecker" signal, the American version of this is the American Buzzsaw. These signals are designed to interface with the mind. And systems are designed to be carried in helicopters, or to be placed on the ground. These signals are broadcast by multiple carriers which hop from frequency to frequency anywhere from 4 MHz to 30 MHz. With the switching of these frequencies, they are creating what is know as a Levinson Transform, named after Norman Levinson. VLF (Very low frequency waves) will cause bizarre behavior in people. (They use 0 to 400 Khz for mind-control operations. The signals are apparently broken up into pieces and triangulated upon a target. Morse codes are used on some slaves to trigger them, which is sent via a number of methods. Victims often have the g of the brain disappearing, which is diagnosed as Multiple Sclerosis. MS has increased 100 fold over the past few years. Pre-conditioning is done by chemicals to the neuro-receptors in the brain and spine. When moving in a car or inside a store it is harder for a victim to be targeted. Also, as readers can imagine, signals being beamed from some tower or satellite will be blocked by large thicknesses of concrete, lead and -steel. In other words, there are some situations that provide limited shelter to the victims of implant body suits and syntel.

Valdamar Valerian - Matrix III Volume 1 PDF URL


Valdamar Valerian - Matrix III Volume 1 PDF URL


Henry Makow - Illuminati PDF URL

According to Taylor, Henry Kissinger is the CEO for the Illuminati who naturally prefer to remain in the shadows. Our political leaders are chosen for their moral frailties, blackmail-ability and willingness to advance the Illuminati plan. Strings are pulled and they mysteriously rise to prominence. It doesn't matter which party they belong to. They secretly serve the "Cause."

Many are products of a life that may include pedophilia, drug trafficking and consumption, child pornography, bestiality, mind control, rape, torture, Satanic rituals and human sacrifices. They are given many opportunities to indulge their vices, which ensures continued obedience and solidarity.

Drug trafficking, white slavery, prostitution and pornography finance secret New World Order programs. Elements of the CIA, FBI, Coast Guard, Military, and police are all involved, as is the Mafia

Saboya de Santa Cruz Abreu, Felipe. MKTECH Invasion and Mind Control Volume 1 URL

It was no coincidence that the technology was called “The brain hijacker” in Brazil. It lives up to its name, because the person whose mind is connected to the mind reading system cannot get rid of the invaders at any time of the day. They become a hostage to those operators who systematically interact with the victim, interfering in every day thought, whether banal or not, insisting on demonstrating that they’re in constant control, asking for things such as “Take a certain action to free yourself”. It often implicates the target in serious crimes (e.g., murders, robberies, sexual assaults and aggressions). However, the victim is never released from electronic captivity. The most worrying thing is that they start using the kidnapped mind as a source of entertainment, a perverse sport practiced with humans, known as Torture for fun — a torture-based fun. The target becomes a captive animal, the main attraction of a morbid zoo where visitors attack, flog and have fun with the howl of pain of this "human animal".

Valdamar Valerian - Matrix III Volume 2 PDF URL

Dr. B: Is that why there have been so many people seeing "angels", "light beings", "spirits" and other instances of what could be either religious or psychic experiences? What about the "channeling" phenomenon of the past five years?

Dr. E: Well, yes and no. As was mentioned earlier, there is a project sardonically called "Holy See". It is being conducted by the Vatican and the CIA. Strange bedfellows! The New Age fad about contacts with angels, archangels and saints is part of another, more sinister scenario yet, which I am not at liberty to discuss here. The channeling phenomenon is also related to this sinister plot. Yet, there is some very genuine information being given to the public through this medium of channeling. I cannot disclose what the Source is, but it is mostly for the benefit of the New Age community that is very ignorant of science, naive, gullible, and almost stupid when it comes to tactical matters. They are in great danger, because they have been targeted for very precise protocols - a la Montauk - because thev are unable to differentiate a aenuine osvchic. oaranorma1 or religious experience-fromone that is induced either hologrqhicalZv or bv virtual realiv manivulations of a very advanced type, not the commercial Mickey Mouse stuff, if you pardon the expression, trash! They all think that spirit is taking to them. Little do they know who this "spirit" really is, and what it is up to. At this point, I want to mention two specific books that I think every New Ager should read. One is "Bringers of the New Dawn"by Barbara Marciniak, and the 2nd book of "meMontauk Project" by Preston Nichols. Not onZv is the New Aae but the Occult and Suzrihral communztv in prave d e e r ofbeina "mentallvraped". but also ofbeinp used as non-voluntary recruits to jkht a War thev don 't even understand. They all think they are being helped by "spirits", "aliens" and "masters" than "channel" through-them or talk through them; little do they know that allof this is being done with technology that is truly "out of this world!

Eyes Wide Open - Fiona Barnett 2nd Edition PDF URL

alt text

Syndicate - The Story Of The Coming World Government PDF URL

The Club of Rome first met in April 1968 at Rockefeller's private estate in 84 Bellagio, Italy. It was officially founded in 1968 by Aurelio Peccei, Chief Executive Officer of Giovanni Agnelli's Fiat Motor Company and head of the Atlantic Institute's Economic council for three decades, though it's also claimed that the Grand Orient was the driving force. He told his close friend the former American Secretary of State Alexander Haig that he felt "like Adam Weishaupt reincarnated." 85 The Club of Rome speaks on American affairs, Germany and Japan, and depopulation. It is credited with having formulated NATO's post-1068 policies and as operating under cover of NATO. It is composed of 100 prominent Anglo-American financiers and selected scientists, 88 industrialists, and economists of the world.

Taylor - Thanks for Memories - Memoirs of Bob Hope's and Henry Kissinger's Mind-Controlled Slave PDF URL

A former U.S. Army Lt. Col. in the DIA's Psychological Warfare Division, Michael Aquino, is the latest in a line of alleged government-sponsored sadists. Aquino, an eccentric genius, founded the Temple of Set, an offshoot of Anton LaVey's Church of Satan. His obsession with Nazi pagan rituals and his hypnotic manipulation of people

made him an ideal candidate for the position of "Master Programmer." Aquino was connected with the Presidio Army Base daycare scandal, in which he was accused of child molestation. Much to the dismay of the young victims' parents, all charges were dismissed. Sentence omitted Heinrich Mueller was another important programmer who went under the code names "Dr. Blue" or "Gog." He apparently has two sons who have carried on the trade. The original "Dr. Black" was apparently Leo Wheeler, the nephew of deceased General Earle G. Wheeler, who was the commander of the Joint Chiefs of Staff during the Vietnam War. Wheeler's protege, E. Hummel, is active in the Northwest, along with W. Bowers (from the Rothschild-bloodline). Other alleged master mind manipulators, past and present, are: Dr. Sydney Gottlieb, Lt. Col. John Alexander, Richard Dabney Anderson (USN), Dr. James Monroe, Dr. John Lilly, Lt. Comdr. Thomas Narut, Dr. William Jennings Bryan, Dr. Bernard L. Diamond, Dr. Martin Orne, Dr. Louis J. West, Dr. Robert J. Lifton, Dr. Harris Isbel and Col. Wilson Green. In order to keep MKULTRA from being easily detected, the CIA segmented its subprojects into specialized fields of research and development at universities, prisons, private laboratories and hospitals. Of course, they were rewarded generously with government grants and miscellaneous funding. The names and locations of some of the major institutions involved in MONARCH programming experimentation were/are:

  • Cornell, Duke, Princeton, UCLA, University of Rochester, MIT, Georgetown University Hospital, Maimonides Medical Center, St Elizabeth's Hospital (Washington, D.C.), Bell Laboratories, Stanford Research Institute, Westinghouse Friendship Laboratories, General Electric, ARCO and Manking Research Unlimited.

The 13 Satanic Bloodlines Paving the Road to Hell PDF URL

Much has been written about the invisible elite behind the New World Order, which is aimed at absolute control of the world. With the help of important networks, money and violence, this elite has infiltrated all structures of power. On all-important posts within governments, church organizations, science, education, finance, mass media and many other branches of society, the true leaders of this world have their men in position. From this starting point they wish to manipulate world history and lead all humankind to a forced world dictatorship. There aren’t many researchers who are getting answers as to how this is possible, and it is because the plans that will lead to this New World Order are being kept secret. Under normal circumstances these plans would leak sooner or later; because covert operations tend to be infiltrated with dissatisfied individuals or whistle-blowers. However, this is not what is being seen with the Illuminati. The Illuminati are masters in the art of secrecy. One of their best kept secrets and most important triumph as of yet is the successful containment of the ultra-secret Monarch Total Mind Control program. This program is the foundation of the dateless plan to force all of humankind into one universal slave state. The Monarch program and the mind control (control of someone’s consciousness) of a select few in society is guarantee for absolute secrecy of the plans that are to lead to the worldwide dictatorship of the Antichrist.

Fritz Springmeier - The Illuminati Formula PDF URL

The Illuminati is fully aware of rare bloodtypes and other genetic properties that run in bloodlines, and breed individuals to get certain traits, and they also take into consideration that certain weaknesses such as weak hearts or AB- negative blood with no RH factor will call for special attention. The criteria for non-Illuminati cults for their breeders is much lower. Often these are the cults’ leftovers. That is the difference between the good breeding of the Illuminati, and the degenerate thinking of the openly satanic groups.

Fritz Springmeier - The Illuminati Formula PDF URL

The previous book by this author The Top 13 Illuminati Bloodlines was intended to help people begin to understand the major role bloodlines play within the Illuminati. When this author was on speaking circuit, he ran into a number of researchers who had researched the New World Order and the Illuminati for years and not realized the significance of the bloodlines. In tracking the bloodlines, it became apparent that the European Illuminati bloodlines were trying to integrate some of the American Indian bloodlines into their own bloodlines. Why? They wanted the occult power that these bloodlines contributed. And it seems that not only do generational spirits help in many ways, but there are reasons to believe that the Aborigines of Australia, the Bushmen of the Kalahari, and some of the American Indian tribes such as the Cherokee have high paranormal abilities in addition to their demonic spiritual abilities. Some believe that the psi-gene was valuable for the survival of primitive hunter tribes, while tribes who went into agriculture lost some of the power of the primary and secondary psi-genes since natural selection would not have encouraged psi-genes in agricultural based societies. The primary psi-genes are thought by some to be some genetic coding which enhances proteins to be better biophysical batteries, storage units, and other roles. The secondary genetic psi-coding are thought to be codes for creating richer and higher-functioning neural pathways, and neural capabilities. Whether this was true, if the Illuminati believed it was true, it could account for their penchant for mixing in American Indian blood with their elite "blue blood."

BREEDING GOOD SUBJECTS for HYPNOSIS-hypnosis as it relates to selection & preparation of the victim.

Hypnosis and programming work well in the alpha state of the mind. This is why the child is traumatized even in the womb, so that it will naturally be in that alpha state even before birth. The man in the street may think that the hypnotist looks for weak-willed subjects, however the mind-control programmers and professional stage hypnotists say that a "fighter", "a determined forceful personality" are the types they search for to have a successful hypnotic session. Weak-willed persons are usually incapable of seriously concentrating for the successful pursuance of any idea, and usually are the worst subjects. Intelligence is often helpful, and (as stated in the first volume) the ability to be creative is extremely important to the programmers.

Fritz Springmeier - The Illuminati Formula PDF URL

These men are illegitimate rulers of the world. They have never gained from the common man the right to rule. Therefore they rule through puppets who owe their total allegiance to their mind-control masters. They are rapidly trying to establish legitimacy for themselves, and plan to culminate their plans to gain legitimacy with the rule of the AntiChrist, who will rule based on mass-produced myths and fantasies that the Illuminati will articulate to the imaginations of millions of slaves worldwide. They have already begun to market the AntiChrist and his reign to the world. The campaign for the acceptance of homosexuality is just one part of this marketing effort. They are also skillfully justifying their AntiChrist’s rule, by creating problems that only his superior management abilities and leadership skills will be able to deal with. The strength of New World Order and the AntiChrist’s rule is the total and undetectable mind-control that is being carried out on a mass scale to little children and people who fit specific profiles. According to a reliable deprogrammed source: Adults, who have the following profile are subjected to mind- control. This profile is:

  • alone without a support system of family or friends.
  • an I.Q. above 120.
  • good hypnotic candidate
  • has other attributes worthwhile to exploit

Fritz Springmeier - The Illuminati Formula PDF URL

(These groups form what insiders call "the Network." They are the backbone of what is known as the New World Order.)

  • Air Force Intelligence
  • Army Intelligence (such as CIC)
  • Atomic Energy Commission
  • Boeing
  • British Intelligence, in. MI-6, MI-5, & the Tavistock Institute Bureau of Narcotics
  • Bureau of Prisons
  • Catholic Church (incl. Jesuits)
  • Central Intelligence Agency, CIA (aka Agency, Company, Langley)
  • Charismatic movement
  • Church of Satan
  • Church of Scientology
  • Club 12 & Club 41
  • Country Music Industry
  • Defense Intelligence Agency, DIA
  • Department of Justice
  • Federal Bureau of Investigation, FBI
  • Freemasonry (esp. the Palladium Rite, 33o and above degrees,Quatuor Coronati Lodge, SRIA, and other Masonic affiliated organizations) GEPAN
  • German Intelligence (Shaback)
  • GHG
  • Hollywood
  • The House of Saud in Saudi Arabia (which has un-programmed slaves too)
  • The Illuminati (also known as The Circle, Moriah, Moriah-conquering- wind, Gnostics, Luciferians etc.) at all levels is involved in - trauma-based mind control as perpetrators & victims, incl. Frat. Saturni-Orden Fraternitas Saturni, THFS, FOGO, Golden Dawn, AntiC.Lucif. - Dyn, etc.
  • INS
  • Ku Klux Klan (different KKK groups) Mafia
  • Masons (see Freemasonry)
  • Mod in
  • Mossad (Mossad le Aliyah Beth) Mormon Church
  • NASA (National Space Admin.) National Security Agency NSA National Programs Office
  • National Science Foundation
  • Naval Intelligence (ONI)
  • Neo-nazi groups
  • Oddfellows
  • OTO (there are 4 groups)
  • P.4 (elite MI6 section)
  • Palo Mayombe
  • Process Church and its offshoot Chingun etc. Professional Baseball, such as the L.A. Dodgers
  • Russian government & intelligence groups (GRU & KGB & KGB’s successor, historically an early group known as Spets Byuro #1 called "Kamera" in Russian which means "Chamber" did drug/hypnosis mind control research. The Spetsburo was responsible for assassinations.)
  • Santaria
  • Satanic Hubs, Soc. of Dk. Lily, Chdrn of Lucifer (UK)
  • Temple of Power (previously known as Temple of Set)
  • Umbanda
  • US Army--esp. the Delta Forces & the 1st Earth Batt. USAF
  • Veteren’s Administration
  • Werewolf Order
  • Some Witchcraft groups besides Satanism & Moriah

Fritz Springmeier - Deeper Insights Into The Illuminati Forumula PDF URL

The University of Utah was just one of several dirty research facilities which re-searched on human guinea pigs how Tesla waves could be used to manipulate the mind into hearing voices. They discovered how simple it is to use these waves to override and implant thoughts into the mind, and to read the thoughts of the mind. Then they subjected hundreds of inmates at the Gunnison Facility of the Utah State Prison, the State Hospital and perhaps other Utah State Prison facilities to this brand of mind-control in order to test it. It certainly works.

Fritz Springmeier - The Illuminati Formula PDF URL

Obviously, a Mind-controlled slave is not going to have the freedom to reject a chip like this. This gives the owner a method for tracking the slave should they ever escape to their exact location. Many of the slaves, CIA agents, and military men have these implants already. Many Desert Shield troops (to make sure they weren’t lost in the desert) were required to get the tracking implants. Some countys are making it manditory for pets to get tracking implants.

Zersetzung URL

Use against individuals The Stasi applied Zersetzung before, during, after, or instead of incarcerating the targeted individual. The implementation of Zersetzung—euphemistically called Operativer Vorgang ("operational procedure")—generally did not aim to gather evidence against the target in order to initiate criminal proceedings. Rather, the Stasi considered Zersetzung as a separate measure to be used when official judiciary procedures were undesirable for political reasons, such as the international image of the GDR.[37]38 However, in certain cases, the Stasi did attempt to entrap individuals, as for example in the case of Wolf Biermann: The Stasi set him up with minors, hoping that they could then pursue criminal charges.39 The crimes targeted for such entrapment were non-political, such as drug possession, trafficking, theft, financial fraud, and rape.40

“...the Stasi often used a method which was really diabolic. It was called Zersetzung, and it's described in another guideline. The word is difficult to translate because it means originally "biodegradation." But actually, it's a quite accurate description. The goal was to destroy secretly the self-confidence of people, for example by damaging their reputation, by organizing failures in their work, and by destroying their personal relationships. Considering this, East Germany was a very modern dictatorship. The Stasi didn't try to arrest every dissident. It preferred to paralyze them, and it could do so because it had access to so much personal information and to so many institutions.” —Hubertus Knabe, German historian41

New Underworld Order.pdf PDF URL

John Follain's general conclusions were damning. 'Even today, the conspiracy of silence and the refusal to admit any responsibility prevails', he wrote in the epilogue to his book 'City of Secrets: The Startling Truth Behind the Vatican Murders' 200342. 'Although the three victims have long been buried, and the Vatican's enquiry - a shoddy affair that lied by omission - remains closed, the files of that enquiry are still locked away'43. When the Vatican decided to go onto the offensive, it chose to revile the Swiss Lance Corporal 'from every pulpit with a virulence worthy of the Holy Inquisition, and dismissed him as a drugged paranoiac. The Vatican even violated subjudice rules to leak key evidence... when that suited its purpose'44. Shortly after the deaths, an East German newspaper, Berliner Kurier, reported that Estermann had been a STASI operative with the codename 'Werder' who, equipped with a Vatican passport, could pass through border controls unchecked. The East German Communist newspaper revealed that during his first four years with the Swiss Guard, Estermann had sent at least seven files to his STASI (i.e., DVD) controllers, depositing them with the Rome-Innsbruck night train.

America In Peril - A Call To Arms PDF URL

Russian Spesnaz, highly trained special forces killers, are being stationed on U.S. military bases. These troops are the elite of Russian military intelligence. They are the world's most highly trained saboteurs and assassins. Spesnaz units are trained to run concentration camps, transport prisoners and handle civilian uprisings.

Dulce Book PDF URL

You mentioned that the Queen of England has been buying up a lot of property in Colorado under a pseudonym. Why don't we start on the subject of the British. (Note: according to former British Intelligence agent Dr. John Coleman, the London-based Wicca Mason lodges are one-third of the overall global conspiracy. The other two thirds are the Black Nobility banking families who claim direct descent from the early Roman emperors, and also the Maltese Jesuits or the Jesuit - Knights of Malta network. All three networks each have 13 representatives within the Bilderberg organization, which is a cover for the Bavarian Illuminati, suggestive that Bavaria itself has orchestrated a "marriage of convenience" between these three formerly competitive global control groups. - Branton)

America In Peril - A Call To Arms PDF URL

1,500,000 FOREIGN TROOPS IN THE U.S.! There are concrete reasons that traitors in the U.S. government have brought in more than 1,500,000 Russian and other foreign soldiers into the United States. There are reasons these more than 1,500,000 foreign soldiers have been carefully spread around on a variety of U.S. military bases. We do know these 1,500,000 despise-America Russians as well as the many other foreign troops will gleefully conduct house-to-house searches for guns, food and water. They'll categorize and arrest American civilians and send many millions to slave labor concentration camps! We must not ignore the fact that these 1,500,000 troops will be acting on behest of the New World Order in forcibly subjugating America! Yes, they are the enemy and they'll have to be dealt with accordingly!

America In Peril - A Call To Arms PDF URL

CONCENTRATION CAMPS AND THE MULTI- JURISDICTIONAL TASK FORCE! The Multi Jurisdictional Task Force (MJTF) police is no more than the KGB of the United Nations. Exactly what is the role of this secret police organization in the New World Order scheme? They explain it best: "Our mission is to conduct house to house search and seizure, separation and categorization of men, women and children in large numbers, categorization and transfer to detention facilities, and the running of detention facilities." They said it, not me! And what did Senator Exon say a moment ago?

David Icke - The Biggest Secret PDF URL

One of the main locations for the Anunnaki and the Martians or Aryans, particularly during and after the Venus cataclysm of around 4,800 BC, were the mountains of Turkey, Iran and Kurdistan, and it was from here that they and their hybrids re-emerged when the waters receded. It was they who created the ‘instant’ advanced civilisations in the low lands of Sumer, Egypt, Babylon and the Indus Valley. A particular centre for the Anunnaki reptilians would seem to have been the Caucasus Mountains and this is an area that will appear again and again in this story. I feel there was a major breeding programme in this region, probably underground, which produced a very large number of hybrid reptile-human crossbreeds. One area of research that is highly relevant to this region are the number of people with Rh negative or rhesus negative blood. Often rhesus negative babies turn blue immediately after birth. This is the origin of the term ‘blue bloods’ for royal bloodlines and other terms like ‘true blue’. It is speculated that the ‘blue’ bloodlines could be of Martian decent and from wherever the Martian bloodlines came from before that. Far more white people are Rh negative than blacks or Asians.

The Transhumanist Reader PDF URL

And then there is the allegedly special case of “manufactured children.” Along with many other opponents of enhancement technologies, Lawler darkly speculates that enhanced children will be less loved than those produced the old-fashioned way: “A world in which children are manufactured and sex and procreation are totally disconnected would surely be one without much love, one where one manufactured being would have little natural or real affection to other manufactured beings” (Lawler 2005: 69). But Lawler and his confreres need not speculate on what happens to parental love in such cases – we have actual data. “For all the deference that conservative bioethics pays to the implicit wisdom from the ages, it rarely mines the recent past for lessons. Instead of concentrating on the ancients, why not also study the history of in vitro fertilization, paid egg donation, and surrogate motherhood to learn about cultural resistance and adaptation to such practices?” asks physician Sally Satel (Satel 2010). Indeed. Fears about waning parental love and loosening generational ties were expressed by many bioethicists when in vitro fertilization began to be used in the 1970s and 1980s. Forty years later, the evidence is that their worries were overblown. Recent research finds that IVF children and their parents are as well-adjusted as those born in the conventional way (Colpin and Bossaert 2008). There are no good reasons to doubt that this will not be the case for enhanced children in the future as well. As Frances Kamm argues, “Not accepting whatever characteristics nature will bring but altering them ex-ante does not show lack of love ... This is because no conscious being yet exists who has to work hard to achieve new traits or suffer fears of rejection at the idea they should be changed. Importantly, it is rational and acceptable to seek good characteristics in a new person, even though we know when the child comes to be and we love him or her, many of these characteristics may come and go and we will continue to love the particular person” (Kamm 2008: 113). In fact, so many infertile people have wanted to have children to love that more than 4 million have been brought into the world using various reproductive technologies since the birth of the first test-tube baby back in 1979. What about the Council’s fears that age-retardation technologies would undermine “the meaning of the life cycle” so that we would not be able “to make sense of what time, age, and change should mean to us.” Left-leaning environmental writer Bill McKibben has also expressed that concern. “Without mortality, no time,” writes McKibben. “All moments would be equal; the deep, sad, human wisdom of Ecclesiastes would vanish. If for everything there is an endless season, then there is also no right season. The future stretches before you endlessly flat” (McKibben 2003: 186). Actually, the deep sad wisdom of Ecclesiastes is a very powerful human response of existential dread to the oblivion that stretches endlessly before the dead. “For the living know that they shall die: but the dead know not any thing, neither have they any more a reward; for the memory of them is forgotten. Also their love, and their hatred, and their envy, is now perished; neither have they any more a portion for ever in any thing that is done under the sun,” writes the Preacher (Ecclesiastes 9:5–6). If early death is not inevitable, most of humanity would be happy to spend the extra time granted them to learn new teachings and new wisdom. If the endless future turns out to be as horrible as McKibben imagines it to be, then people will undoubtedly choose to give up their empty, meaningless lives. On the other hand, if people opt to live yet longer would that not mean they had found sufficient pleasure, joy, love, and even meaning to keep them going? McKibben is right: We do not know what immortality would be like. But should that happy choice become available, we can still decide whether or not we want to enjoy it. Even if the ultimate goal of this technological quest is immortality, what will be immediately available is only longevity. The experience of longer lives will give humanity an opportunity to see how it works out. If immortality is a problem, it is a self-correcting problem. Death always remains an option.

Project Monarch PDF URL

A majority of the victims/survivors come from multi-generational Satanic families (bloodlines) and are ostensibly programmed “to fill their destiny as the chosen ones or chosen generations” (a term coined by Mengele at Auschwitz). Some are adopted out to families of similar origin. Others used in this neurological nightmare are deemed as the “expendable ones” (non-bloodliners), usually coming from orphanages, foster care homes, or incestuous families with a long history of pedophilia. There also appears to be a pattern of family members affiliated with government or military intelligence agencies.

New Underworld Order URL

Another line of enquiry allocates the 'Black Nobility's primary derivation from the oli- garchic families of Venice and Genoa, who enjoyed privileged monopoly trading rights in the 12th century. During the first of three Crusades, lasting from 1063 to 1123, the power of the Venetian Black Nobility was established; and the aristocracy had secured complete control over Venice by 1171, when the appointment of the Doge was transferred to a Great Council consisting of members of the new banking and commercial aristocracy, including members of the infamous de Medici family. In 1204, the oligarchic families parcelled out feudal enclaves to their members. The term 'Black Nobility' is derived from this mediaeval elite's routine resort to dirty tricks, secret assassinations, murder, blackmail, the bearing of false witness, the bankrupting of opponents or commercial competitors, kidnapping, child molestation, rape and all the other abominations that are routine among certain intelligence community cadres today. Although sources do not attribute drug-running to these families, it is inconceivable that drugs were not also among their specialities. The principal 'Black Nobility' families, with extensive Jewish content, as most of their names reveal - due to the pre-eminence of Jewish (Khazar) bankers and monopoly merchants among those who consolidated power in city states and principalities all over Europe during the Middle Ages - are listed as: The House of Windsor (Guelph), Britain; The Belgian House of Wettin; The Swedish House of Bernadotte; The House of Liechtenstein; The House of Oldenberg, Denmark; The House of Hohenzollern, Germany; The House of Hanover, Germany (second in importance to the House of Guelph (Windsor); The House of Bourbon, France; The House of Orange, Netherlands (William of Orange was originally the Jew William Stradholder who was first elevated to the rank of Captain-General of the Dutch Forces); The House of Grimaldi, Monaco; The House of Wittelsbach, Germany; The House of Braganza, Portugal; The House of Nassau, Luxembourg; The Austrian House of Hapsburg; The House of Savoy, Italy; The House of Karadjordevic, Yugoslavia; The House of Wurttemberg, Germany; and The House of Zogu, Albania. All the listed families are connected with the House of Guelph, one of the original Venetian 'Black Nobility' families.

Valdamar Valerian - Matrix III Volume 1.pdf PDF URL

There are planetary grid nodes on almost every mi7itary base. What we're talking about with the earth is putting the earth to sleep in order to prevent any geo709ica7 changes of any great magnitude from occurring. We're pumping signa1s into the grid points, which you might compare to human chakras. It is mind control, in a way, that is also being done to the planetary mind of the earth.

Architects of Deception - Secret History Of Freemasonry.pdf PDF URL

Eckart was a prominent occultist initiated into the art of black magic by Aleister Crowley (actually Edward Alexander Crowley, 1875- 1947) in a magic colony, the Abbey of Thelema, founded by Crowley in 1920 in Cefalu, Sicily. Crowley initiated several others occultists of Hitler's close associates in the secrets of magic. Crowley worshipped Baphomet. All members of the colony were punished, if they forgot to avoid the first person in their speech. Following the death allegedly of food poisoning of one of the colony's members, Raoul Loveday in 1923, the British press began to publish articles about Crowley's magic orgies. The members of the colony had sacrificed a cat and consumed its blood as a magic rite, shortly before the death of Loveday. The Italian leader Benito Mussolini then forced Crowley to leave the country, as he had practised perverse sexual magic (he had homosexual relations with Victor Neuberg and others) and ritual child abuse. According to several sources, he sacrificed children. Crowley himself stated that he had sacrificed 150 young boys between 1912 and 1928. He also practised drug magic. Crowley encouraged human sacrifice, particularly of children.

Misc/Confessions of an Illuminati - Volume VII.pdf PDF URL

However, the end of all official Illuminati activities in Stein in 2009, was confirmed in 2011, by Lashtall, the official publication of the Sovrano Ordine del Tempio della Via della Luce (S.O.T.V.L.), an independent Italian branch of Crowley’s Illuminati, based in Bellinzago Novarese near Novara in Northern Italy.462 Karl Germer aka Frater Saturnus, who was Crowley’s disciple, and chief representative in the United States, after the Second World War, once warned the founder of S.O.T.O., Marcelo Ramos Motta, about the feared Swiss Illuminati, the “the Swiss Group,” as Germer used to call them, denouncing one of its members, Sabbatean Frankist Oscar Schlag, saying he was not sincere in his passion for Thelema and “A.C.” (Aleister Crowley). Describing in the process, the very interesting connections that the Swiss members seem to have with “such things as C.I.A., F.B.I., and whatnot”: ... It seems to me that you want to get initiated into the Netherworld of enemies, spies, and that type quickly, at an earlier period of life than I, anyway ... As soon as anyone contacts Thelema, and especially if he does actual work for it, he or she gets the kindest attention, not only attacks. What they prefer is to win him over back into their fold, and subtly work against 93, while pretending to be an exponent for it ... This, I am afraid, is the case with the Swiss group. Yes, I warned you years ago against Schlag. He is a Jew, High-Grade Mason, hates the O.T.O., is a political trouble-maker, psychologist, seems to have plenty of money, travels all over the globe, is in touch with such things as C.I.A., F.B.I., and whatnot. He has possibly the greatest occult library extant, has every scrap that A.C. ever issued, has things Thelemic that I do not have myself. The last time I ever saw him was in New York in a hotel; he boasted that he had the only handwritten copy of The Book of the Law in A.C.’s hand. When challenged, he brought it down to the car, and I spotted at once the origin—to his great chagrin ...463

Of course, Peter-Robert Koenig, was by his admission, a friend of the late Illuminati, homosexual spy, and “political trouble-maker,” Oscar Schlag464 who considered himself the reincarnation of none other than Carl Kellner. Let’s not forget that Kellner, as I mentioned earlier, was the founder of the O.T.O., and the late Schlag is also indicated as an alleged “psychological warfare” specialist from Israel.465 “the Swiss Group,” seem to have always been a very important outpost for the Sabbatean-Frankists. I wanted to talk about them in detail because I want to introduce you first to the occult reality around the Swiss Illuminati, before moving further in my description of the opening of the gates of hell and other diableries that happened there in Switzerland in 2016, after all, the Headquarters of the infamous World Health Organization is also in Switzerland. ​ In 2016, Europe’s most powerful people attended a bizarre Satanic opening ceremony in Switzerland for the inauguration of the Gotthard Base Tunnel, a dark, disturbing, and weird, Illuminati ritual made in public, that indicated the elite was no longer hiding their true Satanic beliefs. Measuring over 57 km and costing over 11 billion Euros, the Gotthard Base Tunnel became the world’s longest and most expensive tunneling project in history and was said to be a symbol of European unification in a context of rising nationalism and closing borders (the usual leftist propaganda). While most would expect an upbeat, celebratory ceremony for this kind of event, the guests were treated to a disturbing show orchestrated by German director Volker Hesse, where a man dressed as a goat presided over what was a Satanic/Luciferian ritual.

Part 1 -Selection Process - Gang Stalking - DEW, RNM Explained - Targeted Individuals- Gangstalking URL

Mind Control, World Control PDF URL

The mind control topic that has received the most publicity—and argument—in recent years is the alleged government Project MONARCH. Some hypnotherapists and alleged victims have come forward telling of the existence of this supposedly CIA-sponsored program, while a flood of copycat reports have relied on these sources. A book published in 1995, Trance Formation of America, was written on the subject by a confessed victim, Cathy O'Brien, and her deprogrammer husband, Mark Phillips. In this apparently vanity-printed tome O'Brien alleges that she was a victim of MKULTRA MONARCH mind control for the majority of her life, and was only rescued when she was deprogrammed at the age of 30 by Phillips, who says that he is a formerly CIA-connected hypnotherapist.

Mind Control, World Control PDF URL

Uninformed conspiracy theorizing is coupled with page after page of unverified "Illuminati" codes, details on mind control bases (they allege Area 51 in Nevada is one of these, where an estimated 2,000,000 Monarch slaves have been programmed), analyses of movies and television programs as purveyors of Monarch codes, and a hodgepodge of other things including reprinted pages from a Star Trek "technical manual" alleged to be used for programming.

Valdamar Valerian - Matrix III Volume 2 PDF URL

If they were raised from birth in a mainstream cult or if they were an non-bloodline person, meaning neither parent was in the Cult, but Cult people had a lot of access to them in early childhood, they may also have it. I have seen more than one ritual-abuse patient who clearly had all the kind of ritual things you hear about. They seemed very genuine. They talked about al the typical things that you hear in this population, but had none of this programming with prolonged extensive checking. So I believe in one case I was personally treating that she was a kind of schizmatic break-off that had kind of gone off and done their own thing and were no longer hooked into a mainstream group.

The Hidden Evil URL


Gang Stalking groups will interfere with every personal & business relationship you have.(7) Since they are state- sanctioned they can easily keep you unemployed. Job opportunities will be trashed. They get paid to make sure that you don t. Most targeted people are unemployed. Many would be homeless if it weren t for parents, siblings, or friends. If you re targeted & are lucky enough to still be employed, you may be harassed into leaving by your employer & coworkers.(101) You may have a successful interview & are virtually guaranteed the job, but never hear from the prospective employer, & they don t return your calls to tell you what went wrong. According to an article in The Christian Science Monitor titled Blacklisted by the bank, Blacklisting was originally used as a foreign-policy tool.(391) At some point federal organizations decided to start using it on individuals as well.

Some tactics used to keep you Blacklisted include interfering with communications, & slander. Also there are lists & software packages used to check these lists for suspected terrorists, threats to national security, etc.(109) Apparently this is a flourishing business & some organizations are required by law to use it.

The Hidden Evil URL

This hate crime appears to be a combination of early mind-control & harassment programs such as Cointelpro & MKULTRA, as well as Gang Stalking tactics used by the KKK. The objective is to create so much pain in the environment of the person that they are driven to homelessness or suicide. It is used to isolate & remove economical & social support structures, & therefore, destabilize a persons life with the intent to drive them to suicide.(200) Basically it's forever, they never leave you alone. You're followed out of the country, & there is no way to get away from it.

Fritz Springmeier - The Illuminati Formula Used To Create An Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave URL

Hierarchy slaves will in turn be used to program and train other hierarchy children, while CIA slaves and Mafia slaves and KKK slaves etc. will be discarded. This is why a Presidential Model is "thrown from the Freedom Train the name of the Monarch Program in the Underworld". Women and men in the Illuminati will continue to help with the programming their entire lives.

The Illuminati is programming such vast numbers of children, they need everyone of their able members to help. Moriah's total membership worldwide numbers in the millions. The Illuminati regimen for their children is far more controlling than the CIA's programming. Not everyone in the Illuminati gets their mind-split and becomes a programmed multiple. However, everyone does get some type of mind- control.

David Icke - The Biggest Secret PDF URL

Many of today’s most famous financial and business families are members of the Black Nobility lines of the Babylonian Brotherhood. The Warburg banking dynasty is in fact of the Abraham del Banco family, the biggest banking family in Venice when the city was at the height of its powers and influence. The Agnelli family, famous for the car giant, Fiat (remember fiat money?), is another of these Black Nobility bloodlines. This is why the Agnellis control Italy and dictate to its governments. Another of the most powerful Black Nobility families of Venice were the de Medicis and it was they who sponsored the journey of Christopher Columbus to ‘discover’ the Americas. The reason for that will become clear soon. The de Medicis also sponsored the artist, Leonardo da Vinci, a leading initiate of the secret society network. Da Vinci was able to predict some of the future development of technology because he knew what most of the public were not allowed to know. His famous depiction of the man within the circle was symbolic of the golden mean geometry on which the major sacred sites of the world are designed and located.

Project Superman URL

As it turns out the whole thing was true and nearly the entire FBI was under the control of the Illuminati, and when they would say the "magic word" they would all turn and say "HEIL HITLER". After a few months the FBI got control of the situation (supposedly) and arrested all of the physiologists involved, deprogrammed all of the agents, all of the military generals, as well as most of the members of the Senate I would assume and Congress, as well as President Clinton.

David Icke - The Biggest Secret PDF URL

It makes sense because the Brotherhood pick the Popes, of course. Prince Bernhard, a German who married into the Dutch Royal Family, just as William of Orange had done, is a reptilian blood relative and great friend of Britain’s Prince Philip. Together they launched the World Wildlife Fund, now the Worldwide Fund for Nature (WWF). The last thing they were interested in was protecting wildlife as we shall see in a later chapter. In 1968 came the Club of Rome, headed by the Bilderberger and Freemason, Aureho Peccei (Comm 300), the number two at Fiat to the Black Nobility Bilderberger, Giovanni Agnelli. Peccei once said to his friend, the former US Secretary of State, Alexander Haig (TC, Knight of Malta), that he felt like Adam Weishaupt reincarnated.3 Weishaupt was the man behind the Bavarian Illuminati. The Club of Rome, set up at the Rockefeller family’s private estate at Bellagio in Italy, created the environmental movement.


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