
Found in 107 Books

File: Alexander Putney - Lightwater -


  • 1 Fourth - Density Realms 2 Contacts From Koldas 3 The Plejaren 4 Urandir’s Transport 5 Golden Planets 6 Betelgeuse & the Red Dawn 1 – 44 45 – 66 67 – 124 125 – 150 151 – 192 193 – 222


  • n [alignment] that only occurs around every 26,000 years. The Mayan calculations are assuming that Earth - on the 21 st of December 2012 - shall lie on an imaginary line that joins together the star [Betelgeuse,] above the left side of the constellation Orion with the Central Sun, [situated at] the centre of the Milky Way. The Sun meets the Milky Way at a location that is built by interstellar dust clouds,


  • ise of an era of rejuvenation using electrum-enriched foods and drinks to reclaim our own natural ability ‘to regenerate the cells of our bodies at will’ in the enhanced cosmic ray environment of the Betelgeuse supernova blast. At this juncture, the development of human consciousness on Earth will benefit from dramatic cosmic environmental changes, ‘as Nature itself enters the stage to assist the pupil’ in


  • 6 Betelgeuse & the Red Dawn


  • 194 Betelgeuse & the Red Dawn An inexorable sequence of natural electromagnetic events is unfolding that demands our full attention, and underlies the shifting currents of human consciousness. Ancient Sanskrit know


  • nts accurately depicted as the y were before the fall of Atlantis! Star maps on flat stone plates were inlaid with UV -fluorescent calcite mortars depicting the constellations surrounding Orion, with Betelgeuse (fluorescing in red) as one of the three large stars forming the Winter Triangle with Sirius and Procyon. This star map is also presented on the largest goblet (above, center). Celestial waters were


  • lar observations in 2009 reveal the hidden threads which link one star system’s fate with another. A research team at UC Berkeley has re cently reported data indicating the nearby red supergiant star Betelgeuse is shrinking in the process of imminent collapse: Betelgeuse is enshrouded by vast clouds of gas and dust, so measuring its size is difficult. To cut through this cocoon, Charles T ownes of the Unive


  • m the center of our galaxy that traverse its arms, gaining momentum from the radiated energy of supernovae that are set off by the wave’s influence in a chain of events moving outward. Red supergiant Betelgeuse, at the shoulder of the constellation Orion (at left), is the nearest in a chain of supernova events along the expanding wave front, and acts as our local indicator by which we can estimate the arriv


  • owed it to creep on its elliptical path back into close proximity of the solar system without our awareness, and its ignition will likely be triggered by the imminent wave front from the supernova of Betelgeuse. The red light of purification will emanate from this newly visible star, dramatically changing the color of our skies to a flaming red. This is referred to in the ancient wisdom as the Red Dawn of t


  • approximately 309,888 years (12 x 12 Precession cycles of 2,152 years) nears completion with the returning Dark Star on its near 36,650 year elliptical cycle (2,152 x 17 = 36,584), as red supergiant Betelgeuse shrinks in collapse, poised to illuminate all that is hidden within the shadows of the human heart and our entire solar system. Prophetically foretold signs are to be seen in their dramatic fulf illm


  • e Productions , pp. 116 -162 6 Quetza Sha GA (1996) ‘The Manuscript of the Crystal Golden Water of Tlacote’ Human Resonance, online · http://www. 7 Courtland R (2009) ‘Betelgeuse the Incred ible Shrinking Star’ New Scientist , June 10, online · -betelgeuse- the -incredible -shrinking -star.html 8 Castaneda C (1991 ) ‘ The Fire From
  • e, online · http://www. 7 Courtland R (2009) ‘Betelgeuse the Incred ible Shrinking Star’ New Scientist , June 10, online · -betelgeuse- the -incredible -shrinking -star.html 8 Castaneda C (1991 ) ‘ The Fire From Within ’ Washington Square Press, pp. 121 9 Brown T (1999) ‘ Night of the Red Sky: The Prophetic Vision of 'Grandfather' N

File: Alexander Putney - Phi -


  • ctly conform to current observations, suggesting their great antiquity; yet can still be easily identified as a representation of the region of the night sky around Orion, the hunter. Red stars, like Betelgeuse (the right shoulder of Orion), are inlaid with calcite combinations that glow red under ultraviolet light. Also depicted are the lone star Aldebaran, the Pleiades or Seven Sisters, and Castor and Pol

File: Alice A. Bailey, Djwhal Khul - Esoteric Astrology (2 Dec 2012, Lucis Publishing Companies) -

  • t there are other impacts of relative insignificance.To these would be added other streams of energy which definitely play upon andaffect our planetary life, such as those coming from that great star,Betelgeuse, or from Antares and other stupendous suns and solar systems whichare related to the constellations of the zodiac and whose force reaches usthrough these constellations and not directly.Besides these

  • 8, 183, 191, 192, 227, 232-233, 242, 248, 249of spirit and matter, 599Baptism, symbolism, 223-224Base of spine-Solar plexus-Heart triangle, 689Battlefield, crisis, 101Being, true, meaning, lesson, 467Betelgeuse, influence, 15Bhagavad-Gita , quotation, comments, 271-272, 592, 618, 631Birthplace crisis, 101Birth places, four, 102-103Blavatsky, H. P., Libran, 249Blood stream, effect of Mars, 211, 212-213Body–a

File: Alice A. Bailey, Djwhal Khul - Rays and the Initiations (1 Dec 2012, Lucis Publishing Companies) -

  • ds the sun.> Quality gained . . . Electrical velocity.PATH III. PATH OR TRAINING FOR PLANETARY LOGOI> Attributes . . . . . Cosmic vision, deva hearing and psychic correlation.> Source . . . . . . . . Betelgeuse, via the sign Sagittarius.> Hierarchy . . . . . .The fifth.> Method . . . . . . . .Prismatic identification.> Symbol . . . . . . . A coloured cross with a star at the centre and backed by> a blazing

File: Alice A. Bailey, Djwhal Khul - Treatise on Cosmic Fire (4 Dec 2012, Lucis Publishing) -

  • e group ofconstellations, and the force occasionally emanating from them which has attimes to be taken into calculation. For instance, the interest awakened in thepublic mind lately by the giant star Betelgeuse in the constellation of Orion isdue to the fact that at this particular time there has been an interplay offorce between our tiny system and this giant one, and communication between thetwo informing

  • ward, and Their placesmust be taken.Students may be surprised to know that the source of the peculiar cosmic energywhich is found streaming towards our system along this cosmic Path is that ofthe sun Betelgeuse. This name is, however, a blind. The reason that certainfacts connected with this sun have lately come more prominently before thepublic is in reality a subjective one. The science of the soul in its

File: Alice Bailey - Esoteric Phychology II -


  • he effect upon the mind and brain is real and lasting. One of the first effects is the stabilizing of emotional reaction. 3. Influential and potent forces pouring in at this time from the great stars Betelgeuse and Sirius. To these two influences, the disciples of the world in the senior ranks of the New Group of World Servers definitely react, and they produce a stimulation of the heart center (Betelgeuse)

File: Witness Of The Stars -


  • to His Person: Al Giauzd, the branch; Al Gebor, the mighty ; Al Mirzam, the ruler; Al Nagjcd, the prince; Niphla (Chaldee), the mighty ; Nux (Hebrew), the strong. Some names relate to His coming, as Betelgeuse and Bellatrix, as above; Heka (Chaldee), coming; and Meissa (Hebrew), coming forth. Such is the cumulative testimony of Orion s stars, which, day after day, and night after night, show forth this kno

File: A_Buyers_and_Users_Guide_to_Astronomical_Telescopes_and_Binoculars -


  • Observing Techniques 95 contrasting hues of ruddy-orange Betelgeuse and blue-white Rigel in the constel- lation Orion is one striking example in the winter sky. Another can be found in the spring and summer sky by comparing blue-white Vega in Lyra and orange Arcturus


  • r small telescopes focus more than enough photons onto the retina to make their hues unmistakable even to beginning observers. If you think all stars are simply white, just compare the color of ruddy Betelgeuse ( α Orionis) with that of bluish Rigel ( β Orionis) in the well-known winter constellation of Orion – or the blue-white hue of Vega ( α Lyrae) with that of golden Arcturus ( α Bootis) in the summer s


  • h time, in periods that range from just minutes to several years. Most of these restless suns are red giants or supergiants, which pulsate not only in brightness but also in physical size. Some, like Betelgeuse, are found among the bright naked-eye stars, while others are at the limits of the largest amateur telescopes. It’s conservatively estimated by astronomers that at least 10% of all stars are variable


  • Appendix 3 186 OBJECT/CON RA DEC TYPE MAG/S SIZE/SEP REMARKS IC 4665 OPH 17 46 + 05 43 OC 4.2 41 ′ Called a Summer Beehive Cluster – sweet in binoculars! 1,30 0 LY α ORI 05 55 + 07 24 SS 0.4–1.3 – Betelgeuse. Fiery topaz-red supergiant sun – a dazzling gem! 520LY β ORI 05 14 − 08 12 DS 0.1, 6.8 10 ′′ Rigel. Beautiful radiant blue-white supergiant sun with fainter attendant, forming a splendid magnitude-


  • ndex 198 β Lyrae, 135 Barlow lenses, 62 Barnard, Edward Emerson, 149 Barns, C.E., 104, 125, 156 Beehive Cluster (M44), 41 Bennett, D.A., 158 Bernhard, H.J., 158 Berry, Richard, 5 Berthier, Denis, 100 Betelgeuse ( α Orionis), 95, 126, 132 Binoculars aperture, 10 binocular eyepiece viewers, 64 binocular telescopes, 14 collimation, 8 depth perception, 9 exit pupil, 10 eye relief, 10 focusing, 10 giant, 13 imag

File: Astronomy_with_a_Home_Computer -


  • gnitude, depending on how dark your skies are, and with a 200-mm (8-inch) reflector third and fourth magnitude stars are possi- ble. Attractively colored stars are of course obvious targets, Antares, Betelgeuse, Vega and Rigel being some of the more obvious stars well known for their bright- ness as well as their strong coloration. Since the apparent size of stars is even less than that of planets, it is ev

File: Binocular_Astronomy -


  • There are no bright stars in the immediate region. Possibly the simplest star-hop is to follow the line from l Ori through Betelgeuse ( a Ori ) for a further three 2.5- degree fields until you come to e Mon . Just under one field E of e Mon , NGC2239 (also designated NGC 2244) is the cluster of stars that appears around 12 Mon , wh


  • Binocular Astronomy This cluster is most easily found with the aid of a reflex finder or low-power, wide- field binoculars. Find the center of a line joining Betelgeuse ( a Ori ) to b CMi and offset 2 degrees in the direction of g Gem ( Alhena ). The cluster surrounds the star 15 Mon . This bright cluster has a characteristic wedge shape from which it derives its co

File: Idiots_Guide_to_Astronomy -


  • ressed in degrees north or south of the equator (Philadelphia, for instance, is 40 degrees north), celestial declination is expressed in degrees + (above) or – (below) the celestial equator. The star Betelgeuse, for example, is at a declination of +7 degrees, 24 minutes. On a globe, the lines of longitude run vertically from pole to pole. They demarcate angular distance measured east and west of the so-call


  • degrees long. The star Rigel, brightest in the Orion constellation, marks the hunter’s foot, 10 degrees below and to the west of Orion’s Belt. About the same distance and direction above the Belt is Betelgeuse, a reddish star, whose name is Arabic for “armpit of the giant.” And that is precisely what Betelgeuse marks: Orion’s armpit. If you look at the winter star chart on the tear-out card, you’ll also se


  • earth is Star Words A solar day is measured from sunup to sunup (or noon to noon, or sunset to sunset). A sidereal day is measured from star rise to star rise, for example, t he time between the star Betelgeuse rising above the hori- zon one day and the next. A solar day is 3.9 minutes longer t han a sidereal day. Astro Byte Yo u can check out for yourself t he difference between the solar day and the sider


  • : Stepping Out into the Stars.” Arab astronomers like Al-Sûfi also contributed star maps and catalogues, which were so influential that many of the star names in use today are of Arab origin (such as Betelgeuse, Aldebaran, and Algol), as are such basic astro- nomical terms as azimuth and zenith. 05 1981 CH04 6/11/01 9:27 AM Page 48


  • u buy it, so purchase only an instrument that comes with a no- questions-asked return policy. Put the telescope through its paces by focusing on a reasonably bright star. You may want to find Altair, Betelgeuse or Arcturus, for example. On a night with good seeing, the star should focus to a clean point. Next, using the highest magnification, slightly unfocus the image by turning the focus knob first one wa


  • entation, then, astronomers can accurately read the temperature of even very distant objects in space. And even without sophisticated equipment, you can startle your friends by letting them know that Betelgeuse (a r eddish star) must have a lower surface temperature than the yellow sun. Astronomers also use the spectrum to learn even more about distant sources. A spectroscope passes incoming light through a


  • what? It’s still a point of light! Only very recently (with the advent of the Hubble Space Telescope ) have we been able to resolve the disks of any stars. In 1996, the HST took a picture of the star Betelgeuse. This image was the first resolved image of a star other than the sun. The Very Large Array has also been used to image Betelgeuse. Although far away (500 light-years), Betelgeuse is a red giant, and


  • of red giants. Two of the most impressive are Aldebaran, the brightest star in the constellation Taurus, and Arcturus, in Boötes. Look to t he constellation Orion for an example of a red supergiant, Betelgeuse (pronounced Beetlejuice ). You’ll find very large array image of Betelgeuse in Chapter 17. A Flash in the Pan A red giant may continue on its unstable career for a few hundred million years, out- war


  • de, 134 barred-spiral galaxies, 319 basalt, 158 baseline, 254 Beck Telescope, 87 Bell Burnell, S. Jocelyn, 277 Bellatrix, (star), 15 belts, Jupiter, 213 Beta Cygni, 260 Beta Taurid meteor shower, 188 Betelgeuse, 252, 270 (star), 15 declination, 8 Big Bang, 361 flatness problem, 376-377 horizon problem, 375 origin, 364 timeline of events, 364 Big Dipper, 12 binary stars, 260-264 eclipsing binaries, 264-265 s


  • on moon, 155 sidereal days, 33 solar days, 33 De Docta Ignorantia, Nikolaus Krebs, 50 De Revolutionibus Orbium Caelestium, Copernicus, 51 death of solar system, 171 dec, (declination), 8 declination Betelgeuse, 8 planets, 210 deferents, 43 degenerate electron gases, 272 degenerate neutrons, 280 degrees, 8-10 Deimos, Martian moon, 203 Deneb (star), 14 Deneb Algiedi (star), 15 density jovian planets, 208 Nep


  • tem- perature, 113 Reber, Grote, 120 receiver horns, radio tele- scopes, 121 red color of Mars, 200 red dwarfs, 264 red giants, 264, 269-270 red light, frequency and wavelength, 107 red supergiants, Betelgeuse, 270 redshifting, 258, 360 cosmological redshift, 369 quasars, 333 reflecting telescopes, 71 Cassegrain focus, 73 concave mirrors, 72 coudé-focus, 73 design differences, 73 Schmidt-Cassegrain, 74 sph


  • htness, 259 Alberio, 260 Aldebaran, 16, 270 Alpha Centauri, 14, 256 Alpheratz, 14 Altair, 14 angular velocity, 257 Antares, 14 apparent brightness, 259 Arcturus, 13, 270 Bellatrix, 15 Beta Cygni, 260 Betelgeuse, 8, 15, 252, 270 binary stars, 264 black dwarfs, 272 brown dwarfs, 299 Capella, 15 Castor, 15 Cepheid variables, 261 charts, 13 circumpolar, 22 classes, 262 clusters, 16, 299 core hydrogen burning, 2

File: The_Urban_Astronomers_Guide -


  • e east and to the smoky fall stars. Autumn almost seems like an intermission before the great winter sky show begins. The dull stars of autumn lack the majesty of the brilliant beacons of wintertime— Betelgeuse, Rigel, Capella and, of course, Sirius. Likewise, the DSOs of autumn, the M72s and M1s are not as splashy as the M42s and M35s to come. But this is not to say that there are no spectacular DSOs on-vi


  • er. The sky appears darker because it actually is darker. Then there are the glorious stars of the winter Milky Way. Their names trip off our tongues as we stand awed: Castor, Pollux, Capella, Rigel, Betelgeuse. It’s true that the summer sky actually features more bright stars, but the luminaries of winter, set against black-velvet skies and arranged in artful forms stand out better in our eyes and in our h


  • arranged in a crescent shape. This group probably requires an 8-inch telescope to see well, though it’s no doubt detectable in much smaller instruments as a small hazy patch. Look for it northeast of Betelgeuse. Start at Phi Orionis, 4 ◦ 35  west of Betelgeuse, draw a line from Phi and through Betelgeuse and on into space for the same distance, 4 ◦ 35  , and you’ll find NGC 2186 nestled in a medium rich s


  • nditions can make larger aperture necessary for success with Meissa. Lambda is easy to locate, being, as mentioned earlier, one of the three stars in Orion’s triangular head, just to the northwest of Betelgeuse and Bellatrix. Don’t ever discount the value of your most wonderful optical instrument—your unaided eyes. I think one of my most memorable views of Orion’s blazing suns was with my unhindered eyes. O


  • hole. The Rosette can be difficult to find despite its large size. If you don’t have go-to scope, the most expeditious way to locate it is to draw a line from Gamma Orionis, Bellatrix, through Alpha, Betelgeuse, and on for another 8 ◦ .Thismayseemtobea leap into the dark, since you’ll see few stars in your target area, but your finder will easily show the open cluster, NGC 2244, the group of brilliant young

File: Visual_Astronomy_in_the_Suburbs -


  • ing at curve S2 in Figure C.1, we see a spectral distribution shifted more towards the red/infrared portion of the spectrum. This falls into spectral class M and includes red supergiant stars such as Betelgeuse in Orion, or Antares. M stars such as these are a fine match to the spectral response of the imaging tube. M stars have surface tempera- tures in the 3000 kelvin range, causing their red shifted spec

File: Carlos Castaneda - All Books In One -


  • It was a waning moon, perhaps a day after full. It was high over the horizon. It must have been between eight and nine in the evening. I could see Orion to the right of the moon; its two main stars, Betelgeuse and Rigel, were on a horizontal straight line with the moon. I estimated it to be early December. My time was May. In May, Orion is nowhere in sight at that time. I gazed at the moon as long as I cou

File: Carlos Castaneda - Art of Dreaming (1993, Harpercollins) -

  • fe. It was a waning moon, perhapsa day after full. It was high over the horizon. It must have been between eightand nine in the evening. I could see Orion to the right of the moon: Its twomain stars, Betelgeuse and Rigel, were on a horizontal straight line with themoon. I estimated it to be early December. My time was May. In May, Orion isnowhere in sight at that time. I gazed at the moon as long as I could

File: Carlos Castaneda - The Art Of Dreaming -


  • was a waning moon, perhaps a day after full. It was high ove r the hor izon. It must have been between eight and nine in the evening. I coul d see Orion to the right of the moon; its two main stars, Betelgeuse and Rigel, were on a hor izont al straight line with the moon . I estimated it to be early December. My time was May. In May, Orion is now here in sight at that time. I gazed at the moon as long as I

File: Dan Brown - 2017 - Origin -

  • ity was like nothingthe world had ever seen, and its influence is still felt today in modernculture.”Overhead, the sky of stars reappeared, this time many of the stars bearing namesbeside them: Vega, Betelgeuse, Rigel, Algebar, Deneb, Acrab, Kitalpha.“Their names are all derived from Arabic,” Edmond said. “To this day, more thantwo-thirds of the stars in the sky have names from that language because theywer

File: Midgley - Evolution as a Religion; Strange Hopes and Stranger Fears, rev. ed. (2002) -

  • culture and to thespecies that we do. That is part of our proper description. We are not juststandard, abstract minds, tossed by chance or malice on to a strange planet. Weare not even visitors from Betelgeuse. We are therefore not the aliens andgypsies that Jacques Monod calls us, but natives. Our history and biology, whichlocate us here, ensure that by the time we are called upon to do any valuing thefac

  • tions like meaning and purpose find no application in thefirst three cosmic minutes, or across uncounted ages, or in the movement ofparticles, or in the collapse of the galaxies, or at the surface of Betelgeuse,or indeed for most of the time at our own North Pole, because these notions onlymake sense in relation to organisms of a certain degree of complexity. I amdeliberately not touching on divine purposes

File: David Icke - 1994 - The Robots' Rebellion -

  • nt after twice losing to Richard Nixon in the race for theRepublican Presidential nomination.Communications were eventually made with a race of ETs who claimed to come froma planet linked to the star Betelgeuse in the constellation of Orion. (Otherresearchers name different star systems in relation to these ETs). Thecommunications were made thanks to the work of Project SIGMA. The ETs took ahigh orbit over

File: David Icke - 1994 - The Robots' Rebellion -

  • nt after twice losing to Richard Nixon in the race for theRepublican Presidential nomination.Communications were eventually made with a race of ETs who claimed to come froma planet linked to the star Betelgeuse in the constellation of Orion. (Otherresearchers name different star systems in relation to these ETs). Thecommunications were made thanks to the work of Project SIGMA. The ETs took ahigh orbit over

File: David Icke - 2010 - Human Race Get Off Your Knees -


  • n astronomy and he said he didn't know. He only knew it as Mpalalatsani, which means 'The Scatterer of Life'. There is, however, a 'supergiant' bright, reddish star or world in the Orion group called Betelgeuse, 640 light-years from Earth. If it replaced our Sun it would reach out as far as Mars. Observers and researchers at the University of California said in 2009 that Betelgeuse has shrunk by 15 per cent

File: David Icke - 2010 - Human Race Get Off Your Knees -


  • n astronomy and he said he didn't know. He only knew it as Mpalalatsani, which means 'The Scatterer of Life'. There is, however, a 'supergiant' bright, reddish star or world in the Orion group called Betelgeuse, 640 light-years from Earth. If it replaced our Sun it would reach out as far as Mars. Observers and researchers at the University of California said in 2009 that Betelgeuse has shrunk by 15 per cent

File: David Icke - 2012 - Remember Who You Are -

  • m. The Milky Way is orbited by two dwarf galaxies and we are closer tothe centre of one of them, the Canis Major dwarf galaxy, than we are to our own.I have seen reports that the red supergiant star, Betelgeuse, in theconstellation of Orion, is due to explode into what is called a ‘supernova’ andwill appear from Earth as a second sun. I mentioned Betelgeuse in Human Race GetOff Your Knees with regard to Zul

File: David Icke - 2017 - Everything You Need To Know But Have Never Been Told -


  • y call ‘Mpalalatsani’ or ‘The Scatterer of Life’. This is described as a paradise world and ‘a red place with red rocks, red earth, red sand and seas’. The star is more widely known as the supergiant Betelgeuse (pronounced beetle-juice), Orion’s second brightest star which forms the right shoulder of the ‘hunter’, and is the ninth brightest star in the night sky ( Fig 148 ). Betelgeuse (Arabic for ‘Hand of


  • Figure 147: Depictions of Orion’s Belt around the world. Figure 148: Supergiant red star Betelgeuse or the ‘Scatterer of Life’ in the Orion Constellation.


  • nt societies all over the world and here it is depicted on the Zulu Necklace of the Mysteries which is known to be 500 years old and could possibly be more than a thousand. He relates Mpalalatsani or Betelgeuse, from which he said humans were banished, to the biblical Garden of Eden and he tells of Zulu legends that say the genetic manipulation of humanity started there and continued inside the Moon and lat


  • obert. Biocentrism ref1 , ref2 Bernanke, Ben ref1 Bernard, Ronald ref1 , ref2 , ref3 Bernays, Edward. Propaganda ref1 Berne, Eric ref1 Bernstein, Carl ref1 Bertolucci, Sergio ref1 Betelgeuse ref1 Beyonce ref1 Bezos, Jeff ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5 , ref6 , ref7 , ref8 Big Bang theory ref1 , ref2 , ref3 Bible Archons ref1 Demiurge ref1 Genesis ref1 Great Flood r


  • Mosley, Oswald ref1 Mossad ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5 Mountbatten, Louis (Lord Mountbatten) ref1 mountains, cities inside ref1 Mozces tribe ref1 Mpalalatsani (Scatterer of Life) (Betelgeuse), red star called ref1 MSNBC ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5 Mubarak, Hosni ref1 Mueller, Robert ref1 Muhammad (the Prophet) ref1 , ref2 , ref3 Mujahedeen ref1 , ref2 multicultural


  • Great Nebula ref1 Greys ref1 Hopi people, Arizona ref1 The Hunter ref1 information system ref1 Mpalalatsani (Scatterer of Life) (Betelgeuse), red star called ref1 Nephilaā ref1 Orion Queen ref1 , ref2 Orion’s Belt ref1 Osiris, Egyptians communicating with ref1 pyramids, building the ref1 red and blue in politics, use of ref1 Rige

File: David Icke - 2017 - Everything You Need To Know But Have Never Been Told -


  • y call ‘Mpalalatsani’ or ‘The Scatterer of Life’. This is described as a paradise world and ‘a red place with red rocks, red earth, red sand and seas’. The star is more widely known as the supergiant Betelgeuse (pronounced beetle-juice), Orion’s second brightest star which forms the right shoulder of the ‘hunter’, and is the ninth brightest star in the night sky ( Fig 148 ). Betelgeuse (Arabic for ‘Hand of


  • Figure 147: Depictions of Orion’s Belt around the world. Figure 148: Supergiant red star Betelgeuse or the ‘Scatterer of Life’ in the Orion Constellation.


  • nt societies all over the world and here it is depicted on the Zulu Necklace of the Mysteries which is known to be 500 years old and could possibly be more than a thousand. He relates Mpalalatsani or Betelgeuse, from which he said humans were banished, to the biblical Garden of Eden and he tells of Zulu legends that say the genetic manipulation of humanity started there and continued inside the Moon and lat


  • obert. Biocentrism ref1 , ref2 Bernanke, Ben ref1 Bernard, Ronald ref1 , ref2 , ref3 Bernays, Edward. Propaganda ref1 Berne, Eric ref1 Bernstein, Carl ref1 Bertolucci, Sergio ref1 Betelgeuse ref1 Beyonce ref1 Bezos, Jeff ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5 , ref6 , ref7 , ref8 Big Bang theory ref1 , ref2 , ref3 Bible Archons ref1 Demiurge ref1 Genesis ref1 Great Flood r


  • Mosley, Oswald ref1 Mossad ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5 Mountbatten, Louis (Lord Mountbatten) ref1 mountains, cities inside ref1 Mozces tribe ref1 Mpalalatsani (Scatterer of Life) (Betelgeuse), red star called ref1 MSNBC ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5 Mubarak, Hosni ref1 Mueller, Robert ref1 Muhammad (the Prophet) ref1 , ref2 , ref3 Mujahedeen ref1 , ref2 multicultural


  • Great Nebula ref1 Greys ref1 Hopi people, Arizona ref1 The Hunter ref1 information system ref1 Mpalalatsani (Scatterer of Life) (Betelgeuse), red star called ref1 Nephilaā ref1 Orion Queen ref1 , ref2 Orion’s Belt ref1 Osiris, Egyptians communicating with ref1 pyramids, building the ref1 red and blue in politics, use of ref1 Rige

File: David Icke - Human Race Get Off Your Knees -


  • n astronomy and he said he didn't know. He only knew it as Mpalalatsani, which means 'The Scatterer of Life'. There is, however, a 'supergiant' bright, reddish star or world in the Orion group called Betelgeuse, 640 light-years from Earth. If it replaced our Sun it would reach out as far as Mars. Observers and researchers at the University of California said in 2009 that Betelgeuse has shrunk by 15 per cent

File: David Icke - The Robots' Rebellion - The Story of the Spiritual Renaissance (1994) -


  • after twice losing to Richard Nixon in the race for the Republican Presidential nomination. Communications were eventually made with a race of ETs who claimed to come from a planet linked to the star Betelgeuse in the constellation of Orion. The communications were made thanks to the work of Project SIGMA. The ETs took a high orbit over the Equator and the Americans, says Cooper, used computer binary langua

File: David Icke - The Robots' Rebellion -


  • after twice losing to Richard Nixon in the race for the Republican Presidential nomination. Communications were eventually made with a race of ETs who claimed to come from a planet linked to the star Betelgeuse in the constellation of Orion. The communications were made thanks to the work of Project SIGMA. The ETs took a high orbit over the Equator and the Americans, says Cooper, used computer binary langua

File: David Wilcok - The Science Of Oneness -


  • e in Science News, linked at physnews.255.html#3, shows us the possibility of “Great Red Spot” phenomena occurring outside our Solar System, in this case on the giant star Betelgeuse. It is very likely that further research will confirm that such spots exist at the 19.5-degree latitude: THE FIRST DIRECT IMAGE OF THE SURFACE OF A STAR other than our sun was reported by Andrea Dupr


  • nia being a symbol for the tetrahedron. 12.2.1 The geometry of the circumscribed tetrahedron is seen at energetic upwellings all throughout the Solar System, and possibly as a bright spot on the star Betelgeuse as well. These upwellings are usually volcanic on solid planets, atmospheric vortexes on gas planets and related to sunspot activity on the Sun. 12.3 We suggest that the geometry seen in the icosahed

File: 11_10_2001_The Orion Constellation and the Pyramids of Giza -


  • the belt of Orion. He wrote abook about it with Adrian Gilbert in 1995 entitled, The Orion Mystery,Unlocking the Secrets of the Pyramids.The Greeks looked at the pattern of bright stars dominated by Betelgeuse andRigel and saw a great hunter who claimed superiority over all Earth creatures.Nearby was the brightest star, Sirius, in Canis Major, one of the two faithfuldogs that the Greeks said traveled with

File: Erich von Daniken - Ancient Alien Question -

  • . Orion itself comprises (among others) the Betatakin Ruin in Tsegi> Canyon and Keet Seel Ruin, representing the double star Rigel, or the left> foot or knee of Orion. Homol’ovi Ruins State Park maps Betelgeuse, Wupatki> Pueblo maps Bellatrix, and Canyon de Chelly represents Saiph, or the right> foot or knee of Orion. Even the Sipapu in the Grand Canyon is mapped, and> corresponds with the star Pi3 Orionis.

File: Adrew Collins, Graham Hancock - Gobekli Tepe - Genesis of the Gods -

  • BC and 8600 BC, the mean azimuths of the centralpillars in Enclosures C, D, and E did not target the rising of any of Orion’sbelt stars between 9500 BC and 8000 BC. The constellation’s other keystars—Betelgeuse, Bellatrix, Saiph, and Rigel—fared even worse, making it highlyunlikely that Orion was involved in the orientation of Göbekli Tepe’s principalenclosures.[images/00015.jpg]Figure 7.1. The main enclosu

File: Graham Hancock & Glenn Kreisberg - Lost Knowledge of the Ancients -

  • nce of fifty-six miles is Homol’ovi RuinsState Park, a group of four Anasazi pueblos constructed between themid-thirteenth and early fourteenth centuries. These represent the irregularlyvariable star Betelgeuse, the right shoulder of Orion.Forty-seven miles southwest of Oraibi is the primary Sinagua ruin at WupatkiNational Monument, surrounded by a few smaller ruins. (“Sinagua” is thearchaeological term for

File: H.P. Lovecraft, Various - Tales of the Cthulhu Mythos (2011, Random House Publishing Group) -

  • tle rustlers. For readers accustomed tohopping aboard a starship, flipping on the faster-than-light drive (never mindEinstein’s special theory), and blasting the bejesus out of the eight-legged menof Betelgeuse, Lovecraft’s painstakingly detailed and overtly atmosphericsojourn across the Antarctic wilderness, in which his two intrepid explorersgibber and shriek before the culminant horror, was largely incom

  • m time to time. “We know nothing at all. But there arecertain signs, certain shunned places. Rick’s Lake is one of them.” He spoke ofbeings whose very names were awesome—of the Elder Gods who live on Betelgeuse,remote in time and space, who had cast out into space the Great Old Ones, led byAzathoth and Yog-Sothoth, and numbering among them the primal spawn of theamphibious Cthulhu, the bat-like followers of

File: Jim Marrs - Our Occulted History -

  • s, Herschel devised a match between pyramidsat not only Giza but also at Abu Rawash, Zawyet el-Aryan, and Abusir with thestar systems of Sirius, Aldebaran, the Pleiades, and Orion, including Rigel andBetelgeuse. He explained that the ruin to the south of the Sphinx had beenslightly offset to avoid protruding into the Nile. Other than that, thepositions of the pyramids were a perfect representation of the st

  • 30Behistun Rock, 127Beinecke, Francis, 328, 330Belting, Peter, 68Bendory, Rabbi Dovid, 199Beringia land bridge, 33, 65, 152–53Berlin Wall, fall of, 264Bernard, Saint, 209, 210Bernays, Edward, 316, 318Betelgeuse, 104Bible:King James version, 216, 217mistranslations of, 199–203printing of, 254translations of, 216–17Big Bang theory, 4–5Biglino, Mauro, 200–203Big Whack theory, 19–21Bimini Road, 116–17Bismarck,

File: Joseph P. Farrell - Grid of the Gods -

  • The six megaliths in thecenter of the Nabta Playa circle were, when compared with reliable modernastronomical star charts, clearly meant to represent the six stars of Orion:Alnitak, Alnilam, Mintaka, Betelgeuse, Bellatrix, and Meissa.11So what is a structure doing in the Egyptian desert that antedates the oldestEgyptian structures, and the Egyptian religion, itself? Or to put itdifferently: why the fixation

File: MUFON Journal - April 1987 -


  • den. Eleven first-magnitude stars are visible at the same time during the evening hours in the first half of April. From east to west they are Vega, Arcturus, Spica, Regulus, Procyon, Sirius, Pollux, Betelgeuse, Rigel, Aldebaran, and Capella. MENT [UFOs: A HISTORY, August- December 1950 - UFOs: A HISTORY, 1951 - UFOs: A HISTORY, January- April 1952 - THE MYSTERY OF UNIDENTIFIED FLYING OBJECTS: A PRELUDE] ar


  • rough more air near the horizon than higher up, causing stars (and planets, too) to appear to move and change brightness, color, and shape. About 9 PM in midmonth look out for Aldebaran (in the WNW), Betelgeuse (west), Sirius (WSW), and Vega and Deneb (NE). About 9:30 ruddy Antares rises in the ESE. deletions. The members of the Board who were instrumental in formulating the proposal had no objections, wher

File: MUFON Journal - December 1986 -


  • midevening the bright stars of winter fill the SE sky. The Winter Circle of seven bright stars surrounds Orion the Hunter, perhaps the finest constellation in the heavens. The Hunter contains reddish Betelgeuse (right shoulder), bluish-white Rigel (left knee), and three conspicuous stars in a row, the Belt of Orion. To the lower left of the Hunter gleams the Dog Star Sirius, brightest star of nighttime. Sir

File: MUFON Journal - December 1989 -


  • the west; the autumn stars are past the celestial meridian; and the winter groups with their brilliant luminaries dominate the SE sky. Look for the Great Hunter Orion, his shoulders marked by reddish Betelgeuse and bluish- white Bellatrix, his belt by three stars in a row, and his legs by Saiph and Rigel. To the left of Orion is Gemini with the heads of the twins, Pollux and Castor, and a brilliant interlop

File: MUFON Journal - December 1990 -


  • 23 Full moon — Januafy 30 The Stars: That great sky symbol of winter, Orion the Hunter, is nearing the celestial meridian at 9 p.m. His trio of belt stars in a row is prominent as is the reddish star Betelgeuse, marking his right shoulder, and blue-white Rigel, his left leg: Look closely at the hazy middle "star" in Orion's sword, which is suspended below the belt. The object actually is the Orion Nebula, a

File: MUFON Journal - December 1992 -


  • e Stars: The midevening sky of January features an array of some of the brightest stars seen from temperate latitudes. Orion, the hour-glass-shaped hunter, is the main attraction in the southern sky. Betelgeuse marks Orion's right shoulder; bluish-white Rigel, his left knee. Surrounding the, hunter is a large halo of Ist-magnitude stars, the so-called Winter Circle. Moving around clock- wise from the lower

File: MUFON Journal - December 1993 -


  • to the total. The Hyades constitutes a moving cluster of older (800 million years) stars. This group drifts eastward through space and eventually will converge toward a point east of Orion's red star Betelgeuse. Aldebaran, the right eye of the bull, is not a member of the cluster. The orange star is more than twice as close to us than the Hyades and merely lies in front of the cluster from our viewpoint. Th

File: MUFON Journal - December 2001 -


  • the southern sky of winter. Look for an hourglass-shaped stick figure whose shoulders, head, belt, sword, and legs are clearly marked by stars. As the constellation faces the observer, the ruddy star Betelgeuse (rhymes with "beetlejuice." one of sev- eral pronunciations) positions the warrior's right shoulder while blue-white Rigel indicates his left leg. The trio of stars in a row forming the belt is parti

File: MUFON Journal - February 1986 -


  • st quarter~Feb. 16 Full moon-Feb. 24 O The Stars: By February evenings, Orion the Hunter-since November a prominent part, of, the evening sky-has moved into its highest position in the south. Reddish Betelgeuse marks the right shoulder of the warrior, bluislvwhite Rigel marks the left leg,.and stars of lesser brilliance indicate the head, left shoulder, belt, sword, and right leg. Orion justifiably can be c

File: MUFON Journal - February 1991 -


  • earing to chase the bright patterns of winter into the SW. Ten first-magnitude stars are visible in the sky at 9 p.m. They are, from east to west, Spica, Arc- turus, Regulus, Pollux, Procyon, Sirius, Betelgeuse, Rigel, Aldebaran and Capella. With binoculars or a telescope, carefully examine the dim patch in Cancer the Crab (on the meridian). It is a V-shaped cluster of several hundred stars called the Beehi

File: MUFON Journal - February 1996 -


  • the S, appearing to chase the bright patterns of winter into the SW. Ten Ist-magnitude stars are visible in the sky at 9 PM. They are, from E to W, Spica, Arcturus, Regulus, Pollux, Procyon, Sirius, Betelgeuse, Rigel, Aldebaran, and Capella. With binoculars or a telescope, carefully examine the dim patch in the faint and obscure Cancer the Crab, located right on the meridian in midevening. It is a V-shaped

File: MUFON Journal - January 1990 -


  • can check some other known angles in the sky. For example, the Twin Stars Pollux and Castor are nearly 5° apart. Orion's three belt stars are 3° across, while the constellation's two brightest stars, Betelgeuse and Rigel, are separated by almost 19°. The V-shaped face of Taurus (the Hyades) is about 4° long. In the NE, UFO NEWSCLIPPINGS SERVICE The UFO Newsclipping Service will keep you informed of all the

File: MUFON Journal - January 1996 -


  • on is the only one with two bright, Ist-magnitude stars (actually brighter than that at zero magnitude). Bluish-white Rigel, 7th brightest star in the night sky, marks the Hunter's left knee. Reddish Betelgeuse, I Oth brightest star, is in the right shoulder. The three fainter 2nd- magnitude stars in a row between Betelgeuse and Rigel and forming Orion's belt bear the Arabic names, from left to right. Alnit

File: MUFON Journal - January 2000 -


  • e eventual fate of our own Sun. Orion has moved into its highest position in the S. Of all the constellations we see in our latitude, this is the only one with two bright zero or Ist-magnitude stars. Betelgeuse, an M-type red supergiant star, marks the right shoulder of the Hunter. Rigel, a B-type blue supergiant, marks the left knee. CALENDAR March 5-11 - 9th Annual International UFO Congress, Convention F

File: MUFON Journal - January 2004 -


  • ings, the hourglass shape of Orion the Hunter has moved to its highest position in the S. Of all the constellations at our latitudes, this is the only one with two bright Ist-magnitude stars. Reddish Betelgeuse marks the right shoulder of the sky warrior, and blue- white Rigel marks the left knee. The brightest of all stars, Sirius, dazzles the eye due S during midevenings. Marking the head of Canis Major t

File: MUFON Journal - March 1985 -


  • de stars visible than at any other time of the year. Eleven of these luminaries range across the sky from east to west in the following order: Vega, Arcturus, Spica, Regulus, Procyon, Pollux, Sirius, Betelgeuse, Rigel, Aldebaran, and Capella. UFO investigators should be alert for the refractive effects of rising and setting bright stars (and planets), especially Vega, rising in the ME about 8 PM in midmonth

File: MUFON Journal - March 1990 -


  • Regulus (in Leo) is high in the south; the six stars of the Winter Circle — Sirius, Procyon, Pollux, Capella, Aldebaran, and Rigel — are in the west; and finally inside the Winter Circle are the star Betelgeuse and the planet Jupiter. This month the Big Dipper hangs high up in the northern sky. Actually, the dipper's bowl forms the body of the Great Bear, Ursa Major, while the 3 stars in the handle outline

File: MUFON Journal - March 1993 -


  • more Ist-magnitude stars than any other time of the year. Eleven of these luminaries range across the sky from E to W in the following order: Vega, Arcturus, Spica, Regulus, Pollux, Procyon, Capella, Betelgeuse, Sirius, Aldebaran and Rigel. Jupiter and Mars are also present. Even from many cities, just about everyone can spot the 7 stars of the Big Dipper hanging upside-down high in the northern sky. Next m

File: MUFON Journal - March 1998 -


  • d Spica in Virgo are found in the SE; Regulus in Leo is high in the S; the 6 stars of the Winter Circle-Sirius, Procyon, Pollux, Capella, Al- debaran, and Rigel-are in the W; and inside the circle is Betelgeuse. NEW SUBSCRIPTION TO THE MUFON UFO JOURNAL Please send Name one subscription to: Address Citv Please send Name State Zip second subscription to: Address Citv State Zip Person securing new subscriptio

File: MUFON Journal - March 2001 -


  • year. Eleven of them range across the sky from E to W in the following order, with magnitudes noted: Vega (0.0), Arcturus (-0.1), Spica (1.0), Regulus (1.4), Pollux (1.2), Procyon(0.4), Capella(O.l), Betelgeuse(0.5), Sirius (-1.4), Aldebaran (0.9), and Rigel (0.2). March 10, Intruders Foundation Abduction Panel, New YorkCity, 212-645-5278 March 31 -April 1.12th UFO/ET Alien & Abduction Congress, Days Inn, B

File: MUFON Journal - May 2003 -


  • a thin stratiform layer. This smoke from the forest fires in the area hung in a layer due to the stable conditions associ- ated with the inversions." When NICAP pointed out that Mars, Aldebaran, and Betelgeuse were all below the horizon at the time of the sighting, the Air Force changed the star involved to Capella, which was slightly above the eastern horizon at the time. They neglected the fact that Cape

File: MUFON Journal - November 1986 -


  • ulation: • Actual No. copies of single issue published nearest to filing date 1200 0 . 1021 1021 69 • 1090 no 0 1200 (signed) Walter H. Andrus, Jr. Publisher THE NIGHT SKY by Walter Webb, Continued Betelgeuse (Orion's right shoulder) and Rigel (his left knee) provide a fine example of color differences between stars. Betelgeuse's reddish hue indicates that it is a relatively cool M-type star, while blue-w

File: MUFON Journal - November 1991 -


  • bright stars appears above the SE horizon — Sirius, Procyon, Pollux, Castor, Capella, Aldebaran and Rigel. Inside the circle stands the mighty warrior Orion, whose right shoulder is marked by reddish Betelgeuse, his belt by three stars in a row, and his left leg by blue- white Rigel. Three different types of variable stars whose changes in brightness can be detected with the naked eye are in good positions

File: MUFON Journal - November 1993 -


  • lt stars down left to the brightest nighttime star, Sirius, in Canis Major the Big Dog. A line traced through the belt to the upper right extends to Aldebaran, the fiery right eye of the Bull Taurus. Betelgeuse (Orion's right shoulder) and Rigel (his left knee) provide a fine comparison of color differences between stars. Betelgeuse's reddish hue indicates that it is a relatively cool M-type star, while blu

File: MUFON Journal - November 1995 -


  • sappeared in the W; the autumn stars are past the meridian: and the winter groups with their brilliant luminaries dominate the SE sky. Look for the Great Hunter Orion, his shoulders marked by reddish Betelgeuse and bluish-white Bellatrix, his belt by three stars in a row. and his legs by Saiph and Rigel. To the left of Orion is Gemini the Twins. Pollux and Castor mark the heads of the two brothers. Below th

File: MUFON Journal - November 1998 -


  • py the SW quad- rant; and the winter constellations are well up in the SE. The hourglass shape of Orion the Hunter is easily seen, with his trio of Belt stars and two contrasting, Ist-magnitude stars Betelgeuse (reddish) and Rigel (bluish-white). The heavens 1 brightest star, Sirius, rises above the ESE horizon. Rigel and Sirius are part of the so-called Win- ter Circle. Other members in this celestial desi

File: MUFON Journal - November 2000 -


  • and Castor, Capella, Aldebaran, and Rigel-sur round that most spectacular of patterns, Orion the Hunter. It doesn't take much imagination to visualize the figure of the great warrior in the heavens. Betelgeuse (Orion's right shoulder) and Rigel (his left knee) provide a fine comparison of color differ- ences between stars. Betelgeuse's reddish hue indicates that it is a relatively cool M-type star, while b

File: MUFON Journal - November 2003 -


  • t constellations of winter gradually take the place of the inconspicu- ous autumn patterns during the middle of the evening. Look for the Great Hunter Orion in the SE, his shoulders marked by reddish Betelgeuse and bluish-white Bellatrix, his belt by three stars in a row, and his legs by Saiph and bright Rigel. Astride the celestial meridian high in the N can be found one of the most popu- lar deep sky obje

File: Michael E. Salla - US Air Force Secret Space Program Shifting Extraterrestrial Alliances & Space Force -

  • g theEarth landed at Holloman Air Force Base. A basic agreement was reached. Thisrace identified themselves as originating from a Planet around a red star in theConstellation of Orion which we called Betelgeuse. They stated that their planetwas dying and that at some unknown future time they would no longer be able tosurvive there. [277] [text00029.html#_edn277] Cooper’s reference to a landing at Holloman i

File: Michio Kaku - Parallel Worlds -


  • n ra- diates mainly yellow light, which in turn corresponds to a black body temperature of roughly 6,000 K. Thus we know the tempera- ture of the Sun’s outer atmosphere. Similarly, the red giant star Betelgeuse has a surface temperature of 3,000 K, the black body tem- perature corresponding to the color red, which is also emitted by a red-hot piece of coal.) Gamow’s 1948 paper was the first time anyone had


  • ny object explodes outward into a supernova. The intense heat of this process causes fusion to start once again, and the elements beyond iron on the periodic table are synthesized. The red supergiant Betelgeuse, for example, which can be easily seen in the constellation Orion, is unstable; it can explode at any time as a supernova, spewing large quantities of gamma rays and X rays into the surrounding neigh


  • about ten light-years away could, in fact, end all life on Earth. Fortunately, the giant stars Spica and Betelgeuse are 260 and 430 light-years away, respectively, too far to cause much serious damage to Earth when they finally explode. But some scientists believe that a minor extinction of sea creatures 2 million


  • 298 Bell, John, 175–76 Bell Laboratory, Holmdell, Horn Radio Telescope, 68 Bennett, Charles L., 13 Bentley, Richard, 25 Bentley’s paradox, 25–26, 36–37, 49 Berkeley, George, 157 Bernstein, Aaron, 31 Betelgeuse, 57, 66, 67 Bethe, Hans, 55 Beyond Einstein and Hyperspace (Kaku), xvi big bang, xv–xvi, 5, 45–75, 105–6 antigravity force and, 19 colliding universes and, 222–24 CP symmetry, 96 criticism of, 51–52


  • of, 82–84, 206 violations detected, 282 Stanford University, 14 Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC), 82 Stapledon, Olaf, 169 Starkman, Glenn, 301, 302 Star Maker (Stapledon), 169 stars age of oldest, 11 Betelgeuse, 57, 66, 67 beyond farthest, 29 birth of, 65–67, 106–7 black hole. See black hole blue, 72 bodies of stardust, 67 brown dwarfs, 72 Cepheid, 48, 50, 102, 265 composition of, 55–56, 254–55, 268, 347 de

File: Harun Yahya - The Day of Judgment -


  • . Even if the time and location of this explosion is unknown, predictions put forward are looking at the near future and they are not very encouraging. According to scientists, the reddish supergiant Betelgeuse star at a distance of 430 light years, appears ready to explode. They r eckon that hypernovas are created by the fusion of black holes or by the merger of black holes with neutron stars. But none of

File: Keys Of Enoch -


  • of Light - " Or stations " of Light technology - will come down from the Milky Way which will be as Cities from the Sea of Crystal, for they will be brought down from stations in the heavens such as Betelgeuse, Orion, a Bethel life station honoring the Father. 45 The Higher Intelligence will return to such areas as the Takla Makan basin, the Ural - Caspian Sea basin, the Dead Sea basin, the basin of the Sa

File: Magnum Organum -


  • ane susurration and slow crumble of the greasepaint countenance given its last ugly embodiment through insipid "Sanandas" and specious sons-of-god sponsored courtesy of "Ashtar Command", P.O. Box 333 Betelgeuse in the Constellation Orion. (Note: UFO has the value 666 by Qabala, since vav is equivalent to "U", "F" and "O" in English.) It has been noted by many who know of such magick things, that "Choronzon"


  • ane susurration and slow crumble of the greasepaint countenance given its last ugly embodiment through insipid "Sanandas" and specious sons-of-god sponsored courtesy of "Ashtar Command", P.O. Box 333 Betelgeuse in the Constellation Orion. (Note: UFO has the value 666 by Qabala, since vav is equivalent to "U", "F" and "O" in English.) It has been noted by many who know of such magick things, that "Choronzon"

File: Making Your Own Telescope -


  • discussing this subject, it is usual to consider a point source of light, such as a star. The Diffraction Image of a Star. So tremendous is the distance of the stars that even such giants as Mira and Betelgeuse, whose diameters correspond approximately to that of the orbit of Mars, subtend such tiny angles (roughly 0.05 seconds of arc or less) as to be regarded as mere points. And on account of the wave nat

File: Min's Interlinear Apocalypse -


  • Minís Concise Commentary 178 Orion (Orionis) Betelgeuse: 3Gem58í -16:02í alOri 0.50 Rigel : 22Tau03í -31:07í beOri 0.12 Bellatrix : 26Tau09í -16:49í gaOri 1.64 -------------------------------------------- Mintaka : 27Tau37í -22:57í deOri 2.23 Alnilam : 28

File: Min's Judicial Horoscopes -


  • 1 Tsze 017.5836261 02Gem35í01î -57:30í07î laCol 4.87 017.7104241 02Gem42í38î +26:09í02î omiAur 5.47 018.5280258 03Gem31í41î +15:27í06î nuAur 3.97 Polaris 018.7979341 03Gem47í53î +65:51í13î alUMi 2.02 Betelgeuse 018.9757391 03Gem58í33î -16:17í42î alOri 0.5 019.1626714 04Gem09í46î -37:56í33î etLep 3.71 019.2628647 04Gem15í46î -58:59í09î gaCol 4.36 019.3887080 04Gem23í19î +31:59í33î xiAur 4.99 019.8148689 04Ge

File: Secret Rituals Of The Men In Black -


  • associated with the Sum - mer Solstice and the “Dog Days of Summer” associated with Sirius, aligned with the Greek word “seirios” meaning scorching. Sirius in Canus Major, Procyon in Canus Minor and Betelgeuse in Orion form an apparent equilateral triangle in the heavens as viewed from Earth. It is of more than passing interest that Sirius, Procyon, The Pleiades and Orion are names which show up quite ofte

File: The Data Book of Astronomy -


  • was fatally stung by a scorpion. The two leading stars are Rigel, which is actually variable over a very small range (0.08 to 0.20) and the red variable Betelgeu x – a name which may also be spelled Betelgeuse or Betelgeuze. The gaseous nebula M.42, in the Sword, is the most famous example of its type, and is easily visible with the naked eye. Altogether there are 15 stars above the fourth magnitude: Mag.

File: William Pelley - Beyond Grandeur -


  • erects and the greater the reflecting mirrors ensconced as their m ajor equipments, the more expansive and audacious the extent of the Omniverse depicts itself to him. Thereupon he turns his eye from Betelgeuse — knowing that if it were placed in the position of our sun, its surface would extend far out to the neighborhood of the orbit of Mars, leaving the earth compressed or encompassed within the substanc


  • Spirit and Thought - Provoked Fabrics had dissolved before my eyes. Is it so preposterous to suggest that in my own studio in the sequence in question I had had a demonstration of the integration of Betelgeuse? There are nebula in the heavens. 50,000 light - years across, but so what? My intellect can conceive a unit of Consciousness — Creating Consciousness if you demand the term — so infinitesimally tiny


  • and seizes is naught but his specialized individuality, of which t here is not another precisely identical among 20 sextillions of Divine Spermatozoa between Broadway and Coma - Virgo — or let us say Betelgeuse, since it is better known. Two things I build out of all of it. I build first the realization of the permanency of Myself — because nothing exists that can destroy me but my own perversity in case I


  • reness does not partake of limitation — whether the limitation be of vehicle or location. Self - awareness IS! Thus Self - Awareness can be aware of itself in the embodiment of a star - sun as big as Betelgeuse or the microscopic single proton of the hydrogen atom. As a matter of fact, I maintain that self - awareness does not need embodiment at all. I t is the one pristine ingredient in the Omniverse that


  • t is this God - Fact that is the true progenitor of the universe as men regard it. The God - Fact has come first; all forms of created substance, from a grain of mustard seed to the stellar limits of Betelgeuse, are but the evidence of it in greater or lesser degree. We do not require to locate and define Mind to achieve such comprehension. Such comprehension of itself IS Mind. This means that we can sim pl

File: Peter Levenda - Dark Lord -

  • tact Azathoth and Yog-Sothoth, both Lovecraftian entities, andto use “psychosexual dynamics concealed in the Necronomicon.”204[part0012_split_001.html#aft204] This group eventually identified the starBetelgeuse as the home of the Elder Gods, and a black hole somewhere in theconstellation Sagittarius as the home of the Great Old Ones.It is this kind of magical practice that allows Grant to write seeminglyout

File: Behold A Pale Horse Revisited - Secrets Of William Cooper -

  • has a large nose. Thenthere are the "Nordic" types, tall blonde Aryans, and finally the "Orange" ones.WHERE DO THEY COME FROM?I remember seeing several points of origin mentioned: Orion,the Pleiades, Betelgeuse, Barnard's star and Zeta Reticuli.YOU MENTIONED WE HAD A TREATY WITH THEM?Since 1964.WHY WOULD THEY GO TO THE TROUBLE OF ENTERING INTO A TREATY WITH US, SINCE THEIRTECHNOLOGY IS FAR AHEAD OF OURS? JO

File: David Icke - The Robots' Rebellion - The Story of the Spiritual Renaissance (1994) -


  • entafter twice losing to Richard Nixon in the race for the RepublicanPresidential nomination.Communications were eventually made with a race of ETs whoclaimed to come from a planet linked to the star Betelgeuse in theconstellation of Orion. The communications were made thanks to thework of Project SIGMA. The ETs took a high orbit over the Equatorand the Americans, says Cooper, used computer binary language

File: Secret Government -


  • landed at Holloman Air Force Base. A basic agreement was reached with them. This race identified themselves as originating from a planet around a red star in the Constellation of Orion which we call Betelgeuse. They state that their planet was dying and that at some unknown future time they would no longer be able to survive there. This led to a second landing at Edwards Air Force Base. The historical even

File: Beyond The Veil Of Time -


  • rth? Couldn ’ t it have originated in another galaxy. . .another ‘ source ’ , Star system or constellation? It, too, is an ethereal, disincarnate being , so why couldn ’ t it have come from Orion, or Betelgeuse . . . or even from The Pleiades? Once free of the Earth ’ s magnetic ‘ bottle trap ’ , a Soul-spirit is not bound by the limits of time and distance. It obeys the same laws as a ‘ thought ’ or a ‘ dr

File: Dark Mission - The Secret History Of NASA -


  • d so that its three central stars, known as Orion's belt, form the bar of the letter 'A.' These stars are Mintaka, Alnilam and Alnitak. The star shown above the Moon is Orion's shoulder, the red star Betelgeuse, and his other shoulder on the right top side of the 'A' is the white star Bellatrix. Under the right side of the A' is Orion's foot, the bluewhite star Rigel and under the left side of the 'A' is Or

File: Robert Anton Wilson - Everything Is Under Control -


  • The ordinary Greys , whom we all know from abduction stories 2. Another type of Grey with a big nose 3. Tall blonde Nordic types 4. “ Orange ones ” Among their points of origin: Orion, the Pleiades, Betelgeuse, Barnard’s star, and Zeta Reticuli. In some speeches (e.g., one the present author heard at Phe- nomicon in Atlanta, Georgia, in 1991) Cooper says he is not sure any of the above is true, and that he

File: Robert Anton Wilson - Schrodinger's Cat Trilogy -


  • all the minds of space-time who turned on the neuroatomic circ uit, the beetle intellects of Betelgeuse, Nicholas and Perenella Flamel, Bruno and El izabeth, Cagliostro, and, as the time warp opened, galaxy after galaxy joined in, the Starmaker appeared dimly, and the first jump was possible. He was a

File: Joy of Satan -


  • grees of Gemini] Spiritual powers and much respect gained from them, possible illness and affliction. Legacies can encounter problems and misfortune. Good instincts and the ability to find one's way. BETELGEUSE - [28 degrees of Gemini] This is one of the most fortunate of fixed stars and is frequently seen prominent in the charts of those who have hit the top. Success, riches, honors, fame. Much luck in lif

File: Astronomy Through The Ages -


  • ich was bestowed on antiquity by both religions. Islamic astronomy was so dominant that many astronomical words in use today are of Arabic rather than Grecian origin. These include star names such as Betelgeuse, Rigel, Vega and Deneb, and technical terms such as the zenith; in addition, Ptolemy’s great work, entitled the Syntaxis in Greek, is now better known by its Arabic name, the Almagest (the Greatest).


  • ely large cool stars, and the latter were emitting up to 10000 times less than their counterparts, indicating that they were extremely small hot stars. The red giants, of which a prominent example is Betelgeuse (the bright red star in the top left-hand shoulder of Orion) have sizes that exceed the orbit of the Earth, and the white dwarfs are as small as the Earth itself. The reason for this variation in the

File: Atlas of the Universe -


  • M B E R D E C E M B E R J A N U A R Y F E B R U A R Y M A R C H A P R I L M A Y J U N E J U L Y A U G U S T S E P T E M B E R ECLIPTIC EQUATOR Beehive M35 M42 M13 M15 M5 Castor Pollux Regulus Procyon Betelgeuse Capella Spica Arcturus Double Cluster M31 Polaris Pleiades Hyades Vega Altair Mira Rigel Deneb Algol Aldebaran +90 O +80 O +70 O +60 O +50 O +40 O +30 O +20 O +10 O –10 O 0 O ECLIPTIC EQUATOR Magnitu


  • Acrux Mimosa Hadar Rigil Kent M22 M8 M7 M6 M5 3532 3372 –90 O –80 O –70 O –60 O –50 O –40 O –30 O –20 O –10 O +10 O 0 O M42 M41 Regulus Procyon Sirius Adhara Spica Antares Fomalhaut Altair Mira Rigel Betelgeuse ECLIPTIC EQUATOR F Atl of Univ Phil'03stp 3/4/03 5:44 pm Page 213




  • S MINOR CANCER DORADO CAELUM COLUMBA FORNAX LEPUS ORION SOUTH NORTH E E W 30 o N 40 o N 50 o N 60 o N 60 o N 50 o N 40 o N 30 o N Capella Polaris Algol Deneb Vega Castor Pollux Procyon Procyon Sirius Betelgeuse Aldebaran Mira Rigel Achernar Pleiades ECLIPTIC ECLIPTIC DELPHINUS EQUULEUS SAGITTA VULPECULA AQUILA Altair HOROLOGIUM SCULPTOR PHOENIX Fomalhaut AQUARIUS CAPRICORNUS GRUS Chart 6 Chart 5 Chart 4 Mor


  • MBA FORNAX LEPUS LEPUS ORION NORTH SOUTH W W E 5 o S 15 o S 25 o S 35 o S 35 o S 25 o S 15 o S 5 o S Capella Castor Pollux Regulus Procyon Sirius Adhara Fomalhaut Mimosa Acrux Hadar Rigil Kent Sirius Betelgeuse Aldebaran Mira Canopus Achernar Rigel Pleiades ECLIPTIC NORTH SOUTH W W E 5 o S 15 o S 25 o S 35 o S 35 o S 25 o S 15 o S 5 o S GEMINI AURIGA LYNX URSA MAJOR LEO MINOR CAMELOPARDALIS TAURUS ERIDANUS



File: Britannica Illustrated Science Library 01 - Universe -


  • ime, using it as a symbolic calendar. is located at the center of the Milky Way and is full of nebulae and star groups. has only one very bright star, Hamal, the Arabic word for “sheep.” Mintaka Heka Betelgeuse Pi3 Orionis Pi4 Orionis Pi5 Orionis Chi1 Orionis Pi6 Orionis Pi2 Orionis Omicron Orionis Bellatrix 23.5° Earth Sun Earth’s orbit Star background Alnilam Alnitak THE MYSTERY OF GIZA The alignment of t

File: Encyclopedia Of Plants algae and Fungi -


  • ime, using it as a symbolic calendar. is located at the center of the Milky Way and is full of nebulae and star groups. has only one very bright star, Hamal, the Arabic word for “sheep.” Mintaka Heka Betelgeuse Pi3 Orionis Pi4 Orionis Pi5 Orionis Chi1 Orionis Pi6 Orionis Pi2 Orionis Omicron Orionis Bellatrix 23.5° Earth Sun Earth’s orbit Star background Alnilam Alnitak THE MYSTERY OF GIZA The alignment of t

File: Galaxies In The Universe -


  • 4 Introduction Problem 1.3 The red supergiant star Betelgeuse in the constellation Orion has T eff ≈ 3500 K and a diameter of 0 . 045  . Assuming that it is 140 pc from us, show that its radius R ≈ 700 R  , and that its luminosity L ≈ 10 5 L  . Generally we


  • of their material back into the interstellar gas. In massive stars , with M ∼ > 8 M  , the carbon, oxygen, and other elements left as the ashes of helium burning will ignite in their turn. The star Betelgeuse


  • go, with a mass between 12 M  and 17 M  . It will start to burn heavier elements, and finally explode as a supernova, within another 2 Myr. After their time on the main sequence, massive stars like Betelgeuse spend most of their time as blue or yellow supergiants; Deneb, the brightest star in the constellation Cygnus, is a yellow supergiant. Helium starts to burn in the core ofa25 M  star while it is a b


  • = 0 and V − K ≈ 5. (Like many supergiants, it is variable: m V changes by roughly a magnitude over 100–400 days.) Taking the distance d = 140 pc, find its absolute magnitude in V and in K . Show that Betelgeuse has L V ≈ 1 . 7 × 10 4 L V ,  while at K its luminosity is much larger compared with the Sun: L K ≈ 4 . 1 × 10 5 L K ,  . Using Table 1.4 to find a rough bolometric correction for a star with V − K

File: Philip's Astronomy Encyclopedia 2002 -


  • er who, with Francis PEASE , used the Michelson stellar interferometer at the prime focus of Mount Wilson Observatory’s 100-inch (2.5-m) Hooker Telescope to measure the diameter of the red giant star Betelgeuse. Using this arrangement, Anderson was also able to separate very close double stars. He supervised the gr inding and polishing of the primary mirror for Mount P alomar Observatory’s 200-inch (5-m) Ha


  • was named after the pioneer astronomical photographer Edward Emerson BARNARD , who discovered it in 1894. If it were a complete ring, Barnard’s Loop would almost com- pletely fill the region between Betelgeuse and Rigel, cov- ering almost 20º of sky. Barnard’s Loop appears to be a structure resulting from clearance of dust and gas in the interstellar medium by radiation pressure from the Orion OB associati


  • in in October and November when it produces the night-time TAU RIDS . The TUNGUSKA airburst of 1908 June 30 may have been produced by a particularly large piece of debris from the Beta Taurid stream. Betelgeuse The star  Orionis, marking the right shoul- der of Orion, distance 427 l.y. It is a red supergiant of spectral type M2 Ib, about 500 times the Sun’s diameter and 10,000 times as luminous. Betelgeuse


  • formed by seven stars in Ursa Major, also known as the PLOUGH . BIMA Abbreviation of BERKELEY ILLINOIS MARYLAND ASSOCIATION binary pulsar PULSAR orbiting another star, forming a B binary pulsar 53  Betelgeuse The Hubble Space Telescope’s first direct image of a star other than our Sun revealed that Betelgeuse (  Orionis) has a bright spot more than 2000 K hotter than the rest of the star’s surface. The e


  • ocerotis Mon 482 Musca The Fly Muscae Mus 138 Norma The Set Square Normae Nor 165 Octans The Octant Octantis Oct 291 *Ophiuchus The Serpent Bearer Ophiuchi Oph 948 *Orion Orion Orionis Ori 594 Rigel, Betelgeuse Pavo The Peacock Pavonis Pav 378 *Pegasus The Winged Horse Pegasi Peg 1121 *Perseus Perseus Persei Per 615 Phoenix The Phoenix Phoenicis Phe 469 Pictor The Painter Pictoris Pic 247 *Pisces The Fishes


  • ated to planetary formation, we re discovered around VEGA and several other stars. Star formation regions in D ARK NEBULAE w ere studied in great detail and many PROTOSTARS we re discovered. The star BETELGEUSE w as found to have ejected three huge dust shells, and clouds of dust named infrared cirrus were dis- covered all over the sky. IRAS also studied the galactic centre in great detail. Beyond the Milky


  • ic luminosities can reach 750,000 times that of the Sun. Radii can approach 2000 times solar, rivalling the diameter of Saturn’s orbit (nearly 10 AU). Many M supergiants are irregular (Lc) variables. betelgeuse (M2 Iab), for example, varies with a range of about half a magnitude on a timescale of years. Some of the lesser M supergiants (SRc stars) display some semi- regular periodicity. Prominent examples o


  • differences producing them. The earliest example of an optical interferometer used in astronomy is that which enabled Albert Michelson (1852–1931) and Francis PEASE to measure the angular diameter of Betelgeuse as 0  .047 in 1920. It consisted of a 6-m beam mounted on the front of the 100-inch (2.5-m) Mount Wilson reflector. Two movable mirrors on the beam directed two light beams from Betelgeuse on to the


  • n Scorpius. In the sky, Orion’s dogs follow at his heels in the form of the constellations Canis Major and Canis Minor. Orion’s leading star, RIGEL , is the seventh-brightest in the entire sky, while BETELGEUSE , tenth-brightest in the sky, is a red supergiant that varies unpre- dictably. The most distinctive feature is the Belt of Orion, a row of three 2nd-mag- nitude stars named ALNITAK , ALNILAM and MINT


  • ed in AD 288 and 1651. Orionid meteors are swift (66 km/s or 41 mi/s) and a high proportion leave persistent trains. The shower RADIANT appears to have a complex structure, and it lies midway between Betelgeuse and  Geminorum. A further encounter between Earth and the meteor stream in May produces the ETA AQUARIDS . Orion molecular clouds Complex group of GIANT MOLECULAR CLOUDS in Orion. At a typical dista


  • amous instruments, including its STELLAR INTERFEROMETER (1920). Pease used the interferometer to make the first measurement of the diameter of a star outside the Solar System, finding the diameter of Betelgeuse to be 0  .047. peculiar A star See AM STAR ; AP STAR Peebles, (Phillip) James (Edwin) (1935– ) Canadian astronomer and cosmologist who interpreted the COSMIC MICROWAVE BACKGROUND (CMB) and has studi


  • erous metallic spectrum lines (the Sun, Capella, Arcturus); Type III contained orange-red stars with metallic lines and bands, now known to be caused by titanium oxide (TiO), that shaded to the blue (Betelgeuse, Antares); Type IV included deep-red stars that had dark carbon bands shaded to the red; Type V w as reserved for stars with bright EMISSION LINES . As spectroscopes improved and photography became a


  • Aurigae 05 17  46 00 0.08  0.5 G2  G6 42 Rigel  Orionis 05 15  08 12 0.18  6.69 B8 773 Procyon  Canis Minoris 07 39  05 14 0.40 2.68 F5 11.4 Achernar  Eridani 01 38  57 14 0.45  2.8 B3 144 Betelgeuse  Orionis 05 55  07 24 0.45(v)  5.14 M2 427 Hadar  Centauri 14 04  60 23 0.61  5.42 B1 525 Altair  Aquilae 19 51  08 52 0.76 2.2 A7 17 Acrux  Crucis 12 27  63 06 0.77  4.19 B0.5  B1 321 Al


  • tion. supergiant Largest and most luminous star known. Supergiants occur with SPECTRAL TYPES from O to M. Red (M type) supergiants have the largest radius, of the order of 1000 times that of the Sun. Betelgeuse is a type M supergiant; Rigel is a type B. As there is a an upper sundial 394 S  sunspot The magnetic field around the region of a sunspot prevents the normal flow of plasma. The spot is cooler than


  • been confirmed. These numbers do not include variables in GLOBULAR CLUSTERS or those in other galaxies. A few variable stars are known by their Greek letters or proper names, for example  Orionis ( BETELGEUSE ). The system of naming variable stars is to assign the letter R to the first discovered in a constellation; the second becomes S and so on down to Z. Then comes RR to RZ, SS to SZ, and so on. This s


  • r CASSIOPEIA ANDROMEDA PISCES CETUS ERIDANUS ERIDANUS FORNAX HOROLOGIUM DORADO CAELUM COLUMBA LEPUS PICTOR RETICULUM SCULPTOR TUCANA HYDRUS PHOENIX Rigel Alnilam Alnitak Mintaka Bellatrix Saiph Phact Betelgeuse 7 58 48 16 17 Double Cluster 51 M31 Andromeda Galaxy M33 R 41 5 10 90 88 37 119 U Crab Nebula M1 M43 Orion Nebula 32 Alpheratz Algenib Ankaa Square of Pegasus β R λ ρ σ τ R ρ σ θ α ι κ λ ψ 70 γ φ χ ψ

File: Return To The Golden Age Of Man -


  • inal Body First ph ysical (3 rd Dimensional) Earth body. (See Fibrous Body) Orion This constellation, when “up” dominates the southern sky. Contains 3 bright stars called the Belt or Three Sisters. Betelgeuse forms its left shoulder and Rigel its right foot. Follows Constellation of Taurus. 300 Light Years away. Oversoul/ Overself The belief that individual souls in hu mans are bu t frag ments or divis

File: Gordon White - Star.Ships - A Prehistory of the Spirits -


  • ssociated stories often form the basis of important male initiation rites. In the Yolngulanguage, Orion is called Djulpan. The three belt stars are three brothers sitting in acanoe, across its width. Betelgeuse is the front of the canoe and Rigel is the back. The102

File: Castaneda, Carlos - All Books In One -


  • It was a waning moon, perhaps a day after full. It was high over the horizon. It must have been between eight and nine in the evening. I could see Orion to the right of the moon; its two main stars, Betelgeuse and Rigel, were on a horizontal straight line with the moon. I estimated it to be early December. My time was May. In May, Orion is nowhere in sight at that time. I gazed at the moon as long as I cou

File: Rays and Initiations a Treatise on the Seven Rays -


  • rds the sun. Quality gained........Electrical velocity. PATH III. PATH OR TRAINING FOR PLANETARY LOGOI Attributes............Cosmic vision, deva hearing and psychic correlation. Source................Betelgeuse, via the sign Sagittarius. Hierarchy.............The fifth. Method................Prismatic identification. Symbol................A coloured cross with a star at the centre and backed by a blazing su

File: H.P. Lovecraft, Kenneth Grant, and the Typhonian Tradition in Magic -


  • identified the star Betelgeuse as the home of the Elder Gods, and a black holesomewhere in the constellation Sagittarius as the home of the Great Old Ones.It is this kind of magical practice that allows Grant to write seemingly ou

File: James Eshelman - Visions and Voices -


  • (5} Sheratan � Arietis 09C\{l14 01h5om 20N22 Alcyone (in Pleiades) 05()15 03h42m 23N50 Aldebaran a Tauri 15()03 04h3lm 16N20 Rigel � Orionis 22()06 05h10m 8Sl8 Polaris a Ursa Min, 03J150 01h27m 88N50 Betelgeuse a Orionis 04JI01 oshsom 7N23 Sirius a Canis Maj. 19J122 06h41m 16S36 Regulus a Leonis 056[06 10h04m l2N24 Spica a Virginis 29flll06 13h20m 10S41 Toliman a Centauri 04tn.52 14h33m 60S28 Antares a Scor


  • f the zodiac1) are at 15° Taurus-Scorpio. The Pleiades, Regulus, and Alpha Centauri form an exact T -square among them­selves (5° Taurus, Leo, and Scorpio, respectively). The brightest star in Orion (Betelgeuse) is in the same degree as the Pole Star, and Orion's second brightest star (Rigel) is exactly opposite the brightest in Hercules. The "Eye of the Ram" is 2° from an exact square to a Aquilce (Altair)

File: 27 Stars, 27 Gods -


  • 35 The Storm ~ Ārdrā Name Ārdrā Meaning Soaked Symbol Storms; Raindrops Deity Rudra - god of storms Main Star Betelgeuse

File: B. V. Raman Hindu Predictive Astrology -


  • " 4. f"4?J.q. Iq~ 5. f..,,,,, 6. "" /,/"'-7. : b"''f!-8. :,.. f<'"4 ,9, 10. razor. Rohioi-Aldebaran, 5 stars resembling a chariot. Mrigasira -! Or;on;s. 3 stars resembling a head of a d«r. Aridra-cr. Betelgeuse. one star resembling a head. Punarvasu-p Geminorium Pollux, 5 s tars resembling a bow. Pushyami-8 Cane';. 3 stars resembling a flower. Aslesha-f Hydore, 6 stars resembling a se rpent. Makha-p uonjs o



  • pleasure, sensory attachments, strong earthy needs, craving for sensation, fickle nature in the Gemini half of the Nakshatra. • Nakshatras-ARDRA (Moist One)THE STAR OF OPPRESSION o Western star name: Betelgeuse (Alpha Orionis) o Lord: Rahu (North lunar node) o Symbol: Teardrop, diamond, a human head Deity : Rudra, the storm god o Indian zodiac: 6° 40' - 20° Mithuna ; Western zodiac: 2° 40' - 16° Cancer Head

File: Cornu - Tibetan Astrology -


  • ude twd f1ada I -------0"'-D~20' j3-Arietis (SdH'fJ.tJ.n) 13'-'20' _26°40' 35 Ariel'is 26"40'-40" Pleiades I 40o-53~20' i A!de:bar,ln I I i 5:"'20'-66040' },.-Orionis I 166'40' _80' a-Orion is (Betelgeuse) 80o_93c20' f3-Geminorum (Pollux) 9}"20'-106Q40' 5-Cancri 106Q40' -120Q o:-Hydrae 120~-LW20' u-Leonis (Regulus) I , , 4 I 2 , 4 b 1I § " '" CIJineH! Elt?ment 1 Direction W,H<:r I North Venus I Fire-E

File: J.J. Hartak - The Keys of Enoch -


  • ties of Light-"Or stations" of Light technology - will come down from the Milky Way which will be as Cities from the Sea of Crystal, for they will be brought down from stations in the heavens such as Betelgeuse, Orion, a Bethel life station honoring the Father. 45 The Higher Intelligence will return to such areas as the Takla Makan basin, the Ural-Caspian Sea basin, the Dead Sea basin, the basin of the Saha

File: Star_Gods_of_the_Maya_Astronomy -


  • rcode la montan ̃aorkitam) is linked with three brightstars in Orion. However, the configuration does notseem to include the first-magnitude stars, for Rigel isthe ‘‘little woodpecker’’ (tunsel), and Betelgeuse, ared star, is the ‘‘red dragonfly’’ (cha ̈k tulix). Threeother stars of lesser magnitude are the peccary’s pig-lets, probably positioned close to their mother. Siriusrepresents the ‘‘big woodpecker’


  • Maya of Chan Kom also identifythe turtle as Gemini (Chapter 1). On the otherhand, Thompson (1960 : 111, 116) notes that a Yuca-tec Maya informant described the square of Orionthat includes Rigel and Betelgeuse as a turtle con-stellation (ac). Furthermore, the Paris Codex layoutlinks Orion with a turtle and Gemini with a bird(Table 7.1). As noted below, this bird is probablyan owl.As discussed in Chapter 5,


  • aude-Franc ̧ ois, 83, 151, 207, 286, 287beans, 12, 13, 30, 31, 38bees, 25, 141, 162, 163, 186, 198Benson, Elizabeth P., 274Berlin, Heinrich, 8, 16, 79, 88, 106, 109 –110, 187, 232, 234Beta Crucis, 271Betelgeuse, 39, 267Big Dipper, 38 – 39, 266, 274.See alsoUrsa MajorBilbao, 83, 91, 147Bird Jaguar IV (Yaxchila ́ n ruler), 69, 118, 208, 210, 235, 237,242, 263, 267birds, 22, 24, 27, 33, 35, 38, 68, 71, 94 – 95

File: revolt-in-the-stars-circa-1975 -


  • as a maze of jack-plugs and the brightly lit names of the Ga-lactic Confederation member stars: Sirius,Canopus, Alpha Centauri, Vega, Capella,Arcturus, Rigel, Procyon, Achernar, BetaCentauri, Altair, Betelgeuse, Acrux, Aldeba-ran, Pollux, Spica, Antares, Fomalhaut,Deneb, Regulus and Sol.Whistling tonelessly, the renegadechecked to ensure all stars were connectedup to the mikes. They were. He flicked aswitch


  • e barracks – until thewhole damned place blew up in unmitigatedfinality.A couple of secret police left the scenein a hurry, sprinting out the gate and undera placard that read: Loyal Officer Quarters,Betelgeuse System.Holding a rifle, a white-clad arm inchedthrough a crack in the cautiously openingdoor.Asleep in his bed, jacket and cap hang-ing on the post, a Loyal Officer muttered inhis sleep.The renegade


  • nterested, but asked all the same,he spoke to the psych. ”How many mil-lions is it so far?”Himself exhausted and unusually un-tidy for a member of his exalted vocation,the psychiatrist shrugged. ”The BetelgeuseSystem has not reported yet.”The Chief looked back out the windowand took a drag of his cigarette. Slipperyfish, these nut-crackers. Never can getstraight answers out of them. Probably asbuggy as thei


  • olt they did.Anchar: The Personal Income Tax Bu-reau headquarters was particularly hated. Aband of civilian saboteurs slipped in bynight and planted charges in key locations.And it was blown ski-high.Betelgeuse: A secret policeman wasstanding at the identity computers, feedingin the unverified data. He didn’t care what itsaid, just so long as there was stuff there.He had heard rumors about an impendingrevol

File: Dulce Book -


  • ..etc." (Note: This 'Mars-Orion' reference is the only source we have which actually claims to identify an extraterrestrial colony of the giant 'EL' humans, Titans, Anakim, or Nepheli. The Orion star Betelgeuse is most often referred to by some contactees in reference to the 'giants'. Some of the residents of the Jovian moons claim that they previously came from or 'returned' from Rigel and Betelgeuse, appa

File: Travis Walton - Fire in the Sky -

  • majestic panorama andretain any illusion of our absolute uniqueness.What is the star nearest to earth? Surprisingly few people can correctly answerthat question. It’s not Polaris, not Alpha Centauri, Betelgeuse, nor ProximaCentauri. The answer is, of course, the sun. My kids read this to me from a bookof riddles brought from school. But the effectiveness of that questiondemonstrates a prevalent mindset that

File: MATRIX V - Quest of the Spirit - The Ultimate Frontier - The Code to the Matrix -


  • ay Tube and the Integrated Circuit that’s enough altering right there, case closed. The way many Beings feel about Earth is they would not give so mething that looks like dust compared to Antares and Betelgeuse the honor of destroying this whole Ga laxy. Everything must evolve in time and for this se gment of the Human race that time is long overdue. The lower dimension now awaits occupying the spot we are

File: Valdamar Valerian - Matrix IV -


  • ane susurration and slow crumble of the greasepaint countenance given its last ugly embodiment through insipid "Sanandas" and specious sons-of-god sponsored courtesy of "Ashtar Command", P.O. Box 333 Betelgeuse in the Constellation Orion. (Note: UFO has the value 666 by Qabala, since vav is equivalent to "U", "F" and "0" in Enghsh.) It has been noted by many who know of such magick things, that "Choronzon"

File: Joy of Satan -


  • grees of Gemini] Spiritual powers and much respect gained from them, possible illness and affliction. Legacies can encounter problems and misfortune. Good instincts and the ability to find one's way. BETELGEUSE - [28 degrees of Gemini] This is one of the most fortunate of fixed stars and is frequently seen prominent in the charts of those who have hit the top. Success, riches, honors, fame. Much luck in lif

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