
Found in 16 Books

File: H P Blavatsky - Isis Unveiled Vol II -


  • be the land of Shem, and Egypt called that of Ham, Shem, in the tenth chapter of Genesis is made the father of all the children of Eber, of Elam (Oulam or Eilam), and Ashur (Assur or Assyria). The ʺ nephelim, ʺ or fallen men, Gebers, mighty men spoken of in Genesis (vi. 4), come from Oulam, ʺ men of Shem. ʺ Even Ophir, which is evidently to be sought for in the India of the days of Hiram, is made a desc


  • of old time. ʺ In Genesis iii. 22, the word stands as ʺ forever ʺ ; and in chapter ix. 16, ʺ eternal. ʺ Finally, the term is completely defined in Genesis vi. 4, in the following words: ʺ There were nephelim (giants, fallen men, or Titans) on the earth. ʺ The word is synonymous with Æon, aiwn . In Proverbs viii. 23, it reads: ʺ I was effused from Oulam , from Ras ʺ (wisdom). By this sentence, the wise k

File: H P Blavatsky - Isis Unveiled -

  • s to be theland of Shem, and Egypt called that of Ham, Shem, in the tenth chapter ofGenesis is made the father of all the children of Eber, of Elam (Oulam orEilam), and Ashur (Assur or Assyria). The "nephelim," or fallen men, Gebers,mighty men spoken of in Genesis (vi. 4), come from Oulam, "men of Shem." EvenOphir, which is evidently to be sought for in the India of the days of Hiram, ismade a descendant
  • xvi. 20, "of old time." In Genesis iii. 22, the word stands as"forever"; and in chapter ix. 16, "eternal." Finally, the term is completelydefined in Genesis vi. 4, in the following words: "There were nephelim (giants,fallen men, or Titans) on the earth." The word is synonymous with Æon, αιον. InProverbs viii. 23, it reads: "I was effused from Oulam, from Ras" (wisdom). Bythis sentence, the wise king-kaba

File: Israel Regardie - Complete Golden Dawn System Of Magic -


  • tehillim), and also because the praise o f the righteous will be a Nava (delight), let it plea se Thee to create the world by me.' To whom He replied: `Nun, return thou to thy place with the fa llen (Nephelim), for whose sake Samech hath gone back to her place, and lean for support upon her.' "M then followed after, saying: `Thou wilt by me be called Malech (king)."Truly so,'said He, `but I will not, for

File: Unshackled - A Survivor's Story Of Mind Control -


  • zero with the wind chill factor. Alone and isolated during weekdays, I grew paranoid about being attacked by Satan and his hordes of demons, especially the big, bad ones that Apostle Stevens called “Nephelim.” Since I didn’t have a job anymore, I did intercessory prayer for hours on my knees each day, prayerfully fighting invisible demons that our leaders said were constantly attacking us from the spiri

File: Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke - Black Sun -


  • other Hyperboreans reestablished their divine order in the secret under- ground cities of Agartha and Shamballah. 24 Serrano finds mythological evidence for the extraterrestrial origins of man in the Nephelin of the Book of Genesis, while the story of an original racial sin comes from the Book of Enoch. A Greek myth records that Apollo returned to Hyperborea in the Far North to rejuvenate his body and wi

File: Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke - Black Sun -


  • other Hyperboreans reestablished their divine order in the secret under- ground cities of Agartha and Shamballah. 24 Serrano finds mythological evidence for the extraterrestrial origins of man in the Nephelin of the Book of Genesis, while the story of an original racial sin comes from the Book of Enoch. A Greek myth records that Apollo returned to Hyperborea in the Far North to rejuvenate his body and wi



  • tehillim), and also because the praise o f the righteous will be a Nava (delight), let it plea se Thee to create the world by me.' To whom He replied: `Nun, return thou to thy place with the fa llen (Nephelim), for whose sake Samech hath gone back to her place, and lean for support upon her.' "M then followed after, saying: `Thou wilt by me be called Malech (king)."Truly so,'said He, `but I will not, for

File: Gustav-Davidson-Dictionary-of-Angels-Including-the-Fallen-Angels-(1971) -


  • ale Pratique, p. 289, where Nemamiah's sigil is reproduced.] Nememel-one of the 72 angels ruling over the 72 quinaries of the degrees of the zodiac. [RJ: Runes, The Wisdom of the Kabbalah.] Nephilim (Nephelin, Nefi1im)-in Hebrew lore, the nephilim stood for giants of primeval times; also as fallen angels, or their offspriig (the "sons of God" who cohabited with the daughters of men, as in Genesis 6). Clo

File: Forlong - Rivers of Life (2) -


  • ods, “The Prosperous.” 9. DECEMBER. SAGITARIUS. KISLEU or Ku-sol-lu or gan gan-tsu Kaivanu (Asyrian), Kānun (Ara-bic) Sacred to Alamu, Maru, or Nergal “the Hero;” month of “Many Clouds,” or the great Nephelim. Kaivanu = Bel = the planet Saturn which was identical with the Sun,3 and whose emblem was a Lingam or Pillar. 10. JANUARY. CAPRICORN. TEBET or Ab-ba-uddu Dabitu (Asyrian). Pap-sukul, Messenger of A


  • l similitudes, 228; on Ierah and Van, 576 Scaoths, see Scots, 408, 449 Schleicher, 544 Schleimann, 559 Schools, Etruskan, 401, 403 Scorpio, Ak-ra-bhim, sign of Dan, 74; November associated with giant Nephelim and Diana’s hounds; sacred to Mardook, 185 Scorpion men, of Sivaite or Pytho-phallic import, 78 Scoth, Scotia, Scoti, Ethiopians, wor-shiping dark lingam, 147; see Skoti, 368,378 I Scotland, with li

File: Master Rabelais -


  • skipper made answer: Be not afraid, my lord; we are onthe confines of the Frozen Sea, on which, about the begin-ning of last winter, happened a great and bloody fight be-tween the Arimaspians and the Nephelibates. Then the wordsand cries of men and women, the hacking, slashing, andhewing of battle-axes, the shocking, knocking, and joltingof armours and harnesses, the neighing of horses, and allother mart

File: Michael Howard - Children of Cain OCR Scan -


  • As well as these gods and goddesses there are also the lesser (Luciferic) deities who may be the 'Lords of the Outer Spaces'. They are known as the Guardians and are also called the Cloud People, the Nephelim or the Watchers. Originally they 'came from the stars' and mated with primitive humans to create the hybrid race of the 'faery blood'. These Elder Gods can be regarded as the ancestral spirits of th


  • The Sabbatic Craft Sabbatic tradition there is a 'gnostic faith in the Divine Serpent of Light, the Host of the Grigori [Watchers], the children of Earth sired by the Watchers [the Nephelim], in the lineage of descent via Lilith, Mahazael, Cain, Tubal Cain, Naamah and the Clans of the Wanderers...onward to the present day initiates of the Arte' (Chumbley: February 2002). It should be c


  • place under a spell or GLAMOUR. ENOCH: First-born son of CAIN 'who walked with God and was not. Recorder of the myth of the WATCHERS. ENOCHIAN: The 'language of the angels' spoken by the WATCHERS and NEPHELIM. It was lost when the TOWER OF BABEL was destroyed and recovered by the Elizabethan magician Dr John Dee and his SEER 270

File: Jake_Stratton-Kent_-_The_Testament_of_Cyprian_the_Mage_Vol_1 -


  • the invisibility ofghosts in Greek artistic conventions. He bears a sword and identifies himself as a lasciviousspirit of a giant who died in a massacre in the age of giants. The reference is to the Nephelimand the fallen angels who bred with mortal women, as in Enoch and elsewhere in Jewish lore. It issignificant as implying that the Watchers were physical beings, and that after defeat by angelic force


  • owever Shamdon appears to be a duplication ofAshmedai (both names derive from the same root, ShMD, the differences being regional).Nevertheless, such a parentage would make him equivalent to a Giant (Nephelim) in Hebrew lore,and a demigod or hero in Greek; to be specific, intermediate in nature between humans and higherspecies. There are different versions of his birth in Rabbinical lore: according to so


  • ref6, ref7Necessity (goddess) ref1, ref2Nechepso ref1, ref2Neoplatonism ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10, ref11, ref12Neoplatonists ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7Nephelim ref1, ref2New Testament ref1, ref2, ref3New World ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10NILSSON, Martin P. ref1, ref2Norwegian Black Books ref1NUMENIUS ref1, ref2, ref3OObizuth

File: H.P. Blavatsky - Isis Unveiled vol. 2 -


  • o be the land of Shem, and Egypt called that of Ham, Shem, in the tenth chapter of Genesis is made the father of all the children of Eber, of Elam (Oulam or Eilam), and Ashur (Assur or Assyria). The ʺnephelim,ʺ or fallen men, Gebers, mighty men spoken of in Genesis (vi. 4), come from Oulam, ʺmen of Shem.ʺ Even Ophir, which is evidently to be sought for in the India of the days of Hiram, is made a descend


  • i. 20, ʺof old time.ʺ In Genesis iii. 22, the word stands as ʺforeverʺ; and in chapter ix. 16, ʺeternal.ʺ Finally, the term is completely defined in Genesis vi. 4, in the following words: ʺThere were nephelim (giants, fallen men, or Titans) on the earth.ʺ The word is synonymous with Æon, aiwn . In Proverbs viii. 23, it reads: ʺI was effused from Oulam, from Rasʺ (wisdom). By this sentence, the wise king‐

File: Dulce Book -


  • branch tied-in with the Evadamic heritage yet who had attained to or had retained a very tall physical stature averaging from 9-12 ft. in height. Others have referred to them as the 'Anakim' or the 'Nepheli'. - Branton) (1 of 4)8/14/2004 3:26:43 PM


  • , a legend, a myth, an illusion! The REPTOIDS are RETURNING to earth to use it as a staging area, in their ANCIENT CONFLICT with the Elohim (the angelis forces of the Almighty Creator, as well as the Nepheli who were not angels as some believe but actual humans of tall stature who in ancient times were undeservingly worshipped as 'gods'. - Branton) The ADAMIC Race has underground bases within Mars -- the


  • itans'...'The Brothers'...etc." (Note: This 'Mars-Orion' reference is the only source we have which actually claims to identify an extraterrestrial colony of the giant 'EL' humans, Titans, Anakim, or Nepheli. The Orion star Betelgeuse is most often referred to by some contactees in reference to the 'giants'. Some of the residents of the Jovian moons claim that they previously came from or 'returned' from

File: Valdamar Valerian - Matrix IV -


  • vely mre. forming only in silico-poor igneous rock1 with high do content in the presence of chlorinhring wq tors. or in some wnma metamorphic limestones. Other silicepooi minemls. notably levcite and nepheline, ore asdoted with it: As with other fromework siliwtes. the composition vorioa widely: ond o chemical anolyris is necessoy to identify the rninerol co( ~ly. Pure sodolite is colorless, but impuriti

File: Mastering Witchcraft -


  • g of the Sons of Heaven, however, proved to be a mixed blessing for the world. Like their progenitors, they were gigantic in stature—"great giants whose height was three thousand ells." Some of these Nephelim, as the descendants of the house of Azael were known, were, like Nimrod, men of renown and great in wisdom. Others, however, turned in the opposite direction and increasingly devoted themselves to t


  • Atlantis current throughout the Western hemisphere. The early Christian writer of the tale of Beowulf recounts how, written in runes upon the hilt of an enchanted sword said to have been made by the Nephelim themselves, King Hrothgar of the Danes reads: ... The story of ancient wars Between good and evil, the opening of the waters, The Flood sweeping the Giants away, how they suffered, And died, that ra


  • seeing stone. It was during the course of these experiments that certain parts of the pre-flood language are said to have been rediscovered, a so-called Enochian tongue, the original language of the Nephelim. By the seventeenth century, the persecution of witches, by Protestants now as well as Catholics, seems to have fairly well decimated most of the centres of witch lore, save those preserved under he


  • certain power to your rituals. Then there are spirit entities or demons, halfway between men and gods in their constitution, traditionally predating us in their evolution, however—the remnants of the Nephelim, in fact. Vassago, who you will also encounter in a later chapter, is one of these beings. Finally, there are the spirits or shades of the dead themselves, such as will be dealt with in the rituals


  • r hidden. He is good by nature, and governeth twenty-six legions of Spirits ... But knowledge of his existence dates back long before this, even to before earliest Babylonian times. He was one of the Nephelim, and in Eastern fable, he is accounted one of the seventy-two Lords of the Djinn. Your experiment should be performed during clear weather, when the moon is two, four, six, eight, ten, twelve, or fo


  • d in a brazen vessel by the magus-king and sunk beneath the ocean. They were later released, providentially it seems, by certain Babylonian wizards. The legend probably stems from that of the drowned Nephelim. When you have drawn the symbol and let it dry, retrace over it with your Athame, charging it strongly with light and conjuring with these words: Bound, bound, bound be all demons and powers of adve

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