
Found in 22 Books

File: Gods Of Air And Darkness -


  • umber of unfinished statues still lying there - as soon as the rescuers came, t he spacemen dropped what they were doing and went away into the sky. He nce the island's other name, 'The Island of the Birdmen'. Incidentally, it also has a Polynesian name, 'The Navel of the World'. It does seem unlikely, not to say ludicrous, that a group of spacemen marooned temporarily on an alien planet would spend thei

File: David Icke - 1999 - The Biggest Secret -

  • ings and the character of Dracula in the Bram Stoker storiesis said to be a fallen angel. The winged Draco are also known as the Dragon Raceand some of the ancient gods were described and depicted as birdmen. This couldbe one of the origins of the Phoenix and eagle in Brotherhood symbolism, as wellas the more esoteric meanings. The biblical Satan is depicted as a reptilian,too.Some of the Draco reptilian

File: David Icke - 1999 - The Biggest Secret -

  • ings and the character of Dracula in the Bram Stoker storiesis said to be a fallen angel. The winged Draco are also known as the Dragon Raceand some of the ancient gods were described and depicted as birdmen. This couldbe one of the origins of the Phoenix and eagle in Brotherhood symbolism, as wellas the more esoteric meanings. The biblical Satan is depicted as a reptilian,too.Some of the Draco reptilian

File: David Icke - The Biggest Secret - The Book that Will Change the World (1998) -


  • gs and the character of Dracula in the Bram Stoker stories is said to be a fallen angel. The winged Draco are also known as the Dragon Race and some of the ancient gods were described and depicted as birdmen. This could be one of the origins of the Phoenix and eagle in Brotherhood symbolism, as well as the more esoteric meanings. The biblical Satan is depicted as a reptilian, too. Some of the Draco repti

File: David Icke - The Biggest Secret -


  • gs and the character of Dracula in the Bram Stoker stories is said to be a fallen angel. The winged Draco are also known as the Dragon Race and some of the ancient gods were described and depicted as birdmen. This could be one of the origins of the Phoenix and eagle in Brotherhood symbolism, as well as the more esoteric meanings. The biblical Satan is depicted as a reptilian, too. Some of the Draco repti

File: Erich Von Daniken - Gods From Outer Space -


  • rs In days of yore there must have been a hybrid of man and animal. The literature and art of antiquity leaves no doubt about that. Pictures of winged beasts with human heads, mermaids, scorpion men, birdmen, centaurs and many-headed monsters are all vividly in our memory. Old books say that even in historical times these hybrid beings lived together in hordes, tribes and even in large units like peoples


  • the 'sons of heaven'. The Red Indians say that they are the descendants of the 'thunderbird'. The Incas believed they descended from the 'sons of the Sun'. The Rapanui trace their origin back to the birdmen. The Mayas are supposed to be 'children of the Pleiades'. The Teutons claim that their forefathers came with the 'flying Wanen'. The Indians believe that they descend from Indra, Ghurka or Bhima—all

File: Erich Von Daniken - Return To The Stars -


  • rs In days of yore there must have been a hybrid of man and animal. The literature and art of antiquity leaves no doubt about that. Pictures of winged beasts with human heads, mermaids, scorpion men, birdmen, centaurs and many-headed monsters are all vividly in our memory. Old books say that even in historical times these hybrid beings lived together in hordes, tribes and even in large units like peoples


  • the 'sons of heaven'. The Red Indians say that they are the descendants of the 'thunderbird'. The Incas believed they descended from the 'sons of the Sun'. The Rapanui trace their origin back to the birdmen. The Mayas are supposed to be 'children of the Pleiades'. The Teutons claim that their forefathers came with the 'flying Wanen'. The Indians believe that they descend from Indra, Ghurka or Bhima—all

File: Erich von Daniken - In Search Of The Gods -


  • s of the sons of heaven. The Red Indians say that they are the descendants of the thunderbird. The Incas believed they descended from the "sons of the Sun." The Rapanui trace their origin back to the birdmen. The Mayas are supposed to be children of the Pleiades. The Teutons claim that their forefathers came with the flying Wa nen. The Indians believe that they descend from Indra, Ghurka or Bhima-all thr

File: Adrew Collins, Graham Hancock - Gobekli Tepe - Genesis of the Gods -

  • chase. In this manner, high-flying birds takingadvantage of warm air thermals might themselves have been identified as shamansthat had adopted an avian form. If correct, then with the existence of thebirdmen at Lascaux and Roc-de-Sers, we could be looking at evidence among theSolutreans of a semiorganized cult of the bird, which might easily have becomeassociated not just with the sky but also with an im

File: Jim Marrs - Our Occulted History -

  • , and their offspring the Nephilim, were indeed the shamanic elite thatfounded the early Neolithic cult centres of Upper Mesopotamia. They arerepeatedly referred to in pseudepigraphical literature as birdmen, and we knowthat the Neolithic period’s highly prominent cult of the dead was focused aroundexcarnation, and the use of the vulture as a symbol of both astral flight andthe transmigration of the soul
  • sed aroundexcarnation, and the use of the vulture as a symbol of both astral flight andthe transmigration of the soul in death. Clear carvings and depictions ofvultures, as well as representations of birdmen, have been found at Göbekli Tepeand other PPN sites in SE Turkey and North Syria.Klaus Schmidt agreed that the T-shaped pillars of Göbekli Tepe may representmythical creatures or even ancient gods. S

File: David Icke - The Biggest Secret - The Book that Will Change the World (1998) -


  • ings and the character of Dracula in the Bram Stokerstories is said to be a fallen angel. The winged Draco are also known as the Dragon Raceand some of the ancient gods were described and depicted as birdmen. This could be oneof the origins of the Phoenix and eagle in Brotherhood symbolism, as well as the moreesoteric meanings. The biblical Satan is depicted as a reptilian, too.Some of the Draco reptilia

File: Hitler's Heirs -


  • the only road to the scenic hideaway. On September 13, Operation Oak got underway. Skorzeny landed on the mountaintop aboard a glider, with several Ger- man troops and a kidnaped Italian general. The birdmen set down within 100 feet of the hotel, where Mussolini was watch- ing the strange scene from a second-floor window. Italian police outnumbered the Germans, but most of the carabinieri dropped their r

File: Coptic_Encyclopaedia_Vol_6_MU-PU -


  • shing,withnumerousmonksresidingtherein.liecalledthemountainJabalal·teahf(MountainoftheCav-ern).VanslebvisitedthatmonasteryinFebruary1673;lndcalleditDairiIBacc:ar(probablyacor·ruptionofbuqfr,amigratingbirdmentionedby:a1.MaqrTzl,whichwenttothismountainonceeveryYCllr).Jabal:a['1:ayrh:asanolherchurchbuiltin1889,onededicatedtoSaintMACAR1UStheEGYPTIAN,Pilgrimsusedtovisilthemountaineveryyeartoveneratethemothero

File: Secret In The Bible -


  • hoof-like feet as the ‘most extraordinary thing’. A collection Cook took back to London was subsequently displayed at the British Museum in 1872 and included several amazing figurines of human-faced birdmen and birdwomen with wings or fins. The mythologies of many nations also contain extraordinary accounts of educating gods who ‘came out of the sea’. Certain shamans among the American Indians told of h

File: Dulce Book -


  • The Dulce Book alien hierarchy, above the tall "Lizard Men" and the short 'Grays', these have also gone by the following titles: the Mothmen, Gargoyles, Winged Serpents, Pterodactoids, Ciakars or Birdmen. They seem to be exclusively deep-subterranean dwellers yet have been known to appear during massive UFO - Men In Black - Abduction waves such as that which passed through the Point Pleasant area of


  • The Dulce Book (Interjection: These 'elite' reptilians have gone by many names: Gargoyles, Mothmen, Birdmen, Winged Draco, Winged Serpents, Ciakars, etc. One such creature that was described by a female abductee -- who was taken to a multi-leveled underground system below camp Hero at Montauk Point, Long I


  • propriate authority. There is also a DON effort in progress to fully identify other alien entities which have had an impact on this planet. Specifically, there is an EBE species known as that of the 'Birdmen' which is believed to be somehow reptilian related (variously known among sources as the Mothmen, Ciakars, Winged Draco, Pterodactoids or Pteroids - Branton). There is also an alien species which has

File: MATRIX V - Quest of the Spirit - The Ultimate Frontier - The Code to the Matrix -


  • ear s comes to completion on December 21, 2012 at 11:11 a.m. Reports say Nibiru can no w be seen approaching from the South Pole. The Annunaki are shape shifters so they can take on many form such as Birdmen, Cherubs, and Dracons. Their offspring such as the Danu Nimrod became the Ki ngs of Sumeria, they were of large stature.



  • that a new Golden Age will arise upon revelation of the secret knowledge preserved in the Hall. Corresponding to John’s experience of seeing the four- cornered Sea of Glass, in the Book of Enoch the birdmen raise Enoch to the top of a mountain “which reached to heaven.” 32 There, he beheld the receptacles of light, 33 “the great darkness or mountains of gloom which constitute winter, the mouths of river


  • ore render this term “machinator or fashioner of light.” Abraham, Sarah, the H - S i e n s and Jesus were all physically transformed as a result of acquiring their H’s . The latter two became shining birdmen. Does this suggest some form of genetic alteration that triggered a shift from human to Homo Christos that enabled them to scale the ancient H or 8 ladder to Heaven? The importance of the blood and s

File: Divine Encounters - A Guide to Visions, Angels and other Emissaries - Zecharia Sitchin -


  • ac- ing, others welcome the Pharaoh. The king is consta ntly put to the test. By the seventh division, however, the underworld or infernal aspects begin to diminish and celestial aspects, emblems and Birdmen gods (with falcon heads) start to ap- pear. In the ninth hour-zone the king sees the twel ve "Divine Rowers of the Boat of Ra," the "Celestial Boat of M illions of Years" (Fig. 36). In the tenth hour


  • e numerous details of the Alexander search that a re vir- tually identical to those of Gilgamesh—the location , the name of the mountain, the twelve periods of the subterra nean jour- ney, the winged Birdmen, the questioning by the gua rds, the immersion in the well of the Waters of Life—indicat e a fa- miliarity with the Epic of Gilgamesh; not only with the liter- ary work (which continued to survive to

File: Zecharia Sitchin - Divine Encounters -


  • nac- ing, others welcome the Pharaoh. The king is constantly put to the test. By the seventh division, however, the underworld or infernal aspects begin to diminish and celestial aspects, emblems and Birdmen gods (with falcon heads) start to ap- pear. In the ninth hour- zone the king sees the twelve “Divine Rowers of the Boat of Ra,” the “Celestial Boat of Millions of Years” (Fig. 36). In the tenth hour-


  • he numerous details of the Alexander search that are vir- tually identical to those of Gilgamesh — the location, the name of the mountain, the twelve periods of the subterranean jour- ney, the winged Birdmen, the questioning by the guards, the immersion in the well of the Waters of Life — indicate a fa- miliarity with the Epic of Gilgamesh; not only with the liter- ary work (which continued to survive to

File: Zecharia Sitchin - Divine Encounters -


  • nac- ing, others welcome the Pharaoh. The king is constantly put to the test. By the seventh division, however, the underworld or infernal aspects begin to diminish and celestial aspects, emblems and Birdmen gods (with falcon heads) start to ap- pear. In the ninth hour- zone the king sees the twelve “Divine Rowers of the Boat of Ra,” the “Celestial Boat of Millions of Years” (Fig. 36). In the tenth hour-


  • he numerous details of the Alexander search that are vir- tually identical to those of Gilgamesh — the location, the name of the mountain, the twelve periods of the subterranean jour- ney, the winged Birdmen, the questioning by the guards, the immersion in the well of the Waters of Life — indicate a fa- miliarity with the Epic of Gilgamesh; not only with the liter- ary work (which continued to survive to

File: Zecharia Sitchin - Earth Chronicles Handbook -


  • emple. Winged Beings: Mesopotamian depictions, from Sumer on, frequently showed anthropomorphic beings with wings, often called in translations ‘Eaglemen’. Close inspection showed that they were not ‘Birdmen’ —

File: Zecharia Sitchin - Earth Chronicles Handbook -


  • emple. Winged Beings: Mesopotamian depictions, from Sumer on, frequently showed anthropomorphic beings with wings, often called in translations ‘Eaglemen’. Close inspection showed that they were not ‘Birdmen’ —

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