Winged Serpents

Found in 54 Books

File: David Icke - 1994 - The Robots' Rebellion -

  • l-seeing eye is there; so arethe pyramids, some with great similarities to those in Egypt. The featheredserpent symbol found widely in the Americas can be mirrored by the serpent godsof India and the winged serpents of Egyptian legend. Stories can be found of thegods who created human beings and tried to make them their slaves. The themes ofAtlantis, Sumer, Babylon and Egypt apply equally to the Americas.One of

File: David Icke - 1994 - The Robots' Rebellion -

  • l-seeing eye is there; so arethe pyramids, some with great similarities to those in Egypt. The featheredserpent symbol found widely in the Americas can be mirrored by the serpent godsof India and the winged serpents of Egyptian legend. Stories can be found of thegods who created human beings and tried to make them their slaves. The themes ofAtlantis, Sumer, Babylon and Egypt apply equally to the Americas.One of

File: David Icke - 2003 - Tales From The Time Loop -

  • ence of“kingship” is reported in the Sumerian Tablets to have been a gift of thesegods. Equally clear is that they were reptilian gods with the many references bythe Sumerians to their gods as fiery, winged serpents.The ancient world abounds with stories of the serpent or dragon race and royalkings, queens and emperors who claim their right to rule through their descentfrom the serpent gods. The kings of the suc

File: David Icke - 2003 - Tales From The Time Loop -

  • ence of“kingship” is reported in the Sumerian Tablets to have been a gift of thesegods. Equally clear is that they were reptilian gods with the many references bythe Sumerians to their gods as fiery, winged serpents.The ancient world abounds with stories of the serpent or dragon race and royalkings, queens and emperors who claim their right to rule through their descentfrom the serpent gods. The kings of the suc

File: David Icke - Tales From The Time Loop -


  • "kingship" is reported in the Sumerian Tablets to h ave been a gift of these god s. Equally clear is that they were reptilian g ods with the many references by the Sumerians to their god s as fiery, winged serpents. The a ncient world abou nds with stories of the serpent or dragon race a nd royal kings, queens and emperors who claim their right to rule through their descent from the serpent god s. The kings of

File: David Icke - Tales from the Time Loop (2003) -


  • "kingship" is reported in the Sumerian Tablets to h ave been a gift of these god s. Equally clear is that they were reptilian g ods with the many references by the Sumerians to their god s as fiery, winged serpents. The a ncient world abou nds with stories of the serpent or dragon race a nd royal kings, queens and emperors who claim their right to rule through their descent from the serpent god s. The kings of

File: Veil Of Isis -


  • stratagem from the nests of birds built upon inaccessible crags, and the latter from a tree guarded by winged serpents. There-is also the story of the master of a Phœnician trader from Cadiz to the Cassiterides, who finding himself followed by a Roman ship ran his own vessel ashore preferring death to discovery. The

File: An Account Of Egypt -


  • e in the temple of Zeus, for to this god they say that they are sacred. There is a region moreover in Arabia, situated nearly over against the city of Buto, to which place I came to inquire about the winged serpents: and when I came thither I saw bones of serpents and spines in quantity so great that it is impossible to make report of the number, and there were heaps of spines, some heaps large and others less l
  • are scattered upon the ground is of the nature of an entrance from a narrow mountain pass to a great plain, which plain adjoins the plain in Egypt; and the story goes that at the beginning of spring winged serpents from Arabia fly towards Egypt, and the birds called ibises meet them at the entrance to this country and do not suffer the serpents to go by but kill them. On account of this deed it is (say the Arab

File: Graham Hancock - America Before - The Key to Earth’s Lost Civilization -

  • followed by a furtherjourney with perils and challenges to be faced, through the valley of the MilkyWay—all argue for some as yet unexplained connection.Image Missing [../images/00124.jpeg]Monstrous winged serpents of the ancient American Netherworld.In the case of Native America a bridge, sometimes shaky, sometimes thin as ablade, from which the soul can easily fall and be lost forever in the ragingtorrent bel

File: Graham Hancock - Supernatural -


  • mythology were also reported by my informants. Amongst these were gigantic serpents, serpents characterized as “cosmic,” winged serpents, and ones made of or emitting fire. At times, serpents appear entwined in pairs, with one serpent coiled around another. 35 Before ayahuasca enabled me to make my own first explorations of visionary

File: Jonathan Phillips & Graham Hancock - The Electric Jesus -

  • ology, a dragon and a phoenix guarded thetreasures of the Tree of Life, while Norse legend told of the serpent Nidhogg atthe tree’s base and an eagle perched on top. Ancient Egypt had a slew of mythicwinged serpents, including the four-winged snake god Chanuphis and the WingedGlobe of Egypt—the insignia of the Egyptian Trinity (Amon, Ra, and Osiris), theforerunner of the Christian Holy Trinity.In the Gospel of T

File: H P Blavatsky - Secret Doctrine -

  • two kinds of Ibisesin Egypt, Herodotus 569 [part0043.xhtml#bkNNukXASbeMRD6BSrWx2Q23411] tells us;one quite black , the other black and white. The former is credited withfighting and exterminating the winged serpents which came every spring fromArabia, and infested the country. The other was sacred to the Moon, because thelatter planet is white and brilliant on her external side, dark and black onthat side which

  • trian MSS. Aschmogh, which in the Avesta is represented as having afterthe Fall lost its nature and its name , and is described as a huge serpent witha camel's neck.Salverte asserts that:There are no winged serpents nor veritable dragons.... Grasshoppers are stillcalled by the Greeks winged serpents , and this metaphor may have createdseveral narratives on the existence of winged serpents. 463[part0103.xhtml#bkN
  • its nature and its name , and is described as a huge serpent witha camel's neck.Salverte asserts that:There are no winged serpents nor veritable dragons.... Grasshoppers are stillcalled by the Greeks winged serpents , and this metaphor may have createdseveral narratives on the existence of winged serpents. 463[part0103.xhtml#bkNNukXASbeMRD6BSrWx2Q23069]There are none now ; but there is no reason why they should
  • serts that:There are no winged serpents nor veritable dragons.... Grasshoppers are stillcalled by the Greeks winged serpents , and this metaphor may have createdseveral narratives on the existence of winged serpents. 463[part0103.xhtml#bkNNukXASbeMRD6BSrWx2Q23069]There are none now ; but there is no reason why they should not have existedduring the Mesozoic Age; and Cuvier, who has reconstructed their skeletons,

File: H P Blavatsky - The Secret Doctrine Vol 1 -


  • The Secret Doctrine 317 quite black , the other black and white. The former is credited with fighting and exterminating the winged serpents which came every spring from Arabia and infested the country. The other was sacred to the moon, because the latter planet is white and brilliant on her external side, dark and black on that side whic


  • , the serpent , and a few more— in the sense given to them in the Holy Bible , he will hardly like to connect the sacred name of his Saviour with the ʺ Brazen Serpent ʺ incident. The Seraphim (fiery winged serpents) are no doubt connected with, and inseparable from, the idea ʺ of the serpent of eternity—God, ʺ as explained in Kenealy ʹ s Apocalypse. But the word cherub also meant serpent, in one sense, though i

File: H P Blavatsky - The Secret Doctrine Vol 2 -


  • e old Zoroastrian MSS. Aschmogh, which in the Avesta is represented as having lost after the Fall ʺ its nature and its name, ʺ and is described as a huge serpent with a camel ʹ s neck. ʺ There are no winged serpents, nor veritable dragons, ʺ asserts Salverte, † ʺ . . . grasshoppers are called by the Greeks winged serpents, and this metaphor may have created several narratives on the existence of winged serpents.
  • re and its name, ʺ and is described as a huge serpent with a camel ʹ s neck. ʺ There are no winged serpents, nor veritable dragons, ʺ asserts Salverte, † ʺ . . . grasshoppers are called by the Greeks winged serpents, and this metaphor may have created several narratives on the existence of winged serpents. ʺ There are none now ; but there is no reason why they should not have existed during the Mesozoic age; and
  • winged serpents, nor veritable dragons, ʺ asserts Salverte, † ʺ . . . grasshoppers are called by the Greeks winged serpents, and this metaphor may have created several narratives on the existence of winged serpents. ʺ There are none now ; but there is no reason why they should not have existed during the Mesozoic age; and Cuvier, who has reconstructed their skeletons, is a witness to ʺ flying camels. ʺ Already,

File: H P Blavatsky - Theosophical Glossary -


  • ertullian, whether wittingly or unwittingly, mixed up the two. The four ‐ winged serpent is the god Chnuphis. The good serpent bore the cross of life around its neck, or suspended from its mouth. The winged serpents become the Seraphim (Seraph, Saraph) of the Jews. In the 87th chapter of the Ritual (the Book of the Dead) the human soul transformed into Bata , the omniscient serpents says :—“ I am the serpent Ba

File: Tree of Night -


  • er; rainbow of oils upon wat er. Power = to enter the Dream Time, to leave the body at will. Daath - Vishuddha - Knot of Shiva - Decussation of the Pyramids --------------------------- The Image: The Winged Serpents as Androgyne-Gyander. Vision of the labyrinth, entrance to "Universe B" via the Tunnels of Set. Power = of the voltigeurs, of shape- shifting, of the Shaman, of cosmic transmutation of the primal ce

File: Manly P Hall - Secret Teachings Of All Ages -

  • eneral and com inparticular. The poppy is sacred to Ceres and she is often shown carrying orornamented by a garland of these Hewers. In the Mysteries, Ceres is representedriding in a chariot drawn by winged serpents. That part of the allegory referring to the two six-month periods during one ofwhich Peresphone must remain with Pluto, while during the other she may revisitthe upper world, offers material for deep

  • life circuit. The initiates of the Mysterieswere often referred to as serpents, and their wisdom was considered analogous tothe divinely inspired power of the snake. There is no doubt that the title“Winged Serpents” (the Seraphim?) was given to one of the invisible hierarchiesthat labored with the earth during its early formation.There is a legend that in the beginning of the world winged serpents rained uponth
  • hat the title“Winged Serpents” (the Seraphim?) was given to one of the invisible hierarchiesthat labored with the earth during its early formation.There is a legend that in the beginning of the world winged serpents rained uponthe earth. These were probably the demigods which antedate the historicalcivilization of every nation. The symbolic relationship between the sun and theserpent found literal witness in the

  • ly in Egyptand that if transported to a foreign country it would die of grief. TheEgyptians declared this bird to be the preserver of crops and especially worthyof veneration because it drove out the winged serpents of Libya which the windblew into Egypt. The ibis was sacred to Thoth, and when its head and neck weretucked under its wing its body closely resembled a human heart. (SeeMontfaucon’s Antiquities.) The

  • y three vertical columns Sephirothic Tree, symbolism of contained in modem playing cards Serapeum, Christian symbols found in ruined foundations af Seraphim, derivation of word Seraphim known as the “Winged Serpents” Serapis also worshiped by Christians Serapis a name for the sun Serapis a prototype of Christ Serapis believed to be of Brahmanic extraction Serapis called Theon Heptagrammaton Serapis, description

  • losophy of Schopenhauer Will the true subject of Schopenhauer’s philosophy Will to live the keynote of Schopenhauer’s philosophy Will to power the keynote of Nietzsche’s philosophy Wine, symbolism of Winged Serpents name given to the Seraphim Wings symbolic of aspiration, purity, and beauty Winter solstice of philosophy likened to ignorance Wisdom, Aristotle’s definition of Wisdom concealed from the profane by t

File: Manly P Hall - Secret Teachings Of All Ages -

  • eneral and com inparticular. The poppy is sacred to Ceres and she is often shown carrying orornamented by a garland of these Hewers. In the Mysteries, Ceres is representedriding in a chariot drawn by winged serpents. That part of the allegory referring to the two six-month periods during one ofwhich Peresphone must remain with Pluto, while during the other she may revisitthe upper world, offers material for deep

  • life circuit. The initiates of the Mysterieswere often referred to as serpents, and their wisdom was considered analogous tothe divinely inspired power of the snake. There is no doubt that the title“Winged Serpents” (the Seraphim?) was given to one of the invisible hierarchiesthat labored with the earth during its early formation.There is a legend that in the beginning of the world winged serpents rained uponth
  • hat the title“Winged Serpents” (the Seraphim?) was given to one of the invisible hierarchiesthat labored with the earth during its early formation.There is a legend that in the beginning of the world winged serpents rained uponthe earth. These were probably the demigods which antedate the historicalcivilization of every nation. The symbolic relationship between the sun and theserpent found literal witness in the

  • ly in Egyptand that if transported to a foreign country it would die of grief. TheEgyptians declared this bird to be the preserver of crops and especially worthyof veneration because it drove out the winged serpents of Libya which the windblew into Egypt. The ibis was sacred to Thoth, and when its head and neck weretucked under its wing its body closely resembled a human heart. (SeeMontfaucon’s Antiquities.) The

  • y three vertical columns Sephirothic Tree, symbolism of contained in modem playing cards Serapeum, Christian symbols found in ruined foundations af Seraphim, derivation of word Seraphim known as the “Winged Serpents” Serapis also worshiped by Christians Serapis a name for the sun Serapis a prototype of Christ Serapis believed to be of Brahmanic extraction Serapis called Theon Heptagrammaton Serapis, description

  • losophy of Schopenhauer Will the true subject of Schopenhauer’s philosophy Will to live the keynote of Schopenhauer’s philosophy Will to power the keynote of Nietzsche’s philosophy Wine, symbolism of Winged Serpents name given to the Seraphim Wings symbolic of aspiration, purity, and beauty Winter solstice of philosophy likened to ignorance Wisdom, Aristotle’s definition of Wisdom concealed from the profane by t

File: Medicinal Plants of the Bible -


  • ret (1996), seems to agree with Zohary, noting that a main source of frankincense is Boswellia sacra . “Herodotus (born 484 BC) wrote that the frankincense trees were guarded by vast numbers of small winged serpents; he was wrong.” (ZOH) Most frankincense comes from Somalia (following bananas and cattle as leading export) where it provides work for some 10,000 Somali families, but some is gathered in Arabia. Mos

File: Dictionary of Symbols -


  • lower plane of the instincts (symbolized by the serpents) and on the higher level of the spirit (represented by the wings). Camel Traditionally considered in curious relation with the dragon and with winged serpents, for, according to the Zohar, the serpent in the Garden of Eden was a kind of ‘flying camel’. Similar allusions are to be found in the Persian Zend- Avesta (9). Cancer The fourth sign of the Zodiac.



  • th their "wings," bore an important share in the great work. (WILLIAMS) Is there not here a reference to Ni mrod's `63 "mighties" or "winged ones"? The deified "mighty ones" were often represented as winged serpents. See WILK INSON, vol. iv. p. 232, where the god Agathodaemon is represent ed as a "winged asp." Among a rude people the memory of such a representation might very naturally be kept up in connection w

File: Un-Natural History, Or Myths Of Ancient Science -


  • rounded by hunters and killed. What are we to make of this? We shall speak of this not now, but later. IV. This is the point we have at present to demonstrate—that there are such things as flying and winged Serpents. I use the word winged in the sense of furnished with wings, although not with feathers. Let me quote some writers on this point. Matthew Merian, in his History of the Antipodes , part ii., page 211;

File: Dictionary Of Symbols -


  • he lower plane of the instincts (symbolized by the serpents) and on the higherlevel of the spirit (represented by the wings).Camel Traditionally considered in curious relation with the dragon and withwinged serpents, for, according to the Zohar, the serpent in the Garden of Edenwas a kind of ‘flying camel’. Similar allusions are to be found in the Persian Zend-Avesta (9).Cancer The fourth sign of the Zodiac. Orp

File: Dragon Legacy_ The Secret History of a - Nicholas de Vere -

  • remember again the proto-Sumerian Ubaid Pictish culture which migratedin about 5000 BC from Scythian Carpathia, a land which had a Dragon Culture alsoas early as 5000 BC. Monumental stone carvings of winged serpents from this datehave been found in Transylvania, along with a “proto”-Sumerian script datingback as far as 8000 BC. The figures incorporated on the clay tablets found atTartaria in Transylvania are alm

File: Encyclopedia Of Occultism And Parapsychology Vol 1 -


  • mon was honored by drinking a cup of wine at the end of a meal. He was represented pictorially in the form of a serpent or sometimes as a young man holding a horn of plenty, a bowl, and ears of corn. Winged serpents were also venerated by the ancient Egyptians, Chinese, and other peoples. (See also Drag- on ) Agent Term in parapsychology to denote the individual who at- tempts to communicate information to a per

File: Magician -


  • ws pressed to their flanks, and huge limping scarabs, shelled creatures the like of which she had never s een, and noisome brutes with horny scales and round crabs' eyes, uncouth primeval things, and winged serpents, and creeping animals begotten of the slime. She heard shrill cries and peals of laughter and the terrifying rattle of men at the point of death. Haggard women, dishevelled and lewd, carried wine; an

File: Mysteries of Babylon & Pagan Sabbaths -


  • ugh the yea rs as man was scattered throughout the earth from the time of the Tower of Babel. In the Orient today, everything is symbolized by that same serpent. A Buddhist temple in Thailand has two winged serpents adorning the entrance to the sanctuary. The serpe nt symbolizes a guardian to the temple in Alexandria, Egypt. Even we in the United States have adopted the serpent called Æsculapius in the medical f

File: Sacred Texts - The Internet Book of Shadows -


  • not only of the serpent in the garden, but that of Jesus on the cross2. In Isaiah's vision of God, he describes the throne of God as being surrounded by "seraphim". Seraphim may be defined as "fiery winged serpents". In 2 Kings we are told that the "brazen serpent" survived down into reign of Ahaz, king of Israel. It seems Ahaz did some house cleaning and broke the "brazen serpent" into pieces and threw it out.

File: Secret Teachings Of All Ages - Manly P. Hall -


  • eral and corn in particular. The Poppy is sacred to Ceres and she is often shown carrying or ornamented by a garland of these flowers. In the Mysteries, Ceres represented riding in a chariot drawn by winged serpents. p. 31


  • the werewolves. Serpents, because they lived in the earth, were associated with the Spirit of Darkness. As the battle between Good and Evil centers around the use of the gene rative forces of Nature, winged serpents represent the regenerati on of the animal nature of man or those Great Ones in whom this regeneration is complete. Among the Egyptians the sun's rays are often shown ending in human hands. Masons wil


  • circuit. The initiates of the Mysteries were often referred to as serpents, and th eir wisdom was considered analogous to the divinely inspired power of the snake. Ther e is no doubt that the title "Winged Serpents" (the Seraphim?) was given to one of the invisi ble hierarchies that labored with the earth during its early formation. There is a legend that in the begi nning of the world winged serpents reigned u
  • he title "Winged Serpents" (the Seraphim?) was given to one of the invisi ble hierarchies that labored with the earth during its early formation. There is a legend that in the begi nning of the world winged serpents reigned upon the earth. These were probably the demigods which antedate the historic al civilization of every nation. The symbolic relationship be tween the sun and the serpent found literal witness


  • n Egypt and that if transported to a foreign country it would die of grief. Th e Egyptians declared this bird to be the preserver of crops and especially worthy of veneration because it drove out the winged serpents of Libya which the wind blew into Egypt. The ibis was sacred to Thoth, and when its head and neck were tucked unde r its wing its body closely resembled a human heart. (See Montfaucon's Antiquities .

File: Self-Initiation Into The Golden Dawn Tradition -


  • means "Flaming Ones" and is derived from the root word seraph, which means to bum by fire. In certain texts the Seraphim are also known as "Fiery Serpents" or "the Powers." They are often pictured as winged serpents, or beings with six wings and many eyes. It is their duty to bring the principle of heat into the action of cre- ation. They are the Angels of the purifying fire who bum away all that is not wor- thy

File: The Adepts in the Western Esoteric Tradition, Part 1 - Orders of the Quest - The Holy Grail -


  • 60 THE ADEPTS There is a secret legend that Merlin's invisible father moved through the ethereal atmosphere in the form of a serpent. The archdruids of Britain and Gaul were the winged serpents, and their most sacred symbol was the serpent's egg, a symbol of both the universe and the Mystery School. The Immaculate Conception was the second birth from this philosophic egg or the womb of the

File: The Adepts in the Western Esoteric Tradition, Part 5 - America's Assignment with Destiny -


  • tzal was identical in meaning with the phoenix of Asia, North Africa, and the Near East. The feathered- serpent symbolism can be traced back to the hooded N agas, or serpent gods of India, and to the winged serpents which occur in the writings and sculpturings of the Egyptians. The serpent was the messenger and servant of the earth- mother because it dwelt below ground. For this reason rattlesnakes were released

File: David Icke - Tales from the Time Loop (2003) -


  • e of "kingship" is reported in the Sumerian Tablets to have been a gift of these gods. Equally clear is that they were reptilian gods with the many references by the Sumerians to their gods as fiery, winged serpents. The ancient world abounds with stories of the serpent or dragon race and royal kings, queens and emperors who claim their right to rule through their descent from the serpent gods. The kings of the

File: Manly P. Hall - The Secret Teachings of All Ages (1928) -


  • eral and corn in particular. The Poppy is sacred to Ceres and she is often shown carrying or ornamented by a garland of these flowers. In the Mysteries, Ceres represented riding in a chariot drawn by winged serpents. p. 31 Click to enlarge THE PROCESSIONAL OF THE BACCHIC RITES. From Ovid's Metamorphosis . In the initiation, of the Bacchic Mysteries, the rôle of Bacchus is played by the candidate who, set upon by


  • the werewolves. Serpents, because they lived in the earth, were associated with the Spirit of Darkness. As the battle between Good and Evil centers around the use of the generative forces of Nature, winged serpents represent the regeneration of the animal nature of man or those Great Ones in whom this regeneration is complete. Among the Egyptians the sun's rays are often shown ending in human hands. Masons will


  • often referred to as serpents, and their wisdom was considered analogous to the divinely inspired power of the snake. There is no doubt that the title "Winged Serpents" (the Seraphim?) was given to one of the invisible hierarchies that labored with the earth during its early formation. There is a legend that in the beginning of the world winged serpents reigned upo
  • the title "Winged Serpents" (the Seraphim?) was given to one of the invisible hierarchies that labored with the earth during its early formation. There is a legend that in the beginning of the world winged serpents reigned upon the earth. These were probably the demigods which antedate the historical civilization of every nation. The symbolic relationship between the sun and the serpent found literal witness in


  • in Egypt and that if transported to a foreign country it would die of grief. The Egyptians declared this bird to be the preserver of crops and especially worthy of veneration because it drove out the winged serpents of Libya which the wind blew into Egypt. The ibis was sacred to Thoth, and when its head and neck were tucked under its wing its body closely resembled a human heart. (See Montfaucon's Antiquities .)

File: Forlong - Rivers of Life (2) -


  • s. In Layard’s Plate 3 we see the priest with the usual extraordinarily developed phallic hat4 presenting the very symbolic citron fruit, whilst ornaments such as a radiated solar couch, upreared and winged serpents sitting on poles, and adoring emblems like suns and enormous acorns in their cups, are common. Now we must not forget in looking at these advanced pictorial forms of the Faith of the ancient Empires

File: The Antipodes of the Mind Charting the Phenomenology... -


  • rned with flowers or shining scales. Phantasmagoric and serpents like those of mythology were also reported by my informants. Amongst these were gigantic serpents, serpents characterized as 'cosmic', winged serpents, and ones made of or emitting spewing fire. At times, serpents appear intertwined in pairs, with one serpent coiling around another; this motif is discussed at length in Narby (1998). My own experien

File: The Book of Abraham the Jew -


  • it from a cloud above, while below two winged griffins blow breaths of wind from their mouths towards the plant. Beside the griffins at the bottom of the mountain are two caves. In the forground two winged serpents or snakes, lie on the ground. They have triple forked tongues (or possibly are breathing forth fire or flames). ] (67 of 73)12/04/2008 11.59.07

File: The Secret Teachings of All Ages -


  • eral and corn in particular. The Poppy is sacred to Ceres and she is often shown carrying or ornamented by a garland of these flowers. In the Mysteries, Ceres represented riding in a chariot drawn by winged serpents.p. 31Click to enlargeTHE PROCESSIONAL OF THE BACCHIC RITES.From Ovid's Metamorphosis.In the initiation, of the Bacchic Mysteries, the rôle of Bacchus is played by the candidate who, set upon by pries


  • the werewolves. Serpents, because they lived in the earth, were associated with the Spirit of Darkness. As the battle between Good and Evil centers around the use of the generative forces of Nature, winged serpents represent the regeneration of the animal nature of man or those Great Ones in whom this regeneration is complete. Among the Egyptians the sun's rays are often shown ending in human hands. Masons will


  • often referred to as serpents, and their wisdom was considered analogous to the divinely inspired power of the snake. There is no doubt that the title "Winged Serpents" (the Seraphim?) was given to one of the invisible hierarchies that labored with the earth during its early formation.There is a legend that in the beginning of the world winged serpents reigned upon
  • t the title "Winged Serpents" (the Seraphim?) was given to one of the invisible hierarchies that labored with the earth during its early formation.There is a legend that in the beginning of the world winged serpents reigned upon the earth. These were probably the demigods which antedate the historical civilization of every nation. The symbolic relationship between the sun and the serpent found literal witness in


  • in Egypt and that if transported to a foreign country it would die of grief. The Egyptians declared this bird to be the preserver of crops and especially worthy of veneration because it drove out the winged serpents of Libya which the wind blew into Egypt. The ibis was sacred to Thoth, and when its head and neck were tucked under its wing its body closely resembled a human heart. (See Montfaucon's Antiquities.)

File: Ford, Michael - Diabolus - The Dragon in the Triangle of Darkness -


  • merged with Osiris and became something rather different in nature. In the Tuat, Seker resided within a kingdom called Ra-Stau, from which he sat upon a Throne in Majesty, having numerous legions of winged serpents, devils called Seba and other monsters 2 Budge, E.A. Wallis, the Gods of the Egyptians Volume 1 3 Compare with the Persian Arezura, the Mountain in the North from which ‘hell’ is commonly located.

File: Ford, Michael - Luciferian Path & the Witches Sabbat -


  • Dreaming14. Seker is an ancient Death-god, who was considered older than Osiris and who resided around the city of Memphis. Seker resided in the tomb and the complete darkness. Around his lands were winged serpents, demonic spirits and dragon like beings with three heads. Seker was often featured as a mummified man who had a mask of a predatory Hawk, who sat on a throne of abyssic shadow. In the story of Af Ra

File: Ford, Michael - Rite of the Werewolf -


  • Dreaming22. Seker is an ancient Death-god, who was considered older than Osiris and who resided around the city of Memphis. Seker resided in the tomb and the complete darkness. Around his lands were winged serpents, demonic spirits and dragon like beings with three heads. Seker was often featured as a mummified man who had a mask of a predatory Hawk, who sat on a throne of abyssic shadow. In the story of Af Ra

File: The Red Book - Fixed -


  • e strikes down his victim. He is as beautiful as a spring day. "He is the great and the small Pan alike. "He is Priapos. "He is the monster of the underworld, a thousand-armed polyp, a coiled knot of winged serpents, frenzy. "He is the hermaphrodite of the earliest beginning. "He is the lord of toads and frogs, which live in the water and go up on the land, whose chorus ascends at noon and at midnight. "He is th

File: The_Gnostic_Jung_and_the_Seve -


  • eauty of a spring morn. Indeed, he is himself the greater Pan, and also the lesser. He is Priapos. He is the monster of the underworld, the octopus with a thou- sand tentacles, he is the twistings of winged serpents and of madness. He is the hermaphrodite of the lowest beginning. He is the lord of toads and frogs, who live in water and come out unto the land, and who sing together at high noon and at mid- night.

File: Blavatsky, Anthropogenesis -


  • ed in the old Zoroastrian MSS.Aschmogh, which in the Avesta is represented as having lost after the Fall "its nature and its name," and is described asa huge serpent with a camel's neck."There are no winged serpents, nor veritable dragons," asserts Salverte,** " . . . grasshoppers are called by the Greekswinged serpents, and this metaphor may have created several narratives on the existence of winged serpents."T
  • its nature and its name," and is described asa huge serpent with a camel's neck."There are no winged serpents, nor veritable dragons," asserts Salverte,** " . . . grasshoppers are called by the Greekswinged serpents, and this metaphor may have created several narratives on the existence of winged serpents."There are none now; but there is no reason why they should not have existed during the Mesozoic age; and Cu
  • no winged serpents, nor veritable dragons," asserts Salverte,** " . . . grasshoppers are called by the Greekswinged serpents, and this metaphor may have created several narratives on the existence of winged serpents."There are none now; but there is no reason why they should not have existed during the Mesozoic age; and Cuvier, whohas reconstructed their skeletons, is a witness to "flying camels." Already, after

File: Blavatsky, Cosmogenesis -


  • ypt. There were two kinds of ibises, Herodotus tells us (Lib. II. c. 75 et seq.) in that country: one quiteblack, the other black and white. The former is credited with fighting and exterminating the winged serpents which came every springfrom Arabia and infested the country. The other was sacred to the moon, because the latter planet is white and brilliant on herexternal side, dark and black on that side which


  • erpent, and a few more -- in the sense given to them in the Holy Bible, he will hardly like to connect the sacredname of his Saviour with the "Brazen Serpent" incident. The Seraphim [[hebrew]] (fiery winged serpents) are no doubt connectedwith, and inseparable from, the idea "of the serpent of eternity -- God," as explained in Kenealy's Apocalypse. But the word cherubalso meant serpent, in one sense, though its

File: H.P. Blavatsky - Theosophical Glossary -


  • Tertullian, whether wittingly or unwittingly, mixed up the two. The four‐winged serpent is the god Chnuphis. The good serpent bore the cross of life around its neck, or suspended from its mouth. The winged serpents become the Seraphim (Seraph, Saraph) of the Jews. In the 87th chapter of the Ritual (the Book of the Dead) the human soul transformed into Bata, the omniscient serpents says :—“ I am the serpent Ba‐t

File: Helen Blavatsky - The Secret Doctrine -


  • pt. There were two kinds of ibises, Herodotus tells us (Lib. II. c. 75 et seq.) in that country: one quite black, the other black and white. The former is credited with fighting and exterminating the winged serpents which came every spring from Arabia and infested the country. The other was sacred to the moon, because the latter planet is white and brilliant


  • rpent, and a few more -- in the sense given to them in the Holy Bible, he will hardly like to connect the sacred name of his Saviour with the "Brazen Serpent" incident. The Seraphim [[hebrew]] (fiery winged serpents) are no doubt connected with, and inseparable from, the idea "of the serpent of eternity -- God," as explained in Kenealy's Apocalypse. But the word cherub also meant serpent, in one sense, though it


  • in the old Zoroastrian MSS. Aschmogh, which in the Avesta is represented as having lost after the Fall "its nature and its name," and is described as a huge serpent with a camel's neck. "There are no winged serpents, nor veritable dragons," asserts Salverte,** " . . . grasshoppers are called by the Greeks winged serpents, and this metaphor may have created several narratives on the existence of winged serpents."
  • nature and its name," and is described as a huge serpent with a camel's neck. "There are no winged serpents, nor veritable dragons," asserts Salverte,** " . . . grasshoppers are called by the Greeks winged serpents, and this metaphor may have created several narratives on the existence of winged serpents." There are none now; but there is no reason why they should not have existed during the Mesozoic age; and C
  • o winged serpents, nor veritable dragons," asserts Salverte,** " . . . grasshoppers are called by the Greeks winged serpents, and this metaphor may have created several narratives on the existence of winged serpents." There are none now; but there is no reason why they should not have existed during the Mesozoic age; and Cuvier, who has reconstructed their skeletons, is a witness to "flying camels." Already, aft

File: Encyclopedia of Occultism and Parapsychology Vol 1 -


  • daemon was honored by drinking a cup of wine at the end ofa meal. He was represented pictorially in the form of a serpentor sometimes as a young man holding a horn of plenty, a bowl,and ears of corn. Winged serpents were also venerated by theancient Egyptians, Chinese, and other peoples. (See also Drag-on)AgentTerm in parapsychology to denote the individual who at-tempts to communicate information to a percipien

File: Theosophical Glossary -


  • ertullian, whether wittingly or unwittingly, mixed up the two. The four ‐ winged serpent is the god Chnuphis. The good serpent bore the cross of life around its neck, or suspended from its mouth. The winged serpents become the Seraphim (Seraph, Saraph) of the Jews. In the 87th chapter of the Ritual (the Book of the Dead) the human soul transformed into Bata , the omniscient serpents says :—“ I am the serpent Ba

File: Secret In The Bible -


  • s ‘The Patroness of the Mysteries’, Patron being the protector. Ceres carries vertical two torches, one emanating from the other. In the Secret Mysteries she was represented riding a chariot drawn by winged serpents. This depiction was redrawn from an ancient mural painting found in Pompeii. © Ancient Europe Art Reproductions (AEAR), Italy, 1972. The Secret in the Bible 5.indd 49 20/9/10 3:29:21 PM


  • its throat in readiness to dart forward (Drawn by Faucher-Gudin from pl. iii of the Reptiles-Supplement to the ‘Description of Egypt’). An ancient legend maintained that in the beginning of the world winged serpents rained down upon the earth. Some researchers suggested that they were demigods that antedated the historical civilization of every nation. The symbolic relationship between the sun and the serpent fo

File: Dulce Book -


  • The Dulce Book alien hierarchy, above the tall "Lizard Men" and the short 'Grays', these have also gone by the following titles: the Mothmen, Gargoyles, Winged Serpents, Pterodactoids, Ciakars or Birdmen. They seem to be exclusively deep-subterranean dwellers yet have been known to appear during massive UFO - Men In Black - Abduction waves such as that which passed


  • The Dulce Book (Interjection: These 'elite' reptilians have gone by many names: Gargoyles, Mothmen, Birdmen, Winged Draco, Winged Serpents, Ciakars, etc. One such creature that was described by a female abductee -- who was taken to a multi-leveled underground system below camp Hero at Montauk Point, Long Island -- was described as follo

File: William Cooper - Mystery Babylon Series Transcriptions -


  • tzal was identical in meaning with the phoenix of Asia, North Africa, and the Near East. The feathered ‐ serpent symbolism can be traced back to the hooded Nagas, or serpent gods of India, and to the winged serpents which occur in the writings and sculpturings of the [ancient] Egyptians. 214

File: William Henry GOD MAKING -


  • a replica of Solomon’s Temple. Inside i s the spectacular Apprentice Pillar. Its similarity to a DNA molecule is obvious. The Apprentice Pillar has four strips of stylized foil age draped in spirals. Winged serpents with entwined nec ks biting their tails are at the base. Fascinatingly, Roslin is located near Edinburgh, Scotland where the first shee p, Dolly, was cloned. The spiraling Apprentice Pillar at Roslin

File: Internet Book Of Shadows -


  • not only of the serpent in the garden, but that of Jesus on the cross2. In Isaiah's vision of God, he describes the throne of God as being surrounded by "seraphim". Seraphim may be defined as "fiery winged serpents". In 2 Kings we are told that the "brazen serpent" survived down into reign of Ahaz, king of Israel. It seems Ahaz did some house cleaning and broke the "brazen serpent" into pieces and threw it out.

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