
Found in 20 Books

File: David Icke - 2001 - Children Of The Matrix -

  • nergy they can absorb andrecycle against us. Researcher Alan Walton,who writes under the name Branton,has uncovered the same themes:"Aside from any territorial 'paternal' instinct on the part of the 'Draconians'to re-conquer their "home planet" (Earth), some of the worst reptiliansub-species have aneven more sinister motive. These are the vampirial types, whoactually seek to feedoff of human emotional energ

File: David Icke - 2001 - Children Of The Matrix -

  • nergy they can absorb andrecycle against us. Researcher Alan Walton,who writes under the name Branton,has uncovered the same themes:"Aside from any territorial 'paternal' instinct on the part of the 'Draconians'to re-conquer their "home planet" (Earth), some of the worst reptiliansub-species have aneven more sinister motive. These are the vampirial types, whoactually seek to feedoff of human emotional energ

File: David Icke - 2017 - Everything You Need To Know But Have Never Been Told -


  • ied to the public. There are even tracks that have been clearly made by something moving technologically. Tompkins talked about ‘Draco’ Reptilians. I covered the background and nature of the Draco or Draconians in Children of the Matrix which was first published in 2001. They claim to be Reptilian ‘royalty’ and they appear to us on Earth as human royalty and many world leaders (more later). Tompkins said t


  • Figure 257: A portrayal of the Draconians or Draco. Demonic duo Archon-possessed and controlled reptilian entities operating from the unseen have been centrally involved in this hijack of human perception and genetic manipulation, along with


  • emember the ‘royal’ winged ‘Draco’ who created the hybrid ‘royal’ bloodlines through which they can directly manipulate our reality. The most powerful royals, aristocrats and bloodline dark suits are Draconians incarnate. Vlad the Impaler’s logo was a snake swallowing its own tail – the Ouroboros or Leviathan highlighted by Gnostic manuscripts and the Jewish religion ( Fig 312 ). The title ‘Impaler’ comes f


  • e said that his father was Baron Philippe de Rothschild of the Mouton-Rothschild wine producing estates in France and that he had been conceived through ‘occult incest’. The Baron (hierarchy-obsessed Draconians love their titles) died at the age of 86 in 1988 ( Fig 318 ). ‘My father was a decadent dilettante as well as a master Satanist and hater of God’, Phillip Eugene told me, ‘but how he loved the fields

File: David Icke - 2017 - Everything You Need To Know But Have Never Been Told -


  • ied to the public. There are even tracks that have been clearly made by something moving technologically. Tompkins talked about ‘Draco’ Reptilians. I covered the background and nature of the Draco or Draconians in Children of the Matrix which was first published in 2001. They claim to be Reptilian ‘royalty’ and they appear to us on Earth as human royalty and many world leaders (more later). Tompkins said t


  • Figure 257: A portrayal of the Draconians or Draco. Demonic duo Archon-possessed and controlled reptilian entities operating from the unseen have been centrally involved in this hijack of human perception and genetic manipulation, along with


  • emember the ‘royal’ winged ‘Draco’ who created the hybrid ‘royal’ bloodlines through which they can directly manipulate our reality. The most powerful royals, aristocrats and bloodline dark suits are Draconians incarnate. Vlad the Impaler’s logo was a snake swallowing its own tail – the Ouroboros or Leviathan highlighted by Gnostic manuscripts and the Jewish religion ( Fig 312 ). The title ‘Impaler’ comes f


  • e said that his father was Baron Philippe de Rothschild of the Mouton-Rothschild wine producing estates in France and that he had been conceived through ‘occult incest’. The Baron (hierarchy-obsessed Draconians love their titles) died at the age of 86 in 1988 ( Fig 318 ). ‘My father was a decadent dilettante as well as a master Satanist and hater of God’, Phillip Eugene told me, ‘but how he loved the fields

File: Emanuel Swedenborg - Posthumous Theological Works - Volume 2 -


  • cinations and confirmations. 24. “Know therefore, that by ‘the former heaven and the former earth’ which John saw had passed away (Rev. 21:1). nothing else is meant but those black expanses where the draconians and Babylonians have fixed their dwelling places and called them heavens. So long as those expanses remain, the communication of men with the angelic heavens, thus also in a measure with the Lord, is

File: Michael E. Salla - Insiders Reveal Secret Space Programs & Extraterrestrial Alliances -

  • ussed the Dark Fleet and its cooperation with a DraconianFederation Alliance. The Draco Alliance appears to be a strict hierarchicalorganization, comprising a warlike extraterrestrial race called the Draconians.The ruling caste of the Draconian Federation Alliance is a group of what Goodedescribes as Royal White Dracos. They are very intimidating 14 foot tall beings,with very powerful psychic abilities, and

File: Michael E. Salla - The U.S. Navy’s Secret Space Program and Nordic Extraterrestrial Alliance -

  • testimonies.Goode described how German Secret Societies were helped, before and throughoutWorld War II, by two different extraterrestrial groups. He identified one as aReptilian-like race called the “Draconians” and the other as Nordics:The Germans were in contact and working hard alongside the Reptilians … butthere were Nordic groups involved as well that different elements of the GermanSpace Program were

  • uring WorldWar II. Tompkins learned that the most advanced elements of this program wererelocated to Antarctica after a secret agreement was reached with anextraterrestrial Reptilian race, called the Draconians. This German/Nazi spaceprogram in Antarctica evolved into what Goode later described as the “DarkFleet,” which would essentially form a mercenary space force to assist theDraconians in their plans of

  • Tompkins says that the goal is not only to help the Navy establish a securityperimeter around our solar system, but to build a broad based alliance withhuman-looking extraterrestrials concerned about Draconians engaged in imperialspace conquest. In addition, these more positive extraterrestrial visitors havebeen warning secret space program personnel about the dangers posed byArtificial Intelligence. The si

  • successfully developed advanced aerospace technologieswith the help of two different extraterrestrial races. One was a group ofhuman-looking Nordics, while the other was a species of Reptilians calledDraconians. While the Nordics were the first to help the German Secret Societiesin the 1920’s by providing the designs of antigravity spacecraft through mysticssuch as Maria Orsic, it was the Draconians in the

File: Michael E. Salla - US Air Force Secret Space Program Shifting Extraterrestrial Alliances & Space Force -

  • stood the long-termstrategic threat posed by the German breakaway colony in Antarctica, and itsstunning technological advances due to an alliance it had formed with anextraterrestrial race called the Draconians. During WWII, the Navy had learnedabout this world-altering alliance through one of its key espionage programs —the same one in which William Tompkins had participated. [150][text00029.html#_edn150]T

  • an secret space program. [221][text00029.html#_edn221] Compounding the already complex alliances involving the German Antarctic colonyand its space program were the agreements it had reached with the Draconians.Both William Tompkins and Corey Goode have referred to the role played by theDraconians in helping the Germans to establish their colony in Antarctica. [222][text00029.html#_edn222] Tompkins explaine

  • to break free ofthe corrupting influence of the Deep State, and its AntarcticGerman/Reptilian/corporate allies. It’s no accident that similar scenarios havetaken place on many other worlds where the Draconians have successfullyestablished a foothold, and where the Nordics have stepped in to help theseworlds break free of similar corrupting influences.The dramatic change in USAF policy by September 2017 led

File: Michael E.Salla - Antarctica’s Hidden History Corporate Foundations of Secret Space Programs -

  • is certainly the scenario depicted in books such asJim Marrs’ Rule by Secrecy and William Bramley’s Gods of Eden.Earlier in this book, it was shown how a faction of Reptilian extraterrestrialscalled “Draconians” had established a presence in Antarctica within many largecaverns, and later shared the location of several of them with the German secretsocieties during WWII. This founded a German-Draconian Repti

File: Archons - Hidden Rulers Through The Ages -


  • y task. To perform that transition I had to choose the human parents too as long as the mother was a blood type RH negative factor. This immunological trait is a common feature among these so called, Draconians and their reproduction. But having an Rh-negative blood type doesn’t mean you are a hybrid, it’s just a necessary condition to carry on the biological technology. The genetic modification is very tie


  • ned via MS, and some because of the mind control and the methods aliens and military use. There is no cure for this. I have been recommended for neuropsychological rehabilitation. I have been told by Draconians that my body is genetically altered. My blood pressure is quite low and my average body temperature is somewhere between 35-35.5 degrees of Celsius. (37C = 98.6F, so it’s between 95.0- 96.8 F) My psy


  • c jobs and goals? Primarily Reptiods, greys and other aliens like mantis-creatures, because they are working under draconian control. Before I continue, I have to clarify the position of reptiles and Draconians in order to understand what is going on and by whom. Draconians do not conduct abductions per se as the interdimensional reptiles are doing, even they are occasionally seen in the UFO. Dracionians co


  • en them only working in this particular nuclear silo. Reptiods are allowed to use humans as a resource and do their thing as long as they don’t disobey the draconian administration. By using hybrids, Draconians can produce workers, biological material etc., (who knows) for their use. Reptilians do the needed work. They abduct people and hybrids for the use of cloning and further production. They have advanc


  • h. These creatures live in caverns and have red eyes and dark brown skin. They eat meat too. Interdimensional Reptiods can shape shift and are predator-natured. I have observed a conflict between the Draconians and some Reptiod party/faction. It’s about power. There was a military faction assisting–willingly or unwillingly—I’m not sure —and these specific Reptiod groups are trying to overcome the draconian


  • ienced, true alien hybrids are here to serve the surveillance of the genetic study made by the alien race. Hybrids are not to meant to infiltrate into human society to fulfill some hidden purposes of draconians or reptiles. This is something one has to understand. Hybrids are used just to produce more hybrids for the use of draconians. Hybrids are used like machines in draconian bioindustry. We have no know
  • meant to infiltrate into human society to fulfill some hidden purposes of draconians or reptiles. This is something one has to understand. Hybrids are used just to produce more hybrids for the use of draconians. Hybrids are used like machines in draconian bioindustry. We have no knowledge why this alteration is being made. Our social or emotional life per se is not under interest of any kind. Hybrids of the
  • e do. When I speak about hybrids I consider them to be draconian/alien consciousnesses in an altered human body. But I’m sure that reptoids have their own breeding program going on which is something draconians consider not suitable behavior–rebellion. So yes, there are reptilian hybrids–reptilian consciousnesses in human altered bodies. And then there are genetic mixtures of many other races as well -made


  • nt of energy production of all human beings and involved in oxidative phosphorylation and the electron transport chain. ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mitochondrion ) Maarit and I speculated that the draconians have vested interests in the mitochondria and its DNA and may have even helped engineer this organelle into the human system to take charge of our energy production system. Our bodies can produce sub


  • Maarit’s Experience with the Horus-Ra the Archon Parasite Maarit’s interaction with the Horus-Ra consciousness happened only after her confrontation with reptilians and draconians. Maarit explains, “Horus-Ra came forward to make his presence clear. I saw this consciousness clearly when my eyes were closed as a hologram of an old grayish snake with a face. The message was clear


  • se beings are the ones we need to be concerned with. Maarit told me that this black dot shadow is a different kind of energy within the energy body. A presence. She also said that most reptilians and draconians are in line and united with that “shadow energy”. Maarit explains, “I am able to recognize the Ra energy everywhere and maintain my inner coherence. So in my opinion, the Ra level of universal existe
  • to recognize the Ra energy everywhere and maintain my inner coherence. So in my opinion, the Ra level of universal existence is the level of the so-called Archons, not the minor reptilians, greys or draconians. Ra is the level, which eats the conscious awareness, and we have to bypass it in order to merge into higher realms of existence. The more important thing to focus on is not the origin of Ra in its d

File: Lyra-Earth Connection -


  • onnecting with Multidimensional Selves Page 6 How Connection Works Page 7 Relationship With The Lyrans Page 7 The Lyran Channelings The Beginnings of Lyra and the Birth of Humanity Pa ge 9 The Alpha Draconians Page 17 More on Lyra (Chat’ka) Page 20 History of Earth Page 25 Teachings of Oneness, Synchronicity, Higher Page 29 Densities and Soul Additional Information From My Other Page 39 Multidimensional


  • 17 inhabitants of Earth at this time as you are moving forward to new levels that will surpass the darkness now. The Alpha Draconians What was the encounter like with the Alpha Draconia ns, was there any attempt at negotiation? What ensued? They did not negotiate although it was attempted. T he Alpha Draconians as you know them are


  • love and light and exists in harmony with many other loving races of o neness and light. Were there sub-species developed by the Alpha Draco nians? This is correct. There are sub-races that the Alpha Draconians themselves did manufacture such as the Greys, and also added t heir own genetic information into the human body type. The Alpha Dra conians are master experts in genetics and they have developed seve


  • ound vibration alters t he molecular structure of the building rock. What can you tell us about the moon around our Eart h? During the time of the Reptilian takeover, a moon c onstructed by the Alpha Draconians as you call them was constructed from a previously colonized star system owned by the Alpha Draconians. The moon was brought here through the means of a wormhole that brought forth the anchoring of t

File: Our Universal Journey -


  • This in turn enabled them to create large empires by influencing certain key races; for example, the Draconians. These methods also resulted in the great saga of the Orion Epoch, with a great many wars taking place which transmuted a huge amount of the Universal Male Warrior Archetypal energy. The Orion Wars s


  • within the Galactic Womb. The massive amount of biodiversity and therefore energy being invested here when life had been seeded was immense and got his attention. A race within this galaxy called the Draconians from Alpha Draconis, hence the term ‘draconian laws’ are a race that have most of their realities and domains assimilated into the synthetic universe. The Draconians are a formidable and imperious wa


  • deep seated love from an ancient past. The Moon is no longer what it once was and is now home to a group of Beings from an arm of this Draconian inter-galactic cabal made up of various races such as Draconians, Greys, Human cross breeds and Little Olive green worker people who stand roughly three feet tall. I know this from personal experience! They live inside the Moon and in other frequencies on the surf

File: Grant - Magical Revival -


  • ad given way to the solar Child, and Horus had replaced Set, to the Typhonians this sun was still the son of Isis, not Osiris. A state of constant conflict between the Osirians and the Typhonians (or Draconians) continued until - at the end of the Xth Dynasty (c. 3348 B.C.), the Osirians again effected a total overthrow of the worshippers of Set-Horus, and re-established their own God, Osiris, as the chief


  • The Sevekh-hepts of the XIIIth Dynasty worshipped the male divinity as the son of the mother alone. They were Typhonians, or Draconians, because they rejected the fatherhood and con tinued the pre-monogamous mythical types, the types re animated in The Book of the Law. Set-Horus (Sut-Har) combines the Star-Son and Solar Son of the an


  • tors of the Star and Moon cults were the Osirians, later represented by the Christians, who, in their fierce per secution of the Gnostics, played a r6le analogous to that of the Solarites against the Draconians. The author of The Trail of the Serpent (1936) claims that features of the Star Cult can be found in all modern Mystery Schools. She cites particularly the Stella Matutina, an offshoot of the Golden


  • on into the dark dynasties, the monuments of which were laid waste by the opponents of the elder cult. These dynasties were blackened in order to annihilate all traces of a supposedly evil cult. The Draconians, or Typhonians, oblivious of the r6le of the male in the biological mysteries of procreation, had worshipped the whore and her bastard who were ages later typified as the Virgin and Child. It may be

File: Mark_Alan_Smith_-_Volume_2_-_The_Red_King -


  • eturn to theirdomain in the depths once their initial task is completed.The great dragon spirits once summoned are bound into a blade ofsteel. The steel of the blade that has been chosen to house the DraconianSpirit of the Atlantean depths must be dark in appearance and forgedand tempered. The summoning and binding within the blade of thedragon spirit is the seeding into the Earth plane of these ancient bei


  • .The merging of Daevas, plant spirit and Atlantean force and the magickof the Demon Princes into the catalyst of the dark blade creates a livingmagickal object. One that will be the embodiment of the DraconianSpirit of the depths.Blood Of the GodsThe Dragon blade must be consecrated at the circle centre with thepower of the three Gods of Witchfire which flows through your ownWitchblood. This is performed th

File: ss199310 -


  • ransmuted like anything else of pain. Pain must be transmuted like anything else of the mundane that we want or need to change.the mundane that we want or need to change.I am happy to say that though Draconians have I am happy to say that though Draconians have experienced the full range of emotions within pylon experienced the full range of emotions within pylon activities, the pylon is aware of how import

File: Body Snatchers - A Real Alien Conspiracy -


  • 1. INTRODUCTION This is a book about an alien race and how they are taking over the planet. This alien race is known as the Reptilians; actually they are called the Draconians. The biblical term is the Nephilim or fallen angels and obviously Satan. David Icke talks a lot about them in his books. Capt. Bill Robertson whose books I have just discovered described them as Marc

File: Body Snatchers - Susan Reed -


  • 1. INTRODUCTION This is a book about an alien race and how they are taking over the planet. This alien race is known as the Reptilians; actually they are called the Draconians. The biblical term is the Nephilim or fallen angels and obviously Satan. David Icke talks a lot about them in his books. Capt. Bill Robertson whose books I have just discovered described them as Marc

File: Defending Sacred Ground -


  • Chapter 1 - The Extraterrestrial Global Connection The Draconians and the Paa Tal Humans Have the Ability to Create Without Technology The Hierarchy in Our Galaxy Time Travel Permits Altering Consciousness of a Race The Abduction of Humans The Rest of the Galactic


  • Queries on Submitted Questions Giza Triangular Ratios Related to the Orion Group Mathematical Sequences, Synchronicity and Reality Creation More on the Nature of the Draconian Civilization Hale-Bopp Draconians Might Visit the USA First Who's Staffing the Hale-Bopp Complex? The Hale-Bopp Complex as Potential Control Scenario Hale-Bopp Draconians as Possibly a Rogue Group Our Main Sun Is Already Beginning a


  • re by traders (Earth lies along a galactic trade route), explorers, miners, joy-riders - all different people. Originally, the Earth was in a different orbit, closer to Mars, and nothing but ice. The Draconians and the Paa Tal: The Alpha Draconians, a reptilian race composed of master geneticists, tinker with life - which from their perspective exists as a natural resource. The Draconians look at lifeforms


  • sives, who are races that carry fear and because of that want to control others. The hierarchy of the regressives starts with a group from Alpha Draconis. The Andromedans have no idea where the Alpha Draconians came from, but what they have learned through interaction with other dimensional races is that somebody brought the Draconians to this universe and "dumped" them in the Alpha Draconis system, where t


  • r own thing. This is very common, and it is how Earth became colonized. What happened is that they got captured by a group in Orion that was already genetically altered and under control of the Alpha Draconians. According to Morenae, the first thing this Draconian- altered Orion group did was slaughter almost all of the females of the captured race in order to control the birth process. They then geneticall


  • ad of us. It is estimated that Grey technology is 2,500 years ahead of us. The Orion group who control the Greys have technology approximately 3,700 years ahead of us. Nobody really knows how far the Draconians are, because they are incredibly elusive. The group from Sirius B are approximately 932 years ahead of us. Forbidden Planet Redoux: How many of you have heard of the Montauk technology? It's time tra


  • lly changed, except now we have ways to destroy ourselves. Before, the "gods" were more than happy to do that. They could change the orbit of the planet, cause pole shifts. The technology exists. The Draconians can literally create a solar system. They can move planets and take moons and put them where ever they want. There are races that have this technology. The Andromedans have said that if the regressiv


  • were given technology and allowed to colonize the moon and Mars. The best technology was taken to Mars, and some our strongest genetic human beings were taken there. After that happened, in 1989 the Draconians broke the deal, invaded Mars and destroyed the human colony there. I was told this happened in March of 1989. Along with that, our government was told by the Draconians to totally trash our environme


  • the time you finish your prayer, we will be here." They want to help, but we have free will. If they just come in without being asked, then they are violating our free will the same way the Greys and Draconians have. They will not do it. It is not the standard they live by. Q: Do you have any idea how the Andromedans will extract aliens who refuse to leave? AC: I have no idea, but if there are any in the ea


  • which aired in the theatres nationally on July 7, 1996]. A large ship came out of the huge craft and approached the planet Bila, and reptilians from Alpha Draconis disembarked. Apparently, the Alpha Draconians and the Lyrans were afraid of each other. I told you before that the Alpha Draconians were apparently the first race in our galaxy to have interstellar space travel, and have had this capability for


  • The Draconians: AC: The Draconians are the force behind the repression of human populations everywhere in this galaxy instilling fear-based belief systems and restrictive hierarchies. I asked Morenae about them, an


  • asked that question, and all Morenae has said is that the information and wisdom already exists on our planet. So, we must ask ourselves about ourselves. Q: I wonder if you could talk more about the Draconians and the children that are missing? I know you have information and I am hoping you will share it with us today. A: This is the one subject I don't like to talk about. The Draconians are a very large


  • n. Never. Everything is to help them evolve, and their science and their technology can be used for defensive purposes -- mostly the holographic stuff. Q: I am wondering if you could elaborate on the Draconians and Hale-Bopp a little bit. A: What I have shared is really all I know. I just know that life is going to be very different here. The media says it is a 'comet'. It's not a comet. I can tell you that


  • bout this is that the area in which this tyranny is occurring is a very very old area. It has been colonized for a long time, and it has been under control of some of the oldest races, like the Alpha Draconians. They were the first race to have space travel in our galaxy and were remarkable builders, but their species multiplied so rapidly that they decided to conquer other races to make room for them. Our


  • AC: The Pleiadians, the Lyrans, the Arcturians, the Ciakars .... The Draconian Royal Line Val: Who are the Ciakars? (Pronounced See-kars). AC: The royal line of the Alpha Draconians. Val: The reptilians. Are those the ones that have the wings attached to their shoulders? AC: Yes, and a very long tail. Val: Ah ha. The pseudo-Biblical devil image. AC: Yes. The Ciakar. Val: I knew


  • her question that has been put to me to ask you is the following. If withholding love leads a race to regression and devolution, due to the absence of expressed emotion, then why is it that the Alpha Draconians are two billion years old and have not yet become extinct? Second, what is the average life expectancy of the Draco? Alex: The average life span of the Draconians extends from 1,800 to 4,100 years of


  • le don't have the extremes of emotions we have. They do have emotions, but the more extreme the emotions, the "higher the high" when the substances generated are consumed by the reptilians. Hale-Bopp Draconians Might Visit The United States First Because The U.S. Military Will Attack Perceived Aggressors Val: We had discussed before the subject of the Hale-Bopp complex in terms of the assessment that part o


  • Alex: I think they are staffed by warrior-class reptilian, Draconians that are seven to ten feet tall that have the stubby tail. They are skinnier than the others and considered the warrior class of the reptilian hierarchy. Val: Why do you feel that Sirius B humanoids


  • independently. No one speaks for the Draconians. No one. They could also be coming here and actually be on their way to somewhere else. Val: Then, in that case, we would be just assuming that they would be impacting the civilization here because t


  • of the fact that they have been put on a kind of machine and are "being trained" in some kind of activity. According to the Andromedans, the Greys are "training" humans to fight their war against the Draconians, when they arrive here. [ Editor note : This was also the presumption in Matrix II when it was written in 1990]. They intend on using humans as their soldiers against the reptilians, while at the sam


  • ened is that they have completely detached themselves from their spiritual essence so long ago, that their physical existence and personality has become pure Ego . This is also the orientation of the Draconians, who are pure Ego as well . Many of the other races genetically altered by the Draconians are also experiencing the separation from their own essence. I don't http://www.andromedaninsights.com/dsg1/c


  • , I don't know why. A NASA Satcom-3 communications satellite vanished in May of 1979. It was just taken. Two Soviet Mulanaya satellites just vanished from orbit. Governments Ask for Help With Greys - Draconians Respond (Hale-Bopp) Here's a scenario. The benevolent races have told the world governments that would help them, but they would have to dismantle their nuclear weapons. The earth governments don't w


  • who is giving both sides the weapons of war. You take away the weapons and there is no war. Somebody is paying them to do this. So, you have to take away the fire. Right now, we are the fuel, and the Draconians, Greys, the Orion Group and others are benefiting by this fuel. It starts right here, and other galaxies are sending ambassadors to come and watch what is happening here - what is going to happen in

File: Dulce Book -


  • is planet AND the underground systems as well. According to one Navy intelligence source the 33-plus Masons [there are allegedly several degrees above the 33rd degree which interact directly with the draconians and are part of the interplanetary initiatory lodges] intend to set the left-wing caverns and the right-wing caverns against each other in order to depopulate the underground realms so that they can


  • e from other human power-centers on planet earth that are also being manipulated by and/or have been infiltrated by the aliens, for instance the Bavarian cults and their "New World Order" forces. The draconians might, as suggested in the 12th chapter of the book of Revelation, attempt a military attack against the U.S.A. in order to prevent the takeover of "their" underground fortresses here -- or an attack
  • countless human colonial worlds throughout this galaxy and possibly others. No matter what trials we as Americans must pass through in the future in order to defend our nation and our planet from the draconians and their ungodly human "New World Order" collaborators, NEVER forget that we are not only fighting for our families, our communities, our states, and our nation. We are also fighting for our planet,


  • rion... the massacres in Lyra, Rigel and Procyon being a few examples (if you don't know what I'm talking about at this point, you WILL by the time you finish this 'volume'. - Branton). In short, the Draconians and Orions are psychologically and emotionally manipulating their cultic human followers in Sirius-B, the Gizeh empire & Bavaria who are tied-in with the "dark side" of the Ashtar collective, to esta


  • ien force. The human 'elite' may think that their reptilian collectivist hosts will shower their egos with praise and rewards for their cooperation in selling out their own planet, but in reality the draconians consider the human elite as being useless "weeds", as they do all humans in general, but necessary fodder in order to carry out their agenda. Mr. Hamilton continues: "...The underground complexes are


  • ockets of humans and 'hybrids' may remain in various places underground. Other sources claim that in 1985 the joint-operational "Alternative 3" facilities on Mars were sabotaged and taken over by the Draconians, or reptiloids and greys serving the Luciferian collective. This was apparently one of several 'purges' that the aliens have carried out in order to ensure the absolute conformity of the human collab


  • sts to the imperialistic factions who believe that conquering planet earth is justified as a means to subdue their perceived enemies on or below the surface of this planet. This might imply that the 'Draconians' have, as many sources claim, maintained underground command centers beneath the surface of planet earth -- from where they direct many of their interventionist interstellar activities. In addition t


  • appear as "angels of light" to those who they are capable of deceiving. So examine their messages as though your soul depended on it, if you do happen to encounter such a being or beings. As for the Draconians themselves, in all fairness 'individual' reptiloids are not the ultimate 'enemy', the enemy is the LUCIFERIAN COLLECTIVE under which they serve, and the same can be said for the New World Order which


  • The Dulce Book been referred to as being the "Orion Crusaders" or the 'Markabians'. Sources: Rigel, Ursa Major, Draconis, Reticulum. Draconians are Reptilian in nature; the elite have winged appendages on their backs... The mass consciousness of the government agencies cooperating with the Rigelians have failed to realize that it is not to t


  • legal aliens", bribery and treason, illegal cattle rustling in regards to the Dulce and other bases, possible kidnapping and human rights abuses against children, and so on... - Branton) DA: How many Draconians are down there? AC: I have heard the figure of 150,000 just in the New York area. DA: Underneath New York? AC: Yes. In some kind of underground base there. DA: Interesting. Now, you've seen pictures

File: Secret History Of The Reptilians -


  • en by or based on the work of Zechariah Sitchin and David Icke, a self-proclaimed messiah, and the rest start off with phrases such as the following: “Reptilians (also called reptoids, reptiloids, or draconians) are purported reptilian humanoids that play a prominent role in science fiction....” 4 “Description: Typically, Reptilians are described as 6 to 8 feet tall, bipedal, having scaly green skin, have a


  • scribe these extraterrestrial beings, although they are also referenced as dinosauroids, 14 or lizardfolk or lizardmen (both Dungeons and Dragons terms, for you gamers out there). Other names include Draconians, 15 which draw their name from the many proponents of the Draconian constellation as the point of origin for these otherworldly visitors, as well as Saurians and the hypothetical Dinoauroids. 16 Alth


  • ian races evolved, it was known to the Draconian Reptilians, an evil spirited, warrior species, manipulative and deceitful in nature, that the Earthly Reptoids were a peaceful, good-hearted race. The Draconians were so evolved that, like the Arcturians, they surpassed the physical limitations of their material bodies, eschewing—despite their evil nature—their carnivorous need to eat and digest solid foods,


  • located! The Draconians had stumbled across the planet Earth. Their discovery of Earth is difficult to reconcile with the fact that they seemed, by various accounts, to already know that the Reptoids of Earth were benevolen


  • ian-Human Connection.” 14 . Russell, D.A. “Speculations on the Evolution of Intelligence in Multicellular Organisms.” CP- 2156, Life in the Universe Conference. 15 . “Alex Collier: On Reptilians: The Draconians and the Paa Tal,” Biblioteca Pleyades Website, www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sumer_anunnaki/reptiles/reptiles33.htm#The%20Draconians%20and%20the%20Paa%20Tal 16 . Hecht, Jeff, Cosmos Magazine 315 (June 2


  • , changing names of, 62 depth psychology, 123 Devil, the, 47 Dinosauroid Thought Experiment, 133 -134 Dinosauroids, 133 dogmatic faiths, 43 Draco, 134 Draconian stories, author’s amalgam of, 135 -137 Draconians, 133 Ea ( see Enki/Ea) Ea’ Den, 60 , 64 , 73 , 83 , 96 ( see also Garden of Eden) Edenic state, 83 efficient causality, 125 Egyptian Book of the Dead, 115 El Eliyon, 41 Elil, 40 , 41 , 59 Elohim as a

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