
Found in 86 Books

File: Alchemy Key -


  • discover Inanna ’ s corpse impaled on a rod and resurrect her. 1318 Inanna is an image of love crucified, the earliest rose on the cross of Mesopotamia dating from at least two thousand BCE: 1319 The Annunaki, Dread Judges, Seven Lords of the Underworld drew around her. Faceless Gods of Abyss. They stared and fixed her with the Eye of Death. With the Glance of Death they killed her and hung her like a cor

File: Aleister Crowley - Complete Works -


  • Father, Whose thought is beyond the comprehension of gods and men, Hear me and Remember! Gate of the Great Gates of the Spheres, open unto me! Master of the IGIGI, swing open Thy Gate! Master of the ANNUNAKI, open the Gate to the Stars! IA NAMRASIT! IA SIN! IA NANNA! BASTAMAAGANASTA IA KIA KANPA! MAGABATHI-YA NANNA KANPA! MASHRITA NANNA ZIA KANPA! IA MAG! IA GAMAG! IA ZAGASTHENA KIA! ASHTAG KARELLIOSH! T


  • ship cross the skies, Remember! Spirits, Lords of SHAMMASH, King of the Elder Ones, Remember! Spirits, Ladies of SHAMMASH GULA, Queen of the Elder Ones, Remember! Spirits, Lords of TSHKU, Lord of the ANNUNAKI, Remember! Spirits, Ladies of the Goddess ZIKU, Mother of ENKI, Remember! Spirits, Lords of NINNASU, Our Father of the Numerous Waters, Remember! Spirits, Ladies of NINNUAH, Daughter of ENKI, Remembe


  • ind Demons who fought the Ancient TIAMAT alongside MARDUK KURIOS. The Word used at his Calling is BANUTUKKU. This is his Seal: The Sixth Name is NARILUGGALDIMMERANKIA The Watcher of the IGIGI and the ANNUNAKI, Sub-Commander of the Wind Demons. He will put to flight any maskim who haunt thee, and is the foe of the rabisu. None may pass into the World Above or the World Below without his knowledge. His Word


  • ons of the heart! Against her feet, the demons of the feet! Against her head, the demons of the head! Against her entire body, the demons the KUR! And the demons tore at her, from every side. And the ANNUNAKI, Dread Judges


  • y entered the Palace of Death And they beheld several terrible sights. The demons of all the Abyss lay there Dead but Dreaming, they clung to the walls Of the House of Death Faceless and terrible The ANNUNAKI stared out Blind and Mad AZAG-THOTH reared up The Eye on the Throne opened The Dark Waters stirred The Gates of Lapis Lazuli glistened In the darkness Unseen Monsters Spawned at the Dawn of Ages Spaw

File: Alexander Putney - Lightwater -


  • acts of Earthly human beings in our times, in preparation for the ascension of Earth into collective consciousness. The scribes of Sumer also recorded the malevolent extraterrestrial interests of the Annunaki involving the extraction of gold, using Earthly human slave labor, for the ultimate purpose of enriching the atmosphere of their own planet. 5 This unusual and highly advanced concept of golden atmos

File: Ages Of Uras - The Secret Of The Dark Stars - Anton Park -


  • go... All that is strange. Frankly, I think they are not genuine and the y play a manipulative game. In fact, I think that they are always directed by the Kingú - Babba r who are in conflict with the Annunaki and their descendants. I have difficulty seeing the Kingú - Babbar liberating the clone - sl aves that they have possessed and used since the night of time! Readers will note that this issue of the m


  • nsport with the wind") are Ama'argi personal craft, indigenous to Ura š . This original Ama'argi technology (see Races and Ama'argi ), developed in the Abzu, was eventually adopted by the U š umgal - Annunaki when the Ama'argi females joined the colony at Kharsag to form families with the Annunaki, as desc ribed in Ádam Genisi š . Eventually these craft could be found scattered over the entire globe, in t


  • ssembled from the exterior on several levels, on which was then placed the thick, heavy roof that formed the actual plateau. Anunna > Anunnaki From this point forward in Parks' books he uses the term Annunaki . The Sumerian number GI Š - U (600) is synomous with the name Anunnaki, which is to say Anunna of the KI (the Earth).


  • ponsible for the Gigal and for these two strange machines? In fact, he was unable even to find the entry door to Bluebird. He a lso at this time faced a heavy task in Edin: to install the bulk of the Annunaki in the villages of cedarwood constructed along the two enormous grooves that had been dug out by his Nungal. The work had begun; the water had begun to be diverted. The dikes and irrigation canals ha


  • eir adversaries and galactic lookalikes who found refuge in Egypt and in its subterranean sanctuary named Gigal , conceived an astute codification of languages aimed at creating difficulties for th e Annunaki with their goal of global domination over mankind. This codification, to a large extent described in the works of this series, requires an intelligence and an ultra - rapid manner of thinking not pos

File: Atlantis Encyclopedia -


  • description of the Atlantean flood predating Plato’s account by 1,000 years, it reads in part: “the mighty Irra seized away the beams [of the dams], and Ninurta coming caused the locks to burst. The Annunaki bore torches, making the land to glow with their gleaming. The noise of Adad [a volcanic mountain] came unto heaven, and a great water-spout reached to the sky. Everything light turned to darkness. F

File: Lost Civilizations And Secrets Of The Past -

  • stronauts I will discuss here, as well as aliens orextraterrestrials (ETs). The acronym2 [ch11.html#ch11not2] also applies to thegods described in early creation stories. It covers beings such as the Annunakiand Elohim, Vishnu and Yahweh, as well as their progeny, who are known byvarious names but are usually thought of as angels and devils. ABs also includethe invisible voices that have spoken to Hindu y

File: David Icke - 1999 - The Biggest Secret -

  • orking classes,Sitchin says, but eventually there was a rebellion by the miners and theAnunnaki royal élite decided to create a new slave race to do the work. TheTablets describe how the genes of the Annunaki and those of the native humanswere combined in a test tube to create the ‘updated’ human capable of doing thetasks the Anunnaki required. The idea of test tube babies would have soundedridiculous whe

  • David Icke Books, Children Of TheMatrix. Calling on nearly 80 years of learning the suppressed history of Africa,Credo tells the story of the Chitauri, the reptilian race, he says, are the sameas the Annunaki. He tells how they have controlled humanity for thousands ofyears and how they are the ruling bloodlines of the world today. It is the mostfantastic confirmation of the themes of this book, all of wh

  • tml#filepos43465], 299[../Text/index_split_038.html#filepos1059508], 310[../Text/index_split_038.html#filepos1100227], 448[../Text/index_split_046.html#filepos1596638]Reptilian Fullbloods – (see also Annunaki) – 33[../Text/index_split_012.html#filepos143921], 53[../Text/index_split_014.html#filepos217240], 60[../Text/index_split_014.html#filepos244189], 76[../Text/index_split_014.html#filepos297179], 90[.

File: David Icke - 1999 - The Biggest Secret -

  • orking classes,Sitchin says, but eventually there was a rebellion by the miners and theAnunnaki royal élite decided to create a new slave race to do the work. TheTablets describe how the genes of the Annunaki and those of the native humanswere combined in a test tube to create the ‘updated’ human capable of doing thetasks the Anunnaki required. The idea of test tube babies would have soundedridiculous whe

  • David Icke Books, Children Of TheMatrix. Calling on nearly 80 years of learning the suppressed history of Africa,Credo tells the story of the Chitauri, the reptilian race, he says, are the sameas the Annunaki. He tells how they have controlled humanity for thousands ofyears and how they are the ruling bloodlines of the world today. It is the mostfantastic confirmation of the themes of this book, all of wh

  • tml#filepos43465], 299[../Text/index_split_038.html#filepos1059508], 310[../Text/index_split_038.html#filepos1100227], 448[../Text/index_split_046.html#filepos1596638]Reptilian Fullbloods – (see also Annunaki) – 33[../Text/index_split_012.html#filepos143921], 53[../Text/index_split_014.html#filepos217240], 60[../Text/index_split_014.html#filepos244189], 76[../Text/index_split_014.html#filepos297179], 90[.

File: David Icke - 2005 - Infinite Love Is The Only Truth, Everything Else Is Illusion -

  • Almost every culture throughout the world has a similar story,including the Sumerians (4,000 to 2,000BC) in what is now Iraq. Their accountstold of the interbreeding with a non-human race called the Annunaki, and thehybrid children this produced. In southern Africa the same tale was told aboutthe Chitauri, the ‘Children of the Serpent’. Everywhere the story recurs, asdoes the theme of shape-shifting. In

  • ity change is no different from speaking to, and> being in the presence of, a totally different person. > Reading your work prompted me to recollect such events, as well as connect> ideas such as the Annunaki also being called ‘The Watchers’ by ancient> Mesopotamians and others, and this connected my memory with the drawings of> eyes that were done by my patient – eyes that she was told were ‘always> watc

  • html#filepos467359], 201> [../Text/index_split_020.html#filepos645121]> kosher 115 [../Text/index_split_015.html#filepos363071]> ‘psychic’ abilities of 23 [../Text/index_split_011.html#filepos85935]> Annunaki race 30 [../Text/index_split_011.html#filepos104736], 206> [../Text/index_split_021.html#filepos659207]> Anti-Defamation League 126 [../Text/index_split_015.html#filepos400808]> ants, group conscious

File: David Icke - 2005 - Infinite Love Is The Only Truth, Everything Else Is Illusion -

  • Almost every culture throughout the world has a similar story,including the Sumerians (4,000 to 2,000BC) in what is now Iraq. Their accountstold of the interbreeding with a non-human race called the Annunaki, and thehybrid children this produced. In southern Africa the same tale was told aboutthe Chitauri, the ‘Children of the Serpent’. Everywhere the story recurs, asdoes the theme of shape-shifting. In

  • ity change is no different from speaking to, and> being in the presence of, a totally different person. > Reading your work prompted me to recollect such events, as well as connect> ideas such as the Annunaki also being called ‘The Watchers’ by ancient> Mesopotamians and others, and this connected my memory with the drawings of> eyes that were done by my patient – eyes that she was told were ‘always> watc

  • html#filepos467359], 201> [../Text/index_split_020.html#filepos645121]> kosher 115 [../Text/index_split_015.html#filepos363071]> ‘psychic’ abilities of 23 [../Text/index_split_011.html#filepos85935]> Annunaki race 30 [../Text/index_split_011.html#filepos104736], 206> [../Text/index_split_021.html#filepos659207]> Anti-Defamation League 126 [../Text/index_split_015.html#filepos400808]> ants, group conscious

File: David Icke - Infinite Love Is The Only Truth, Everything Else Is Illusion -


  • t every culture throughout the world has a similar story, in cluding the Sumerian s (4,000 to 2,000 BC) in what is now Iraq. Their accounts told of the interbreeding wi th a non-human race called the Annunaki, and the hybrid children this produced. In southern Africa the same tale was told about the Chitauri, the 'Children of the Serpent'. Everywhere the story recurs, as does the theme of shape- shifting.


  • nality change is no different from speaking to, and being in the presenc e of, a totally different person. Reading your work prompted me to recollect such events, as well as connect ideas such as the Annunaki also being called The Watchers' by ancient Mesopotamians and others, and this connected my memory with the drawings of eyes that were done by my patient - eyes that she was told were 'always watching

File: David Icke - Infinite Love is the Only Truth, Everything Else is Illusion (2005) -


  • t every culture throughout the world has a similar story, in cluding the Sumerian s (4,000 to 2,000 BC) in what is now Iraq. Their accounts told of the interbreeding wi th a non-human race called the Annunaki, and the hybrid children this produced. In southern Africa the same tale was told about the Chitauri, the 'Children of the Serpent'. Everywhere the story recurs, as does the theme of shape- shifting.


  • nality change is no different from speaking to, and being in the presenc e of, a totally different person. Reading your work prompted me to recollect such events, as well as connect ideas such as the Annunaki also being called The Watchers' by ancient Mesopotamians and others, and this connected my memory with the drawings of eyes that were done by my patient - eyes that she was told were 'always watching

File: David Icke - The Biggest Secret - The Book that Will Change the World (1998) -


  • ing classes, Sitchin says, but eventually there was a rebellion by the miners and the Anunnaki royal elite decided to create a new slave race to do the work. The Tablets describe how the genes of the Annunaki and those of the native humans were combined in a test tube to create the ‘updated’ human capable of doing the tasks the Anunnaki required. The idea of test tube babies would have sounded ridiculous


  • nd New Guinea, concluded that they had the same female ancestor who lived in Africa between 140,000 and 290,000 years ago. 8 Personally I think the human race was seeded by many sources; not just the Annunaki. The Sumerian Tablets and later Akkadian stories give the names and hierarchy of the Anunnaki. They call the ‘Father’ of the gods, AN, a word that means heaven. Our Father who art in heaven? AN, or A


  • f the Indian holy books, the Vedas, will confirm, there were many accounts of the ‘gods’ going to war with each other as they battled for supremacy. The Sumerian accounts describe how the sons of the Annunaki ‘gods’ were most involved in these wars. These were the offspring of Enki and Enlil, the half-brothers who became fierce rivals, and their sons played out that battle in a high-tech conflict, the Tab


  • Sitchin also speculates that the Anunnaki went to Mars before coming to Earth. This would certainly fit the picture and it could well be that the white Martians in Brian Desborough’s scenario and the Annunaki have long been genetically connected. A high priestess of the Brotherhood hierarchy who has broken out of their clutches, at least at the time I spoke with her, says that the reptilian Anunnaki invad


  • the ancients as the demi-gods, who were given the task of middlemen, controlling the population and running the world according to the Agenda of their reptile masters. What is clear is that while the Annunaki interbred with many Earth races, the white race has been their main vehicle for taking over the planet and the ‘royal’ Draco at the top of their hierarchy are albino white. Significantly, when you lo


  • , but the basic genetic structure remains and the Brotherhood maintains very detailed genetic records of who has it and who doesn’t. Christian and Barbara O’Brien say in Genius Of The Few that if the Annunaki had interbred with humanity hundreds of thousands of years ago and then interbred with them again about 30,000 years ago, the result of the second interbreeding would be a genetic structure that was


  • , 246, 466 Reptilian Crossbreeds (Reptile-Human Hybrids) - 21, 24-7, 29, 31-2, 34, 37-40, 42-4, 46, 51, 57, 59, 62-3, 73, 78,81, 88, 107, 133, 142, 179, 251, 304, 441 Reptilian Fullbloods - (see also Annunaki) - 19-47, 50-1, 53-8, 81, 88, 98, 117, 122-31, 133, 142-S, 149, 162, 165, 241-6, 248, 254, 259-60, 288-91, 293-8, 306, 315, 324, 344-6, 351-3, 441, 450-3, 460, 464-6, 469-71, 478-80, 490-2, 494 Repti

File: David Icke - The Biggest Secret -


  • ing classes, Sitchin says, but eventually there was a rebellion by the miners and the Anunnaki royal elite decided to create a new slave race to do the work. The Tablets describe how the genes of the Annunaki and those of the native humans were combined in a test tube to create the ‘updated’ human capable of doing the tasks the Anunnaki required. The idea of test tube babies would have sounded ridiculous


  • nd New Guinea, concluded that they had the same female ancestor who lived in Africa between 140,000 and 290,000 years ago. 8 Personally I think the human race was seeded by many sources; not just the Annunaki. The Sumerian Tablets and later Akkadian stories give the names and hierarchy of the Anunnaki. They call the ‘Father’ of the gods, AN, a word that means heaven. Our Father who art in heaven? AN, or A


  • f the Indian holy books, the Vedas, will confirm, there were many accounts of the ‘gods’ going to war with each other as they battled for supremacy. The Sumerian accounts describe how the sons of the Annunaki ‘gods’ were most involved in these wars. These were the offspring of Enki and Enlil, the half-brothers who became fierce rivals, and their sons played out that battle in a high-tech conflict, the Tab


  • Sitchin also speculates that the Anunnaki went to Mars before coming to Earth. This would certainly fit the picture and it could well be that the white Martians in Brian Desborough’s scenario and the Annunaki have long been genetically connected. A high priestess of the Brotherhood hierarchy who has broken out of their clutches, at least at the time I spoke with her, says that the reptilian Anunnaki invad


  • the ancients as the demi-gods, who were given the task of middlemen, controlling the population and running the world according to the Agenda of their reptile masters. What is clear is that while the Annunaki interbred with many Earth races, the white race has been their main vehicle for taking over the planet and the ‘royal’ Draco at the top of their hierarchy are albino white. Significantly, when you lo


  • , but the basic genetic structure remains and the Brotherhood maintains very detailed genetic records of who has it and who doesn’t. Christian and Barbara O’Brien say in Genius Of The Few that if the Annunaki had interbred with humanity hundreds of thousands of years ago and then interbred with them again about 30,000 years ago, the result of the second interbreeding would be a genetic structure that was


  • , 246, 466 Reptilian Crossbreeds (Reptile-Human Hybrids) - 21, 24-7, 29, 31-2, 34, 37-40, 42-4, 46, 51, 57, 59, 62-3, 73, 78,81, 88, 107, 133, 142, 179, 251, 304, 441 Reptilian Fullbloods - (see also Annunaki) - 19-47, 50-1, 53-8, 81, 88, 98, 117, 122-31, 133, 142-S, 149, 162, 165, 241-6, 248, 254, 259-60, 288-91, 293-8, 306, 315, 324, 344-6, 351-3, 441, 450-3, 460, 464-6, 469-71, 478-80, 490-2, 494 Repti

File: David Wilcock - Shift Of The Ages -


  • ooperating with Space Brothers that they had interacted with as well, given the preponderance of "Ancient Astronaut" data that is available. Sitchin's data very strongly suggests the existence of the Annunaki, or "Those who from Heaven to Earth Came.") The maps were kept within the high ranks of the priesthood well after the start of the Sumerian civilization, and eventually, they were secreted into the L

File: David Wilcock - The Divine Cosmos -


  • ng time came from the Sumerians. The work of Zecharia Sitchin, Lloyd Pye and others has brought widespread awareness to the extra-terrestrial aid that was given to the ancient Sumerian culture by the Annunaki or Nefilim, who are known as “Those who from Heaven to Earth Came.” In both of our previous works we have seen that as a unit of time, the second “just so happens” to unify all movements in the Cosmo

File: 10_10_2004_Part 1 Texas Case of Shape-Shifting Human-to-Reptilian -


  • ish Museum Press. Sumerian scholar, Zecharia Sitchin, writing in his "Earth Chronicles" series beginning withthe 1976 classic, The 12th Planet, to his 1993 book, When Time Began, describes theancient Annunaki "gods" of Sumeria as being reptilian and the manipulators of DNA inalready-evolving primates to create Homo sapiens workers on Earth to serve theAnnunaki. Cornell astronomer Carl Sagan's most famous

File: 06_08_2006_Part 2 Unexplained Phenomenon of Sudden Human-to-Reptile Replacement -



File: 01_08_2007_Updated Attorney Describes His Encounter with Non-Human Entities -


  • ld do. I think somehow, we threaten someone’s power structure. That’s just anintuition. I really don’t know.THERE IS A GREAT IRONY IF IN FACT HOMO SAPIENS SAPIENS AS A SPECIESWAS SET IN MOTION BY THE ANNUNAKI AS DESCRIBED SUMERIAN TEXT.AND THEN TURNED AROUND AND WAS THREATENED BY THAT WHICH ITMADE?Yeah, that is ironic, isn’t it?WHAT DO THE SUPPRESSORS WANT?I can only speculate that it’s power. Power over

File: 06_08_2007_Part 3 U. S. Crop Formations, Wheat Pictogram in Madisonville, Tennessee -


  • Sumerian ThunderbirdAnzu-bird = the Thunderbird whose Sumerian name means "heavy rain" or "slingstone." TheThunderbird once tried to steal the me (cultural powers) from Enki, an Annunaki ruler-godin Mesopotamia. Source: figure in this Sumerian clay cylinder seal is the Anzu-bird, or Thunderbird.A Mesopotamian stone carving that depicts a S

File: 08_01_2008_Part 1 Rise of Fourth Reich in America -


  • tablets, Mesopotamia was controlled and manipulated by non-humans called Annunakithat had their own agendas on this planet.After American buildings, planes and lives were destroyed on September 11, 2001, Jim didhis own research and became convinced there were other truths beyond t

File: 08_22_2008_UFOs and 14th Century Black Death -


  • Sitchin (born 1922 and raised in Palestine) is anauthor of eight books, including his first The Twelfth Planet © 1976, thatattribute the creation of the ancient Mesopotamian Sumerian culture to the“ Annunaki” or “ Nephilim,” a race of extraterrestrials from an undiscoveredplanet called Nibiru that Sitchin thinks orbits this solar system every 3,600years.Ancient Sumerian cylinder seal that depicts the Ann


  • Websites:Black Death: for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI): of Eden: Fort Institute: Sitchin: http://www.sitch

File: 08_26_2008_Update Earthfiles Viewer Comments About UFOs and 14th Century Black Death -


  • ho Allegedly Saw Craft and "Lizard" Arm from 1965Kecksbur g, PA CrashWebsites:Black Death: for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI): of Eden: Fort Institute: Sitchin: http://www.sitch

File: 10_12_2008_Part 2 Pennsylvania High Strangeness - Thunderbird Sightings -


  • aish. Sumerian ThunderbirdsAnzu-bird is an ancient Mesopotamian Thunderbird whose Sumerian name means “heavyrain” or “slingstone.” The Thunderbird once tried to steal the cultural powers from Enki,an Annunaki ruler-god in Mesopotamia.Anzu, or Sumerian “Thunderbird,” is often depicted with large wings. This 2500 B. C. modernclay impression comes from a cylinder seal in which second from right is Enki (Ea),

File: 10_25_2008_Other Eyewitnesses of Thunderbirds -


  • and G odde sse s.Mesopotamian stone carving depicts Anzu, Sumerian Bird-Man,with large wings, interacting with Tree of Life.Source: Sume rian G ods and G odde sse s.Sumerian Gods and Goddesses: “The Annunaki are sometimesdepicted as humanoid; at other times they are bird-headed with wings.Often they are reptilian in appearance, especially when depicted aswarriors. Sometimes they are shown as a combinatio

File: Erich von Daniken - Lost civilizations And Secrets Of The Past -

  • stronauts I will discuss here, as well as aliens orextraterrestrials (ETs). The acronym2 [ch11.html#ch11not2] also applies to thegods described in early creation stories. It covers beings such as the Annunakiand Elohim, Vishnu and Yahweh, as well as their progeny, who are known byvarious names but are usually thought of as angels and devils. ABs also includethe invisible voices that have spoken to Hindu y

File: Freemasonry's Cult Abuses -


  • Southern is responsible for the other 37. When the class of candidates enters, they are immedi - ately thrown into sensory overload by the grandeur of the architecture, artwork and Egyptian/Sumerian/Annunaki motifs of Scottish Rite Cathedrals. In Dallas, the prosceni - um of the stage where the Degrees are performed is a replica of the front of the Temple of Karnak at Thebes, showcasing the winged disc o


  • it.” ( Morals and Dog - ma , p. 104-105) because now I was staring face to face with relics and symbols which were clear to me through by own independent studies were Sumerian, Babylonian, Egyptian, Annunaki, Templar and even yes, Illuminati and Luciferian in nature. As the Faustian 18 th Degree opens up and the gates of hell are opened and the actor playing the candidate on stage is led around on a fun


  • at the time being given no newcomer could have the slightest clue about its true meaning or implications. Implications saturated with such myths legends and symbols of Egyptian, Sumerian, Babylonian, Annunaki and Illuminati descent are shoved into your head faster than you can process them...if you are awake. In the event a Master Mason potentially interested in the Scottish Rite claims he can’t devote th


  • s, interesting to note) glimmer - ing chandeliers in the ballroom, the towering spooky gothic library, the grand staircase that puts Gone With the Wind’s Tara to shame, or the auditorium adorned with Annunaki and Egyptian hieroglyphs. ,QWKLVVWXSHQGRXVHGLÀFHHUHFWHGE\0DVRQVWKHPDU - ble halls and statues seem to come alive with the natural light, stained glass, towering statues and giant grandfather

File: John Major Jenkins - The 2012 Story The Myths, Fallacies and Truth Behind the Most Intriguing Date in History -


  • reting ancient esoteric doctrines through the lens of materialism. So, instead of insights into the metaphysical teachings connected with the lunar nodes, eclipses, and transcendence, we get Niburian Annunaki fiddling with our genes whenever the Maya calendar says so. The situation is both absurd and hilarious. For science-oriented researchers, the galactic alignment is a topic of interest but has often b

File: Joseph P. Farrell - Cosmic War -

  • INTRODUCTION: APPROACHES TO A PROBLEM > “This weapon can slay any being within the three worlds, including Indra and> Rudra. ”The Mahabharata1 Giants. Nephilim. Annunaki. Colliding planets and the Exploding PlanetHypothesis. Cosmic catastrophe. Comets. Angels. Demons. War in Heaven. The Fallof Lucifer. Wars of the Gods. Ancient epics. Ancient advanced technology.Arti

  • geance for it would come> afterwards,” as Hesiod has it (Theogony 207-10).206> [The_Cosmic_W-_Ancient_Texts_split_175.html#filepos1091672] But what was it that these Titans - or giants or Nephilim or Annunaki orwhatever one wishes to call them - had done? De Santillana’s and Von Dechind’sunderstanding of the galactic context of ancient myths shows exactly what wasinvolved:> ...It was bound to happen ...wh

  • u mixed clay> With his flesh and blood.> They heard the drumbeat forever after.265> [The_Cosmic_W-_Ancient_Texts_split_175.html#filepos1103544] This gives a crucial insight into the “morality” of the Annunaki, who areclearly not above murdering one of their own to lighten the workload of therest.But the passage is obviously pregnant with much more significance. AsAssyriologist Stephanie Dalley observes:>

  • ervations both aboutNinurta, the technological motivations for the war, and the technological meansby which it was fought. Ninurta is called “the powerful god, Ellil’s son, Ekur’schild, leader of the Annunaki, focus of Eninnu.”402[The_Cosmic_W-_Ancient_Texts_split_175.html#filepos1131760] Note the clearconnection between Ninurta and the Annunaki, the beings equivalent with the“Nephilim” who fell from heav

  • 1. GARDNER’S “GRAND ASSEMBLY OF THE ANNUNAKI” The Grand Assembly of the Annunaki 556[The_Cosmic_W-_Ancient_Texts_split_175.html#filepos1169861]044 [images/00044.jpg] There are a number of crucial points to be observed about this chart. First an

  • 2. THE “GRAND ASSEMBLY OF THE ANNUNAKI” AND MANKIND However, it is at the second of Gardner’s genealogical tables that things beginto become very interesting indeed. Gardner’s Fourth through Sixth Generations of the Grand Assembly of theA

  • ns for the “situation” of mankind in the Sumerian version:mankind - Adam and Eve’s direct descendants - is not directly connected toeither side of the pantheon, whereas there is a continuation of the Annunakiline via Enki and Lilith, on Nergal’s side of the pantheon, and there is also afurther hybridized part-human, part Anunnaki line deriving from Eve and Enki onthe other side, a line independent of Nerg

File: Joseph P. Farrell - Grid of the Gods -

  • suggestively, “messengers,” and “the shining ones.”36 If this sounds vaguelyfamiliar, it should, this precise term, “the shining ones,” was also used insome ancient Mesopotamian texts to describe the Annunaki, the Watchers, the raceof “gods” that came to earth and, in some readings of the stories, helped toengineer the human race itself. They were thus designated because of theluminous character of their

File: Maximillien De Lafayette - 2022 - What Will Happen To Us When The Anunnaki Return -


  • o back in history, we discover that the genetically created men by male Anunnaki looked like robots and machines, while the final “product” of the early modern men as created by the female Annunaki had more appealing physical attributes, and more developed sense for aesthetics and artistic creativity. Do The Anunnaki react and feel like us? They do not react like humans, but they do express emo

File: Maximillien De Lafayette - 2022 - What Will Happen To Us When The Anunnaki Return -


  • o back in history, we discover that the genetically created men by male Anunnaki looked like robots and machines, while the final “product” of the early modern men as created by the female Annunaki had more appealing physical attributes, and more developed sense for aesthetics and artistic creativity. Do The Anunnaki react and feel like us? They do not react like humans, but they do express emo

File: Maximillien De Lafayette - 2022 Anunnaki Code -


  • back in history, we discover that the genetically created men by male Anunnaki lo oked like robots and machines, while the final “product” of the early modern men as created by the female Annunaki had more appealing physical attributes, and more developed sense for aesthetics and artistic creativity. Do The Anunnaki react and feel like us? They do not react like humans, but they do express emo

File: Maximillien De Lafayette - Anunnaki And Ulema - Book 2 -

  • he hand was called by Galen “The instrument of instruments.” The hand in theBible is the symbol of human deeds.(Ps. 9:16; Job 9:30; Isa. 1:15; 1 Tim. 2:8). Handaa: A treaty; an understanding. Handar: Annunaki’s vest, which is made from thin layers of metal. Hani: An Anunnaki guide; an instructor. Hannaaba: An Anunnaki council. Hapura “Hapudi”: A division; a separation. From Hapura, derived the Akkadianver

File: Maximillien De Lafayette - Anunnaki And Ulema - Book 3 -

  • al influence …188 115. Jazirat Arwad And The Anunnaki’s Connection…191Arwad “Aradus” …191I. Definition and introduction…191II. The secrets and unknown historical facts of Arwad…191 116. Baalbeck, The Annunaki’s City on Earth…193I. Definition and introduction …193II. Baalbeck, the Anunnaki, the Phoenicians, and the Sumerian/Akkadian texts…193III. Baalbeck: A visit to the underground city of the Djinn and A

  • aswell as Greeks and Romans. It is a perfect spot for those who are fond of ErnestHemingway. You will be intrigued by the layout of the island’s houses and itsfortress. *** *** *** 116. Baalbeck, The Annunaki’s City on Earth I. Definition and introductionII. Baalbeck, the Anunnaki, the Phoenicians, and the Sumerian/Akkadian textsIII. Baalbeck: A visit to the underground city of the Djinn and Afrit ____

File: Maximillien De Lafayette - Anunnaki Genetic Creation Of The Human Race -


  • rids...64 Ferohim “Feroh”, “Feroch”...65 Name for a group of Anunnaki, who participated in developing life- forms in the oceans of the Earth...65 An , Anu, Anum...65 The chief god of the Annunaki and creator of the gods, including the peoples of Earth...65 Aruru “Mammi”...68 The Babylonian great mother goddess of creation...68 Ellil “Enlil”, “El-lil”, “Ellil”...68 I. Definition and intr


  • aled cosmic life which exists in Ferho from eternity, according to the Codex Nazaraeus. *** *** *** An , Anu, Anum: Akkadian/Sumerian/Chaldean/Egyptian. Noun “An” was the chief god of the Annunaki. “An” is Anu in Egyptian, and Anum in Akkadian. “An” was the creator of the gods, including the people of Earth, but over time, “An” lost his privileged position to his son Enlil. His main temple was

File: Maximillien De Lafayette - Anunnaki Ultimatum - End Of Time -


  • rdah means Rose in Arabic. In Hebrew, it is Vered, and a female name was constructed from it, Varda. In Europe, the organization of the Rosicrucians took its name from the Rose. Annunaki’s masters are given the degree ‘33’ just as they do in Freemasonry where the highest level in 33. Incidentally, the number three is important to all these people. For example, in the anci


  • eated by the Igigi...87–90 Records and files, preservation of...92–93 Thirteen faculties of the quasi-humans...89–90 Three legged humans...88 Women of light...91–92 Zachariah of Mitylene...93 HYBRIDS Annunaki-human hybrids...218 Hybrids' base, first visit Generally ...185–192 Fetuses, tanks of...191–192 Late stagers, adoption by military personnel...187–188 Lifestyle of hybrid children...186–192 Three sta

File: Maximillien De Lafayette - Book Of Ramadosh -


  • Handaii: Fire. Handar: Ana’kh/Ulemite. Annunaki’s vest, which is made from thin layers of metal. Hanessa: Ana’kh/Ulemite. A decision. Hani: Ana’kh/Ulemite. A guide; an instructor. Hannaaba: Ana’kh/Ulemite. A council. Hapaara: Ana’kh/Ule

File: Maximillien De Lafayette - Learn How To Speak The Anunnaki Language -

  • letter A and a leaf of a white rose. An: Also in Sumerian. Adjective. High. An: Also in Sumerian. Noun.a- The heaven,b- The sky. An: Also in Sumerian, Akkadian and Chaldean. Name.The chief god of the Annunaki.Anu in Egyptian,Anum in Akkadian.An was the creator of the gods, including the peoples of the earth, but overtime (3000-2500 B.C.) An lost his privileged position to his son Enlil. His maintemple was

  • the Anunnaki (SeeAnunnaki). The Utukki were mentioned in the Sumerian/Akkadian Creation Epic, andthe Book of Ramadosh.Anu “Anum” : Also in Akkadian, Sumerian and Babylonian. Noun.The chief god ofthe Annunaki.Anu in Egyptian.An in Sumerian.An was the creator of the gods, including the peoples of the earth, b ut overtime (3000-2500 B.C.) An lost his privileged position to his son Enlil. His maintemple was

File: Maximillien De Lafayette - Maria Orsic, Nikola Tesla, Their Extraterrestrials Messages - Volume 2 -


  • e children of Anu and Ki. The early Anunnaki had strong relations with the Sumerians, the Phoenicians, the Hyksos, the Philistines, the Etruscans, the Druids, the Minoans, and the Arwadians. The Annunaki appeared prominently in the Babylonian creation myth/epic, “ Enuma Elish ” . In the late version, glorifying Marduk , after the creation of mankind, Marduk divides the Anunnaki and assigns them to d

File: Maximillien De Lafayette - Maria Orsic, Nikola Tesla, Their Extraterrestrials Messages - Volume 2 -


  • e children of Anu and Ki. The early Anunnaki had strong relations with the Sumerians, the Phoenicians, the Hyksos, the Philistines, the Etruscans, the Druids, the Minoans, and the Arwadians. The Annunaki appeared prominently in the Babylonian creation myth/epic, “ Enuma Elish ” . In the late version, glorifying Marduk , after the creation of mankind, Marduk divides the Anunnaki and assigns them to d

File: Maximillien De Lafayette - Return Of The Extraterrestrial Anunnaki -


  • Phoenician and Anunnaki “Waw”. Facts : Despite the US constan t denial of any contact with aliens, many statements given by top Ame rican military scientists and a high-ranking Annunaki’s personal revelations show without any doubt, that in fact: 1 - While d ifferent alien races do live and work on planet earth, t he Anu nnaki do not . 2- The Grays who originally came from

File: Maximillien De Lafayette - Ufos - Maria Orsic - Volume 2 -

  • of Babylonia [Image00125.jpg]The early Anunnaki had strong relations with the Sum erians, the Phoenicians,the Hy k s os, the Philistines, the Etruscans, the Druids, the Minoans, and theArwadians.The Annunaki appeared prominently in the Babylonian creation myth/epic, “ EnumaElish [] ” .In the late version, glorifying Marduk [] ,aft

File: Michael E. Salla - US Air Force Secret Space Program Shifting Extraterrestrial Alliances & Space Force -

  • uest-for-the-10-gigaton-bomb_556351](accessed 10/21/18).[209] [text00014.html#_ednref209] Tom Van Flandern, “The Exploded PlanetHypothesis,”[](accessed 10/21/18).[210] [text00014.html#_ednref210] See John E. Brandenburg, Death on Mars: TheDiscovery of a Planet
  • ml#_ednref209] Tom Van Flandern, “The Exploded PlanetHypothesis,”[](accessed 10/21/18).[210] [text00014.html#_ednref210] See John E. Brandenburg, Death on Mars: TheDiscovery of a Planetary Nuclear Massacre (Adventures Unlimited Press, 2015).[211] [

File: Michael Tsarion - Atlanteans - Tutors Or Tyrants -


  • ch with various meanings. The most common name, as used in the scriptures, is "Nephilim" (said to mean “those who were cast down” or also "those of strange birth"). In Sumeria, they were known as the Annunaki or Annanage (meaning "heavenly serpents"). They did not come to our solar system or planet by choice. They were being pursued into our corner of the galaxy by members of their own planet, or planets,


  • spiritual and moral dichotomy as a result of this abnormal amalgam. The very name Adam comes from the Semitic adom meaning "cut off" or "divided." The "dividers" were the so-called "gods" (Nephilim, Annunaki) feared and revered, expert in the science of genetics, with a total grasp of astro-navigation, mining, metallurgy, hybridization, cloning, and cellular-encoding, etc. Zeus gathered the gods in counc

File: Michael Tsarion - Atlantis, Alien Visitation And Genetic Manipulation -


  • ded in our own time? Many authors, who have made researches into the subject of alien visitation, such as Brinsley Le Pour Trench, Erich von Daniken, and Zacharia Sitchin, continually assert that the Annunaki have left this planet and are one day to return to save us from our- selves and correct the injustices and wrongs of humankind. These authors believe that the alien “gods” are essentially benevolent;


  • tlantis, Alien Visitation, and Genetic Manipulation “Enochian” magic is named after the Old Testament prophet, Enoch. But the name actually goes further back to the Sumerian Enki, one of the original Annunaki. It is more than signif- icant that Dee chose this name for his divination. Sir John Dee was actually successful in his enterprise. He succeeded in opening his portal and entering into dialogue with


  • oved history) was so different from the original, the early first-hand records were labeled ‘mythology’. (p. 60) Marduk The great Babylonian god was the son of goddess Damkina, by way of the Sumerian Annunaki king, Enki. (See p. 63) Enki and Enlil Sumerian Annunaki, the sons of Anu, the supreme father, who was the son of Anshar and Kishar. They were the brother and sister of Mummu, who was the son of the


  • t that Hawah’s first son was the son of the Lord, whereas the second son was the son of Adam. (p. 101) Eve’s Two Mates Eve had two sons by different fathers, one was Homo sapiens, while the other was Annunaki: • ENKI SON – CAIN • ADAM’S SON – ABEL Therefore, Cain (Qayin) was the one of the royal blood, which is why he was descried and denigrated in the Christian bible. Eve’s Third Son This was Seth, and h


  • s the Rose Cross. (RX) Comment This RX, is now pronounced phonetically as Rex, the title given to monarchs. It is also the sym- bol one finds in the Pharmaceutical fields and professions. The ancient Annunaki were powerful Alchemists/Chemists. The Cross and the Circle This is the mark. It is also the sign for Venus in astrology. This is seen held inverted by the mon- archs. The cross within the circle is


  • d Enki), the latter who was according to the Talmud, the con- sort of Adam even before Eve. Lilith The granddaughter of Enlil, daughter of his son, Nergal of the Underworld. She was therefore of pure Annunaki stock, and refused therefore to be Adam’s permanent mate. In fact, she was the consort of Enki, Cain’s father. Together they produced Cain’s wife, Luluwa. (see p. 106). Enoch Was the son of Cain and


  • used for her as it was for the sister of Moses and for his daughter and grand- daughter. This “Miriam” was actually Queen Kiya and was greatly beloved. She had a strong family tie to the Mesopotamian Annunaki. (See p. 208) Miriam = Mery-Amon Son of Moses (Tutankhamun) Unlike Nefertiti, Queen Kiya bore a son to Moses, namely Tutankhamun. (See p. 208.) Bible Jive As the Bible story progresses, we are led to

File: Michael Tsarion - Irish Origins Of Civilization - Volume 1 -


  • aase ) German - Natter Anglo - Saxon - Addar Cornish - Nader Norse - Naor Gothic - Nadr Sanskrit - Nagas ( Nadi ) Latin - Natrix Native Indian - Nakopowa ("snake pr iest") Sumerian - Nage ( Annanage, Annunaki )

File: Michael Tsarion - Irish Origins Of Civilization - Volume 2 -


  • embodiments of and channels for the will of those gods and goddesses. They were the "Keepers," the "W atchers," the "Elders," the "Kadosh." Secondary permutations of the words, Elohim, Nephilim , and Annunaki , refer to these living incarnate gods, the pharaohs of Egypt, and the various stellar, solar, and lunar priestarchies they headed. The Ankh is a symbol of the


  • Nephilim, or Annunaki, and their primordial knowledge and royal status. It served the same symbolic purpose as the modern crown, scepter, and mace. Indeed, the very word ankh is a loose rendering of the word Anakim (meani


  • e - diluvian civilizations of Atlantis and Lemuria. At that time, human DNA was crossed genetically with that of alien visitors from other worlds, those referred to in the scriptures and myths as the Annunaki , the Nephilim , the Sons of God , or the Fallen Angels . The hybrid created from these t ransgenic experiments may be referred to as "Homo Atlantis" and also as the "Son of the Serpent." From this f


  • both royalty and divinity. Author Laurence Gardner speculates that the original god of the Semitic Levites (El) goes back through the "Dragon Court" of the Hyksos, to the Sumerian Enlil , and to the Annunaki , the "Hea venly Serpents" or "those who from heaven came down." The Covenant with Jehovah - was not made in the time of Abraham, nor even in the time of Moses - it occurred much later, in the time o

File: Michael Tsarion - Shiva, The Holy Spirit And The Age Of Aquarius -


  • dy fell upon earth and consumed the blossoms of the trees - ( Corpus Scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium - a Gnostic Text) The genetic hybridization experiments of the Fallen Angels (the Nephilim or Annunaki) was recorded in ancient suppressed and sequestered books such as the Book of Enoch: And then Samjaza, who was their leader, said unto them: I fear ye will not indeed agree to do this deed and I alon

File: Dragon Legacy_ The Secret History of a - Nicholas de Vere -

  • wouldnot have attracted the animosity of the Church, who only prosecuted heterodoxChristians. A final note on Chronos/Saturn/Anu. He was the inventor of Agriculture and thusmay be identified with the Annunaki of Sumeria who also developed advancedfarming techniques and settled agriculture. Wherever one travels in the world,the figure of Saturn is invariably depicted as an old man with a beard leaningon a

  • s”. And who were these gods? Authors such as ZechariaSitchin, Sir Laurence Gardner and Nicholas de Vere are authoritatively convincedthat kingship was created by an advanced race of beings called the Annunaki,also called the Nephilim in the Old Testament. They reportedly civilized thehuman race and interbred with a portion of it to create the kingly caste whichuntil this day has maintained control over th

File: Elite, Illuminati, Governments,Mind Control War -


  • t matter anymore, it has been done. I do not use email and my presence here will end within days. _____________________________________________________________ Q : Do you have any connection with the Annunaki that the Sumerians wrote of? How close to the truth is the book The Illuminatus! Trilogy : The Eye in the Pyramid,


  • for the misconception most have which you described together with the statement that the resources are disappearing. It is the way I described in the former post. The writing has some errors. 1. The Annunaki are rulers from a different era, they are gone and replaced by others. 10.000-15.000 years from now (yes, the Earth will be still alive) people will find texts about the rulers of this era thinking i

File: Necronomicon Spellbook -


  • cloud will lift from your heart and mind and the solution to an important problem will reveal itself in all its simplicity. 6.The Sixth Name is NARILUGGALDIMMERANKIA The Watcher of the IGIGI and the ANNUNAKI. Sub-Commander of the Wind Demons. He will put to flight any maskim who haunt thee, and the foe of the rabisu. None may pass into the World Above or the World Below without his knowledge. His word is

File: Necronomicon -


  • Father, Whose thought is beyond the comprehension of gods and men, Hear me and Remember! Gate of the Great Gates of the Spheres, open unto me! Master of the IGIGI, swing open Thy Gate! Master of the ANNUNAKI, open the Gate to the Stars! IA NAMRASIT! IA SIN! IA NANNA! BASTAMAAGANASTA IA KIA KANPA! MAGABATHI-YA NANNA KANPA! MASHRITA NANNA ZIA KANPA! IA MAG! IA GAMAG! IA ZAGASTHENA KIA! ASHTAG KARELLIOSH! T


  • ship cross the skies, Remember! Spirits, Lords of SHAMMASH, King of the Elder Ones, Remember! Spirits, Ladies of SHAMMASH GULA, Queen of the Elder Ones, Remember! Spirits, Lords of TSHKU, Lord of the ANNUNAKI, Remember! Spirits, Ladies of the Goddess ZIKU, Mother of ENKI, Remember! Spirits, Lords of NINNASU, Our Father of the Numerous Waters, Remember! Spirits, Ladies of NINNUAH, Daughter of ENKI, Remembe


  • ind Demons who fought the Ancient TIAMAT alongside MARDUK KURIOS. The Word used at his Calling is BANUTUKKU. This is his Seal: The Sixth Name is NARILUGGALDIMMERANKIA The Watcher of the IGIGI and the ANNUNAKI, Sub-Commander of the Wind Demons. He will put to flight any maskim who haunt thee, and is the foe of the rabisu. None may pass into the World Above or the World Below without his knowledge. His Word


  • ons of the heart! Against her feet, the demons of the feet! Against her head, the demons of the head! Against her entire body, the demons the KUR! And the demons tore at her, from every side. And the ANNUNAKI, Dread Judges


  • y entered the Palace of Death And they beheld several terrible sights. The demons of all the Abyss lay there Dead but Dreaming, they clung to the walls Of the House of Death Faceless and terrible The ANNUNAKI stared out Blind and Mad AZAG-THOTH reared up The Eye on the Throne opened The Dark Waters stirred The Gates of Lapis Lazuli glistened In the darkness Unseen Monsters Spawned at the Dawn of Ages Spaw

File: Revelations Of An Elite Family Insider -


  • rom M edina....the wife is more importa nt though. It does not matter anymore, it has been done. I do not use email a nd m y presence here will end within days. Q: Do you have any connection with the Annunaki that the Sumerians wrote of? How close to the truth is the book The Illuminatus! Trilogy : The Eye in the Pyramid, The Golden Apple, Leviathan by Robert Shea and Robert Anton Wilson? Is M oroni, who


  • for the misconception most have which you described together with the statement that the resources are disappearing. It is the way I described in the form er post. The writing has some errors. 1. The Annunaki are rulers from a different era, they are gone and replaced by others. 10.000­15.000 years from now (yes, the Earth will be still alive) people will find texts about the rulers of this era thinking i

File: Archons - Hidden Rulers Through The Ages -


  • or individuals who have been genetically modified by the alien hybrid breeding program, so popularized in contemporary UFO abduction research? Some believe that the royal seed are descendents of the Annunaki so commonly discussed in the writings of Zechariah Sitchin. Some assert that the ancient Annunaki are nothing more than the reptilian lizard beings so prevalently discussed by conspiracy researchers

File: Atlantean Conspiracy -


  • Spielberg’s ET that replaced the finger of God in Michelangelo’ s Sistine Chapel with the finger of an alien? This is the Psy+Op. We're supposedly generation X. Aliens keep telling “contactees” that Annunaki Planet X is coming in 2012. The X+Files on Fox lends plausibility and builds the mystery of aliens. A supposed government insider with knowledge of Area 51, UFOs, and aliens calls himself “Mr. X.” He


  • SS/CIA. Also in 1947 was the Rothschild’s Balfour Declaration and a ll the AzkeNAZI Jews entering Israel. This is the same Israel that has seen much UFO activity, and is in the Bible where we see the AnnuNAKI. AnnuNAKI, AzkeNAZI, NAZI, NASI, NASA, NSA, what does it all mean? Adam Weishaupt, the founder of the Illuminati wrote , “ Of all the means I know to lead men, the most effec tual is a concealed myst


  • r dragons. African Kings claimed descent from the Ch ituhuri serpent people. Chinese Kings claimed descent from ancient dragon gods that came from the sky. The Sumerian Kings claimed descent from the Annunaki, “those who from Heaven to Earth came.” Annunaki, are called many things in the Bible: Anak, Anakim, Sons of Anak, and Nephilim are some of the more common. These are the Fallen Angels among whom Sat

File: David Icke - Infinite Love is the Only Truth, Everything Else is Illusion (2005) -


  • most every culture throughout the world has a similar story, including the Sumerians (4,000 to 2,000 BC) in what is now Iraq. Their accounts told of the interbreeding with a non-human race called the Annunaki, and the hybrid children this produced. In southern Africa the same tale was told about the Chitauri, the 'Children of the Serpent'. Everywhere the story recurs, as does the theme of shape-shifting.


  • onality change is no different from speaking to, and being in the presence of, a totally different person. Reading your work prompted me to recollect such events, as well as connect ideas such as the Annunaki also being called The Watchers' by ancient Mesopotamians and others, and this connected my memory with the drawings of eyes that were done by my patient - eyes that she was told were 'always watching

File: David Icke - The Biggest Secret - The Book that Will Change the World (1998) -


  • orking classes,Sitchin says, but eventually there was a rebellion by the miners and the Anunnaki royalelite decided to create a new slave race to do the work. The Tablets describe how thegenes of the Annunaki and those of the native humans were combined in a test tube tocreate the ‘updated’ human capable of doing the tasks the Anunnaki required. The ideaof test tube babies would have sounded ridiculous wh


  • a and New Guinea, concluded that they had thesame female ancestor who lived in Africa between 140,000 and 290,000 years ago.8Personally I think the human race was seeded by many sources; not just the Annunaki.The Sumerian Tablets and later Akkadian stories give the names and hierarchy ofthe Anunnaki. They call the ‘Father’ of the gods, AN, a word that means heaven.Our Father who art in heaven? AN, or Anu


  • s of theIndian holy books, the Vedas, will confirm, there were many accounts of the ‘gods’going to war with each other as they battled for supremacy. The Sumerian accountsdescribe how the sons of the Annunaki ‘gods’ were most involved in these wars. Thesewere the offspring of Enki and Enlil, the half-brothers who became fierce rivals, andtheir sons played out that battle in a high-tech conflict, the Table


  • a Sitchin also speculates that the Anunnaki went to Mars before coming toEarth. This would certainly fit the picture and it could well be that the white Martians inBrian Desborough’s scenario and the Annunaki have long been genetically connected.A high priestess of the Brotherhood hierarchy who has broken out of their clutches, atleast at the time I spoke with her, says that the reptilian Anunnaki invaded


  • to the ancients as the demi-gods, who weregiven the task of middlemen, controlling the population and running the worldaccording to the Agenda of their reptile masters. What is clear is that while theAnnunaki interbred with many Earth races, the white race has been their main vehiclefor taking over the planet and the ‘royal’ Draco at the top of their hierarchy are albinowhite. Significantly, when you look


  • ous, but the basic geneticstructure remains and the Brotherhood maintains very detailed genetic records of who has itand who doesn’t. Christian and Barbara O’Brien say in Genius Of The Few that if theAnnunaki had interbred with humanity hundreds of thousands of years ago and then interbredwith them again about 30,000 years ago, the result of the second interbreeding would be agenetic structure that was 75


  • - 27, 246, 466Reptilian Crossbreeds (Reptile-HumanHybrids) - 21, 24-7, 29, 31-2, 34, 37-40,42-4, 46, 51, 57, 59, 62-3, 73, 78,81, 88,107, 133, 142, 179, 251, 304, 441Reptilian Fullbloods - (see also Annunaki) -19-47, 50-1, 53-8, 81, 88, 98, 117, 122-31,133, 142-S, 149, 162, 165, 241-6,248, 254, 259-60, 288-91, 293-8, 306, 315,324, 344-6, 351-3, 441, 450-3, 460, 464-6,469-71, 478-80, 490-2, 494Reptilian B

File: Idiot America -


  • those places, but in Dea- ley Plaza as well, and also in prehistory. Marrs makes them the keepers of the knowledge that came to earth with our alien an- cestors, a group of space wanderers called the Annunaki. And, before hitting it big with The Da Vinci Code, Dan Brown used the Illuminati as the villains in Angels and Demons, the novel in which he introduced the Harvard symbologist Robert Lang- don. The

File: Jim Marrs - Rule By Secrecy -


  • cruel, incestuous, hateful—almost any negative adjective one can think of. The evidence indicates that they worked their slaves very hard and had little compassion for the plight of humans. Yet, the Annunaki eventually decided to grant humankind their first civilization, the Surner- ian civilization."


  • r increasingly close contact with the Anunnaki was predictahle. Genesis 6:1-4 related, "When men began to increase in number on the earth and daughters were born to them, the sons of God [the Nefilim/Annunaki] saw that the daughters of men were beautiful, and they married any of them they chose. . . . The Nefilim were on the earth in those days—and also afterward—when the sons of God went to rhe daughters


  • t those of Marduk and his father Enki. Even a son of Marduk named Nergal or Erra, joined the forces of Enlil arrayed against him, making the conflict a true civil war. Fearing Marduk's ambitions, the Annunaki persuaded Anu to allow the use of seven mighty weapons, now believed by many to have been tactical nuclear missiles, against Marduk/Ra. This all occurred some time before the year 2000 B.C. It is at

File: Richard Dolan - UFOs For The 21st Century Mind -

  • Lost Civilization?> Pyramids> Other Structures, Inexplicable and Explicable> Flying Trinkets> Ancient Writings: Vimanas> Ancient Writings: Egypt> Ancient Writings: The Bible> Ancient Astronauts> The Annunaki> More Ancient Stories> Charles Fort> Summary Chapter 3. Into Modernity: Airships, Foo Fighters, and Flying Saucers, 1896 to1969 [index_split_001.html#filepos216417]> The Airships> After the Airships>

  • to some of the oddities and mysteries of thatstructure. And try though we might to deny it, some of the ancient petroglyphsthat appeared in his book do indeed look like people wearing spacesuits. The Annunaki Let us review another figure whose impact on the discussion over our originsequals that of von Daniken: Zechariah Sitchin. Sitchin spent much of his life studying ancient Sumerian clay tablets, which

File: Epic Of Gilgamesh -


  • nish, heralds of the storm, led on. Then the gods of the abyss rose up; Nergal pulled out the dams of the ne ther waters, Ninurta the war-lord threw down the dy kes, and the seven judges of hell, the Annunaki, raised their to rches, lighting the land with their livid flame. A stupor of despair went up to heaven when the god of the storm turned daylight to darkness, when he smashed the land like a cup. One

File: Magus Tsirk Susej - The Demonic Apocrypha (Book Two of the Demonic Bible) -


  • fers to the Christ as the “Word born Flesh,” but the word is not confined to the few books wh ich were approved by the Catholic Church. It is the word which is revealed to man in all generations. The Annunaki The ancient people knew the gods as the A nnunaki. The Sumerians knew them as the Elder Gods and the Israelites knew them as the Elohim. El was synonymous with Ellil or Enlil and Adonai with Enki or

File: Magus Tsirk Susej - The Demonic Bible -


  • d Demons who foug ht the Ancient TIAMAT alongside MARDUK KURIOS. The Word used at his Calling is BANUTUKKU. This is his Seal: The Sixth Name is NARILUGGALDIMMERANKIA The Watcher of the IGIGI and th e ANNUNAKI, Sub-Commander of the Wind Demons. He will put to flight any maskim who haunt thee, and is the foe of the rabisu. None may pass into the World Above or the World Below without his knowledge. His Word

File: Temple of the Ancients (Guide to Ancient Paganism) -


  • you’ve read about ghost encounters where more than one person speaks of the same ghost! Obviously this is not part of one person’s consciousness. The point is, and you will discover for yourself, the Annunaki are immortal flesh beings and are as real as you are. They move throug h the astr al plane simply out of convenience. We refer to our own plane of existance as the third dimension. The Anunnaki once

File: Book Of Life -


  • re. Your suppor t, encouragement, and unf linching concern that the truth be expressed at this time made the exer cise of writing this book personally valuable and very memorable. Finally, to all the Annunaki who stand behind me, and for all the Annunaki who have stood guard over the sacred pass ages back to divinity I say to you, our stories will soon be told and there will be much rejoicing in heaven.


  • e, there was virtually no possibility that you would ever get access to the power of your body. However, you would still be able to function as ja nitors because, unlike th e Grays (also known as the Annunaki), you still had a heart. The Grays accomplished their task with perfect precision. They kept you from your power and never once was the pain they inflicted upon you the outcome of any negativity or h


  • heir Spiritu al selves. As they awaken, they have finally learned what their true role in the ascension drama was and how they were created to fulfill a critical and sacred task. Many of these Grays (Annunaki) have even retu rned to this earth to help with the final ascension and awakening tasks. Many more have act ually chosen to incarnate in the human body to experience what it has to offer and to share


  • s and the many who came to help in this ascension attempt, with an energetic debt that, owing to the opera tion of the One Law, needed to be paid out. In this chapter, you were also introduced to the Annunaki (Grays). As you learned, these heartless beings came to this world with the divinely sanctioned task of keeping you from manifesting your full creative power. This spiritu al bondage you were placed


  • ng to work towards The Ascension, we also had to work towards cleaning up the energetic debt left by the Atlantean debacle and we had to do it while our energy bodies were severely handicapped by the Annunaki planetary administrators. Although profound, the spiritual slavery you were placed into by the Annunaki was supposed to be a temporary situation. The plan was that once you had achieved the spiritual


  • ondrous sacred task, you had completed that task, and you were now free to return to Spirit and bri ng this world into full consciousness. Unfortunately, the world elites (not nearly as bright as the Annunaki but far more vicious and spiteful) could not understand or appreciate the divine beauty of the message nor did they think ascension and awakening would be such a good idea. They did not welcome spiri


  • uth. External guides can only provide signposts that point the way back inside and up towards Spirit. Conclusion In this chapter, we have covered consider able ground. Extending our discussion of the Annunaki in the last chapter we learned how, desp ite the fact that we have met the preconditions for ascension, we have been kept from it by the m achinations of elite groups who have refused to “let the peo


  • lan Cause the only thing, You’ve got to bring Is sitting there in your head. Klaatu, from the album Hope Introduction As we learned in the last chapter, we have been engaged in a War of Souls against Annunaki minions on this planet for several centuries. This war pitted ruling elites against the energy workers of this earth and the starseeds who came to intervene. In the last chapter, you were introduced


  • e Truth is rapidly and irrevocably penetrating this reality. This is very good, and the shift that has a llowed this has come none to soon. Our present way of thinking, based as it is on a mixture of Annunaki philosophy and ideological indoctrination, its individualistic, predatorial, consumerist, selfish, ego-centeric, spiteful, competitive, materialistic, and pate rnalistic orientations has not done us


  • ortunity because it is just that, an opportunity. There is no guarantee that we overcome our fears and we may turn and flee rather than confront our terror. Sadly, our societies, based as they are on Annunaki control strategies, do not give us the tools we need to overcome our fears. In fact, our ruling classes actually go out of their way to undermine our ability to deal with our fear. For reasons that s


  • to consider the fact that it can be quite difficult to provide opportunities for you to walk through your fear. This is especially true with global fears like the Atlantean fear of destruction or the Annunaki bred fear of God. Currently, it is still possible to manifest experiences that provide these opportunities. However, as more people face their fears and move into the Love of Spirit, the opportunitie


  • 109 Despite what the church might have told you about temptation being sent by God to temper the soul, temptation is simply an Annunaki cont rol strategy. One of things the Annunaki have done to prevent us from accessing our power, besides closing the chakras with fear, was to work to attach chakra energy to negative expressions. By


  • explosive display. For your part it will be important to remember that this is not Atlantis . One of the primary reasons for all the starseed interventions on this earth (aside from dealing with the Annunaki pawns) was to ensure that when the time cam e to rebalance the energy and awaken the population, there would be enough bodies already aw ake and empowered to prevent the sleepers from manifesting wid

File: Lyra-Earth Connection -


  • lowed it to be taken over. The Pleiad ian group caused the tyranny of duality to unfold and Earth officially e ntered the dark times. The dark age. After the territory was won by the new ow ners, the Annunaki as you know them began to tinker with your genetics an d deactivate the twelve chakra system contained within your DNA syst em. A two strand double helix DNA system was contained in the univer sal bo


  • erstand that the quarantine laws are in effect and many that are observers or are of light and love ar e up above your skies observing your situation while at the “edge of thei r seats.” How have the Annunaki or their allied races slipped by from time to time? Their moon played a large role in this deception of slipping through the barrier of the quarantine energy field. As their mo on contained teleporta


  • Are their still Reptilians contained on the surface of earth, and if so, will they be leaving soon as well? Yes, although many of them have already left Earth. The higher families of royalty from the Annunaki have vacated quite some t ime age, this has allowed the lower class of third and fourth density Reptilians associated with this negative polarity to vacate Earth as well . All that remains are those

File: Gordon White - Star.Ships - A Prehistory of the Spirits -


  • creation of domesticated livestockand plants and their delivery to mankind on a high place where the god of wild animalswas still in residence.When, upon the hill of heaven and earth, An created the Annunaki, since heneither spawned nor created Grain with them, and since in the Land he neitherfashioned the yarn of Uttu (the goddess of weaving) nor pegged out the loom forUttu – with no Sheep appearing, th


  • f which are predicted in my thesis. (Andsome of them, frankly, may be evidence of full-blown extradimensional visitationmore than a million years ago. Much of their evidence is hugely intriguing.)The Annunaki. This topic will be dealt with at length later in the book but it issufficient to say that, rather than aliens arriving in nuclear powered rocket ships tocreate mankind to mine gold to save the atmos


  • eople previously unrecognizable in the archaeological record, or outsiders mayhave entered the region because of climatic changes or other reasons.Thus we can place the blame for the rapid growth in ‘Annunaki bloodline’ jibberjabber at the feet of academic timidity and groupthink, rather than at the feet of Sitchinand Von Daniken. The first step is, inevitably, admitting we have a problem. LikeHarappa, we


  • ore in keeping with human lifespans. As the‘Golden Age’ became ‘our’ age, so kingship scaled down from the stars to humans.Same calendrical system, same source of kingship, same time period. Sitchin’sAnnunaki did not come from the stars, they are the stars.Seven SagesYou may have guessed that I suspect the ‘seven amphibious sages who camefrom the East’ are the Pleiades. But it is a common pitfall of astro

File: Grey, Peter - The Red Goddess -


  • s of the Nephilim who lay with mortal women to sire gods. The Sumerian gods did not die here. The pantheon decamped to Israel and the Dragon Court of Egypt. All part of the grand plan of the Sumerian Annunaki, literally 'heaven come to earth'. From here you can conjecture about a blood link from the Sumerian gods who lay with mortal women, to the Royal House of David and on through an impossible successio

File: Alchemy Key -


  • ife discover Inanna’s corpse impaled on a rod and resurrect her.1318 Inanna is an image of love crucified, the earliest rose on the cross of Mesopotamia dating from at least two thousand BCE:1319 The Annunaki, Dread Judges, Seven Lords of the Underworld drew around her. Faceless Gods of Abyss. They stared and fixed her with the Eye of Death. With the Glance of Death they killed her and hung her like a cor

File: Dictionary of the Forgotten Ones -


  • of “The Necronomicon”. ALMASS, THE (HPL): Haunters of the Gobi Desert. ANNA (SAB): Air. ANNEDOTI (SM): The repulsive or abhorrent ones. Name given by Berosus to the Great Old Ones in amphibious form. ANNUNAKI (NEC): The seven Lords of the Underworld. The Dog-Faced. ANU (SAB): Sphere of the Ain. Lord of the Heavens. The Great Watcher (with Enlil and Enki). AOSSIC (KG): Like Aiwass, another intermediary bet

File: Gordon White - Pieces of Eight Chaos Magic Essays and Enchantments -


  • r you and made you greatest in the gods’assembly! I have put into your power rule over all the gods!You shall be the greatest for you are my only lover! Yourcommands shall always prevail over all the Annunaki!”She gave him the Tablet of Destinies and made him clasp it tohis breast.“Your utterance shall never be altered. Your word shall belaw!”Best laid plans, eh? In Tablet IV, Marduk quickly defeats Qingu

File: The_Daimon_in_Hellenistic_Astrology -


  • ive, and has served as a source for my investigation.8 See Iliad, 15.187–93. (Bezza, AM, vol. 2, 963, gives this allusion.) In Iliad, 7.171–199, lots are cast to decide who fights Hector.9 ‘They [the Annunaki] took the box . . ., / Cast the lots; the gods made the division. / Anu went up to the sky, / [And Ellil (?)] took the earth for his people (?). / The bolt which bars the sea / Was assigned to far-si

File: blatter-fur-angewandte-okkulte-lebenskunst-1952 -


  • de schwarzes Gewölk. Adad donnerte in ihm und die Götter Schullat und Hanisch gehen voran als Herolde über Berg und Tal. Die Schiffs-pfähle reißt Irragal heraus und Nimurte durchbricht die Dämme. Die Annunaki erheben die Fackeln mit ihrem schrecklichen Glanze, das Land entflammend. Adads Wüten dringt bis zum Himmel, alle Helligkeit in Fin-sternis verwandelnd, und das weite Land zerbrach wie ein irdener To

File: Gee_-_The_Tree_of_Death_amp_amp_the_Qliphoth -


  • To understand the methodology of the suppression of the Elder Gods, known in Akkadian texts as the Annunage, in Essene Enoch as the Annunaki and in later latin Catholic doctrine as the Grigori, one must first be introduced to a brief bit of history.The eldest homo-sapien skeletons have been found near modern Israel, ancient Canaan, partic


  • c Heth itself is the plural form of “to bring.” These are all derivative terms but it is impossible to deduce their exact etymology. Lil is modemly translated as an aspect of many proper-names of the Annunaki (elementalist) pantheon of Sumeria, such as ENUL, NINI.IL, wherein the suffix LIL tends lo refer lo ihe Air or ihe Heavens. Ii is possible that LYL, in this coniext, could be taken as a direct transc


  • reated by Enki and Ninkursag, Lilith was appointed his consort, but she refused to submit to the wifely role and lied from Adam to become the bride of Enki himself.-Gardner, 153Lilith was ol purebred Annunaki stock, and although she was Adam's designated short term partner, the Jewish Talmud explains that she refused lo be his sexual male. Her physical partner in this respect was, l;nki, ihe father of Cai


  • stood in mythology in a secondary rank of deities, yet he always remained a direct emanation from, and part of. Ptah the firstborn of the primeval deity." With the complex rules of succession of the Annunaki, where a son born to a half sister became the legal heir ahead of a firstborn son (if mothered not by a half sister) — a cause of endless friction and rivalry between Enki (ihe firstborn of Anu) and


  • not confess three Gods, but one God in three persons, the “consubstantial" Trinity.Cathechism of the Catholic Church, entries 252,3i. Qgmetiel: Crowd of GodsThis clearly refers to the Assembly of the Annunaki, the pantheon of Sumeria. According to ihe Enuma Elish, where the Babylonian national deity Marduk came to supplant the names of Anu, Father of the Sky, and Enki. Lord of the Earth, as well as variou

File: [Vol.7,No.1] Mezlim - Final Issue 1996 -


  • EYE of the DEEP, the searching eye of self-revelation and self-judgment, as personified by the Judges of the Dead who are found in all Pagan cultures: Minos, Rhadamanthus and Aeacus in the Greek; the Annunaki in the Babylonian; Anubis and Osiris in the Egyptian; and many others. Persons who are not involved with acquiring magickal strength and knowledge during their lifetimes encounter such figures only o

File: Necronomicon Spellbook -


  • cloud will lift from your heart and mind and the solution to an important problem will reveal itself in all its simplicity. 6.The Sixth Name is NARILUGGALDIMMERANKIA The Watcher of the IGIGI and the ANNUNAKI. Sub-Commander of the Wind Demons. He will put to flight any maskim who haunt thee, and the foe of the rabisu. None may pass into the World Above or the World Below without his knowledge. His word is

File: The Necronomicon - Simon -


  • Father, Whose thought is beyond the comprehension of gods and men, Hear me and Remember! Gate of the Great Gates of the Spheres, open unto me! Master of the IGIGI, swing open Thy Gate! Master of the ANNUNAKI, open the Gate to the Stars! IA NAMRASIT! IA SIN! IA NANNA! BASTAMAAGANASTA IA KIA KANPA! MAGABATHI-YA NANNA KANPA! MASHRITA NANNA ZIA KANPA! IA MAG! IA GAMAG! IA ZAGASTHENA KIA! ASHTAG KARELLIOSH!


  • ship cross the skies, Remember! Spirits, Lords of SHAMMASH, King of the Elder Ones, Remember! Spirits, Ladies of SHAMMASH GULA, Queen of the Elder Ones, Remember! Spirits, Lords of TSHKU, Lord of the ANNUNAKI, Remember! Spirits, Ladies of the Goddess ZIKU, Mother of ENKI, Remember! Spirits, Lords of NINNASU, Our Father of the Numerous Waters, Remember! Spirits, Ladies of NINNUAH, Daughter of ENKI, Remembe


  • ind Demons who fought the Ancient TIAMAT alongside MARDUK KURIOS. The Word used at his Calling is BANUTUKKU. This is his Seal: The Sixth Name is NARILUGGALDIMMERANKIA The Watcher of the IGIGI and the ANNUNAKI, Sub-Commander of the Wind Demons. He will put to flight any maskim who haunt thee, and is the foe of the rabisu. None may pass into the World Above or the World Below without his knowledge. His Word


  • And the ANNUNAKI, Dread Judges Seven Lords of the Underworld Drew Around Her Faceless Gods of ABSU They stared Fixed her with the Eye of Death Withe the Glance of Death They killed her And hung her like a corpse from


  • y entered the Palace of Death And they beheld several terrible sights. The demons of all the Abyss lay there Dead but Dreaming, they clung to the walls Of the House of Death Faceless and terrible The ANNUNAKI stared out Blind and Mad AZAG-THOTH reared up The Eye on the Throne opened The Dark Waters stirred The Gates of Lapis Lazuli glistened In the darkness Unseen Monsters Spawned at the Dawn of Ages Spaw

File: Prophecykeepers -


  • tes, and many other groups all descended from Sumeria. The Sumerians vanished as an identifiable people, but they left behind their myths. Their clay tablet records indicate they were founded by "The Annunaki" who were human space travelers -- who looked like us -- from off of this pl anet, from a planet called Niburu, which traverses our sun once every 3,600 years or so. A very ancient collision had occu


  • ncient written records, and the records of the Babylonians, Assyrians, Hittites, Egyptians and Hebrews to have been seeded by space travelers... the Nephilim (Hebrew: Those who fell from the sky) or "Annunakim." Perhaps unlike their other modern cousins in the eastern hemisphere, the Hopi are just as comfortable in speaking about and meeting with an "space alien" as they would be with any human. WHERE THE

File: Anunnaki Of Nibiru - Gerald Clark -

  • s/index.html [] 81. Solarion, Robert, A Brief History of the Planet Nibiru, 1996, 82. Freer, Neil The Annunaki and the Myth of a 12th Planet, 2006, , [] 83. The Annunaki, Estelle Nora H
  • f the Planet Nibiru, 1996, 82. Freer, Neil The Annunaki and the Myth of a 12th Planet, 2006, , [] 83. The Annunaki, Estelle Nora Harwit Amrani, August 3, 2000 [
  • ticles/nibiru.htm. 82. Freer, Neil The Annunaki and the Myth of a 12th Planet, 2006, , [] 83. The Annunaki, Estelle Nora Harwit Amrani, August 3, 2000 []. 84. 85. Smi

File: Reign Of The Anunnaki - Jan Erik Sigdell -

  • mian Origins (Raleigh, N.C.: Lulu, 2010); cf. Estelle Nora HarwitAmrani, “The Serpent of Life and Wisdom,” Biblioteca Pleyades (website), Nov.1998,[].33 [9781591433040_c03.xhtml#nr119]. Life of Adam and Eve, available atScriptural Truth (website),www.scriptural-truth.
  • The Serpent of Life and Wisdom,” Biblioteca Pleyades (website), Nov.1998,[].33 [9781591433040_c03.xhtml#nr119]. Life of Adam and Eve, available atScriptural Truth (website),[http://www.scriptural-t
  • tch?v=omm8Ey8vwbg[]. Cf. “Alien Anunnaki Grave YardFound in Africa,” Galactic Connection (website), posted March 28, 2013,[].12 [9781591433040_c05.xhtml#nr144]. Theodor Illion, In Secret Tibet: In Disguiseamongst Lamas, Robb
  • n Anunnaki Grave YardFound in Africa,” Galactic Connection (website), posted March 28, 2013,[].12 [9781591433040_c05.xhtml#nr144]. Theodor Illion, In Secret Tibet: In Disguiseamongst Lamas, Robbers, and Wisemen: A Key to the Mysteries of Tibet (London:Rider, 1937).

File: Secret History Of The Reptilians -


  • Contents Foreword by Philip Coppens Preface Introduction PART I : The Empire of the Serpent Chapter One: The Annunaki and Their Sumerians Chapter Two: That’s Not What I Learned in Sunday School Chapter Three: Coiled Around Many Cultures PART II : The Serpent in Alien Subculture Chapter Four: The Reptoids...Reptilian


  • ear on the popular television show Ancient Aliens and people as a consequence assume I have editorial input, one of the most frequently asked question is whether there is going to be a special on the Annunaki, the name the conspiracy-minded Sitchinites have given to our assumed reptilian overlords. Of course, our current mindset didn’t begin with David Icke; he merely played with an archetype that is far


  • Chapter One The Annunaki and Their Sumerians “[The realm of myth and magic] is a dangerous field: fairies abound, good fairies and bad fairies, dragons and dragon-slayers, gods and goddesses, truth and untruth, history and l


  • ay be things in the anthro-archaeo-mythological record that challenges you to look beyond the limits of your religious affiliations and think outside the box. Slaves and Freedom Fighters “[While] the Annunaki are sitting before you, ...Belet-ili the womb-goddess is present, Let the womb-goddess create offspring, And let man bear the load of the gods! ...Create primeval man that he may bear the yoke! Let h


  • h Wikimedia Commons. Let’s go back a little further than the writing of Genesis to the ancient Mesopotamian civilization of Sumer. According to their ancient cuneiforms, they were ruled by the Annuna/Annunaki, their god- caste of beings who came to the earth from the heavens. As the story goes, these gods, weary of performing their own manual labor, bred into—or genetically engineered and manipulated the


  • First-millennium seal showing descending Annunaki. Pictured is a worshipper and a fish-garbed sage before a stylized tree with a crescent moon and the descending winged disk set in the sky above it. Behind this group is another plant-form with a rad


  • The Sumerian tablets tell us that the rebel god named Enki/Ea was the extraterrestrial (not-of-this- earth, non-human) being appointed by the chief god of the Annunaki, Elil, to create Homo sapiens. After his involvement with the original genetic experiment that bequeathed the slave race of humans, bred to do the work for the Annunaki (as paralleled in the keepers


  • m grace is more than a simple tale of disobedience and the eating of forbidden fruit. It is a tale of race interrupted—and it mirrors many of the events we find in the ancient Sumerian account of the Annunaki breeding and enslavement of primeval mankind. In Eden, Eve’s downfall came as a result of her encounter with the Serpent. The encoded message in the Genesis passage implies that she had intercourse w


  • i/Ea is a linguistic precursor to YWHW (Jehovah), the Middle East becomes the hotbed of early serpent mythology. The parallel being, of course, that Enki, the brother god to Elil the chief god of the Annunaki, was not only responsible for the creation of intelligent mankind as a slave race at the behest of Elil, but he also saw the humans’ plight and led them into insurrection against the Annunaki. As we


  • alage Balogh. Image used by permission from Balage Balogh, . Accordingly, in the ancient tablets, amplified to otherworldly proportions in the modern mythologies of the Annunaki found in the works of Zechariah Sitchin and others, it is said that Enki/Ea led a rebellion against his brother gods of the Annunaki, becoming the first “freedom fighter” for the human race, his base


  • o relay that Adam and Eve were actually the first human couple, product of alien DNA experimental interbreeding with primates, conducted by the alien race we identify in ancient Sumerian texts as the Annunaki. 7 The 2000 book Rex Deus: The True Mystery of Rennes-Le-Chateau and the Dynasty of Jesus , by Marylin Hopkins, Graham Simmans, and Tim Wallace-Murphy, articulates another shadowy version of hidden b


  • nann are the basis for J.R.R. Tolkein’s tall, elegant, bright, shining Elven people of Lothlorien. Tolkein had his finger on the pulse of shadowy history, and was obviously on to something. Tuatha dé Annunaki? “...The ancient people of the Tuatha De Danann...were the supernatural tribe of the pre-Achaean agricultural goddess Danae of Argos, or perhaps of the Aegean mother- goddess, Danu. But their true na


  • athing the Nephilim. The people of the Israelite tribe of Dan intermingled with the Canaanite Tuatha dé Danann, also known as the Dragon Lords of Anu, said to be the offspring of the ancient Sumerian Annunaki. This is also one of the interpretations of the “Sons of God” intermingling with the “daughters of men,” referenced in the Genesis chapter six story of the Nephilim. One of the human-based interpreta


  • s,” the bene ha Elohim, the “Sons of God” known as the Watchers in the Book of Enoch. We have already established that the word Elohim is an etymological descendent of the name Elil, chief god of the Annunaki of the Sumerian culture, but it also has roots in the ancient Babylonian word Ellu, which means “shining ones.” This phrase has a distinctively Luciferian connotation, because the name Lucifer litera


  • els backward into the ancient past, linking races, religions, occult practices, and the etymological blending of language blended with the mythologies of ancient religion. And it all goes back to the Annunaki and continued reference to them having Reptilian roots of some sort. Perhaps it is time to go take a soothing bath in the great Abzu, with a fresh rinse in the snake marsh to collect our loose ends a


  • and control humanity. 5 In his book The Biggest Secret, Icke contends that human beings are the product of an extraterrestrial genetic engineering program launched by a race of reptilians called the Annunaki, who came to earth from a solar system in the constellation of Draco. How he makes his connection to Reptilians is as obscure as a few pieces of statuary and a heavy reliance on the works of Zecharia


  • g-driven, automatically written script and his alien-Reptilian-overrun world view. If a guy wants to read the works of Zechariah Sitchin and add his own twist, insisting that the Sumerian pantheon of Annunaki gods were a race of Reptile aliens with evil intent, still governing our human affairs from behind a curtain of subterfuge, placing Reptilians in seats of high political world power throughout the ag


  • , 141 race, first contact with, 29 aliens, psychology of need for, 122 -126 Allah, meaning of, 41 origin of the name of, 42 Amun-Ra, 114 ancient texts, considerations when reading, 51 angels, 47 , 48 Annunaki, 33 -64, 161 anthro-archaeo-mythological record, 49 anti-Semitism of medieval Europe, 178 Apophis, 116 similarity to Satan, 117 archaeological evidence for biblical accounts, 35 archaeology and myth,

File: MATRIX V - Quest of the Spirit - The Ultimate Frontier - The Code to the Matrix -


  • The Egyptians called them Neteru an d said they came on heavenly boats and set up Priesthoods whose Priest were called Dj edhi, sound familiar? The Sumerians claimed their ancestors where Reptil ian Annunaki who genetica lly modified them to be slaves. It is of value to keep in mind the Sumerians say they where hybridized and made as slaves while other legends simply say they in termingled with their pop


  • th woman thus crea ting the term “Mankind” meaning kind of like man but not entirely. No matter how fictitious this may seem it is in fact true. These Beings go under the names of Re phaim, Nephalim, Annunaki, Titans , Giants, and Danites along with their offspring they make up the legends of various mythological cr eatures of various titles. This resulted from the union of the Angels with not only the wo


  • d today one should not be surprised that destruction and chaos beyond preconceived proportion could be possibly looming in the future. We have the NWO Zionist who no longer want money only blood, The Annunaki Ship Nibiru or Planet X whic h can be seen from the South Pole lazily headed this way, the End of th e 13 Moon Mayan Calendar , Global Warming beyond reversal, Anti-Christ’s in Las Vegas and India, Q


  • he Path of Truth. Why? During the invasion of the Anu known also as Ana, life forms from an other constellation called Nibiru came to Tiamat/Earth to subdue it. Tiam at known as the Dragon fought the Annunaki who fought back using highly advanced weapons that ultima tely split Tiamat. This is the story in the Bible of the Dragon fighting the Angels. Many of ou r religions are Annunaki propaganda. Their ma


  • curse. You can clearly see the Egyptian God Anubis se rves Anu and is one of them. The Queen of England, who is the ruler of this world, has insti lled the worship of Ra, Anubis, and the rest of the Annunaki pantheism under various Sumerian, Egyptian, and Hebraic gu ises. This is why religion is now so limited except for the few wh o become high initiates. It is them their duty to continue to suppress us


  • 111 | Page The Annunaki themselves appear to be originally Reptilian, however, th ey have blended with various life essences and thus their appearances va ry. In addition the Annunaki themselves seldom interact with humans


  • e spiritual entity would agree to a life of slavery? I was enlightened and made aware of what is transpiring and since my eyes have been open, I would rather die on my feet than live on my knees. The Annunaki see the Earth bound souls as slaves, criminals, deviates, prisoners of war, detested social and racial groups, non-conformist and undesirables. Hammur abi’s Code, which later became the Ten Commandme


  • he process was taking, it would result in his own death or complete possession and that my good friend is th e Alchemical Key. You can trace the most recent use of this soul tampering to the Sumerian Annunaki who are now professing they are the Creators of man and woma n and created them to be slaves. The true story is the Danu also known as Tuatha de Dannan, the Tribe of Dan, the Danites who where known


  • rs were issued swords and began cutti ng off heads of the people with certain last names by inst ruction of their Commanding Officers. The people of Baghdad still contain the bloodline of the Ancient Annunaki, however, or ganizations such as Thule who have now the U.N. and several world leader s behind them intend to take over all Gates for their purposes. Saddam Hussein went rogue after he began excavati


  • tructed. These Beings are at the root of the mental and physical enslavement that has faced man and woman, it is also their bloodlines the Elite are attempting to keep preserved. It is also clear the Annunaki are masters at keeping their identity unknown. Although the Sumerian tablets are some of the oldest writings discovered, stories of the Annunaki which ar e contained on Cuneiform Tablets did not star


  • 172 | Page Before we move from the subject of the Annu naki there is one more thing that must be known. Its apparent that the inte raction with the Annunaki males and the Earth females seems to parallel Genesis, especially since all these storie s are Sumerian and of course the Sumerians had the Fallen Angel story first. These Angels were actually advanc


  • about now you will already see. When Princess Diana began to date Doti Fayed it seemed the Royal House was very sore about this, or was all this part of the plan to mix th e Reptilian Bloodlines with Annunaki? Another name for the Annunaki is Annu”doti”. When Diana’s auto psy came forward it stated she was pregnant with twins before her death. It is kn own also by those who meditate da y and night and exp


  • ews keep extensive records to prove their lineage and bloodline. Yo u cannot enter inside the Temple unless your genealogy can be verified by them. We will contin ue to establish the link between the Annunaki the Hibiru’s, Nibiru, Meldek, and the Melchizedeks as we go on. The entire priesthood of the Earth reside under one roof. The divisions between religions are now mending because they were always toge


  • e Shams visiting Earth. It is safe to say that the Arabs had al ready familiarized themselves with these Beings and even worshipped th em. I find an uncanny similarity in the name of Allalu the first Annunaki to find Earth before hi s brother Anu, and the Muslim God Allah. The story of Allalu’s Reason 133: Top Left, this is the Official Seal of the “Domini on” of the Order of Melchizedek the High Priestho


  • s the chief God of the Tablets. They immediately go into the story of Anu as ruler, Enlil, E.A, Marduk, Inan na, Ningursag, Gilgamesh, etc. This also lets us know these Beings are not refe rred to as Annunaki amongst themselves since it is clear Anu the brother of Allalu earned the right, because of his vi ctory over his brother in battle, to name their lineage on Earth Annunaki. The Sume rian Tablets tha


  • of our future. Those who have co me into the spotlight re presenting the Melchizedeks have always been on a higher Spiritual level brin ging portents of an impending visitation by the Sirians and the Annunaki. The two men of our time openly representing the Melchizedeks are Drunvalo Melchizedeks and Dr. Malachi Z. York the former is st ill conducting deep initiations in Peru, last time I checked, and the


  • mes, relics, and even spirits of power. Amongst all the Gods stories it describes a pl ot by the Female Goddess Inanna to obtain the Tablet of Destiny from the Go ds by cunning. In the society of the Annunaki the female of their breed are not allowed to rule. Wi thout taking you through the whole story which can be found in the Sumerian tablets it will suffice to say that one female of their species gaine

File: Valdamar Valerian - Matrix IV -


  • into the water could have been to make contact with the dolphin population, which also had a humanoid counter- part back in the Sirian system. Evidence seems to suggest that that the dolphin and the Annunaki were able to maintain a relationship because they seemed to be on the same evolutionary level of consciousness. Sitchin did not realize this aspect when he did his research, as the Sumerian and Akkad

File: Valdamar Valerian - Matrix V Gold Edition Volume I _ Quest of the Spirit - The Ultimate Frontier (2003, Leading Edge Research Group) -


  • ake on female characteristics before male. Hence the joking comment about 'if a female child is born, put it back's not finished'. Question 51: "What is your opinion on the statement that the Annunaki originally created the Greys?" Answer: What you refer to as Sitchen's "Annunaki" is actually the Orion Empire. They have genetically engineered more than one Grey alien race, called the Sheti. They w


  • his time. Curiousity is not a valid reason by itself. Question 434: There seems to be alot of talk of a planet called nibiru which passes into our solar system and carries a reptilian race called the annunaki. Is this story another one of the game tactics to deter higher self incarnation from knowing thier true self or this is really happening? Answer: Nibiru does exist as do (what they call) the annunaki
  • annunaki. Is this story another one of the game tactics to deter higher self incarnation from knowing thier true self or this is really happening? Answer: Nibiru does exist as do (what they call) the annunaki. What is out about them is not all true, some on-purpose disinformation. As to what will happen in regard to them, time will tell. Question 435: Can you refer me to an authentic source for learning S



  • ORACLE OF THE ILLUMINATI 165 9. ENKI AND THE FLOWER OF LIGHT Earlier, we noted that, among the Greeks, the light/dark Twins (the A A ) were denominated anake (Annunaki), i.e. the One Great Light . In the Sumerian tradition, the drama of the twins was enacted by the half-brothers Enki and Enlil. The assertion has been made that Enki and the Anunnaki created humans i

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