Sons of Zadok

Found in 25 Books

File: Alchemy Key -


  • s of the Law. On return from the Exile, the Chassidim adopted a moral code formulated by the descendants of the Aaronic Priests. 518 From the Chassidim arose the Pharisees and Rabbinical Judaism. The Sons of Zadok are mutually exclusive; the line of Zadok does not include any of the twenty-four Aaronid clans. 519 The commitment of the Chassidim to the common law led them


  • here Jesus lived , five kilometers from Damascus, and Anatolian Nisibis. 534 The last of the four Zaddoki groups is the Nazoraeans. Also known as Rechabites, they reputedly provided daughters for the Sons of Zadok to marry. Jeremiah is the first recorded person to have called these Zadokites by the name Rechabites and to note their Zeal. 535 At different times, the Nazoraeans were Nozri, Nazarites, Nazarenes,


  • olia and the Zagros Mountains of Azerbaijan. 537 While the four main Zaddoki groups of Essenes, Zealots, Sicarii and Nazoraeans have significant inter-sectarian differences, they are collectively the Sons of Zadok, Zealots, Essenes, Jessaeans and Ossaeans. The traditional meaning of the enigmatic letters I.N.R.I on the titular of Jesus ’ cross is Iesus Nazareus Rex Iudaeorum or Jesus Nazarene, King of the Jews


  • mer, 71 solstice, winter, 71 Solve et Coagula, 216 Solyma, 36 soma, 79, 346 Soma, 347 Son of Man, 150 Song of Solomon, 254 Song of Songs, 39, 254, 463 Sons of Solomon, 319, 332 Sons of the Widow, 314 Sons of Zadok, 146, 147 Sophia, 116, 197, 228, 322, 323 Sota, 472 South Africa, 51 sows, 35 Spain, 7, 61, 97, 157, 159, 164, 166, 167, 171, 176, 195, 276, 300, 319, 332 sparagmos, 305 Spartans, 176, 178, 179, 180,

File: Emanuel Swedenborg - Arcana Coelestia - 07 of 12 -


  • Word as being seen are sometimes described even in respect to their hair. [ 2 ] From what has now been said it is evident what is signified by “shaving,” as in Ezekiel: The priests, the Levites, the sons of Zadok, shall put off their garments wherein they minister and lay them in the bedchambers of holiness, and they shall put on other garments, neither shall they sanctify the people in their garments, and th

File: Emanuel Swedenborg - Arcana Coelestia - 09 of 12 -


  • ARCANA COELESTIA 5167 The priests, the Levites, the sons of Zadok, when they enter at the gates of the inner court, they shall be clothed with garments of linen, and no wool shall come up upon them when they minister in the gates of the inner court and inward; mite

File: Emanuel Swedenborg - Arcana Coelestia - 11 of 12 -


  • oliness were of linen, and not of wool; for “linen” denotes spiritual truth, but “wool” celestial truth, which relatively is good. For this reason it is said in Ezekiel: The priests, the Levites, the sons of Zadok, when they enter in at the gates of the inner court, they shall put on garments of linen; and no wool shall come upon them. Linen turbans shall be upon their heads, breeches of linen upon their loins


  • 9103.) [ 4 ] It was for the same reason that the priest put on linen clothing, and linen breeches, when he took the ashes away from the altar (Lev. 6:10, 11); and that the priests the Levites, of the sons of Zadok, were also to do the same when they should enter into the sanctuary, of which we read in Ezekiel: The priests the Levites, the sons of Zadok, shall enter into my sanctuary, and shall come near to my

File: Freemason Bible -

  • onswhich they Lave committed,14 But X will make them 'keepera of the charge of the house, for all the servicethereof, and for all that shall be done therein.15 T e But the priests the Levites, rf the sons of Zadok t that kept the chargeof my sanctuary'when the children of Israel went astray from me, they shall comenear me to minister unto me, and they '"shall stand before me to offer unto me'the fat and Hie bl

File: Freemason Bible -

  • onswhich they Lave committed,14 But X will make them 'keepera of the charge of the house, for all the servicethereof, and for all that shall be done therein.15 T e But the priests the Levites, rf the sons of Zadok t that kept the chargeof my sanctuary'when the children of Israel went astray from me, they shall comenear me to minister unto me, and they '"shall stand before me to offer unto me'the fat and Hie bl

File: Michael Tsarion - Atlantis, Alien Visitation And Genetic Manipulation -


  • Atlantis, Alien Visitation, and Genetic Manipulation 3 From the End of Heaven Sons of Zadok, Sons of Seth, the Uranids, Cyclopeans, Promethians, Olympians, the Elect, Asuras, the Illies, Fomorians, the Necromancers, Rayless Ones, Bent Ones, the Dogons, Dagons, the Ana, Amaraka, Nagas, the R

File: Numbers - Their Occult Power And Mystic Virtues -


  • cording to Ezekiel, the mystical city of Jerusa- lem was surrounded by a square space measuring 25,000 roods in length and this he called The Holy Oblation, and it was for the use of the priests, the sons of Zadok. 3.14159 . This is the value of Pi, the ratio of diameter to circumference of a circle. Bode’s Law is a curious arithmetical and astronomical problem: - Take the series of numbers 0 3 6 12 24 48 96 1

File: Encyclopedia Of Occultism And Parapsychology Vol 2 -


  • s scrip- ture, including ancient apocryphal writings (Gospel of Thomas, Gospel of Philip, Book of Enoch, writings from Nag Hammadi) and modern Mormon revelations (Oracles of Mohonri, The Order of the Sons of Zadok). The group believes in a secret oral tradition passed from Moses to the Essenes, to the Gnostics, and eventually to Joseph Smith Jr. That tradition is believed to be preserved in mystical books such

File: Keys Of Enoch -


  • iritual Israel of Jesus allowing for the greater consciousness of the 'Shema' to redeem the physical kingdoms. 40 The divine diaspora which is being gathered at this time will bring together both the Sons of Zadok, the way showers of Mes - sianic truths, and the Sons of Ur, the prophets of the true science of the Living Light, into one unity with the Brotherhood of Light. 41 The holy brotherhoods of ages past


  • d prop - erties of the wave function. They repre - sent the lower subatomic branches of the Tree of Life in terms of trinitized and semi - trinitized relationships. Qumran Exemplary community of the 'Sons of Zadok' during the Intertesta - mental period. Their community of 'Covenanters' along the Dead Sea provides a model of the underground 'covenant society' faithfully devoted to the Word even during great war


  • ZADOKl PRIESTHOODIZPE Qumran scrolls tell us, " The 'priests' are the repentent of Israel who went out from the land of Judah ... and the 'sons of Zadok' are the chosen of Israel, the 'Elect of the Name' who shall arise in the end of days. (1 QSa Scroll 1,2,24; 1 QSb Scroll 111,22-23). 2The seed communities of Zadok that have borne witness to God's W

File: William W Westcott - Numbers Their Occult Power and Mystic Virtues -


  • cording to Ezekiel, the mystical city of Jerusa- lem was surrounded by a square space measuring 25,000 roods in length and this he called The Holy Oblation, and it was for the use of the priests, the sons of Zadok. 3.14159 . This is the value of Pi, the ratio of diameter to circumference of a circle. Bode’s Law is a curious arithmetical and astronomical problem: - Take the series of numbers 0 3 6 12 24 48 96 1

File: Christ Conspiracy - The Greatest Story Ever Sold -


  • way of life. dccclvii Galilee was thus a site for Sadducees displaced fro m the temple of Jerusalem, going back to the split between the kingdoms of Jud ah and Israel, when the Sadducees were called “sons of Zadok.” Some of the Sadducees, however, remained in Jerusalem, where they held the high priesthood f or centuries until they were driven out of the Sanhedrin by the Pharisees in the first centuries before


  • invasion and f orcible conversion, the ranks of the Herodian outpost Qumran supposedly swelled, evi dently with Samaritans and Galileans, or Zealots “from Damascus,” who also wer e the Sadducees, or “sons of Zadok,” i.e., “the priests who keep the covenant,” as the Zealots of the scrolls identified themselves. Indeed, Solomon Schechter, t he discoverer of the Cairo edition of one important scroll also found at


  • righteousness” coul d also be translated the “teacher of Zadok,” or “Zedek,” and, conversely, the “sons o f Zadok” could be called the “sons of righteousness.” The Order of Melchizedek As noted, the “sons of Zadok” were the high priests , the only ones allowed to go to the north part of the temple to offer burnt offe rings. The offering by burning is a mark of the cult of Molech, which, as we have seen, is bei


  • y. Hence, Jesus is “Melchizedek redivivus.” This scroll does not serve as an astoundingly accur ate “prediction,” however, but as a blueprint for the creation of the ultimate godman. Furthermore, the sons of Zadok, like Melchizedek, t he priest forever, were the “priests whom God has chosen to keep His covenant f irm for ever,” dccclxxiii which covenant was “now consummated” with “the church of the members of


  • the connection between the Christians and the Zadokites . dccclxxxviii It was not the Essenes who constituted the “Jewish” brotherhood from which Christianity issued but the Syro-Samaritan Gn ostic “sons of Zadok,” the authors of various Dead Sea scrolls who were determ ined to restore their priesthood to its proper place as spiritual leaders of Israel and of all mankind, and who occupied some of the most imp

File: Dead Sea Scrolls Deception - M Baigent - R Leigh -


  • known to history under a variety of different names. 9 In certain contexts - the Qumran literature, for example - these adversaries were called 'Zadokites' or 'Sons of Zadok'. In the New Testament, they were called 'Nazorenes' -and, subsequently, 'early Christians'. In Josephus, they were called 'Zealots' and 'Sicarii'. The Romans, of course, regarded them as 'terrorists

File: Dead Sea Scrolls Uncovered -


  • name', both paralleled in the Damascus Document. In CD, i.7 God is said to have 'visited' the earth causing, as we have seen, a Messianic 'Root of Planting' to grow, and following this, in iv.4, 'the sons of Zadok' are described as being 'called by name'. This phrase 'called by name' is also found in column ii. II of the Damascus Document, where it is followed by the statement that God 'made His Holy Spirit kn


  • part of 'the Breakers' of both 'Law and Covenant' is juxtaposed in Column iv with the proper order noted below of 'justifying the Righteous and condemning the Wicked'. This last is definitive of 'the sons of Zadok', itself synonymous probably too with 'the Zaddikim' in Line 5 of the Messiah of Heaven and Earth text. Both texts use the same reference, 'called by name', as descriptive of these respective termino


  • 'zeal' connects the literature with the Zealot mentality and movement. The terms 'keeping' and 'Keepers of the Covenant' also relate to the second definition in Column 4 of the Community Rule of 'the sons of Zadok', a term with probable esoteric parallels and variations in 'sons of Righteousness', as we have seen above. One should also note the use of the word 'reckoned' in Line 5 of Fragment 1, which resonate


  • ely important. A synonym for Zaddik or 'Righteous One' in the minds of the progenitors of this literary tradition, the term 'the Elect' is also used in the Damascus Document in the definition of 'the sons of Zadok' (iv.3f.), showing the esoteric or qualitative - even eschatological - nature of these basically interchangeable terminologies. It also appears in an extremely important section of the Habakkuk Peshe


  • chael beholds the 'Glory of God' - literally 'Greatness' in Aramaic. Ezekiel - a prophet of the utmost importance in Qumran tradition, not only for works of this kind, but also for the notion of the 'sons of Zadok' terminology generally - is one of the first to have had such visions relating to the divine 'Glory'. The terminology is also important in the New Testament and fairly widespread at Qumran. Most of t


  • -vis the fate of the Righteous Teacher and his relations with the Jerusalem establishment, i.e. 'they consumed him.' 'Justification' also has importance via-à-vis his activities and those of all the 'sons of Zadok' (primordial Zaddikim Righteous Ones), who in CD, iv above 'justify the Righteous and condemn the Wicked' - this in an eschatological manner. It also has to do, as Paul demonstrates, with the doctrin


  • ion of justification. It is encountered across the spectrum of Qumran documents - for instance, at the end of the Second Letter on Works Righteousness in Chapter 6 below and in the definition of 'the sons of Zadok' above. Again, the nationalist, Law-oriented nature of the apocalypse should be clear, but the last line is portentous too. We have read the word mashuah in it as 'anointed', but it could just as eas


  • where many of the same words are used, in particular 'breaking' or 'Breakers of the Covenant' (ü.6, viii. 16, as opposed to 'keeping' or 'Keepers of the Covenant' - related to the definition of 'the Sons of Zadok' in the Community Rule), and the general emphasis on 'pollution', 'robbing Riches' (1QpHab,viii.11, xii. l0; another of 'the three nets of Belial'), 'profiteering' (ix. 5, 12), 'violence' (viii. l 1,


  • as these were even embedded in documents like the War Scroll, where 'the Star Prophecy' was treated in this manner, and the Damascus Document, where, as we have seen, Ezek. 44:15's reference to 'the sons of Zadok' and similar prophecies were interpreted in the most graphic and vivid manner in relation to contemporary events and the interests of the community. The document we have called (recalling John Allegr


  • he Mehokkek prophecy that precedes it, 'Damascus' is mentioned, from which the Damascus Document takes its name. So are 'the penitents of Israel', who are also mentioned in the exegesis of Ezekiel's 'sons of Zadok' prophecy two columns prior to this in Column iv. These 'penitents' - called 'the Priests' in the Column iv exegesis - 'go out from the land of Judah' in both exegeses 'to dwell in the land of Damasc


  • ot only for Qumran Messianic notions but for Qumran ideology as a whole and its overtones with early Christianity of the Jamesian mould. We have already mentioned that the Community Rule defines the 'sons of Zadok' in terms of 'keeping' or being 'Keepers of the Covenant'. This is a qualitative exegesis, not a genealogical one. It is reinforced in the Damascus Document's exegesis of Ezek. 44:15 - also qualitati


  • es the Righteous- but 'the Righteous' would even seem to be a name for the members of the Community represented by the literature at Qumran, a synonym and linguistic variation of the Bnai-Zadok ('the sons of Zadok') as we have noted above. The use of such terminology here in relation to the knowledge of the heavenly bodies and their courses, as well as of the calendar, would appear to carry something of this c


  • 'Darkness', 'Belial', 'Righteousness', 'Truth', 'Lying' and 'Watcher' vocabulary, including the very nice allusions to 'sons of Righteousness' - which we have already identified as a variant of the 'sons of Zadok' terminology - 'sons of Light', 'sons of Darkness' and 'sons of Truth', again widely disseminated through the whole corpus. Added to these we have the very interesting allusion in Manuscript B to ‘se


  • oughout the already published Qumran Hymns. Here in 4.8, the actions of 'the Righteous' (those 'saved' at the end of time) are known or prepared 'before ever they were created' (see CD,iv.4-7 on 'the sons of Zadok' and IQH,ix.33-35). Both Paul and James are familiar with this sort of language, and early church literature preserves the tradition that James 'was consecrated ('Holy') from his mother's womb' (E.H.


  • at Qumran - that a World Ruler would come out of Palestine, i.e. the Star Prophecy (6.312-14). The term 'Elect of Righteousness' in this text is also interesting. Again, in the Damascus Document the 'sons of Zadok' are defined as 'the Elect of Israel, called by name, who will stand at the end of time . . . and justify the Righteous and condemn the Wicked' (iv. 3-7; italics ours). The notion of 'the Elect' is a


  • We have already extensively discussed the allusion in 3.10 to 'Sons of Righteousness', with which the extant text closes, above. It is not only a verbal parallel, but probably also a synonym for 'the sons of Zadok', particularly when this expression is taken in its esoteric sense. In Lines 2.8-11 the expression is coupled with allusions to 'the removers of the boundary' and 'Riches', both also paralleled in Co


  • t. For instance, CD, iv.7, as we have seen, actually uses the terminology 'condemning the Wicked' (25) - as opposed to 'justifying the Righteous' - when describing the eschatological activity of 'the sons of Zadok . . . in the last days'.


  • ess'. The reference to being witnesses at the Last judgement (3.8-9) is also paralleled word for word in these lines in the Community Rule. It strengthens the supernatural aspects of the role of the 'sons of Zadok' in the Damascus Document and the spiritualized atonement imagery generally that moves into Christian theory. The reference to 'Judgement' again at the end of 'the era of Wickedness' in 3.10 further


  • ons, too, to 'the sons of Righteousness', a usage we have already expounded at length in relation to the document by that name. We have delineated it as indistinguishable from and a variation of 'the sons of Zadok' terminology so much discussed in relation to the published corpus. In Lines 7-9 the phrase is used, not surprisingly, in conjunction with wording like 'the Pious Ones' (Hassidim) and 'the Congregati


  • : 'tinzor Toratecha' ('to keep Your Torah'). The use of this expression as a synonym for the Shomrei ha-Brit ('the Keepers of the Covenant'), the definition in the Community Rule, v.2 and v.9 of 'the sons of Zadok', once more confirms the basic circularity of all these usages. It is but a short step from here to the 'Nazoraean' terminology often used as a synonym for Jewish Christians in other sources, and per


  • . It is also, as we have seen, a theme in the early passages in the Letter of James, where much of the language of this treatise can be paralleled, and in the definition in the Community Rule of 'the sons of Zadok', i.e. 'the Keepers of the Covenant'. It is paralleled, too, in the Hymns of the Poor above, by a variant related to the terminology 'Nazoraean' / 'Nazarene'. The 'Fountain' imagery continues into Fr


  • to sit on his 'right hand' (Matt. 20:21; see too Mark 14:62's 'sitting on the right hand of Power and coming with the clouds of Heaven'), one can assume that it does. The supernatural aspects of the 'sons of Zadok' or 'the Elect of Israel' have also been discussed at length in this work. There is no doubt that these have a role to play in the Last Judgement. The Messiah himself has 'Heaven and Earth' at his di


  • t context in the exegesis of the Zadokite Covenant from Ezek. 44:15 in Column iv of the Cairo Damascus Document. It is possible to read the allusion in that prophecy to 'the priests, the Levites, the sons of Zadok' as a construct phrase with the sense of 'the priests who were the Bnei-Zadok Levites'. But the Damascus Document deliberately breaks this open in favour of its preferred exegesis. 'Ands' are added,

File: Jesus Papers -


  • dence. Almost every source agrees that its priests, unlike those in Jerusalem, were of the true "Zadokite" priesthood—that is, they were legitimate descendents or heirs of the Levitical priests, "the sons of Zadok," described in Ezekiel (44:15-16) as having God's permission to enter into the divine presence in order to serve and perform the sacred liturgy. We find that this heritage is of vital importance to t


  • close connection between overseas Jewish Zealots, of which Egypt was the most probable source, and those Zealots active within Judaea and Galilee. Both were, it seems, members of the community of the Sons of Zadok. But there are closer links that, significantly, draw the Temple of Onias into the Zealot milieu. This can be demonstrated by means of the calendar in use. Most of Judaism maintained a lunar calendar

File: Sun Gods -


  • ohs who were reborn at their thirtieth birthday and, indeed, Essene practice was to consider people mature only at their thirtieth birthday. The Damascus Rule says that the Essenes kept lists of the “Sons of Zadok, the el ect of Israel, according to their generations”. These lists will have offered a source for the genealogies of Matthew and Luke .

File: 26 - Ezekiel -


  • south, is for the priests, the keepers of the charge of the house. 040:046 And the chamber whose prospect is toward the north is for the priests, the keepers of the charge of the altar: these are the sons of Zadok among the sons of Levi, which come near to the LORD to minister unto him. Book 26 : Ezekiel − Chapter 040 162


  • ich they have committed. 044:014 But I will make them keepers of the charge of the house, for all the service thereof, and for all that shall be done therein. 044:015 But the priests the Levites, the sons of Zadok, that kept the charge of my sanctuary when the children of Israel went astray from me, they shall come near to me to minister unto me, Book 26 : Ezekiel − Chapter 044 176


  • ousand in breadth, and toward the south five and twenty thousand in length: and the sanctuary of the LORD shall be in the midst thereof. 048:011 It shall be for the priests that are sanctified of the sons of Zadok; which have kept my charge, which went not astray when the children of Israel went astray, as the Levites went astray. 048:012 And this oblation of the land that is offered shall be unto them a thing

File: 09 - Ezekiel -


  • e south, is for the priests, the keepers of the charge of the house. 40:46 And the chamber whose prospect is toward the north is for the priests, the keepers of the charge of the altar; these are the sons of Zadok, who from among the sons of Levi come near to the Lord to minister unto Him.' 40:47 Ezekiel − Chapter 040 136


  • s which they have committed. 44:14 And I will make them keepers of the charge of the house, for all the service thereof, and for all that shall be done therein. 44:15 But the priests the Levites, the sons of Zadok, that kept the charge of My sanctuary when the children of Israel went astray from Me, they shall come near to Me to minister unto Me; and they shall stand before Me to offer unto Me the fat and the


  • thousand in breadth, and toward the south five and twenty thousand in length; and the sanctuary of the Lord shall be in the midst thereof. 48:11 The sanctified portion shall be for the priests of the sons of Zadok, that have kept My charge, that went not astray when the children of Israel went astray, as the Levites went astray. 48:12 And it shall be unto them a portion set apart from the offering of the land,

File: Alchemy Key -


  • rs of the Law. On return from the Exile, the Chassidim adopted a moral code formulated by the descendants of the Aaronic Priests.518 From the Chassidim arose the Pharisees and Rabbinical Judaism. The Sons of Zadok are mutually exclusive; the line of Zadok does not include any of the twenty-four Aaronid clans.519 The commitment of the Chassidim to the common law led them


  • where Jesus lived, five kilometers from Damascus, and Anatolian Nisibis.534 The last of the four Zaddoki groups is the Nazoraeans. Also known as Rechabites, they reputedly provided daughters for the Sons of Zadok to marry. Jeremiah is the first recorded person to have called these Zadokites by the name Rechabites and to note their Zeal.535 At different times, the Nazoraeans were Nozri, Nazarites, Nazarenes, N


  • tolia and the Zagros Mountains of Azerbaijan.537 While the four main Zaddoki groups of Essenes, Zealots, Sicarii and Nazoraeans have significant inter-sectarian differences, they are collectively the Sons of Zadok, Zealots, Essenes, Jessaeans and Ossaeans. The traditional meaning of the enigmatic letters I.N.R.I on the titular of Jesus’ cross is Iesus Nazareus Rex Iudaeorum or Jesus Nazarene, King of the Jews.


  • mer, 71 solstice, winter, 71 Solve et Coagula, 216 Solyma, 36 soma, 79, 346 Soma, 347 Son of Man, 150 Song of Solomon, 254 Song of Songs, 39, 254, 463 Sons of Solomon, 319, 332 Sons of the Widow, 314 Sons of Zadok, 146, 147 Sophia, 116, 197, 228, 322, 323 Sota, 472 South Africa, 51 sows, 35 Spain, 7, 61, 97, 157, 159, 164, 166, 167, 171, 176, 195, 276, 300, 319, 332 sparagmos, 305 Spartans, 176, 178, 179, 180,

File: J.J. Hartak - The Keys of Enoch -


  • iritual Israel of Jesus allowing for the greater consciousness of the 'Shema' to redeem the physical kingdoms. 40 The divine diaspora which is being gathered at this time will bring together both the Sons of Zadok, the way showers of Mes- sianic truths, and the Sons of Ur, the prophets of the true science of the Living Light, into one unity with the Brotherhood of Light. 41 The holy brotherhoods of ages past w


  • lized prop- erties of the wave function. They repre- sent the lower subatomic branches of the Tree of Life in terms of trinitized and semi-trinitized relationships. Qumran Exemplary community of the 'Sons of Zadok' during the Intertesta-mental period. Their community of 'Covenanters' along the Dead Sea provides a model of the underground 'covenant society' faithfully devoted to the Word even during great war a


  • ZADOKl PRIESTHOODIZPE Qumran scrolls tell us, "The 'priests' are the repentent of Israel who went out from the land of Judah ... and the 'sons of Zadok' are the chosen of Israel, the 'Elect of the Name' who shall arise in the end of days. (1 QSa Scroll 1,2,24; 1 QSb Scroll 111,22-23). 2The seed communities of Zadok that have borne witness to God's W

File: Resources_for_Biblical_Study_68-Ritual_and_Metaphor_Sacrifice_in_the_Bible -


  • 110Ritual and Metaphorprominence of the priesthood in these scrolls (e.g., 1QS 1.18–21; 2.1–11; 5.2–4; 6.3–6; 1Q28a 2.19), frequent mention of the sons of Zadok (e.g., 1QS 5.2, 9; 9.14; 1Q28a 1.1–2; 2.3), and the signifi cant functions it was believed that they would play in the eschatological age (e.g., 1Q28a 1.2, 16, 23–24; 2.12–13; 1QpHab 2.7–8) all speak

File: Arbel, Vita Daphna - Beholders of divine secrets_mysticism and myth in Hekhalot and Merkavah -


  • BCE–400BC(Oxford 2001), pp.20ff. For critical discussions and references to the connection and identification ofscribes and priests in principal studies see Schams, Jewish Scribes, 24–35, 309–324.On “sons of zadok” see Elior, Temple and Chariot, 202–211.33. See nn. 28, 29, 32.34. See R. Murphy, “The Hebrew Sage and Openness to the World,” inChristian Action and Openness to the World, ed., J. Pipin (Villanova P

File: Corbin_Henry_Temple_and_Contemplation_-_1986 -


  • actice, this synchronism was essential and fundamental. There were "Halachic" disagreements. Finally, there was the question of the authenticity of the sacerdotal lineage, the lineage of the faithful Sons of Zadok, who had been dispossessed by the Hasmonean usurpers. Con­fronting these negatives was the Imago novi Templi, contemplated by Ezekiel in his visionary ecstasy, and of which the Qumran Community felt

File: Encyclopedia of Occultism and Parapsychology Vol 2 -


  • ls as scrip-ture, including ancient apocryphal writings (Gospel of Thomas,Gospel of Philip, Book of Enoch, writings from Nag Hammadi)and modern Mormon revelations (Oracles of Mohonri, TheOrder of the Sons of Zadok). The group believes in a secret oraltradition passed from Moses to the Essenes, to the Gnostics,and eventually to Joseph Smith Jr. That tradition is believed tobe preserved in mystical books such as

File: Gods Of Eden -


  • 128 William Bramley the Essenes in their closed communities. Essene priests often called themselves "The Sons of Zadok" after high priest Zadok, who had served in the temple of Solomon. In light of these discoveries, it is not surprising that several Brotherhood branches had claimed long before the discovery of the D

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