Sons of Seth
Found in 32 Books
File: Alchemy Key -
- ned. Ancient legends attribute a sacred character to Mount Hermon. 616 It was supposedly the residence of the children of Seth at the beginning of human existence. 617 The Valentinians regarded these sons of Seth as Sons of God who led a pious and secluded life on Mount Hermon, musing about paradise. 618 Hermon is also the mountain of God, called Bashan: 619 The hill of God is as the hill of Bashan; an high h
File: ktillus -
- all nations possessed a word we will inquire how it first came in possession of the Jews. The Rab - binical tradition i~, that it was given by God to Adam, who, foreseeing the deluge, enjoined on the sons of Seth to preserve it for future generations, when ~he flood would have swept all but Noah’s family away. Enoch, the son of Seth, while deliberating upon the best means of preserving for future generations
File: Gnostic Gospels - Elaine Pagels -
- ome insist that the Twelve—including Peter—had not received gnosis when they first witnessed to Christ's resurrection. Another group of gnostics, called Sethians because they identified themselves as sons of Seth, the third child of Adam and Eve, say that the disciples, deluded by "a very great error," imagined that Christ had risen from the dead in bodily form. But the risen Christ appeared to "a few of thes
File: Gnostic Gospels - Nag Hammadi Library -
- ] 7 [...] I was [baptized] for the second time in the name of the divine Autoge nes by these same powers. I became an angel of the male race. I stood upon the second aeon which is the third, with the sons of Seth I blessed each of them. I was baptized for the third time in the name of the divine Autogene s by each of these powers. I became a holy angel. I stood upon the third aeon which is the second. I bless
File: Adrew Collins, Graham Hancock - Gobekli Tepe - Genesis of the Gods -
- so that they might remain safe during the comingdeluge.23 [index_split_058.html#filepos1035302]MOUNT SIRPushing the matter still further, Stroumsa notes that “the link between Seiris(the land of the sons of Seth and the place of the Steles) and Mount Ararat”finds expression in another Gnostic text called The Hypostatis of the Archons,which is also found in the Nag Hammadi library. He continues: “Noah is aske
File: Michael Tsarion - Atlantis, Alien Visitation And Genetic Manipulation -
- Atlantis, Alien Visitation, and Genetic Manipulation 3 From the End of Heaven Sons of Zadok, Sons of Seth, the Uranids, Cyclopeans, Promethians, Olympians, the Elect, Asuras, the Illies, Fomorians, the Necromancers, Rayless Ones, Bent Ones, the Dogons, Dagons, the Ana, Amaraka, Nagas, the Rakshasas, Drag
File: Enoch, Nephilim, Sons Of God, Daughters Of Men -
- Seth, and that the "daughters of men" are the female descendants of Cain. According to this view, what actually happened in Genesis 6 was an early example of believers marrying unbelievers. The good sons of Seth married the bad daughters of Cain, and the result of these mixed marriages was a mongrel offspring. These later became known for their decadence and corruption; indeed, it reached such a degree that
- imes over! The contrast made in Genesis 6:2 is not between the descendants of Seth and the descendants of Cain, but between the "sons of God" and the "daughters of men." If by "sons of God" is meant "sons of Seth," then only the sons of Seth engaged in mixed marriages, and not the daughters. And only the daughters of Cain were involved, and not the sons. And another strange assumption is implied: that only th
- but there is no indication that He ever corrected or queried it. Can we not assume from His silence that He agreed with the translation! RAPE OF THE TEXT Having studied all the arguments in favor of "sons of Seth," one concludes that the only argument that is valid among them is that of rationality. "Sons of Seth" is an interpretation that is more palatable to human reason. Reason can never subscribe to the i
- ng of the angels for their villainy. (13) Perhaps the most conclusive argument for interpreting the expression as "angels" is the simplest one of all. If the writer of Genesis wanted to refer to the "sons of Seth" he would have just said so. If God had intended that meaning, then the verse would undoubtedly read, "the sons of Seth saw the daughters of Cain that they were fair..." But the Bible meant something
File: Esoteric Revelations -
- This is the reason wh y Elohiym could not accept Cain’s offering, as stated in Genesis 4:3-5 . The flood in the days of Noah happened at a ti me when the daughters of Cain were taken for wives by the sons of Seth (sons of God). Thereby, the sons of Seth (sons of God) b rought forth children (seed) who had the mind of Cain (see Genesis 6:1-6 ). The generations that followed – because the sons of Seth took wive
File: Melchizedek and the Mystery of Fire -
- 20 Melchizedek and the Mystery of Fire thus separate from the sons of Seth, whose father was Jehovah. The Egyptians considered the juice of the grape to be more nearly like human blood than any other substance. In fact, they believed that the grape secured its life from the
- e gives an old Qabbalistic legend in connection with the relation of early Masonry to the worship of fire. According to this leg- end, Hiram Abiff was not a descendant of Adam or Jehovah, as were the Sons of Seth, but was born of a nobler race, for in his blood ran the fire of Samael, one of the Elohim. Further, there are two kinds of people in the world; those with aspiration and those without. Those without
File: Nag Hammadi Library -
- ] 7 [...] I was [baptized] for the second time in the name of the divine Autoge nes by these same powers. I became an angel of the male race. I stood upon the second aeon which is the third, with the sons of Seth I blessed each of them. I was baptized for the third time in the name of the divine Autogene s by each of these powers. I became a holy angel. I stood upon the third aeon which is the second. I bless
File: Secret Teachings Of All Ages - Manly P. Hall -
- N SYMBOLIC PHILOSOPHY Secret alphabets--The biliteral cipher--P ictorial ciphers--Acroamatic ciphers-- Numerical and musical ciphers--Code ciphers. 169 FREEMASONIC SYMBOLISM The pillars raised by the sons of Seth --Enoch and the Royal Arches--The Dionysiac Architects--The Roman Collegia--Solom on, the personification of Universal Wisdom--Freemasonry's priceless heritage. 173 MYSTIC CHRISTIANITY St. Iranæus on
File: The Initiates of the Flame -
- ely related to that of the Wisdom Teachings. They embody the doctrines of fire and water, the two opposites of nature. Those who follow the path of faith or the heart, use water, and are known as the Sons of Seth, while whose who follow the path of the mind and action are the The Initiates of the Flame CHAPTER I THE FIRE UPON THE ALTAR
File: Wouter J. Hanegraaff - Dictionary of Gnosis and Western Esotericism -
- that he had seven sons, called “strangers”, as I mentioned also in other Sects – I mean the Gnostics and the Sethians’ (40, 7, 5). Thus we can infer that the book title Allogeneis refers to the seven sons of Seth. Moreover, the Archontics also sethians 1064
File: Manly P. Hall - The Secret Teachings of All Ages (1928) -
- IN SYMBOLIC PHILOSOPHY Secret alphabets--The biliteral cipher--Pictorial ciphers--Acroamatic ciphers--Numerical and musical ciphers--Code ciphers. 169 FREEMASONIC SYMBOLISM The pillars raised by the sons of Seth--Enoch and the Royal Arches--The Dionysiac Architects--The Roman Collegia--Solomon, the personification of Universal Wisdom-- Freemasonry's priceless heritage. 173 MYSTIC CHRISTIANITY St. Iranæus on
File: Christ Conspiracy - The Greatest Story Ever Sold -
- ’t have to kill and burn to settle.” dccviii In reality, the patriarch Joshua was based on Horus as “Iusa,” and the Joshua story represents the Horus cult in the Levant, when the stellar cult of the “sons of Seth” yielded to the solar. Joshua is not only Horu s himself but also his “brother,” the Egyptian god “Shu,” or “Shu-si-Ra,” the “auxili ary” or son of Ra and “Uplifter of
- esus of the type of both the Old Testament and the Maccabean Revolt. Furthermore, the Zadokite Document says, the “scept er of Israel,” also the “Prince of the entire Congregation,” will destroy the “sons of Seth” (as at Num. 24:17). These “sons of Seth” were evidently the black-robed Phari sees, as mainly luni-stellar cult people, while the white-robed Sadducees were mainly solar cultists. These priesthoods
- and propitiated after the m anner of the old solar cult and polytheistic, astrotheological religion. As members of the white-robed brotherhood, these Zadokites were in opposition to the black-rob ed “sons of Seth” who also claimed to represent the Jealous/Zealous God. In their many internecine battles, the Zadokites we re deposed in Jerusalem by the Hasids/Hasmoneans/Pharisees, driven to Syria/Sa maria and Eg
File: Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception - Max Heindell -
- Treatise on the Underlying Facts re- garding these two great Institutions as determined by occult investigation. It explains in terms of Mystic Masonry the con- flict between the Sons of Cain and the Sons of Seth, and unravels the allegory dealing with the build- ing of Solomon's Temple, the Queen of Sheba, and the Grand Master, Hiram Abiff. If you are interested in the symbols of Masonry, in knowing the sour
File: 04 - Numbers -
- e him, but not now; I behold him, but not nigh; there shall step forth a star out of Jacob, and a scepter shall rise out of Israel, and shall smite through the corners of Moab, and break down all the sons of Seth. 24:18 And Edom shall be a possession, Seir also, even his enemies, shall be a possession; while Israel doeth valiantly. 24:19 And out of Jacob shall one have dominion, and shall destroy the remnant
File: Alchemy Key -
- pened. Ancient legends attribute a sacred character to Mount Hermon.616 It was supposedly the residence of the children of Seth at the beginning of human existence.617 The Valentinians regarded these sons of Seth as Sons of God who led a pious and secluded life on Mount Hermon, musing about paradise.618 Hermon is also the mountain of God, called Bashan:619 The hill of God is as the hill of Bashan; an high hil
File: The Secret Teachings of All Ages -
- CTOR IN SYMBOLIC PHILOSOPHYSecret alphabets--The biliteral cipher--Pictorial ciphers--Acroamatic ciphers--Numerical and musical ciphers--Code ciphers.169FREEMASONIC SYMBOLISMThe pillars raised by the sons of Seth--Enoch and the Royal Arches--The Dionysiac Architects--The Roman Collegia--Solomon, the personification of Universal Wisdom--Freemasonry's priceless heritage.173MYSTIC CHRISTIANITYSt. Iranæus on the
File: Dictionary of Gnosis & Western Esotericism -
- say that he had seven sons, called “strangers”,as I mentioned also in other Sects – I mean theGnostics and the Sethians’ (40, 7, 5). Thus we caninfer that the book title Allogeneisrefers to theseven sons of Seth. Moreover, the Archontics alsosethians1064
File: Ancient Egyptian Magical Texts -
- od spears that arc in his hand!It is like this you also will be, oh mmana, with the gods acting against you, <following^ the accusation against, you that the god made, and the water, arui the many poisons of Seth, and the bitter poisons of Shu the son of R<*\ and the poisons of Wepwawet that are like (those of) a snake, and the poisons of the Upper God and Nungal his wife, the poisons of Reshep and Itum, his
File: Another_Seed_Studies_in_Gnostic_Mytholog -
- ............................................................115The Promised Land .........................................................................................119Chapter VI: Sons of God or Sons of Seth? ..............................................................125PART III: ECHOES AND REPERCUSSIONS........................................................135Chapter VII: Gnostic Elements in Hermeti
- that it was the early Dositheans(whom he calls the Samaritan "Hauptsekte") who first developed tradi-tions about the special status of Seth.According to him, the Samaritansconsidered themselves to besons of Seth already in pre-Christian timesand were so regarded by the Jews.Beltz establishes this claim by linking51 Gnosticism and Early Christianity (New York: Columbia, 1959),esp. 27-38. For a discus-sion of
- 12INTRODUCTIONthe Samaritan tradition according to which Damascus was built by Seth(Asatir 11.3)to the mention in the Essene Damascus Document (VIII,18b-21) of the sons of Seth who would be smashed by the scepter ofIsrael.57 John Bowman considers the Samaritan biblical paraphrasis calledthe Asatir to be "without any doubt an old Dosithean work."58 Beltzaccepts this identifi
- ewhere. Only thosefew aspects where I feel I can contri-bute some precision will be dealt with here. Certain trends in Jewish andChristian exegesis considered the "Sons of God" of Genesis 6 to be the"Sons of Seth." The investigation of this puzzling interpretation can shednew light on the originsof Gnostic mythology. Finally, the repercussionsof the Gnostic sexual myths analyzed in the first part of this work
- od in Gen 6:2 and generated angelsjust as the latter had generated giants. To the seven sons of Eve by thedemiurge, who ruled the seven planets, the Sethians opposed the sevenAllogeneis, the mythical sons of Seth.In these last versions of the myth, there is no "fall" of Eve in theChristian, metaphorical use of the word, which implies sin and/or guilt.The spiritual Eve deliberately surrendered her shadowy like
- toaccount forthe existence and the origin of evil in this world, revealsa major aspect ofGnostic consciousness. Another aspect, no less central, is the self-imageof the offspring of the pure seed-the Sons of Seth-who throughouthistory remained untainted by the evil archons and who succeeded inescaping the repeated attempts to annihilate them. In other words, it is tovarious facets of the Gnostic conception of
- er a kingdom of death that Sakla ruled.Under his sway, men learn about "dead things" (65:14-16).Actually,'7Ct. in the mythological system of Ap. John, Daveithai, the third Light, or Aeon, inwhich the Sons of Seth are placed (CG 11, 9:14-16).
- ior said: "Itwas my going to the revealed height,which the world did notaccept, my third baptism in a revealed image. "26The Hymn of the ChildThe prose account ofhistory and of the tribulations of thesons of Seth,i.e., of the Gnostics,is followed bya moving hymn. Written in a strangelanguage replete withsymbolism, this hymnwas by no means arbitrarilyinserted into thetext, as has sometimes been argued, but rat
- Chris-tianity.For the author of Apoc. Adam, the "kingdom" announced byJesus also remained under the sway of Sakla.As opposed to the thirteen kingdoms, Apoc. Adam 92:19-20 callstheGnostics, i.e., the Sons of Seth, a "race (yevea) withouta king over it."The image is common in Gnostic literature and alsooccurs in Greek asii a/3acriXEV7-oc yevea in reference to the Naassene elect.75 FEVEL,how-ever, is amphibolou
- f Pistis Sophia quoted above, according to which Enoch himselfwrote the two Books of Yeu and kept them on Mount Ararat (thus protect-ing them from the flood).5The link between Seiris (the land of the sons of Seth and the place ofthe Steles) and Mount Ararat finds expression in Hyp. Arch. 92:8-141where Noah is asked by the demiurge to set the ark upon Mount Sir!6This conflation of traditions is not completely
- usible that latercontaminations between Seirisand the land of the Seres didoccur.18But the early tradition reported by Josephus cannot yetrefer to China.Josephus spoke about Seiris in connectionwith "sons of Seth," who areactually mentioned once inthe Bible,in Balaam's prophecy (Num24:17-18):19inscription identities the EeipL&s yn with the homeland of Isis, theNilotic goddess. The Nileis also called Eeipcoc.
- SACRED GEOGRAPHYa star shall come forth out of Jacoband a scepter shall rise out of Israel;it shall crush the forehead of Moaband break down all the sons of SethEdom shall be dispossessedSeir also, his enemies, shall be dispossessedwhile Israel does valiantly.119According to the rules of symmetry of Hebrewpoetry, "all the sons ofSeth" must be read in parallel
- CHAPTER SIXSONS OF GOD OR SONS OF SETH?In its Gnostic reinterpretation, the lustful behavior of the Sons of God (orevil angels, archons) in Gen 6:1 -4 was at the core of the new mythology.In Jewish and, later, Christian exegesis, these ve
- Klijn concludes that "Syncellus incorrectly rendered JuliusAfricanus' words." Aeasier solution lies in a simple change of punctuation:we may begin a new sentence witE7TL/2tXBE1TW11 crUTG)r.I'Only the sons of Seth couldvex God, for the sons of Cain were already evil before thintermingling.12ETL SE npc6μ(0i'is this a reference to planets'
- SONS OF GOD OR SONS OF SETH?127This text deserves a brief commentary. Traditional editions of the LXXtranslate benei eloh!/n as of ayyEXOt TOV OeOV in Gen 6:2 and as of violToi 6EoV- in Gen 6:4.13 But important variants, as wel
- SONS OF GOD OR SONS OF SETH'?129virgin would have remained in the whole human race! When the floodcame, the sinful Sethites unsuccessfully tried to climb up the holy moun-tain again to beg Noah to let them into the ark-but in v
- SONS OF GOD OR SONS OF SETH'?131to wicked men. While all the Jewish texts analyzed by Alexanderrejectedthe angelological interpretation of the biblical verses, none of them expli-citly identified the Sons of God with Sethites.H
- SONS OF GOD OR SONS OF SETH'?133Such traditions about the evil deeds of the Sethites were probably fos-tered by Num 24:17-18, according to which the sons of Seth were relatedto the wicked Moabites and Edomites (as implied in th
- SONS OF GOD OR SONS OF SETH?133Such traditions about the evil deeds of the Sethites were probably fos-tered by Num 24:17-18, according to which the sons of Seth were relatedto the wicked Moabites and Edomites (as implied in the
- elves to be the heirs of the untainted pure seedtransmitted by Seth to his offspring. Through the eschatological advent oftheir father/savior and the concomitant destruction of the forces of evil,the sons of Seth would ultimately be victorious; the main steps of thisGnostic salvation-history were studied in Part II.The identification andanalysis of these two major myths and their components provide criteriafo
File: Encyclopeida of Lost and Rejected Scriptures. Pseudoepigrapha and Apocrypha -
- hildren of the devil.' 28 But they would not listen to his words. 29 Enoch was already grown up at that time, and in his zeal for God, he stood and said, "Hear me, you large and small (young and old) sons of Seth! When you transgress the commandment of our fathers and go down from this holy mountain, you shall not come up here again for ever." 30 But they rose up against Enoch and would not listen to his word
File: Nag Hammadi Library -
- [...]7 [...] I was [baptized] for the second time in the name of the divine Autogenes by these samepowers. I became an angel of the male race. I stood upon the second aeon which is the third, withthe sons of Seth I blessed each of them. I was baptized for the third time in the name of the divine Autogenes by each of these powers. Ibecame a holy angel. I stood upon the third aeon which is the second. I blessed
File: The Star of Bethlehem and the Magi -
- l scholarly agreement that in CD 7 two messiahs, referred to as the “Interpreter of the Law” and the “Prince of the whole congregation,” are intended.40 39 (“[The King is the as]sembly; . . . all the sons of Seth,” translation, García Martínez and Tigchelaar, DSSSE, 587.) It is a fragmentary text that possibly comprises the vestiges of the interpretation of the Amos extracts and the interpretation of Num 24:1
- y. In weighing up these three pos-sibilities, the final lines of Num 24:17 LXX are suggestive and intriguing: “(the man who rises from Israel) will crush the princes of Moab and shall plunder all the sons of Seth.” If our hypothetical Balaam text were the earlier, one could easily imagine an author meditating on the end of the crucial verse and being led to speculate about a Sethian origin for the magi and th
File: studiesingnosticmythology -
- ............................................................115The Promised Land .........................................................................................119Chapter VI: Sons of God or Sons of Seth? ..............................................................125PART III: ECHOES AND REPERCUSSIONS........................................................135Chapter VII: Gnostic Elements in Hermeti
- that it was the early Dositheans(whom he calls the Samaritan "Hauptsekte") who first developed tradi-tions about the special status of Seth.According to him, the Samaritansconsidered themselves to besons of Seth already in pre-Christian timesand were so regarded by the Jews.Beltz establishes this claim by linking51 Gnosticism and Early Christianity (New York: Columbia, 1959),esp. 27-38. For a discus-sion of
- 12INTRODUCTIONthe Samaritan tradition according to which Damascus was built by Seth(Asatir 11.3)to the mention in the Essene Damascus Document (VIII,18b-21) of the sons of Seth who would be smashed by the scepter ofIsrael.57 John Bowman considers the Samaritan biblical paraphrasis calledthe Asatir to be "without any doubt an old Dosithean work."58 Beltzaccepts this identifi
- ewhere. Only thosefew aspects where I feel I can contri-bute some precision will be dealt with here. Certain trends in Jewish andChristian exegesis considered the "Sons of God" of Genesis 6 to be the"Sons of Seth." The investigation of this puzzling interpretation can shednew light on the originsof Gnostic mythology. Finally, the repercussionsof the Gnostic sexual myths analyzed in the first part of this work
- od in Gen 6:2 and generated angelsjust as the latter had generated giants. To the seven sons of Eve by thedemiurge, who ruled the seven planets, the Sethians opposed the sevenAllogeneis, the mythical sons of Seth.In these last versions of the myth, there is no "fall" of Eve in theChristian, metaphorical use of the word, which implies sin and/or guilt.The spiritual Eve deliberately surrendered her shadowy like
- toaccount forthe existence and the origin of evil in this world, revealsa major aspect ofGnostic consciousness. Another aspect, no less central, is the self-imageof the offspring of the pure seed-the Sons of Seth-who throughouthistory remained untainted by the evil archons and who succeeded inescaping the repeated attempts to annihilate them. In other words, it is tovarious facets of the Gnostic conception of
- er a kingdom of death that Sakla ruled.Under his sway, men learn about "dead things" (65:14-16).Actually,'7Ct. in the mythological system of Ap. John, Daveithai, the third Light, or Aeon, inwhich the Sons of Seth are placed (CG 11, 9:14-16).
- ior said: "Itwas my going to the revealed height,which the world did notaccept, my third baptism in a revealed image. "26The Hymn of the ChildThe prose account ofhistory and of the tribulations of thesons of Seth,i.e., of the Gnostics,is followed bya moving hymn. Written in a strangelanguage replete withsymbolism, this hymnwas by no means arbitrarilyinserted into thetext, as has sometimes been argued, but rat
- Chris-tianity.For the author of Apoc. Adam, the "kingdom" announced byJesus also remained under the sway of Sakla.As opposed to the thirteen kingdoms, Apoc. Adam 92:19-20 callstheGnostics, i.e., the Sons of Seth, a "race (yevea) withouta king over it."The image is common in Gnostic literature and alsooccurs in Greek asii a/3acriXEV7-oc yevea in reference to the Naassene elect.75 FEVEL,how-ever, is amphibolou
- f Pistis Sophia quoted above, according to which Enoch himselfwrote the two Books of Yeu and kept them on Mount Ararat (thus protect-ing them from the flood).5The link between Seiris (the land of the sons of Seth and the place ofthe Steles) and Mount Ararat finds expression in Hyp. Arch. 92:8-141where Noah is asked by the demiurge to set the ark upon Mount Sir!6This conflation of traditions is not completely
- usible that latercontaminations between Seirisand the land of the Seres didoccur.18But the early tradition reported by Josephus cannot yetrefer to China.Josephus spoke about Seiris in connectionwith "sons of Seth," who areactually mentioned once inthe Bible,in Balaam's prophecy (Num24:17-18):19inscription identities the EeipL&s yn with the homeland of Isis, theNilotic goddess. The Nileis also called Eeipcoc.
- SACRED GEOGRAPHYa star shall come forth out of Jacoband a scepter shall rise out of Israel;it shall crush the forehead of Moaband break down all the sons of SethEdom shall be dispossessedSeir also, his enemies, shall be dispossessedwhile Israel does valiantly.119According to the rules of symmetry of Hebrewpoetry, "all the sons ofSeth" must be read in parallel
- CHAPTER SIXSONS OF GOD OR SONS OF SETH?In its Gnostic reinterpretation, the lustful behavior of the Sons of God (orevil angels, archons) in Gen 6:1 -4 was at the core of the new mythology.In Jewish and, later, Christian exegesis, these ve
- Klijn concludes that "Syncellus incorrectly rendered JuliusAfricanus' words." Aeasier solution lies in a simple change of punctuation:we may begin a new sentence witE7TL/2tXBE1TW11 crUTG)r.I'Only the sons of Seth couldvex God, for the sons of Cain were already evil before thintermingling.12ETL SE npc6μ(0i'is this a reference to planets'
- SONS OF GOD OR SONS OF SETH?127This text deserves a brief commentary. Traditional editions of the LXXtranslate benei eloh!/n as of ayyEXOt TOV OeOV in Gen 6:2 and as of violToi 6EoV- in Gen 6:4.13 But important variants, as wel
- SONS OF GOD OR SONS OF SETH'?129virgin would have remained in the whole human race! When the floodcame, the sinful Sethites unsuccessfully tried to climb up the holy moun-tain again to beg Noah to let them into the ark-but in v
- SONS OF GOD OR SONS OF SETH'?131to wicked men. While all the Jewish texts analyzed by Alexanderrejectedthe angelological interpretation of the biblical verses, none of them expli-citly identified the Sons of God with Sethites.H
- SONS OF GOD OR SONS OF SETH'?133Such traditions about the evil deeds of the Sethites were probably fos-tered by Num 24:17-18, according to which the sons of Seth were relatedto the wicked Moabites and Edomites (as implied in th
- SONS OF GOD OR SONS OF SETH?133Such traditions about the evil deeds of the Sethites were probably fos-tered by Num 24:17-18, according to which the sons of Seth were relatedto the wicked Moabites and Edomites (as implied in the
- elves to be the heirs of the untainted pure seedtransmitted by Seth to his offspring. Through the eschatological advent oftheir father/savior and the concomitant destruction of the forces of evil,the sons of Seth would ultimately be victorious; the main steps of thisGnostic salvation-history were studied in Part II.The identification andanalysis of these two major myths and their components provide criteriafo
File: (Themes in Biblical Narrative) John Byron-Cain and Abel in Text and Tradition_ Jewish and Christian Interpretations of the First Sibling Rivalry-Brill Academic Pub (2011) -
- us ones, whence scripture, consistent with itself, says after these things: And the sons of God saw the daughters of men; this refers to the righteous ones, for there had been no intermingling of the sons of Seth with those of Cain. (Eusebius of Emesa, Commentary on Genesis Fragment 16 Ad Gen 4:26)89Eusebius of Emesa seems to have preferred an alternative reading of 4:26 in which he draws attention to the fac
File: Crone_Book_of_Watchers -
- d Mår¥t as human beings by reading malikayn ("two kings") for malakayn ("two angels") at Q. 2:102, or they read the verse as saying that magic was not sent down to the two angels.71 (The story of the sons of Seth seduced by the daughters of Cain was well 65 Reed, 'From Asael and Šemi ̇azah', 122 and n64. P. Alexander transliterates the names as >Uzzah, >Azzah and >Aza<el in his translation of 3 Enoch, 4 and
- tering angels who come down from heaven, they do so to execute God's will on earth, and their descent is placed in the quasi-Paradisical period after the fall familiar from the Christian story of the sons of Seth and daughters of Cain; that those who taught mankind sorcery were also angels by origin is left unstated.89 In line with this, the Qur<ån nowhere says that Hår¥t and Mår¥t had defied God. Since their
File: Ford, Michael - Black Witchcraft -
- foot of a mountain (Eden?) practicing in wild orgies with the music of Lucifer through that created by Jubal. Women, the first Pairikas or Faeries/Witches, in their beautiful appearances, invited the sons of Seth (children of god) and copulated with them, bearing other children. This Jewish Folklore presents the earliest forms of the Witches Sabbat as a Luciferian celebration and practice of sexual magick. “T
File: liber-hvhi -
- foot of a mountain (Eden?) practicing in wild orgies with the music of Lucifer through that created by Jubal. Women, the first Pairikas or Faeries/Witches, in their beautiful appearances, invited the sons of Seth (children of god) and copulated with them, bearing other children. This Jewish Folklore presents the earliest forms of the Witches Sabbat as a Luciferian celebration and practice of sexual magick. “T
File: Malleus Maleficarum -
- o the gloss on those words (Pharao called). And again in Genesis vi the gloss makestwo comments on the words: And the sons of God saw the daughters of men. First, that by the sons of Godare meant the sons of Seth, and by the daughters of men, the daughters of Cain. Second, that Giants werecreated not by some incredibly act of men, but by certain devils, which are shameless towards women. Forthe Bible says, Gi
File: Malleus Maleficarum -
- the gloss on those words (Pharao called). And again in Genesis vi the gloss makes two comments on the words: And the sons of God saw the daughters of men. First, that by the sons of God are meant the sons of Seth, and by the daughters of men, the daughters of Cain. Second, that Giants were created not by some incredibly act of men, but by certain devils, which are shameless towards women. For the Bible says,