
Found in 28 Books

File: Ages Of Uras - The Secret Of The Dark Stars - Anton Park -


  • tion of what was received. Furthermore, there are many contacts in the form of abductions conducted by the Greys, who are usually in the service of the Gina'abul. Abgal This wooden statuette from the Dogons of Africa represents the widely - discussed Nommo , who they claim brought the first language to humans (see Decoder ). It is identical to Sumerian representations of the amphibian Abgal "sages" (sai


  • s) Parks writes in his Karmapolis [K1] interview: "Mìmínu" is the term that I received [for "the Greys"] in the epoch [from which I derive my memories]. How surprised I was to find it later among the Dogons of Mali for whom this word means "ant". Decomposed in Sume rian, it gives M Ì - MÍ - NU, "responsible for hostile (or negative) duties" [see Decoder ]. This translation is even more interesting becau


  • the hermetic passages of the Bib le. This in turn leads to interpretations of the meaning of the various crosses found in different parts of the world. Also, explore the sacrificial tradition of the Dogons which recounts the death of Nommo, the "Christ" of Mali. In consequence of this sac rifice, the universe was disrupted, along with the positions of the stars. All of this gives for the first time the


  • . Their discussion, along with the work of Zecharia Sitchin, whose first book was published ten years after Sagan's and Shklovskii's, on the mystery of the Oannes and the related Nommo legends of the Dogons of Mali, and Robert Temple's ( The Sirius Mystery ) focusing


  • sents Sirius, the Egyptians' other sacred star and the home of the amphibian Life Designers. Of course this reminds us of the aquatic being s called Nommos frequently mentioned in Ádam Genisi š . The Dogons affirm that the Nommos restored the world several times and that they transmitted to humanity such gifts as speech and grain. To the Sumerians the Nommos are the famous Abgal who follow Enki' s direc


  • who will follow a mad course, in this instance to escape d i vine anger. In each case, the infant will be preserved for some time before embarking on its crazy course. The same notion is found in the Dogons' version which re presents that "out of the flow of blood from the sacrifice of the Nommo sprang Yazu (Venus) in its obscure (invisible) position". This implies that Venus knows moments of invisibili

File: Dead Men's Secrets - Jonathan Gray -


  • rom is an aurora which engulfs the whole of Jupiter.” Jupiter sends out ray particles. “Jupiter is the largest producer of rays in our system.” (The same Australasian Post article) BABYLON DOGONS, MALI 48 (O,W): Jupiter’s moons (again, invisible without a telescope). DOGONS, AFRICA MAORIS, NEW ZEALAND ASSYRIA 49 (O,W): Saturn has glorious rings. BABYLONASSYRIA 50 (W): Saturn’s moons.


  • all by size.) There is now good reason to believe that this “secret” planet does exist. 17 On December 31, 1983, scientists announced their belief that they have located a body in orbit beyond Pluto. DOGONS, MALI 57 (O): Our solar system is part of the Milky Way.


  • imes.) BEYOND OUR SOLAR SYSTEM CHINA 60 (W): The blue of the sky is merely an optical illusion. INDIA GREECE 61 (W): The universe is infinite. The distance to and between the stars is “immeasurable.” DOGONS, MALI 62 (O): The stars are much more distant than the planets. INDIA GREECE, 5th cent. B. C THE BIBLE 19 63 (W): The stars cannot be numbered. GREECE 64 (W) : The stars are blazing suns like our sun


  • re exist “other earths” with inhabitants. GREECE 68 (W): The Milky Way is a huge number of very distant stars scattered throughout space. (And we reached this conclusion less than two centuries ago!) DOGONS, MALI 69 (O): The Milky Way is of a spiral-like shape. (A fact not known to astronomers until well into this century.) MEDITERRANEAN AREA 70 (W): The “tenth star” of the Pleiades constellation (not v


  • 118 EGYPT, 1000 B.C. SUMERIA DOGONS, MALI ITURI PYGMIES, ZAIRE 72 (O): Details concerning the “dark” companion of the star Sirius A: • Digitaria is a white star, but invisible • It has an elliptical orbit around Sirius A • Even the pos

File: Gods Of Air And Darkness -


  • s: 'There is said t o be distinct evidence that they observed the four satellites of Jupiter a nd strong reason for belief that they were acquainted likewise with the seven satellites of Saturn.' The Dogons of Sudan have a curious legend about the 'dark companion of Sirius'. The dim companion star of Sirius can only be seen through the most powerful of our present telescopes, such as th e 200-inch of Pa


  • oned would seem to po int to there having been a greater knowledge of observational astronomy in the past than has usually been realised, and even also a knowledge of astro-physics, to judge from the Dogons and their mention of Sirius. Some of the knowledge which existed could not have been obtained without instrumentation. The moons of Jupiter and Saturn cannot be seen without the use of telescopes, an


  • have held archives of scientific knowledge. Also it appears that some fragments of knowledge fr om a high culture survived in oral traditions, as witness the legend of Sirius' dark companion from the Dogons of the Sudan. By a quirk of fate, it appears that this fragment was remembered by someone and th e story was handed down the ages, while almost everything else was for gotten. We have also suggested

File: Colin Wilson - From Atlantis To The Sphinx -

  • ius, stored in caves,some of them centuries old.As Temple discovered when he went to Paris to study with anthropologist GermaineDieterlen—who, with Marcel Griaule, had spent years among the Dogon—the Dogonseemed to have a surprisingly detailed knowledge of the solar system. They knewthe planets revolved around the sun, that the moon was ‘dry and dead’, and thatSaturn had rings and Jupiter had moons. Die

File: David Icke - 1994 - The Robots' Rebellion -

  • ypt, which has been passed on over fivethousand years. It tells of a star that they claimed orbited Sirius. They knewit as the smallest and heaviest of stars containing the germs of all things andthe Dogons said that it weighed so much that ‘all the Earthly beings combinedcannot lift it’. The legend further claims that it took fifty years for the starto orbit Sirius.All this is remarkable when you think

File: David Icke - 1994 - The Robots' Rebellion -

  • ypt, which has been passed on over fivethousand years. It tells of a star that they claimed orbited Sirius. They knewit as the smallest and heaviest of stars containing the germs of all things andthe Dogons said that it weighed so much that ‘all the Earthly beings combinedcannot lift it’. The legend further claims that it took fifty years for the starto orbit Sirius.All this is remarkable when you think

File: David Icke - 2001 - Children Of The Matrix -

  • ent of Sirius (Sothis to the Greeks) and the Sothiccalendarwas founded on the rising of Sirius one minute before the Sun, theso-called heliacalrising in the Summer." The number 23 was important to theDogons, as it was to theEgyptians and the Babylonians. Some researchers say thiswas connected to the34Children of the Matrixheliacal rising on July 23rd when Sirius, the Earth, and the Sun are in astraight

File: David Icke - 2001 - Children Of The Matrix -

  • ent of Sirius (Sothis to the Greeks) and the Sothiccalendarwas founded on the rising of Sirius one minute before the Sun, theso-called heliacalrising in the Summer." The number 23 was important to theDogons, as it was to theEgyptians and the Babylonians. Some researchers say thiswas connected to the34Children of the Matrixheliacal rising on July 23rd when Sirius, the Earth, and the Sun are in astraight

File: David Icke - The Robots' Rebellion - The Story of the Spiritual Renaissance (1994) -


  • , which has been passed on over five thousand years. It tells of a star that they claimed orbited Sirius. They knew it as the smallest and heaviest of stars containing the germs of all things and the Dogons said that it weighed so much that ‘all the Earthly beings combined cannot lift it’. The legend further claims that it took fifty years for the star to orbit Sirius. All this is remarkable when you th

File: David Icke - The Robots' Rebellion -


  • , which has been passed on over five thousand years. It tells of a star that they claimed orbited Sirius. They knew it as the smallest and heaviest of stars containing the germs of all things and the Dogons said that it weighed so much that ‘all the Earthly beings combined cannot lift it’. The legend further claims that it took fifty years for the star to orbit Sirius. All this is remarkable when you th

File: Drunvalo Melchizedek - Ancient Secret Of The Flower Of Life - Vol 1 -


  • spect of what we will be talking about. Robert Temple was one of the first people to reveal certain facts— though scientists have known for a long time—about an African tribe near Timbuktu called the Dogons. This tribe holds information that is simply impossible for them to have by any standards in our view of the world today. Their information de- stroys everything we think we know about ourselves in r


  • 17 Dogons are very specific about this star. They say it’s very, very old and very small, and that it’s made out of what they call ed the “heaviest matter in the universe” (which is close, but not actually cor


  • e water, and coming up to the edge of the water. These beings look very much like dolphins; in fact, maybe they were dolphins, but we don’t know for certainfig. Then they started communicating to the Dogons. They described where they came from and gave the Dogon tribe all this information. That’s what the Dogons said. The scientists just sat there. Eventually they said, “Nooo, we didn’t hear that.” Beca


  • 19 Sirius for just a moment, then it’s gone. This is called the heliacal rising of Sirius, which was a very important moment for most of the ancient world, not just for the Dogons and Egypt. This is the moment when Sirius and the Sun and the Earth are in a straight line across space. In Egypt, almost all the temples were aligned with this line, including the gaze of the Sphinx


  • thing air. This was done before Christ. It’s Coptic. It has thirteen little notches, or scales, if you want to call them that, and it’s breathing air. We’ve seen a fish breathing air before, with the Dogons and in Peru. Now here it is in Egypt—and it is seen in other places around the world as well. The Early Church Changes Christian Symbolism The Early Church Changes Christian Symbolism The Early Churc


  • out any real knowledge, how do we explain that they knew so many facts about nature that, from our point of view of history, would have been impossible for them to know? For example, not only did the Dogons know about all the outer planets, but so did the Sumerians—from the very begin- ning of their culture! The oldest known culture in the world, the Sumerians, extending back to around 3800 B.C., knew e

File: Drunvalo Melchizedek - Ancient Secret Of The Flower Of Life - Vol 2 -


  • h the Sirians have almost totally extracted themselves. The race from Sirius B, the dolphins, were also part of the Lucifer experiment. If you remember, the dol- phins came down in a spaceship to the Dogons. They were also involved in technology. They had little hard-shelled vehicles for a long time too, but they gave it up about 200 years ago and now they're mak- ing an incredible transformation back t

File: Drunvalo Melchizedek - Ancient Secret Of The Flower Of Life - Volume 1 -


  • spect of what we will be talking about. Robert Temple was one of the first people to reveal certain facts— though scientists have known for a long time—about an African tribe near Timbuktu called the Dogons. This tribe holds information that is simply impossible for them to have by any standards in our view of the world today. Their information de- stroys everything we think we know about ourselves in r


  • 17 Dogons are very specific about this star. They say it’s very, very old and very small, and that it’s made out of what they call ed the “heaviest matter in the universe” (which is close, but not actually cor


  • e water, and coming up to the edge of the water. These beings look very much like dolphins; in fact, maybe they were dolphins, but we don’t know for certainfig. Then they started communicating to the Dogons. They described where they came from and gave the Dogon tribe all this information. That’s what the Dogons said. The scientists just sat there. Eventually they said, “Nooo, we didn’t hear that.” Beca


  • 19 Sirius for just a moment, then it’s gone. This is called the heliacal rising of Sirius, which was a very important moment for most of the ancient world, not just for the Dogons and Egypt. This is the moment when Sirius and the Sun and the Earth are in a straight line across space. In Egypt, almost all the temples were aligned with this line, including the gaze of the Sphinx


  • thing air. This was done before Christ. It’s Coptic. It has thirteen little notches, or scales, if you want to call them that, and it’s breathing air. We’ve seen a fish breathing air before, with the Dogons and in Peru. Now here it is in Egypt—and it is seen in other places around the world as well. The Early Church Changes Christian Symbolism The Early Church Changes Christian Symbolism The Early Churc


  • out any real knowledge, how do we explain that they knew so many facts about nature that, from our point of view of history, would have been impossible for them to know? For example, not only did the Dogons know about all the outer planets, but so did the Sumerians—from the very begin- ning of their culture! The oldest known culture in the world, the Sumerians, extending back to around 3800 B.C., knew e

File: Drunvalo Melchizedek - Ancient Secret Of The Flower Of Life - Volume 1 -


  • spect of what we will be talking about. Robert Temple was one of the first people to reveal certain facts— though scientists have known for a long time—about an African tribe near Timbuktu called the Dogons. This tribe holds information that is simply impossible for them to have by any standards in our view of the world today. Their information de- stroys everything we think we know about ourselves in r


  • 17 Dogons are very specific about this star. They say it’s very, very old and very small, and that it’s made out of what they call ed the “heaviest matter in the universe” (which is close, but not actually cor


  • e water, and coming up to the edge of the water. These beings look very much like dolphins; in fact, maybe they were dolphins, but we don’t know for certainfig. Then they started communicating to the Dogons. They described where they came from and gave the Dogon tribe all this information. That’s what the Dogons said. The scientists just sat there. Eventually they said, “Nooo, we didn’t hear that.” Beca


  • 19 Sirius for just a moment, then it’s gone. This is called the heliacal rising of Sirius, which was a very important moment for most of the ancient world, not just for the Dogons and Egypt. This is the moment when Sirius and the Sun and the Earth are in a straight line across space. In Egypt, almost all the temples were aligned with this line, including the gaze of the Sphinx


  • thing air. This was done before Christ. It’s Coptic. It has thirteen little notches, or scales, if you want to call them that, and it’s breathing air. We’ve seen a fish breathing air before, with the Dogons and in Peru. Now here it is in Egypt—and it is seen in other places around the world as well. The Early Church Changes Christian Symbolism The Early Church Changes Christian Symbolism The Early Churc


  • out any real knowledge, how do we explain that they knew so many facts about nature that, from our point of view of history, would have been impossible for them to know? For example, not only did the Dogons know about all the outer planets, but so did the Sumerians—from the very begin- ning of their culture! The oldest known culture in the world, the Sumerians, extending back to around 3800 B.C., knew e

File: Drunvalo Melchizedek - Ancient Secret Of The Flower Of Life - Volume 2 -


  • h the Sirians have almost totally extracted themselves. The race from Sirius B, the dolphins, were also part of the Lucifer experiment. If you remember, the dol- phins came down in a spaceship to the Dogons. They were also involved in technology. They had little hard-shelled vehicles for a long time too, but they gave it up about 200 years ago and now they're mak- ing an incredible transformation back t

File: Drunvalo Melchizedek - Ancient Secret Of The Flower Of Life - Volume 2 -


  • h the Sirians have almost totally extracted themselves. The race from Sirius B, the dolphins, were also part of the Lucifer experiment. If you remember, the dol- phins came down in a spaceship to the Dogons. They were also involved in technology. They had little hard-shelled vehicles for a long time too, but they gave it up about 200 years ago and now they're mak- ing an incredible transformation back t

File: Jim Marrs - Our Occulted History -

  • nformation, perhapsinadvertently. However, this theory failed to explain a four-hundred-year-oldDogon artifact that apparently correctly depicts the Sirius configuration orceremonies conducted by the Dogons since the thirteenth century celebrating thecycle of Sirius A and B.Most of these accounts lack any physical evidence to support them. However, atleast one account of ancient visitors did provide suc

File: Michael Tsarion - Atlantis, Alien Visitation And Genetic Manipulation -


  • ulation 3 From the End of Heaven Sons of Zadok, Sons of Seth, the Uranids, Cyclopeans, Promethians, Olympians, the Elect, Asuras, the Illies, Fomorians, the Necromancers, Rayless Ones, Bent Ones, the Dogons, Dagons, the Ana, Amaraka, Nagas, the Rakshasas, Dragon Kings, Naddred, the Brotherhood of the Snake, and the Serpent People. They were also referred to as the Djedhi (see Jedi). The Bible takes the


  • ion kilome- ters away from earth, they speculated that it is moving towards earth. (p. 95) Quetzalcoatl He whose home is water. Oannes (the Original “Fisher King”) In Africa, known as the king of the Dogons. The name means the Dove. From Oannes we derive Joannes or John, the same as the author of Revelation, or worshipped by the Knights Templar. John was called the Baptizer and connected to water and to

File: Magnum Organum -


  • estation of goals Shakespeare, William, discussion about Shervan Silicon and Carbon as Living atomic substructures Sirian intervention in Earths energy matrix, FOL discussion of Sinus Mystery and the Dogons Skulls, large, archeological discoveries of, FOL discussion of Smalley, Gary Snow, Dr. Chet Sociological Pairing and Ambient Atomic Matrices, FOL views on Solar Lords, custodians of evolutionary arch


  • estation of goals Shakespeare, William, discussion about Shervan Silicon and Carbon as Living atomic substructures Sirian intervention in Earths energy matrix, FOL discussion of Sinus Mystery and the Dogons Skulls, large, archeological discoveries of, FOL discussion of Smalley, Gary Snow, Dr. Chet Sociological Pairing and Ambient Atomic Matrices, FOL views on Solar Lords, custodians of evolutionary arch

File: Sirius Mystery -


  • pplied direct by the people of Yougo-Dogorou in 1931, 1936, 1948, 1949 and 1950. 3. We ourselves accepted this figure in 1931 and it can safely be retained for the time being. 4. Cf. Griaule, Masques Dogons, Travaux et Memoires de l'lnstitut d'Ethnologie de l'Universite" de Paris, vol. xxxiii (1938), chapter 1. 5. Ibid., pp. 167 ff., where this fault in the rock is described in detail. 6. The Dogon are


  • ' and a fortnight as 'fifteen days'. 12. For a discussion of this substitute for God the Creator cf. Griaule, Dieu d'eau, Paris, Editions du Chene, 1948. 13. For a description of the mask cf. Masques Dogons, pp. 470 ff. 14. This information came from a prominent member of the Yougo Dogorou. According to all the initiates, the kanaga mask represents on the one hand the static gesture of the god, and on t


  • eu d'eau, pp. 183 ff. 30. After this reform the Hogons' sacrifice was replaced by animal sacrifice. 31. This belief still obtains among the Dogon, and also among many other peoples; cf. Griaule, Jeux Dogons, Travaux et Mimoires de L'Institut d' Ethnologic de l'Universite de Paris, vol. xxxii. 32. For a discussion of the symbolism attached to the number 7 cf. Griaule, Dieu d'eau, p. 60. 33. The figure 60


  • used by Manda, whose extremely punctilious mind thus avoids even mentioning the name of one of the most basic tabus of the totemic priests. 40. For further details cf. Griaule, 'Signes graphiques des Dogons'. See also Griaule, 'L'imagc du monde au Soudan', Journal de la Societe des Africainistes, xix, 2, pp. 81-89. THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE DOGON 51 41. Cf. below. 42. They are counted clockwise, starting fr

File: David Icke - The Robots' Rebellion - The Story of the Spiritual Renaissance (1994) -


  • ypt, which has been passed on over five thousand years. It tells ofa star that they claimed orbited Sirius. They knew it as the smallestand heaviest of stars containing the germs of all things and theDogons said that it weighed so much that ‘all the Earthly beingscombined cannot lift it’. The legend further claims that it took fiftyyears for the star to orbit Sirius.All this is remarkable when you think

File: Lubicz - Symbol and the Symbolic - Ancient Egypt, Science, and the Evolution of Consciousness (1978) -


  • this is heralded by seismic movement, climatic changes, and finally, ab ove all, by the spirit that animates man. "Ogotemme1i" reveals to Marcel Griaule 6 the metaphysical basis of the customs of the Dogons, because he know s "that the time has come when these things, kept secret un til now, must be said"; the Bambaras "speak"; 7 the emperor of the Empire of the Serpents "speaks" to F. G. Carnochan. 8 B

File: Symbol And The Symbolic -


  • this is heralded by seismic movement, climatic changes, and finally, ab ove all, by the spirit that animates man. "Ogotemme1i" reveals to Marcel Griaule 6 the metaphysical basis of the customs of the Dogons, because he know s "that the time has come when these things, kept secret un til now, must be said"; the Bambaras "speak"; 7 the emperor of the Empire of the Serpents "speaks" to F. G. Carnochan. 8 B

File: Ritual Year no 10, 2015 -


  • me, Lady Alice Bertha. 1894. The Traditional Games of England, Scotland and Ireland. London: D. Nutt.Griaule, Marcel. 1935. Jeux et divertissements abyssins. Paris: Leroux.Griaule, Marcel. 1938. Jeux dogons. Paris: Institut d’ethnologie.Hamayon, Roberte. 2012. Jouer: étude anthropologique à partir d’exemples sibériens. Paris: La Découverte.Lévi-Strauss, Claude. 1958. Anthropologie structurale. Paris: Pl

File: Carlo Ginzburg - Threads and Traces -


  • ime, observing that the “great continuity of Latin Christen-dom which has unconsciously . . . been transformed into a Eu rope of the West” was “infi nitely more attractive than the Nambikwaras or the Dogons”— a statement that lumped together disdainfully peoples from various conti-nents being studied by ethnologists (Claude Lévi- Strauss and Marcel Gri-aule, respectively) from very diff erent intellectu

File: Drunvalo Melchizedek - The Ancient Secret.Of The Flower Of Life -


  • r aspect of what we will be talking about.Robert Temple was one of the first people to reveal certainfacts— though scientists have known for a long time—about anAfrican tribe near Timbuktu called the Dogons. This tribe holdsinformation that is simply impossible for them to have by anystandards in our view of the world today. Their information de-stroys everything we think we know about ourselves in rega


  • 17Dogons are very specific about this star. They say it’s very, very old and very small, and that it’s made out of what they calledthe “heaviest matter in the universe” (which is close, but not actually corre


  • he water, and coming up to the edge of the water. These beings look very much like dolphins; in fact, maybe they weredolphins, but we don’t know for certainfig. Then they started communicating to the Dogons. They described where they camefrom and gave the Dogon tribe all this information.That’s what the Dogons said. The scientists just sat there. Eventually they said, “Nooo, we didn’t hear that.” Becaus


  • 19Sirius for just a moment, then it’s gone. This is called the heliacal rising of Sirius,which was a very important moment for most of the ancient world, not just for theDogons and Egypt.This is the moment when Sirius and the Sun and the Earth are in a straight lineacross space. In Egypt, almost all the temples were aligned with this line, includingthe gaze of the Sphinx. M


  • eathing air.This was done before Christ. It’s Coptic. It has thirteen little notches, or scales, if you want to call them that, and it’sbreathing air. We’ve seen a fish breathing air before, with the Dogons and in Peru. Now here it is in Egypt—and it is seenin other places around the world as well.The Early Church Changes Christian SymbolismThe Early Church Changes Christian SymbolismThe Early Church Ch


  • thout any real knowledge, how do we explain that theyknew so many facts about nature that, from our point of view of history, would have been impossible for them to know?For example, not only did the Dogons know about all the outer planets, but so did the Sumerians—from the very begin-ning of their culture! The oldest known culture in the world, the Sumerians, extending back to around 3800 B.C., knewexa

File: Boulay, R A.Flying Serpents and Dragons- The Story of Mankinds Reptilian Past.1999 -


  • Page 63 of 170 [Comment: And as we know, the Dogons also placed the origin of their gods in the Sirian Double - Star System, which the Egyptians referred to as Osiris and Isis.] In the Nyoro tribe, legends say that god s ent the first human couple dow

File: Valdamar Valerian - Matrix IV -


  • uction to Matrix IV by Michael Topper Introduction to the PIvadigm of the Flower of Me The Paradigm of Ole mower of Life Brerdhing Mathematical Sequences. Concepts of History The Sius Mystery and the Dogons Perwian Legends of Cmdion Embedded Mathematics in Self-Generative Sane The Egyptian Sphinx The Immediate Nature of Many Cmiions mtb The Flower of Life Tbe Osiriaa Temple Derivations of the Flower of


  • ogether and produced new offspring, which have gone through stages of development and have left the planet. Humans on Earth are now in one of those stages of develop- ment. The Sirius Mystery and the Dogons Robert Temple's book 'The Sirius Mystery' chronicles the research into the Dogon Tribe in Africa, who maintained and demonstrated knowledge of 'the star system of Sirius, both Sirius A and Sirius B (


  • MATRIX IV When scientists asked the Dogon how they knew this infomation, they were not prepared for the response from the Dogons as to how they got it. Dogon elders detailed the story of the coming of the Nam~, in ancient times to their land; the tribe has maintained this information for over 700 years. According to the elders


  • rnes places it at 200,207 years ago- Parallels Between Sitchin and the Legends of the Oogon Sitchin speaks of the Anunnaki as having first landed in the oceans, emerg- ing as half-man, half-fish. The Dogons spoke about the same type of evolution relative to the Narmo. The concept of "fish" relates more accurately to the idea of the dolphin; available information suggests again that the dolphin came from


  • nillion year presence) that they apparently learned how to create the Uerkabah field that would allow them to travel in this way. Before that, they 'grew' ships in order to travel, which is what the Dogons described. It is thought that the whales have knam haw to create the field for a long time, as they are even more .advanced than the dolphins. 68


  • estation of goals Shakespeare, William, discussion about Shervan Silicon and Carbon as Living atomic subst~ctures Sirian intervention in Earths energy matrix, FOL discussion of Sirius Mystery and the Dogons Skulls, large, archeological discoveries of, POL discussion of Smallw, Gary Snow, Dr. Chet Sociological Pairing and Ambient Atomic Matrices. FOL views on Solar Lords, custodians of evolutionary archt

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