
Found in 19 Books

File: David Icke - 2001 - Children Of The Matrix -

  • of that, but there wererather more literal reasons for thesesymbols, I would suggest. Anyway, he does agood job in detailing the symbolismof the serpent around the world, includingthat in America or "Amaraka":"According to the descendants of the early Lemurian record keepers, theAndeanElders, the entire American land mass was anciently known as Amaraka, the'Land ofthe Immortals' or the 'Land of the Wise

File: David Icke - 2001 - Children Of The Matrix -

  • of that, but there wererather more literal reasons for thesesymbols, I would suggest. Anyway, he does agood job in detailing the symbolismof the serpent around the world, includingthat in America or "Amaraka":"According to the descendants of the early Lemurian record keepers, theAndeanElders, the entire American land mass was anciently known as Amaraka, the'Land ofthe Immortals' or the 'Land of the Wise

File: David Icke - 2013 - The Perception Deception - Part One -

  • fake perceptionis constantly underpinned and further ingrained by the institutions of‘society’, most notably ‘education’ and media. Credo Mutwa told me about theAfrican legend of the evil goddess Watamaraka. She is said to have given humansa ‘second soul’ – the ‘secret serpent spirit’ – and it is known as the ‘doubletongue of the python’. Legends say that the serpent soul is hiding within thehuman body

File: David Icke - 2013 - The Perception Deception -


  • ke perception is constantly underpinned and further ingrained by the institutions of ‘society’, most notably ‘education’ and media. Credo Mutwa told me about the African legend of the evil goddess Watamaraka. She is said to have given humans a ‘second soul’ – the ‘secret serpent spirit’ – and it is known as the ‘double tongue of the python’. Legends say that the serpent soul is hiding within the human bo

File: Michael Tsarion - Astrotheology - Part 2 -


  • HUS (holy men of India) SHAKTI (personified as a Serpent) CARIBBEAN (from Ka-rib, meaning Serpent of Atlantis) SUMERIAN (from Sumaire, meaning Serpent) LAKOTA (from the Sioux meaning snake) AMERICA / AMARAKA (land of the Serpents) NAGADEV (name of Siva) CERNUNNOS / NIKOR (Celtic gods connected with the Serpent) DJEDHI / JEDHI /JEDI (meaning Serpent-Priests) BARAKA (the Sufi name for the Serpent) CARNAC /

File: Michael Tsarion - Atlantis, Alien Visitation And Genetic Manipulation -


  • Heaven Sons of Zadok, Sons of Seth, the Uranids, Cyclopeans, Promethians, Olympians, the Elect, Asuras, the Illies, Fomorians, the Necromancers, Rayless Ones, Bent Ones, the Dogons, Dagons, the Ana, Amaraka, Nagas, the Rakshasas, Dragon Kings, Naddred, the Brotherhood of the Snake, and the Serpent People. They were also referred to as the Djedhi (see Jedi). The Bible takes the position that the Nephilim


  • was Emyrs, the “ambrosial city” overlooking the Irish Sea. This was also called Dinas Affaraon. Cauldron of Keridwen Used for the preparation of psychedelic drugs from plants and used in the rituals. Amaraka/America Derived from a word meaning Serpent. It is the word for the priests of the South American native tribes, particularly the Inca. It may be the real root of the word America which has been refe


  • by the same royal families of Britain and Europe that conventional history states as being among those defeated during the wars of so-called “Indepen- dence.” The United States, esoterically called “Amaraka” (land of the Serpents or land of the Phoenix), is now, and always has been, under the dominion of the Serpent Brotherhood, operating through the Russell Trust, the Freemasonic fraternities, and thro

File: Michael Tsarion - Irish Origins Of Civilization - Volume 1 -


  • he symbol of the serpent on their emblems and logos. ) NASHA (An alternative rendering of Nagas. It could be the origin of the word "nation.") AMARU (An ancient word meaning "serpent.") AMERICA (From Amaraka , meaning "land of the serpents.") VOTAN (or W otan, from Teutonic legends, allegedly the Germanic vers ion of the Norse Odin.)

File: You Are Being Lied To -


  • ed to Yataa, the Supreme Being. There are also La-hkima Oqla (of Morocco), a female “jenn” who inhabits a river and rules over other evil spirits, Yalode (of Benin) who causes foot infections, and Watamaraka (of South Africa), the “Goddess of Evil” who is said to have given birth to all the demons. 1 8 T oday all these female mythic representations are found side by side. But if we do a little detective

File: Aramaic Ritual Texts from Perseopolis -


  • is Iranian, the letters -kr at the end of the word might represent the Persianelement -kara, which is found in two senses in combination. It can be a verbal noun express-ing "agent," "maker," as in hamarakara, "accountant," or it can be used in a passive sense,"a thing made," as in patikara, "image," "reproduction."3The initial element '- might then be a substantive expressing the nature of the maker or

File: Gone Beyond. The Prajnaparamita Sutras, The Ornament of Clear Realization, and its Commentaries in the Kagyu Lineage -


  • thora of subheadings. 2 The image here alludes to this river being considered as very holy by Hindus-even its mere sight is said to wash away all one's negative deeds (it rises on the summit of Mount AmarakaQ.taka in Madhya Pradesh in Central India and, after a westerly course of about eight hundred miles, ends in the Gulf of Cambay below the city of Bharuch). 3 The metaphor of a wheel is used in several

File: (The Tsadra Foundation Series) Karl Brunnholzl-Groundless Paths_ The Prajnaparamita Sutras, The Ornament of Clear Realization, and Its Commentaries in the Tibetan Nyingma Tradition-Snow Lion Publicati -


  • thora of subheadings. 2 The image here alludes to this river being considered as very holy by Hindus-even its mere sight is said to wash away all one's negative deeds (it rises on the summit of Mount Amarakal}.taka in Madhya Pradesh in Central India, and after a westerly course of about eight hundred miles ends in the Gulf of Cambay below the city of Bharuch). 3 Tib. rdza dpal sprul o rgyan 'jigs med cho

File: G.W. Farrow, I Menon The Concealed Essence of tra With the Commentary Yogaratnamala 2003 - G.W. Farrow, I Menon -


  • 28 The Concealed Essence of the Hevajra Tantra om ab phub kararp anantapratilqtim krtva paiicamnena snapayet/ ~\lapuspeQarcayet/ nagadamarakarasena lepayet/ hasiimadena siro lepayet/ Sarivadvayena SaiJlpUUkttya sthapayet/ ~J)agokSire\la piirayet/ ~J)akumankartitasiit­reQa vestayet/ vayavyam disi puskariQIIJl krtva tam anantam sthapayet/ ta
  • maiijari/ v~adayanavidhib// (20) While reciting the mantra om ab phub, make an image of a snake. Bathe the snake-image with the Five Nectars, wor-ship it with blue black flowers, anoint it with Nagadamaraka juice and smear elephant's ichor on its head. Place the snake's image in a hollow pot and cover it with another hollow pot of a similar kind, filling [the lower] pot with milk from a black cow. Tie t

File: Hevajra Tantra_ A critical study, The - David L Snellgrove -


  • SVAHA I (I7) maraJ).arp.l OJ.YI GHUI}: sv.AHA. I (I8) OJ.YI KURUKULLE HRi'I;I SVAHA I (I9) OJ.YI-AI;I-PHUI;I-kiirarp. anantapratikrtirp. krtva paficamrtena sniipayet I kr~1).apuf?pe1).arcayet 1 nagadamarakarasena lepayet 1 hastimadena siro lepayet 1 saravadvayena sarp.puti[ 6a Jkrtya sthapayet 1 krf?J).agokf?ireJ).a piirayet I krf?J).akumarikartitasutreJ).a ve~tayet I viiyavyarp. disi puf?kari1).irp.9 '

File: The Concealed Essence of the Hevajra Tantra -


  • 28 The Concealed Essence of the Hevajra Tantra om ab phub kararp anantapratilqtim krtva paiicamnena snapayet/ ~\lapuspeQarcayet/ nagadamarakarasena lepayet/ hasiimadena siro lepayet/ Sarivadvayena SaiJlpUUkttya sthapayet/ ~J)agokSire\la piirayet/ ~J)akumankartitasiit­reQa vestayet/ vayavyam disi puskariQIIJl krtva tam anantam sthapayet/ ta
  • maiijari/ v~adayanavidhib// (20) While reciting the mantra om ab phub, make an image of a snake. Bathe the snake-image with the Five Nectars, wor-ship it with blue black flowers, anoint it with Nagadamaraka juice and smear elephant's ichor on its head. Place the snake's image in a hollow pot and cover it with another hollow pot of a similar kind, filling [the lower] pot with milk from a black cow. Tie t

File: Burst of Breath -


  • but not auditorily—prohibited to women. The Payemeramaraka, “ritual of the shaman’s community,” can never be seen by women (see Menezes Bastos 1984–85). Furthermore, I once experienced an episode in the Kamayurá village in 1981, which was connected to a pecc


  • ta Catarina. Available at Bastos, Rafael José de. 1978. A Musicológica Kamayurá: Para uma Antropologia da Comunicação no Alto Xingu. Brasília: Funai.——— . 1984–85. “O ‘Payemeramaraka’ Kamayurá—Uma Contribuição à Et-nografia do Xamanismo no Alto Xingu.” Revista de Antropologia 27–28: 139–77.——— . 1989. “Exegeses Yawalapití e Kamayurá da Criação do Parque Indí-gena do Xingu e a Inv


  • maniosis, malaria, etc. This distinction is common among the Xinguanos (see Menezes Bastos 1999).5. There are some exceptions, as in the ritual of the Payemeramaraka (mu-sic of the community of the shamans) described by Menezes Bastos (1984–85). On one occasion this researcher observed shamans of various ethnicities gath-ered in the Yawalapití village to promote


  •——— . 2005. “Iamurikuma: Música e Mito e Ritual entre os Wauja do Alto Xingu.” PhD diss., ppgas/ufsc. Available at Bastos, Rafael José de. 1984–85. “O ‘Payemeramaraka’ Kamayurá: Uma Contribuição à Etnografia do Xamanismo no Alto Xingu.” Revista de Antropologia 27-28: 139–77.——— . 1990. “A Festa da Jaguatirica : uma partitura crítico-interpretativa.” PhD diss., usp


  • particularist socioreligious formations, 328–29, 337, 342, 344, 347Passe, 339Patagonia, 11patrilineal lines, 335. See also kin and kinship groupspayakwa, cacicus cela. See yellow-rumped caciquePayemeramaraka, 80, 273n5peach-palm fruits, 97Peba-Yagua linguistic family, 65n1peccaries, 19, 57, 80, 152–55, 157, 158, 165, 302–3, 308, 311

File: In Darkness and Secrecy_ The Anthropology of Sorcery and Witchcraft in Amazonia - Neil L. Whitehead & Robin Wright -


  • the complexity of actors and images portrayed in Taussig 1987.6 See Ortner 1994 for a discussion of the evolution of these ideas since the 1960s.ReferencesBastos, R. J. de Menezes. 1984-85. "0 payemeramaraka Kamayura: Uma contribuigao aetnografia do xamanismo do alto Xingu." Revista de Antropologia 27/28: 139-78.Califano, Mario, and A. Idoyaga Molina. 1983. "Las brujas Mashco y Pilaga: Analisiscom- parat

File: (Oxford Studies in the Abrahamic Religions) Judaism, Sufism, and the Pietists of Medieval Egypt_ A Study of Abraham Maimonides and His Times-Oxford University Press (2015) -


  • lashesof prophetic intuition, which likewise shaped Abraham’s description of theilluminative vision in moments of intellectual and mystical rapture.105101Abraham’s expression,“if God commands you”(in amaraka allāh), recalls Judah ha-Levi’s language of“the divine matter”(al-amr al-ilāhī), though the two are used with a verydifferent sense. See S. Pines,“Shi‘ite Terms and Conceptions in Judah Halevi’s Kuza



  • RussiaScientology Mission of PerovskayaMoscowElectrodny proezd 14-1RussiaScientology Mission of Petropavlovsk-KamchatskiyPetropavlovsk-KamchatskiyKarla Marxa 29RussiaDianetics Center of Samara443041 SamaraKarla Marxa 40RussiaDianetics Center of Saratov410601 Saratov AB box 1533RussiaScientology Mission of Solnechnogorsk141500 Solnechnogorsk Ul. Podmoskavnaya 27- 46RussiaSt. Petersburg Scientology Center



  • the Pillar Amurru was symbolized by the pillar. The Pillar of Amurru (or Meru?). This is quite fascinating. According to the Andean Elders, the entire American landmass was known to the ancients as “Amaraka,” the “Land of the Immortals,” or “the Land of the Wise Serpents.” 10 “Amarka” is a title derived from the Incan word Amuru , ‘ serpent’. The Inkas

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