Dragon Kings

Found in 28 Books

File: David Icke - 2001 - Children Of The Matrix -

  • to rulebecause oftheir bloodline - the bloodline of the gods. These ancient royal linesin places likeEgypt, Sumer, and the Indus Valley, had a white skin and oftenblue eyes, yet theywere known as the Dragon Kings or Serpent Kings by those whoknew the secret oftheir hybrid nature.Lemuria was destroyed by a staggering cataclysm that struck the Earth,maybe11,500 to 12,000 years ago. Atlantis went the same way, i
  • and relates to the Atlantean god of fire, Votan.From this we getpentagram, pyramid, Semiramis, Ramses, Rama, Ramtha, maybe evenprogram orprogramme, a word at the heart of the Illuminati strategy.The dragon kingsThe kings of the succession in the reptilian bloodlines were known as"Dragons".When many kingdoms joined together in battle, or as a group ofkingdoms, theyappointed a king of kings. These were known a
  • ridisdragon lines. Appropriate and understandable given that the reptilians exploittheenergy in this grid, and built temples and structures at the major vortexpoints. Anancient Chinese tale about the dragon kings also makes a clearreference to shape-shifting. This is the most amazing aspect of this bizarrestory - the way thesereptilians can change their appearance or "shape-shift"between a human andreptilian

File: David Icke - 2001 - Children Of The Matrix -

  • to rulebecause oftheir bloodline - the bloodline of the gods. These ancient royal linesin places likeEgypt, Sumer, and the Indus Valley, had a white skin and oftenblue eyes, yet theywere known as the Dragon Kings or Serpent Kings by those whoknew the secret oftheir hybrid nature.Lemuria was destroyed by a staggering cataclysm that struck the Earth,maybe11,500 to 12,000 years ago. Atlantis went the same way, i
  • and relates to the Atlantean god of fire, Votan.From this we getpentagram, pyramid, Semiramis, Ramses, Rama, Ramtha, maybe evenprogram orprogramme, a word at the heart of the Illuminati strategy.The dragon kingsThe kings of the succession in the reptilian bloodlines were known as"Dragons".When many kingdoms joined together in battle, or as a group ofkingdoms, theyappointed a king of kings. These were known a
  • ridisdragon lines. Appropriate and understandable given that the reptilians exploittheenergy in this grid, and built temples and structures at the major vortexpoints. Anancient Chinese tale about the dragon kings also makes a clearreference to shape-shifting. This is the most amazing aspect of this bizarrestory - the way thesereptilians can change their appearance or "shape-shift"between a human andreptilian

File: David Icke - 2003 - Tales From The Time Loop -

  • , of the human(oid) nervous system – the> chakra associated with ‘inner visions’, intuition, and other esoteric> concepts.” 62 For Nagas and Chitauri, read Anunnaki. Different names, same origins.The dragon kings and queensThe theme of ruling ‘royal’ families and emperors who claim descent and theirright to rule from the “serpent gods”, can be found across the ancient world.These bloodlines and connections we

  • the EasternMountain of Taishan and it is guarded by vicious demons called Men Shen withanimal-like faces or masks. This was the Chinese ‘Hell’ and it is said that theLords of Hell interacted with the Dragon Kings on the surface. The Japanese‘Hell’ or underground network was similar, and among the non-human entities werethe Kappa, semi-aquatic reptilian humanoids and other shape-shifters who livedin mountains,

File: David Icke - 2003 - Tales From The Time Loop -

  • , of the human(oid) nervous system – the> chakra associated with ‘inner visions’, intuition, and other esoteric> concepts.” 62 For Nagas and Chitauri, read Anunnaki. Different names, same origins.The dragon kings and queensThe theme of ruling ‘royal’ families and emperors who claim descent and theirright to rule from the “serpent gods”, can be found across the ancient world.These bloodlines and connections we

  • the EasternMountain of Taishan and it is guarded by vicious demons called Men Shen withanimal-like faces or masks. This was the Chinese ‘Hell’ and it is said that theLords of Hell interacted with the Dragon Kings on the surface. The Japanese‘Hell’ or underground network was similar, and among the non-human entities werethe Kappa, semi-aquatic reptilian humanoids and other shape-shifters who livedin mountains,

File: David Icke - 2007 - The David Icke Guide To The Global Conspiracy -

  • from the EasternMountain of Taishan, and guarded by vicious demons called Men Shen withanimal-like faces or masks. This was the Chinese ‘Hell’ and it is said that theLords of Hell interacted with the Dragon Kings on the surface. The Japanese‘Hell’, or underground network, was similar, and among the non-human entitieswere the Kappa, semi-aquatic reptilian humanoids and other shapeshifters wholived in mountains

File: David Icke - 2007 - The David Icke Guide To The Global Conspiracy -

  • from the EasternMountain of Taishan, and guarded by vicious demons called Men Shen withanimal-like faces or masks. This was the Chinese ‘Hell’ and it is said that theLords of Hell interacted with the Dragon Kings on the surface. The Japanese‘Hell’, or underground network, was similar, and among the non-human entitieswere the Kappa, semi-aquatic reptilian humanoids and other shapeshifters wholived in mountains

File: David Icke - 2010 - Human Race Get Off Your Knees -


  • So where are they? 293 called 'Men Shen' with animal-like faces or masks. The 'Lords of Hell' interacted with the 'Dragon Kings' on the surface. The Japanese 'Hell', or underground network, was described in similar terms, and was peopled by various non-human entities, including the 'Kappa', semi-aquatic reptilian humanoids an

File: David Icke - 2010 - Human Race Get Off Your Knees -


  • So where are they? 293 called 'Men Shen' with animal-like faces or masks. The 'Lords of Hell' interacted with the 'Dragon Kings' on the surface. The Japanese 'Hell', or underground network, was described in similar terms, and was peopled by various non-human entities, including the 'Kappa', semi-aquatic reptilian humanoids an

File: David Icke - Guide To The Global Conspiracy -


  • m the Eastern Mountain of Taishan, and guarded by vicious demons called Men Shen with animal-like faces or masks. This was the Chinese 'Hell' and it is said that the Lords of Hell interacted with the Dragon Kings on the surface. The Japanese 'Hell', or underground network, was similar, and among the non-human entities were the Kappa, semi-aquatic reptilian humanoids and other shapeshifters who lived in mounta

File: David Icke - Human Race Get Off Your Knees -


  • So where are they? 293 called 'Men Shen' with animal-like faces or masks. The 'Lords of Hell' interacted with the 'Dragon Kings' on the surface. The Japanese 'Hell', or underground network, was described in similar terms, and was peopled by various non-human entities, including the 'Kappa', semi-aquatic reptilian humanoids an

File: David Icke - Tales From The Time Loop -


  • the hu man(oid) nervous sys tem - the chakra a ssociated with 'inner visions', intuition, and o ther esoteric c oncepts." 62 For Nagas and Chitauri, read Anunn aki. Different names, same origins. The dragon kings and queens The theme of ruling 'royal' families and emperors who claim descent and their right to rule from the "serpent god s", can b e found across the ancient world. These bloodlines and conn ecti


  • stern Moun tain o f Taishan and it is guarded by vicious demons called Men Shen with animal-like faces or masks. This was the Chinese 'Hell' and it is s aid that the Lords of Hell interacted with the Dragon Kings on the surface. The Japanese 'Hell' or und erground n etwork was s imilar, and among the non -human entities were the Kappa, semi-aquatic reptilian h umanoids and o ther shape-shifters who lived in m

File: David Icke - Tales from the Time Loop (2003) -


  • the hu man(oid) nervous sys tem - the chakra a ssociated with 'inner visions', intuition, and o ther esoteric c oncepts." 62 For Nagas and Chitauri, read Anunn aki. Different names, same origins. The dragon kings and queens The theme of ruling 'royal' families and emperors who claim descent and their right to rule from the "serpent god s", can b e found across the ancient world. These bloodlines and conn ecti


  • stern Moun tain o f Taishan and it is guarded by vicious demons called Men Shen with animal-like faces or masks. This was the Chinese 'Hell' and it is s aid that the Lords of Hell interacted with the Dragon Kings on the surface. The Japanese 'Hell' or und erground n etwork was s imilar, and among the non -human entities were the Kappa, semi-aquatic reptilian h umanoids and o ther shape-shifters who lived in m

File: Erich von Daniken - Gods Were Astronauts -

  • might be the root of themotif, but this comparison does not work either. When dinosaurs were at theirpeak 60 million years ago, not even a prototype human being existed. In China,Myanmar's neighbour, dragon kings were the original bringers of culture and thefounders of the first dynasty. Several Chinese rulers enjoyed the privilege ofexperiencing a celestial flight in a flying dragon, together with their enti

File: H P Blavatsky - Theosophical Glossary -


  • The Theosophical Glossary 206 Nâgarâjas ( Sk .). The usual name given to all the supposed “guardian Spirits” of lakes and rivers, meaning literally “Dragon Kings”. All of these are shown in the Buddhist chronicles as having been converted to the Buddhist monastic life : i.e , as becoming Arhats from the Yogis that they were before. Nâgârjuna ( Sk. ). An Arhat

File: Joseph Campbell - Hero With A Thousand Faces -


  • ortal being that surrounds the cosmos, like an endless mythological serpent bit- ing its taiF—had to be cozened and urged on like children, be- cause of their fear of the fabled leviathans, mermaids, dragon kings, and other monsters of the deep. The folk mythologies populate with deceitful and dangerous presences every desert place outside the normal traffic of the vil- lage. For example, the Hottentots descr

File: Joseph Campbell - Hero With A Thousand Faces -


  • ortal being that surrounds the cosmos, like an endless mythological serpent bit- ing its taiF—had to be cozened and urged on like children, be- cause of their fear of the fabled leviathans, mermaids, dragon kings, and other monsters of the deep. The folk mythologies populate with deceitful and dangerous presences every desert place outside the normal traffic of the vil- lage. For example, the Hottentots descr

File: Joseph Campbell - The Hero With A Thousand Faces -


  • ortal being that surrounds the cosmos, like an endless mythological serpent bit- ing its taiF—had to be cozened and urged on like children, be- cause of their fear of the fabled leviathans, mermaids, dragon kings, and other monsters of the deep. The folk mythologies populate with deceitful and dangerous presences every desert place outside the normal traffic of the vil- lage. For example, the Hottentots descr

File: Michael Tsarion - Atlantis, Alien Visitation And Genetic Manipulation -


  • Seth, the Uranids, Cyclopeans, Promethians, Olympians, the Elect, Asuras, the Illies, Fomorians, the Necromancers, Rayless Ones, Bent Ones, the Dogons, Dagons, the Ana, Amaraka, Nagas, the Rakshasas, Dragon Kings, Naddred, the Brotherhood of the Snake, and the Serpent People. They were also referred to as the Djedhi (see Jedi). The Bible takes the position that the Nephilim were a malign presence and insists

File: Dragon Legacy_ The Secret History of a - Nicholas de Vere -

  • ish, Dragon Princess Maelasanu of Northumbriaand the Ancient and Original Angevin Royal House of Vere of Anjou, the ImperialDukes of Angiers. This line had descended through the Tuatha de Danaan (the Dragon Kings of Anu)on the one hand, and the Egyptian Dragon Dynasty of Sobek on the other. Thelatter strain included the bloodline of the Davidic House of Judah who marriedinto the descent of the Merovingian Kin

  • ave us believe.They were individuals and families who used the practice to achieve specificaims and thereby fulfil those specific social obligations which, since theScythian-Celtic period of the High Dragon Kings, were equated with their rankand position as leaders and overseers. The ScythiansThroughout this discourse it must be borne in mind that when we speak of theScythians as “Fairies”, “Dragons”, “Vampir

  • eld in common by Archdruids, Alchemists, Tantric Yogis, Hermeticistsand Qabalists alike, each discipline originating from one ancient FairyTradition in Sumeria and Transylvania— the heartlands of the Dragon Kings andQueens of the Sacred Danaan Peoples. In Draculea's day Christian kings sent their sons to Christian universities.However, true kingship, the Sobekh or Messiah kingship, symbolised sinceantiquity b

  • ayors of the Palace, who later became known as the Carolingians. The Church hadmade a compact with the Mayors and offered to “recognise” their legitimacy asrulers if they would dispense with the true Dragon Kings. The deal was done andthe Carolingians were made the puppet rulers under the Roman Church. The Donation, because it was made by a Dragon King, Constantine, legitimised theChurch's right to take this

  • may put this down to the wit and wisdom of peasant sarcasm, butwe note the point all the same. Shamash was therefore of the family of Sumerian UbaidGods who sired Cain andKali Azura, and the race of Dragon Kings who were the keepers of the “Tablets ofDestiny” or Fate. In their turn Cain and Lilith Luluwa were the father andmother of the Fairies: the Elven Grail Queens and Kings of the Dragon race sohated by

  • bsequentclaims of the dynasties that superseded them. However, the Plantagenetsthemselves, and Edward I in particular, looked to Scotland to legitimise theirown claims to kingship. Scottish and Irish Dragon Kings were invested on theStone of Scone. This Stone—the Lia Fail—the Stone of Destiny (or Fate) of the Tuadha d'Anu oncerested at the summit of the Hill of Tara, the ancient seat of the Elven HighKings in

  • Nintulla, Ninsutu, Ninkashi, Nazi,Azimua, Nintu and Enshag; (Sitchin). That Jesus, as an initiate, invokes them,suggests that he had a firm Egyptian, gnostic ritual background which has itsorigins in Dragon kingship, manifesting itself later in medieval Witchcraft.This reinforces and supports an argument for the role of Jesus' wife as hisPriestess of Hathor-Astaroth and points to her lineage becoming a contri

  • rian Chronicles we learn that the children of Anu were “theAnunnaki who decree the fates”. This meant that they themselves were also themori or fata, the “Fairies”, the scale-armoured leprechauns—the Dragon kings.They appear in the Aryan Vedas alongside their divine companions and arereferred to as the Nagas, who became the snake deities of India who guard asubmerged treasure, echoing the central theme of the

  • Egypt to use the Sebekh title and thus proclaim his rightto create kings, and was the first God King of the Egyptian Cult of Draco. The Sobekh title may distinguish the grafted line of the immigrant Dragon kingsof Sumeria from the indigenous Semitic, Nubian and other dynasties. Ham asChem-Zoroaster and also as Khem and later Pan, son of Hermes, is closely linkedto the concept of Aryan Dualism and its symbol—

  • “Going to the Stones” or Stone Circles. Jesus was a Messiah or DragonKing. Those who followed him by blood descent, either through the DavidicMerovingian lines or through the Scythian descent of the Dragon Kings of Anu,both of which lines have a common origin and share many historical dynasticalliances, often assumed, as Jesus did, the role of the “Robin Hood”. Perhaps the name varied from country to country

  • ualities andpotential. a) If Christ is the Ichthys, related to the Salmon of Nechtan, then the bloodof Christ shed for the remission of sins is the blood not of Jesus, but of theMessiah, the Messe or Dragon Kings, shed by the Salmon. b) This Salmon lies at the bottom of a well which in the Gaelic and Frankishtales (cf. Melusine) is guarded by the Dragon Maiden. However, in the Song ofSolomon it is the Maiden

  • examined previously. TheChurch claimed that the Emperor Constantine had given it the right to crownkings and institute governments across Eurasia. Constantine was a directdescendant of the British PenDragon Kings, themselves of Danaan origin from theScythian Dragon King Tribe. Their choice of fraudulent donor clearly indicatesthat the Church itself actually admitted that only descendants of the Dragonculture

  • truly magical elementsit conceals can be more fully appreciated. Each sphere or Sephiroth on the Treeis essentially a theurgic dynamic. These forces or gods bear the names of theoriginal Elohim, the Dragon Kings and Queens of the Anunnaki. The position ofeach sphere on the Tree corresponds with the relationships enjoyed by each ofthe gods with each other, so the spheres represent husbands, mothers, fathers,b

  • culture,the early proto-Aryan Scythians. Likewise, the grades may well have beenoriginally associated with the seven Chakras or Sephira. Certainly in Transylvania, the earliest known homeland of the Dragon Kings, theVampire comes in various grades, including the Dragon, Bird, Boar and Wolf—anOdinic totem animal. Similarly, Vishnu in the Hindu pantheon follows a similarseries of earthly manifestations in anim

File: Sacred Texts - The Internet Book of Shadows -


  • John, Celtic Folklore, Welsh and Manx (Clarendon Press, Oxford 1901) PS, volume 1 of 2. Richardson, Alan & Hughes, Geoff, Ancient Magicks for a New Age : Rituals from Merlin Temple, The Magick of the Dragon Kings (Llewellyn, St. Paul 1989) T, magickal diaries and discussion of contact with the "Merlin current". 1147 Rolleston, TW, Celtic Myths and Legends (Avenel Books, NY 1986) C, volume in th "Myths and

File: David Icke - Tales from the Time Loop (2003) -


  • s, of the human(oid) nervous system - the chakra associated with 'inner visions', intuition, and other esoteric concepts." 62 For Nagas and Chitauri, read Anunnaki. Different names, same origins. The dragon kings and queens The theme of ruling 'royal' families and emperors who claim descent and their right to rule from the "serpent gods", can be found across the ancient world. These bloodlines and connections


  • Eastern Mountain of Taishan and it is guarded by vicious demons called Men Shen with animal-like faces or masks. This was the Chinese 'Hell' and it is said that the Lords of Hell interacted with the Dragon Kings on the surface. The Japanese 'Hell' or underground network was similar, and among the non-human entities were the Kappa, semi-aquatic reptilian humanoids and other shape-shifters who lived in mountai

File: Grey, Peter - The Red Goddess -


  • e was born on 13 July 1527, a Cancer with Sagittarius ascendant, fo r the astrologers among you. He was the son of a minor official at court, though there are tales that his heritage goes back to the dragon kings of Wales. Dee went to Cambridge at fifteen and devoted himself to study, sleeping a scant fo ur hours a night before diving back into his books. He seems to have missed out on the ale 96

File: in_02-18 -


  • ty of gems most carefullyset. When I looked upon the temples from the Mitarashiya,or the “House where you wash your Honorable Hands,” be-low, they impressed my mind as if a house of dream built bythe Dragon Kings underneath the seas, that I and you oftensee on the Japanese fan; I looked down, when I stood by thegate tower of the Niwo gods, over that water-fountain below,where the spirits of poesy were soon fl

File: H.P. Blavatsky - Theosophical Glossary -


  • The Theosophical Glossary 206 Nâgarâjas (Sk.). The usual name given to all the supposed “guardian Spirits” of lakes and rivers, meaning literally “Dragon Kings”. All of these are shown in the Buddhist chronicles as having been converted to the Buddhist monastic life : i.e , as becoming Arhats from the Yogis that they were before. Nâgârjuna (Sk.). An Arhat,

File: D.W. Owens - A Small Dictionary Of Pagan Gods and Goddess -


  • eir tothe throne; the spear of Lug which made victory certain; the sword of Nuadhuwhich slays all enemies; and the ever full cauldron of Daghda from which no manever goes away hungry. CHINA AOTheFour Dragon Kings Ao Chi'in, Ao Kuang, Ao Jun, and Ao Shun, gods of rain and thesea.Subjects of the Jade Emperor. CH'ENG-HUANGGodof moats and walls.Every villageand town had its own Ch'eng-Huang, most often a local di

File: Divine Serpent in Myth and Legend -


  • ner sources. China, for example, with its concentration on social ethics and personal behavior [ Confucianism and Taoism] has little room for gods or goddesses. We do find reference to the AO or four Dragon kings; Ao Chi'in, Ao Kuang, Ao Jun and Ao Shun. [ These four main kinds of Lung had alternate names: Tien-Lung, the Celestial Dragon, who protects the places of the gods, Shen-Lung, the Spiritual Dragon, w
  • ut's-Lung, the Underworld Dragon who guards precious metals and gems] The commander of all the River Dragons is Cien-Tang, who is blood red, has a fiery mane and is 900 feet long. These great serpent/dragon kings were the faithful servants and guards of Y-Huang-Shang-Ti, the "Father Heaven, the supreme Emperor of Jade who ruled all. One time, according to legend. When the land was enduring famine because of d

File: Theosophical Glossary -


  • The Theosophical Glossary 206 Nâgarâjas ( Sk .). The usual name given to all the supposed “guardian Spirits” of lakes and rivers, meaning literally “Dragon Kings”. All of these are shown in the Buddhist chronicles as having been converted to the Buddhist monastic life : i.e , as becoming Arhats from the Yogis that they were before. Nâgârjuna ( Sk. ). An Arhat

File: Internet Book Of Shadows -


  • John, Celtic Folklore, Welsh and Manx (Clarendon Press, Oxford 1901) PS, volume 1 of 2. Richardson, Alan & Hughes, Geoff, Ancient Magicks for a New Age : Rituals from Merlin Temple, The Magick of the Dragon Kings (Llewellyn, St. Paul 1989) T, magickal diaries and discussion of contact with the "Merlin current". 1147 Rolleston, TW, Celtic Myths and Legends (Avenel Books, NY 1986) C, volume in th "Myths and

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