Serpent People

Found in 53 Books

File: Atlantis And The Cycles of Time - Prophecies, Traditions, And Occult Revelations -


  • ojection. Since most of Doreal’s writings date from the 1940s or 1950s, they cannot be considered more than a hodgepodge of existing themes. For example, he too has a pole-shift mytholog y, a race of Serpent People in Antarctica, a white race in the Gobi Desert, and Sons of God who are always trying to keep the evil races under control. Equally derivative is the story he tells about his best-known work, The Eme

File: Atlantis Encyclopedia -


  • N: Naacals to Nyoe 195 N T 195 T Naacals Literally, “Serpents” or “Serpent People,” denoting wisdom, the spiritual/ scientific elite or missionary “brotherhood” of Mu, who traveled to India in the west and Mexico in the east, following the destruction of their oceanic homeland. Na

File: Missing Lands - Uncovering Earth’s Pre-flood Civilization - Freddy Silva -

  • imhave been systematically looted from their temples. That's quite a long time tohold a grudge. Among the symbols is the seven-headed serpent representing theformative aspects of nature and the seven Serpent People who once taught them,as written in religious texts such as the Hindu Manava Dharma Sastra, the RgVeda, and the Nahuatl teachings of Yucatan, with the most scientific of textsfound among the Marquesan

File: David Icke - 1999 - The Biggest Secret -

  • dea of fire breathing dragons and evil serpents which appear in legends andtexts all over the world originates from the reptilian ‘gods’ who once operatedopenly thousands of years ago. These were the Serpent People of ancient texts,including the Bible, where the serpent is a regular theme. Of course, theserpent has been used to symbolise many things and not every reference will beliterally a reptile, certainly

File: David Icke - 1999 - The Biggest Secret -

  • dea of fire breathing dragons and evil serpents which appear in legends andtexts all over the world originates from the reptilian ‘gods’ who once operatedopenly thousands of years ago. These were the Serpent People of ancient texts,including the Bible, where the serpent is a regular theme. Of course, theserpent has been used to symbolise many things and not every reference will beliterally a reptile, certainly

File: David Icke - 2001 - Children Of The Matrix -

  • many of the energy linescross.This energy was often symbolised as a serpent. The more esotericresearchers whoacknowledge the vast symbolism and references to serpentbloodlines, serpentknowledge, and serpent people, say these were merely codes relating to thisEarthenergy grid known as dragon lines or ley lines (hence so many British placenamesend in "ley"). The association of serpent symbolism with this univers
  • ren of the MatrixGreek term for menstrual blood, Ambrosia, which the reptilians love todrink.5There is also the theme of the "Lady of the Lake" and this connects withthe storiesof goddess-worshipping serpent peoples like the Nagas living inundergroundcentres located under lakes and lochs. Like the Celtic myth andfolklore, the ancientGreek culture was inspired by the Sumerians and the earlierAtlanteans andLemuri
  • e Japanese race to Lemuria-Mu. There arecountlessJapanese legends about serpents and dragons, and their marriages andsexualencounters with humans that produced reptilian-human offspring.Shape-shiftingserpent people would change into beautiful men and women, and lurehumanwarriors and leaders into sexual encounters. Michael Mott, author ofCaverns,Cauldrons, And Concealed Creatures, tells of one story involving am
  • coverywas immediately covered up. Today it is claimed bysome people that highlymalevolent Freemasonic rituals are held there. Geronimo,the great chief of theApache, told legends of the dragon and the serpent peoplewho ate children. Hesaid his tribe was named after a boy called Apache whokilled the great dragon. Thestory has the feel of David defeating Goliath andeven George defeating theDragon. Mark Amaru Pinkh
  • heIroquois, means "serpents".39 The Sioux ancient records saythat after the demise ofAtlantis, their ancestors, who they call the Turtles,travelled to the CaribbeanIslands (from Ka-rib, the Atlantean serpent people)40and went on to SouthAmerica before heading north. They say these "Turtle" peoplebecame known asthe Lakota and the Sioux or "snakes". This story is apparentlysymbolised at themysterious Serpent Moun
  • Egypt and the name wasused to symbolise the serpent whenthey took on their "evil" public image in Egypt.The serpent was known as Apep orApop (Apophis to the Greeks), and Apop becamethe symbol of the serpent peoplewho occupied Palestine and also Egypt at the timeof the so-called "Exodus".Rituals to destroy Apop in Egypt were very similar tothose in Asia designed toovercome the Nagas. For me the Hyksos were of t
  • nderground cavernsystems and bases? In the Edda, the serpent cult engages inhuman sacrifice andblood drinking. Same old story, and again we see the theme ofthe Nordics or"Aryans" in conflict with the serpent people. The Edda says therewere three mainleaders of this serpent cult. They were the serpent goddess knownas El; herconsort, the male entity called Wodan (Votan was the Atlantean firegod); and theirson, Ba
  • ries of reptilians and other non-human races living within the Earth inwhatwe would today call "bases", cities, or tunnel networks, can be foundwidelydescribed in ancient accounts also. The Nagas, or serpent people, in Indiaandthroughout Asia and the Far East, were said to live in two mainundergroundcentres called Patala and Bhogavati. From there, according to Hindulegend, theybattle for power with the Nordic u

File: David Icke - 2001 - Children Of The Matrix -

  • many of the energy linescross.This energy was often symbolised as a serpent. The more esotericresearchers whoacknowledge the vast symbolism and references to serpentbloodlines, serpentknowledge, and serpent people, say these were merely codes relating to thisEarthenergy grid known as dragon lines or ley lines (hence so many British placenamesend in "ley"). The association of serpent symbolism with this univers
  • ren of the MatrixGreek term for menstrual blood, Ambrosia, which the reptilians love todrink.5There is also the theme of the "Lady of the Lake" and this connects withthe storiesof goddess-worshipping serpent peoples like the Nagas living inundergroundcentres located under lakes and lochs. Like the Celtic myth andfolklore, the ancientGreek culture was inspired by the Sumerians and the earlierAtlanteans andLemuri
  • e Japanese race to Lemuria-Mu. There arecountlessJapanese legends about serpents and dragons, and their marriages andsexualencounters with humans that produced reptilian-human offspring.Shape-shiftingserpent people would change into beautiful men and women, and lurehumanwarriors and leaders into sexual encounters. Michael Mott, author ofCaverns,Cauldrons, And Concealed Creatures, tells of one story involving am
  • coverywas immediately covered up. Today it is claimed bysome people that highlymalevolent Freemasonic rituals are held there. Geronimo,the great chief of theApache, told legends of the dragon and the serpent peoplewho ate children. Hesaid his tribe was named after a boy called Apache whokilled the great dragon. Thestory has the feel of David defeating Goliath andeven George defeating theDragon. Mark Amaru Pinkh
  • heIroquois, means "serpents".39 The Sioux ancient records saythat after the demise ofAtlantis, their ancestors, who they call the Turtles,travelled to the CaribbeanIslands (from Ka-rib, the Atlantean serpent people)40and went on to SouthAmerica before heading north. They say these "Turtle" peoplebecame known asthe Lakota and the Sioux or "snakes". This story is apparentlysymbolised at themysterious Serpent Moun
  • Egypt and the name wasused to symbolise the serpent whenthey took on their "evil" public image in Egypt.The serpent was known as Apep orApop (Apophis to the Greeks), and Apop becamethe symbol of the serpent peoplewho occupied Palestine and also Egypt at the timeof the so-called "Exodus".Rituals to destroy Apop in Egypt were very similar tothose in Asia designed toovercome the Nagas. For me the Hyksos were of t
  • nderground cavernsystems and bases? In the Edda, the serpent cult engages inhuman sacrifice andblood drinking. Same old story, and again we see the theme ofthe Nordics or"Aryans" in conflict with the serpent people. The Edda says therewere three mainleaders of this serpent cult. They were the serpent goddess knownas El; herconsort, the male entity called Wodan (Votan was the Atlantean firegod); and theirson, Ba
  • ries of reptilians and other non-human races living within the Earth inwhatwe would today call "bases", cities, or tunnel networks, can be foundwidelydescribed in ancient accounts also. The Nagas, or serpent people, in Indiaandthroughout Asia and the Far East, were said to live in two mainundergroundcentres called Patala and Bhogavati. From there, according to Hindulegend, theybattle for power with the Nordic u

File: David Icke - 2003 - Tales From The Time Loop -

  • g himwith the Greek term for menstrual blood, Ambrosia, which the Reptilians love todrink.72 There is also the theme of the “Lady of the Lake” and this connectswith the stories of goddess-worshipping serpent peoples like the Nagas living inunderground centres located under lakes and lochs. Like the Celtic myth andfolklore, the ancient Greek culture was inspired by the Sumerians and Egyptiansand the earlier Atla

  • stories of Reptilians and other non-human races living within the Earth inwhat we would today call “bases”, cities, or tunnel networks, can be foundwidely described in ancient accounts. The Nagas, or serpent people, in India andthroughout Asia and the Far East, were said to live in two main undergroundcentres called Patala and Bhogavati. From there, according to Hindu legend, theybattle for power with a ‘white’
  • es. Beings thatmirror modern reports of the Sasquatch (Big Foot) and the Yeti (AbominableSnowman) can be found in ancient stories of underground creatures that come tothe surface. Like the Nagas, the serpent people of Asia, European folklore oftenclaimed that these “fairy” people entered their underground homes through lakes.Michael Mott continues:> “To remove all doubt as to their relationship with Norse hidde

File: David Icke - 2003 - Tales From The Time Loop -

  • g himwith the Greek term for menstrual blood, Ambrosia, which the Reptilians love todrink.72 There is also the theme of the “Lady of the Lake” and this connectswith the stories of goddess-worshipping serpent peoples like the Nagas living inunderground centres located under lakes and lochs. Like the Celtic myth andfolklore, the ancient Greek culture was inspired by the Sumerians and Egyptiansand the earlier Atla

  • stories of Reptilians and other non-human races living within the Earth inwhat we would today call “bases”, cities, or tunnel networks, can be foundwidely described in ancient accounts. The Nagas, or serpent people, in India andthroughout Asia and the Far East, were said to live in two main undergroundcentres called Patala and Bhogavati. From there, according to Hindu legend, theybattle for power with a ‘white’
  • es. Beings thatmirror modern reports of the Sasquatch (Big Foot) and the Yeti (AbominableSnowman) can be found in ancient stories of underground creatures that come tothe surface. Like the Nagas, the serpent people of Asia, European folklore oftenclaimed that these “fairy” people entered their underground homes through lakes.Michael Mott continues:> “To remove all doubt as to their relationship with Norse hidde

File: David Icke - 2007 - The David Icke Guide To The Global Conspiracy -

  • e use of holographicimages to hide a being’s true form and battles between competing dragons. Thereis also the theme of the ‘Lady of the Lake’ and this connects with the storiesof goddess-worshipping serpent peoples like the Nagas living in undergroundcentres located under lakes and lochs. Like the Celtic myth and folklore, theancient Greek culture was inspired by the Sumerians and Egyptians, and theearlier Atl
  • stories of Reptilians, and othernon-human races, living within the Earth in what we would today call ‘bases’,cities or tunnel networks, can be found widely described in ancient accounts.The Nagas, or serpent people, in India and throughout Asia and the Far East,were said to live in two main underground centres called Patala and Bhogavati.From there, according to Hindu legend, they battle for power with a ‘white
  • es. Beings that mirror modern reports of theSasquatch (Big Foot) and the Yeti (Abominable Snowman) can be found in ancientstories of underground creatures that come to the surface. Like the Nagas, theserpent people of Asia, European folklore often claimed that these ‘fairy’people entered their underground homes through lakes. Michael Mott continues:> To remove all doubt as to their relationship with Norse hidde

  • ally Queen Semiramis and Tammuz from Babylonand throughout the pre-Christian world under many and various names (Figure 64,overleaf). The Ubaid culture, which preceded Sumer in Mesopotamia, worshippedserpent people as we have seen, and reptilian mother and child figures werefound in their graves. There was no Jesus and Mary, or any ‘Christian’ story astold in the Gospels and the pulpits. They are symbolic of th

File: David Icke - 2007 - The David Icke Guide To The Global Conspiracy -

  • e use of holographicimages to hide a being’s true form and battles between competing dragons. Thereis also the theme of the ‘Lady of the Lake’ and this connects with the storiesof goddess-worshipping serpent peoples like the Nagas living in undergroundcentres located under lakes and lochs. Like the Celtic myth and folklore, theancient Greek culture was inspired by the Sumerians and Egyptians, and theearlier Atl
  • stories of Reptilians, and othernon-human races, living within the Earth in what we would today call ‘bases’,cities or tunnel networks, can be found widely described in ancient accounts.The Nagas, or serpent people, in India and throughout Asia and the Far East,were said to live in two main underground centres called Patala and Bhogavati.From there, according to Hindu legend, they battle for power with a ‘white
  • es. Beings that mirror modern reports of theSasquatch (Big Foot) and the Yeti (Abominable Snowman) can be found in ancientstories of underground creatures that come to the surface. Like the Nagas, theserpent people of Asia, European folklore often claimed that these ‘fairy’people entered their underground homes through lakes. Michael Mott continues:> To remove all doubt as to their relationship with Norse hidde

  • ally Queen Semiramis and Tammuz from Babylonand throughout the pre-Christian world under many and various names (Figure 64,overleaf). The Ubaid culture, which preceded Sumer in Mesopotamia, worshippedserpent people as we have seen, and reptilian mother and child figures werefound in their graves. There was no Jesus and Mary, or any ‘Christian’ story astold in the Gospels and the pulpits. They are symbolic of th

File: David Icke - 2010 - Human Race Get Off Your Knees -


  • 230 Human Race Get Off Your Knees ... The para-human Serpent People of the past are still among us. They were probably worshipped by the builders of Stonehenge and the forgotten ridge-making cultures of South America ... In some parts of the world the Serpent People


  • interbreeding between humans and non-human entities, and battles between competing dragons. There is also the theme of the 'Lady of the Lake' and this connects with the stories of goddess-worshipping serpent peoples like the Nagas living in underground centres located under lakes and lochs. The red dragon SYmbol of Wales comes from the claim by Merlin, Arthur's 'magician', that the red dragon SYmbolised the peo

File: David Icke - 2010 - Human Race Get Off Your Knees -


  • 230 Human Race Get Off Your Knees ... The para-human Serpent People of the past are still among us. They were probably worshipped by the builders of Stonehenge and the forgotten ridge-making cultures of South America ... In some parts of the world the Serpent People


  • interbreeding between humans and non-human entities, and battles between competing dragons. There is also the theme of the 'Lady of the Lake' and this connects with the stories of goddess-worshipping serpent peoples like the Nagas living in underground centres located under lakes and lochs. The red dragon SYmbol of Wales comes from the claim by Merlin, Arthur's 'magician', that the red dragon SYmbolised the peo

File: David Icke - 2012 - Remember Who You Are -

  • image [../Images/00295.jpg] Figure 230: Diversion, diversion, diversion Illustration by David Dees ( []) > … The para-human Serpent People of the past are still among us. They were> probably worshipped by the builders of Stonehenge and the forgotten> ridge-making cultures of South America … In some parts of the world the> Serpent People

File: David Icke - 2013 - The Perception Deception - Part One -

  • of the Zulu legends aboutthe Chitauri.[../Images/00431.jpg]Figure 98: The Mayan serpent god Kukulkan at Chichén Itzá.[../Images/00157.jpg]Figure 99: The Mayan pyramid at Chichén ItzáJourneys of the ‘serpent people’Researcher and writer James Churchward described in books such as The Childrenof Mu how he had established that the Mayans of Central America and those knownas the Nagas, or Naga-Maya, in Asia were e
  • is priests in> accommodation with the general custom of the Ophite god, were called after him> ‘Adders’.I am only highlighting a few examples here of the global theme of reptilians orserpent gods and serpent people in the ancient world, but they are simplylegion. In China, Japan and the Far East the dragon is at the very heart of theculture and has been for thousands of years. See my books, The Biggest Secret,C

File: David Icke - 2013 - The Perception Deception -


  • Figure 99: The Mayan pyramid at Chichén Itzá Journeys of the ‘serpent people’ Researcher and writer James Churchward described in books such as The Children of Mu how he had established that the Mayans of Central America and those known as the Nagas, or Naga-Maya, in Asia wer


  • is priests in accommodation with the general custom of the Ophite god, were called after him ‘Adders’. I am only highlighting a few examples here of the global theme of reptilians or serpent gods and serpent people in the ancient world, but they are simply legion. In China, Japan and the Far East the dragon is at the very heart of the culture and has been for thousands of years. See my books, The Biggest Secret

File: David Icke - Guide To The Global Conspiracy -


  • se of holographic images to hide a being's true form and battles between competing dragons. There is also the theme of the 'Lady of the Lake' and this connects with the stories of goddess-worshipping serpent peoples like the Nagas living in underground centres located under lakes and lochs. Like the Celtic myth and folklore, the ancient Greek culture was inspired by the Sumerians and Egyptians, and the earlier


  • ries of Reptilians, and other non-human races, living within the Earth in what we would today call 'bases', cities or tunnel networks, can be found widely described in ancient accounts. The Nagas, or serpent people, in India and throughout Asia and the Far East, were said to live in two main underground centres called Patala and Bhogavati. From there, according to Hindu legend, they battle for power with a 'whi


  • Beings that mirror modern reports of the Sasquatch (Big Foot) and the Yeti (Abominable Snowman) can be found in ancient stories of underground creatures that come to the surface. Like the Nagas, the serpent people of Asia, European folklore often claimed that these 'fairy' people entered their underground homes through lakes. Michael Mott continues: To remove all doubt as to their relationship with Norse hidde


  • 122 The David Icke Guide to the Global Conspiracy (and how to end it) Figure 64: Mother goddesses everywhere — all of them different versions of Semiramis in Babylon, who is depicted on the left serpent people as we have seen, and reptilian mother and child figures were found in their graves. There was no Jesus and Mary, or any 'Christian' story as told in the Gospels and the pulpits. They are symbolic of

File: David Icke - Human Race Get Off Your Knees -


  • 230 Human Race Get Off Your Knees ... The para-human Serpent People of the past are still among us. They were probably worshipped by the builders of Stonehenge and the forgotten ridge-making cultures of South America ... In some parts of the world the Serpent People


  • interbreeding between humans and non-human entities, and battles between competing dragons. There is also the theme of the 'Lady of the Lake' and this connects with the stories of goddess-worshipping serpent peoples like the Nagas living in underground centres located under lakes and lochs. The red dragon SYmbol of Wales comes from the claim by Merlin, Arthur's 'magician', that the red dragon SYmbolised the peo

File: David Icke - Reptilian Research -


  • nels" to spread propaganda which would favor their cause. In his book "ON THE SHORES OF ENDLESS WORLDS" (Souvenir Press), Andrew Tomas gives some additional information concerning the "Nagas" or the "Serpent People" who are believed to originate from a gigantic underworld cavern network below central Asia and the Far East. On p. 160 of his book Tomas states: "...Even in this jet-age every Hindu is familiar with

File: David Icke - Tales From The Time Loop -


  • ith the Greek term for menstrual blood, Ambrosia, which the Reptilians love to d rink.72 There is also the theme of the "Lady o f the Lake" and this conn ects with the stories of godd ess-worshipping serpent peoples like the Nagas living in u nderground centres located und er lakes and lochs. Like the Celtic myth and folklore, the a ncient Greek culture was inspired by the Sumerians and Egyp tians and the e arl


  • Reptilians and o ther non -human race s living within the Earth in what we would today call "bases", cities, or tunn el networks, can b e found widely d escribed in ancient acc oun ts. The Nagas, or serpent people, in India a nd throughout Asia a nd the Far East, were said to live in two main und erground centres called Patala a nd Bhog avati. From there, acc ording to Hindu legend, they b attle for power with


  • Beings that mirror modem reports of the Sasquatch (Big Foot) and the Yeti (Abominable Snowman) can b e found in ancient stories of und erground creatures that come to the surface. Like the Nagas, the serpent people of Asia, European folklore often claimed that these "fairy" people e ntered their und erground homes through lakes. Michael Mott continues: "To remove a ll doubt as to their relationship with Norse h

File: David Icke - Tales from the Time Loop (2003) -


  • ith the Greek term for menstrual blood, Ambrosia, which the Reptilians love to d rink.72 There is also the theme of the "Lady o f the Lake" and this conn ects with the stories of godd ess-worshipping serpent peoples like the Nagas living in u nderground centres located und er lakes and lochs. Like the Celtic myth and folklore, the a ncient Greek culture was inspired by the Sumerians and Egyp tians and the e arl


  • Reptilians and o ther non -human race s living within the Earth in what we would today call "bases", cities, or tunn el networks, can b e found widely d escribed in ancient acc oun ts. The Nagas, or serpent people, in India a nd throughout Asia a nd the Far East, were said to live in two main und erground centres called Patala a nd Bhog avati. From there, acc ording to Hindu legend, they b attle for power with


  • Beings that mirror modem reports of the Sasquatch (Big Foot) and the Yeti (Abominable Snowman) can b e found in ancient stories of und erground creatures that come to the surface. Like the Nagas, the serpent people of Asia, European folklore often claimed that these "fairy" people e ntered their und erground homes through lakes. Michael Mott continues: "To remove a ll doubt as to their relationship with Norse h

File: David Icke - The Biggest Secret - The Book that Will Change the World (1998) -


  • eathing dragons and evil serpents which appear in legends and texts all over the world could easily originate from the reptilian ‘gods’ who once operated openly thousands of years ago. These were the Serpent People of ancient texts, including the Bible, where the serpent is a regular theme. Of course, the serpent has been used to symbolise many things and not every reference will be literally a reptile, certain

File: David Icke - The Biggest Secret -


  • eathing dragons and evil serpents which appear in legends and texts all over the world could easily originate from the reptilian ‘gods’ who once operated openly thousands of years ago. These were the Serpent People of ancient texts, including the Bible, where the serpent is a regular theme. Of course, the serpent has been used to symbolise many things and not every reference will be literally a reptile, certain

File: Druidheachd -


  • ersonified, and this relates to Odin’s role as a soul-gatherer of spirits of the dead. The references to a snake embedded in this last word reminds us that Odin’s folk were referred to as “the coiled serpent people.” In Gaelic countries Latha Aod or “Hugh’s Day” was an attachment of the celebration known as the Samhain, and fell on or about the first day of May. This god appears in Persian folklore as Asura-mas

File: John Major Jenkins - The 2012 Story The Myths, Fallacies and Truth Behind the Most Intriguing Date in History -


  • s to 2012 reveal a lack of coherence and agreement. Peter Tompkins’s 1976 book Mysteries of the Mexican Pyramids makes a wry reference to “2011” in the final pages, reporting that “sensitives say the Serpent People are due to return to earth in 2011 to help create a world government.” 9 Peter Balin, an artist and traveler, published a book in 1978 called Flight of the Feathered Serpent and put another astronomi

File: Maximillien De Lafayette - Paretechnology - Sumeria -


  • eathing dragons and evil serpents which appear in legends and texts all over the world could easily originate from the reptilian ‘gods’ who once operated openly thousands of years ago. These were the Serpent People of ancient texts, including the Bible, where the serpent is a regular theme. Of course, the serpent has been used to symbolize many things and not every reference will be literally a reptile, certain

File: Michael Tsarion - Astrotheology - Part 2 -


  • Christ, the paragon of the Solar Cult was reminding his disciples to be "... as wise as Serpents." Now this statement is abstruse and enigmatic until we acknowledge that Christ was referring to the "Serpent People," renowned as the keepers of the high arts of mathematics, temple construction, naturopathy and Magick. Ireland and its Cults, however, suffered the same fate as the rest of the world at the advent o

File: Michael Tsarion - Atlantis, Alien Visitation And Genetic Manipulation -


  • ect, Asuras, the Illies, Fomorians, the Necromancers, Rayless Ones, Bent Ones, the Dogons, Dagons, the Ana, Amaraka, Nagas, the Rakshasas, Dragon Kings, Naddred, the Brotherhood of the Snake, and the Serpent People. They were also referred to as the Djedhi (see Jedi). The Bible takes the position that the Nephilim were a malign presence and insists that their leaders committed a great “sin” by interfering with


  • hat seek to account for the presence of evil in the world. These accounts relate to the same idea of alien visitation and colonization. In this case, the alien invaders are referred to either as the “Serpent People” or the “Brotherhood of the Snake.” (It has been repeatedly noted that though physical snakes were unknown on most islands, the symbol of the snake or serpent on carvings, etc., is extremely conspicu


  • iences is “naked.” The members of this new slave race who were termed “Adamic” (meaning “from the Earth”) would be kept “naked” in the garden. After the rebellion of their “first born,” the original “Serpent People” were forced to return to the draw- ing boards to again begin reproducing a new race, one that would this time serve them obediently. We read of this in the Popul Vuh : Let us make him who shall nour


  • Atlantis, Alien Visitation, and Genetic Manipulation 187 Appendix B: Book Abstracts Men Among Mankind by Brinsley Le Poer Trench Noah and the Flood It is probable that the Serpent People and not Jehovah were the ones who warned of the coming cata- clysms and got Mankind to build the Ark. Seen from outer space, the planet Earth has a rainbow like halo. Olympian Period Zeus overthrows


  • olids. Fourteen Meridians These are in the human etheric grid. These are divided into 7 male and 7 female. Nahuatls The wise ones of the Americas. Conversant with the Earth Grid and Magick, they were Serpent People. Number 52 Is the number of the great cycle of the Pleiades. There are legends of the Serpent with 52 sections, etc. Number 28 Number of the cycle of Saturn. The Moon Is thought of as the lesser Satu


  • 7 Appendix B: Book Abstracts Machu Piccu Goes back to the period 3,000 B. C. according to the alignments of the “hitching place of the sun.” Apache Indians Declare themselves to be descendants of the Serpent people, who fled from Atlantis after a disaster. The Letter K Strongly associated with the Serpents. Many native tribes have a strong “k” sound in their names, e.g,. Oklahoma, Muskogian. Choctaw, Cherokee,

File: Michael Tsarion - Irish Origins Of Civilization - Volume 1 -


  • counterpart is Nata, who was also a survivor of the great flood.) PENDRAGON (In W elsh mythology this was a title denoting Celtic chieftains, such as King Arthur.) NACAAL (Denotes the semi - mythical serpent people of the Aztecs and Maya. ) KUMARAS (This word denotes the semi - mythical serpent races of India.) CHERUBIM AND SERAPHIM (These terms originally referred to the Elohim or nine creator gods of Egypt. I

File: Secret Societies Gardiners Forbidden Knowledge -


  • cle.” There probably was an Ambrosius, an Arthur, and a Vortigern, and they doubtless fought great battles and overcame terrible troubles. But would they have understood the idea of the Grail as the “serpent people” would have understood it? I doubt it. Of course, they would have been familiar with stories of a legendary “magical substance” that could help soldiers recover, heal battle wounds, and “resurrect” t
  • ver, heal battle wounds, and “resurrect” them in great numbers. This understand- ing would have come from what they had picked up from the myths that had been encoded with the wisdom of the shamanic “serpent people,” otherwise known as the Shining Ones. This magical substance was “mixed” in the sacred mixing bowl, and Britain in the 5th century was itself a great and wondrous “mixing bowl.” Cultures from across


  • bal-Cain, who was said to be the only survivor of the “superior race” after the flood. The race is supposed to be called Elohim (people of the “fiery snake”) or the “Shining Ones,” also known as the “serpent people.” This tale is derived from a text known as E or Elohim from around 750 B . C ., and also gives rise to the stories of the Dionysiac Architects—also linked with the Freemasons. It is no wonder that t

File: Encyclopedia Of The Unusual & Unexplained Vol 1 -


  • minators of, 1:146 Mystical experiences, validity test of, 1:195 Mysticism, 1:144 Mystics, 1:144–154 See also specific mystics N Nader, Karim, 3:131 Nag Hammadi scrolls, 1:46, 278–279 Nagas (mythical serpent people), 3:249 Nagogo (Nigerian chief), 2:25 Nakh, 3:107 Napier, John R., 3:61–62 Natchez people, 2:231 National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), alleged conspiracy theories, 2:27, 3:71 National

File: Encyclopedia Of The Unusual & Unexplained Vol 2 -


  • minators of, 1:146 Mystical experiences, validity test of, 1:195 Mysticism, 1:144 Mystics, 1:144–154 See also specific mystics N Nader, Karim, 3:131 Nag Hammadi scrolls, 1:46, 278–279 Nagas (mythical serpent people), 3:249 Nagogo (Nigerian chief), 2:25 Nakh, 3:107 Napier, John R., 3:61–62 Natchez people, 2:231 National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), alleged conspiracy theories, 2:27, 3:71 National

File: Encyclopedia Of The Unusual & Unexplained Vol 3 -


  • could only fall back on “infinity.” A tablet found in the hills near ancient Sumer some years back contained a 15-digit number:195,955,200,000,000. Many ancient cultures have legends of amphibians or serpent people who, like Oannes, the half-human, half-fish, instructed the early inhabitants of Mesopotamia in the arts of civilization. There was Quetzalcoatl, the feathered serpent of the Aztecs, who descended fr
  • riptions of extraterrestrial visitations, the writers of bibli- The Gale Encyclopedia of the Unusual and Unexplained 249 Invaders from Outer Space M ANY ancient cultures have legends of amphibians or serpent people.


  • minators of, 1:146 Mystical experiences, validity test of, 1:195 Mysticism, 1:144 Mystics, 1:144–154 See also specific mystics N Nader, Karim, 3:131 Nag Hammadi scrolls, 1:46, 278–279 Nagas (mythical serpent people), 3:249 Nagogo (Nigerian chief), 2:25 Nakh, 3:107 Napier, John R., 3:61–62 Natchez people, 2:231 National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), alleged conspiracy theories, 2:27, 3:71 National

File: Hollow Earth, Subterranean Civilizations, Agartha -


  • the story of the great avatar, Rama. It describes Rama as "an emissary from Agartha" who arrived on an air vehicle. In India there is an ancient belief, still held by some, in a subterranean race of serpent people who dwell in the cities Patala and Bhogavati. According to the legend, they wage war on the kingdom of Agharta. "The Nagas," according to "The Deep Dwellers," "are described as a very advanced race o

File: Illuminatus! Trilogy -


  • r the freedom of the human mind waged by the Illuminati against the forces of slavery, superstition and sorcery. It began, she repeated, in ancient Carcosa when the first humans were contacted by the serpent people of Valusia. The latter brought with them certain fruits with strange powers. These fruits would be called hallucinogens or psychedelics today, Mama Sutra said, but what they did to the brain of the e
  • akes never met in a single battle during all this time: the poison in the wine cup, the knife in the back and similar subtle activities had slowly escalated to the deadly level of actual warfare. The serpent people had an aversion to facing an enemy as they killed him.) The little people had had their own experiences with the lloigor, long ago, but all they remembered were confused legends about Ores (whom Mama


  • Ma - lik intermarried, producing basically the human race of today. A great law - giver named Kull tried to establish a rational society on Ma - lik's principles, and fought a battle with some of the serpent people who had surprisingly survived in hidden places; most of this got lost in exaggeration and legend. After more thousands of years, a barbarian named Konan or Conan arose, somehow, to the throne of Aqui

File: Robert Anton Wilson & Robert Shea.Illuminatus Trilogy.480 pages -


  • r the freedom of the human mind waged by the Illuminati against the forces of slavery, superstition and sorcery. It began, she repeated, in ancient Carcosa when the first humans were contacted by the serpent people of Valusia. The latter brought with them certain fruits with strange powers. These fruits would be called hallucinogens or psychedelics today, Mama Sutra said, but what they did to the brain of the e
  • akes never met in a single battle during all this time: the poison in the wine cup, the knife in the back and similar subtle activities had slowly escalated to the deadly level of actual warfare. The serpent people had an aversion to facing an enemy as they killed him.) The little people had had their own experiences with the lloigor, long ago, but all they remembered were confused legends about Ores (whom Mama


  • Ma - lik intermarried, producing basically the human race of today. A great law - giver named Kull tried to establish a rational society on Ma - lik's principles, and fought a battle with some of the serpent people who had surprisingly survived in hidden places; most of this got lost in exaggeration and legend. After more thousands of years, a barbarian named Konan or Conan arose, somehow, to the throne of Aqui

File: Atlantean Conspiracy -


  • res all over the world have the same mythologies and creation stories that involve the heavens, stars, a ngels, demons, serpents, snakes, or dragons. African Kings claimed descent from the Ch ituhuri serpent people. Chinese Kings claimed descent from ancient dragon gods that came from the sky. The Sumerian Kings claimed descent from the Annunaki, “those who from Heaven to Earth came.” Annunaki, are called many

File: David Icke - Reptilian Research -


  • nels" to spread propaganda which would favor their cause. In his book "ON THE SHORES OF ENDLESS WORLDS" (Souvenir Press), Andrew Tomas gives some additional information concerning the "Nagas" or the "Serpent People" who are believed to originate from a gigantic underworld cavern network below central Asia and the Far East. On p. 160 of his book Tomas states: "...Even in this jet-age every Hindu is familiar with

File: David Icke - Tales from the Time Loop (2003) -


  • im with the Greek term for menstrual blood, Ambrosia, which the Reptilians love to drink.72 There is also the theme of the "Lady of the Lake" and this connects with the stories of goddess-worshipping serpent peoples like the Nagas living in underground centres located under lakes and lochs. Like the Celtic myth and folklore, the ancient Greek culture was inspired by the Sumerians and Egyptians and the earlier A


  • ories of Reptilians and other non-human races living within the Earth in what we would today call "bases", cities, or tunnel networks, can be found widely described in ancient accounts. The Nagas, or serpent people, in India and throughout Asia and the Far East, were said to live in two main underground centres called Patala and Bhogavati. From there, according to Hindu legend, they battle for power with a 'whi


  • . Beings that mirror modem reports of the Sasquatch (Big Foot) and the Yeti (Abominable Snowman) can be found in ancient stories of underground creatures that come to the surface. Like the Nagas, the serpent people of Asia, European folklore often claimed that these "fairy" people entered their underground homes through lakes. Michael Mott continues: "To remove all doubt as to their relationship with Norse hidd

File: David Icke - The Biggest Secret - The Book that Will Change the World (1998) -


  • breathing dragons and evil serpents which appear in legends andtexts all over the world could easily originate from the reptilian ‘gods’ who onceoperated openly thousands of years ago. These were the Serpent People of ancient texts,including the Bible, where the serpent is a regular theme. Of course, the serpent hasbeen used to symbolise many things and not every reference will be literally a reptile,certainly

File: Robert Anton Wilson - Illuminatus Trilogy -


  • r the freedom of the human mind waged by the Illuminati against the forces of slavery, superstition and sorcery. It began, she repeated, in ancient Carcosa when the first humans were contacted by the serpent people of Valusia. The latter brought with them certain fruits with strange powers. These fruits would be called hallucinogens or psychedelics today, Mama Sutra said, but what they did to the brain of the e
  • akes never met in a single battle during all this time: the poison in the wine cup, the knife in the back and similar subtle activities had slowly escalated to the deadly level of actual warfare. The serpent people had an aversion to facing an enemy as they killed him.) The little people had had their own experiences with the lloigor, long ago, but all they remembered were confused legends about Ores (whom Mama


  • Ma - lik intermarried, producing basically the human race of today. A great law - giver named Kull tried to establish a rational society on Ma - lik's principles, and fought a battle with some of the serpent people who had surprisingly survived in hidden places; most of this got lost in exaggeration and legend. After more thousands of years, a barbarian named Konan or Conan arose, somehow, to the throne of Aqui

File: Robert Anton Wilson - Illuminatus Trilogy -


  • r the freedom of the human mind waged by the Illuminati against the forces of slavery, superstition and sorcery. It began, she repeated, in ancient Carcosa when the first humans were contacted by the serpent people of Valusia. The latter brought with them certain fruits with strange powers. These fruits would be called hallucinogens or psychedelics today, Mama Sutra said, but what they did to the brain of the e
  • akes never met in a single battle during all this time: the poison in the wine cup, the knife in the back and similar subtle activities had slowly escalated to the deadly level of actual warfare. The serpent people had an aversion to facing an enemy as they killed him.) The little people had had their own experiences with the lloigor, long ago, but all they remembered were confused legends about Ores (whom Mama


  • Ma - lik intermarried, producing basically the human race of today. A great law - giver named Kull tried to establish a rational society on Ma - lik's principles, and fought a battle with some of the serpent people who had surprisingly survived in hidden places; most of this got lost in exaggeration and legend. After more thousands of years, a barbarian named Konan or Conan arose, somehow, to the throne of Aqui

File: Church of Satan (2002) -


  • e amusem ent devices, castles, labyrinths, mazes, grotesque g ardens, buildings, and dwellings of a bizarre nature, etc. The Werewolf : From human into animal, changelings, leopard men, swan maidens, serpent people, man and his choice of pets, women and their choice of furs, etc. Semi-Authenticated Creatures : such as the abominable snowmen, bigfoot, sasquatch, wendigo, etc.; sea serpents, missing links, man-ea

File: Church of Satan (2009) -


  • nge amusement devices, castles, labyrinths, mazes, grotesque gardens, buildings, and dwellings of a bizarre nature, etc. The Werewolf : From human into animal, changelings, leopard men, swan maidens, serpent people, man and his choice of pets, women and their choice of furs, etc. Semi-Authenticated Creatures : such as the abominable snowmen, bigfoot, sasquatch, wendigo, etc.; sea serpents, missing links, man-ea

File: Magus Tsirk Susej - The Demonic Apocrypha (Book Two of the Demonic Bible) -


  • The Serpent People In antediluvian times during the days of Atlantis the pole of the heavens was the constellation of Alpha Draconis. In astr onomical temples the Dragon was the ruling constellation at the pole. The gr

File: Michael Aquino - Church of Satan - Volume I -

  • , strangeamusement devices,castles, labyrinths, mazes, grotesque gardens, buildings, and dwellings of abizarre nature, etc.The Werewolf: From human into animal, changelings, leopard men, swan maidens,serpent people,man and his choice of pets, women and their choice of furs, etc.Semi-Authenticated Creatures: such as the abominable snowmen, bigfoot,sasquatch, wendigo, etc.;sea serpents, missing links, man-eating

File: Cosmic Awareness Newsletters -


  • N : H.N. of El Cerrito, Calif. has a related question, I believe, in relation ro this. She says, "Some years back, some of the Russian government men were eliminated and were replaced by some of the 'serpent people', who have the power to appear as an exact duplicate of any per? a" and she was wondering if this could be what is happening that Dr. Beter describes as the 'robotoids'? COSMIC AWARENESS: This Awaren


  • are followers of Jehovah, these are in the process of transmuting and merging back toward the Galactic Confederation, associated with those who are the Galactic Confederation often referred to as the Serpent people, due to the symbol used on their ships. This Awareness indicates that essentially the Luciferians and the Jehovahites as now becoming more humane and less competitive in their behavior-these entities


  • and to do All Humans Once Had Reptoid Seeds things in accordance to the commands of Enlil. There are refehnces to Reptoids. There are references The Enlil being a species, and the Adam types being to Serpent People; the winged serpent, which generally a species of creature. At some point, the female counter- refers to Sirius. This Awareness indicates that the Pleiad- part was created to give companionship to th
  • ki was the Sirius entity, help in reading these different books, for they all tend one who was born and lived in Sirius as a class known to treat these entities or socalled gods as though they as the serpent people. were individuals, when in fact, they were galactic races Enki's Greatest Gift to Man: The Gift of Thought of individuals or types. The stories told of these individ- Enki is equated to the Garden of

File: COS -


  • range amusement devices, castles, labyrinths, mazes, grotesque gardens, buildings, and dwellings of a bizarre nature, etc.The Werewolf: From human into animal, changelings, leopard men, swan maidens, serpent people, man and his choice of pets, women and their choice of furs, etc.Semi-Authenticated Creatures: such as the abominable snowmen, bigfoot, sasquatch, wendigo, etc.; sea serpents, missing links, man-eati

File: ss199304 -


  • These were angelic orders of the Seraphim and Cherubim. The orders of the Seraphim and Cherubim. The Seraphim (Seraphs) were later referred to as the Seraphim (Seraphs) were later referred to as the Serpent People (Magicians), colonizing Earth as Serpent People (Magicians), colonizing Earth as Lemurians during the Silver Age. The Cherubim Lemurians during the Silver Age. The Cherubim migrated to what is now th

File: Divine Serpent in Myth and Legend -


  • e minor god is Sarawati [ borrowed from the Hindu Bneten] who is a river goddess. She is married to a serpent King. The Japanese people believed that the seas around the Japanese Islands were full of serpent people who had great powers. The kami concept of Japanese religious thought also makes the snake a sacred person, but I am not considering this, only those who qualify as genuine divinities in and of themse

File: Boulay, R A.Flying Serpents and Dragons- The Story of Mankinds Reptilian Past.1999 -


  • river Kur. It has been suggested that Aratta may be the same as Harappa of the lost Indus Valley civilisation. Harappa, along with Mohenjo - daro, was a city of the ancient Dravidians, the legendary serpent people who pr eceded the Aryan occupation of India. In the 1920s, archaeologists made some amazing discoveries in the Indus River Valley. The ruins of two large ancient cities were excavated, one called Moh


  • dian and Dasyus. This race reportedly lived in large walled cities. They were a coarse, cannibalistic people, dark - skinned and flat - nosed. The Aryans who came later ran into the remnants of these serpent people; they are vividly described in the Ramayana: "Ne ar Bhogavata stands the place where dwell the hosts of the serpent race, a broad - wayed city, walled and barred, which watchful legions keep and guar
  • vidian, Dasyus, and Nagas were all differe nt names for these people can be found in the great epics of India, the Mahabharata and the Ramayana. Both epics concern the early Aryan contacts with these serpent people, some, which were friendly, others hostile. Due to the intermarriage of the Aryans w ith these people, a sort of ambience, a love - hate relationship, seems to permeate these two great epics. In the

File: Dulce Book -


  • - or those ignorant 'human cattle' whom they are intent on manipulating and exploiting from their secret hiding places above, below and even amongst the inhabitants of planet earth: "...The parahuman Serpent People of the past are still among us. They were probably worshipped by the builders of Stonehenge and the forgotten ridge-making cultures of South America. "...In some parts of the world the Serpent People


  • The Dulce Book planet of him. But the super-intelligence was still able to look over man... God worked out new ways of communication and control, always in conflict with the Serpent People." In relation to these 'Serpent People' -- who some claim are now living among us and have been doing so for a very long time -- the anonymous Intelligence officer and planetary patriot 'Commander X'

File: Pleiadian Agenda -


  • spiders because they are infatuated and collected the eggs but the snakes were the most perceived it as they had the highest vibration of reptiles. Today, this information is available thanks to the 'serpent people 'but, nevertheless, the Bible encourages them to kill the snake. We, the reptiles, we know what it means to be abandoned. We have seen how helpless species, including humans, were introduced by the S

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