Sons of the Serpents

Found in 2 Books

File: Michael Tsarion - Atlanteans - Tutors Or Tyrants -


  • propriate that that commonly used today which ludicrously resembles some kind of mechanistic leggo set floating in hyperspace. All seemed to be going well for the Atlanteans until the Lemurians (the "Sons of the Serpents") decided to rescue their Adamic cousins from their imposed servitude. Sympathizing members of the Mark I being ("Homo Atlantis") left Lemuria and came, by spacecraft, to Atlantis on a mission of mer

File: Michael Tsarion - Atlantis, Alien Visitation And Genetic Manipulation -


  • mans with the equipment that was brought from the alien planet of origin: And God said: Let us make man in our image, after our likeness...(Genesis 1:26) The race that they subsequently created, the “Sons of the Serpents,” possessed the DNA of their alien fathers, as well as that of the indigenous Earth people, the Homo Sapiens. (In the Bible, the correct translation of “create” is “build.”) These genetically created


  • h was finally secure. They now had a subservient underclass that would labor and provide for them. Everything looked good. However, something happened that thwarted their plans for a third time. The “Sons of the Serpents” on Lemuria found out what their fathers were doing and about the newly created race that had taken their place as unwitting servants to evil. It occurred to them that such exper- iments were wrong a


  • iate against their evil adversaries on Atlantis. So, there was on Earth a nuclear war. It was an event that changed the face of Earth history. The war between the gods (the “Serpent Masters” and the “Sons of the Serpents”) and subsequent paroxysms were recorded by almost all the cultures of the world: And god saw that the wickedness of man was great in the Earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his hear


  • ehovah is strange, to say the least, and that Jehovah should need no introduction to a devoted Israelite. More- over, the introduction clearly implies that Moses is in fact one of the progeny of the “Sons of the Serpents” (his “fathers”), but has now had the misfortune to come into contact with one of their fathers, that is, one of the original “Serpent Masters,” maybe


  • Semetic), Deucalion (Greece), Dwyfan (Wales), Nuada (Ireland), Bergelmir (Scandinavia), Coxcox (Mex- ico), and Nata (Aztec) warning of the coming deluge, we must understand that it is members of the “Sons of the Serpents” who brought the warnings and not , as is believed, the representatives of Jehovah.


  • conjectured that there were less than 100 of these totally alien beings left, though there is little to no certainty about this. They also lost most of their sophisticated alien technology. And the “Sons of the Serpents” together with their Adamic wards suffered enormous casualties also. It may be conjectured that there were only about 1,000 true “Sons of the Serpents” left in existence. This global war and its deva


  • America has the strong “K” sound, as do the words Celt , Cain, Caan, Cham, Khan, Cohen, Canaan, Conn, Carn, Clan, Kieran, Karen, and Christ . There are many personal names that also have it. As the “Sons of the Serpents” were dispersing, the original “Serpent Race” began con- verging in the equatorial regions of Mesopotamia and in Asia Minor. These were the areas that now could support life all year round. It is the


  • ndians collected and wore human scalps. The hero was then also considered “blooded.” Many of the demeaning “hazing” rituals of so-called upper-classmen are throwbacks to this concept. When the moral “Sons of the Serpents” in their diasporas came upon a welcoming tribe or a suitable place to reside they set up their base. It is from these regions that we find traces of great advancement, amid later primitivism. At the


  • n.”) This latter term connotes progeny who were created genetically, rather than sexually. Properly, it was to designate that they were special children, the off- spring of the gods. Eventually, the “Sons of the Serpents” interacted with human women in the normal sexual manner. The progeny of these conceptions were always regarded with awe and even fear. For instance, in the Book of Enoch , we read of the birth of La


  • heir offspring certainly do exist and continue to bring mankind to the brink of spiritual degradation and physical annihilation for their own selfish purposes. Descendants of the beings known as the “Sons of the Serpents,” those ancient Lemuri- ans, are amongst us also continuing in a plethora of subtle and ingenious ways to bring “Homo Atlantis” to awareness of their origins, history, and plight. In the following se


  • e Elizabethan Age, or shortly thereafter, the opening of another interdimensional portal was necessitated. This time it was undertaken by members of the “White Brother- hood,” the descendants of the “Sons of the Serpents,” the Lemurians. They were attempting to counterbalance and assuage the attempt of the “Bent Ones” and to ask for guidance them- selves that they may be successful in countering the influence of thei


  • as been surmised that the personage responsible for the plays was none other than Sir Francis Bacon, but that has not been confirmed. It is more likely that an exceptionally gifted descendant of the “Sons of the Serpents” was responsible for them. The works themselves contain encrypted ciphers which may reveal the authorship. ( Francis Bacon--Our Shakespeare and Francis Bacon and His Secret Society by Mrs. Henry Pott


  • nis, meaning the head and tail of the Dragon. We feel that Ovason's book and his findings clearly proves the existence of the Mac- robes. In the past, when one of the “Serpent Masters” or one of the “Sons of the Serpents” ended their long life, their confederates would generally commemorate their lives in stone by building a monument which encapsulated through its design and geometry the existence of the deceased ali


  • ohn Dee, the living “macroscope,” opened the pan-dimensional portal and spoke with the Macrobes, the act was registered in the Akashic Record. It was imme- diately intuited by the descendants of the “Sons of the Serpents,” that is, the descen- dants of the Lemurian civilization who once lived on the pre-diluvian continent of Oceania, which is now beneath the Pacific Ocean. Remnants of this sunken continent are found


  • y to such an extent that we no longer realize any of the details of our “shamanic” duties toward the living Earth. In prehistoric and even pre-Industrial times, the situation was very different. The “Sons of the Serpents” knew that the Earth is a vital and intelligent oracle and knew its lan- guage. This they taught to their descendants and to the Adamic Race. For millennia, the priestess cults held the knowledge of


  • Epilogue: Time to Change the Road You’re On 144 Atlantis, Alien Visitation, and Genetic Manipulation The apocalyptic masterpieces of Albrecht Durer (one of the “Sons of the Serpents”) have been misinterpreted as mere representations of common fears of his own time. However, they are not merely myopic sketches of events of his own time. Durer and other artists who treated canonic


  • n duty. They were caretakers and protectors, and they encoded into their sundry rituals and ceremonies the harmonics and vibrational intonations which resonated with the merk- aba of the planet. The “Sons of the Serpents” and their Adamic wards propagated and disseminated their wealth of knowledge. They created their own nations and infused their influence over peoples and nations. The strongest strains of their prog

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