Alien Implant

Found in 58 Books

File: 12_28_2004_Part 22 UFO Crash Retrievals The Inner Sanctum - Status Report VI July 1991 by Leonard H. Stringfield -


  • 'sNote: Allegedly a CIA-linked medical institute in Canada). Using ELF signals transmitted at the same wavelength the human brain uses,the researchers could subliminally control the test project. The alien implantsutilize the same principles, except that the whole unit is subminiaturized andcontained in the brain. Fortunately, the implants can be detected by magneticresolution scanning technology. All individu

File: 12_16_2007_Part 8 In League With A UFO -


  • have claimed they were abducted. All of the abducteesreported that Aliens have inserted metal objects into various parts of theirbodies. But when skeptics have asked the human subjects to produce theAlien implanted objects, the abductees have been unable to do so.Up to that point, no one on the committee had proved that the Alien itemsvaporized, but it was one of their better hunches at the time. Vaporization

File: Mind Control, World Control -


  • o gri nd down to fix a crown, he discovered something inside he'd ne ver seen before. He and the assistant pondered for a few min utes wondering what the hell it was. I jokingly said, 'M aybe it's an alien implant,' and after I saw the look on his fac e, I added: 'Just kidding!' He had to pulverize the strange thing to keep working so we'll never know for sure. But since then I can stress my body much more tha

File: Fritz Springmeier - Deeper Insights Into The Illuminati Forumula -


  • another book, if not several books. (In fact, this author started to write it in 1993, but never got finished.) But no book discussing implants & mind- control could be complete without -touching on alien implants. There is a great overlap between "alien abductions" and mind-control. Whitley Strieber (UFO abductee and famous author) gave two workshops at the UFO Expo West LA. He was very interested in finding


  • ously Americans. So the first step is to recognize that if you are an American, and your problem developed in this country, don’t blame aliens, whether from overseas or from outer space. The supposed alien implants in this country that alien abductees keep discovering have continually gotten more sophisticated. The hard fact is that it is our own secret government as part of the NWO, not aliens that are subjec

File: The Matrix Deciphered Prerelease -


  • Terahertz (6.7 Billion people * 2 Kilohertz). In the last few decades implants have become less popular with the subhumans and aliens for their experimentation. In “the x-files”, Scully, removed her alien implant and got cancer shortly afterwards. Was that a threat by the aliens to the implanted human slaves? “The shadow government will kill you with plausible denial if you remove the implants,” I think is th

File: MUFON Journal - April 1996 -




  • raterrestrial craft complete with its alien operator. My small contribution to this en- deavor came about on the afternoon of August 19th. 1995. when I performed surgery to remove several sus- pected alien implants. SYNCHRONICITY In keeping with my continuous quest for knowledge, I was obliged to attend the "UFO Expo West" held in Southern California, in June of 1995. It has been my practice to attend as many


  • ntary video of the implant surgery is cur- rently available and can be obtained from: SABER ENTERPRISES PO BOX 60944 HOUSTON, TEXAS 77205 We are currently developing a very complete series of alleged alien implant protocols. This year Derrel has pre- sented his work in France with Phillip Mantle and Budd Hopkins, also there have been invitations from San Marino, France and England. There has been a deluge of p

File: MUFON Journal - April 2005 -


  • History of UFO sight- ings in Turkey, Part 2, by Esen Sekerkarar, p. 9. Engineers plan invis- ibility shields, p. 6. What's new with alien implants, by Dr. Roger Leir, p. 7. MUFON Forum fea- turing the Peter Jennings program on ABC-Budd Hopkins, Bruce Mac- cabee; also angel hair- Mark Isganitis, Phyllis Budinger, p. 13. UFO Press, p. 14. An upd


  • What's new with alien implants? By Dr. Roger Leir W hat's new? This is the ques- tion I have been asked more than any other. The answer is more complex than one might imag- ine. Since my first venture into perform- ing surgery fo
  • in the day to continue a full-time medi- cal practice, tend to problems of my aging body, raise a 14-year-old daugh- ter, have some sort of a personal life, and manage to do research in the field of alien implants. Despite this, I have continued as a podiatric surgeon and to collect physi- cal evidence in the alien abduction phe- nomena. To date we have performed 11 sur- geries for the removal of objects from

File: MUFON Journal - August 1995 -


  • ultrasound radiation which alerted them to medical scanning. The events happened and are a matter of record. (Documentation enclosed.) The explanation is only speculative. If the mass detected was an alien implant, it does suggest that there must be a way to monitor the im- plant, that it is acting as a transponder of some sort, opening the door to the possibility of detecting signals or reflected signals from

File: MUFON Journal - December 1996 -


  • r gynecological ex- aminations. In some MILAB cases a mili- tary doctor allegedly searches for implants and sometimes implants the abductee with a military device. Therefore, surgeons seeking alleged alien implants should also be prepared to possibly find military de- vices, too. 1 Names in italics are pseudonyms and taken from Dr. Karla Turner's books [20]. IV. Terrestrial implants To date, more than three mi


  • the houses of their victims, kidnapping and possibly implanting them with military de- vices sometime shortly after a UFO abduc- tion experience. It appears to me that they are searching for possible alien implants, too. Their gynecological interest in female abductees could be explained if they are searching for alleged alien/hybrid em- bryos, since many of the abducted females report missing embryo/fetus exp

File: MUFON Journal - December 1998 -


  • d by Dwight Connelly Of the many UFO books being published these days, this one should be on your "must buy" list. As Budd Hopkins notes, Dr. Leir's "carefully documented surgical removal of possible alien implants from individu- als reporting UFO abductions can no longer be ignored." While the book does not include much information on the implants themselves that has not already been cov- ered in the Journal,


  • her ambi- tious "ultimate goal" of "actually capturing one or more of these elusive beings that are entering our environ- ment." Is this book the last word on surgical removal and testing of possible alien implants? Hopefully not. Dr. Leir and Sims have led the way. Now there is a need for respected professionals and organizations to cany out additional research to see if similar results are forthcoming, to an

File: MUFON Journal - December 2003 -


  • t book, The Aliens and the Scal- pel, described his early work with "im- plants." He later wrote an update for sale in Brazil entitled Implantes Alienigenas. Dr. Leir is also the author of Case Book: Alien Implants. Dr. Leir has written nu- merous articles, and has appeared on both radio and TV. He has been active with MUFON, and was a pesenter at the 2001 MUFON International Symposium. ture in the film. In fu

File: MUFON Journal - February 1991 -


  • ad- vanced than current human capabilities. However, since we have no alien im- plants to examine, this is a spurious supposition. Implants produced on Earth may be quite primitive in com- parison to alien implants. The fact that alien and human implants might be similar in size or implanted in similar locations and ways is no in- dicator of technological superiority or inferiority. In fact, the size of the im

File: MUFON Journal - January 1991 -


  • t Enigma" (June 1990), John Schuessler suggests that a structure reportedly found in am- niotic fluid during a routine chrom- osome preparation (Nature, Vol. 323, Sept. 25, 1986, pg. 300) might be an alien implant. In relating this uniden- tified fetal object to unidentified flying objects, Schuessler implores research- ers to "take the implant issue serious- ly." A number of readers did just that (see Letters

File: MUFON Journal - January 1999 -


  • She holds a Master's of Arts degree in Counseling Psy- chology, a Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry, studies in oriental medicine, dreamwork, paranor- mal and the occult, the Bible, reverse speech, alien implant research, fluorescence markings post ab- duction, and health and medical issues of abductees. She has published several articles internationally. Currently she is co-authoring a book with Barbara Bar

File: MUFON Journal - January 2001 -


  • zilian policeman involved in the Varginha case, the possible connection between reli- gion and UFOs, whether the "foo fighters" of WW II were UFOs, alien impregnation of abductees, artifacts on Mars, alien implants, Zecharia Sitchin, and the Ari- zona video. In evaluating the MJ-12 documents, Stan says, "I believe I have demonstrated that most, if not all, of the new Tim Cooper MJ-12 documents are frauds. How-

File: MUFON Journal - January 2004 -


  • has unique characteristics Dr. Leir reports 11th implant removal By Dr. Roger Leir O n Dec. 5, 2003, A&S Research and I performed the eleventh surgery for removal of an ob- ject suspected of being an alien implant. Most readers might be aware of the long hiatus since the last surgery. This was due to limited funds and our concentration on other non-surgical cases, such as the Gary Lowery case, which in- volved

File: MUFON Journal - July 1991 -


  • ant Enigma' (June 1990), John Schuessler suggests that a structure reportedly found in amniotic fluid dur- ing a routine chromosome preparation (Nature, Vol. 323, Sept. 25, 1986, pg. 300) might be an alien implant. In relating this unidentified fetal object to unidentified flying objects, Schuessler implores researchers to 'take the im- plant issue seriously.' A number of readers did just that (see Letters to

File: MUFON Journal - July 1993 -


  • d of the rectangle is a helical wire, extending in rotation approximately 270 degrees. A follow-up X-ray revealed that the object, which has been characterized by Linda Cortile and Budd Hopkins as an alien implant, was no longer visible. Alien im- plants are almost universally described as small spheres lacking appendages. David Jacobs says this about im- plants in his comprehensive review of the abduction phe

File: MUFON Journal - July 1999 -


  • n Seguin, advising your potential for hosting the sympo- sium. Dr. Roger Leir suffers heart attack Dr. Roger Leir, author of The Aliens and the Scal- pel, a leading researcher in the field of alleged alien implants, and Section Director for the Ventura, CA, chapter of MUFON, has suffered a serious heart at- tack. The strain of maintaining his podiatry practice, performing UFO research, and presenting lectures

File: MUFON Journal - July 2001 -


  • er 11:30 a.m. LUNCH 12:30 p.m. UFO Terror in Brazil, Bob Pratt, Author & Researcher 1:45 p.m. Remote Viewing Extraterrestrials, Joesph McMoneagle, Monroe Institute, Stargate 3:00 p.m. BREAK 3:20 p^n. Alien Implants-Why?, Dr. Roger Leir, Po- diatrist, Author, & Implant Researcher 4:35 p.m. How to stop an Alien Abduction, Ann Druffel, Author & Researcher 5:50 p.m. Intro 2002 Symposium, John Schuessler

File: MUFON Journal - June 1991 -


  • sub- ject of OMNI's "Antimatter/UFO Up- date" column in the May issue. The foremost proponent of this theory is John Keel, but others who have in- vestigated the Roswell case dismiss Keel's claims. "Alien implants" is the topic under discussion in the June issue of OMNI. Recent paperbacks of interest include reprints of NIGHT SIEGE by Hynek, Imbrogno & Pratt (Ballantine Books) and THE GULF BREEZE SIGHTINGS by

File: MUFON Journal - June 1996 -


  • International Coordinator and FATE Magazine UFO Editor Brooklyn, New York 2:00 p.m. "Medical and Surgical Aspects of the UFO Abduction Phenomenon" Dr. Roger K. Leir MUFON Consultant in Medicine and Alien Implants Thousand Oaks, California 3:00 p.m. BREAK 3:30 pm. "Acceleration" Bruce S. Maccabee, Ph.D. Maryland State Director, Consultant and Photo Analyst Sabillasville, Maryland 4:30 p.m. Question and Answ

File: MUFON Journal - June 1998 -


  • t: MUFON on Compuserv: ! ^ "Go MUFON". to access theFprum e-mail address: [email protected] MUFON Amateur Radio Net; 40 meters - 7.237 MHz ...... Saturdays, 8 a.m. EST June 1998 Number 362 Alien Implants by Dr. Roger K. Leir 3 MUFON group at Pine Bush 8 Vatican theologian says UFOs are real 8 UFO summary from Finland by Ilkka Serra 8 Abduction Reports Comparison by Thomas E. Bullard.. 9 Roswell


  • MUFON UFO Journal June 1998 Page 3 Dr. Roger K. Leir Alien implants A 1998 update By Dr. Roger K. Leir On August 19, 1995, a historic surgery took place in Camarillo, California. A surgical team was assembled that performed the first in a series of sur- geries for r
  • Dr. Roger K. Leir On August 19, 1995, a historic surgery took place in Camarillo, California. A surgical team was assembled that performed the first in a series of sur- geries for removal of alleged alien implants. To date, seven such surgeries have been performed. . These surgeries sought to answer several ques- tions: Do such implants actually exist? If they do, can they successfully be removed without dest
  • ould ultimately gain the respect of scientific organizations such as the National Institute for Discovery Science (N.I.D.S.). We knew that it would not be enough to just successfully remove suspected alien implants, but it would also be necessary to have them analyzed by qualified institu- tions who would report their findings on a letterhead that contained the researcher's name and signature. The first surger

File: MUFON Journal - June 2000 -


  • s a compliment. It required careful reading and provided much food for thought. The MUFON Forum commentaries and sightings were especially worthwhile and to the point. Roger Leir's work on sup- posed alien implants may be some of the most important work of all presently under- way, but I have to strongly emphasize the qualifier "may." Despite talk of "findings" and "scientific data," to the best of my knowledg

File: MUFON Journal - June 2002 -


  • ying yet another as- pect of human society. Well-known UFO investigator Scott Corrales has ex- amined several cases like these. He speculates that "the UFOs were engaged in the business of retrieving alien implants..." He asks, "Why are the UFOs interested in our final resting places? What could they stand to gain from such pursuits? Trying to ascribe reason to an utterly unreasonable phenomenon leads us to co

File: MUFON Journal - June 2007 -


  • War of the Worlds (1953) Paul Davids , Movie Producer “Roswell” (Thursday and Saturday) Stanton Friedman , “Roswell after 60 Years” (Friday) and “Star Travel? YES!” (Sunday) Derrel Sims , workshop, “Alien Implants—The Fact, the Mistaken, and the Fiction” Ron Regehr, “A Scientific/Forensic Analysis of the Ramey Office Photographs” Freddy Silva , “The Language of Light” (Thursday), “Crop Circles and the Coming

File: MUFON Journal - March 1997 -


  • research. Over 200 cases. Over 1700 witnesses interviewed. "Field research as it should be done": Dr. Jacques Vallee. Horus House Press, Inc.. SI6.95 plus $2.00 s&h, PO Box 55185, Madison, WI 53705. "ALIEN IMPLANTS" VIDEO One hour nationally-syndicated live TV talk show on implants, produced by UFO-AZ. 4/96. featuring Gail Seymour of IRM. Meet three abductees. Watch Derrel Sims & Dr. Roger Leir surgically remo

File: MUFON Journal - May 1994 -


  • ULTRA, started at the Allen Memorial Institute in Montreal. Using ELF signals transmitted at the same wavelength the human brain uses, the researchers could subliminally control the test subject. The alien implants utilize the same principles except that the whole unit is sub-minia- turized and contained in the brain. Fortunately the im- plants can be detected by magnetic resolution scanning technology. All in

File: MUFON Journal - May 2005 -


  • Aug. 19, 1995, one of the most important events in UFO history took place in a doctor's office in Ventura, CA. At 5 PM on that day, Dr Roger Leir, DPM, performed three surgeries to re- move alleged "alien implants" from the bodies of three abductees. The surgeries were successful, and the three "implants" were recovered and sent off for scientific analysis. This, however, was only the begin- ning. Further suc
  • ng. The surgeries have rocked the UFO community. Budd Hopkins writes, "Dr. Roger Leir has finally and dramatically laid his cards on the table. His carefully documented surgical removal of pos- sible alien implants can no longer be ignored. It may well turn out to be of extraordinary importance." Raymond Fowler writes, "Dr. Leir is to be praised for his pioneering research into the removal and analysis of sus-
  • longer be ignored. It may well turn out to be of extraordinary importance." Raymond Fowler writes, "Dr. Leir is to be praised for his pioneering research into the removal and analysis of sus- pected alien implants. Only peer review and acceptance separate his findings from the proverbial 'smoking gun' of physical evidence for the abduction phe- nomenon." Whitley Strieber writes, "Sometimes the whole world kno

File: MUFON Journal - November 1998 -


  • MUFON UFO Journal November 1998 Page 3 Eve Frances Lorgen The effects of 'implant' removal discussed by five individuals By Eve Frances Lorgen, M. A. Years after the surgical removal of their alleged alien implants, five individuals courageously agreed to take part in an interview to discuss their "before and after effects." All persons, one male and four females, shared one thing in common: UFO encounters and
  • the first set of surgeries were studied by two different patholo- gists, and then sent to various independent laborato- ries for extensive scientific analysis. The tests per- formed on these alleged alien implants included a pa- thology/tissue evaluation, laser induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS), extensive metallurgical testing involving a density immersion test. X-ray energy dis- persive spectroscopy, sca


  • oject Open Mind and other excellent monographs and articles on her web site at httpi// Check or money order payable to: Katharina Wilson, P.O. Box 230023, Portland, Oregon 97281. ALIEN IMPLANTS VIDEOS AND LITERATURE See actual surgeries being performed. Learn about suspected alien implants from the experts. Listen to Derrel Sims and Dr. Roger Leir as they explain what they have learned abo
  • Check or money order payable to: Katharina Wilson, P.O. Box 230023, Portland, Oregon 97281. ALIEN IMPLANTS VIDEOS AND LITERATURE See actual surgeries being performed. Learn about suspected alien implants from the experts. Listen to Derrel Sims and Dr. Roger Leir as they explain what they have learned about this amazing subject. To order call: (805) 495-2613 or write for list of available material to

File: MUFON Journal - November 1999 -


  • the trip.) Finally, the symptoms arose in tandem. ("When the bums ap- peared, I had vaginal irritation.") No explanation could be found for this, except a ufological framework: •flesh lump: possible alien implant •scoop mark: possible tissue sampling •internal inflammation and tissue damage: pos- sible reproductive procedures. The elements jell when one considers that pelvic inflammation often troubles abduct

File: MUFON Journal - November 2002 -


  • rgeon who has been in private pracitce in Ventura County, CA, for more than three decades. His first book, The Aliens and the Scal- pel, has sold more than 10,000 copies. His second book was Casebook-Alien Implants, and he has just come out with a new book in Portuguese, Implantes Alienigenas, for distribution in Brazil. He is currently ne- gotiating for an additional book to be published in the U.K. Those les

File: MUFON Journal - October 1998 -


  • roject Open Mind and other excellent monographs and articles on her web site at hup:// Check or money order payable to: Katharina Wilson, P.O. Box 230023, Portland. Oregon 97281. ALIEN IMPLANTS VIDEOS AND LITERATURE See actual surgeries being performed. Learn about suspected alien implants from the experts. Listen to Derrel Sims and Dr. Roger Leir as they explain what they have learned abo
  • Check or money order payable to: Katharina Wilson, P.O. Box 230023, Portland. Oregon 97281. ALIEN IMPLANTS VIDEOS AND LITERATURE See actual surgeries being performed. Learn about suspected alien implants from the experts. Listen to Derrel Sims and Dr. Roger Leir as they explain what they have learned about this amazing subject. To order call: (805) 495-2613 or write for list of available material to

File: MUFON Journal - October 2001 -


  • prepared by Seattle-based artist, David W. Chace. Back in 1980, traces of material from possible UFO- landing sites were considered the best physical evi- dence we had of UFOs. Today, we have alleged alien implants that are being subjected to laboratory analysis. So far, none of these has proven to be definitive, but only time will tell. Photographs of UFOs were always considered as important evidence for UFO

File: MUFON Journal - September 1999 -


  • atly reducing your printing and mailing costs. Foreign subscribers would not really be so foreign if on-line, would they?" "Government cover-up and disinformation. Mili- tary abductions of abductees. Alien implants. How to encourage Congressional hearings." "Remote viewing and UFOs. UFO hot spots." "Make the Journal more colorful, more exciting! I see these colorful UFO magazines at the newsstands and L think

File: MUFON Journal - September 2001 -


  • ral of the United Nations Javier Perez de Cuellar) were also abducted that night. Dr. Roger K. Leir Dr. Leir, a podiatric surgeon and author of The Aliens and the Scalpel, discussed "Alien Abduction- Alien Implants: Why????" With nine implant surgeries completed-the first in 1995-Leir says that answers are hard to come by. "It seems that no sooner do we have one explanation for our examinations than another ex

File: MUFON Journal - September 2005 -


  • 5. My investigation of the 1996 crash of an extraterrestrial ship in Varginha, Brazil, with an interview of an orthopedic surgeon who was forced to operate on an Alien Being. "The Scientific Study of Alien Implants."Interviews with the patients, laboratory scientists, actual surgery foot- age, and much more. Won award for Best Documen- tary in a UFO field. Video $20.00, DVD $25.00. "The Research of Dr. Roger L

File: Mind Power Seduction -


  • evitation (raising physical objects into the air e.g. ... pyramid stones). - Assisting with creative artistic endeavors. - Personal protection. - Psychic warfare if you are under attack. - Removal of alien implants in your body. - Accessing other dimensions and realities. - Gaining secret knowledge. - Reading the mind of others. - Remote viewing (invisible cameras inside places of your choice). - Telepathic co

File: Peter Levenda - Sinister Forces - Book 1 - The Nine -

  • similar to some accounts of alien abductions. The existence of witchmarks—odd bruises on one’s body suggestive of pacts with the Devil, etc.—havetheir correlates with the stories of alien surgery and alien implants. In fact,Tituba first claimed that she flew to Boston through the air in both body andsoul, but amended this fact later to state that she only appeared in Boston inthe spirit.(Compare this historica

File: Archons - Hidden Rulers Through The Ages -


  • nd high technology. This high technology has also been referred to as black meta-technology because it combines elements of ritual black magic, nano technology, mind control; genetic manipulation and alien implant technology. Truly a soul oppressing combination and in my view, a great threat to humanity. Unless, of course, we wake up and start taking responsibility for our own freedom. Optogenetics, Genetic Ma


  • zation called Flash Mental Simulation (FMS) to help abductees reconnect with their soul consciousness, spirit and mind in such a way that they can use this power and awareness to remove or neutralize alien implants so that they are “reconnected to their inner soul power”. (See FMS procedure at ) When abductees were under hypnosis, Dr. Malanga

File: Behold A Pale Horse Revisited - Secrets Of William Cooper -

  • . . . .31Behold a Pale Horse Appendix A: "William Cooper's Military Service Record" . . .. . . . .31Behold a Pale Horse Appendix B: "UFOs and Area 51 . . . . . . . .31Behold a Pale Horse Appendix C: "Alien Implants" . . . . . . . .32Behold a Pale Horse Appendix D: "AIDS" . . . . . . . .33Behold a Pale Horse Appendix E: "New World Order" . . . . . . . .33Behold a Pale Horse Appendix F: "U.S. Government Drug Inv

  • ell as many others:[]Behold a Pale Horse Appendix C: "Alien Implants"The brief Appendix C consists of a page of notes and two news articlereproductions;the news articles discuss the then-new technology of implantable RFID chips andthecommentary suggests that the chip

File: Chomsky - Fateful Triangle - The United States, Israel and the Palestinians (1999) -


  • ethnic lines, it can have no clear boundaries.” This plan aims at a breakdown of the national state system which was imposed by the colonial powers on the Middle East, as elsewhere, and is indeed an alien implantation, a fact that has given rise to endless turmoil and suffering; recall what happened during the hundreds of years when the national state system was consolidating itself in Europe, without the con

File: Cooper - Behold a Pale Horse (%231 underground bestseller of all time) (1991) -

File: Encyclopedia of Conspiracies and Conspiracy Theories -


  • eir heads or other parts of their bodies, but again none are con- firmed. Alleged abductee Richard Price submitted a tiny object, surgically removed from his penis, for testing at MIT as a suspected “alien implant.” Labo- ratory analysis concluded that the object consisted of “successive layers of human tissue formed around some initial abnormality or trauma, occasionally accreting fibers of cotton from Price’

File: Lewis, Jon E. - The Mammoth Book of Cover-Ups (2008) -


  • are “confabulations”, amalgams of fact and fantasy. No physical evidence of alien interference with a human, be it an operation or the placing of an implant, has ever stood up to investigation. One “alien implant” was found to be a mercury dental filling! Humans are abducted by aliens with the collusion of the Earth’s establishment: ALERT LEVEL 3 Further Reading Eric Elfman., Almanac of Alien Encounters, 2001

File: Lyne - Pentagon Aliens (1999) -


  • s and money behind it came from the CIA? As indivi duals who pride themselves as having truly ethical intellects, it should be an im portant part of the skeptic agenda to identify and drive out this "alien implant ", which has been using them to carry out the CIA's campaign of lies for too long. It takes an outsider like me to tell them about it. The 21st century should be a "flying saucer economy". The people

File: Richard Dolan - A.D. - After Disclosure -

  • s now possible for chimpanzees to move a computercursor across a screen, solely by the power of thought—and a conveniently placedchip in the brain.Such news gives one pause when considering claims of alien implants within humanabductees. Could implants be more than mere tracking and storage devices? Couldthey also function as conduits to an advanced machine intelligence?Consideration of this theory weakens one

File: Richard Dolan - UFOs For The 21st Century Mind -

  • ons: Birth of an Idea> The Hill Abduction Case> The Herb Schirmer Abduction> The Charles Moody Abduction> Fire In the Sky: Travis Walton> The Andreasson Affair> Enter Budd Hopkins> Into the Darkness> Alien Implants> John Mack> The Other Side of Contact> Adamski and the 1950s> Telepathic Contact: The Affa Case> Towards Assessing the Claims Chapter 9. The Growth of Ufology [index_split_004.html#filepos826079]> F

  • arity of the memory itself. Sowe have a phenomenon that, despite all efforts of skeptics to debunk and dismissit, is more complex than any single explanation, or even several explanationscan provide. Alien Implants One criticism leveled by skeptics of alien abduction is the lack of evidenceto examine. In fact, there are claims of evidence, in the form of body marks andextracted implants. Quite a few people hav
  • asstorehouses of information, much as veterinarians today retrieve medical data ontagged animals. Could they even be used as a form of behavioral or mentalmodification? There are a number of alleged alien implants that have been extracted frompeople. The person best known for this has been Dr. Roger Leir. Over the years,he has performed more than fifteen surgeries that removed sixteen separate anddistinct obj

File: Richard Dolan - UFOs and the National Security State - Volume 2 -

  • ined through FOIA, theleaks that passed through Stringfield, Howe’s documentary linking animalmutilations to extraterrestrials, the interest in the crash at Roswell, and nowBennewitz’s obsession with alien implants and messages, were becoming realthreats to UFO secrecy, threats that needed to be disabled.Toward this end, the infiltration of APRO by the intelligence community is worthnoting. In 1980, Moore was

  • (and abduction by) aliens did occur. Averitable explosion of alien abduction cases appeared during the 1970s. In 1979,the publication of The Andreasson Affair by Raymond Fowler introduced the ideaof alien implants, and Budd Hopkins’s Missing Time the following year argued thephenomenon was much more widespread than had even been suspected.Now, with Intruders in 1987, Hopkins went further, describing the exper

  • d to an examination table or agynecological chair, given a strong drink that contained drugs, and interrogatedabout their alien encounters. Doctors or scientists in white lab coats examinedor removed alien implants, sometimes performed gynecological examinations, andsometimes placed their own implants into the individual. Lammer noted thegrowing numbers of accounts of human-alien collaboration, humans in clear

  • t know who this person was.6 [The_Cover-Up_Exposed%2c_1973-1991_split_003.html#filepos680702]Of course theimpact of his encounter the year before with Myrna Hansen – an early casedealing with alleged alien implants – was clearly powerful.7 [The_Cover-Up_Exposed%2c_1973-1991_split_004.html#filepos684268]Although heexpressed personal belief in the reality of UFOs and extraterrestrials based onbriefings he had wh

File: Cosmic Awareness Newsletters -


  • is, a global crisis relating to Elohim and to those guides of the Pleiades. , aliens and a conflict between humans and aliens, that This Awareness indicates that these refleqt into and those who have alien implants of a physical nature will from dimensions ~aralleling your physical dimension, be rounded up and confined for fear that they might so that much of what you sense as your guides are also in some way


  • use one is a Mason Are we Pawns in a Cosmic Game: Whet Can we do About the Aliens? 1:: i doesn't mean that all Protestants are Masons or that all 1 What Does Awareness Mean: "A Pre-timed Event" ? Can Alien Implants be Removed by the Use of Radionics? an Alien Implants be Removed by Psychic Means? Masons are Protestants. There has been a propaganda effort 15 Magnetic Resonance Irnag~ng' Dev~ces for Cancer Detec


  • ld from startling humans or scaring humans from their essentially be dead and become inactive. comfort if that is needed at this stage in human deveiop- ment. REwMOVING IMPLANTS BY PSYCHIC MEANS? CAN ALIEN IMPLANTS BE REMOVED ('Confirmed by God and about eleven other people') BY THE USE OF RADlONlCS ? (FOLLOW.UP QUESTION). QUESPION A question from D. E. in regard to the removal of E.K. of Ft. Lauderdale, has w


  • - -. - I 0 e THE RECENT INCREASE IN BRAIN CANCER 17. * This Awareness indicates that there is also seen in the Q --ARE ALIEN IMPLANTS RELATED TO IT? future the possibility of public awareness bringing QUESTION: pressure on the government to find ways of removing There have been articles lately stating that the brain the alien impl
  • EN IMPLANTS RELATED TO IT? future the possibility of public awareness bringing QUESTION: pressure on the government to find ways of removing There have been articles lately stating that the brain the alien implants through the use of laser surgery in cancer rate has skyrocketed, particularly in the elderly. which a laser beam would neutralize the effects of an They don't know why this is happening, and I was i


  • icates that there are some in the psy- chiatric profession who are used by these agents who would wish to destroy the Constitution to further erode support of these Constitutional guarantees. BACK TO ALIEN IMPLANTS & KILLERS (FOLLOWUP QUESTION): The question of possible implants by aliens in these entities who go berserk and kill school children: did Awareness cover that in that statement? COSMIC AWARENESS: Th


  • inex- theory is backwards. If so, then why is it when they do plicable increase in brain tumors. Do these by any chance radioactive dating, it shows the simpler less complex have anything to do with alien implants in entities? creatures started first before the more complex creatures?" A HUGE INCREASE IN BRAIN TUMORS--IMPLANTS? COSMIC AWARENESS: QUESTION: This Awareness indicates that this entity tends to tak

File: Gordon White - Pieces of Eight Chaos Magic Essays and Enchantments -


  • ysimilar to some accounts of alien abductions. The existence ofwitch marks—odd bruises on one’s body suggestive of pacts withthe Devil, etc.—have their correlates with the stories of aliensurgery and alien implants. In fact, Tituba first claimed that sheflew to Boston through the air in both body and soul, but amendedthis fact later to state that she only appeared in Boston in the spirit.Having already discuss

File: Keith - Mind Control, World Control - The Encyclopedia of Mind Control (1998) -


  • ad to grind down to fix a crown, he discovered something inside he'd never seen before. He and the assistant pondered for a few minutes wondering what the hell it was. I jokingly said, 'Maybe it's an alien implant,' and after I saw the look on his face, I added: 'Just kidding!' He had to pulverize the strange thing to keep working so we'll never know for sure. But since then I can stress my body much more than

File: David Jacobs - The Threat -


  • ve enough time to remove the "mass" they had implanted in her body. It all happened within one hour. How do the aliens monitor thoughts? They most probably do it through implants. Most abductees have alien implants, which they ha ve been describing for years, and which are high up in the nasal passage, possibly as deep as the optic nerve or the pituitary gland, in the ear, or in a sinus cavity. Abductees with

File: Dulce Book -


  • man dressed in black gave him a lift. The dashboard looked like a computer console. The MIB knew exactly where he wanted to be left off in front of the post office, but my friend had never told him. "ALIEN IMPLANTS -- In 1980 when I lived in Glendale, Arizona, I received a call from my friend Walter Baumgartner, who published a magazine of limited circulation called ENERGY UNLIMITED. Walter was a natural techn


  • oid and at times apparent Homo Sapiens. 4) A case history of an Encounter Victim in New Mexico which lead to the communication link and discovery that apparently all encounter victims have deliberate alien implants along with obvious accompanying scars. The victim's implants were verified by x-ray and Cat Scan. Five other scar cases were also verified. 5) Established constant direct communications with the Ali

File: Pentagon Aliens -


  • s and money behind it came from the CIA? As indivi duals who pride themselves as having truly ethical intellects, it should be an im portant part of the skeptic agenda to identify and drive out this "alien implant ", which has been using them to carry out the CIA's campaign of lies for too long. It takes an outsider like me to tell them about it. The 21st century should be a "flying saucer economy". The people

File: Valdamar Valerian - Matrix III Volume 1 -


  • nd what they ray have planned for humans in the coring yeers. Tbere an overviews of the processes and rationale for implanting humans, as well as cmss-sections and tecbnid data gleaned from extracted alien implants during 1991. Elcctnmic space societies (wbicb the bvth will become in the near future) are discussed. lk book ha an incredible spectrum of information hut alien influence on human society, historica

File: Valdamar Valerian - Matrix V Gold Edition Volume I _ Quest of the Spirit - The Ultimate Frontier (2003, Leading Edge Research Group) -


  • y are ‘not whole within themselves’. They need 'my other half. Today it's 'soul mate' (New Age religions) that is the catch phrase because they believe they are not whole within themselves. These are alien implanted lies, BUT part of The Game. So the male 'has' to have a female ‘to be whole’ and vise versa. A mormon church leader stated that any man who wasn't married by age 25 is a 'danger to society'. Where'


  • amanistic techniques from my Native American teacher. The September events at Monroe and my intensive research (I was reading MATRIX II at the time) suddenly prompted me to ask my teacher if I had an alien implant in me. She told me to ask the Brazilian shaman who was also in our small group. When I first asked him, he laughed and said he didn’t think there was anything, but he’d look just the same using psych


  • in probably any book existing on the planet, with additional data on the dominant reptilian species. There are implant devices, as well as technical data gleaned from analysis of both government and alien implant devices during 1991. This book is the death-knell for planetary domination systems and its accompanying social control systems (which are expanded on in Matrix III). It spells the end of classical "u

File: William Cooper - Behold A Pale Horse -


  • ...................... 361 Appendix A William Cooper's Military Service Record .................. 381 Appendix B UFOs and Area 51 ...................................................... 397 Appendix C Alien Implants .......................................................... 442 Appendix D AIDS ............................................................................. 445 Appendix E New World Order ..........




  • APPENDIX C Alien Implants • 443

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