The Church of God

Found in 102 Books

File: A.E. Waite - The Secret Doctrine In Israel -


  • g to transubstantiation." Under all these considerations, not to speak of many others of similar purport and intention, we can under stand that the Kabalistic Community of Israel is re garded as the Church of God, in the sense of the Christian Church. When it is said to be above, it is 1 Z., Ft. Ill, fol. i8o.b; DE PAULY, V, 496. Seven firmaments, seven palaces, six directions, and five pathways issue from th

File: A.E. Waite - The Templar Orders In Freemasonry -


  • wing to obvious difficulties is said to have ended by furnishing patents at need; (2) in the Military Order of Hospitallers of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalern, he undertook, as in others, to protect the Church of God, with which may be compared modern Masonic injunctions in the Temple and Holy Sepulchre to maintain and defend the Holy Christian Faith; (3) again at his Knighting he was "made, created and constitut

File: Alice A. Bailey, Djwhal Khul - Reappearance of the Christ (15 Aug 2012, Lucis Publishing Companies) -

  • t impression of theChrist, in leading humanity [66] from darkness to light and from death toimmortality.These are the great underlying truths which are distinctive of the Christ, ofthe Buddha, and of the Church of God, as it expresses itself in the East and inthe West; these are the only truths which matter. In the future, the eyes ofhumanity will be fixed upon Christ and not upon any such manmade institutions ast

File: amdusa_r1 -


  • fire and the elem ents shall m elt with fervent heat. [This part m ay be om itted if desired. If used, CO and Candidate stand to side, facing Altar] . N - Son Japhet, of what was the Ark a type ? J - The church of God. N - Of what was it composed ? J - Of Gopher wood that was lasting and incorruptible. N - Why so ? J - Because goodness and righteousness are alone everlasting. N - Son Shem , how was entrance obtain

File: kt_tacmanual -


  • Iii illin >.‘ Onward, Cliristlall So1~1ters,. Rev. S. BAi?mNe—Gou, ii Jos. HAYDN. Arr. Onward, Clii istian sol-diers, Marching to the war, 2. Like a mighty arm - y Moves the church of God, 3. Onward, then, ye peo -pie, Join our hap-py throng, ___ __ F~E~Z1 With the cross of Je - sums, Go - ing on be - fore; Brothers, we are tread - itig, Where time Saints have trod, Blend with ours yo

File: Annie Besant - Esoteric Christianity -


  • teachings of Jesus were preserved in the Church, and refers specifically to the explanations that He gave to His disciples of His parables, in answering Celsus' comparison of "the inner Mysteries of the Church of God" with the Egyptian worship of Animals. " I have not yet spoken of the observance of all that is written in [Page 78] the Gospels, each one of which contains much doctrine difficult to be understood,

File: Mazzaroth -


  • lanets, the inventors of the emblems of the signs. ON THE PLANET VENUS In the Egyptian Planisphere this planet is delineated as a woman, under her name Athor, she who cometh; the Christian Church, or the Church of God, in all ages. She is in a kneeling position under her house Taurus, seven stars, the Pleiades, before her. As after the time of the siege of Troy tradition says one vanished, this figure refers to a

File: Witness Of The Stars -


  • PISCES. 95 subject of prophecy. Not that the Church of God was an after-thought. No, it was a Divine secret, kept as only God Himself could keep it. The Bible therefore would have been complete (so far as the Old Testament prophecies are concerned) if the Ep


  • er only to the end of the Gentile possession of Jerusalem, and to the settlement of the Jews in their own city and land. These " times and seasons " have nothing what ever to do with " the Church of God" (i Thess. v. i). The mystical Body of Christ, whenever its members are complete, " will be taken up to meet the Lord the Head of the Body in the air, so to be ever with the Lord" (i T


  • ous of good works" (Titus ii. 13, 14). They will " look for the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ," from heaven, believing that there is no hope either for " the Jew, the Gentile, or the Church of God," or for a groaning creation, until " the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord ; and He shall send Jesus Christ, whom the heaven must receive until the times of rest



File: C W Leadbeater - The Science of the Sacraments -


  • eafter the Bishop (wearing his mitre, and holding his crosier in his left hand) lays his right hand on the head of the ordinand and says: Receive the Holy Ghost for the office and work of a deacon in the Church of God. At these words comes the downrush of the power; yet that term gives but an imperfect picture, for in reality that power flash es downward and upward many times with inconceivable rapidity, just as l


  • he thee with the vesture of gladness, and ever encompass thee with the dalmatic of justice. In the same holy Name, and with the same triple sign of power, he gives him authority to read the Gospel in the Church of God, both for the living and the dead. In each of these cases the threefold influence of which the Bishop is so especially the custodian is energized, poured forth, called strongly into manifestation , s


  • ones to Him through the gateway of baptism and to lift the heavy burden of the sorrow and sin of the world by the grace of absolution. Consider attentively what you do, imitate those things which in the Church of God it is your duty to handle and to transact. And forasmuch as you will now be called upon to offer the Holy Sacrifice before the throne of God, and to celebrate the sacred Mysteries of the Lord's love,


  • 1 and adoration, let your teaching be a spiritual remedy unto God's peo ple; let your words of blessing and consolation be their help and strength; let the sweet savour of your life be a fragrance in the Church of God. Thus both by word and deed may you fashion the temple of God, so that neither shall we appear blameworthy bef ore the Lord, who in His Name shall thus advance you, nor ye who shall thus be advanced;


  • ging the Veni Creator , and at once the Bishop rises from his knees and, laying both hands on the head of each new Priest in tu rn, says: Receive the Holy Ghost for the office and work of a Priest in the Church of God; whose sins thou dost forgive, they are forgiven; and whose sins thou dost retain, they are retained. We have already considered the effect produced by the down - pouri ng which accompanies these mom


  • lains, simultaneously and most solemnly lay both hands upon the head of the Bishop - elect (Plate 16), all sayin g slowly and distinctly: Receive the Holy Ghost for the office and work of a Bishop in the Church of God. Excepting only Hoc est Corpus Meum these are the most momentous words uttered in the Liturgy, and the down - pouring of divine force which they evoke is tremendous and indescribable. Referring once


  • h more efficient in its proper place. She also lengthens considerably the actual formula of consecration, which with her is as follows: Receive the Holy Ghost, for the Off ice and work of a Bishop in the Church of God, now committed unto thee by the imposition of our hands; In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. And remember that

File: Colin Wilson - Outsider -


  • was an occasion when he heard the Book of Job read in Church: 'Naked I came out of my mother's womb and naked shall I return to the earth .. .' and 'for the first time I understood something read in the Church of God' . It is the mystical sentiment of Blake's '(iQ, love without the help of anything on earth' ; the experience laid the foundation for Zossima's later religious fervour. Zossima's story of his youth s

File: Divine Comedy - Dante Alighieri - Illustrated -


  • punished, and the Whore scourged, for her aspirations in Italy, that is for turning her eye towards him. Purgatorio Canto XXXIII:1 - 57 . Beatrice implies that the Church is no longer recognisable as the Church of God, but nothing can save the guilty from Godís vengeance (Dante says no VRS will help: referring to the custom where a murderer could escape vendetta if he contrive d to eat a sop of bread and wine at t

File: David Icke - The Hidden Gears of Freemasonry -


  • , reports the same facts in his book, "The Magic Of Obelisks", Harper and Row, New York, 1982, ISBN 0-06-014899-3. There is an obelisk in St. Peter's Bascilica as well. You'll be shocked to know that the Church of God promotes Celibacy while displaying a sex act right outside of St Peter's Bascilica. The second obelisk was brought to America in 1881 from Alexandria, Egypt, and was placed in Central Park in New Yor

File: Emanuel Swedenborg - Posthumous Theological Works - Volume 2 -


  • is consummation or end of the church, it will be proclaimed from all pulpits, and the people will vociferate in all sanctuaries, ‘Here is the dwelling place of God! Here is the temple of God! Here is the church of God! Here is salvation! Here is the light of the Gospel!’ And they do not at all know that they are in mere darkness, and that they dream the dream of the age. This is because they believe that falsities

File: Ancient Mysteries And Modern Masonry -


  • stage of exoteric teaching, and who came to Him privately in the house. . . what we have said is sufficient by way of answer to the unphilosophic sneers of Celsus, in comparing the inner mysteries of the church of God to the cats and apes, and croco- diles, and goats, and dogs of Egypt." (Origen Against Celsus, Book III, Ch. XXL} A little further on in the same Book he again says, "And if you come to the books wri

File: Born In Blood - The Lost Secrets Of Freemasonry -


  • 150 lORN IN BLOOD If they do not,.to take them is blasphemy. If they do mean to abide by them, they are sworn to perform deeds, not only the most injurious to society, to government, and the Church of God of any .that can well be named, but they swear, in case of the violation of any point of these obligations, to seek to have the penalties inflicted on the violator. In other words, in such a case, th

File: Character, Claims And Practical Workings Of Freemasonry -


  • bide by them, or they do not. If they do not, to take them is blasp hemy. If they do mean to abide by them, they are sworn to perform deeds, not only the most injurious to society, to government, and the church of God of any that can well be named, but they swear, in case of the violation of any point of these obligations, to seek to have the penalties inflicted on the violator. In other words, in such a case, the


  • asons. It is evident that th ey are aiming to seize upon the government, and to wield it in their own interest. They are fast doing this, and unless the nation awake soon it will be too late. And let the church of God also awake to the fact that many of her ministers and members are u niting with a society so selfish and wicked as this, and are defending it, and are ready to persecute all who will not unite with t


  • 83 missions, for the conversion of the world, for the salvation of the souls of men? What! compare t hemselves boastfully with the Church of God, as being more benevolent than Christians? The fact is, the Church of Christ has done ten thousand times as much for humanity as they have ever done. And she has not done it on the principle of a mut


  • ight, which, in his providence, is afforded them. This, indeed, is law universal, equally applicable to all moral agents, at all times and in a ll places. But at present I consider its application to the Church of God. If any particular branch of the church has better means of information, and therefore more light on moral questions, than another branch, its responsibility is greater, in proportio n to its greater

File: Charles H. Vail - Ancient Mysteries and Modern Masonry -


  • stage of exoteric teaching, and who came to Him privately in the house. . . what we have said is sufficient by way of answer to the unphilosophic sneers of Celsus, in comparing the inner mysteries of the church of God to the cats and apes, and crocodiles, and goats, and dogs of Egypt." (Origen Against Celsus, Book III, Ch. XXI.) A little further on in the same Book he again says, "And if you come to the books writ

File: Freemason Bible -

  • 5_2] 851. witufe™ Of fta WK. [chap_0168.xhtml#n815_3] 852. P AUL, “called to fie an apostle of Jesus Christ * through the will of God, and 'Sosthenes our brother, [chap_0168.xhtml#n815_4] 853. 2 Unto the church of God which is at Corinth, 'to them that 'are sanctified in Christ Jesus*-^called tv be saints, with all that in every place 'call upon the name of Joans Christ *our Lord, ‘both theirs and ours: [chap_0168

  • n,27 For *1 have not shunned to declare unto yon all 'the counsel of God.23 TP Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock over the whichthe Holy Ghost 'hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God,“which hehath purchased "with his own blood.29 For I know this* that after my departing * shall grievous wolves enter iuamong you* uot sparing the flock.30 Also * of your own selves shall men arise*

  • - of all the apcistios.8 "And last of all he was seen of me also, as of Hone born out of due time.9 For I am ‘the least of the apostles, that am not meet to be called an apostle,because *1 persecuted the church of God,rt'Lw.nj.'FsiAn vj:dm■ FA TV V AII £1VXM C.M 7 C ' THlRDBECffESOFFATlM.Resurrection proved by Christ's 1* CORINTHIANS ? 16[Consecutive Chapter 1078]l-nfi.-i.POMJfflHl10 But J'by the grace of God I am

  • ther received it of man, neither was 1 taught ^ but 'by therevelation of Jesus Christ.13 For ye have heard of my conversation in time [Mist in the Jews' religion, howthat "beyond measure I persecuted the church of God, and '‘wastedit;14 And profited in the Jews'religion above many my t equals in mine own nation.,■'being more exceed* ingly zealous ’ of the traditions of my fathers, it Butwhen it pleased God, “who s

  • ent; not a brawler* not covetous;4 "One that ruloth well his own house*''having his children in subjection withall gravity;5 [For if a man know not how to rule his own house, how shall he bike care ofthe church of God ?)G Not II a novice, lest being lifted up with pride ■"he fall into thecondemnation of the devil.7 Moreover, he must have a good report “of them which are without; lest he tallinto reproach J aud the

  • u, d. mo, 4 him that sent me. Hi. 9, righteous* and 4others,Horn* 2, 4 d. thou the riches of his good cut*.1 par. 1. 2ft, things cf. God hath cho»en.I, IQ, ye aro hondtitable. hut weans 411. 22, 4 ye the church of God.16 11 Sot no hub therefore d. him.1 TlW*. 4. 3, 4 not hLan, butCod,1Them 4 20, d. nS* piuphwlnga.1 Tim. 4. 12, let no man 4 thy ypnUb. fl. 2, not 4. h*'G3iiii*« brethren, m t3ft. let no loan 4 thee.U

File: Freemason Bible -

  • 5_2] 851. witufe™ Of fta WK. [chap_0168.xhtml#n815_3] 852. P AUL, “called to fie an apostle of Jesus Christ * through the will of God, and 'Sosthenes our brother, [chap_0168.xhtml#n815_4] 853. 2 Unto the church of God which is at Corinth, 'to them that 'are sanctified in Christ Jesus*-^called tv be saints, with all that in every place 'call upon the name of Joans Christ *our Lord, ‘both theirs and ours: [chap_0168

  • n,27 For *1 have not shunned to declare unto yon all 'the counsel of God.23 TP Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock over the whichthe Holy Ghost 'hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God,“which hehath purchased "with his own blood.29 For I know this* that after my departing * shall grievous wolves enter iuamong you* uot sparing the flock.30 Also * of your own selves shall men arise*

  • - of all the apcistios.8 "And last of all he was seen of me also, as of Hone born out of due time.9 For I am ‘the least of the apostles, that am not meet to be called an apostle,because *1 persecuted the church of God,rt'Lw.nj.'FsiAn vj:dm■ FA TV V AII £1VXM C.M 7 C ' THlRDBECffESOFFATlM.Resurrection proved by Christ's 1* CORINTHIANS ? 16[Consecutive Chapter 1078]l-nfi.-i.POMJfflHl10 But J'by the grace of God I am

  • ther received it of man, neither was 1 taught ^ but 'by therevelation of Jesus Christ.13 For ye have heard of my conversation in time [Mist in the Jews' religion, howthat "beyond measure I persecuted the church of God, and '‘wastedit;14 And profited in the Jews'religion above many my t equals in mine own nation.,■'being more exceed* ingly zealous ’ of the traditions of my fathers, it Butwhen it pleased God, “who s

  • ent; not a brawler* not covetous;4 "One that ruloth well his own house*''having his children in subjection withall gravity;5 [For if a man know not how to rule his own house, how shall he bike care ofthe church of God ?)G Not II a novice, lest being lifted up with pride ■"he fall into thecondemnation of the devil.7 Moreover, he must have a good report “of them which are without; lest he tallinto reproach J aud the

  • u, d. mo, 4 him that sent me. Hi. 9, righteous* and 4others,Horn* 2, 4 d. thou the riches of his good cut*.1 par. 1. 2ft, things cf. God hath cho»en.I, IQ, ye aro hondtitable. hut weans 411. 22, 4 ye the church of God.16 11 Sot no hub therefore d. him.1 TlW*. 4. 3, 4 not hLan, butCod,1Them 4 20, d. nS* piuphwlnga.1 Tim. 4. 12, let no man 4 thy ypnUb. fl. 2, not 4. h*'G3iiii*« brethren, m t3ft. let no loan 4 thee.U

File: Grand Orient Freemasonry Unmasked -


  • ne side is the Church of 'men of goodwill', one, holy, visible and universal; on the other, the ecclesia malignantium, as the Scriptures call it, the Church of men of evil will; one in enmity against the Church of God, though manifold as the multiplicity of evil; unholy in thought, word, deed, intention and will; invisible because secr et, stealthy, subterraneous, working out of sight, and in darkness undermining


  • or loathing of that frightful crim e, but simply because it is not the best policy. He certainly did fall in upon the only blow that could—if that were possib le, which, thank God, it is not —destroy the Church of God, and place, as he well says, Catholicism in the tomb. This is a translation of the document:— C ASTELLAMARE , 9th August, 1838. "The murders of which our people render themselves culpable now in Fran

File: Hidden Gears Of Freemasonry -


  • , reports the same facts in his book, "The Magic Of Obelisks", Harper and Row, New York, 1982, ISBN 0-06-014899-3. There is an obelisk in St. Peter's Bascilica as well. You'll be shocked to know that the Church of God promotes Celibacy while displaying a sex act right outside of St Peter's Bascilica. The second obelisk was brought to America in 1881 from Alexandria, Egypt, and was placed in Central Park in New Yor

File: John Sherer - The Masonic Ladder - or the Nine Steps to Ancient Freemasonry -


  • he most extraordinary man that ever lived. There is one use to be made of the Burning Bush as an emblem, too direct and striking to be overlooked. As this Bush, although on fire, was not consumed, so the Church of God, and, in the same allegory, the Masonic institution, though, from age to age, burning under the fires of persecution, have never been consumed. Nor can they be. God is in them " the God of Abraham, a

File: W.G. Sibley - The Story of Freemasonry -


  • 65, 1869 and 1873; and by Leo XIII in 1884, 1890 and 1892. The papal allocution of 1865 pronouncesFree- masonry^monstrous, impious and criminal, full of snares and frauds a dark society; the enemy of the Church of God, and dangerous to the security of Kingdoms; inflamed with a burning hatred against religious and legiti- mate authority, and desirous of overthrowing all rights human and divine." The epistle of 1873


  • uel, then king of Italy and grand master of Masons in that country, was sent all over the Masonic world. The encyclical "Humanus genus" of 1884 de- clared that the Masonic order sought to over- throw the church of God,which insane desire was recognized by the Pope as the quench- less hate and thirst for revenge of Satan against God. The immediate effect of this was to convince the credulous that Masonry was Devil-

File: Fritz Springmeier - How The Illuminati Create An Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave -

  • RTH AS LAMBSAMONG WOLVES." Lk. 10:3The Apostle Paul warned Christian leaders,"Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which theHoly Spirit hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he hathpurchased with his own blood. For I know this, that after my departing shallgrievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock." Acts 20:28-29Bill Clinton, some senators, and Bil

File: Fritz Springmeier - The Illuminati Formula Used To Create An Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave -


  • AS LAMBS AMONG WOLVES." Lk. 10:3 The Apostle Paul warned Christian leaders, "Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Spirit hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood. For I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock." Acts 20:28-29 Bill Clinton, some senators, and

File: Fritz Springmeier - The Illuminati Formula -


  • AS LAMBS AMONG WOLVES." Lk. 10:3 The Apostle Paul warned Christian leaders, "Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Spirit hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood. For I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock." Acts 20:28-29 Bill Clinton, some senators, and

File: G.R.S. Mead - Fragments Of A Faith Forgotten -


  • vi. From the Letter on the Community of Friends. Concerning the People of the Beloved. "Many of these things which are written in the public volumes, are found written in the Church of God. For those teachings which are common, are the words which proceed from the heart, the law written in the heart. This is the People of the Beloved who are loved by and love Him." Clement assumes that

File: Geoffrey Hodson - Hidden Wisdom In The Holy Bible -


  • is writings, in which he uses phrases from mystery rituals, also expresses contrition in his words: "For 1 am the least of the apostles, that am not meet to be called an apostle, because 1 persecuted the church of God."1 This humility is repeated in his Epistle to the Ephesians: "Unto me, wl:!o am less than the least of all saints, is this grace given, that I should preach among the Gentiles the unsearchable riche

File: Gnostic Gospels - Elaine Pagels -


  • o became incarnate, suffered, died, and rose bodily from the dead. Outside of this church there is no salvation: "she is the entrance to life; all others are thieves and robbers." 19 As spokesman for the church of God, Irenaeus insists that those he calls heretics stand outside the church. All who reject his version of Christian truth are "false persons, evil seducers, and hypocrites" who "speak to the multitude a

File: Queen Of Sheba And Her Only Son Menyelek -


  • ars. And afterwards, Satan, who hath been the enemy of man from of old, rose up, and seduced the people of the country of Rômê, and they corrupted the Faith of Christ, and they introduced heresy into the Church of God by the mouth of Nestorius. And Nestorius, and Arius, and Yabâsô (?) were those into whose hearts he cast the same jealousy as he had cast into the heart of Cain to slay his brother Abel. In like mann

File: H. G. Wells - Complete Works of H. G. Wells (2011 , Delphi Classics) -

  • t. The utmost theydo is to avert their minds — reverentially. Credo quia impossibile. That isoffensive to a Western mind. I can quite understand the disposition to cry outat such things, ‘This is not the Church of God!’ — to run out from it —“You have some dream, I suspect, of a dramatic dissidence.“Now, my dear Brother and erstwhile pupil, I ask you not to do this thing. Wait,I implore you. Give me — and some oth

File: History_Food -


  • e Lord, and the cup of devils . . .’ He adds: ‘Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God. Give none offence, neither to the Jews, nor to the Gentiles, nor to the church of God.’ You may drink, he is saying, but create no uproar after drinking. 229 ‘The messengers sent by Moses to the land of Canaan returning with bunches of grapes’: woodcut from La Bible historice , transl

File: Joseph Campbell - Masks Of God - Volume 4 - Creative Mythology -


  • i~ not the Lord's Supper that you eat. For in eating each one goes ahead with his own meal, and one is hungry and another is drunk. What! Do you not have houses to eat and drink in? Or do you despise the Church of God and humiliate those who have nothing?" 123 Forty years later (c. 93-96), in the Book of Revelation, the voice of the resurrected Christ himself was to be heard chastising the congregation of Thyatira

File: Secret Doctrine in Israel - A Study of the Zohar and its Connections -


  • g to transubstantiation." Under all these considerations, not to speak of many others of similar purport and intention, we can under stand that the Kabalistic Community of Israel is re garded as the Church of God, in the sense of the Christian Church. When it is said to be above, it is 1 Z., Ft. Ill, fol. i8o.b; DE PAULY, V, 496. Seven firmaments, seven palaces, six directions, and five pathways issue from th

File: Lysander Spooner - Let's Abolish Government -


  • 104 TRIAL BY JURY. (And the king shall answer,) I do concede, and will pre- serve them, and confirm them by my oath. Will you preserve to the church of God, the clergy, and the people, entire peace and harmony in God, according to your powers'? (And the king shall answer,) I will. In all your judgments, will you cause equal and right justice and discret

File: Lysander Spooner - Trial By Jury -

  • stoms, and libertiesconceded to the clergy and people by the illustrious king Edward?(And the king shall answer,) I do concede, and will preserve them, and confirmthem by my oath.Will you preserve to the church of God, the clergy, and the people, entire peaceand harmony in God, according to your powers?(And the king shall answer,) I will.In all your judgments, will you cause equal and right justice and discretion

File: MUFON Journal - July 1991 -


  • n the tape initially, is the UFO. Although the initial date on the tape is March 10, the later and ac- tual date is March 15, 1991. Mr. Thurman is a self-employed building contractor and Minister for the Church of God. He also works part time for the Sheriffs department and has some of the newer radio gear in his pickup truck, in addition to other scan- ning equipment in his home. Mrs. Thurman is a housewife. Both

File: Michael Tsarion - Irish Origins Of Civilization - Volume 1 -


  • A striking Christian image entitled Ecclesia , or "Church." On the crown worn by the figure representing the Church of God, we see the fleur - de - lis, a cardinal goddess symbol. We also see many starry motifs. Streams of living water flow from the body of the "Church" to nourish the needy and the believers, which inclu



  • as easily let loose the Papal Powers of Europe , to take vengeance upon us for our criminal fawning upon the Papacy. 3. But, further, if the views established in this work be correct, it is time that the Church of God were aroused. Are the witnes ses still to be slain, and has the Image of the Beast only within the last year or two been set up, at whose instigation the bloody work is to be done? Is this, then, the



  • n which he charged Stephen with "pride and impertinence, self-contradi ction and ignorance, with indifference, obstinacy, and childishness," and called him "a favorer and abe ttor of heretics against the church of God." -- Bower.15 Stephen died August 2, A. D. 257, and thus was stopped the generous flow of pious phrases. Stephen was succeeded by Sixtus II, who held the o ffice about a year, and was put to death in


  • n of the impious power of the tyrants by the might of God our Saviour, let not the spirit of evil overwhelm the divine law with blasphemies; for to me far worse than any war or battle is the civil of the church of God; yes, far more painful than the wars which have raged without. As, then, by the assent and co-operation of a higher power I have gain ed my victories over my enemies, I thought that nothing remained


  • upon selling goods near the temple on the Sabbath, and Nehemiah compelled the officers of the law to do their duty, an d stop it. So we can compel the officers of the law to do their duty. . . . When the church of God aw akes and does its duty on one side, and the State on the other, we shall have no further trouble in this matter." Yes; we all know how it was before. The gentle Albigenses in the South of France g

File: Essential Nostradamus -


  • “That she will out­ shine every law of the Sun.” 73. Persecutee sera de Dieu l’Eglise, Et les sainctz temples seront expoliez: L’enfant la mere mettra nud en chemise, Seront Arabes aux Polons raliez. The church of God shall be persecuted, And the holy temples shall be despoiled:

File: Nostradamus - Complete Quatrains illustrated -


  • essenger come late along the Rhône. 72 For the pleasure of the voluptuous edict, One will mix poison in the faith: Venus will be in a course so virtuous As to becloud the whole quality of the Sun. 73 The Church of God will be persecuted, And the holy Temples will be plundered,

File: Nostradamus - Complete Works -


  • to becloud the whol e quality of the Sun. LXXIII. Persecutee sera de Dieu l'Eglise, Et les saincts Temples seront expoliez, L'enfant la mere mettra nud en chemise, Seront Arabes aux Pollons ralliez. The Church of God will be persecuted, And the holy Temples will be plundered, The child will put his mother out in her shift, Arabs will be allied with the Poles. LXXIV. De sang Troyen naistra coeur, Germanique Qui de

File: Nostradamus - Prophecies -


  • s to becloud the whole quality of the Sun. LXXIII. Persecutee sera de Dieu l'Eglise, Et les saincts Temples seront expoliez, L'enfant la mere mettra nud en chemise, Seront Arabes aux Pollons ralliez. The Church of God will be persecuted, And the holy Temples will b e plundered, The child will put his mother out in her shift, Arabs will be allied with the Poles. LXXIV. De sang Troyen naistra coeur, Germanique Qui d

File: Encyclopedia Of Occultism And Parapsychology Vol 2 -


  • tan Spiritual Churches of Christ were founded in Kansas City in 1925 by Bishop William Frank Tay- lor (formerly a minister in the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church) and Elder Leviticus Boswell (of the Church of God in Christ). It grew quickly and soon had congregations across the Midwest and one in California. In 1942, shortly before Taylor’s death, the Metropolitan Churches merged with the Spiritual Churches o


  • black congregation that became the center from which the movement spread to the world. It eventually took or- ganizational form in a number of denominational bodies such as the Assemblies of God and the Church of God (Cleveland, Tennessee). It is a doctrine of Pentecostals that every person who re- ceives the baptism of the Holy Spirit will initially speak in tongues, and then subsequently manifest one or more of


  • n Indian tribes have dances in which live snakes are carried, while the Yokut shamans of central California handled rattlesnakes at public ceremonies. In the early twentieth century, among members of the Church of God (Cleveland, Tennessee), one of the early Pente- costal churches to emerge in the Appalachian Mountains of the American Southeast, the handling of poisonous snakes took on a new life and importance. T


  • e Universal Hagar’s Spiritual Church, and in 1925 William Frank Taylor and Leviticus L. Boswell founded the Metropolitan Spiritual Churches of Christ in Kansas City. Also founded in the mid-1920s was the Church of God in David (later the Spiri- tual Israel Church and Its Army). The spiritual movement is quite diverse. It mixes Protes- tantism, Spiritualism, and various elements of popular folk reli- gions. Individ


  • rch within the African American com- munity of the United States, are somewhat obscure. It seems to have begun with the absorption of black Jewish ideas by Derk Field, a black Alabama man who founded the Church of God in David. Along the way he met a man named W. D. Dickson, who eventually succeeded him as head of the church. Dickson took the title ‘‘King of All Israel.’’ According to the Spiritual Is- raelites, F

File: Encyclopedia Of The Unusual & Unexplained Vol 1 -


  • th new tongues. In addi- tion, believers “shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them” (Mark 16:17–18). In 1909, Reverend George Went Hensley (c. 1870s–1955) of the Church of God in Grasshopper, Tennessee, began to teach that those verses in Mark should be taken literally. If believers truly had the Holy Spirit within them, he argued from the pulpit, they should be able to ha


  • the practice. Other Pentecostal churches followed suit and discouraged their members from test- ing the Holy Spirit by picking up venomous snakes or drinking poison. Undaunted, Hens- ley established the Church of God with Signs Following. Some researchers of the religious snake handling phenomenon state that the practice sprang up independently on Sand Mountain, Alabama, around 1912 without any assistance from Ge

File: Paranormal 27 -


  • owers, all infernal invaders, all wicked le- gions, assemblies and sects; in the Name Make the Sign of the Cross and by the power of our Lord Jesus Christ, do may you be snatched away and driven from the Church of God Make the Sign of the Cross and from the souls made to the image and likeness of God and redeemed by the Precious Blood of the Divine Lamb. Most cunning serpent, you shall no more dare to deceive the


  • owers, all infernal invaders, all wicked le- gions, assemblies and sects; in the Name Make the Sign of the Cross and by the power of our Lord Jesus Christ, do may you be snatched away and driven from the Church of God Make the Sign of the Cross and from the souls made to the image and likeness of God and redeemed by the Precious Blood of the Divine Lamb. Most cunning serpent, you shall no more dare to deceive the


  • owers, all infernal invaders, all wicked le- gions, assemblies and sects; in the Name Make the Sign of the Cross and by the power of our Lord Jesus Christ, do may you be snatched away and driven from the Church of God Make the Sign of the Cross and from the souls made to the image and likeness of God and redeemed by the Precious Blood of the Divine Lamb. Most cunning serpent, you shall no more dare to deceive the

File: Secret Teachings Of All Ages - Manly P. Hall -


  • purely mythical, Pliny describes the capture of one of these birds and it exhibition in the Roman Forum during the reign of the Emperor Claudius. p. 90 from the days of Noah by all those who were of the Church of God. The prophet sent to Ninevah as God's messenger was called Jonah or the Dove; our Lord's forerunner, the Baptist, was called in Greek by the name of Ioannes; and so was the Apostle of Love, the autho

File: Wouter J. Hanegraaff - Dictionary of Gnosis and Western Esotericism -


  • the primacy of Christian revelation: ‘if, by taking away secretly, so to speak, the rich spoils from their illegal possessors, the Egyptians, and by elevating yourselves with their riches, you enrich the Church of God, then I no longer advise against pagan literature, but I recommend it to you’. In Turin, his last Italian stay, he lectured on the Epis- tles of Paul in 1516: it was to be his last appearance in a un

File: David Icke - The Hidden Gears of Freemasonry -


  • , reports the same facts in his book, "The Magic Of Obelisks", Harper and Row, New York, 1982, ISBN 0-06-014899-3. There is an obelisk in St. Peter's Bascilica as well. You'll be shocked to know that the Church of God promotes Celibacy while displaying a sex act right outside of St Peter's Bascilica. The second obelisk was brought to America in 1881 from Alexandria, Egypt, and was placed in Central Park in New Yor

File: Dillon - Grand Orient Freemasonry Unmasked - As the Secret Power Behind Communism (1965) -


  • ne side is the Church of 'men of goodwill', one, holy, visible and universal; on the other, the ecclesia malignantium, as the Scriptures call it, the Church of men of evil will; one in enmity against the Church of God, though manifold as the multiplicity of evil; unholy in thought, word, deed, intention and will; invisible because secr et, stealthy, subterraneous, working out of sight, and in darkness undermining


  • or loathing of that frightful crim e, but simply because it is not the best policy. He certainly did fall in upon the only blow that could—if that were possib le, which, thank God, it is not —destroy the Church of God, and place, as he well says, Catholicism in the tomb. This is a translation of the document:— C ASTELLAMARE , 9th August, 1838. "The murders of which our people render themselves culpable now in Fran

File: Illuminati Handbook -


  • E 4: ILL UMINA TI FRONTGROUPS: Updated 12 Februar y 1999 F reemasonry The Rosicrucians The Golden Dawn O T O AMORC The Great White Brotherhood The Knight T emplars The Theosophists The Anthrosophists The Church of God The Moonies Ishtar The T emple Order of Bahomet K u Klux Klan Microsoft IBM ITT CBS ABC Harvard University London School of Economics W orld Oil Companies F ederal Reserve International Monetary F un

File: Manly P. Hall - The Secret Teachings of All Ages (1928) -


  • purely mythical, Pliny describes the capture of one of these birds and it exhibition in the Roman Forum during the reign of the Emperor Claudius. p. 90 from the days of Noah by all those who were of the Church of God. The prophet sent to Ninevah as God's messenger was called Jonah or the Dove; our Lord's forerunner, the Baptist, was called in Greek by the name of Ioannes; and so was the Apostle of Love, the autho

File: Medieval Law And The Foundations Of The State -


  • terful tone of the statutes of the council William summoned to Lillebonne at Pentecost 1080. There, ‘by the king’s foresight and the advice of his barons effective provision was made for the state of the church of God and of the whole realm.’ First of all the truce of God was renewed, and this time the bishop was instructed to enforce it: but if his sentence was disobeyed, the offender’s lord should compel him to

File: Propaganda and Mass Persuasion-1576078205 -


  • tice and nailed it to the cathedral door in Wit- tenberg, with others soon rallying to adopt his position. He developed his case against the Vat- ican in such works as On the Babylonist Captivity of the Church of God (1520). With the German states in an uproar over Luther’s ideas, Protes- tant doctrine was codified in the Augsburg Confession of 1530. Luther was a gifted preacher and writer whose output included l

File: Birth Of Satan -


  • d not receive it from a human source, nor was I taught it, but I received it through a revelation of Jesus Christ. You have heard, no doubt, of my earlier life in Judaism. I was violently persecuting the church of God and was trying to destroy it. I advanced in Ju- daism beyond many among my people of the same age, for I was far more zealous for the traditions of my ancestors. But when God, who had set me apart be

File: Caesar's Messiah - The Roman Conspiracy To Invent Jesus -


  • to give orders to the church of Corinth, and that the church of Rome used the Roman army as an example of the kind of di scipline and obedience that it expected from other churches and their members. The Church of God which sojourneth in Rome to the C hurch of God which sojourneth in Corinth, 15 Let us mark the sol- diers that are enlisted under our rulers, how exact ly, how readily, how submissively, they execute

File: Encyclopedia Of Science And Religion -


  • ticing the various sciences. At the beginning of the second century of the Pentecostal “reformation,” with over a million churches throughout the world, one of the classical Pentecostal institutions, the Church of God Theological Seminary in Cleveland, Ten- nessee, now offers a Master of Divinity and Doctor of Ministry course in Theology and Science. See also C REATIONISM ; S PIRITUALITY ; S PIRITUALITY AND F AITH

File: Guillen, Monsenor Dr. Rafael Rodriguez - The Vatican's Mafia (2003) -


  • , where the bishop and Christian's Godly conduct in relation to sex is clearly require d; for the apostle Paul says that . . . "if a man know not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care o f the church of God?" In chapter IV he documents the Pope Gregory VII and his favorite lover the countes s Matilde de Toscana. In chapter V the history of pop e Clement V Avignon and his lover Juana de Napoles and how s

File: Hidden Dangers Of The Rainbow -


  • 260-year period. This "apostasy" would reveal the "Man of Perdition," whom they believed to be the Catholic pope. Therefore the Millerites and similar religious @ 36. movements, which have influenced the Church of God and the Seventh Day Adventist Church of today, lived in confidence that the imminent return of the Lord was near. Many other Protestant movements similarly believed these prophecies met fulfillment i

File: Misquoting Jesus - The Story Behind Who Changed The Bible And Why -


  • 114 M ISQUOTING J ESUS passage in Acts 20:28, which in many manuscripts speaks of "the Church of God, which he obtained by his own blood." Here again, Jesus ap­ pears to be spoken of as God. But in Codex Alexandrinus and some other manuscripts, the text instead speaks of "the Church of the Lord, whi

File: The Vatican's Mafia - Guillen, 2003 -


  • , where the bishop and Christian's Godly conduct in relation to sex is clearly require d; for the apostle Paul says that . . . "if a man know not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care o f the church of God?" In chapter IV he documents the Pope Gregory VII and his favorite lover the countes s Matilde de Toscana. In chapter V the history of pop e Clement V Avignon and his lover Juana de Napoles and how s

File: Vatican Assassins -


  • be done, and perhaps much to suffer, it is here [ England ]; were it [ heresy ] conquered in England, it would be c onquered throughout the world. All its lines m eet here; and, therefore in England, the Church of God [ Rome ] mu st b e gathered in all its strength.” { 2 } Henry Cardinal Manning, 1880 Archbishop of Westminster “To-day the Jesuit [ in England ] is to all intents and purposes m aster of the situatio

File: Vatican's Holocaust -


  • cument, dated as late as May 8, 1944, His Eminence Archbishop Stepinac, head of the Catholic Hierarchy, in fact, informed the Holy Father that to date " 244,000 Orthodox Serbs" had been "converted to the Church of God." [3] Monks and Friars were the backbone of the policy of forcible conversions. Many participated in acts of terrorism. E.g. Simi c Vjeckoslav, a Monk of the monastery at Knin, who killed dozens of O

File: Vatican's Mafia -


  • , where the bishop and Christian's Godly conduct in relation to sex is clearly require d; for the apostle Paul says that . . . "if a man know not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care o f the church of God?" In chapter IV he documents the Pope Gregory VII and his favorite lover the countes s Matilde de Toscana. In chapter V the history of pop e Clement V Avignon and his lover Juana de Napoles and how s

File: War Of Antichrist With The Church -


  • ne side is the Church of 'men of goodwill', one, holy, visible and universal; on the other, the ecclesia malignantium, as the Scriptures call it, the Church of men of evil will; one in enmity against the Church of God, though manifold as the multiplicity of evil; unholy in thought, word, deed, intention and will; invisible because secr et, stealthy, subterraneous, working out of sight, and in darkness undermining


  • or loathing of that frightful crim e, but simply because it is not the best policy. He certainly did fall in upon the only blow that could—if that were possib le, which, thank God, it is not —destroy the Church of God, and place, as he well says, Catholicism in the tomb. This is a translation of the document:— C ASTELLAMARE , 9th August, 1838. "The murders of which our people render themselves culpable now in Fran

File: Whose Bible Is It - Short History Of The Scriptures -


  • tising Jew: how savagely I persecuted the church of God and tried to destroy it; and how in the practice of our national religion I out- stripped most of my Jewish contemporaries by my boundless devo- tion to the traditions of my ancestors.” A “heavenly v

File: 44 - Acts -


  • 27 For I have not shunned to declare unto you all the counsel of God. 020:028 Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood. 020:029 For I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock. 020:030 Also of your own selves shall me

File: 46 - 1 Corinthians -


  • Book 46 : 1 Corinthians − Chapter 001 001:001 Paul called to be an apostle of Jesus Christ through the will of God, and Sosthenes our brother, 001:002 Unto the church of God which is at Corinth, to them that are sanctified in Christ Jesus, called to be saints, with all that in every place call upon the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, both their's and our's: 001:003 Grace


  • that for which I give thanks? 010:031 Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God. 010:032 Give none offence, neither to the Jews, nor to the Gentiles, nor to the church of God: 010:033 Even as I please all men in all things, not seeking mine own profit, but the profit of many, that they may be saved. −− Book 46 : 1 Corinthians − Chapter 010 −− Book 46 : 1 Corinthians − Cha


  • he Lord's supper. 011:021 For in eating every one taketh before other his own supper: and one is hungry, and another is drunken. 011:022 What? have ye not houses to eat and to drink in? or despise ye the church of God, and shame them that have not? What shall I say to you? shall I praise you in this? I praise you not. 011:023 For I have received of the Lord that which also I delivered unto you, That the Lord Jesus


  • For I am the least of the apostles, that am not meet to be called an apostle, because I persecuted the church of God. 015:010 But by the grace of God I am what I am: and his grace which was bestowed upon me was not in vain; but I laboured more abundantly than they all: yet not I, but the grace of God which was with

File: 47 - 2 Corinthians -


  • Book 47 : 2 Corinthians − Chapter 001 001:001 Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God, and Timothy our brother, unto the church of God which is at Corinth, with all the saints which are in all Achaia: 001:002 Grace be to you and peace from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ. 001:003 Blessed be God, even the Father of our

File: 48 - Galatians -


  • ceived it of man, neither was I taught it, but by the revelation of Jesus Christ. 001:013 For ye have heard of my conversation in time past in the Jews' religion, how that beyond measure I persecuted the church of God, and wasted it: 001:014 And profited in the Jews' religion above many my equals in mine own nation, being more exceedingly zealous of the traditions of my fathers. 001:015 But when it pleased God, wh

File: 54 - 1 Timothy -


  • wler, not covetous; 003:004 One that ruleth well his own house, having his children in subjection with all gravity; 003:005 (For if a man know not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the church of God?) 003:006 Not a novice, lest being lifted up with pride he fall into the condemnation of the devil. 003:007 Moreover he must have a good report of them which are without; lest he fall into reproach a

File: Arcana V Music Magic Mysticism -


  • and possibly only the profes­sionally, religious. However, within Christianism is a partly suppressed and marginalized Pentecostal tradition. It emerges in our time around 1900 in Mississippi USA in the Church of God in Christ as an alternative to the white-ized post-slavery churches. This revived Pentecostal movement offers baptism by the Holy Spirit, and uses music to induce a state of being filled by the Holy

File: Esotericism and the academy - rejected knowledge in western culture -


  • lasphemous and notorious impiety of Magic.”30Theresults were disastrous: even while Noah was still alive, he had to watchhelplessly how out of his own bloodline, “dreadful forms of idolatry burstupon the Church of God.”31The Egyptians, Babylonians and Persians areall descended from Zoroaster,32and transmitted the arts of idolatrous magicon to other peoples, so that finally the whole world came to be filled “withth


  • irst fall into evil. From here, heretics have dared to spreadtheir ambiguous voices among the people. From here all kinds of superstitions,lies and depravities could form an array and begin to infect the Church of God.From here on the heretics have waged a horrific and nefarious war, saturated withall hatred and wickedness, against the walls, the roof, and the holy doorposts ofthe Church.So great was Plato’s wisdo

File: Rays and Initiations a Treatise on the Seven Rays -


  • 998 LUCIS TRUST What can I prophesy? What may I foretell in relation to human affairs and of the future ahead of the race? I would remind you that even the Hierarchy of spiritual and liberated souls, the Church of God invisible, knows not the way that humanity will choose to go. General trends are watched and possibilities are considered; the energies pouring into the human family are directed and manipulated, and

File: The Templar Orders in Freemasonry -


  • wing to obvious difficulties is said to have ended by furnishing patents at need; (2) in the Military Order of Hospitallers of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalern, he undertook, as in others, to protect the Church of God, with which may be compared modern Masonic injunctions in the Temple and Holy Sepulchre to maintain and defend the Holy Christian Faith; (3) again at his Knighting he was "made, created and constitut

File: Hoodoo Conjuration WItchcraft Rootwork (4) -


  • me back [to a better religion?], Yo' see, if yo' gonna be a ministah, ah think the Bible says in Acts 20:28, "Take heed therefo' unto yo' self in which the Holy Ghost has made yo' ovahseeahs tub feed the Church of God" [this is near enough to original]. So see, it's onlah [only] one church, as far as ah'm concerned. See? An' then when a man has gone in it, yo' don' have tuh realize [what does realize mean here?] t

File: Hoodoo Conjuration Witchcraft Rootwork (1) -


  • rom de game, an ' in these things, yo ' would read Paul who were once Saul. · (Who do you use Paul for that?) Yo ' would use Paul because he one-time wus Saul yo ' know. Paul wus a man who prosecuted the church of God an ' did bad things tuh Christian people, an ' he wus changed from Saul to Paul an ' to righteousness. (So this man who was living a bad life, you would use Paul because his name was changed from Sau


  • 2 years -every time I'd go on de road, when things was break­ing bad , I would borrow it from a uncle of mine. And this uncle was one of the -he didn't call hisself Christian S cience , but he was of the Church of God in Christ. See. (Is that what they call Holy Rollers?) No , this Holy Rollers is a phoney name, but the name of 'em is Church of God in Christ. All right. Well, they believe , not as Christian Scienc

File: MEDULLA_original -


  • Darkly and Aenigmatically, ds if it was done undera Shadow or Vai1.fff. Such indeed is your Life (your Works witnessingthe same) that you are as a healing Balm, a Refuge ofof Defence, and Shelter to the Church of God., a pillarof his Holy Temple, tor which Reasons, I am obliged toreveal these hidden Mysteries, and make known to youthe abscondite Paths of Nature, not to rejoyce youroutward Man only, by adding Heal

File: The Secret Teachings of All Ages -


  • be purely mythical, Pliny describes the capture of one of these birds and it exhibition in the Roman Forum during the reign of the Emperor Claudius.p. 90from the days of Noah by all those who were of the Church of God. The prophet sent to Ninevah as God's messenger was called Jonah or the Dove; our Lord's forerunner, the Baptist, was called in Greek by the name of Ioannes; and so was the Apostle of Love, the autho

File: Dictionary of Gnosis & Western Esotericism -


  • ect the primacy of Christian revelation: ‘if, bytaking away secretly, so to speak, the rich spoilsfrom their illegal possessors, the Egyptians, and byelevating yourselves with their riches, you enrichthe Church of God, then I no longer advise againstpagan literature, but I recommend it to you’. InTurin, his last Italian stay, he lectured on the Epis-tles of Paul in 1516: it was to be his last appearancein a univer

File: John-Dees-Five-Books-of-Myster-Joseph-H.-Peterson -


  • nall vertue, powred into mans sowle neuer to disclose these Mysteries.233Δ: Yf No man, by no means, shall perceyue any thing herof, by me, I wold think that I shold not dowell.Mi: Nothing is cut from the Church of God. We in his Saincts are blessed for euer.We separate thee, from fyled and wycked persons: We move thee to God.Δ: I vow, as you require: God be my help, and Gwyde, now and euer, amen.MIC: This is a Mys


  • Ab illo, per illum, cum illo: “from him, through him, with him.” -Ed.820Qui caret hijs tribus: “Who lacks these three.” -Ed.821In ecclesia ... Vanum: “In the church of God, he will work in vain.” -Ed.822Penitence.823Lawn: “thin fabric.” -Ed.824Sunt semper . . . unus: “They are always, and their food is one.” -Ed.825Vicissim: “in turns.” -Ed.8264. ANA.827Ab illo sed. Cu

File: Sigillum_Dei_Aemeth -


  • dicinal virtue poured into man's soul, neverto disclose these Mysteries.[D] If no man by no means shall perceive anything hereof, by me, I wouldthink that I should not do well.[M] Nothing is cut from the Church of God. Thee in his saints are blessedfor ever. \We separate thee from defiled and wicked persons. We move thee toGod.[D] I voq as you require. God be my help and guide, now and ever, amen.[M] This is a Mys

File: Sackville_L_J_Heresy_and_Heretics_in_the_Thirteenth_Century -


  • the other of getting it wrong. In one exchange, on wisdom, the ‘heretic’remarks: ‘it is natural that the church of God should have little wisdom,especially in letters’, before wryly enumerating all the instances in the Scrip-tures in which simplicity is extolled over wisdom and worldly knowledge,allowing him in the p


  • wn to be heretics’, according tothe Pseudo-James. Salvo draws the same conclusion after discussing the northItalian schism: ‘in one body there are great divisions. Whence it is clear thatthey are not the Church of God, and this is read in the Gospel: Every kingdomdivided against itself shall be made desolate. Therefore it is clear that they arethe church of the devil.’92This latter is one of the criteria on which


  • here that the formula that ends that list, which declares that ‘althoughthey disagree with each other, differing among themselves in many errors,they nevertheless conspire with a common name against the church of God’,looks rather like the combination of heretics found in Innocent III’s model.102Isidore’s text, easily accessible and easily borrowed, in what Dondaine callsan ‘erudition à bon marché’, is cited in s

File: The Hidden Gears of Free Masonry -


  • , reports the same facts in his book, "The Magic Of Obelisks", Harper and Row, New York, 1982, ISBN 0-06-014899-3. There is an obelisk in St. Peter's Bascilica as well. You'll be shocked to know that the Church of God promotes Celibacy while displaying a sex act right outside of St Peter's Bascilica. The second obelisk was brought to America in 1881 from Alexandria, Egypt, and was placed in Central Park in New Yor

File: City of Demons. Violence, Ritual, and Christian Power -


  • rule of the antichrist intent on tricking the faithful into entering Arian churches:46One thing I warn: Beware the Antichrist. For it is wrong that love for walls has seized you, wrong that you adore the Church of God in its ceilings and buildings, wrong that you repeat the name of peace inside you. Is there any doubt that it is in these places that the Antichrist will sit?47Hilary proclaims that Auxentius contami

File: Encyclopeida of Lost and Rejected Scriptures. Pseudoepigrapha and Apocrypha -


  • The Encyclopedia of Lost and Rejected Scriptures CLEMENT OF ROME First Epistle THE FIRST EPISTLE OF CLEMENT TO THE CORINTHIANS 1Clem prologue:1 The Church of God which sojourns in Rome to the Church of God which sojourns in Corinth, to them which are called and sanctified by the will of God through our Lord Jesus Christ. Grace to you and peace from Almighty G


  • ess, are condemned to death; but they that have known God and seen His mighty works, and yet commit wickedness, shall receive a double punishment, and shall die eternally. In this way therefore shall the Church of God be purified. 18[95]:3 And as you saw the stones removed from the tower and delivered over to the evil spirits, they too shall be cast out; and there shall be one body of them that are purified, just

File: Histories_of_the_Hidden_God. Concealment and Revelation in Western Gnostic, Esoteric, and Mystical Traditions -


  • istance to the rising numbers of Spiritualist churches in the Black Bottom area of Detroit.Intra-communal resistances against unorthodox forms of religious expres-sion, especially against groups like the Church of God pre-1920 and organ-ized Spiritualist groups post-1920, most often appeared in print.56 Prior to the establishment of the NCSA’s headquarters in Detroit, the religiosity of African Americans in the ci

File: The Panarion of Epiphanus of Salamis -


  • hand or to the left, we shall drink water for money and eat food for money. We shall not swerve this way or that, we shall go by the king’s highway.”44 (8) For there is a king’s highway, and this is the church of God and the journey of the truth. But each of these sects which has abandoned the king’s highway, turned to the right or to the left, and ended by getting more lost, will be drawn out of its way, and wil


  • Then again, in place of the illustration of our own bodies < he introduces the illustration of the body* > of Christ, < and says >, “As we are the body of Christ and members in particular,”425 and, “the church of God, which is the body of Christ.”426 (8) Now if God’s church is a body, < but > it is one spirit when it is joined to the Spirit, that is, to the Lord, then a member who sins ceases to be spirit and bec


  • 10 But the service of the Spirit, and the service of the Word, is the same. [To say], “Take heed unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Spirit hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God,” 145 is similar to saying, “I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who hath enabled me, for that he counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry.”1467,1 As we have shown, the Son and the Holy Spirit wo

File: The_Demiurge_in_Ancient_Thought_Secondary_Gods_and_Divine_Mediators-Cambridge_University_Press_2015 -


  • fortuitously preserved by Clement of Alexandria,Mis-cellanies(Stromateis)6.52–3(vol.2,458,11–16St ̈ahlin):Much of what has been written in the books available to the public isfound in the writings in the Church of God. For this common matter isthe statements from the heart, the law written in the heart. This is the hostof the beloved, which is beloved and loving him. (LaytonvFr. G=OnFriends – V ̈olker Frag6)The pu

File: The-Enchiridion-of-Pope-Leo-III-English -


  • crooked ways, the Lord shall lead them forth with the workers of iniquity: but peace shall be upon Israel. De profundis clamavi ad te, Domine.....etc. One sang this Psalm with the second degree, whom the Church of God requests without delay, for the sinners, in order to erase the spots of their crimes. Saint Jerome says that David was converted by virtue, as well as the holy apostle, Paul, and the population, by G


  • ns, and of the benevolent Virgin Mary, and generally all the saints who have enjoyed the presence of God since the creation of the world, as well as all the holy hearts, who live in a holy manner, in the Church of God. Pay your homage to God the Most High and Powerful, and that they reach His throne, as the fumes of the heart of this fish, which was burned by the order of the Archangel, Raphael: Disappear, as the

File: Theophany. The Neoplatonic Philosophy of Dionysius the Areopagite -


  • nd Early Christian Thought:Essays in Honour of A. H. Armstrong. London: Variorum, 1981.Boss, G., and C. G. Steel, eds. Proclus et son influence. Zurich: GMB Editions duGrand Midi, 1987.Bouyer, Louis. The Church of God. Tr. C. U. Quinn. Chicago: Franciscan Heralds,1982.———. Cosmos. Petersham, MA: St. Bede’s, 1988.Bréhier, Émile. La Philosophie de Plotin. Paris: Boivin, 1928.Breton, Stanislas. “Le théorème de l’Un d

File: Encyclopedia of Occultism and Parapsychology Vol 2 -


  • olitan Spiritual Churches of Christ werefounded in Kansas City in 1925 by Bishop William Frank Tay-lor (formerly a minister in the Christian Methodist EpiscopalChurch) and Elder Leviticus Boswell (of the Church of God inChrist). It grew quickly and soon had congregations across theMidwest and one in California. In 1942, shortly before Taylor’sdeath, the Metropolitan Churches merged with the SpiritualChurches of th


  • all black congregation that became the center fromwhich the movement spread to the world. It eventually took or-ganizational form in a number of denominational bodies suchas the Assemblies of God and the Church of God (Cleveland,Tennessee).It is a doctrine of Pentecostals that every person who re-ceives the baptism of the Holy Spirit will initially speak intongues, and then subsequently manifest one or more of the


  • Raymond Hays, and Thomas Harden eventuallyfounded the Dolley Pond Church of God with Signs Following,in Pine Mountain, Tennessee; it became the mother church ofSouthern snake handling. Pushed out of the Church of God,the ‘‘signs’’ people founded similar churches in a loose fellow-ship that became in effect a new denomination. Snake handlingbecame clandestine after World War II, when Tennessee ledother states in p


  • d theUniversal Hagar’s Spiritual Church, and in 1925 William FrankTaylor and Leviticus L. Boswell founded the MetropolitanSpiritual Churches of Christ in Kansas City. Also founded inthe mid-1920s was the Church of God in David (later the Spiri-tual Israel Church and Its Army).The spiritual movement is quite diverse. It mixes Protes-tantism, Spiritualism, and various elements of popular folk reli-gions. Individual


  • church within the African American com-munity of the United States, are somewhat obscure. It seems tohave begun with the absorption of black Jewish ideas by DerkField, a black Alabama man who founded the Church of Godin David. Along the way he met a man named W. D. Dickson,who eventually succeeded him as head of the church. Dicksontook the title ‘‘King of All Israel.’’ According to the Spiritual Is-raelites, Field

File: Malleus Maleficarum -


  • he bosom of ourHoly Mother the Church have abjured, as we have said, all vile heresy, therefore we absolve you from thesentence of excommunication by which you were deservedly bound as one hateful to the Church of God. Andif with true heart and faith unfeigned you have returned to the unity of the Church, you shall be reckonedfrom henceforth among the penitent, and as from now are received back into the merciful b


  • nd with true orthodoxy unfeigned believing and protesting the Catholicfaith, we have admitted you to receive the Church's Sacraments of Penance and the Holy Eucharist at yourhumble request. But since the Church of God has no more which it can do in respect of you, seeing that it hasacted so mercifully towards you in the manner we have said, and you have abused that mercy by falling backinto the heresies which you


  • Wherefore since the Church of God can do nothing more for you, having done all that was possible to convertyou: We the Bishop and Judges named in this cause on behalf of the faith, sitting in tribunal as Judgesjudging, having before


  • our wholesome advice, and have persisted and do persist withstubborn and defiant mind in your contumacious and dogged denials; and this we say with grief, and grieveand mourn in saying it. But since the Church of God has waited so long for you to repent and acknowledgeyour guilt, and you have refused and still refuse, her grace and mercy can go no farther. Wherefore that you may be an example to others and that t


  • nently in your errors and heresies; and this we say with grief, and grieve in saying it. But since we cannot and will not delay to do justice, nor may we tolerate so great disobedience and defianceof the Church of God; for the exaltation of the Catholic Faith and the extirpation of vile heresy, at the call ofjustice, and by reason of your disobedience and obstinacy, on this day and at this hour and place heretofor

File: Nostradamus - Prophecies -


  • essenger come late along the Rhône. 72 For the pleasure of the voluptuous edict, One will mix poison in the faith: Venus will be in a course so virtuous As to becloud the whole quality of the Sun. 73 The Church of God will be persecuted, And the holy Temples will be plundered,

File: Writings of Nostradamus -


  • essenger come late along the Rhine. 72 For the pleasure of the voluptuous edict, One will mix poison in the faith: Venus will be in a course so virtuous As to becloud the whole quality of the Sun. 73 The Church of God will be persecuted, And the holy Temples will be plundered, Writings of NostradamusCentury V60

File: Richard Kaczynski - Perdurabo, Revised and Expanded Edition_ The Life of Aleister Crowley (2010, North Atlantic Books) -

  • ecrated each other),“with a view to ‘combining the lines of succession’ under the apparentmisconception that a person is consecrated a bishop of a particular line ofsuccession rather than a bishop of the Church of God” (Brandreth, EpiscopiVagantes, 51). Consequently, Newman’s episcopal name, Mar Georgius I, isdescribed as “ubiquitous” because it turns up in the line of apostolicsuccession of many modern day wander

File: Complete Prophecies Of Nostradamus -


  • s to becloud the whole quality of the Sun. LXXIII. Persecutee sera de Dieu l'Eglise, Et les saincts Temples seront expoliez, L'enfant la mere mettra nud en chemise, Seront Arabes aux Pollons ralliez. The Church of God will be persecuted, And the holy Temples will b e plundered, The child will put his mother out in her shift, Arabs will be allied with the Poles. LXXIV. De sang Troyen naistra coeur, Germanique Qui d

File: Complete Works Of Nostradamus -


  • to becloud the whol e quality of the Sun. LXXIII. Persecutee sera de Dieu l'Eglise, Et les saincts Temples seront expoliez, L'enfant la mere mettra nud en chemise, Seront Arabes aux Pollons ralliez. The Church of God will be persecuted, And the holy Temples will be plundered, The child will put his mother out in her shift, Arabs will be allied with the Poles. LXXIV. De sang Troyen naistra coeur, Germanique Qui de

File: USA In The Light Of Prophecy -


  • rong. After describing the lamb−like appearance of this symbol, John immediately adds, “And he spake as a dragon.” The dragon, the first link in this chain of prophecy, was a relentless persecutor of the church of God. The leopard beast which follows, was likewise a persecuting power, grinding out for 1260 years the lives of millions of the followers of Christ. The third actor in the scene, the two−horned beast, s

File: William Cooper - Mystery Babylon Series Transcriptions -


  • "In a few brief utterances of awful significance, Jesus foretold the portion which the rulers of this world would mete out to the church of God in Matthew chapter 24, verse 9, verse 21 and verse 22." [William Cooper]: Now, the reason I am quoting this is because, if what is happening is being brought about by religious history, then we must

File: Malleus Maleficarum -


  • bosom of our Holy Mother the Church have abjured, as we have said, all vile heresy, therefore we absolve you from the sentence of excommunication by which you were deservedly bound as one hateful to the Church of God. And if with true heart and faith unfeigned you have returned to the unity of the Church, you shall be reckoned from henceforth among the penitent, and as from now are received back into the merciful


  • with true orthodoxy unfeigned believing and protesting the Catholic faith, we have admitted you to receive the Church's Sacraments of Penance and the Holy Eucharist at your humble request. But since the Church of God has no more which it can do in respect of you, seeing that it has acted so mercifully towards you in the manner we have said, and you have abused that mercy by falling back into the heresies which yo


  • e be consumed in the flames, rather than to give ear to better counsels and renounce your damnable and pestilent errors, and to return to the merciful bosom of our Holy Mother Church. Wherefore since the Church of God can do nothing more for you, having done all that was possible to convert you: We the Bishop and Judges named in this cause on behalf of the faith, sitting in tribunal as Judges judging, having befor


  • ur wholesome advice, and have persisted and do persist with stubborn and defiant mind in your contumacious and dogged denials; and this we say with grief, and grieve and mourn in saying it. But since the Church of God has waited so long for you to repent and acknowledge your guilt, and you have refused and still refuse, her grace and mercy can go no farther. Wherefore that you may be an example to others and that


  • ently in your errors and heresies; and this we say with grief, and grieve in saying it. But since we cannot and will not delay to do justice, nor may we tolerate so great disobedience and defiance of the Church of God; for the exaltation of the Catholic Faith and the extirpation of vile heresy, at the call of justice, and by reason of your disobedience and Part III, Third Head, Question XXXII file:///C|/!!witch/pa

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