The Moonies

Found in 40 Books

File: 9-11 As A Mass Ritual -


  • , and their accomplices, the Enterprise. The Enterprise was established in the 1980s as a covert fascist Cold Warriors faction working with other groups like Halliburton’s private security forces and the Moonies. Citibank is connected to the Enterprise, along with all the CIA front banks, Nugen Hand and BCCI.

File: Ayn Rand - Collected Works of Ayn Rand -

  • ess chattering of the mind.”14[part0026.html#filepos576377] If mysticism is the fashion among scientists, whynot among our future business leaders, too?According to The Chronicle of Higher Education, the Moonies and the HareKrishnas have become a problem to the colleges. “Many administrators ... agreethat religious cults have found college campuses to be among their moreprofitable recruiting grounds in recen

File: Ayn Rand - Voice Of Reason -

  • ng of the mind.”14[rand_9781101137260_oeb_c19_r1.html#en29] If mysticism is the fashion amongscientists, why not among our future business leaders, too?According to The Chronicle of Higher Education, the Moonies and the HareKrishnas have become a problem to the colleges. “Many administrators ... agreethat religious cults have found college campuses to be among their moreprofitable recruiting grounds in recen

File: Beyond Belief -


  • nothing to do with its supposedly superior doctrine but because of fear, power and money. Whether Christianity is the world’s largest religion is a matter of definition. Can we consider the Mormons, the Moonies and the Jehovah’s Witnesses to be real Christians? Can we con - sider the numerous strange cults and sects that flourish in South America and Africa and which account for many millions of people, to

File: David Icke - 1995 - And The Truth Shall Set You Free -

  • however, which suit the Elite and theyare allowed to become global empires. One is the Unification Church, started inKorea and now based in New York. It is led by Sun Myung Moon and is better knownas the Moonies. This is an extremely sinister organisation, in my view, with NewWorld Order overtones. On January 15th 1995, the London Sunday Express revealedthat the former British Prime Minister, Edward Heath (B

File: David Icke - 1995 - And The Truth Shall Set You Free -

  • however, which suit the Elite and theyare allowed to become global empires. One is the Unification Church, started inKorea and now based in New York. It is led by Sun Myung Moon and is better knownas the Moonies. This is an extremely sinister organisation, in my view, with NewWorld Order overtones. On January 15th 1995, the London Sunday Express revealedthat the former British Prime Minister, Edward Heath (B

File: David Icke - 2002 - Alice In Wonderland And The World Trade Center Disaster -

  • ” in Bolivia. Moon, it is claimed, invested $4 million in the coupand was to massively finance Bush’s run for the presidency in 1988. TheWashington Times newspaper, so supportive of Bush, is owned by the Moonies.14The contacts George Bush made at the CIA would be invaluable when he became VicePresident to Ronald Reagan on January 21st 1981. Reagan’s personal fortune datesfrom a time shortly after becoming Go

File: David Icke - 2002 - Alice In Wonderland And The World Trade Center Disaster -

  • ” in Bolivia. Moon, it is claimed, invested $4 million in the coupand was to massively finance Bush’s run for the presidency in 1988. TheWashington Times newspaper, so supportive of Bush, is owned by the Moonies.14The contacts George Bush made at the CIA would be invaluable when he became VicePresident to Ronald Reagan on January 21st 1981. Reagan’s personal fortune datesfrom a time shortly after becoming Go

File: David Icke - 2007 - The David Icke Guide To The Global Conspiracy -

  • dency in 1988. TheWashington Times newspaper, so supportive of the Bush family, is owned by Moon,and the Secretary General of the United Nations is the South Korean Ban Ki- Moonwho has been linked to the Moonies by some researchers.Reagan–Bush (Bush–Reagan)The contacts Father Bush made at the CIA would be invaluable when he becameVice- President to Ronald Reagan on January 2Ist 1981. Reagan’s personal fortun

File: David Icke - 2007 - The David Icke Guide To The Global Conspiracy -

  • dency in 1988. TheWashington Times newspaper, so supportive of the Bush family, is owned by Moon,and the Secretary General of the United Nations is the South Korean Ban Ki- Moonwho has been linked to the Moonies by some researchers.Reagan–Bush (Bush–Reagan)The contacts Father Bush made at the CIA would be invaluable when he becameVice- President to Ronald Reagan on January 2Ist 1981. Reagan’s personal fortun

File: David Icke - Alice In Wonderland And The World Trade Center Disaster -


  • in Bolivia. Moon, it is claimed, invested $4 million in the coup and was to massively finance Bush's run for the presidency in 1988. The Washington Times newspaper, so supportive of Bush, is owned by the Moonies. 14 The contacts George Bush made at the CIA would be invaluable when he became Vice President to Ronald Reagan on January 21st 1981. Reagan's personal fortune dates from a time shortly after becomin

File: David Icke - Alice in Wonderland and the World Trade Center (Chap 1-7) (2002) -


  • in Bolivia. Moon, it is claimed, invested $4 million in the coup and was to massively finance Bush's run for the presidency in 1988. The Washington Times newspaper, so supportive of Bush, is owned by the Moonies. 14 The contacts George Bush made at the CIA would be invaluable when he became Vice President to Ronald Reagan on January 21st 1981. Reagan's personal fortune dates from a time shortly after becomin

File: David Icke - And The Truth Shall Set You Free -


  • ver, which suit the Elite and thev are allowed to become global empires. On e is the Unification Church, started in Korea and now based in New York. It is led by Sun Myung Moon and is better known as the Moonies. This is an extremely sinister orga nisation, in my view, with New World Order overtones. On January 15th 1995, th e London Sunday Express revealed that the former British Prime Mi nister, Edward Hea

File: David Icke - And the Truth Shall Set You Free, 21st Century Edition (2004) -


  • ver, which suit the Elite and thev are allowed to become global empires. On e is the Unification Church, started in Korea and now based in New York. It is led by Sun Myung Moon and is better known as the Moonies. This is an extremely sinister orga nisation, in my view, with New World Order overtones. On January 15th 1995, th e London Sunday Express revealed that the former British Prime Mi nister, Edward Hea

File: David Icke - Guide To The Global Conspiracy -


  • cy in 1988. The Washington Times newspaper, so supportive of the Bush family, is owned by Moon, and the Secretary General of the United Nations is the South Korean Ban Ki- Moon who has been linked to the Moonies by some researchers. Reagan—Bush (Bush—Reagan) The contacts Father Bush made at the CIA would be invaluable when he became Vice- President to Ronald Reagan on January 2Ist 1981. Reagan's personal for

File: David Icke - The Secret History of the USA -


  • wa was a high ranking member of the "Moonies" before he broke with them in 1987, with $20 Million (U.S) of their funds and joined the Aum Supreme Truth. He brought along with him 35 fellow members of the Moonies and rose almost immediately to the position of Deputy Leader. He apparently used the Aum organi zation for drugs, arms and high-tech scientific equipment dealing around the world. In 1997, Garry Gree

File: Fritz Springmeier - Be Wise As Serpents -


  • s and Moonies have been working together. Things are coming together now and such type of covers will not long be needed. For those who are familiar with Rev . Moon's claim to be Jesus Christ, 21 and the Moonies' belief that they will install their man as the world' s future ruler, it seems that the Mormons and Moonies are strange bedfellows. How can the Mo rmons and Moonies work together when they


  • cipated even more. 22 W. Cleon Skousen has worked in close cooperation with Rev . Moon's CAUSA organization, and he and other members of the Freeman Ins titute would participate in CAUSA conferences. The Moonies' CAUSA organizati on has declared, "We affirm th at the the God of Judaism, Catholism, Protestantism, the Mormons, the Unifica tion Church and the God of all religions are one and the same." 23 (emph


  • d these marriages often mix differe nt nationalities and cultures togeth er. This is further enhanced by sending different nationalities to other lands to work and the communal living situations that the Moonies live in. W. Cleon Skousen's anti-communist crusade a nd his book against communism is a joke. He gives the readers of his book no historical persp ective of what has really happened. He gives no hint

File: Combatting Cult Mind Control -


  • an d Glady s Rodrigue z fo r thei r willingnes s to spen d fiv e ver y difficul t day s in 197 6 counselin g m e bac k to reality . Withou t thei r help , 1 migh t hav e spen t man y mor e year s in the Moonies . Specia l acknowledgment s go to Auree t Bar­Ya m wh o for mor e tha n seve n year s ha s pu t up wit h th e incredibl e demand s tha t m y wor k ha s required . He r parents , Drs . Zv i an d Miria


  • bac k th e messages , the y wer e all fro m th e sam e famil y in Minnesota . "Cal l us an y tim e of night , please, " sai d a woman' s voic e on th e tape . "Ou r so n ha s gotte n involve d wit h the Moonies . He' s goin g on a three­wee k worksho p wit h the m in Pennsylvani a on Monday . He' s a doctora l studen t in physic s at MIT . Pleas e cal l us back. " I calle d righ t awa y an d talke d wit h t


  • ol d ove r m e in severa l ways . First , I coul d sleep , eat , an d rest . Second , I coul d finally see my family . M y parent s an d m y othe r siste r Stephani e ha d bee n judge d "satanic " by the Moonies , bu t I stil l love d the m an d wante d to conver t them . Third , I coul d My Lif e In th e Unificatio n Churc h 27 slo w dow n an d think , bein g awa y fro m th e group' s constan t reinforcemen


  • e physicall y an d psychologicall y to a plac e wher e I wa s abl e to get in touc h wit h myself . Indeed , it wa s m y ideal s an d m y ow n fantas y of an idea l worl d tha t ha d lure d m e int o the Moonies . Thos e ideal s ultimatel y enable d me to wal k ou t an d public y condem n cul t min d control . Sinc e receivin g m y master' s degre e in counselin g psycholog y fro m Cam ­ bridg e Colleg e in


  • havior s tha t hel p bin d it together . Thes e ca n includ e mannerism s of speech , posture , an d facia l expression s as wel l as th e mor e traditiona l way s of representin g grou p belief . In the Moonies , for instance , we followe d man y Orienta l custom s suc h as takin g off ou r shoe s whe n enterin g a Mooni e center , sittin g on ou r knees , an d bowin g whe n greetin g olde r members . Doin


  • 114 Combattin g Cul t Min d Contro l severa l year s afte r sh e wa s deprogramme d fro m a short­ter m membershi p in the Moonies , rejoine d th e grou p for ove r a yea r an d the n qui t on he r own—a s if, sh e told me , sh e ha d to prov e sh e coul d do it by herself . Unfortunately , durin g tha t tim e in the grou p sh e


  • Moonie s wh o stil l wer e ver y spiritual , goo d peopl e afte r the y left . Sh e wa s listenin g attentively . I explaine d tha t I ha d com e to distrus t m y ow n inne r voic e whil e I wa s in the Moonies , an d to believ e tha t it wa s evil , whe n Exit-Counseling : Freedo m Withou t Coercio n 127 in fact , I cam e to learn , it wa s a direc t lin k to God . I describe d ho w I ha d bee n controlle


  • n g wheneve r w e starte d to doubt , or wheneve r we fel t home ­ sick." 2 "Wha t wa s th e nam e of th e grou p again? " he asked . "Th e Unificatio n Church, " I said . "Yo u probabl y kno w it as the Moonies. " "Yo u wer e in th e Moonies ? No— I don' t believ e it! " Phi l exclaimed . "It's true . In fact , I wa s a devote d followe r of Su n Myun g Moon . I woul d hav e gladl y die d on comman d if he


  • ture d in the sam e authori ­ taria n manne r as is th e Unificatio n Church , I ha d believe d tha t th e Moonie s wer e differen t fro m al l othe r groups . I wa s als o abl e to explai n som e of the Moonies ' belief s to Phi l to sho w him that , as strang e as the y sounded , som e of the m di d see m to mak e sense , if yo u believe d in the whol e doctrine . I mad e sur e to includ e the Moonies ' vi


  • year s alte r the cul t involvement , ar e stil l dealin g wit h th e problem s of min d contro l indoctrination . Fo r example , I onc e me t a woma n at a dinne r part y wh o ha d "walke d out " of the Moonies . Durin g ou r conversatio n sh e remarke d tha t eve n thoug h sh e ha d bee n happil y marrie d fo r mor e tha n six years , sh e wa s deepl y afrai d of havin g children . Sh e tol d m e tha t sh


  • t th e group . I wa s drivin g to a friend' s hous e an d ha d th e though t "Thi s woul d be an excellen t fundraisin g area! " I ha d to catc h mysel f an d tel l mysel f tha t I wa s no longe r in the Moonies . Thi s though t wa s triggere d becaus e for the las t five month s of my membership , I spen t fifteen to twent y hour s a da y drivin g aroun d lookin g fo r place s to dro p off member s to solic


  • t th e group . I wa s drivin g to a friend' s hous e an d ha d th e though t "Thi s woul d be an excellen t fundraisin g area! " I ha d to catc h mysel f an d tel l mysel f tha t I wa s no longe r in the Moonies . Thi s though t wa s triggere d becaus e for the las t five month s of my membership , I spen t fifteen to twent y hour s a da y drivin g aroun d lookin g fo r place s to dro p off member s to solic


  • d contro l or cults . On e ha s to wonde r abou t th e validit y of an y re­ searc h tha t relies solel y on th e cooperatio n of cul t leader s fo r dat a collectio n and analysis . Whe n I wa s in the Moonies , we woul d mak e sur e to tel l suc h aca ­ demician s wha t we wante d the m to kno w an d sho w the m onl y wha t we wante d to show . Despit e th e problem s of suc h questionabl e form s of rese


  • 22 0 Note s 8. Durin g my tim e in the Moonies , I ha d personall y recruite d fourtee n peopl e an d influence d hundred s of peopl e to join . 9. Francin e Jean e Daner , The American Children of Krishna: A Study of the Hare Krishna Movement (N


  • Outline of Rev. Moon's Hand in Central America: The Unifica- tion Church, the World Anti-Communist League, CAUSA and John Singlaub. Un ­ publishe d manuscript , 1987 . Heftmann , Erica . Dark Side of the Moonies. Sydney , Australia : Penguin , 1982 . Horowitz , Irvin g Louis , ed . Science, Sin and Scholarship: The Politics of Reverend Moon and the Unification Church. Cambridge , Mass. : MI T Press , 1978 .

File: Manipulated Mind -


  • d Mind latent tendency to find external objects for his hatred, joining in comradeship with those who share his views. Anger is the great solvent of depression (which is self- hatred)/ Cults, such as the Moonies, seem to operate by manipula- ting the emotions of both hatred and love: hatred of all 'evil' which is represented by all outside the cult and love of all who hold the solution, all within the cult.


  • e part voluntary in that the convert is looking for something to believe. As has been shown, the beliefs, far from being alien, reinforce his own and fulfil his needs. A young man may be 'saved' from the Moonies and he may come to despise their teachings himself. He rejects the trappings but, unless he comes to question why he had believed instead of what he had believed, he may well continue to seek the abs


  • ned in Kiesler's work. Philip Zimbardo, in Influencing Attitudes and Changing Behaviour, mentions the role that cognitive dissonance seems to play in the specific case of conversion to the beliefs of the Moonies. He points out that people are invited, not forced, to come on a week-end retreat to hear about the philosophies of Reverend Moon. He suggests that a person who doesn't believe in the philosophies bu


  • ance involves contravention of all conventional morality or diversion from societal norms, it is questioned whether it could have been adopted of free will. So one may choose to become a Catholic but the Moonies choose you. That the latter 'choice' merely represents a more vivid confluence of the kinds of psychological forces so far discussed is rarely considered. But the conversion process can be broken dow


  • Moonie cult may therefore serve as an initial illustration of cult consciousness. According to Reverend Sun Myung Moon, the leader of the Unification Church whose followers are colloquially known as the Moonies, God's intent was that Adam and Eve should marry and have perfect children. But Satan ruined things, Jesus failed to redeem things and it was now Moon's mission, as a prophet, to bring to the world t


  • d about half of whom had been Moonies, and gave her opinion that the word 'brainwashing' was as good a word as any to describe the mind control techniques which, in her judge- ment, were practised by the Moonies and other cults down the ages. All had a basic pattern; refinements were made by individual cults to suit their particular needs. She said in court: 'There is no doubt in my mind that of the many cul


  • gives the example of their obtaining money by deception from people with little means and the grief inflicted on families by a child's involvement with the cult. Singer isolated certain practices of the Moonies which served to achieve their ends. Recruits, for instance, were encouraged to think of the Moonies as their new family and to reject their old one, because the old family was a tool of Satan. Moonie


  • onies and anger about having been duped. From this picture provided in court by Singer, it is easy to see the kinds of influence techniques, already described in this book, being applied wholesale by the Moonies. In Snapping, an analysis of cults and conversion by Flo


  • . How much more comforting to think, "We have met the enemy and he is Satan" or "she is a witch" or "his mind is possessed by demonic spirits" or "he has been brain- washed by the Communists" or "by the Moonies" or "by the Symbionese Liberation Army". Thus the idea of brainwashing paralyses thought because it places respon- sibility somewhere else/ But it might equally well 'paralyse thought' to insist on a

File: 13bloodlines -


  • d to make it more attractive to the Jewish people. 544 Chase Manhattan Bank also loaned a large amount of money to a Korean of Japanese origin, Sun Myung Moon, and leader of the Unification Church (the Moonies). Reverend Moon is a globalist whose “church” aimed to bring Christianity under the control of the Illuminati. He claimed that his Unification Church was to be considered the final u

File: From Death to Deathlessness -


  • mple reason is that no sannyasin can be deprogrammed, we have already deprogrammed him. You don’t have any programs, so what can they do? You are not being given a certain program. They can deprogram the Moonies, they can deprogram the Hare Krishna people. They can deprogram any cult: Jehovah’s Witnesses, Jesus freaks.... I am surprised... Jesus himself was a freak. In fact, Jesus freaks are really doing the

File: The Last Testamentvol1 -


  • : No! Q: OH, YES. I MEAN, SHE DEALS... SHE DISCUSSES THAT. A: No. Not Christianity. Not Hinduism, not Buddhism, not Mohammedanism. In the cults they will study the Hare Krishna movement, Scientology, the Moonies. And remember, whatsoever criteria they ha ve.... For example, if she says that the

File: Brotherhood And The Manipulation Of Society -


  • supported by the Elite, e.g. the Moonies, the Church of Scientology and certain strands of the New Age movement. The 'opposite' side is also funded by the same people – the reactionary 'cult buster' groups, like the Cult Awareness Network s


  • I believe that western medicine is as much a dogmatic cult as popular Christianity or the Moonies. It breeds its young on dogma to the exclusion of free will and reasoned thought in order to perpetuate itself. It is controlled by instilling into its members the fear of failure and it thrives by e

File: David Icke - Alice in Wonderland and the World Trade Center (Chap 1-7) (2002) -


  • " in Bolivia. Moon, it is claimed, invested $4 million in thecoup and was to massively finance Bush's run for the presidency in 1988. TheWashington Times newspaper, so supportive of Bush, is owned by the Moonies.14The contacts George Bush made at the CIA would be invaluable when hebecame Vice President to Ronald Reagan on January 21st 1981. Reagan's personalfortune dates from a time shortly after becoming Go

File: David Icke - And the Truth Shall Set You Free, 21st Century Edition (2004) -


  • ever, which suit the Elite and thev are allowed to become global empires. One is the Unification Church, started in Korea and now based in New York. It is led by Sun Myung Moon and is better known as the Moonies. This is an extremely sinister organisation, in my view, with New World Order overtones. On January 15th 1995, the London Sunday Express revealed that the former British Prime Minister, Edward Heath

File: David Icke - The Secret History of the USA -


  • wa was a high ranking member of the "Moonies" before he broke with them in 1987, with $20 Million (U.S) of their funds and joined the Aum Supreme Truth. He brought along with him 35 fellow members of the Moonies and rose almost immediately to the position of Deputy Leader. He apparently used the Aum organization for drugs, arms and high-tech scientific equipment dealing around the world. In 1997, Garry Green

File: Healed Planet -


  • fire himself, but will reproduce nearly any pro-chemical piece he can find. What he and Whelan have done repeatedly is look to the Washington Times as their paper of record. The same person who runs the Moonies owns the Washington Times . It is about as far right a publication as this nation has. (24 of 61) [7/13/2007 3:29:26 AM]

File: Illuminati Handbook -


  • FRONTGROUPS: Updated 12 Februar y 1999 F reemasonry The Rosicrucians The Golden Dawn O T O AMORC The Great White Brotherhood The Knight T emplars The Theosophists The Anthrosophists The Church of God The Moonies Ishtar The T emple Order of Bahomet K u Klux Klan Microsoft IBM ITT CBS ABC Harvard University London School of Economics W orld Oil Companies F ederal Reserve International Monetary F und Chase Manh

File: Livingstone, David - Terrorism and the Illuminati, A 3000 Year History (2007) -


  • heir collective objectives, they work hand in hand with the Freemasons and numerous other secret societies, and are responsible for the emergence of numerous radical cults, from the Hare Krishna’s to the Moonies, of Christian and Muslim Fundamentalism, and most importantly, terrorism. By wielding inordinate financial and political power, the plan of the Illuminati is to foment a global war, or World War III,

File: Nazi Hydra In America -


  • ohn Singlaub, Ray Cline, and General George Keegan. Many of these men regrouped privately in such radical far right-wing organizations as the John Birch Society, the World Anti- Communist League, and the Moonies. Singlaub has became some what of an icon among the far right. Casey is a good example of these ex-agents. Casey was one of the original OSS crowd. He was Singlaub’s case officer during WWII, while P

File: Ostrovsky, Victor - The Other Side of Deception, A Rogue Agent Exposes the Mossad's Secret Agenda (1994) (no OCR) -


  • The second request that I had made to Hombre was to try to get more information regarding Korean dissident activity in Denmark. This was a request from liaison to fill a promise made to the Moonies. A similar request had been made in 1982, but the Danes wouldn't give us anything then. This time, they replied that they would oblige. They also wanted us to know how sensitive the information was.

File: Secret History Of The USA -


  • wa was a high ranking member of the "Moonies" before he broke with them in 1987, with $20 Million (U.S) of their funds and joined the Aum Supreme Truth. He brought along with him 35 fellow members of the Moonies and rose almost immediately to the position of Deputy Leader. He apparently used the Aum organization for drugs, arms and high-tech scientific equipment dealing around the world. In 1997, Garry Green

File: Springmeier - Be Wise as Serpents - Christianity's Systematic Destruction (1991) -


  • s and Moonies have been working together. Things are coming together now and such type of covers will not long be needed. For those who are familiar with Rev . Moon's claim to be Jesus Christ, 21 and the Moonies' belief that they will install their man as the world' s future ruler, it seems that the Mormons and Moonies are strange bedfellows. How can the Mo rmons and Moonies work together when they


  • cipated even more. 22 W. Cleon Skousen has worked in close cooperation with Rev . Moon's CAUSA organization, and he and other members of the Freeman Ins titute would participate in CAUSA conferences. The Moonies' CAUSA organizati on has declared, "We affirm th at the the God of Judaism, Catholism, Protestantism, the Mormons, the Unifica tion Church and the God of all religions are one and the same." 23 (emph


  • d these marriages often mix differe nt nationalities and cultures togeth er. This is further enhanced by sending different nationalities to other lands to work and the communal living situations that the Moonies live in. W. Cleon Skousen's anti-communist crusade a nd his book against communism is a joke. He gives the readers of his book no historical persp ective of what has really happened. He gives no hint

File: Terrorism And The Illuminati - A Three Thousand Year History -


  • heir collective objectives, they work hand in hand with the Freemasons and numerous other secret societies, and are responsible for the emergence of numerous radical cults, from the Hare Krishna’s to the Moonies, of Christian and Muslim Fundamentalism, and most importantly, terrorism. By wielding inordinate financial and political power, the plan of the Illuminati is to foment a global war, or World War III,

File: Terrorism Of The Illuminati -


  • heir collective objectives, they work hand in hand with the Freemasons and numerous other secret societies, and are responsible for the emergence of numerous radical cults, from the Hare Krishna’s to the Moonies, of Christian and Muslim Fundamentalism, and most importantly, terrorism. By wielding inordinate financial and political power, the plan of the Illuminati is to foment a global war, or World War III,

File: You Are Being Lied To -


  • ence of American nightmares of encounters with suppos- edly “Asian” mind-control and brutality in Korea and Vietnam. The fact that some of the most visi- ble new cults were Asian—or even Korean, like the Moonies—was the icing on the cake. RK : You also noted that gender politics plays a role in new religions. Please explain and show how that plays into anti-cult fears. P J : The idea of gullible, hysterical

File: The Anthropology of Religion, Magic, and Witchcraft -


  • n this study, people were presented with a fictional paragraph describing astudent named Bill. They were told that Bill left college either to join a Catholic seminary, to jointhe Marines, or to join the Moonies. Several high-demand techniques were described:2While at the facility, Bill is not allowed very much contact with his friends or familyand he notices that he is seldom left alone. He also notices tha


  • thought Bill joined a Catholicseminary labeled it as “resocialization”; those who thought he joined the Marines frequentlylabeled it as “conversion.” Only those subjects who thought that Bill joined the Moonies used theterm “brainwashing.”Many studies have failed to support the idea of brainwashing. Several of these have focusedon the issue of recruitment, with the idea that if these groups did have some wa

File: Cycles of Chaos - Deconstructing Initiation -


  • e in the cycle, to understand the reaction of family, friends and others who may not be sympathetic to one's new-found direction or changes in lifestyle. Often, some of the more dubious cults such as the Moonies take advantage of this stage by convincing young converts that "true friends" etc, would not hinder them in taking up their new life, and that anyone who does not approve, is therefore not a 'true fr

File: Phil Hine - General Essays on Magic -


  • e in the cycle, to understand the reaction of family, friends and others who may not be sympathetic to one's new-found direction or changes in lifestyle. Often, some of the more dubious cults such as the Moonies take advantage of this stage by convincing young converts that "true friends" etc, would not hinder them in taking up their new life, and that anyone who does not approve, is therefore not a 'true fr


  • e in the cycle, to understand the reaction of family, friends and others who may not be sympathetic to one's new-found direction or changes in lifestyle. Often, some of the more dubious cults such as the Moonies take advantage of this stage by convincing young converts that "true friends" etc., would not hinder them in taking up their new life, and that anyone who does not approve, is therefore not a 'true f

File: Shadows of the Prophet Martial Arts and Sufi Mysticism -


  • s the fact that these secret techniques should never be disclosed to members of outside groups” (1998: 79). after a twelve year ethnography surveyed Moonies, ex-Moonies, and those considering joining the Moonies to see if they joined out of free will (choice), or because of “brainwashing.” The use of the survey approach to confirm ethnographic results is a popular adaptation by sociologists to anthropologica

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