
Found in 30 Books

File: Daniel Pinchbeck - Toward 2012 Perspectives On The Next Age -


  • d described new forms of linguistic activ - ity in the psychedelic sphere. 5 The other major outlaw scientist of the psychedelic sphere, Timothy Leary, received his own extraterrestrial download, The Starseed Transmission, while in solitary confi nement in Folsom Prison. The psychedelic sphere is reported by practicing shamans, main- stream and outlaw scientists, and psychedelic self-explorers to be popu-

File: Jonathan Phillips & Graham Hancock - The Electric Jesus -

  • mother I can see auras. What should Ido?” “I’m having a kundalini crisis and can’t ground. Any advice?” “I woke uplast night to find three tall, long-headed people in my bedroom. They say I’m aSirian starseed. What does that mean?”Emails pleading for support or understanding came in so frequently that I feltwe had become an ontological help desk. We rarely answered these notes, otherthan with a gentle wor

File: Emperor Wears No Clothes - Hemp & The Marijuana Conspiracy -


  • itizen’s birthrights and potential. To Barry for his extensive hemp archives which he made available to the hemp movement and ultimately, to this project. To my dear friends, Ron and Vicki Linker, of Starseed Collections of Athens, Ohio, who elequently taught state sena¬ tors and representatives and the people of Athens how ignorant (not knowing) they were about hemp and marijuana. Ron and Vicki are the t

File: MUFON Journal - December 1992 -


  • er format are Beckley's Strange Encounters, subtitled "Bizarre & Eerie Contact With UFO Occupants" (96 pp., illus., $10.95), UFOs Among the Stars (112 pp., illus., $12.95) and The American Indian UFO-Starseed Connection (112 pp., il- lus., $12.95). The middle title is a collection of UFO sight- ings and encounter stories by various celebrities, from the Moody Blues and John Lennon, to Jackie Gleason and W

File: Maximillien De Lafayette - Your Lucky Hours And Unlucky Hours -


  • and heartfelt calls are aligned. Chanda Reaves: Karmaic debt/ties and life lessons generally speaking are the "reasons" why it is said that everything in the universe happens for a reason. As a Starseed-Lightworker, I have explored in great depth, the logic behind each occurrence by first understanding what Incarnate Karma is and how it applies to the Universal Law of Cause and Effect. The purest


  • distinct polarities prospectively; positive, negative and neutral, yet each being distinctly unique in its Soul Group respectively. As a Metaphysician and Starseed-Lightworker, I believe the old adages, "You give a man a fish he will eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he shall eat for a life time. Each one, teach one!" Education is the key to being succ

File: Elite, Illuminati, Governments,Mind Control War -


  • _______________________ Q : How close to the truth are the writings of Neale Donald Walsch in his Conversations with God series? Are you in any way related to the Bird Tribes mentioned in Ken Carey`s Starseed Millenium books? Is there much truth in the writings of Sheldan Nidle of [link to ] A :

File: Encyclopedia Of Occultism And Parapsychology Vol 1 -


  • day through the atmosphere of your consciousness. . . . I am the bridegroom, spoken of old. I came to you first through the man named Jesus.’’ The transcripts of these sessions were published as The Starseed Transmissions in 1982 and became an early channeled New Age classic. The popular response led to the publication of further volumes based on the channelings. The entities who spoke through Carey emph


  • ologer, Clow also emerged as a channel, and in 1989 she issued one of the first books con- taining channeled material reputedly from inhabitants from the Pleiades star cluster, Heart of the Christos: Starseeding from the Pleiades. This volume, along with Barbara Marciniak ’s Bringers of the Dawn (1992), would create the emphasis on Pleiadian wis- dom that became so prominent in the post-New Age ascension


  • shuttle activities and efforts to increase human intelligence and life-span, summed up in the acronym SMILE (Space Migration, Increased Intelligence, Life Extension). He founded an organization named Starseed, a cooperative to colonize space. In 1982 Leary toured on a debate circuit with convicted Watergate conspirator G. Gordon Liddy, who participated in a 1966 raid on Leary’s Millbrook drug community. I


  • be communications from beings that claimed to be Pleiadians. She passed copies of the chan- neled messages to her Japanese friends, who encouraged her to continue. She also began to see herself as a Starseed, an ex- traterrestrial incarnated in a human body. She related this idea to a myth reported among the Cherokee people that they origi- nated from the Pleiades. The experience of channeling from the P

File: Encyclopedia Of Occultism And Parapsychology Vol 2 -


  • d Tribes. Kansas City, Mo.: Uni-Sun, 1988. ———. Terra Christa: The Global Spiritual Awakening. Kansas City, Mo.: Uni-Sun, 1985. ———. Vision. Kansas City, Mo.: Uni-Sun, 1985. Carey, Ken [Raphael]. The Starseed Transmis- sions: An Extraterrestrial Report. Kansas City, Mo.: Uni-Sun, 1982. Carington, Walter Whately. The Death of Mate- rialism. N.p., 1932. ———. The Foundations of Spiritualism. New York: E. P.


  • ——. The Psychedelic Experience. New Hyde Park, N.Y.: University Books, 1964. Leary, Timothy, Robert Wilson, and George A. Koopman. Neuropolitics: The Sociobiology of Human Metamorphosis. Los Angeles: Starseed/Peace Press, 1977. Lebot, Vincent, Mark Merlin, and Lamont Lindstrom. Kava: The Pacific Drug. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1992. LeClair, R. C. The Letters of William James and Theodore F

File: Messages From The Hollow Earth -


  • 23. Earthís Glorious Future Mikos speaks through Eric Karagounis Stick Around ìWe are meant to live in joy, and learn only from joy.† Many of you on planet Earth at this moment are Starseeds, and not originally from Earth.† You have volunteered to incarnate as Earthlings many times so you can be prepared for this final time. You are members of the ìFamily of Lightî.† You are here to fir

File: Revelations Of An Elite Family Insider -


  • t dictates the opposite. Q: How close to the truth are the writings of Neale Donald Walsch in his Conversations with God series? Are you in any way related to the Bird Tribes mentioned in Ken Carey`s Starseed Millenium books? Is there much truth in the writings of Sheldan Nidle of ? A: The Native Americ ans have preserved knowledge succesfully but nowadays (and the last century orso

File: Cooper - Behold a Pale Horse (%231 underground bestseller of all time) (1991) -

File: Robert Anton Wilson - Cosmic Trigger 1 - Final Secret Of The Illuminati -


  • us Huxley, deceased 71 The Net or the Network 74 The Lady of Guadalupe 76 Sirius Rising 79 The Holy Guardian Angel 88 Beings of light, talking dogs, more extraterrestrials and other weird critters 91 Starseed 93 Magick, Technology or Both? 96 Those mysterious Sufis 98 A message from Cosmic Central 102 Some Egyptian gods intrude on the narrative and Our Lady of Space speaks again 106


  • talking-dog and astral-pancake stories, the reader will find it hard to resist taking at least one peek around the room to see what Damned Thing might have gotten in dur- ing the last few minutes. 93 Starseed The next step in whatever is wrong with me again in- volved Timothy Leary. I was conducting a series of experiments in July-August 197 3-following the Sirius Transmission—in which I attempted astral


  • ing back to Cosmic Dimensions. I began to notice an odd thing: Timothy looked younger than he had in the 1960s. Tim led the interviewer to ask about the strange design on his prison uniform. "This is Starseed," Tim said, proud as a new father. The emblem was that strange miniature infinity- sign, the nucleotide template formed as DNA imprints mes- senger-RNA to start a new growth program. *Copies of the S


  • Starseed, however, was not just any nucleotide template. It was the one recently found on a meteor which landed in Orgeuil, France, when scientists examined the rock micro- scopically. It is the first chemica


  • ull of rare literature on drugs—scientific, propagandistic (government), literary, or just journalistic. When the Investigator got in touch with Mike Horowitz, he heard, for the first time, about the Starseed Transmissions. Meanwhile, Dr. Leary was shifted from Folsom to Vaca- ville and communication with him temporarily shorted-out. Once again, I had to apply for permission to correspond, fill out the ri


  • natory) Contacts with Sirius.) The persons involved were: Dr. Leary and his wife, Joanna; fellow prison- er Wayne Benner: and Wayne's girl-friend, a journalist who prefers to be known as Guanine. The Starseed Transmissions—"hallucinations" or what- ever—were received in 19 bursts, seldom in recognizable Eng- lish sentences, requiring considerable meditation and discus- sion between the four Receivers befo


  • s of his life, Aleister Crowley contacted a Higher Intelli- gence named Aiwass, who dictated to him The Book of the Law. In what follows, we will show some imagistic links be- tween this Book and the Starseed Signals—but first, a few de- tails about how Crowley received this strange document: Aleister and his first wife, Rose, were in Cairo, Egypt,


  • erribly bad as prophecy of the 20th century, for a book produced in 1904—when the majority opinion of Europe was that war had been banished from the civilized nations forever. It seems clear that the Starseed Transmissions acquired a rather heavy Timothy Leary flavor in passing through the Leary nervous system, just as the Book of the Law took on an undeniably Crowleyan aroma in passing through Aleister's


  • uspect was receiving these letters and trying to persuade Thornley, gently, that his imagination was grow- ing faster than his evidence, various forms of paranoia were breaking out in the local Leary-Starseed group. Every week somebody would come to the Suspect and warn, in urgent whispers, that somebody else in the group was actually a gov- ernment agent. Often, the person accused one week would be the p


  • th me. But I'm delighted that we've found the three obvious steps that a reasonably edu- cated God takes: SMI 2 LE. (SMI 2 LE was Leary's new acronym for the Futurist scenario he had derived from the Starseed Transmissions. It means Space Migration + Intelligence 2 + Life Extension.) As soon as Illuminatus was published in September 1975, people started sending me letters about weird 23s in their own live


  • amatically during another meeting with the remarkable Geller. All that happened between April and December, 1973. I received my first Sirius impressions in July 1973 and Leary and Benner received the Starseed signals in August 1973. For a dramatic climax, while I was nearing completion of the first draft of this book in July 1976, Saul-Paul Sirag called me on the phone to tell me that a friend in Southern


  • rtain amount of tel- epathy or idea-transference between Dr. Leary and myself in the summer of 1973, before I received permission to corres- pond with him and visit him. Leary and Benner received the Starseed message during the "dog days" of 1973, when the link between Earth and Sirius is strongest according to Egyp- tian tradition, synchronizing with my own initial Sirius trans- missions. And a separate


  • th century history appeared as a frantic (although unconscious) effort to build a craft to es- cape Earth and return to Galactic Center. This occurred in March of 1971. (Leary and Benner received the Starseed trans- missions, urging return to Galactic Center, in July-August 1973. 215


  • some bugs in it, and it will create, unintentionally, a series of wrinkles or weirdnesses in the time-flow, which rolling back- wards will create the "occult" events which drew so many of us into the Starseed scenario in the late 1960s and early 1970s. The Higher Intelligence behind all this is, then, literally 228


  • Physics Consciousness Research Group and Jean Millay and other bio-feedback investigators, I am convinced that Intelligence 2 ~a planetary rise in intelligence- will also be achieved in our time. The Starseed Signals, how- ever you explain them, did indeed contain the evolutionary imperative awaiting our generation. Looking out my window down at the vast urban sprawl of the Bay Area, I sometimes recall th


  • y, 80,146, 163 and marijuana connection, 55 and neurological relativism, 60, 61 and Periodic Table of Evolution, 210-14,216,217 and Pythagoras, 210 and Reich, 163 and SMI 2 LE, 167, 172, 218, 236 and Starseed Transmissions, 110, 155 and Two Commandments, 38,40 and Wilson family, 232, 236, 237 LcBarre, Weston, 147 Lehrman, Nat, 98 Lenin, 64 Leprechauns, 27, 28, 31 Levitation, 78-9,94, 134, 231 Liber Aleph


  • and Beyond (Sarfatti), 173 Space travel, 123,189, 205. See also UFOs Spann, Carl, 120,121,126 SPECTRA, 173,242-3,244 Spectra-70, 244 Speed, 200 Stanford, Ray, 174, 242-4 Stapledon, William Olaf, 208 Starseed, 93, 94-5, 228 Starseed Transmissions, 104, 105-6, 110, 155,167, 174,185, 215, 237 Star Trek (television program), 27,148, 202, 209 Stehler, Bernard, 122 Steiger, Brad, 72, 98 Steiner, Rudolph, 25 St

File: Robert Anton Wilson - Game If Life -


  • PEACE PRESS-STARSEED Presents THE GAME OF LIFE Real-ized by TIMOTHY LEARY Starring The 24 Stages of Your Neurological Tarot Directed by Covert Activities / Robert Clark Written by Timothy Leary Historical and Scholarly S


  • ing (1967) High Priest (1968) Politics of Ecstasy (1968) Jail Notes (1971) Principles and Practice of Hedonic Psychology (1972) Confessions of a Hope Fiend (1973) Neurologic (with Joanna Leary, 1973) Starseed: A Psy-Psy Comet Tale (1973) The Curse of the Oval Room (1974) Terra II (with Joanna Leary and L W. Benner, 1974) Future History Series: Vol. I: What Does WoMan Want? (1976) Vol. II: Exo-Psychology (


  • FOOT NOTES: Part I 1. Timothy Leary, Exo-Psychology: Manual for the Use of the Nervous System According to the Instructions of the Manufacturers (Los Angeles, Ca.: Starseed/ Peace Press, 1977). Cover picture by Norman Seeff. 2. Ralph E. Lapp, Matter (New York: Time/Life Books, 1963), p. 29. 3. Reprinted by permission of the Alfred Korzybski Estate from Science and Sanit

File: Robert Anton Wilson - Game Of Life -

  • FOOT NOTES: Part I1. [part0009.html#part1_nts1] Timothy Leary, Exo-Psychology: Manual for the Useof the Nervous System According to the Instructions of the Manufacturers (LosAngeles, Ca.: Starseed/Peace Press, 1977). Cover picture by Norman Seeff.2. [part0011_split_000.html#part1_nts2] Ralph E. Lapp, Matter (New York:Time/Life Books, 1963), p. 29.3. [part0014_split_000.html#part1_nts3] Reprint

File: Robert Anton Wilson - Illuminati Papers -

  • l intelligence of the whole society. Progressive Disorientation, as Icalled it before, is the ultimate fate of all conspiratorial systems. That’s whyDr. Leary has the slogan “No More Secrets” for the Starseed Group—a coalitionwhich is attempting a triple mutation in this generation, namely Space Migrationplus Intelligence Increase plus Life Extension. (SMI2LE, in Leary’s convenientabbreviation.) Secrets a

File: Robert Anton Wilson - Illuminati Papers -

  • l intelligence of the whole society. Progressive Disorientation, as Icalled it before, is the ultimate fate of all conspiratorial systems. That’s whyDr. Leary has the slogan “No More Secrets” for the Starseed Group—a coalitionwhich is attempting a triple mutation in this generation, namely Space Migrationplus Intelligence Increase plus Life Extension. (SMI2LE, in Leary’s convenientabbreviation.) Secrets a

File: Magus Tsirk Susej - The Demonic Apocrypha (Book Two of the Demonic Bible) -


  • ear to be divided For the joy of Realization. (67) Just as Two may be-come None And Three or more may be-come None So too may One be-come Nun By first becoming Two-in-One The Ultim-Atum (68) Thus the starseed is borne to earth Lamat Talam And if Two or more who each are Two-in-One Together become Nun This is the Perfect Secret Talam Malat (69) So embrace your divinity For One equals Infinity And All for N

File: Book Of Life -


  • he date of the or iginal Ascension and the grand awakening. Fortunately, since the Mayans first came to identify The Ascension and awakening point, conditions have changed. The fa ntastic work of the starseeds h as allowed the time of ascension to be moved forward. It has also prevented the wo rst awakening scenarios and now we are able to proceed with far less violence than on previous cosmic tracks. Now


  • simply stepped up our in terventions. At the same time that Nostradamus came with his dire warnings, a universal call went out for assistance and intervention on this earth. This call was answered by starseeds from all over creation who came to provide critical assistance. These starseed interven tions, which we discuss in much more detail in subsequent chapters, helped create the c onditions necessary fo
  • h his dire warnings, a universal call went out for assistance and intervention on this earth. This call was answered by starseeds from all over creation who came to provide critical assistance. These starseed interven tions, which we discuss in much more detail in subsequent chapters, helped create the c onditions necessary for ascension and awakening on this planet. Conclusion In this chapter, we took a
  • the rest of this book we return to an explicit discussion of ascension and the way we have brought this planet to its current exalted location in the creative scheme of things. However, as we discuss starseed interventions, timelines, prophecy and even your own ascension and awakening process, always try to stay above this earth a nd within the perspective of Immortal Spirit. Remember, for example, that a
  • terventions, timelines, prophecy and even your own ascension and awakening process, always try to stay above this earth a nd within the perspective of Immortal Spirit. Remember, for example, that all starseed interven tions at all locations in the space/time tube are happening concurrently and in this grand ascension moment. Bringing forward your new


  • , we have experienced c ontinued resistance from the earthly elites who benefited from the Annunaki systems of power, hierarchy, and privilege. In this chapter and the next we will detail some of the starseed interventions that have been required in order to overcome ongoing efforts of this world’s elites to prevent the ascension of physicality and the awakening of this planet’s people.


  • or my part, I would like to spend some time outlining all the interventions that prepared the way for this final battle. In the remainder of this chapter and in the next I will sp eak of the historic starseed interventions and the creation of the glorious Infrastructure of Light which has made possible the initiation and successful completion of the Battle of Armageddon. Let us start our examination by lo
  • ful completion of the Battle of Armageddon. Let us start our examination by looking at the work of the ascended spiritual masters. Ascended Masters Let us start our discussion of ascended masters and starseed intervention by considering just what an ascended master is and the nature of th eir work on this planet. Consider first the word “master.” This word has a very mundane meani ng. A master is simply s


  • and have repeatedly entered into physicality after each failed ascension attempt. Of course, their work has changed over time as each awakening attempt failed, each new condition was added, and more starseeds came to participate in the grand War of Souls. However, th eir activity has always been guided by their one overriding goal to help create an Infrastructure of Light that would provide an unshakeabl
  • frastructure of Light? It is the total of all the progressive spiritual, social, political, and psychological teachings that have been introduced to this world. It is the sum of all technologies that starseeds have brought to help ra ise the level of consciousness on this planet. In short, the Infrastructure of Light is the sum of all starseed intervention as it was directed at overcoming elite imposed da
  • troduced to this world. It is the sum of all technologies that starseeds have brought to help ra ise the level of consciousness on this planet. In short, the Infrastructure of Light is the sum of all starseed intervention as it was directed at overcoming elite imposed darkness. The Infrastruct ure of Light is all around you and exists as the glorious manifested intent of millions of light workers. It is a


  • can also be very disconcerting because of its rapidity. K eep in mind the key to walking The Path quickly and safely is to trust Spirit. Since the early sixties, Spirit has been awakening individual starseeds and light workers with individual triggers. These advanced cadres of lig ht workers have been in operation now for almost two decades preparing the way for the expl osive awakening that would be tri
  • workers have been in operation now for almost two decades preparing the way for the expl osive awakening that would be triggered during the proper divine moment. In 2001, the last of th e specialist starseeds were activated. Beginning in 2003, the mass triggering has begun (you are reading this book aren’t you?). Now everyone is


  • or destroyed altoge ther. So in order to protect these individuals from temptation and destruction long enough for th em to awaken to their task and fulfill their missions, a special support group of starseeds tasked with the job of protecting, nurturing, and supporting the spiritual emissaries was created. Th is support network we might call the Ascended Master Support Network (AMSN). The AMSN, also know


  • the last chapter, we have been engaged in a War of Souls against Annunaki minions on this planet for several centuries. This war pitted ruling elites against the energy workers of this earth and the starseeds who came to intervene. In the last chapter, you were introduced to the work of special spiritual emis saries who came to create the spiritual foundation for the Infrastructure of Light. You learned
  • ture of truth and meaning that could be twisted on the surface, but deep within retained the revolutionary truths intact. In this chapter, we will examine in more deta il the work of other incarnated starseeds. These additional workers came to help with the overall strategy by providing higher social, political, and technological interventions. These individuals, an d there are many with varied talents an


  • hmin (priest) castes and into the hands of the masses was a necessary first step in building the Infrastructure of Light. In order to encourage the general edification of the earth’s population, many starseeds over many centuries incarnated as teachers and philosophers in order to assist with the general educational effort. They came to introduce, among other things, accessible alphabet systems, egalitari
  • hey came to introduce, among other things, accessible alphabet systems, egalitarian systems of thinking, and alterna tive conceptions of the cosmos. From ancient philosophy through to modern science, starseeds in this group are responsible for the gradual growth and spread of education, art, science, and empiricism 14 in all ancient (e.g., Chinese, Arab, European) and modern worlds. Of course, the ruling


  • education and literacy by, for example, wrapping ideas or educational systems inside elite languages and keeping the general population ignorant of these specialized languages (e.g., Latin). However, starseeds were persistent and over th e centuries they gradually whittled away at elite control of education and literacy. Of course, elites resisted at every turn. When, for example, the industrial revolutio
  • g the population to a point where they believed they had both the ability to learn and the right to knowledge, and where they approached learning and change as desirable, was a struggle that took our starseeds centuries to accomplish. Literacy and education were not the only star seed interventions that helped foster a new orientation to truth among the people of this planet. There was also the introducti


  • 87 also been responsible for unspeak able horror. However, despite its negative aspects, science has provided an important contribution to the overall Infrastructure of Light that starseeds came to build. Of course, if ruling elites resisted any attempts to educate the masses of this planet, they also resisted science and technology. Although this ma y come as a surprise in an age wher


  • the population. Unfortunately, while the technology did succeed in spreading literacy and education, it did not attain the revolutionary outcome we had hoped for. The story is the same as with other starseed interventions. Printing technology was initially resisted by the ruling classes who were threat ened by its promise and potential. Their initial resistance turned to glee when th ey realized that the


  • u see media monopolies in radio, television, satellite, cable, etc.). However, as with science and education, no matter how corrupted the communications technologies became, the general agenda of the starseeds was advanced. Each starseed intervention connected with others and form ed an ever-expanding web of education and enlightenment that gradually and inexorably pushed back the darkness on this world.
  • io, television, satellite, cable, etc.). However, as with science and education, no matter how corrupted the communications technologies became, the general agenda of the starseeds was advanced. Each starseed intervention connected with others and form ed an ever-expanding web of education and enlightenment that gradually and inexorably pushed back the darkness on this world. The culmination of the attemp
  • -opt. With the introduction and explosion of the WWW (from a few advocates in 1989 to a user base of well over ½ billion people), we finally had the powerful technology that, along with all the other starseed interventions, helped tip the “truth scale” on this planet. It is now quite impossible for elites to stem the flow of truth. The total disintegration of elite realities follows swiftly on the heels o


  • both sides of the great ocean were painfully obvious to all who had made the choice to open their eyes to the truth. It is no understatement to say that the WWW is the crowning jewel of centuries of starseed intervention. It is dependent on and made po ssible by advances in education, science, and technology over several centuries. Its creation, the massive support given to it by people on this planet, a
  • l for giving vo ice to the average individual signals (like many other recent developments) the end of elite privilege on this world. Additional Workers As you can see from even the brief overview of starseed work provided above, several centuries of interventions were required to bring this world to the point where we could initiate ascension and awakening. Actually, it is a bit more complicated than thi
  • rventions were required to bring this world to the point where we could initiate ascension and awakening. Actually, it is a bit more complicated than this. As noted at the outset of our discussion on starseed interventions, we have tried several times to trigger ascension and awakening. As each attempt failed, and as we learned more about how to overcome elite resistance, concurrent interventions were ord


  • 92 With the initiation of the Battle of Armageddon, the final strategic starseed deployments could be undertaken. The final groups of st arseeds, who came with the express purpose of fighting in the great battle, began incarnating in the ‘50s and ‘60s. These ones were left uncons
  • the ‘50s and ‘60s. These ones were left unconscious until it became clear that the forces of light had won the day. Had the forces of light not been able to achieve their goals, these fi nal waves of starseeds would never have been awakened. They would have gone through the same planetary cleansing that everyone else would have had to endure. In the rest of this chapter we will look at se veral of these s
  • en awakened. They would have gone through the same planetary cleansing that everyone else would have had to endure. In the rest of this chapter we will look at se veral of these specialized groups of starseeds. You can consider the revelations about these indivi duals as another sign of the victory of light. If we could not peer into the future and see the successful denouement of this great conflict, inf
  • of light. If we could not peer into the future and see the successful denouement of this great conflict, information on these critical volunteers would have never been released. Healers One group of starseeds that came with the express purpose of assisting in the Battle of Armageddon were the healers. These individuals are the priestesses, pr iests, witches, and shamans of this earth. Many of them have d


  • th is not a long process . It is easily accomplished within a relatively short period. All that is needed is the correct dosage of truth, responsibility, and personal power. Warriors Another group of starseeds that came primarily for the end-times struggle are the warriors. They, like the healers discussed above, entered a ll parts of the space/time tube on concurrent training missions that would prepare
  • have agreed to complete one or more of several key ascension and awakening tasks. One function warriors came to fulfill was as protectors . They came to protect the more sensitive and easily damaged starseeds during the critical early days of the end-times struggle when vibrational balance points had just b een transcended and sensitive souls would still experience difficulty incarnating and moving eff e


  • top the entrance of millions of Christ children. Conclusion In this chapter, we finalized our discu ssion of the War of Souls and the Battle of Armageddon. Here we learned something of the fl avor of starseed work over the centuries. We examined the contribution of the educators, tec hnologists, and savants who came from across the cosmos to help lift this planet out of darkn ess. Unfortunately, we only s
  • . We examined the contribution of the educators, tec hnologists, and savants who came from across the cosmos to help lift this planet out of darkn ess. Unfortunately, we only scratched the surface of starseed interventions. Much remain s to be said about the true spiritual history of this planet. Still, the purpose of the last two chapters was not tota l historical revelation. They were penned to provide


  • struction. It is certainly accurate to say that The Path is narrow and fille d with numerous pitfalls. Thankfully, however, The Path is getting easier to walk. There has been so much light let in by starseed intervention, so much work done by the original souls who incarnated on this planet, and so many individual awakenings that The Path grows wider every day. Truth of all varieties is becoming more “in
  • nlightenment to look forward to. We can also expect emotional and ps ychological health as well. In fact, we can all have these things today if we so choose. There h as been so much work do ne by the starseeds that


  • poor sisters and brothers feed off their own terror, it will be an explosive display. For your part it will be important to remember that this is not Atlantis . One of the primary reasons for all the starseed interventions on this earth (aside from dealing with the Annunaki pawns) was to ensure that when the time cam e to rebalance the energy and awaken the population, there would be enough bodies already


  • , 21, 22, 24, 26, 27, 29, 31, 32, 39, 40, 41, 42, 44, 47, 48, 50, 51, 52, 54, 59, 61, 62, 63, 67, 68, 69, 71, 74, 76, 84, 85, 89, 94, 96, 98, 99, 101, 108 S PIRITUAL M ASTER , 70 S TAR OF D AVID , 45 STARSEED STARSEED , 32, 66, 69, 70, 77, 79, 80, 82, 83, 88, 106, 109 STARSEEDS , 30, 32, 70, 71, 72, 75, 76, 77, 78, 80, 83, 84, 106 SYMPATHETIC VIBRATION , 52, 55 T HE A SCENSION , 1, 2, 5, 6, 13, 14, 16, 17

File: Shapeshifter - Dna Activation Level One Companion Guide -


  • ue to that which moves you, in the colors that you fashion, from the burning fire of your passion. You dance the dance in graceful remembrance of who you are, for every man and every woman is a Star. Starseed you are, your origin and heritage, beyond death and beyond age. As the tapestry of the 12 is rewo- ven, the illusion of the controllers broken and dis- solved in Love, not rage. In the dawning, a new


  • ’s acupuncture meridians) and to all life, not only in this dimension but through the chakric gateways and through other spin points that relate, again, to the acupuncture nodes and what has been The starseed roots of humanities 12 strand metaglactic heritage run deep, far beyond this Harmonic Universe. One might conclude that human languages are a reflection of the patterns within the DNA codex.


  • the galactic core. “They” (insert preferred belief sys- tem here) could not remove these baselines because there would be no lifeforce, we would have just been empty automatons, shells of flesh. The starseed roots of humanities 12 strand metagalac- tic heritage run deep, far beyond this Harmonic Universe. As Garajev and his team went deeper, they dis- covered that the vibrational matrix within the DNA fo

File: SubRosa Magazine Issue IV (2006) -


  • the most complete pieces of text ever written, and there are few who believe that they can improve on it. As Robert Anton Wilson demonstrated in Cosmic Trigger , there are many parallels between the “Starseed Features Features THE HIGH PRIEST AND THE GREAT BEAST THE HIGH PRIEST AND THE GREAT BEAST I Have America Surrounded Timothy Leary was a brilliant Harvard psychologist who was sacked from his research

File: Davis, Erik - Techgnosis -


  • he most apocalyptic and science fictional dimensions of info-gnosticism emerge. Transcribed on a clunky manual typewrite in the '70s by a rural New England carpenter named Ken Carey, the best-selling Starseed Transmissions is the most well-written and seductive of these New Age ET texts. Written in the first person, the purported source of the transmissions are beings that embrace both the language of ang


  • uman individuals. The aliens are quite frank about how they are subliminally affecting human minds and sneakily spreading their infectious meta-information through terrestrial culture. In this sense, Starseed's transmissions are delivered more like a virus or a set of trigger signals than a collection of beliefs. As with some gnostic texts, they seek a rhetoric of immediacy, of direct contact. This is mos


  • . Dick, VALIS (New York, 1980). 44Richard Dawkins, The Selfish Gene (Oxford, 1976), 192. 45Deacon, Dee, 37. 46Andrew Ross, Strange Weather (New York, 1991, 37. 47Quoted in Jonas, 89. 48Ken Carey, The Starseed Transmissions (New York, 1982), 35. 49Quoted in Jonas, 60. 50Jean-Francois Lyotard, The Postmodern Condition: A Report on Knowledge, t= rans. Geoff Bennington and Brian Massumi (Minneapolis, 1984), 1

File: Zenarchist Cookbook -


  • A Book In 5 Parts • Part I - HotDogs and Catma • Part II – Zenarchy Nutshell • Part III - The Book Of Phibs (Phalsely Called Phakes) • Part IV – Fragments From Forgotten Sermons • Book V – The Starseed Trance-Mission


  • Part V The Starseed Trance-Mission The NeuroAtomic Order of the Nevermind! Cabal conducted aseries of occult experiments during the ‘Dog Days’ ofsummer 2002. The aim was to channel cosmic intelligence.The result of the

File: Encyclopedia of Occultism and Parapsychology Vol 1 -


  • his day through the atmosphere of yourconsciousness. . . . I am the bridegroom, spoken of old. I cameto you first through the man named Jesus.’’ The transcripts ofthese sessions were published as The Starseed Transmissions in1982 and became an early channeled New Age classic. Thepopular response led to the publication of further volumesbased on the channelings.The entities who spoke through Carey emphasiz


  • strologer, Clow also emergedas a channel, and in 1989 she issued one of the first books con-taining channeled material reputedly from inhabitants fromthe Pleiades star cluster, Heart of the Christos: Starseeding from thePleiades. This volume, along with Barbara Marciniak’s Bringersof the Dawn (1992), would create the emphasis on Pleiadian wis-dom that became so prominent in the post-New Age ascensionmovem


  • ce shuttle activities and effortsto increase human intelligence and life-span, summed up inthe acronym SMILE (Space Migration, Increased Intelligence,Life Extension). He founded an organization named Starseed,a cooperative to colonize space.In 1982 Leary toured on a debate circuit with convictedWatergate conspirator G. Gordon Liddy, who participated ina 1966 raid on Leary’s Millbrook drug community. In th


  • to be communications from beingsthat claimed to be Pleiadians. She passed copies of the chan-neled messages to her Japanese friends, who encouraged herto continue. She also began to see herself as a Starseed, an ex-traterrestrial incarnated in a human body. She related this ideato a myth reported among the Cherokee people that they origi-nated from the Pleiades.The experience of channeling from the Pleia

File: Encyclopedia of Occultism and Parapsychology Vol 2 -


  • Bird Tribes. Kansas City,Mo.: Uni-Sun, 1988. ———. Terra Christa: The Global SpiritualAwakening. Kansas City, Mo.: Uni-Sun,1985. ———. Vision. Kansas City, Mo.: Uni-Sun,1985. Carey, Ken [Raphael]. The Starseed Transmis-sions: An Extraterrestrial Report. KansasCity, Mo.: Uni-Sun, 1982. Carington, Walter Whately. The Death of Mate-rialism. N.p., 1932. ———. The Foundations of Spiritualism. NewYork: E. P. Dutt


  • 6. ———. The Psychedelic Experience. New HydePark, N.Y.: University Books, 1964. Leary, Timothy, Robert Wilson, and GeorgeA. Koopman. Neuropolitics: The Sociobiologyof Human Metamorphosis. Los Angeles:Starseed/Peace Press, 1977. Lebot, Vincent, Mark Merlin, and LamontLindstrom. Kava: The Pacific Drug. NewHaven, Conn.: Yale University Press,1992. LeClair, R. C. The Letters of William James andTheodore Flour

File: E.T. 101 -


  • ated, extraterrestrial concept which we call multidimensional marketing. During these times, please be generous and loving in your assistance to those around you. They are most likely your down-line. Starseed—The Next Generation Another great source of assistance on th is mission will be extended to you by the generation that follows. This manual is primarily directed at the vanguard of this mission whose


  • anyone outside of Minnesota, and it is even more inadequate in measuring an extraterrestrial who may have an alarming predisposition toward androgyny and other psychologically suspect behavior. This starseed group is equipped differently and is basically bored by the questionable standards of intelligence and dysfunctionality posing as mental health that you are su bmitting them to. It would actually be

File: Messages From The Hollow Earth -


  • 23. Earthís Glorious Future Mikos speaks through Eric Karagounis Stick Around ìWe are meant to live in joy, and learn only from joy.† Many of you on planet Earth at this moment are Starseeds, and not originally from Earth.† You have volunteered to incarnate as Earthlings many times so you can be prepared for this final time. You are members of the ìFamily of Lightî.† You are here to fir

File: Pleiadian Agenda -


  • Earth have origins Pleiadians said, and suddenly, in the '70s, Bill Meier of Switzerland, reported on direct contact with ships and beings Pleiadians. In the '80s, Ken Carey published a book entitled Starseed Transmissions, an inspiring appearance and remarkable clarity of intelligence Pleiadian; Lyssa Royal and I were receiving transmissions, in 1988, Barabara Marciniak opened suddenly, a powerful channe

File: Secret Cipher Of The Ufonauts -


  • riginal work with the Cipher. Laying out the 1974 cipher solution on a 26-point star pattern, Frater Lamed was eventually able to generate thousands of “cipher star” variants, highly suggestive of a “starseed transmission” based on the cipher hidden in The Book of the Law . Lightlines Group , organized in Kentucky by Carla Rueckert and the late Don Elkins. Lightlines is one of the few trance channel conta


  • alternative successful ciphers are embedded in the original star. Such stars are rare; but people who have examined them geometrically as well as internally find them incredibly eerie—suggestive of a starseed transmission with an enormous store of information, a veritable library. It has been estimated that to find the 20,000-plus successful cipher solutions thus far discovered would, without com - puter


  • antage point He maintained that the phrase “King Felix” was a cipher for the coming of a New Being, who would deliver humanity from the “black iron prison.” KING FELIX = 147 = RESISTANCE. Much of the starseed speculation centers on Sirius or Sothis, the Dog Star so im - portant as a calendar yardstick in ancient Egypt, and the object of The Sirius Mystery speculations on ancient visitations from the stars


  • d FOLLOW ME. The Sirius tradition has apparently been perpetuated by many generations of priests, so it is interesting that SIRIUS = 85 = BISHOP. The cycle quoted here does seem to lend weight to the starseed transmission con - cept as it applies to the Crowley Class A documents, including the deciphering of Liber AI vel Legis , The Book of the Law .

File: Valdamar Valerian - Matrix IV -


  • nsient lifespan, and we alree behold it in its decaying stages. It comprises indeed a transitory co~~ll~lunication,. one which has already seen its best days. Several channel sources themselves (i.e. Starseed Transmission, Agartha) have noted that by 1989 the better part of the important and required channeling would be accomplished. We can infer the cataract of "stufl" that inevitably continues to pour i

File: William Cooper - Behold A Pale Horse -


  • commentary on the common man, but nevertheless it is true. The New World Order is evil but very much needed if man is to su rvive long enough to plant his seed amongst the stars. A paradigm shift and starseed are the only legitimate long-term answers. THIS IS WHY WE HAVE ALL BEEN SO WRONG FOR SO LONG. It


  • THE YEAR 2,000; BUT IF THESE PLANS ARE NOT SUCCESSFUL THE HUMAN RACE COULD BECOME EXTINCT. Nothing on earth can change this except a tremendous reduction and stabilization of the population. Without starseed th is reduction and stabili- zation would only delay the inevitable, as eventually all raw materials will be completely depleted. A never-ending source of free energy will then be needed. That may be
  • free energy would most likely result in total anarchy. So you see, what was needed in the beginning is still needed in the end. A paradigm shift in the evolutionary consciousness of man coupled with starseed is the most logical answer for the human race. We must learn to accept individual responsibility for the world's problems or be willing to live by the terms of those who do. We must learn to love one

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