MI 6

Found in 52 Books

File: Alexander Putney - Veil Of Invisibility -


  • d Dearlove (at left),] the Head of MI6. I had worked closely with MI5 for about twenty years and with MI6 for the last five years of my time working at the CIA (1998 - 2001, 2003 - 2004). The Head of MI 6 was a particularly close friend of mine, of a non - sexual nature. I had “assisted at the birth” of one of his children who had nearly been born blue in about 2000. So I had thereafter stayed at his

File: C W Leadbeater - The Masters & The Path -


  • nding country is under snow during the winter, I do not remember having seen any near the Masters' houses. These houses are of stone, very heavily and strongly built. 62. THE HOUSE OF THE MASTER KUTHUMI 63. INCLUDEPICTURE "http://www.anandgholap.net/ Masters_And_Path-Images/image013.jpg" \* MERGEFORMATINET 64. The house of the Master Kuthumi is divided into two parts by a passage-way running straight

File: David Icke - Alice In Wonderland And The World Trade Center Disaster -


  • e and Abroad, by Kenny Bruno and Jim Valette, a report by EarthRights I nternational, October 2000, http://www.earthrghts.org/pubs/halliburton.htmi 18 http://www.earthrghts.org/halliburton/pr10040O.htmi 6 http://www.nexusmagazine.com/bushcheney.htmi 7 You can find a lot of detail about these connections at http://a-albionic.org/assassination/cheney_bush jfk.txt 8 George Bush: The Unofficial Biograph


  • N E 60 Washington DC 20017 61 http://www.aclu.org 62 Ibid 63 Ibid 64 Ibid 65 Ibid 66 New York Times, December 1st 2001 67 http://www.aclu.org 68 http://www.guerrillanews.com/civil liberties/doc172.htmi 69 l bld http://www.guerrillanews.com/civil liberties/docl72.html 70 http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2001/09/20010920-8.html 71 White House press release, Office of the Press Secretary, October

File: David Icke - Alice in Wonderland and the World Trade Center (Chap 1-7) (2002) -


  • e and Abroad, by Kenny Bruno and Jim Valette, a report by EarthRights I nternational, October 2000, http://www.earthrghts.org/pubs/halliburton.htmi 18 http://www.earthrghts.org/halliburton/pr10040O.htmi 6 http://www.nexusmagazine.com/bushcheney.htmi 7 You can find a lot of detail about these connections at http://a-albionic.org/assassination/cheney_bush jfk.txt 8 George Bush: The Unofficial Biograph


  • N E 60 Washington DC 20017 61 http://www.aclu.org 62 Ibid 63 Ibid 64 Ibid 65 Ibid 66 New York Times, December 1st 2001 67 http://www.aclu.org 68 http://www.guerrillanews.com/civil liberties/doc172.htmi 69 l bld http://www.guerrillanews.com/civil liberties/docl72.html 70 http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2001/09/20010920-8.html 71 White House press release, Office of the Press Secretary, October

File: Encyclopaedia Britannica Volume 3 -


  • y /A* f 1 A^/A/nAw,//< ■ t>>//////. >! 5 5 = n // ■ (/*(>?'</*> tf'/zr/t /At // //* /%» ^r/*,//i' ^ S'by/<'%*//?f 'n** 4 J< 1C n/Ao < Aon//// //t///t>//*>. ^ J x °> / \ Names lVepoiitions Teinmitiaticmi 6 Ti *14.1 f 1* !• 1.1. y^ t> /v' /v// A- /// p/ //AAo * 7 . c y t///tA rv’ nr tAn At* ~T — . V 7 A # ■ 8 ,C\ *r> rs r*i *t t/yn/ni/ ^ ^ r?\ rs. 1J / ///r/*o Atf/A 9 A A A A A A u / * A//t/yo ^ ///*>/

File: Fritz Springmeier - Be Wise As Serpents -


  • reasons th ey were created. And we unwittingly fund these secr et services that spy on us, and are at the complete disposal of the con- spiracy. The machinations of the secret services such as MI 5, MI 6, the FBI, the CIA, and others boggle the mind. It is no comfort to real ize that men identified as related to the Conspiracy are also men in control of the secret services. The tie-ins by the leader-


  • not have the space to delve into all the politics and cooperation during these years between the Catholic Church and the One-World-Order, incl uding such groups as the CIA, the Knights of Malta, and MI 6. Let it simpl y suffice here to indicate that there was a lot of ac tivity between the various parties, and a lot of mixing and cooperation . It appears the clos e relationships were mutually benefic

File: Emperor Wears No Clothes - Hemp & The Marijuana Conspiracy -


  • and washing for one hour aud a further medium brush of one hour, bleuched with II. 4 |mr cunt of bloacb, aud mado into s furnish com|maud of 15.5 |*t cent of aulphilo, 23.5 per cont of sods poplar, ami 61 |>cr cent of Imrd .lock, loaded with 21.4 por cunt of clay, sired with 1.17 pur cuijt of remit sute, hard brushed for ono hour, tinted by live export colorsr HEM I' It UII ns AS PAl'KII-MAKINfl matk

File: black-book-unredacted -


  • 0207-351 3631 (h) Hovenian, Nina 001 212 996 1687(h) Holfo~d, Mr & Mrs James ~~:0~~1n ap/g!~cf.il Pror:tucts Ld Hovnanian, Shauot 45 Rutland Gate~h) Hovanlan Grr,up l 71P 520 NaversJnk River Road g "Mi 6 /~J Red Bank, NJ 07701 tr« Ste 12 Da~Hammarsk o a_ Bfvd Fre-ehol~ J 07728 nd.com/james@hofla 908-462 200 rtheacJ Lodga 908--452-278f on ead St. Andrew 908-~30-851 Sal~ N, Shanesbuiil' 908- 41-0076 (h

File: John Coleman - Beyond the Conspiracy -


  • ir lives to more than happenstance. They simply do not know any better, and cannot conceive that what has befallen them is something far different from mere happenstance. The noted English author and MI 6 operative H.G. Wells in his work The Open Conspiracy, wrote about the lack of understanding of "the common man" of secret societies, as did Dr. Jacob Hass, the biographer for th e American Justice Br

File: John Coleman - Tavistock Institute Of Human Relations -


  • rsonality a particular type of behavior, then all you have to do is control the third variable of the equation an d thus produce the desired behavior. This was the norm in social-psychology formulas. MI 6 uses it, and almost every type of situation involving negoti ations; army counterinsurgency operations, labor negotiatio ns and diplomatic negotiations used it up until apparently the 1960s. After 19


  • s? He told me that Tavistoc k has indeed perfected its techniques and that it was now possible to make selected MI6 and CIA operatives "ESP-Perfec t." Here it is necessary to explain that the CIA and MI 6 maintain a very high degree of secrecy about such matters.

File: Talmud Eser Sefirot -


  • n Atzilut. That is because in order to shine in Atzilut, it clothed Hochma above Atzilut a nd shone through it in Atzilut. Thus, you should no t think that it is the Hochma de Atzilut herself. Ohr Pnimi 6. Here too, as in Atzilut, it does not mean that r ight at the beginning of its emergence, the degree of Bina appeared in Olam Beria. Instead, he wishes to say that the highest level that finally came


  • ial, but not in actual. It is called Tohu because it perplexes humans’ thou ghts, and they say: “We see that it is shapeless, yet we see that it is a Ne’et zal (7) and has all four forms (8).” Ohr Pnimi 6. It means that the four Behinot HB TM are also ca lled “Four Rudiments”, for there is no Behina of them in Tohu. 7. It means that it has already left the Maatzil, w hich is Ein Sof, called “zero”. 8.


  • It is called Keter, containin g everything above it. Even if it is smaller than everyone, it sucks from everyone, has the Shoresh of all the emanated Eser Sefirot, and pours abundance to all. Ohr Pnimi 60. They should have said that Hochma is the first; why did they say that there is no first but Hochma? It means He and no other thing, meaning , “negate Keter.” This teaches you that Keter is not the


  • horesh of t he Eser Sefirot of Levushim in the Eser Sefirot de Atzilut, which begin in Hochma. Behinat Heichal in the Keter is the Shoresh of the Eser Sefirot of Atzilut that beg in in Hochma. Ohr Pnimi 6. It has been written above that in Keter too ther e are the four Behinot called: Neshama, Guf, Levush, Heichal, which are HB TM, but as mere roots. All that exists in Olam Atzilut is imprinted in Ola


  • to the Sefira through i ts Achoraim. After all, He turned His Panim upward and His Achoraim to the Ne’ etzalim, and He is Dinim. The other Sefirot operate similarly as they return and ascend. Ohr Pnimi 6. This is a great rule in the wisdom: the Ohr Elyo n flows ever abundantly, incessantly and unchangingly, as it says, “I Lord change not,” as w e have written in length (Ohr Pnimi, Chap 2, item 2). Al


  • Reshim o, Nitzotzin fell from it, and Behinat Kli of Yesod was made of them (6). That Reshimo illuminated in t hat Kli from afar, and did not permeate it. This is the meaning of the Tagin (7). Ohr Pnimi 6. For Hitpashtut Bet, which comes afterwards, call ed Partzuf AB de AK, though Kli Yesod of Akudim here was made of the Ohr Av that remained be low after the Histalkut of Hitpashtut Aleph. 7. Study th


  • Yesod , which is ZON . Then, Shoresh Keter Elyon gives below after there is already a preparation for the Tachtonim to receive. At that time the Nukva of Keter is incorporated in the Zachar . Ohr Pnimi 6. Lo Matei in the Keter , since ZON of the Keter rise up.


  • all received He’arah from the Keter Elyon together. Hence, when they come and return in their Kelim , both enter the Kli of the Zachar and the Malchut of the Nukva remains in her Kli of Hey . Ohr Pnimi 60. There is a difference between the first time in Atzilut and the time that follows. It has been explained above that first the Ohr expanded in Matei ve Lo Matei in ten exits and ten entrances of all


  • Two sons stem from the Zivug of these ZON that were incorporated in the simple Ot Yod , following their example. They are the VD ( Vav Dalet ) filling of Yod . Ohr Pnimi 61. The Nukva does not tolerate the Ohr Zachar , except from its VAK . This is because the Ohr Hochma remains in the Rosh under the Malchut because its Achoraim is below and prevents He’arat GAR from t
  • t of the Nukva remains there. When the four lower Orot rise in this Ot Hey , it is filled with the Ot Yod , and becomes Hey , though the shape of this Hey is such as this VD , hence it is ten. Ohr Pnimi 62. The Zachar does not mate in the Nukva , only in the form of its VAK etc. is in the shape of Vav etc. the Nukva is the shape of Dalet . This is so because the Zachar extends from a Zachar which is B


  • ore them. Consequently, they do not bear a name, as the above -mentioned YESHSUT. Then they procreate Behinat BON de Hitzoniut and their L evush outwardly. Thus, the Nekeva was now born first. Ohr Pnimi 6. All the inner Behinot SAG, concealed in the inne r MA and BON rose. This issue of ascent is as the ascent of the Orot i n Histalkut Aleph in the inner AK, and as the ascent of the Orot de Histalkut


  • The 60. Ohr Pnimi 60. 61. Ohr Pnimi 61. The The 62. Ohr Pnimi 62. 63. 64. Ohr Pnimi 64. 65.
  • The 60. Ohr Pnimi 60. 61. Ohr Pnimi 61. The The 62. Ohr Pnimi 62. 63. 64. Ohr Pnimi 64. 65.
  • The 60. Ohr Pnimi 60. 61. Ohr Pnimi 61. The The 62. Ohr Pnimi 62. 63. 64. Ohr Pnimi 64. 65.
  • The 60. Ohr Pnimi 60. 61. Ohr Pnimi 61. The The 62. Ohr Pnimi 62. 63. 64. Ohr Pnimi 64. 65.


  • Ohr Pnimi 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. Ohr Pnimi 70. 71. * 72. 73. Ohr Pnimi 73.

File: Min's Interlinear Apocalypse -


  • 46î deUMi 4.36 23Cap49í51î +69:37í26î thCyg 4.48 25Sco04í47î +69:15í49î ioHer 3.80 Alderamin 17Pis59í04î +68:55í09î alCep 2.44 Al Kalb al 06Tau09í07î +68:22í47î rh-2Cep 5.50 05Gem41í26î +67:30í23î laUMi 6.55 Thuban 12Leo40í12î +66:21í27î alDra 3.65 Polaris 03Gem47í14î +66:06í09î alUMi 2.02 To be more precise, if we can expect this north star to be visible from the floor of the pyramidís descending pas


  • +75:14í15î gaUMi 3.05 <= Yildun : 6Gem25í33î +69:56í46î deUMi 4.36 : 14Gem21í48î +73:55í23î epUMi 4.23 : 2Can37í55î +75:07í13î zeUMi 4.32 : 5Can32í50î +77:49í40î etUMi 4.95 : 5Gem41í26î +67:30í23î laUMi 6.55 Pherkad Mi: 26Can52í12î +74:57í16î 11UMi 5.02 --------------------------------------------- Aldebaran : 15Tau00í00î - 5:28í03î alTau 0.85 The third dream-symbols of the Greek Empire correlate with

File: Min's Interlinear Nostradamus -


  • | deGem Saturn : 27Gem32'07" - 0:15'47" - 12 [ - ] - 0.0788957 Pollux : 28Gem30'53" + 6:38'52" 12 | beGem Mars : 0Can46'24" + 3:40'46" d 12 [ - ] - 0.3552655 Procyon : 1Can05'15" - 15:55'11" 12 | alCMi 6th Cusp : 11Leo46'58" + 0:00'00" 2 | __________ Thuban : 12Leo33'02" +66:20'31" 2 | alDra Vertex : 13 Vir27'30" __________ d 2 [ - ] __________ 7th Cusp : 14Vir03'33" + 0:00'00" - 3 [ - ] __________ D

File: Min's Judicial Horoscopes -


  • .99 019.8148689 04Gem48í54î -66:30í21î etCol 3.96 Prijipati 020.1038207 05Gem06í14î +30:38í52î deAur 3.72 Menkalinan 020.1814339 05Gem10í53î +21:14í29î beAur 1.9 020.6632254 05Gem39í48î +67:14í09î laUMi 6.55 Yildun 021.4450557 06Gem26í42î +69:42í20î deUMi 4.36 022.0866889 07Gem05í12î - 8:54í38î nuOri 4.42 023.6369237 08Gem38í13î + 5:59í09î kaAur 4.35 Propus 023.7058504 08Gem42í21î - 1:08í43î etGem 3.2

File: The Data Book of Astronomy -


  • etelgeux W Ori 5.9 7.7 212 N CK Ori 5.9 7.1 120 K Y Pav 5.7 8.5 233 N SX Pav 5.4 6.0 50 M β Peg 2.3 2.8 38 M Scheat ρ Per 3 4 33–55 M TV Psc 4.6 5.4 70 M L 2 Pup 2.6 6.2 140 M R Scl 5.8 7.7 370 N RR UMi 6.0 6.5 40? M 288 THE DATA BOOK OF ASTRONOMY

File: P. D. Ouspensky - In Search of the Miraculous (Scan) -


  • e processes of nutrition in the human pj^, organism and the transformation of the substances taken into the organism, we find in these processes exactly the same 'intervals' and 'shocks.' © la sol fa mi 6 la 53

File: Peter Levenda - Dark Lord -

  • come across the names again and again in the Tantric and Jyotishliterature, the full list is given here: 1. Pratipada 2. Dwitiya (i.e., “second”) 3. Tritiya (i.e., “third” etc.) 4. Chaturthi 5. Panchami 6. Shashthi 7. Saptami 8. Ashtami (this is the Half Moon phase) 9. Navami 10. Dashami 11. Ekadashi 12. Dwadashi 13. Trayodashi 14. Chaturdashi 15. Purnima (for the Full Moon) or Amavasya (for the New M
  • Krishna Paksha (the waningMoon). Thus, we can be more specific in our enumeration of the tithis, asfollows: 1. Shukla Pratipada 2. Shukla Dwitiya 3. Shukla Tritiya 4. Shukla Chaturthi 5. Shukla Panchami 6. Shukla Shashthi 7. Shukla Saptami 8. Shukla Ashtami 9. Shukla Navami 10. Shukla Dashami 11. Shukla Ekadasi 12. Shukla Dwadashi 13. Shukla Trayodashi 14. Shukla Chaturdashi 15. Purnima (Full Moon) 16

File: Peter Levenda - Sinister Forces - Book 2 - A Warm Gun -

  • ark 151Gospel of St Thomas 151Gospic 58Gottlieb, Sidney 87, 182, 193, 211, 294, 299,300, 310Goulart, Joao 183, 184, 185, 187Grace, J. Peter 309Graham, Billy 25, 81, 82, 130Grand Mufti 299Grass Lakes, MI 66Grateful Dead 35, 37Graves, Robert 4, 230, 232Greater Key of Solomon, The 132Great White Brotherhood 140Greece 54, 69, 70Greek 54, 55, 60, 69, 70, 99, 140, 161, 232Greek Central Intelligence Service

File: Coleman - Diplomacy by Deception - Account Treasonous Conduct by Britain and United States (1993) -


  • gates of Moscow. Thereupon, Bullit and Lloyd George pulled the rug out from under the White Russians, cutting off supplies of arms, m unitions and money. Upon a signal from Lloyd George, sent through MI 6 in September, the American- British force abandoned Archangel and sailed from Murmansk on October 12,1919. Please note the perfect timing of the operati on. The only thing the expeditionary force had


  • for the Irgun was later adopted by the Israeli secret service, which became known as the Mossad. The British Secret Intelligence Servic e is the most expert at covert operations. Sir Stewart Menzies, MI 6 wartime chief, once described Allen Dulles as lacking the necessary acumen to really understand covert operations. Be that as it ma y, MI6 formed and trained the OSS, forerunner of the Central Intell

File: Douglas - Gestapo-Chief - The CIA and Heinrich Müller (1998) -

File: Douglas - Gestapo-Chief - The CIA and Heinrich Mller (1998) -


  • tion. 3 The First Search for Gestapo Mueller Months before the fall of Berlin, Anglo-American counterespionage officers began their postwar planning. Under the combined leadership of British MI 5 and MI 6 and the X-2 (c ounterespionage) branch of the American Office of Strategic Services, the SHAEF G-2 Counter Intelligence (CI) War Room began operating in February 1945. Using Allied lists of Nazi inte


  • and he wanted to ask me some questions about the British Secr et Service. The Duke felt that after his departure from England, he was constantly under surveillance by one agency or another, probably MI 6. This of course, was true, and I discussed this with him. It wa s not easy for the British to keep up with him in Germany because we watched their agents as closely as they watched the Duke. Of cours

File: Douglas - The CIA Covenant - Nazis in Washington (Muller journals) (1999) -


  • r in the SS Main Security Office . My, we are all so much in demand these days, aren’t we? The Russians have acquired a number of my men, the CIA has grabbed off a whole train full, CI C has more and MI 6 has the rest. As long as no one can prove a Gestapo man shoved Jews into the coke ove ns at Auschwitz then he is home free. Sometimes when I get together at home here with some of my old fellows and


  • he stranglehold the AIOC had on the Persian oilfields. American and British interests were livid and of course, as always, the CIA rushed to assist their moneyed friends. Porter, at the suggestion of MI 6, came to the United States with a bag stuffed full of large denomination American bills. One million dollars to be more exact. This was the price his company was prepared to pay to the CIA for murder


  • on. 3 The First Search for Gestapo Mueller Months before the fall of Berlin, Anglo-Ameri can counterespionage officers began their postwar planning. Under the combined leader ship of British MI 5 and MI 6 and the X-2 (counterespionage) branch of the American Office of Strategic Services, th e SHAEF G-2 Counter Intelligence (CI) War Room began operating in February 1945. Using Allie d lists of Nazi int

File: Encyclopedia of Conspiracies and Conspiracy Theories -


  • enario on grounds that Diana, a famously devoted mother, would never abandon her sons (whose popularity with the same tabloid media renders secret visits virtually impossible). 2. Diana was killed by MI 6 . The British Secret Service (MI6) has a long history of covert/ illegal activities on a par with the CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY (though rarely as humorous). Some conspiracists believe that MI6 (and


  • TIGATION is the Security Service, more commonly known as MI5 (for Military Intelligence). Created in the wake of World War I MI5 is primarily responsi- ble for internal security, while sister agency MI 6 han- dles foreign intelligence matters. Both agencies spun off from the now-defunct Secret Service Bureau, founded in 1909. Collaborating with the Special Branch of London’s Metropolitan Police, MI5


  • watchdog who dropped the ball was FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION (FBI) Director J . EDGAR HOOVER . On August 12, 1941, double agent Dusan Popov (serving both the German secret service and Britain’s MI 6 ) contacted G-men in New York explain- ing that his latest assignment for the THIRD REICH involved transmission of data on Pearl Harbor to ADOLF HITLER ’s Japanese allies. New York’s agent-in- charge


  • ecame a member of a spy ring dubbed the Cambridge 5, including comrades Anthony Blunt, Guy Burgess, John Cairncross, and Donald Maclean. While working as a journalist in 1940, Philby joined Britain’s MI 6 intelligence serv- ice, working closely with agents of the U.S. OFFICE OF STRATEGIC SERVICES . At war’s end he was sta- tioned in TURKEY and later became first secretary at the British embassy in Was

File: Illuminati Handbook -


  • banks T ax reducted F oundations CNN Reuters New Y ork T imes The Sun W ashington P ost United Nations European Union NA T O NAFT A W orld Health Organization Club of Rome The Mafia CIA FBI Interpol MI 6 MI 5 Mossad Other Intelligence Secret science T avistock Institute Stanford Institute Rand Corporation V atican Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA) Media in general W eapon trade GA TT/W

File: Lina - Architects of Deception - Secret History of Freemasonry (2004) -


  • ps went over to the Muslim side. The British were often in comma nd of these fighting units, which never took part in a single action against the Serbs. These British "instructors" were controlled by MI 6, the foreign section of the British intelligence service, which in turn is controlled by British freemasonry. The MI 6 emblem features a triangle with the all-seeing eye on top. The freemason Lord Ow

File: Marshall, Peter - Demanding the Impossible, A History of Anarchism (2008) -


  • Volya 470 Khrushchev, Nikita 478 Kick It Over 503 Kierkegaard, Selt011 220, 225 Kim 11 Sung 528 King, Martin Luther, Jr 185, 188, 546 Kiriatkowska, Antonia 274 Kitz, Frank 1 74, 34 8 ,4 8 9 Klein, Naomi 698 Kollantii, Alexandra 475 Kai 87 Korea, anarchism 527-8, 700 Korean Anarchist Network 700 Komegger, Penny 557 Klitoku Shiisui 335, 559, 523-5 Kravchinsky, Sergei 312 Kronstadt rebellion (1921) xiii,

File: New Underworld Order -


  • ical operator can create the necessary attitude of chaos, idleness and worthlessness...' needed to facilitate the attainment of hegemonic objectives. GO-2, a 'Black' intelligence cadre located inside MI 6, is engaged in precisely such subversive drug- distribution operations on behalf of the llluminati. It should be closed down immediately. ■


  • s), and later from the Gleneagles meeting of the Group of Eight industrialised countries. Due to the French a ssumption that GCHQ reports to the Secret UK 'Black' intelligence agency operating within MI 6 which in turn reports to DVD, Dachau, Chirac may have assumed that his terror instructions would never be leaked. Due to certain operational mishaps and following forensic analysis, British security

File: Order Out Of Chaos -


  • rities. Any informati on portending to an immediate threat to British national security is subject to a ‘FLASH’ classification of urgency, meaning it instantaneously receives the attention of MI5 and MI 6 counter terrorism agents. Another ex-informer, Willy Carlin , said of the Fulton allegations, 17 ‘Ulster spies to blow MI5 cover' – Rosie Cowan – London Guardian – July 6 2002 - http://www.guardian

File: Paul Joseph Watson - Order Out Of Chaos -


  • rities. Any informati on portending to an immediate threat to British national security is subject to a ‘FLASH’ classification of urgency, meaning it instantaneously receives the attention of MI5 and MI 6 counter terrorism agents. Another ex-informer, Willy Carlin , said of the Fulton allegations, 17 ‘Ulster spies to blow MI5 cover' – Rosie Cowan – London Guardian – July 6 2002 - http://www.guardian

File: Springmeier - Be Wise as Serpents - Christianity's Systematic Destruction (1991) -


  • reasons th ey were created. And we unwittingly fund these secr et services that spy on us, and are at the complete disposal of the con- spiracy. The machinations of the secret services such as MI 5, MI 6, the FBI, the CIA, and others boggle the mind. It is no comfort to real ize that men identified as related to the Conspiracy are also men in control of the secret services. The tie-ins by the leader-


  • not have the space to delve into all the politics and cooperation during these years between the Catholic Church and the One-World-Order, incl uding such groups as the CIA, the Knights of Malta, and MI 6. Let it simpl y suffice here to indicate that there was a lot of ac tivity between the various parties, and a lot of mixing and cooperation . It appears the clos e relationships were mutually benefic

File: Syndicate - The Story Of The Coming World Government -


  • ke plague and smallpox. Plague (which is propelled by coughin g) had brought on the Black Death that wiped out a third of the popul ation of Europe in 1348. Kelly reported what Pasechnik was doing to MI 6, and weeks later Pasechnick defected to Britain while at a Paris sci ence conference. Kelly supervised his interrogation. Pasechnik was later e mployed in the Centre for Applied Microbiology and Rese

File: Tavistock Institute Of Human Relations - Shaping Moral, Spiritual, Cultural, Political, Economic Decline of USA -


  • rsonality a particular type of behavior, then all you have to do is control the third variable of the equation an d thus produce the desired behavior. This was the norm in social-psychology formulas. MI 6 uses it, and almost every type of situation involving negoti ations; army counterinsurgency operations, labor negotiatio ns and diplomatic negotiations used it up until apparently the 1960s. After 19


  • s? He told me that Tavistoc k has indeed perfected its techniques and that it was now possible to make selected MI6 and CIA operatives "ESP-Perfec t." Here it is necessary to explain that the CIA and MI 6 maintain a very high degree of secrecy about such matters.

File: Encyclopedia Of Hinduism -


  • Bonder 88 Lee Lozowick 262 Swami Muktananda 296 United Kingdom 463 Adi Granath xxxi c Guru Nanak 303 Radhasoami Movement 344 Sikhism 413, 414 Adipurana 7 Adishesha (Shesha; Ananta) 7–8 amrita 25 Badami 63 Balarama 65, 66 nagas 300 Patanjali 327 Vishnu 491 Aditi 8 Adityas 8 Agni 15 Daksha 117 goddess 168 Rig Veda xviii, 365 Shakti 399 Surya 428 Veda(s) 480 Adityas 8 Aditi 8 Aryaman 47 Daksha 117 Pusha


  • ization Fellowship 392, 393 Babaji Nagaraj 197–198 Babri Masjid Mosque xxxvi c Bharatiya Janata Party 80 Hindu nationalism 187 Rashtriya Swayam Sevak Sangh 362 Shiv Sena 409 Babur xxxi c, xxxvi c Badami 63, 180 Badarayana 439 Badrinath 64 Babji 61 Dvaraka 142 Haridvar 180 Swami Amar Jyoti 216 Kedarnath 232 math 280 Rameshvaram 359 Rishikesh 367 Shankaracharya Order 402 525-552_hindu-idx.indd 527 12/14


  • Alice Ann 64–65, 445 Balarama 65 Adishesha 8 Devaki 128 Draupadi 136 Jagannath Temple, Puri 207 Krishna 238 Vasudeva 479 Vishnu 492 Bali, Hinduism in xxix c, xxxi c, 66–68, 194 Bali, the asura 68 Badami 63 demonic beings 124 Divali 136 Vamana Avatar 477 Bambi Baaba 384 Bangladesh xxiv Basavanna xxx c, 68–69 Akka Mahadevi 21 Virashaivas 489 Baul sect 69 Sri Anirvan 38 avadhuta 56 Lee Lozowick 262 Be He


  • rmer xx stotra 423 varada mudra 478 Vishnu 492 yoga 511 buddhi 97 ajna chakra 21 guna 171 Samkhya 379 Buddhism xxviii c, xxix c, xxxiv c ahimsa 18 Ajanta 19 anumana 40 arhat 43 Aryan 47 avidya 57 Badami 63 Andrew Cohen 115 Dasha Mahavidya 119 Ellora 149 gandharvas 157 Gorakhnath 170 Guptas 173 Jainism 211 karma 228 nagas 300 namarupa 301–302 nirvana 313, 314 papa 323 Rashtriya Swayam Sevak Sangh 361 r


  • v ego 17 ekadashi 147 Elan Vital Prem Rawat 363–364 Sant Mat movement 384 elements, five 148, 148 prithivi 335 tanmatra 435–436 vishuddha chakra 492 Elephanta 148, 149 Ellora xxix c, 149, 149–150 Badami 63 Buddha 96 Mahabalipuram 267 Emerson, Ralph Waldo xxxii c ends of life, four 150 Arthashastra 45 moksha 292 England. See United Kingdom ether/space 148 Europe xxv–xxvi, xxxvii c, 150–151 . See also s


  • See also Mahavira; Tirthankara Abu, Mount 4 Acharanga Sutra 5 acharya 5 Adipurana 7 ahamkara 17 ahimsa 18 Anekantavada 37 Anga 37 anumana 40 Appar 41 Ardhamagadhi 42 arhat 43 Aryan 47 Ayodhya 57 Badami 63 Bahubali 64 beliefs of 210 Bhadrabahu 72–73 Birla Mandir 85 Gurudev Sri Chitrabhanu 112 communities divisions in 211 contemporary communities 211 dharma 131 Digambara 133–134 H. Jay Dinshah 135 Ello


  • Gobind Singh 416 Nandi 304, 304 Tirumular 449 Tulsidas 457 vehicles of the divinities 486 Narada 305 Annapurna 39 Kanya Kumari 227 Rati 362 Valmiki 477 Vithoba 494 naraka 182 Narasimha avatar 305 Badami 63 Hiranyakashipu 188 Hiranyaksha 189 Prahlada 332 temple 441 Narayan, R. K. 305–306 Narayanananda, Swami 306– 307, 391 Nataraja 307 abhaya mudra 1 Chidambaram 107 Meenakshi Temple, Maduri 284 Shiva 40
  • a 13 Sri Anirvan 38 papa 323, 336 Paramananda, Swami 323–324 Ananda Ashrama and Vedanta Centre 29, 30 United States 467 Vedanta Societies 484 Parashurama avatar 324, 492 Parshvanath 324, 325, 325 Badami 63 Jainism 208, 211 Mahavira 270 nagas 300 Tirthankara 449 Parthasarathi Rajagopalachari, Sri 325–326, 421 partition of India/Pakistan xxiv–xxv Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi 160 Hindu nationalism 186 Parv


  • ithivi 335 purusha 338 Rudra 369 Sanskrit 381 Sarasvati 387 Savitri (Vedic divinity) 390 Shakti 399 shakti pithas 401 Shudra 409 Veda(s) 480, 481 Yajur Veda 508 Yama 508 Rishabha 366 Abu, Mount 4 Badami 63 Bahubali 64 Jain festivals 208 Tirthankara 449 rishi xix, 366–367 Aditi 8 Adityas 8 Agastya 13 Agni 15 Ahalya 17 Ajapa Yoga Foundation 20 apsaras 42 Ardhanarishvara 43 Arundhati 46 Bhairava 75 Briha


  • , Bhagat Singh 446 Thoreau, Henry David 159 time in Hindu tradition 272, 447 Tingley, Katherine (Augusta Westcott) 447–448 Tirthankara 448–449 abhaya mudra 1 Abu, Mount 4 Anekantavada 37 arhat 43 Badami 63 Bahubali 64 Digambara 134 Ellora 150 Hemachandra 183 Jain festivals 208 Jainism 208, 211 Mahavira 270 meditation 283 nagas 300 Neminatha 311 Parshvanath 324 puja 336 puranas 337 Purvas 338 Rishabha


  • ita 9 Bhagavata Purana 74 Brindavan 95 Nathdwara 307 Sri Sri Nathji 421 Surdas 428 Vallabhacharya xxxi c Valmiki 477 Kamban 226 Ramayana 353, 354 rishi 367 Sita 418 Tulsidas 456 Vamana Avatar 477 Badami 63 Bali, the asura 68 demonic beings 124 Mahabalipuram 268 Vishnu 491, 492 vanaprastha 477–478 ashramas 50 Laws of Manu 259 varada mudra 120, 478 Varaha Avatar 478 Badami 63 Hiranyaksha 189 Mahabalipur
  • as 456 Vamana Avatar 477 Badami 63 Bali, the asura 68 demonic beings 124 Mahabalipuram 268 Vishnu 491, 492 vanaprastha 477–478 ashramas 50 Laws of Manu 259 varada mudra 120, 478 Varaha Avatar 478 Badami 63 Hiranyaksha 189 Mahabalipuram 268 saptamatrika 385 Vishnu 492 Varanasi. See Benares varna 478–479 . See also caste Brahmin 92 caste 100 Shudra 409 Vaishya 475 Aditi 8 Adityas 8 Agastya 13 Kubera 250


  • Hinduism 500 Vish (Vishya) xxii Vishishtadvaita 312, 490–491 Vishnu xxviii c, xxix c, 491, 491, 492 Adishesha 7 Adityas 8 Alvars 23 amrita 25 Anasuya Foundation 35 Andal 36 Ayodhya 57 Ayyappan 58 Badami 63 Badrinath 64 Balarama 65 Bali, Hinduism in 66 Bali, the asura 68 Bhagavata Purana 74 bhakti 77 Bharata Natyam 79 Birla Mandir 85 Brahma 88, 89 Buddha 96 Chittirai festival 113 cultic worship xxi Das

File: Rosicrucian - Mandamus 6-8 (2007) -


  • MASTER MONOGRAPH ROSICRUCIAN ORDER AMORC POSTULANT SECTION Mandami 6-8 “Know thyself, and thou shalt know the universe and the gods.” ® ©2007, Supreme Grand Lodge of the Ancient & Mystical Order Rosæ Crucis. 006 Published by the Grand Lodge of the English Language Jur

File: Ionosphere and Applied Aspects of Radio Communication and Radar -


  • Table 8.4 (continued ) SuperDARN Network Station Geographic Coordinates AAGM Magnetic Status of Work Location Principal Investigator Hankasalmi 62.32 8 N, 26.61 8 E 59.78 8 N, 105.53 8 E 24 h/d Hankasalmi, Finland Department of Physics, University of Leicester, England Wallops Island 37.93 8 N, 75.47 8 W 30.63 8 N, 75.52 8 E 24 h/d Wallops Isl

File: The Blood of the Saints - Alan Chapman -


  • Ritual of the Pentagram, The 276, 293. Leadbetter, C.W. 162. Leary, Timothy 262, 264. Levi, Eliphas 315. Louv, Jason 290n. Lovecraft, H.P. 220, 222. Lowndes, Florin 116£. Lucifer 114n. Macumba25. Madimi 66. magic 8-ba1l 333f. magical community 289f. magick 80; meditation as 103; in 353 the 21st Century 228f; after Crowley 240f; and art 281£; and espionage 177f; as distinct from 'magic' 236£; and

File: david griffin - ritual magic manual -


  • hiatz Calls dun noar milz &m Casarmg gohia Z'ACAR v'niglag od Im'u2 ma1 PL'@ plapli ananhel Q a an. The Fourth Call Othil lasdi babhge od dorpha Goh6l G chis ge a ua uhgo Cormp pddsonf vi v'di v Casarmi 6911 Maw Sobam "g cormpo @ Casarmg cro 6d zi chis od [do-o-$-en] [no-8r] [me-k 8-olz] [$-d-e-bn~] [k2-s5r-m-j] [go-he-51 [z%-k5r] [v-neg-lZj] [Wl [em-h-2-mSr] [bt-hit11 112s-de] [bs-ba-g&] [MI [dorp-h2

File: Kivmbanda -


  • ed through these Exus. They are also excellent teachers in the art of mediumistic skills. They are organized in the following way: 1­Exu Mirim 2­Exu Pimenta 3­Exu 7 Montanhas 4­Exu Ganga 5­Exu Kaminalmi 6­Exu Male 7 -Exu Quiromb6 Pomba Gira -Pomba Gira das Almas 3de Line -The Line of the Cemetery headed by Exu Caveira These spirits live in the cemetery and take the form of skulls and skeletons. They s

File: Names, Natures, and Things -


  • LXJ jl , Jjl . U Lf-ij L^JX ^/ajLu L. Lf-Jj jJLt Li-— <^JLc jUy_ L> I4-J jlj y v.1' ' J.; »-:Mi 'r I. 111. J . jr « . I *NM . . 1 • * V . * III. i jjj .*—»^5 N N ij 1. '•» I *^-S J III £• 4 t I nil I mi 6 4j«L>jJ * lj.1* VI IjLmu/ C^J ^ lj|j . ftj. iii C- 6«L»i ^.L: a 11 j^£j jl i 1.'j.,i»i AL* \ I*1 ijLi « -*- <* 4 •.... Jl 11.. •»! _JI i ^..l! 7 lc. . At 1* .... le. .1 -oli < jiinf- »•" I ^-L-» jl I

File: An Edition of the Canonical Series of Lamastu Incantations and Rituals and Related Texts from the Second and First Millennia B.C. -


  • llel from “Ug” III 1′–14′ND obv.ND 1 [ x]x ni [i]š? bạ? ̣x ịm? ma?-a-t[i?] 2 [ x]x-ši?-ma ú-da-[p]a-ra ka-ša 3 [ ] UN.MEŠ šá ka-li-ši-na KUR.KUR 4 [ ] ta-aṣ-ba-ti-šú-ma 5 [ e?]-zi?-bu-ú ana a-bi u um-mi 6 [ -t]i? ta-aṣ-ba-ti-šu-ma ul tu-maš-šá-ri [x]x [x]x ti 7 [ -k]il? : šá šar-bu(-)ú ṣe-e-tum ú-na-as-sa-[ḫ]u? I[GI?].M[E]Š-šú 8 [ú-sa-ḫar pa-ni-ki ana IM]SI.SÁ IMKUR.RA IMMAR.TU ú-sa-ḫar pa-ni-ki ana I


  • . . . . . . . . . . . ] nišī ša kališina mātāti 4 [ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ] taṣbatīšu-ma 5 [ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ē]zibû? ana abi u ummi 6 [ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x]x taṣbatīšu-ma ul tumaššarī xx xx xx-ti 7 [ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x]x ša šarbu u? ṣētu unassaḫū īnīšu? 8 [usaḫḫar panīki

File: Jaideva Singh Pratyabhijnahrdayam -


  • bhinnatva 114 Suddha-bodhatmanah 53 Suddha-vikalpa-sakti 81 Suddhadhva-pramatrta 60 Suddhetaradhva 74 Subha 72 Sunya 64, 66 Sunya-pada 81 Sunya-pramata 53 Sunyadi-pramatrta 60 Sunya-bhuva 66 Sunya-bhumi 62 Sunyati-sunyatmataya 55 Saiva 59 Sri-spanda 57 Srutyanta-vid 66, 67 Sat-trims'at-tattva-maya 85 Sastha-vaktra 99 Sakala 53, 54, 64 Sat 67 Satatam 92 Sattva 61 Sadguru 78 Sadbhava 108 Sadasiva 46, 55

File: suragama samadhi sutra -


  • -lun (+ftg£8>|fe) 1521 Skt. Dasabhumika-vibhasa (?) 48,49 Ch. A-p'i-ta-mo-chu-she-lun (WSJtJBft^tfe) 1558 Skt. Abhidharmakosa-bhasya 50-59 Ch. Yii-ch'ieh-shih-ti-lun (ftWrpfetni) 1579 Skt. Yogacarabhumi 60-1 Ch. Ch'eng-wei-shih-lun (J&VfeMSm) 1585 Skt. Vijnaptimatratasiddhi-sastra (?) 60-11 Ch. Wei-shih-san-shih-lun-sung (ntSftH+lfeig) 1586 Skt. Trimsika 60-111 Ch. Wei-shih-erh-shih-lun (lH£ffcri+i8j)

File: Hevajra Tantra_ A critical study, The - David L Snellgrove -


  • havakas ca yathodayarp II (2) dharmodayodbhavarp cakrarp dviputarp (hi)15 niriimayarp II 1 C Karpkanarp 2 C tatsarpnidhayam 3 A codadheeytatarp; B codadhistati 4 All MSS. nigadyate s A, B pravakeyyi'imi 6 C bhavi'id yi'iti 7 A vibhul). 8 B sidhyante 9 A vidhisarpkhyi'it 10 B prasidhyate 11 A, B yi'ivi'into'nga-; C yi'ivanta anga-12 A hekati 13 A kakati; C kakareQ.a 14 A agniyate IS All MSS. suddha-; A

File: Samvarodaya-tantra Selected Chapters, The - Shinichi Tsuda -


  • triko hino madhy~34syad dvigu~as tata~ I jye~thas35tu trigu~o jney~36kumbhakas tena jiyate3711 61 il 1. ABEP rasmi; BC rasmi 2. IL -ma~~alam 3. A -var~e 4. BD amogha; CEPL amogham; I amogham 5. DE rasmi 6, IDL -sannibham 7. A -ma~~ala 8. CIDEPL vayu; AB omit 9. IL -safubhavam 10. A devata; IL sada 11. A statho; BCD tabdho; I tabdo; EP tatho; L tatha 12, I var~a-13, CP ma~~ala; E ma~~ale 14. A -pracatt

File: City of Demons. Violence, Ritual, and Christian Power -


  • , MA: Harvard University Press, 2006); Gregory A. Smith, “How Th in Is a Demon?” JECS 16.4 (2008): 479–512.11. See n. 6 above.12. For the term “lithomania,” see Palladius, De vita s. Joannis Chrysostomi 6. See also Peter Brown, “Art and Society in Late Antiquity,” in Kurt Weitzmann, ed., Age of Spiritual-ity: A Symposium (New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art, in association with Princeton University P

File: Routledge Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Biblical Criticism -


  • jectivity 16, 111, 113, 137, 140, 155 – 8symbolic order 126, 131, 137, 155 – 6, 158, 161Targum: Neophiti 57, 62; Pseudo-Jonathan 26 – 7, 29, 34 – 6, 39, 42, 48, 57 – 9, 61 – 2, 114, 132, 179; Yerushalmi 65Tigay, Jeffrey H. 18Tov, Emmanuel 18tropological 103 – 4typological 23, 48, 55, 57, 63, 73, 103, 154Ulrich, Eugene 5, 18undocumented 5, 11, 20, 112, 119, 165 – 6, 173, 180Unterseher, Lisa Anne 57, 64

File: Ancient Future of the Itza. The Book of Chilam Balam, annotated, commented -


  • Muluc 20. 2 Oc 21. 3 Chuen 22. 4 Eb 23. 5 Ben 24. 6 Ix 25. 7 Men 26. 8 Cib 27. 9 Caban 28. 10 Etz'nab 29. 11 Cauac 30. 12 Ahau 31. 13 Imix August (31) 1. 1 Ik 2. 2 Akbal 3. 3 Kan 4. 4 Chicchan 5. 5 Cimi 6. 6 Manik 7. 7 Lamat 8. 8 Muluc 9. 9 Oc 10. 10 Chuen 11. 11 Eb 12. 12 Ben 13. 13 Ix good good bad good good good good bad good good good good bad good good good bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad

File: Knowledge in Later Islamic Philosophy - Mulla Sadra on Existence, Intellect, and Intuition -


  • 308 INDEX (ARABIC AND PERSIAN TERMS)jamadat 274al-jawhar al-nafsani 276al-jawhar al-suri 51jawhar basit 144jawhariyyah 272jawharuna 42jawidan khirad 26jihat 135jins 87jirmi 63jism 231al-jismiyyah 185jismaniyyat al-huduth ruhaniyyat al-baqa’ 10, 138jumhur 42junud al-qalb 250juz’ 285juz’iyyat 174Kkalam xxi, 195, 220, 227kalimat Allah 153kamal 28, 212kamilun 220kasb 166kashf

File: Hans_Lewy_-_Chaldaean_Oracles_and_Theurgy_OCR -


  • 7 η 68 81, 1 431 η 113 Paedagogus 110 II10 431 η 11« Protreptlcus IV 58,3 232 π 14 63 3 330 η 64 VI 68,3 328 η 58 Numeri 21, 9 254 η 97 I Regnorum 16, 14 264 η 17 lob 41, 22 383 η 272 Psalmi 61, 12 318 η 22 79,2 15 η 34 98,1 15 η 34 Siracides 37, 16 330 η 64 Is alas 6,12 15 27, 1 354 C5, 11 290 η 117 Ezechlel 9, 3 15 η 34 10, 1 15 η 34 Daniel 3,55 15 η 34 Novum Testamentum

File: Soul and Intellect. Studies in Plotinus and Later Neoplatonism -


  • that the purpose of the comparison is to throw light on how intelligible being can be everywhere as a whole. Now the argument after the words we are considering runs: crhb 6& &vOpwnos xu1 Bvzb ixumov mi 6hov TA 7ck oljx oGrws Ev xoUoic, Bhhh zh xohhh Ev a&:@, yZA?,ov 62 xspi atd. biAhov yhp rpbxov zb A~uxbv xuvmxoG xai 4 qux')) &xha~ou kv xav~l pbpu TO: G&~UTOS ji cr6~fi ' 06rw ykp xu; rb 6v xav~cr~oG


  • I, and in any case refers specifidy to the cosmic soul. We are also told that doxa is the rational soul's link with the irrational. Proclus even says that this is generally accepted : S~L yL oh dpus Lmi 6jc hoytxilc d&qc :of< xzi 6r~ OUV&CTETM~ xpbc ~b hxpi)~u~ov q~ ~A~You, xohXoix~~ hzi r~0puhrjpkvov (I p. 248, 7-1 0) a. Now if do= is as clearly connected with airthesis as it appears to be in the tex

File: Zoroastrians_Diaspora_Religion -


  • Najoo E. 294 n. 166Avari, Zarin viiiAvari family viii, 223–4Ayrton, Framroze Shapoorji 272Ayub Khan, President of Pakistan 193,197, 223–4, 236Azargoshasb, Mobed Firouz, Mobed-Mobedan 405, 638Babha, Homi 63, 109Badhni, Jehangir 451Bagli, Dr Jehan 117 n. 218, 452, 459,467, 472, 473, 476, 477, 488, 499,501, 503, 506, 516, 525 n. 242,532, 609 n. 20, 638Bahadurji, D. J. 623Bahadurji, Dr K. K. 350 n. 67Bail


  • hanji, F. K. 209 n. 68, 235,238, 240Dadachanji, Perveen 405Dadachanji, Pestonjee R. 167Dadi-Barjor, Homi P. 109Dadrawala (walla), Noshir 623, 640,643 n. 150Dady, Ardaseer 166 n. 61Dadyseth 164Daji, Homi 61Dalal, Cowasji M. 292Dalal, Sir Dadiba 342Dalal, Hormazdyar S. 85Dalal, Maneckji B. 268Dalal, Roshan viiiDalal, Rusi M. viii, 245 n. 1, 275 n. 112,288, 314 n. 1, 421, 624, 625 n. 88,629 and n. 105Dal


  • Cawas 389Sethna, Ervad Darius 386, 607 n. 12, 613Sethna, Ervad Zal N. 128, 314 n. 1, 396,398, 422, 613, 625 n. 88Sethna, J. A. 451Sethna, Maneckjee 350Sethna, Hon. Sir Pheroze 378, 424, 452Sethna, Rumi 613, 631, 633 n. 116Sethna, T. R. 235, 236, 623 n. 80Sethna family 203 n. 40, 578Shah, Roxan 67, 76, 125–8, 130, 131,132 n. 259, 618, 728Shahriari, Shajriar/Shahriar, Shahriari 25n. 43, 637, 648 n. 171


  • awroji 268, 272, 291Talati, S. H. (MBE) 274 nn. 113, 114, 313Talati family 271, 287, 290Talavia, Frenu 293 n. 164Talavia, Mrs Aloo S. 293 n. 164Talavia, Savak K. 293Talbot, lan 189 n. 1Taleyarkhan, Homi 60, 529, 611Tamboly, Dinshaw viii, 71 n. 78, 76–7,98, 617 n. 56, 618, 619, 621 nn. 71,74, 622, 623 n. 81, 626, 627, 629nn. 102, 105, 631, 632Tarachand 162 n. 41Tarachand, N. M. 360Taraporewala, I. J. S

File: C. W. Leadbeater - The Masters And The Path -


  • 21 62. THE HOUSE OF THE MASTER KUTHUMI 63. 64. The house of the Master Kuthumi is divided into two parts by a passage -way running straight through it. As will be seen from our diagram 1 (p.32), which s hows the ground plan of the southern

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