MI 5

Found in 46 Books

File: ca_cipher -


  • 114 Cn, win @9 oi; 41 cn 56 inrab, 41 win 56 ifs, (u) -H oi 56 jy. Qh wa thu pra t u. 41 tbrpincjis56a Fc~. Tbr41 ater, -H ist tg @9 +5 f hr. T wt ws ur at thin cid. T 41 it 0 sap(l in 41 C. It is 41 mi 56 Gm, 41 fat. @9 nb 56 ~es, @) -H baa upn wehi 41 sup stre 56 V~y is emctd; ni atm wa ag ci t +i it G fr a nir im pprs. It is 41 intl 5641 inin 56 41 Sup Bg, bfr whim al ~s, fun 41 ygs E~ iii -H n-c c

File: kt_tacmanual -


  • uniD siLt ~ u~sq s~nti T tlSi14A5 04 53t~O S144 uodn 4usqumnstmm sai~np snoiieA sop s~tntpsmp AhlnJ14;mnt ‘L;iiiqn pun s~psiAxou~ Lssm 10 ;ssq ~i143 04 ‘~~psx I 3~144 pua ‘;cmn ~ =jisoopnn s4aipatimttmi 55014M sspun smspunammo3 puni9 5t~3 Jo 535ip5{ pun ~sin~i uoilnhilstmO9 5A5ir’~ S144 pun ‘Lssptmirtsittio3 5tt14 jo sMn’j -Lg 5144 umn4umnam pus j-moddns IliAc J 4ir143 ncimisamy Jo 554n45 pS1~5iCl Sil

File: Christian Astrology 01 -


  • S T When Occidental 2 Beseiged of W and U 5 The R Encreasing or When She is Occidental 2 Partill " of W or U 4 Free From Combustion and Q Beams 5 Partill # of W or U 3 In the Heart of the Q , or Cazimi 5 Agol in 20 B , or Within 5 Degrees* 5 In Partill ! With V and T 5 In Partill ! With < 4 In Partill $ to V and T 4 In Partill ' to V and T 3 In ! with Cor Leonis, in 24 Degr. E * 6 Or in ! With Spica

File: David Icke - 2007 - The David Icke Guide To The Global Conspiracy -

  • ol 173 [../Text/index_split_018.html#filepos666701]Smith, Joseph 117 [../Text/index_split_016.html#filepos464780]society, post-cataclysmic 68 [../Text/index_split_014.html#filepos283538]Solanki, Dr Sami 565 [../Text/index_split_038.html#filepos2139740]-6[../Text/index_split_038.html#filepos2139740]solidity, and reality 39 [../Text/index_split_013.html#filepos171707]Soros, George 207 [../Text/index_spl

File: David Icke - 2007 - The David Icke Guide To The Global Conspiracy -

  • ol 173 [../Text/index_split_018.html#filepos666701]Smith, Joseph 117 [../Text/index_split_016.html#filepos464780]society, post-cataclysmic 68 [../Text/index_split_014.html#filepos283538]Solanki, Dr Sami 565 [../Text/index_split_038.html#filepos2139740]-6[../Text/index_split_038.html#filepos2139740]solidity, and reality 39 [../Text/index_split_013.html#filepos171707]Soros, George 207 [../Text/index_spl

File: David Icke - 2010 - Human Race Get Off Your Knees -


  • cuit television cameras) 553-4 Cecrops (god) 232 cellphones 487 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (COO 444, 465, 466-7 Central Intelligence Agency see CIA Chaitkin, Anton 141 Chakrabarti, Shami 569,570-1,589 chakras 9-10,10,38-9,323,346 Cham ish, Barry 103 Chang, Professor Sam 216 Charlemagne 238 Chatham House rule, the 592 chemical spraying, farming 448 chemotherapy 446-7 chemtrails 549-51 C

File: David Icke - 2010 - Human Race Get Off Your Knees -


  • cuit television cameras) 553-4 Cecrops (god) 232 cellphones 487 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (COO 444, 465, 466-7 Central Intelligence Agency see CIA Chaitkin, Anton 141 Chakrabarti, Shami 569,570-1,589 chakras 9-10,10,38-9,323,346 Cham ish, Barry 103 Chang, Professor Sam 216 Charlemagne 238 Chatham House rule, the 592 chemical spraying, farming 448 chemotherapy 446-7 chemtrails 549-51 C

File: David Icke - Alice In Wonderland And The World Trade Center Disaster -


  • o4all.org/crackcia/tyree.htmi for more background to this lawsuit 53 Panama: Atrocities of the Big Stick, American Leviathan, p 39-40 54 All Fall Down, p122 55 http://www.skoinicksreport.com/ootar3.htmi 56 Ibid 57 George Bush, The Unofficial Biography, p537 58 Panama Deception available from http://www.amazon.com.www.amazon.com 59 Cathy O'Brien and Mark Phillips, Trance Formation Of America (Reality M


  • 6th 1977, pp 1, 37; Crewdson and Treaster, CIA Established Many Links to Journalists in US and Abroad, New York Times, December 27th 1977, pp 1, 40-41. 55 http://www.baltech.org/lederman/915apology.htmi 56 Daniel Brandt, Journalism and the CIA: The Mighty Wurlitzer, Public Information Research, Namebase Newsline, April - June 1997, http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/8425/CIAPRESS.HTM 57 9/11 - The R

File: David Icke - Alice in Wonderland and the World Trade Center (Chap 1-7) (2002) -


  • o4all.org/crackcia/tyree.htmi for more background to this lawsuit 53 Panama: Atrocities of the Big Stick, American Leviathan, p 39-40 54 All Fall Down, p122 55 http://www.skoinicksreport.com/ootar3.htmi 56 Ibid 57 George Bush, The Unofficial Biography, p537 58 Panama Deception available from http://www.amazon.com.www.amazon.com 59 Cathy O'Brien and Mark Phillips, Trance Formation Of America (Reality M


  • 6th 1977, pp 1, 37; Crewdson and Treaster, CIA Established Many Links to Journalists in US and Abroad, New York Times, December 27th 1977, pp 1, 40-41. 55 http://www.baltech.org/lederman/915apology.htmi 56 Daniel Brandt, Journalism and the CIA: The Mighty Wurlitzer, Public Information Research, Namebase Newsline, April - June 1997, http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/8425/CIAPRESS.HTM 57 9/11 - The R

File: David Icke - And The Truth Shall Set You Free -


  • ons set out by the young Harold Wilson in Oxford were transmitted to Moscow and by the end of 1941 a double agent in the Kremlin ha d given the details to Britain's MI5. This was circulated to senior MI 5 officers, but no action wa s taken. During this period,

File: David Icke - And the Truth Shall Set You Free, 21st Century Edition (2004) -


  • ons set out by the young Harold Wilson in Oxford were transmitted to Moscow and by the end of 1941 a double agent in the Kremlin ha d given the details to Britain's MI5. This was circulated to senior MI 5 officers, but no action wa s taken. During this period,

File: David Icke - Human Race Get Off Your Knees -


  • cuit television cameras) 553-4 Cecrops (god) 232 cellphones 487 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (COO 444, 465, 466-7 Central Intelligence Agency see CIA Chaitkin, Anton 141 Chakrabarti, Shami 569,570-1,589 chakras 9-10,10,38-9,323,346 Cham ish, Barry 103 Chang, Professor Sam 216 Charlemagne 238 Chatham House rule, the 592 chemical spraying, farming 448 chemotherapy 446-7 chemtrails 549-51 C

File: Encyclopaedia Britannica Volume 3 -


  • — — 667 *2f 48 - - - 497 87 — — — <>u 1 26 1 49 — - - 499 c 3 l 127 f to face 352 ' 5 * - - - 500 8> 128 | 1 51 - — - 5*5 90 i ► __ — — 68 2 [ >29 1 1 52 - - - 6:4 9 i I 1 • 1 3 ° I 53 - - - 635 92J Mi 54 - - - 637 93 ~'- — — 6<! $ : *32 55 - - - 639 94 — — — 6yO ( | *33 J 1 56 - - - 640 95 — — — 603 *34 — — 377 57 - - - 641 96 — — — 697 *35 390 58 - - - 642 97 — — — 7 ■ 7 130 Vol. II. 9 $ •'9 . _ 7

File: Fritz Springmeier - Be Wise As Serpents -


  • th the reasons th ey were created. And we unwittingly fund these secr et services that spy on us, and are at the complete disposal of the con- spiracy. The machinations of the secret services such as MI 5, MI 6, the FBI, the CIA, and others boggle the mind. It is no comfort to real ize that men identified as related to the Conspiracy are also men in control of the secret services. The tie-ins by the l


  • of the League of Nations, but Max Roth schild was one of 11 men who took control over Bavaria. Max Rothschild was a Freemason in Lodge No. 11, Munich, Germany. CO-MASTERS OF THE WORLD—connections to MI 5, Rockefellers, J.P. Morgan, CFR, et. al. Victor Rothschild, who worked for J.P. Morg an & Co., and was an im portant part of MI5 (British Intelligence). Victor Roth schild was also a communist a nd m

File: H P Blavatsky - Collected Writings Volume XII (1889-1890) -


  • iritual Intelligence Indigo La 2 Critical State, called Air in Occultism Auric Envelope Blue Sol 3 Steam or Vapor Lower Mans, or Animal Soul Green Fa 4 Critical State Buddhi, or Spiritual Soul Yellow Mi 5 Water Pr ā Š a, or Life-Principle Orange Re 6 Critical State K ā ma-R ū pa, the seat of Animal Life Red Do 7 Ice Here again the student is asked to dismiss from his mind any correspondence between “p

File: Talmud Eser Sefirot -


  • touches Ein Sof, not its Sium 2. The Upper Rosh of the Kav (5) extended from Ein Sof Himself and touched it (6), although the Sium of that Kav, down at its end (7), does not touch Ohr Ein Sof. Ohr Pnimi 5. Meaning the first Behina of the four Behinot (se e above item). 6. Behina Aleph, being the Upper Rosh, is the close st to Ein Sof, meaning to the Maatzil. For that reason she is regarded as touching


  • say that in the beginning the Kav of Ohr began to expand and right at the beginning (7) of its expansion as a Kav, it expande d and Nimshach and became like one Galgal (8) round on all sides. Ohr Pnimi 5. A Light that expands gradually, according to the laws of the four Behinot, meaning from Zach to Av, and stops at Behina Dalet, is called Ka v Yashar (straight Kav). 6. Do not be mistaken and interpr


  • This is the meaning of the five repetitions of the verse, “Bles s the Lord, O my soul, etc.” as mentioned in Masechet Berachot (page 10, 71), which represent the five features of the Neshama. Ohr Pnimi 5. There is not an essence in all the worlds, both in the Upper Worlds, as well as in this world, that do not consist of the above Eser Sefiro t, being the four above mentioned Behinot and their Shores


  • rself. ZA permits her only an isolated passage (50), such as in Atzilut, as it is also in the inne r Yetzira from her and within her (60), and also in the inner Assiya from her and within her. Ohr Pnimi 50. As was explained above regarding Bina de Atzilu t, the Zivug was made in Masach de Behina Bet for Bina’s needs and Ohr Hozer rose and clothed Bina. However, it did not stop the Ohr Hochma toward ZA


  • that grows on the ground with its navel rooted in the soil, from which it sucks its sustenance. When you cut off its navel, it dies. Be tween the animate and the speaking there is the monkey. Ohr Pnimi 5. It means that it contains all four Behinot, name ly the second Behina of Keter (see Chap 6, item 2), being the Shoresh of the Hitpashtut of the four Behinot. Ohr Keter is called Yechida. 6. It means


  • at expands in them to revive them. All the roots of the above four Behinot are in that Revi’it in the upper Dam because it is the middle between spirituality and the Guf a nd consists of both. Ohr Pnimi 50. Nefesh too has four Behinot HB TM of her own, w hich expand from Malchut herself, and Nefesh in Nefesh is clothed in Malchut de Malchut. Between the Guf and the Levushim there are Behinot Se’arot a


  • hat has nothing of her own (8), and hence ZA took them once more and a small point remained. She could not stan d in him because of her Katnut, and she descended to the Rosh of Beria inst ead. Ohr Pnimi 5. ZA and Malchut are called Two Lights since they bestow upon the lower Olamot. It is so because the Tachtonim cannot receive from GAR Keter , Hochma and Bina. Consequently, only ZA and Malchut shine


  • amot, and the Heichal Elyon, the Kodesh Kodashim (50) de Beria ascends once more to Atzilut and becomes absolute Atzilut, for t he above reason. It is the same in all the other Olamot as well. Ohr Pnimi 50. Rosh de Beria, where the point of Malchut de At zilut is clothed, is called Heichal Kodesh Kodashim. This entire Heichal rises to Atzilut on S habbat along with the point, by the power of the point


  • ll” (5). Hey in Beria, the Name SAG, for Ima nests in Kursaya. V av in Yetzira, the Name MA, for six Sefirot nest in Yetzira; lower Hey in Assiya, t he Name BON, for Malchut nests in the Ofan. Ohr Pnimi 5. There are four fillings in Yod, Hey, Vav, Hey: 1. Filling of Yodin: Yod Hey Viv Hey, in Gimatria A B (72). 2. Filling of Yodin and Aleph: Yod Hey Vav Hey, in Gimatria SAG (63).


  • Reiah, but the Hevel of the eye itself is very inte rnal and cannot extend and expand downward. Ohr Pnimi 5. It means that Aviut de Behina Aleph, called Eyna im, is very frail for the reason stated in Ohr Pnimi, that the above Aviut refers to the will to receive in every Ne’etzal, which differentiates it f


  • he strength to m ake Kelim for the Rosh (5), yet it would not be apparent before this Histaklut stri kes the Ohr Nefesh of the Peh, rendering the Behina of the Kelim of the Rosh appar ent (6). Ohr Pnimi 5. It is written above, that there is no perception in the Ohr Yashar without it clothing the Ohr Hozer. For that reason the Sefirot de Ohr Yasha r above the Ohr Hozer are not apparent in the Partzuf a


  • of the five Olamot consist of Yechida, Haya, Neshama, Ruach, Nefesh in that speci fic Olam. Its Hitzoniut is the Kelim and the Guf, where the Yechida, Haya, Neshama , Ruach and Nefesh clothe. Ohr Pnimi 5. This is a very important cognizance that is need ed in the understanding of many issues, and it should always be remembered. The first cogni zance is that consequently, when new motion and Hidush ar


  • ide the Peh (5). Consequently, when they emerge together outside the Peh, bound together (6), they strike and beat on each ot her (7), and the HaVaYot of their Kelim are born from the beating. Ohr Pnimi 5. You already know that the Peh is the Malchut of Rosh de AK where the Masach of Behina Dalet had been erected. It detains the Ohr Elyon fr om expanding and clothing the fourth Behina, as the Ohr Elyo


  • r bea ting on each other, they beget Nitzotzot of Ohr as Ohr Hozer, being Din, which is worse than the Ohr of Reshimo, which is Rachamim. These Nitzotzot are the fourth O hr we have mentioned. Ohr Pnimi 50. As the Rav has said (Chap 3, item 3), the degre es relate to each other as father to sons. Hence, during the ascent of the Orot to the Maatzil , when Masach de Behina Dalet had been purified to Beh


  • and Nukva in Keter, which are the two we mentioned here, namely the Reshimo and the Hochma. Ohr Pnimi 50. We must thoroughly understand this matter of re ception that the Sefirot received from the Maatzil after their ascent to Him. You will und erstand this matter after you thoroughly know the matter o


  • Kli from within (8). The Ohr Makif shines from outside the Kli and passe s through half the thickness of the walls of the Kli from without. The Kli shines a nd purifies through these two Orot. Ohr Pnimi 5. Meaning there is no discernment of the Ohr in an d of itself, but only from the perspective of the Kli. 6. It means that the measure of the He’arah is limi ted and depends on the measurements of the


  • zura wi th it, meaning that is needed for the Hitlabshut of the Ohr. A second reason: If the Hitzoniut of the Kli had no t been pure, the Ohr Makif would not have been able to connect with the Ohr Pnimi 5. There is yet another reason, very close to the f irst reason: the Ohr Makif wants and yearns to bond with the Ohr Pnimi (30). Thus, i f the outer part of the wall of the Kli had not been purer, the


  • ed and restricted within the Kli, it does not shine that much in the Hitzoniut of the Kli, as does the Ohr Pnimi in the Pnimiut of the Kli (70). That will place everything in its proper place. Ohr Pnimi 50. He asks: In the end, we find the Hitzoniut of t he Kelim to be less important than the Pnimiut of the Kelim, and they do not shine like th ey do. However, if they receive the Hitzoniut of the Kelim


  • re onward. Thus, in Olam Akudim, which are the Orot that stem from Peh de Adam Kadmon outw ardly, there were only five inner Orot and two surrounding Orot, and not more. Remember this forward. Ohr Pnimi 50. Meaning in the Eser Sefirot of Rosh AK, where O hr Hozer rises from Malchut de Rosh upward, and clothes the nine Upper Sefirot. Malchut de Rosh, where Masach de Behina Dalet stands, is called Peh,


  • the Ohr Elyon had extended down to their place when they are in their Kelim , the Kelim would have been annulled. Thus it was necessary th at only the Orot of the ZON in the Kli would rise up. Ohr Pnimi 5. These Kelim of Akudim are the first Kelim . This means the Kelim of the first Hitpashtut when the Zachar and Nekeva of Keter rose from there (see above Part 4, Chap 1 item 5). If the Ohr Elyon had e


  • r Orot themselves remain in their place, though they are not as complete as in the beginning . Moreover, the rest of the Orot that have now come, are added to them and become f emales to them. Ohr Pnimi 50. Three degrees away from it, and this does not apply to GAR . It has already been explained above in Ohr Pnimi regarding the Rav’s words (item 27) that there are two necessary conditions to complete


  • omes a Zachar , and the Bina Nukva . Afterwards, when the seven Orot are placed in the Kli of Bina , the Ohr Hesed is placed in her and the Ohr Hesed remains in her in Behinat MAN permanently. Ohr Pnimi 51. That the Ohr Bina will be a Zachar and the Ohr Hesed will be a Nekeva , that too is impossible. This is so because the Eser Sefirot are discerned as two males, being Hochma and ZA , and two Nekevot


  • gotten by both can be more inte rior than this Bina , much less form the Hesed that now came, though it too is from the Behina of Hitpashtut . However, it is still three degrees below Hochma . Ohr Pnimi 52. This Ohr of Bina is among the first Orot that remained there. It means that this is what remains of the Orot of the first Hitpashtut de AK , as mentioned in the previous item. 53. Generally speakin


  • r Bina : Since when ZON in Hochma mate, they do not educe that drop from her Atzmut , but from above, meaning from the Keter . This is why his force is greater than the Ohr of the lower Bina . Ohr Pnimi 53. Bina is called Yod in the Behinat three Orot in her, ordered as YDV . The Zachar is named Yod after the Hochma , being her upshot. The Nekeva , which is Bina , with the Ohr Hesed in her, is the Hey
  • ed in Malchut and completed there in her place. Thus, there are ZON in the Dalet Behinot , which are KHB Yesod . This is the reason for the above question in thes e four, unlike in the others. Ohr Pnimi 54. Ohr of Malchut is in Kli of Yesod . After the Behina Aleph of the Ohr Hod had purified into Behinat Keter , meaning extending only Komat Ohr Malchut , the Ohr was given to the Kli of Yesod . This i


  • Nukva , and sometimes in the Dechura . Sometimes some of them are in Nukva and some of them in the Dechura . Know, that when only four Orot ascend, they always incorporate only in the Nukva . Ohr Pnimi 55. There is ZON in the Kli of Bina , and a son, which is the above Hesed . The Zachar is the Yod that was born by the ZON de Kli de Hochma , and the Nekeva is the Reshimo that remained in the Kli de B


  • n Alephin . When only four Orot ascend, they are all incorporated in the Nukva , which is the Hey of the name YH in the Keter . At that time the filling of that Hey is in Yod , like this: HY . Ohr Pnimi 56. The name YH in the Keter is Pashut without filling. It is so because the ZON de Keter purified from the Behina Gimel in them, the Zivug stopped, the Komot of the ZON departed to their Shoresh , and
  • are cancelled in the first, since Ohr Hochma always cancels the others, and then all three are annulled in the Ot Yod , which is the Hochma . This is why the filling of this Hey is with Yod . Ohr Pnimi 57. Hochma always cancels the others, and then all three are annulled in the Ot Yod . It means that Komat Hochma contains within it all the other lower Komot , as the Rav says above (item 37): “We have
  • each of them rise, and two Malchuyot (pl. for Malchut ) remain below, the Zachar Malchut and the Nekeva Malchut . They are called YH since they are Pshutim (pl. for Pashut ), without filling. Ohr Pnimi 58. Two Malchuyot (pl. for Malchut ) remain below, the Zachar Malchut and the Nekeva Malchut . They are called YH since they are Pshutim (pl. for Pashut ), without filling.


  • othed inside MA and BON as the Orot of the collective AB, of which only the Se ’arot that extend from the AB of the general AB appeared. The rest of them are conce aled inside the general SAG. Ohr Pnimi 5. First the Taamim de SAG extended, which is AHP t hrough its Tabur. It means that in the beginning, Taamim de SAG came out before the branches of the general SAG came out, meaning the Se’arot Rosh an


  • the Behinot Taamim, which are Keter, it is Kamatz, because the Orot were blocked and stint. Ohr Pnimi 50. The Patach indicates Hochma. This means that the Nekudot, meaning the seven lowe r Sefirot came out of this Zivug de Kamatz Patach, which are Keter and Hochma. Then the Nekudot de SAG emerge and ap


  • odin, Gimatria 161, the same as Einecha (Thine eyes), with the Kolel. This is al so the meaning of “and behold our desolations,” for here was a great desolation, and annulment of the Melachim. Ohr Pnimi 54. “open Thine eyes, and behold,” because in AHP t here are three times SAG, which is Pekach in Gimatria, with the Kolel, and af ter them comes Behinat Eynaim. This means that the prayer is to straigh


  • wo Otiot are eleven in Gimatria . This is the meaning of the eleven signs of the incense, ten inner Sefirot , and one Makif . Although the Makif too consists of ten Sefirot , it is called one. Ohr Pnimi 5. The Shoresh of ZA is only six Sefirot . This is so because when it was born, it had no Rosh , which is GAR , called HBD . He had only VAK , being HGT NHY , and Malchut has only her Malchut , lacking


  • 49. The The 50. Ohr Pnimi 50. The The 51. 52. Ohr Pnimi 52. The 53. 54. Ohr Pnimi 53.
  • 49. The The 50. Ohr Pnimi 50. The The 51. 52. Ohr Pnimi 52. The 53. 54. Ohr Pnimi 53.
  • 49. The The 50. Ohr Pnimi 50. The The 51. 52. Ohr Pnimi 52. The 53. 54. Ohr Pnimi 53.


  • 55. * 56. Ohr Pnimi 56. The The 57. Ohr Pnimi 57. The The 58. 59. Ohr Pnimi 59. The
  • 55. * 56. Ohr Pnimi 56. The The 57. Ohr Pnimi 57. The The 58. 59. Ohr Pnimi 59. The
  • 55. * 56. Ohr Pnimi 56. The The 57. Ohr Pnimi 57. The The 58. 59. Ohr Pnimi 59. The

File: Twenty Two Meditations on the Sepher Yetsirah -


  • ecau se the frequency of vibrations does not increase uniformly . "The ratio of the pitch of the notes, or of the fre quency of vibrations will be as follows: "If we take do as 1 then re will be 9/8, mi 5/4, fa 4/3, sol 3/2, la 5/3, si l5/8, and do 2. "The differences in the acceleration or increase in the notes or the difference in tone will be as fol lows: between do and re 9/8 : 1 = 9/8 between re
  • fa 4/3, sol 3/2, la 5/3, si l5/8, and do 2. "The differences in the acceleration or increase in the notes or the difference in tone will be as fol lows: between do and re 9/8 : 1 = 9/8 between re and mi 5/4 : 9/8 = 10/9 between mi and fa 4/3 : 5/4 = 16/15 increase retard ed between fa and sol 3/2 : 4/3 = 9/8 between sol and la 5/3 : 3/2 = 10/9 between la and si 15/8 : 5/3 = 9/8 between si and do 2 : 1

File: Lon Milo DuQuette - Enochian Vision Magick -


  • parin 39 Docepax 14 VTA 40 Tedoand Tedoond 41 Viuipos 42 Ooanamb 15 OXO 43 Tahando 44 Nociabi 45 Tastoxo 16 LEA 46 Cucarpt 47 Lauacon 48 Sochial 17 TAN 49 Sigmorf 50 Aydropt 51 Tocarzi 18 ZEN 52 Nabaomi 53 Zafasai 54 Yalpamb 19 POP 55 Torzoxi 56 Abaiond 57 Omagrap 20 CHR 58 Zildron 59 Parziba 60 Totocan 21 ASP 61 62 63 Chirspa Toantom Vixpalg 22 LIN 64 65 66 Ozidaia PARAOAN Calzirg 23 TOR 67 68 69 Ron

File: Lon Milo DuQuette - Enochian Vision Magick -


  • parin 39 Docepax 14 VTA 40 Tedoand Tedoond 41 Viuipos 42 Ooanamb 15 OXO 43 Tahando 44 Nociabi 45 Tastoxo 16 LEA 46 Cucarpt 47 Lauacon 48 Sochial 17 TAN 49 Sigmorf 50 Aydropt 51 Tocarzi 18 ZEN 52 Nabaomi 53 Zafasai 54 Yalpamb 19 POP 55 Torzoxi 56 Abaiond 57 Omagrap 20 CHR 58 Zildron 59 Parziba 60 Totocan 21 ASP 61 62 63 Chirspa Toantom Vixpalg 22 LIN 64 65 66 Ozidaia PARAOAN Calzirg 23 TOR 67 68 69 Ron

File: MUFON Journal - April 2007 -


  • a stationary object and the length of time it reflects sunlight from an “already set” TABLE 1. (for 40 deg. N or S latitude) Approx. Period of Object Altitude T wilight Reflectivity 5,000 ft = 0.947 mi 5 min 43 sec 10,000 ft = 1.894 mi 8 min 6 sec 15,000 ft = 2.841 mi 9 min 55 sec 20,000 ft = 3.788 mi 11 min 27 sec 25,000 ft = 4.735 mi 12 min 47 sec 30,000 ft = 5.682 mi 14 min 1 sec 35,000 ft = 6.629

File: MUFON Journal - June 1981 -


  • Topeka, KS Topeka, KS Vacaville, GA Dodge, NB North Baltimore, OH Felton, MN Berkeley, CA Chesapeake, OH La Mesa, CA Merryville, LA San Francisco, CA Brooks County, TX Santa Cruz, CA Mullan, ID Troy, MI 5 CE1 * Class "A" Class "A" Class "A" Class"A"-CEl * Class "A" Class "A" * Class "A"- CE 1 * Class "A"- CE 1 * Class "A" * Class "A"- CE 3 Class "A" * Class "A"- close approach * Class "A" Class "A" *

File: Encyclopedia Of Occultism And Parapsychology Vol 1 -


  • . Arberry. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1966. Zaehner, R. C. Hindu and Muslim Mysticism. London: Ath- lone Press, 1960. Encyclopedia of Occultism & Parapsychology • 5th Ed. Abu Yazid al-Bestami 5

File: Min's Interlinear Apocalypse -


  • uDra 5.83 08Tau18í03î +75:29í19î kaCep 4.39 Rastaban 17Sco09í08î +75:16í31î beDra 2.79 Pherkad 26Can49í16î +75:14í15î gaUMi 3.05 02Can37í55î +75:07í13î zeUMi 4.32 Pherkad Mi 26Can52í12î +74:57í16î 11UMi 5.02 Eltanin 03Sag09í10î +74:55í16î gaDra 2.23 21Vir52í10î +74:25í52î thDra 4.01 10Pis03í29î +73:56í19î thCep 4.22 14Gem21í48î +73:55í23î epUMi 4.23 20Cap06í25î +73:48í20î kaCyg 3.77 Kochab 18Can32í31î


  • 69:56í46î deUMi 4.36 : 14Gem21í48î +73:55í23î epUMi 4.23 : 2Can37í55î +75:07í13î zeUMi 4.32 : 5Can32í50î +77:49í40î etUMi 4.95 : 5Gem41í26î +67:30í23î laUMi 6.55 Pherkad Mi: 26Can52í12î +74:57í16î 11UMi 5.02 --------------------------------------------- Aldebaran : 15Tau00í00î - 5:28í03î alTau 0.85 The third dream-symbols of the Greek Empire correlate with the King, Queen & Knight of Air, the electrom

File: Min's Judicial Horoscopes -


  • 6î chGem 4.94 Mabsuthat 047.7394957 02Can44í22î +22:55í27î 31Lyn 4.25 048.2547546 03Can15í17î -73:03í06î taPup 2.93 049.6360990 04Can38í10î -30:39í47î alMon 3.93 049.9321927 04Can55í56î -19:04í10î zeCMi 5.14 Aludra 049.9348461 04Can56í05î -50:50í15î etCMa 2.44 050.3261956 05Can19í34î +77:43í02î etUMi 4.95 050.7642487 05Can45í51î -58:45í01î piPup 2.7 051.1505061 06Can09í02î + 7:26í45î chCnc 5.14 Tegmen


  • 48683 25Can26í42î -13:04í41î thHya 3.88 RasElasedA 070.9259354 25Can55í33î + 9:33í46î epLeo 2.98 Pherkad 071.0774176 26Can04í39î +75:05í05î gaUMi 3.05 Pherkad Mi 071.1185836 26Can07í07î +74:47í13î 11UMi 5.02 Tania Aust 071.4095147 26Can24í34î +28:50í01î muUMa 3.05 RasElasedB 071.7224043 26Can43í21î +12:15í19î muLeo 3.88 071.9272935 26Can55í38î - 3:15í30î xiLeo 4.97 073.7161364 28Can42í58î + 0:11í41î p

File: Astucia, Salvador - Opium Lords, Israel the Golden Triangle and the Kennedy Assassination (2002) -


  • Marrus, Samuel Bronfman , p. 21 2. Peter Newman, King of the Castle , pp 285-292 3. Encyclopedia Britannica: Irgun Zvai Leumi, Yitzhak Shamir, Menachem Begin 4. Encyclopedia Britannica: Irgun Zvai Leumi 5. Encyclopedia Britannica: Mapoi 6. ibid, Israel Labour Party 7. ibid, Likud 8. Guela Amir, A Mother’s Defense , published in George Magazine, March 1997 edition (NOTE: Guela Amir is the mother of Yig

File: Douglas - Gestapo-Chief - The CIA and Heinrich Müller (1998) -

File: Douglas - Gestapo-Chief - The CIA and Heinrich Mller (1998) -


  • interrogation. 3 The First Search for Gestapo Mueller Months before the fall of Berlin, Anglo-American counterespionage officers began their postwar planning. Under the combined leadership of British MI 5 and MI 6 and the X-2 (c ounterespionage) branch of the American Office of Strategic Services, the SHAEF G-2 Counter Intelligence (CI) War Room began operating in February 1945. Using Allied lists of

File: Douglas - The CIA Covenant - Nazis in Washington (Muller journals) (1999) -


  • terrogation. 3 The First Search for Gestapo Mueller Months before the fall of Berlin, Anglo-Ameri can counterespionage officers began their postwar planning. Under the combined leader ship of British MI 5 and MI 6 and the X-2 (counterespionage) branch of the American Office of Strategic Services, th e SHAEF G-2 Counter Intelligence (CI) War Room began operating in February 1945. Using Allie d lists of

File: Encyclopedia of Conspiracies and Conspiracy Theories -


  • ute for Maritime Research, a front for that nation’s military intelligence apparatus under the former white-supremacist government, and detailed a murder plot hatched between British Intel- ligence ( MI 5 ) and the U.S. CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY (CIA). One letter states that “In a meeting between MI5, special ops executive and the SAIMR, the following emerged—it is felt that Hammarskjöld should be r


  • the U.S. CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY , tasked with maintaining external security and collecting intelligence from other nations. It may collaborate with domestic secu- rity agents from sister service MI 5 , but theoretically the operatives of MI6 perform no cloak-and-dagger missions on British soil. Represented in fiction by Ian Fleming’s heroic James Bond, Agent 007, the men and women of MI6 generall


  • a notebook containing the name and address of Klaus Fuchs, a German physicist living in Scotland. Copies of the notebook were sent to FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION (FBI) headquarters and Britain’s MI 5 ; yet four years elapsed before Fuchs was jailed as a spy. According to FBI spokespeople, G-men followed the trail from Fuchs to Philadelphia chemist Harry Gold and from there to David Greenglass, a


  • st RUSSIA and the Soviet KGB ; the GESTAPO of Nazi GERMANY ; CHILE ’s brutal DINA; SOUTH AFRICA ’s Bureau of Spe- cial Services (BOSS); BRAZIL ’s Department of Politi- cal and Social Order; Britain’s MI 5 ; East Germany’s Stasi; the MOSSAD of ISRAEL ; and IRAN ’s homicidal SAVAK. They may not be aware that many agents of military regimes in Latin America have been trained in torture and assassination

File: Illuminati Handbook -


  • s T ax reducted F oundations CNN Reuters New Y ork T imes The Sun W ashington P ost United Nations European Union NA T O NAFT A W orld Health Organization Club of Rome The Mafia CIA FBI Interpol MI 6 MI 5 Mossad Other Intelligence Secret science T avistock Institute Stanford Institute Rand Corporation V atican Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA) Media in general W eapon trade GA TT/W orld

File: Order Out Of Chaos -


  • were not made to prevent the attacks." 2 Shayler also made the allegation that MI 5 had prior knowledge of numerous IRA bombings in London, most notably the 1993 Bishopsgate bombing, in which an IRA truck bomb devastated the Bishops gate area of London's financial district, killing


  • aces six years imprisonment for breaching the Official Secrets Act after making a number of sensational revelations about MI5 to a national newspaper in 1997, will 4 ‘Ministers issue gag orders for MI 5 trial’ – Richard Norton-Taylor – London Guardian - October 7 2002 – available at www.propagandamatrix.com/ministers_issue_gag_orders_for_mI5_trial.htm 5 ‘Calls for secret Shayler trial’ - Patrick McG

File: Paul Joseph Watson - Order Out Of Chaos -


  • were not made to prevent the attacks." 2 Shayler also made the allegation that MI 5 had prior knowledge of numerous IRA bombings in London, most notably the 1993 Bishopsgate bombing, in which an IRA truck bomb devastated the Bishops gate area of London's financial district, killing


  • aces six years imprisonment for breaching the Official Secrets Act after making a number of sensational revelations about MI5 to a national newspaper in 1997, will 4 ‘Ministers issue gag orders for MI 5 trial’ – Richard Norton-Taylor – London Guardian - October 7 2002 – available at www.propagandamatrix.com/ministers_issue_gag_orders_for_mI5_trial.htm 5 ‘Calls for secret Shayler trial’ - Patrick McG

File: Springmeier - Be Wise as Serpents - Christianity's Systematic Destruction (1991) -


  • th the reasons th ey were created. And we unwittingly fund these secr et services that spy on us, and are at the complete disposal of the con- spiracy. The machinations of the secret services such as MI 5, MI 6, the FBI, the CIA, and others boggle the mind. It is no comfort to real ize that men identified as related to the Conspiracy are also men in control of the secret services. The tie-ins by the l


  • of the League of Nations, but Max Roth schild was one of 11 men who took control over Bavaria. Max Rothschild was a Freemason in Lodge No. 11, Munich, Germany. CO-MASTERS OF THE WORLD—connections to MI 5, Rockefellers, J.P. Morgan, CFR, et. al. Victor Rothschild, who worked for J.P. Morg an & Co., and was an im portant part of MI5 (British Intelligence). Victor Roth schild was also a communist a nd m

File: Philip's Astronomy Encyclopedia 2002 -


  • raph by David Malin 46 S. Ostro (JPL/NASA) 47 The Boomerang Collaboration 48 ESO 49 t All Rights Reserved Beagle 2. (http://www.beagle2.com) 49 b Robin Scagell/Science Photo Library 50 © Akira Fujii/DMI 51 ESO 52 NASA/JPL 53 t A. Dupree (CfA)/NASA/STScI 53 b Big Bear Solar Observatory 56 Nik Szymanek (Univ. Herts) based on data in the ING archive 57 NRAO/NSF 58 Bruce Balick and Jason Alexander (Univ.

File: US Army Field Manual - Urban Operations -


  • OUL, K ORE A 1 950 (N A VY ) HUE, R EPU BLIC OF VI ET NAM, 1968 Note: O nly SH A DED uni ts actually co nducted U O in an d ar ound Hu e OPER ATION JUST C AUSE, PA NAMA 1 989 82 XX (– ) 16 X MP 470 X MI 525 X (– ) MI 96 I I CA 1 XX (– ) CO SC OM 110 9 X AIR FO R CES PA NAMA (J O INT ) (N A VY ) (AIR F ORCE ) (A R M Y) (A R M Y) (A R M Y ) Naval g unf ire suppo rt prov ided by the gu ided m issi le d e

File: Godwin Cabalistic Encyclopedia -


  • Bible- Bihelami 57 Ekah ("How") (HD^) Esther pHON) Daniel (^H) Ezra (KITtf) Nechemyah (iTCm) 36 661 95 278 113 Debere ha-Yamim p^rn nai) ("Events of the days/' I & II) 881 or 321 Lamentations Esther Daniel Ezra (I Esd

File: Michael Bertiaux - The Voudon Gnostic Workbook -


  • y Teachings, Lesson 2: The Magickal Geography of Master Michael Aquarius 589 3. Sanctuary Teachings, Lesson 3: The Golden Temple of Initiation 592 4. Sanctuary Teachings, Lesson 4: The Power of the Kami 595 5. Sanctuary Teachings, Lesson 5: The Higher Energies of True Initiation-Consciousness 596 6. Sanctuary Teachings, Lesson 6: The Esoteric Logicians and the "Dainichi Revelations 601 Chapter 9. Fina

File: Corpus of Mesopotamian Anti-Witchcraft Rituals -


  • n I: The figurines of ‘Deserter’ and ‘Clamor’..............................................2–8 B obv. 2–8 // A obv. 1′–3′ 48 Previous, partial copies: Boissier, RSém 2, 135–44 (K 249, 2879, 8094), KMI 50–52 (K 249 + 2879 +10764), AMT 52/7 (82-5-22, 996), AMT 87/1 (K 2513).


  • eveh, ‘Ashurbanipal’s Library’ D VAT 9984 BAM 90 coll. Frg. of a single-col. tablet, early NA script, 8th cent. (?) Aššur 60 Previous, partial copies: Boissier, RSém 2, 135–44 (K 249, 2879, 8094), KMI 50–52 (K 249 + 2879 +10764), AMT 52/7 (82-5-22, 996), AMT 87/1 (K 2513).


  • haps B2 r. col. is to be inserted here (ll. 1′–4′ fragmentary; for ll. 5′–11′, see text 10.4) (ll. 54′′–56′′: too fragmentary for transcription) 57′′[qaqqas?]su iṣṣanabass[u ... am]ē-li šuāti ana eṭemmi 58′′p[aqd]ū qāt māmīti šuruš balti ētti šuruš ašāgi ēdi ... [ ... ] 59′′[ina mašak] unīqi lā petīti ina šerʾān litti miqitti 60′′[taša]ppi ina kišādīšu tašakkan-ma pašer -------------------------------


  • Prescription for the protection of a man’s house against witchcraft.....................................14–17 a rev. 6–9 88 Previous, partial copies: Boissier, RSém 2, 135–44 (K 249, 2879, 8094), KMI 50–52 (K 249 + 2879 +10764), AMT 52/7 (82-5-22, 996), AMT 87/1 (K 2513).


  • ...........VAT 10572 + 10615 + 10852............................................KAR 81, KAL 2, 10......................— 105 Previous, partial copies: Boissier, RSém 2, 135–44 (K 249, 2879, 8094), KMI 50–52 (K 249 + 2879 +10764), AMT 52/7 (82-5-22, 996), AMT 87/1 (K 2513).


  • 8276...........................................................................KAR 80, KAL 2, 8........................— 106 Previous, partial copies: Boissier, RSém 2, 135–44 (K 249, 2879, 8094), KMI 50–52 (K 249 + 2879 +10764), AMT 52/7 (82-5-22, 996), AMT 87/1 (K 2513). 107 Previous, partial copies: von Oefele, Keilschriftmedicin, Tf. I (K 9684), AMT 7/6 (K 9999), CT 14, 48 (Rm 328). 108 Previous


  • ........125–28 109 Previous, partial copies: ABRT 2, 5, AMT 87/2 (K 6172), AMT 90/1 (K 8127 + 8438), AMT 14/6 (K 10980). 110 Previous, partial copies: Boissier, RSém 2, 135–44 (K 249, 2879, 8094), KMI 50–52 (K 249 + 2879 +10764), AMT 52/7 (82-5-22, 996), AMT 87/1 (K 2513).


  • 63+2820+2821+2843+5750+9601+10537+16716..Læssøe, BRi, pl. 1..........................9.1 A........................109–10 112 Previous, partial copies: Boissier, RSém 2, 135–44 (K 249, 2879, 8094), KMI 50–52 (K 249 + 2879 +10764), AMT 52/7 (82-5-22, 996), AMT 87/1 (K 2513).


  • .......2.2 A, 2.3 B.............1–5 KBo 36, 38.........................................209/g............................................................................1.4 A........................— KMI 50–52.........................................K 249 + 2879 +10764..................................................7.7 G, 7.10 A, 11.1 E.— KMI 76a.............................................K 8505....

File: Vijnanabhairava or Divine Consciousness -


  • nd his mind swallowed up in the nature of Bhairava and will realize his identity with Him. This is Siiktopiiya again. [.Dharaoa 66] VERSE 89 ~ 4iffff...4WiN IqNtCfT'fi( f.rmm: I SlfC4EWiiIQ mi EhlClliMi 5t1mri\' II lOt II ... Yasya kasyendriyasyapi vyaghatac ca nirodhatal}.l Pravi~tasyadvaye sOnye tatraivatma prakasate " 89 TRANSLATION When some organ of sense is obstructed in its function by some ext

File: Philosophy of Pancaratras -


  • istinguished, the Upasaka and the Prapanna. II. PARASVARUPA: Again five sub-divisions are there as in Sva-Svarupa and in each one of the A1thapancakas. They are: 1. Para 2. Vyuha 3. Vibhava 4. Antaryami 5. Area These five manifestations of God are described in detail in the earlier chapters. God is both imminent and transcendent.

File: OUSPENSKY, P.D. - In Search of the Miraculous -


  • ot increase uniformly. , do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, si , do, FIG. 10 "The ratio of the pitch of the notes, or of the frequency of vibrations will be as follows: "If we take do as 1 then re will be 9/8, mi 5/4, fa 4/3, sol 3/2, la 3/2, si 15/8, and do 2. 1 9/8 5/4 4/3 3/2 5/3 15/8 2 ____________________________________ do re mi fa sol la si do FIG. 11 "The differences in the acceleration or increase in t
  • ___________ do re mi fa sol la si do FIG. 11 "The differences in the acceleration or increase in the notes or the difference in tone will be as follows: between do and re 9/8 : 1 = 9/8 between re and mi 5/4 : 9/8 = 10/9 between mi and fa 4/3 : 5/4 = 16/15 increase retarded between fa and sol 3/2 : 4/3 = 9/8 between sol and la 5/3 : 3/2 = 10/9 between la and si 15/8 : 5/3 == 9/8 between si and do 2 : 1

File: Jones - Transparent Illusion -


  • the serpent. 3~98 lwyn And the gates of the plt close nnv ~nh nlo.1 upon the woman expectant with wickedness, iiy n77il iy1 and the everlasting bolts D$~Y n7ili upon all the spirlts of the serpent.79 mi 571, iyl Here, the waters of destruction are closely associated with the impurity of the birth-giving female, from whose foul womb or "crucible" the 78 The letters 13 are written above the line. 79 IQW

File: Ancient Future of the Itza. The Book of Chilam Balam, annotated, commented -


  • Chuen 20. 12 Eb 21. 13 Ben 22. 1 Ix 3400 23. 2 Men 24. 3 Cib 25. 4 Caban 26. 5 Etz'nab 27. 6 Cauac 3405 28. 7 Ahau 29. 8 Imix 30. 9 Ik October (31) 1. 10 Akbal 2. 11 Kan 3410 3. 12 Chic chan 4. 13 Cimi 5. 1 Manik 6. 2 Lamat 7. 3 Muluc 3415 8. 4 Oc 9. 5 Chuen 10. 6 Eb 11. 7 Ben 12. 8 Ix 3420 13. 9 Men 14. 10 Cib 15. 11 Caban good bad bad good good good bad bad good good good good good bad bad good bad

File: Technical Dictionary -


  • ethingness that you are andthe capabilities you can be and this is what we are talking about. We are nottalking about the color of your hair or the length of your feet. We are talkingabout you. (Abil Mi 5)INDIVIDUATION, a separation from knowingness. (5203CMlOB)INDOC, indoctrination. (HCOB 10 Apr 57)INERT INCIDENT, 1. an incident which is an inert incident is not havingany effect on the pc. It’s not p


  • n words by the auditor. (HCOB 25 May 62)MAN, 1. man is actually a body run by an awareness of awareness unit which hasinfinite survival power—even though it can get into a great deal of trouble. (AbilMi 5) 2. a structure of cells which are seeking to survive, and only to survive.(DMSMH, p. 50) 3. a composite being of four distinct and divisible actualities:these parts are termed the thetan, the memory

File: Religion of the Peacock Angel. Yezidi and the Spirit World -


  • 86, 92, 98, 101, 103, 105, 119, 126, 128Armenianalk‘ 76garnanamut 112gisastł 117hardagoɣi čanaparh 118*hrašahaw 22*hrašamarg 22*hrašatřč‘un 22loštak 115, 116mandaxot 115manragor 115portak‘ar 84sev k‘ami 55šahapet vayrac‘ 91Sandaramet 90siramarg 23Spandaramet 90t‘agawor 68t‘agawor amen xotic‘ 115t‘äk‘fur 68Teařnəndařaǰ 96xoy-t‘ołowt‘iwn 86Armenian Apostolic Church 60Armenian folk-beliefs 90Armenians 84


  • 1, 112, 119, 122, 123, 125, 129, 133Islamic mysticism 29, 121, 127, 128Israfil/Raphail 14, 20, 53, 62, 63, 90, 101izāfaconstructions 104formant 72Jabrail/Gabriel 14, 15, 20, 24, 53, 101Jalal al-Din Rumi 57, 67jam 123Jažnē jamā‘īyya 68Jebel Sinjar [Ĉīyā Šangālē] viiJesus/Christ/‘Īsā 5, 19, 38, 63, 110, 126Jewish thinking 16Jews 31, 66, 67, 14Judaic folklore 25Judaism 3, 7, 14Judas 28Judas Thomas 78Judg

File: Zoroastrians_Diaspora_Religion -


  • 313Dastur, Jal 246 n. 4Dastur, Pesi F. 245 n. 4Dastur family 408Davar, Adi 473–4, 477–8, 625, 627,629, 638Davar, Binaifer 497 n. 165Davar, Farida 555Davar, Pestonji F. 449Davar, Dr Vispi 555Davier, Homi 534Davoud, Poure 80Deboo, Malcolm M. viii, 314 n. 1, 339n. 50, 393 n. 114, 404Delavega, Ronald 638, 640, 643, 644,647 n. 166, 648 n. 168, 649 n. 174Demehri, Feraydoon 636Demehry, Orang 502Dents Company


  • 378, 409Modi, Prof. Nadir 84Modi, Nusserwanji Bomanjee 166 n. 64Modi and Co. 166 and n. 62Mody, Bilimoria (Kabuli) 263 n. 40Mody, H. H. 292Mody, H. N. 174Mody, H. P. 378Mody, Homai 33 n. 1Mody, Sir Homi 59, 179, 738Mody, Prof. Nawaz 405Mody, Piloo 61Mody, Rashna 557Mohajerani, Ayatollah 592Monackjee, Nusserwanjee 166 n. 61Monk, Candida 363 n. 83Moos 162 n. 41Moos, Jehangir D. 354–5, 357, 605, 613Moos,

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