Media in general

Found in 42 Books

File: Towers Of Deception -


  • ainstream media. Disinformation about alleged WMDs was fed into the nation’s public address system, especially by the now-disgraced Judith Miller and the agenda-setting New York Times, even while the media in general failed to raise even ele- mentary questions. Augmenting the drive to war was the misbelief, held at one time by 49 per cent of the US population, that Saddam Hussein was one of the plot- ters behind

File: David Icke - 1996 - I Am Me I Am Free -

  • that case, it’s definitely not true). Iobserve the media because it is a major player in the game, but I don’t believea single word it says unless it is confirmed by other independent sources. Ifthe media in general wants us to believe something it is because those whomanipulate the world want us to believe it. Those who manipulate the worldcontrol the media and the global news agencies that provide much of itsi

File: David Icke - 1996 - I Am Me I Am Free -

  • that case, it’s definitely not true). Iobserve the media because it is a major player in the game, but I don’t believea single word it says unless it is confirmed by other independent sources. Ifthe media in general wants us to believe something it is because those whomanipulate the world want us to believe it. Those who manipulate the worldcontrol the media and the global news agencies that provide much of itsi

File: David Icke - 2001 - Children Of The Matrix -

  • g aswe are doing our own decoding. As with everything, it isthe way this ismanipulated that I am talking about. And who controls the music industry?Thesame people who control Hollywood and the global media in general -theIlluminati. The biggest music operation in the world, for instance, isUniversalMusic, controlled by the Bronfmans of Canada, which also controlsUniversalStudios. The Bronfmans were a gangster fam

File: David Icke - 2001 - Children Of The Matrix -

  • g aswe are doing our own decoding. As with everything, it isthe way this ismanipulated that I am talking about. And who controls the music industry?Thesame people who control Hollywood and the global media in general -theIlluminati. The biggest music operation in the world, for instance, isUniversalMusic, controlled by the Bronfmans of Canada, which also controlsUniversalStudios. The Bronfmans were a gangster fam

File: David Icke - 2005 - Infinite Love Is The Only Truth, Everything Else Is Illusion -

  • otionally to react to ‘love of country’ by signing up to die. Emotions are themajor access code to the body computer, including the mind. Now we havemulti-channel television, Hollywood movies and the media in general, to whip upthe emotional response to events that leads people to ‘fight for their country’and support governments that send them to kill and be killed.Unless we operate from a level of awareness beyo

File: David Icke - 2005 - Infinite Love Is The Only Truth, Everything Else Is Illusion -

  • otionally to react to ‘love of country’ by signing up to die. Emotions are themajor access code to the body computer, including the mind. Now we havemulti-channel television, Hollywood movies and the media in general, to whip upthe emotional response to events that leads people to ‘fight for their country’and support governments that send them to kill and be killed.Unless we operate from a level of awareness beyo

File: David Icke - 2013 - The Perception Deception - Part One -

  • he brain to decode thatbelief into holographic reality. Remember Tom when he couldn’t see his daughter?The Archontic Control System does exactly the same through hypnotists known astelevision and the media in general, ‘education’, academia, medicine, peerpressure, programmed parents programming their children, religion and so on (Fig135). Closed minds are easy to mass control because they block most of theinforma

File: David Icke - 2013 - The Perception Deception - Part Two -

  • uth he had no idea that this was so. These people are so uninformedit borders on the criminal given their alleged profession. The promotional blurbquoted above encapsulates the BBC and the mainstream media in general in thatits starting point, and finishing point, is that the official story is true andanyone questioning this must be crazy and deluded. Comedian Maxwell was givenfree rein to dismiss any suggestion

File: David Icke - 2013 - The Perception Deception -


  • brain to decode that belief into holographic reality. Remember Tom when he couldn’t see his daughter? The Archontic Control System does exactly the same through hypnotists known as television and the media in general, ‘education’, academia, medicine, peer pressure, programmed parents programming their children,


  • h he had no idea that this was so. These people are so uninformed it borders on the criminal given their alleged profession. The promotional blurb quoted above encapsulates the BBC and the mainstream media in general in that its starting point, and finishing point, is that the official story is true and anyone questioning this must be crazy and deluded. Comedian Maxwell was given free rein to dismiss any suggesti

File: David Icke - Guide To The Global Conspiracy -


  • e the evidence presented by those questioning the official story. The programme has rightly been called 'biased' and a 'hit piece', but more than anything it was pathetic and classic BBC — indeed the media in general. I worked at the BBC for twelve years, mainly through the entire 1980s, in current affairs, news and sport. The 9 /11 'documentary' was bound to emerge from a Corporation dominated by what I call the

File: David Icke - I Am Me I Am Free - The Robots' Guide to Freedom (1996) -


  • at case, it’s definitely not true). I observe the media because it is a major player in the game, but I don’t believe a single word it says unless it is confirmed by other independent sources. If the media in general wants us to believe something it is because those who manipulate the world want us to believe it. Those who manipulate the world control the media and the global news agencies that provide much of it

File: David Icke - I Am Me I Am Free -


  • at case, it’s definitely not true). I observe the media because it is a major player in the game, but I don’t believe a single word it says unless it is confirmed by other independent sources. If the media in general wants us to believe something it is because those who manipulate the world want us to believe it. Those who manipulate the world control the media and the global news agencies that provide much of it

File: David Icke - Infinite Love Is The Only Truth, Everything Else Is Illusion -


  • ionally to react to 'love of country' by signing up to die. Emotions are the major access code to the body computer, including the mind. Now we have multi-channel television, Hollywood movies and the media in general, to whip up the emotiona l response to events that leads people to 'fight for their country' and support governments that send them to k ill and be killed. Unless we operate from a level of awareness

File: David Icke - Infinite Love is the Only Truth, Everything Else is Illusion (2005) -


  • ionally to react to 'love of country' by signing up to die. Emotions are the major access code to the body computer, including the mind. Now we have multi-channel television, Hollywood movies and the media in general, to whip up the emotiona l response to events that leads people to 'fight for their country' and support governments that send them to k ill and be killed. Unless we operate from a level of awareness

File: Eckhart Tolle - A New Earth -


  • eams the three­inch headline, or “Bastards. ” The British tabloid press excels at this. The y kno w that ne gative emotion se lls far m ore pa pers than ne ws doe s. The re is a tende ncy in the news media in general, includi ng television, to thrive on negative news. The worse things get, the more excited the presenters becom e, and often the negative excitement is generated by the media itself. P ain­bodi es ju

File: Eckhart Tolle - New Earth -


  • eams the three­inch headline, or “Bastards. ” The British tabloid press excels at this. The y kno w that ne gative emotion se lls far m ore pa pers than ne ws doe s. The re is a tende ncy in the news media in general, includi ng television, to thrive on negative news. The worse things get, the more excited the presenters becom e, and often the negative excitement is generated by the media itself. P ain­bodi es ju

File: Eckhart Tolle - New Earth -


  • eams the three­inch headline, or “Bastards. ” The British tabloid press excels at this. The y kno w that ne gative emotion se lls far m ore pa pers than ne ws doe s. The re is a tende ncy in the news media in general, includi ng television, to thrive on negative news. The worse things get, the more excited the presenters becom e, and often the negative excitement is generated by the media itself. P ain­bodi es ju

File: The Matrix Deciphered Prerelease -


  • with an agenda behind it. As any radio show will tell you, they are fined based more on political content than on words they forgot to bleep. It is a way to signal the understood threat. This is how media in general is controlled without overt threats from the “Shadow Controllers”. Here is the dichotomy of the political split personality, the two headed monster. The overt statement to the timid public, is that c

File: Understanding_Surveillance -


  • y cams, voyeur prod- ucts) • public and private businesses (business security, employee monitoring, industrial safety, private detectives, salvage companies, insurance adjustors) • papparazzi and the media in general (investigative reporting, news and weather re- porting, celebrity stalking) The following examples of applications make it easier to understand the variety of visual surveillance activities and the t

File: MUFON Journal - January 2004 -


  • h I obtained directly from CBS, this eminent academic stated publicly that the Mus- lims known as homicide terrorists, includ- ing the perpetrators of 9/11, were being influenced by evil Jinns! 7 The media in general did no follow-up on this, but Gordon was very interested in this interview and wished to publish the information in FSR.. I sent him a copy of the transcript, but inexplicably the mail- ing went astr

File: MUFON Journal - May 1987 -


  • folk gradually became aware that encounters were occurring, they were less likely to feel totally isolated in the event. (This despite the fact that right from the start, government agencies and the media in general kept reported incidents to a minimum, and when ignoring and suppression,were impossible, resorted to debunking.) 3.) Increasingly, as responsible UFO research associations formed and were backed by r

File: gunfacts -


  • espondent ........................................................ 54 Gary Wills, syndicated columnist ......................................................................................... 54 The media in general ........................................................................................................... ...... 54 Your Government..................................................................

File: Peter Levenda - Dark Lord -

  • Tantric practitioners do indeed meet “nocturnally” in remote places tocarry out their “fertility rites.”It is this type of public relations effort, carried out not only by Lovecraftbut by the Western media in general, that made Tantra and its associated beliefsand practices seem so exotic and forbidden, pretty much substantiating EdwardSaid's insistence that virtually all Western approaches to Asia were racist an

File: David Icke - Federal Reserve System Fraud -


  • WALTER CRONKITE: "News reporters are certainly liberal (socialists) and left of center." BARBARA WALTERS: "The news media in general are liberals (socialists)." Reference for everything above - Operation Vampire Killer, P.O. Box 8712, Phoenix, AZ 85066 The world, finally including even the balky American public, is "being rapidly

File: David Icke - I Am Me I Am Free - The Robots' Guide to Freedom (1996) -


  • thatcase, it’s definitely not true). I observe the media because it is a majorplayer in the game, but I don’t believe a single word it says unless it isconfirmed by other independent sources. If the media in general wantsus to believe something it is because those who manipulate the worldwant us to believe it. Those who manipulate the world control the mediaand the global news agencies that provide much of its i

File: David Icke - Infinite Love is the Only Truth, Everything Else is Illusion (2005) -


  • ionally to react to 'love of country' by signing up to die. Emotions are the major access code to the body computer, including the mind. Now we have multi-channel television, Hollywood movies and the media in general, to whip up the emotional response to events that leads people to 'fight for their country' and support governments that send them to kill and be killed. Unless we operate from a level of awareness b

File: Final Judgment - Missing Link in JFK Assassination Conspiracy -


  • ure of Israel's influence over the American media and provides a clear - cut case study of how the media has been manipulated to distort the truth about the JFK assassination conspiracy. Although the media in general had initially backed the Warren Commission cover - up, public dissent about the conclusions — s tirred on largely by the work of pioneer commission critic Mark Lane and his friend, New Orleans Distri

File: Gary North - Political Polytheism - The Myth of Pluralism -


  • 76 POLITICAL POLYTHEISM cal pluralism. Christians do not understand this principle because they have been taught by strangers — the public school system, tele- vision, and the media in general — and also by the strangers’ certified academic agents within the household of faith. 21 The stranger within the gates was always a threat to Israel dur- ing times of apostasy. When the nation of Isr

File: Henry Makow - Illuminati -


  • blishing a balance between the sacred and the profane. You need to shut out the world (the profane) for set periods of time and focus on what inspires you. That means turning off the TV, Internet and media in general. Just as you nourish your body with food, you feed your soul with thoughts, sights and sounds. Your soul reaches out for beauty, grace, harmony, truth and goodness. You become what you think about. W

File: Hidden History Of Money -


  • blishing a balance between the sacred and the profane. You need to shut out the World (the profane) for set periods of time and focus on what inspires you. That means turning off the TV, Internet and media in general. Just as you nourish your body with food, you feed your soul with thoughts, sights and sounds. Your soul reaches out for beauty, justice, truth and goodness. You need to discover what lifts your spir

File: Illuminati Handbook -


  • of Rome The Mafia CIA FBI Interpol MI 6 MI 5 Mossad Other Intelligence Secret science T avistock Institute Stanford Institute Rand Corporation V atican Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA) Media in general W eapon trade GA TT/W orld trade organization

File: Operation Vampire Killer 2000 -


  • New York Times is deliberately pitched to the liber al (Socialist) point of view." WALTER CRONKITE: "News reporters are certainly libe ral (Socialists) and left of center." BARBARA WALTERS: "The news media in general are lib erals (socialists)." We could go on, but I believe we get their point! WORLD GOVERNMENT UNDER THE UNITED NATIONS Just what is this "wonderful" global organization a ll about? Dr. KURK E. KOCH

File: Pidcock - Satanic Voices - Ancient and Modern (1992) -


  • rn, therewithal intrusive." (This more than adequately describes the modern pre ss which Neil Kinnock blamed for his election defeat in 1992; the Associates and Members of PEN, The Establishment, The Media in general and Tabloid Journalists in particular, toge ther with some disc jockeys and TV shows - including Kill-Roy, as distinguished from Kill-Rush die.) PSYCHIATRIC REPORT EXTRACT COMMITTEE B (1) The book, “

File: You Are Being Lied To -


  • h the Denver Post and the Denver Rocky Mountain News , the newspapers serving the greater Denver area (of which Littleton is a part), have provided coverage which has been consistently ignored by the media in general. For the benefit of those living outside the Denver area, presented here you will find a few facts about the tragedy at Columbine of which you may be unaware and which tend to be at odds with the off

File: Rupert Sheldrake, Terence McKenna, Ralph Abraham - The Evolutionary Mind -


  • esults of these experiments going to be collected and presented in an understandable form to the public and have a chance to achieve their promise? Rupert: Through magazines, books, radio, TV and the media in general. Ralph: Will there be a backlash do you think? Rupert: Well if there is, the media would love it. They love controversy, they love things about pets. The skeptics would be forced into the position of

File: Salvia Divinorum - Research Information Center -


  • ing of powerful extract enhanced leaves. Taking oral preparations and smoking unenhanced leaves are less likely to produce out of control behavior. Be careful about granting interviews. The press and media in general is often more interested in sensationalizing than in balanced factual reporting. Q. Does Salvia divinorum show up on drug tests? A: No. Salvia divinorum is a legal herb that does not lend itself to a

File: Terence McKenna - Evolutionary Mind -


  • esults of these experiments going to be collected and presented in an understandable form to the public and have a chance to achieve their promise? Rupert: Through magazines, books, radio, TV and the media in general. Ralph: Will there be a backlash do you think? Rupert: Well if there is, the media would love it. They love controversy, they love things about pets. The skeptics would be forced into the position of

File: Terence McKenna - The Evolutionary Mind -


  • esults of these experiments going to be collected and presented in an understandable form to the public and have a chance to achieve their promise? Rupert: Through magazines, books, radio, TV and the media in general. Ralph: Will there be a backlash do you think? Rupert: Well if there is, the media would love it. They love controversy, they love things about pets. The skeptics would be forced into the position of

File: H.P. Lovecraft, Kenneth Grant, and the Typhonian Tradition in Magic -


  • Tantricpractitioners do indeed meet “nocturnally” in remote places to carry out their “fertilityrites.”It is this type of public relations effort, carried out not only by Lovecraft but by theWestern media in general, that made Tantra and its associated beliefs and practicesseem so exotic and forbidden, pretty much substantiating Edward Said's insistence thatvirtually all Western approaches to Asia were racist an

File: Neoplatonism_after_Derrida -


  • esent and absent. The actualprocess of communication is described by means of certain refer-ences to the postcard—a quasi-concept representing transfer as such—reinforced by further references to the media in general and tobiological/legal inheritance. The quasi-concept is extended to includethe relation between the text of a postcard and the text of a letterand also the relation between the text and the picture

File: Steven Greer - Hidden Truth, Forbidden Knowledge -

  • . Thesemovies all have an invasion or military conflict theme. These covert interestswant the populace brain-washed via this type of propaganda to the falsehood of"alien hostility."Hollywood, and the media in general, are key control points.After I taught Dorothy how to do the CSETI CE-5 protocols, she decided topractice them one afternoon while sitting on the edge of the ocean at Anacortes,Washington. She was wi

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