
Found in 68 Books

File: Towers Of Deception -


  • Diary of 9/11 and the Media \ ✍ On watching Senator Ted Kennedy Interviewed by Wolf Blitzer on CNN November 10, 2005 — When we see a Volvo with a Save The Whales bumper sticker, chances are we’re going to get it right if we guess the owner/driver recycles, does not vote Republican and opposes the war in Iraq. We have a snapshot of the p

File: Magician - Secrets Of The Immortal Nicholas Flamel -

  • n, he floored the accelerator andsimultaneously slammed the car into reverse just as the Disir reached it. He wassuddenly thankful that he’d learned to drive a stick shift on his father’s oldbattered Volvo. The warrior’s flailing sword struck the door, puncturing themetal, the tip of the blade inches from Josh’s leg. As the car screechedbackward, the Disir set her feet firmly and held on to her sword w

File: Antony C. Sutton, Patrick Wood - Trilaterals Over Washington (Parts 1 and 2) (1979-1981) -


  • on the board of Aspen-Ber lin whom we wish to mention are: Robert McNamara, president, World Bank; Robert O. Anderson, chairman, Aspen Institute and Atlantic Richfield; Pehr Gyllenhammaer, president, Volvo; Conor Cruise O’Brien, editor-inchie f, The Observer, London; Jean-Francois Revel, editor, L’Express, Paris. Additionally, we find the two most prom inent German politicians of our time on the honora

File: Dan Brown - 2009 - The Lost Symbol -

  • housand-square-foot alien world thatcontains a “dead zone,” a “wet pod,” and more than twelve miles of storagecabinets.Tonight, scientist Katherine Solomon was feeling unsettled as she drove herwhite Volvo up to the building’s main security gate.The guard smiled. “Not a football fan, Ms. Solomon?” He lowered the volume onthe Redskins play-off pregame show.Katherine forced a tense smile. “It’s Sunday ni

  • I’m working on. Any chance you’d be willing to meet? I’dlove to pick your brain.”Katherine Solomon wants to pick my brain? It felt like Maria Sharapova hadcalled for tennis tips.The next day a white Volvo pulled into Trish’s driveway and an attractive,willowy woman in blue jeans got out. Trish immediately felt two feet tall.Great, she groaned. Smart, rich, and thin—and I’m supposed to believe God isgo

  • bay door ground open, and she heard heavy footsteps accelerating inpursuit down the side of the building. The footsteps seemed impossibly fast.I’ll never outrun him to the main entrance. She knew her Volvo was closer, buteven that would be too far. I’m not going to make it.Then Katherine realized she had one final card to play.As she neared the corner of Pod 5, she could hear his footsteps quicklyovert

  • CHAPTER 51Katherine Solomon had always been a prudent driver, but now she was pushing herVolvo at over ninety as she fled blindly up the Suitland Parkway. Her tremblingfoot had been lodged on the accelerator for a full mile before her panic beganto lift. She now realized her uncontrollable shi

  • te unexpectedly, the crash echoed again.And again.And again.The homeless man on the bench in front of the Library of Congress rubbed hiseyes and watched the strange scene unfolding before him.A white Volvo had just jumped the curb, lurched across the deserted pedestrianwalkway, and screeched to a halt at the foot of the library’s main entrance. Anattractive, dark-haired woman had leaped out, anxiously

  • ow aware that he had another problem. Langdon’s notalone?He was just about to switch on his transceiver and call the team leader, but theteam leader beat him to it.“All points, we’ve got an abandoned Volvo on the plaza in front of the library.Registered to one Katherine Solomon. Eyewitness says she entered the library notlong ago. We suspect she’s with Robert Langdon. Director Sato has ordered thatwe f

File: Dan Brown - 2012 - Inferno -

  • lient.Ask no questions.Like the directors of most companies, the provost simply offered services withthe assumption that those services would be implemented within the framework ofthe law. After all, Volvo had no responsibility to ensure that soccer momsdidn’t speed through school zones, any more than Dell would be held responsibleif someone used one of their computers to hack into a bank account.Now,

  • possibly could.“Ma certo!” Maurizio winked again. “My boat, she is the fastest in all ofVenezia …”As Langdon and the others settled into plush seats in the open-air stern,Maurizio reversed the boat’s Volvo Penta motor, expertly backing away from thebank. Then he spun the wheel to the right and gunned the engines forward,maneuvering his large craft through a throng of gondolas, leaving a number ofstripe

File: Digital Fortress -


  • CHAPTER 3 Susan’s volvo sedan rolled to a stop in the shadow of theten-foot-high, barbed Cyclone fence. A young guard placed his handon the roof. “ID, please.” Susan obliged and settled in for the usual half-minute wait. Th


  • thick pile carpet. Well-paid governmentemployees were encouraged to refrain from lavish displays ofpersonal wealth. It was usually no problem for Susan—she wasperfectly happy with her modest duplex, Volvo sedan, andconservative wardrobe. But shoes were another matter. Even whenSusan was in college, she’d budgeted for the best.

File: Lost Symbol -


  • d-square-foot alien world t hat contains a “dead zone,” a “wet pod,” and more than twelve miles of storage cabinets. Tonight, scientist Katherine Solomon was feeling un settled as she drove her white Volvo up to the buil ding’ s main security gate.


  • Katherine Solomon wants to pick my brain? It felt like Maria Sharapova had called for tennis tips. The next day a white Volvo pulled into Trish’s driv eway and an attractive, willowy woman in blue jeans got out. Trish immediately felt two feet tall. Great, she groaned. Smart, rich, and thin—and I’m supposed to believe God i


  • door ground open, and she heard hea vy footsteps accelerating in pursuit down the side of the building. The footsteps seemed impossibly fast. I ’ll never outrun him to the main entrance. She knew her Volvo was closer, but even that would be too far. I ’m not going to make it. Then Katherine realized she had one final card to p lay. As she neared the corner of Pod 5, she could hear h is footsteps quickl


  • reamed had it not been for the vi selike grip around her neck. She smashed her foot onto the accelerator, and the car lurched backward, almost snapping her neck as h e was dragged beside her car. The Volvo careened up an in clined median, and Katherine could feel her neck ab out to give way beneath his weight. Suddenly tree branc hes were scraping the side of her car, slapping thr ough the side windows


  • our men turned and headed into t he darkness of the tunnel. Sato lit a cigarette and watched them disappear. CHAPTER 51 Katherine Solomon had always been a prudent driver, but now she was pushing her Volvo at over ninety as she fled blindly up the Suitland Parkway. Her tremb ling foot had been lodged on the accelerator for a full mile before her panic began to lift. She now realiz ed her uncontrollable


  • pectedly, the crash echoed again. And again. And again. The homeless man on the bench in front of the Libra ry of Congress rubbed his eyes and watched the stra nge scene unfolding before him. A white Volvo had just jumped the curb, lurched acr oss the deserted pedestrian walkway, and screeched to a halt at the foot of the library’s main entrance. An attractive, dark-haired woman had leaped out, anxi ou


  • ware that he had another problem. Langdon’s not alone? He was just about to switch on his transceiver and call the team leader, but the team leader beat him to it. “All points, we’ve got an abandoned Volvo on the pl aza in front of the library. Registered to one Kath erine Solomon. Eyewitness says she entered the library no t long ago. We suspect she’s with Robert Langdon. Director Sato has ordered tha

File: Daniel Estulin - True Story Of The Bilderberg Group -

  • ton blowing water through a shell held up in hishands.I phoned Konstantin from a public phone booth.“Cood,” was all he said before hanging up.Back at the hotel the plan was quickly put together.“That Volvo is your getaway car,” said Anatolii, pointing at a black car parkedin the shade next to an ice-cream parlor.“Ifthere is trouble,” said Konstantin, “it would take Sasha [Alexander] lessthan Hve second

File: David Icke - 1999 - The Biggest Secret -

  • operated by remote control which could override the normal system viacompressed air from a tiny scuba diving cylinder hidden in the enginecompartment. The remote control equipment was operated from a Volvo whichfollowed the BMW, Fiennes reported. The BMW was driven by Sir Peter Horsley, aretired Air Marshall, who survived the crash. Fiennes says that the Clinic knewthat Horsley would be travelling alon

File: David Icke - 1999 - The Biggest Secret -

  • operated by remote control which could override the normal system viacompressed air from a tiny scuba diving cylinder hidden in the enginecompartment. The remote control equipment was operated from a Volvo whichfollowed the BMW, Fiennes reported. The BMW was driven by Sir Peter Horsley, aretired Air Marshall, who survived the crash. Fiennes says that the Clinic knewthat Horsley would be travelling alon

File: David Icke - The Biggest Secret - The Book that Will Change the World (1998) -


  • erated by remote control which could override the normal system via compressed air from a tiny scuba diving cylinder hidden in the engine compartment. The remote control equipment was operated from a Volvo which followed the BMW, Fiennes reported. The BMW was driven by Sir Peter Horsley, a retired Air Marshall, who survived the crash. Fiennes says that the Clinic knew that Horsley would be travelling a

File: David Icke - The Biggest Secret -


  • erated by remote control which could override the normal system via compressed air from a tiny scuba diving cylinder hidden in the engine compartment. The remote control equipment was operated from a Volvo which followed the BMW, Fiennes reported. The BMW was driven by Sir Peter Horsley, a retired Air Marshall, who survived the crash. Fiennes says that the Clinic knew that Horsley would be travelling a

File: Underground History Of American Education -


  • enment transformation, it is Rousseau. The Enlightenment "project" was conceived as a series of stages, each further leveling mankind, collectivizing ordinary humanity into a colonial organism like a volvox. The penetration of this idea, at least on the periphery of our own Founders’ consci ousness, is captured in the powerful mystery image of the pyramid on the obverse of our Great Seal. Of c ourse, t

File: Anti-Gravity And The World Grid - David Hatcher Childress -


  • maintains our Blazing Star. We, through our geomancy, maintain Gaia's Blazing Star. But why need we be concerned today, in our comfortable Western society of personal computers, credit cards and new Volvos? Why should we bother with all this ancient history and idealistic grandeur from a remote Druidic past? Because many interlocking universal, galactic, solar, planetary, and human evolutionary cycles

File: Fritz Springmeier - Deeper Insights Into The Illuminati Forumula -


  • ory. CHEN AUDIO IMPLANT--developed in Guangzhoi, mainland China and first implanted in 1984. It was said by the chinese that 20 people received this implant. CZECHOSLOVAKIAN--Implants were created by Volvoda and Tichy in Prague and implanted in the 1980s into a few people. FRASER--Developed in London, and first implanted in 1983. It was notable because it had a round window in the implant. In the first

File: My Empire Of Dirt -


  • charge of adventure. Once we had decided to have the baby together , Lisa insisted we replace my beloved late-model, full-size Blazer with a car recognized as “safe” by Consumer Reports, a brand -new Volvo Cross Coun try wagon—the Castratimobile, by my reckoning. Since we now had a brand-new car that could make the trip, I needl ed, do you really want to waste maternity leave sitting at home? I continu


  • thusiasm for continued chicken mischief is cratering when Justin, cradling the bird in both arms, suggests, “Let’ s buy her a Christmas tree.” We are off, piling into Evan’s mother’s late-model beige Volvo sedan with only one remaining hubcap and a manual sunroof permanently half-open, driving up Sixth Avenue bound for the busiest Christm as-tree merchant we can locate. Camera rolling, we approach the


  • grand entrywa y and pass a guard as his radio crackles to life, sending him in the direction of the handbag department. Pushing through the herd of shoppers, we pile into the backse at of the waiting Volvo. For Evan’s sake, the continuation of our holiday prank requires that we imagine hot pursuit. “Drive!” I command. “Drive, Ev! They spotted us!” Evan skids through the slush, driving across the curren

File: Gnostic Meditation -


  • ave Three Brains: we have the Intellect , we have the heart, and we have the brain o when someone is coming to us and sayi ng we must have "success," we must be of , they have a particular car, say a Volvo. And according to the experience they have, fe." his is happening in every one of us all day long; we simply do not see it. It is subtle; every case, in every Desire of action, the motor-instinctive-

File: Side Effects Death - Confessions Of A Pharma-Insider -


  • a comprehensive sales training. I felt at home here, too. After all, I had sold non-existent magazines. Real pills were peanuts in comparison. They gave me a map that showed my future district and a Volvo 144. Back then, it was a luxury car. My first car. When I pulled up in it outside our house and took my wife for a drive for the first time, I almost burst with pride. On top of that, I had a generou

File: Thrive - Finding Happiness The Blue Zones Way - Dan Buettner -

  • habitat” on the entrance to a path behind the Poly campus. Mountain lions,five minutes from a Jamba Juice!My favorite bike ride turned out to be zipping down the Monterey Street hill,right by the big Volvo dealership with its lot full of luxury convertibles, andright by the mission itself, to the farmer’s market held every Thursday night,year-round. I parked my bike at the free “bike valet” (over 15,00

File: Jim Marrs - Population Control - How Corporate Owners Are Killing Us -

  • ty the Queen of SpainSwedenCarl Bildt, Minister for Foreign AffairsHåkan Buskhe, President and CEO, Saab ABTove Lifvendahl, Political Editor in Chief, Svenska DagbladetCarl-Henric Svanberg, Chairman, Volvo AB and BP plcJacob Wallenberg, Chairman, Investor ABMarcus Wallenberg, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Skandinaviska EnskildaBanken ABSwitzerlandAndré Kudelski, Chairman and CEO, Kudelski GroupDa

File: Biblia Cabalistica -


  • d, ipsi etiam Coelo, adorabile caput respicio, 199 81 143 321 250 ioo 243 22. Quin iHico Alapas, sputa, spinas plene commemorem. 89 314 358 39 122 50 365 23. Si Dorsum contemplor, in Corde Flagella revolvo : 97 39 229 391 189 9 3 8 3 . 24. His in Ulnis excipiens, cogito de apprehensione : 164 95 188 154 121 221 394 2C. Cingens Te Fascijs, Menti, Lora, Funes obycio. 1337 124 no 255 108 319 MO 26. Bum de

File: MUFON Journal - August 2005 -


  • witch, and the car started right up." She says the UFO "was about 30 to 40 feet (9 to 12 meters) up. It was huge, maybe 30 to 40 feet across, but I could be mistaken. It was much larger than my car-a Volvo DL wagon. I resumed my drive to Sweeny, TX." Sargent is in Matagorda County, on Texas' Gulf of Mexico shore about 40 miles (64 kilometers) southwest of Galveston. (Email Form Report) -Thanks to UFO R

File: Malcolm Gladwell - Tipping Point -

  • ame to Austin. He helped me negotiate thepurchase of a house, because he understands the real estate game. I needed toget a washer and dryer. He got me a deal. I needed to get a car. I wanted to geta Volvo because I wanted to be just like Mark. Then he showed me an on lineservice that had the prices of Volvos all over the State of Texas and went withme to buy the car. He helped me through the maze of a

File: Logically Fallacious -

  • Argument from Hearsay(also known as: the telephone game, Chinese whispers, anecdotal evidence,anecdotal fallacy/volvo fallacy [form of])Definition: Presenting the testimony of a source that is not an eye-witness tothe event in question. It has been conclusively demonstrated that with eachpassing of information, via
  • h actual events. Youmight be able to trust that your best friend is telling you the truth, but onlythe truth so far as she recalls from her initial interpretation.Variation: The anecdotal fallacy, or volvo fallacy, is allowing a specificinstance of anecdotal evidence to lend much more weight to an argument than itshould.

File: CL_Pleading -


  • s of Liability, 3 — 4; Lecture III, Trespass and Negli gence, 74, 100 — 101 (Boston 1951); Maitland, Equity and the Forms of Action, Lecture V, 48 — SO (Cam bridge 1948). 9. Many of the early eases Involvod a tresp ass to both real and personal property. In such cases the plaintiff alleged the trespass for, let us say, the breaking and entering of the dwelling house, as the principal trespass, and then

File: Handbook Of International Banking -


  • ller companies, venture capital or the real estate market. However, for larger corporations, wo rldwide industry expertise will most likely dominate any national advan- tage. For instance, to serve a Volvo corporation, it is unlikely that Swedish expertise is of great help to local institutions. What is needed is expertise in the global automobile industry. To conclude this analysis of the impact of a

File: Illuminatus! Trilogy -


  • Simon and Mary Lou listened to Clark Kent and His Supermen and George Dorn wrote about the sound of one eye opening, the Fillet of Soul, finding bookings sparse in London, drove into Ingolstadt in a Volvo painted seventeen Day - Glo colors and flaunting Ken Kesey's old slogan, "Furthur!" On April 24 a real trickle began, and while Harry Coin looked into Hagbard Celine's eyes and saw no mercy there (Bu

File: O'Harrow, Robert - No Place to Hide -


  • 3 WHO AM I? M ICHAEL BERRY PROWLED the streets of south-central Los Angeles in a rented silver Volvo, searching for a clue. He turned onto a residential street called 12th Avenue, peered at each home, and then slowed the car almost to a stop. Off to his left was the address that had obsessed him for


  • sentinels, absorbing informa- tion about so many individuals and sending it to databases, public and private, as the digital fuel for our emerging surveillance society. SMITH GOT INTO HIS OWN CAR, a Volvo, and pulled out some electronic "goodies" he keeps handy to demonstrate his ideas. One device was a global positioning system, or GPS, receiver that, when connected to a laptop, tells him exactly whe


  • u use. That's because the phone, linked to computers, has become a sensor, too. IT'S NO STRETCH to say the future of data collection—one part of it, anyway—is embedded in the rubber casing of Smith's Volvo key. It's a radio frequency tag built into the key as part of an anti-theft system. Without the key in hand, thieves would have a much tougher time starting the computer-laden car. It's a modest exam

File: Robert Anton Wilson & Robert Shea.Illuminatus Trilogy.480 pages -


  • Simon and Mary Lou listened to Clark Kent and His Supermen and George Dorn wrote about the sound of one eye opening, the Fillet of Soul, finding bookings sparse in London, drove into Ingolstadt in a Volvo painted seventeen Day - Glo colors and flaunting Ken Kesey's old slogan, "Furthur!" On April 24 a real trickle began, and while Harry Coin looked into Hagbard Celine's eyes and saw no mercy there (Bu

File: Urantia_Book -


  • y steps in life differentiation together with failure of subsequent development. 65:2.5 Before long the early single-celled animal types associated themselves in communities, first on the plan of the Volvox and presently along the lines of the Hydra and jellyfish. Still later there evolved the starfish, stone lilies, sea urchins, sea cucumbers, centipedes, insects, spiders, crustaceans, and the closely

File: Bamford, James - Body of Secrets, Anatomy of the Ultra-Secret National Security Agency (NSA) (2001) -


  • On a typical day, Hayden's alarm wakes him up about 5:45 A.M. but he stays in bed, eyes closed, listening to National Public Badio's six o'clock news summary. After a quick shower, he climbs into his Volvo and drives the three miles to the NSA. "I drive myself, or my son or wife will drop me off if they need the car," he says, "and more often than not they will drop me off."

File: Best Democracy Money Can Buy -


  • ll, but credit unions rise. The point of this chapter is that America has something to offer the planet besides McBurgers, cruise missiles and Madonna. Admittedly, it is a small chapter. Blood on the Volvo On April 4, 2000, I called America and, to my surprise, it was still there. Mom and dad in California and big sister in Washington, coming up out of their deep shelters, squinted into their first gli


  • le agencies like OFT to take up their defense. Their targets are few, action is rare and compensation is out of the question. A month before the Microsoft ruling, Britain’s OFT uncovered a ring of 14 Volvo dealers in a secret price-boosting pact. But the limp trust-buster did not order them to give the 4,000 pounds in overcharges back to their customers. (It’s against the law to fix prices in Britain,


  • The day after my story went to print, the postman brought a sharp note from Volvo UK challenging the figure of 4,000 pounds. Oh, really? In other words, Volvo now admits it fixed prices? Well, not exactly, the official company spokesman tells us. “I think that all our customers fe


  • close to mocking Volvo’s commitment to compensation and that I could not allow him to use this column for that purpose. Wanting to give Ford/Volvo the beneflt of the doubt , I took Mr Clair to his local Volvo dealer in Cob

File: Body Of Secrets -


  • n a typical day, Hayden's alarm wakes h im up about 5:45 A.M. but he stays in bed, eyes closed, listening to National Public Radio's six o'clock news summary. After a quick shower, he climbs into his Volvo and drives the three miles to the NSA. "I drive myself, or my son or wife will drop me off if they need the car," he says, "and mo re often than not they will drop me off." Arriving about 6:50, Hayde


  • the time, it was filed away when instead it should have been one more clue, one more reason for director Hayden to worry on the morning of September 11. About 6:50, as General Hayden was pulling his Volvo into a parking spot near the entrance to OPS 2B, many other NSA employees were arriving at Crypto City. Thousands li ved just a few miles away in Laurel, Maryland, long the company town. On September

File: Body of Secrets - Anatomy of the Ultra-Secret National Security Agency -


  • n a typical day, Hayden's alarm wakes h im up about 5:45 A.M. but he stays in bed, eyes closed, listening to National Public Radio's six o'clock news summary. After a quick shower, he climbs into his Volvo and drives the three miles to the NSA. "I drive myself, or my son or wife will drop me off if they need the car," he says, "and mo re often than not they will drop me off." Arriving about 6:50, Hayde


  • the time, it was filed away when instead it should have been one more clue, one more reason for director Hayden to worry on the morning of September 11. About 6:50, as General Hayden was pulling his Volvo into a parking spot near the entrance to OPS 2B, many other NSA employees were arriving at Crypto City. Thousands li ved just a few miles away in Laurel, Maryland, long the company town. On September

File: Chatterjee, Pratap - Halliburton's Army, How a Well-Connected Texas Oil Company Revolutionized the Way America Makes War (2009) -


  • trucks sitting there unused,” Wilson remembered. “Five months later, when I came home,” he wrote, “a large number of trucks were still there, not being used. These are $85,000 [or more] Mercedes and Volvo trucks. As every other trucker working on those convoys will tell you, KBR had virtually no facilities in place to do maintenance on these trucks. There were absolutely no oil filters or fuel filters

File: Chomsky - Fateful Triangle - The United States, Israel and the Palestinians (1999) -


  • ”Limited War” in Lebanon Classics in Politics: The Fateful Triangle Noam Chomsky 858 by Israeli forces, also killed his wife and five-year-old child, or that the Israeli helicopters then attacked a Volvo bringing victims of the first attack to a nearby hospital. As explained by Israeli Chief of Staff General Ehud Barak, “a pattern had emerged that Israel considered intolerable: Every time Hezbollah a

File: David Icke - The Biggest Secret - The Book that Will Change the World (1998) -


  • operated by remote controlwhich could override the normal system via compressed air from a tiny scuba divingcylinder hidden in the engine compartment. The remote control equipment was operatedfrom a Volvo which followed the BMW, Fiennes reported. The BMW was driven by SirPeter Horsley, a retired Air Marshall, who survived the crash. Fiennes says that the Clinicknew that Horsley would be travelling alo

File: Eisen - Suppressed Inventions & Discoveries - Suppression, Scientific Cover-Ups, Misinfo, Brilliant Breakthroughs (2001) -


  • 91 expandable gases. Instead of burning a fuel, this e ngine used electricity to expand the gas in hermetically sealed cylinders. Fa r from being complex, the first prototype used a ninety horsepower Volvo automobile engine with upper end modifications. Attaching the Volvo p istons to pistons fit- ting the sealed cylinders, the engine worked perfec tly and showed an out- put of three hundred horsepower


  • this principle. B. Von Platen's secret breakthrough is said to give more than 30 percent efficiency in motors, and, with a r adioactive isotope for power, it could free it from fossil fuels. In 1975 Volvo of Sweden obtained rights to his power unit. Air Fuel In the 1920s, a Los Angeles (Baldwin Hills) residen t worked out a method to run an ordinary automobile on the constituents o f ordinary air. Wor

File: Hidden History Of Money -


  • ms in awarding reconstruction contracts. The latest of these meetings took place just over a week ago in London. Called "Iraq Procurement 2004 ‚ Meet the Buyer" ‚ it was sponsored by ExxonMobil, Oxy, Volvo, Shell, Raytheon and ChevronTexaco ‚ among others. You can visit web sites like or to learn more and similar meetings taking place monthly around t

File: Jim Tucker - Jim Tucker's Bilderberg Diary -


  • ican, Texas), USA Huyghebaert, Jan, Chairman, Almanij N.V, Belgium Ischinger, Wolfgang, Ambassador to the US, Germany James, Charles A., Assistant Attorney General for Antitrust, USA Johansson, Leif, Volvo, Sweden Johnson, James A., Vice Chairman, Perseus, L.L.C., USA Jordan, Jr., Vernon E., Managing Director, Lazard Freres & Co. LLC, USA Kissinger, Henry A., Chairman, Kissinger Associates, Inc., USA K

File: John Taylor Gatto - underground history of american education 1 - 9.1 -


  • transformation , it is Rousseau . The Enlightenment " project " was conceived as a series of stages , each further leveling mankind , collectivizing ordinary humanity into a colonial organism like a volvox . The penetration of this idea , at least on the periphery of our own Founders ' consciousness , is captured in the powerful mystery image of the pyramid on the obverse of our Great Seal . 5 Of cour

File: Lina - Under the Sign of the Scorpion - Rise and Fall of the Soviet Empire (2002) -


  • na Yakir, Vadim Bukhman, Boris Feldman and Yevgeni Shi- lovsky. Other important Jewish leaders in the Red Army were: Ari Mirsky, Gavril Lindov-Leytezen, Boris Zul, Yevgeni Veger, Isaac Kiselstein, M. Volvovich, Leon Mekhlis (who later became an infamous and bloodthirsty Chekist), Mikhail Rozen, Samuil Voskov, Moisei Kharitonov, Grigori Zinoviev (actually Ovsei Radomyslsky), Yakov Vesnik, Adolf Lide, P.


  • New York Times published a report of the proceedings with the eye- witness Oskar Art, who had driven the Volvo bus carrying the prisoners to the place of execution. He claims that only 50 Jews were shot in Tartu "but no children". Which of these figures seem most likely to be true? The Germans failed to organ

File: One World, Ready Or Not - William Greider -


  • e of China's Tsingtao, then acquires 10 percent of Antarctica, the leading beer of Brazil. Siemens of Germany forms a partnership with Skoda Plzen to manufacture steam turbines in the Czech Republic. Volvo opens an assem- bly line near Xian, China, with Chinese machinists making Swedish tour


  • of reducing costs and improving rates of return. Critics who focus on the awesome size and sprawl of the global corporations find this point difficult to accept, but the executives of Volkswagen, GM, Volvo, IBM, Eastman Kodak and Pan American Airlines can attest to it. Those well-known firms, among many others, have experienced the harsh consequences of straying from the path of revolution. Their stock


  • 8 hours of labor. A Buick from GM's Buick City plant took 32 hours. At Ford's Wixom, Michigan, plant, where Conti- nentals and Mark VIIIs were assembled, each one consumed 34 hours of labor. Sweden's Volvo, a long-lasting car because it was made with great care, required 47 hours of labor (reduced from 70 hours, Volvo officials proudly noted). Germany's luxury cars — Mercedes, BMW, Audi — were said to


  • d in different direc- tions. The German car makers, hailed in the past for their high quality and skilled workforces, were engaged in wrenching restructurings and massive layoffs. Sweden's struggling Volvo arranged a corporate merger with Re- nault of France, but when Swedish shareholders and workers realized they would be junior partners to the French, they vetoed the marriage. Volkswa- gen, Europe's


  • l any cars they produced. Yet more new auto factories were in the works. Honda was building new capacity in Mexico and Thailand. India had signed deals with GM, Chrysler, Ford, Peugeot, Daimler-Benz, Volvo, Hyun- dai, Mitsubishi, Daewoo and Volkswagen. VW planned to expand U.S. sales by 30 percent with cars produced in Puebla, Mexico. 8 Whether these new cars were targeted for domestic markets or expor


  • . Mitsubishi and other Japanese manufacturers had also expressed interest, and Chinese aviation authorities were counting on $100 million in development loans from the Japanese government. 1 Sweden's Volvo was invited to make tour buses at XAC for China's burgeoning tourist industry. Volvo accepted, mainly because its great Euro- pean rival, Mercedes-Benz, was entering China and Volvo had decided that


  • ANGRONG DE" • 1 49 When I was visiting XAC, the Xian Silver Bus Corporation had its new assembly line operating in one of the old hangar buildings and was about to roll out its very first silver bus. Volvo expected to make only 250 buses the first year, quickly expanded to 1,000 a year. XAC envisioned reaching 3,000 eventually, one third for export to other Asian nations. It was at places like Xian — o


  • nd what they have in Europe." In the meantime, greater sharing of production work would give the Chinese a rising percentage of total content and ought to satisfy their ambi- tions, at least for now. Volvo's bus venture reflected the trend more con- cretely. At the outset, Appelbom explained, nearly all of the components were shipped from Sweden in a knockdown assembly kit that XAC workers put together


  • ng decade. In consumer goods, the stakes were just as high. Motorola bumped against Intel and IBM, not to mention NEC and Fujitsu and Toshiba. Ford and General Motors, Toyota and Nissan, Mercedes and Volvo scrambled to catch up with Volkswagen, which already made cars at two factories in China. China traveled mainly by rail and river and air. Roads were scarce outside the cities, and a nation of 1.2 bi


  • rs at U.S. plants are from The Harbour Report 1994, an authoritative study of manufacturing productivity in the North American auto plants, produced by Harbour 6c Associates Inc., Troy, Michigan. The Volvo statistics are from the company, cited by Richard W. Stevenson, New York Times, October 4, 1994. James E. Harbour provided his own approximate estimates for Volkswagen, Mercedes, BMW and Audi. 2. Jap


  • « Volcker, Paul, 250, 252, 254-55, 296, 297 Volkswagen (VW), 25, 62, 68, 75, 94, 109-10, 112, 182,480« break-even point of, 120, 48 In in China, 157, 165 cost-cutting plan of, 372 labor input of, 106 Volvo, 25, 109, 112 in China, 20-21, 148-49, 154, 157 labor input of, 106, 480w Voravidh Charoenloet, 344, 357 wages, 27, 59, 63-70, 73, 123, 127, 477rc-78« arbitrage and, 57, 61, 63-65, 67-68, 70, 74-75,

File: Order Out Of Chaos -


  • Fiat SpA. --- FIN: Jorma Ollila - Chairman of the Board and CEO, Nokia Corporation. --- USA: James A. Johnson - Chai rman and CEO, Johnson Capital Partners. --- S: Leif Johansson - President and CEO, Volvo AB. --- USA: Esther Dyson - Chairm an, EDventure Holdings Inc. --- S: Percy Barnevik - Chairman, Investor AB. --- CDN: Israel Asper - Chairman, CanWest Capital Group Inc. --- USA: Paul Allaire - Chai

File: Palast, Greg - The Best Democracy Money Can Buy (2003) -


  • ll, but credit unions rise. The point of this chapter is that America has something to offer the planet besides McBurgers, cruise missiles and Madonna. Admittedly, it is a small chapter. Blood on the Volvo On April 4, 2000, I called America and, to my surprise, it was still there. Mom and dad in California and big sister in Washington, coming up out of their deep shelters, squinted into their first gli


  • le agencies like OFT to take up their defense. Their targets are few, action is rare and compensation is out of the question. A month before the Microsoft ruling, Britain’s OFT uncovered a ring of 14 Volvo dealers in a secret price-boosting pact. But the limp trust-buster did not order them to give the 4,000 pounds in overcharges back to their customers. (It’s against the law to fix prices in Britain,


  • The day after my story went to print, the postman brought a sharp note from Volvo UK challenging the figure of 4,000 pounds. Oh, really? In other words, Volvo now admits it fixed prices? Well, not exactly, the official company spokesman tells us. “I think that all our customers fe


  • close to mocking Volvo’s commitment to compensation and that I could not allow him to use this column for that purpose. Wanting to give Ford/Volvo the beneflt of the doubt , I took Mr Clair to his local Volvo dealer in Cob

File: Paul Joseph Watson - Order Out Of Chaos -


  • Fiat SpA. --- FIN: Jorma Ollila - Chairman of the Board and CEO, Nokia Corporation. --- USA: James A. Johnson - Chai rman and CEO, Johnson Capital Partners. --- S: Leif Johansson - President and CEO, Volvo AB. --- USA: Esther Dyson - Chairm an, EDventure Holdings Inc. --- S: Percy Barnevik - Chairman, Investor AB. --- CDN: Israel Asper - Chairman, CanWest Capital Group Inc. --- USA: Paul Allaire - Chai

File: Tarpley, Webster Griffin - Obama, The Postmodern Coup (2008) -


  • ve been below 10,000 people. Idaho is one of the most reactionary states – the Democratic Party there could meet in a phone booth. The same goes for Utah. Delaware is a perfect state for Obama – rich Volvo-driving, chablis and brie elitists in the Philadelphia suburbs, but it does not look like America. Colorado is another Obama state where the well-off suburban voter can be decisive in a Democratic pr

File: Webster Tarpley - Obama (1st edition) -


  • ve been below 10,000 people. Idaho is one of the most reactionary states – the Democratic Party there could meet in a phone booth. The same goes for Utah. Delaware is a perfect state for Obama – rich Volvo-driving, chablis and brie elitists in the Philadelphia suburbs, but it does not look like America. Colorado is another Obama state where the well-off suburban voter can be decisive in a Democratic pr

File: Richard Bandler - Persuasion Engineering -


  • tle yellow jackets, like the guys that worked on the roads do. One of those little stop signs. "Slow." And I went out and I'd stand on the road with the sign and wave them down. Especially if I saw a Volvo. Because at the time, that's when Volvo was going through the law suits about being lemons. And, there was a lot of truth to that. I had a friend, who had at the time a Volvo, and even the glove box


  • next?" I went down to a place that specialized in foreign cars one evening and for a small price and a few cocktails,. I managed to get the guy to go through and give me all of the repair reports on Volvos and Jaguars and a few other cars; big giant receipts and just on one car, where it was just one right after the other after the other. And I xeroxed those files so that I could walk up to people and


  • 144 PERSUASION ENGINEERING~~ MENTAL MAPPING 145 want the tonality that you use to be capable of creating both the sion. And I would always simultaneously say, the word "Volvo." phenomenon where they are attracted to it and the phenomenon I'm sure the Volvo people are going to love me, when this comes where they are repulsed away from it. Where people say, "Well, I out, do

File: Robert Anton Wilson - Illuminatus Trilogy -


  • Simon and Mary Lou listened to Clark Kent and His Supermen and George Dorn wrote about the sound of one eye opening, the Fillet of Soul, finding bookings sparse in London, drove into Ingolstadt in a Volvo painted seventeen Day - Glo colors and flaunting Ken Kesey's old slogan, "Furthur!" On April 24 a real trickle began, and while Harry Coin looked into Hagbard Celine's eyes and saw no mercy there (Bu

File: Robert Anton Wilson - Illuminatus Trilogy -


  • Simon and Mary Lou listened to Clark Kent and His Supermen and George Dorn wrote about the sound of one eye opening, the Fillet of Soul, finding bookings sparse in London, drove into Ingolstadt in a Volvo painted seventeen Day - Glo colors and flaunting Ken Kesey's old slogan, "Furthur!" On April 24 a real trickle began, and while Harry Coin looked into Hagbard Celine's eyes and saw no mercy there (Bu

File: Michael Aquino - Ghost Rides -

  • West End, which is St. Louis’ interpretation of theHaight/Ashbury or Greenwich Village, with a touchof Georgetown for respectability. On my commute tothe office each morning, I noticed that St. Louis’Volvo dealer also [somewhat incongruously]displayed a Ferrari sign.Yes, said the owner, they indeed got a Ferrari inevery now and then - rarely one of the flagshipTestarossas, and never the sacred F40’s -

File: Lessons Of Enlightenment - Cosmic Awareness Communications -


  • h left no time for studies or leisure. In my desperation I decided to move to Las Vegas, NV, where our oldest son and his family lived. Leaving my family in Austin, I set out for Vegas in an old 1971 Volvo. Before long I noticed burning smells and strange odors. Then smoke began billowing from the front of the car. I stopped and discovered that the front tires were actually smoking because the brakes w


  • plied that I had only paid him to replace the head gasket -- the head was probably cracked, but I had not paid him to scan it for cracks..... Having no more money to spend on repairs, I picked up the Volvo (the one without brakes) at the airport, and was required to pay a parking fee of $65 -- don't ever leave your car parked at an airport. I barely had enough money to get us a modest apartment, which


  • lheadedness I still didn't get the message! Spirit must feel extre mely frustrated with me at times..... To make a long story shorter, I procured cheap parts at a junkyard and fixed the brakes on the Volvo, which I then swapped for a pickup with a flatbed and rack on the back. We even managed to trade in the station wagon for a car that didn't overheat. All our stuff fit into the pickup and we made it

File: Supernature -


  • If you look carefully into the surface layers of a freshwater pool, you are almost certain to see, rolling smoothly along through the water, a determined little green ball as big as this 'O'. This is Volvox, probably the most simple of all living organisms composed of a number of cells that show a common purpose, and almost certainly a direct and little-changed descendant of the first experimental unio

File: Herbert Spencer - First Principles -


  • inner:aprimitiveamorphousclusterhasundergoneamarkeddifferentiationofpartscorrespondingtothedifferenceofconditions.StillmoreinstructiveistheevidencefurnishedbytypesslightlyinadvanceofthesePleodorinaandVolvox;thefirstconsistingofsome128cellsandthesecondof10,000ormore.Hollowspheresliketheforegoing,theypresentincommonthesignificanttraitthat,revolving,astheydo,onaconstantaxisandmovingforwardapproximatelyint


  • re.*InsimpletypesofMetazoa,asthehydroidpolyps,theblastula,beingthusestablishedinconformitywiththeprimarycontrastofconditions,therepresentlybeginsasecondarydiffer-entiationwhich,likethatwehaveseenintheVolvoxbutinamorepronouncedmanner,answerstothesecondarycontrastofconditions;forthissphericalassemblageofcellsbecomesovoid,andbytheaidofitsciliamovesthroughthewaterbroadendforemost:thelapsefromhomogeneityoff

File: Romancing the shadow -


  • are they ‘psychopathic’?Michael Maccoby, writing in the Harvard Business Review (Jan-Feb 2000) talksabout "Narcissistic Leaders" - examples he gives being Bill Gates (Microsoft), PehrGyllenhammer (ex-Volvo) and Jan Carlzon (ex-SAS). Narcissistic leaders have twostrengths, which are often associated with being 'great' leaders: they have acompelling vision, and the charisma to attract followers. However,

File: Witchcraft_and_Belief_in_Early_Modern_Scotland -


  • himself. There was also a Lismore woman, ‘Mary voir Nicvolvoire vicCoil vic Neil, quha is not ane witch but sche will see things to cum besum second sicht’.38Margaret Campbell confessed that her late husband, John Og, theconspirator, had several times consulte


  • 197Maclean, clan of, 105, 142MacLean, Donald,* 117MacLean, Hector,* 117MacLean, Janet,* 117MacLean, Margaret, 111MacLean, Margaret,* 117MacLean, Sir Rory, of Duart, 105MacMorich?, Mary (‘Mary voirNicvolvoire vic Coil vic Neil’), 103MacNair, Janet,* 151MacNeill, Janet,* 107MacNicol, Janet,* 149, 153MacNish, Beathag,* 117MacNiven, Kate, 62, 69MacOwan, Katherine (‘Kathrin NynOwan Vic Omnoch’),* 117MacPha

File: Codex_Nasaraeus -


  • ti; quiastirp'svivstfad,persionisin mauumtuamtraditafuit.Illuminatu, erdinayfc fírínaejusfamiliamín perpetuüm.DixitverotunaViró,,tfuiearncandótevestréraf.uoodie' permensemmeabsconderíaditsq;uemeismeinvolvo,meinvolveradiismeis,duobue;eustodibusme attendeutibus.Si autem,quotemporeiffi radii»¿hidesunauxoressuisvirieconcumbeates>oonceperiat,surdi*

File: Tswea's Gift -


  • on the land that theystir up dust only in their houses and dance plazas. Real dust comeswith roads, with town construction,with mechanized agriculture,with airplanepropwash.It bloomsbehinddouble-axlcdVolvotrucks bearing names like"OUILord of the Earthquakes" and "TwoBeers and I'm On My Way."Nuevo Caiarnarca in 1981 is a study in dust. Dust in the streets,on canned goods in stores} on the screen of the

File: Catching the Thread Sufism, Dreamwork, & Jungian Psychology -


  • didn’t want to go in but I knewthat someday I had to. As I was leaving, a hugeferocious beast with great teeth came after me.I ran away and it charged after me. Then it camein another form, as a grey Volvo car with hugegrates on the front. It pulled up and this womangot out. She was emanating cruelty. I knew thatshe was very dangerous, but she was in a formthat was safe. Then at the end of the dream I


  • rm, for the uncon-scious is the master of metamorphosis. In the uncon-scious, images shift and change, appear and reappearin different guises. The monster’s teeth become thegrates on the front of the Volvo, and then the drivergets out. Emanating cruelty, she personifies an aspectof the shadow, and although “very dangerous,” “shewas in a form that was safe.” In this way the uncon-scious presents the dre

File: [Julian]_Julian,_Volume_I._Orations_1-5_(Loeb_Clas( -


  • elirelveypi,otwyeyovevr)/3aaiXl<;r)BeevBlkj]TvyovrjKalirapdBiktivalrtaTificopta^KalKoXd-<T€(o<;/MKpdsr)pbei^ovo^.'AOrjvrjo-ifievovv<f>aaiv,oreto??7rarpioL<;eQecrive^pcovroKale^covrot?oIkcloi?ireiOopbevoLvo/jloisueydXrjvKaliro^vdv-dpcoTrovoiKovvresttoXiv,elirorerwvBtKa^ovrwv1fJSr?Horkel,elHMSS.2TriOooBrunoFriederich,veiOureiced184aMSS.,Hertlein,T6KalIdeaCobetomits.3°4

File: [Julian]_Julian,_Volume_II._Orations_6-8._Letters_( -


  • iaOelsdvTl$vyd8osdire^ei'xO^ovTOVHepa-wvfiaaiKews/JLCL^WV,d\\\&>9rj^^^,avru)TOOKaraKvaavrLTOTlepa-wvTOU9'HpaK\oeTOV'OVTO9ovvoioyevrjsOTTOIOST^9771^iT7T/OO9TOl/906OVSKalTO,7T/?09dvOpWTTOVSfJbrjBid212TWVOlvo/jidov\oywv/AtjBeTWV<&L\io-KovTpayw-Bt,wv,al<?eTriypdtyasTOAioyevov9ovo/jiaT7/9OeiasTroXXa7TOT6eBpacrevepywvoe/-9'Q\vfjL7TiaveVtTL77/909Ato9;tvaToi/9fledcrijTai;TLBe;ov^lKal1TTJSCobet,rr/jTOUHertlein,


  • covrjv/calrrjvdyopavou%UTT'evSeias,aXX'UTT*d7r\r)(TTLa<;TWVKefcrrj^evwvcrrevo^copov/jLevrjv,369erafaperpiovercda-rovrl^fjia/cal&fj\oveTroirjaraTraaiv.7rel'^z^rayu,ez>aXXaTrap'avroisTroXXaTrdvvKOIyaprjvolvos/cale\aiov/calrd\onrdTrdvra'a-irovS'eVSece)9el%ov,VTTOrd)VepsrrpocrOevav^/juwXaX/ct'Sa/cat'le/oa^TTO\LVteal7roXet9evdevelcr^yayovV/JLIV/jberpwvrer-rapd/covrapvpidSas.009S'dvaXcoro/catTOVTO,Trporepovj


  • li*evpelvrro\vKOIevwvov,aprov<$aivovfjLevoi.Kairoirt?fjLe/jivrjraitrapvfuvevOrj-vovjjLewrjsrfjsTroXeo)?rrevreteal&eKa/jLerpaairovrrpaOevrarovy^pvaov;ravrrjseveicevVJMVdrrr]-yBo^riveywTT}?rrpd^ews,onrovolvovvOVKeTrerpe^jra/calra\d%avatealra?orrw%pv<rov,/calrovVITOrwvevTCU?drroO^Kai^arlrovapjvpovaurot?/calxpvcrbveai(J3vr)sTrap1V/JLWVyevecrffai.370eicelvoifjievyapavrovego)rijsTroXew?BieOevrotfaXw?,epyacrd

File: Fury on Earth. Biography of Wilhelm Reich -


  • ls without losing the benefitsof rationalization and division of labor. In these hopes Reich anticipated certain industrialexperiments such as those in various Japanese industries and the work at the Volvo compa-ny in Sweden, where teams of workers participate in different aspects of the total produc-tion process as well as in decisions concerning work conditions.Reich was quite aware that work democra

File: Wilson, Robert Anton - MIT Encyclopedia of the Cognitive Sciences -


  • e thing (or things),and so on.A sentence is extensional only when each and everyreplacement of a component of a sentence with a coexten-sive term preserves truth value.If “Stan’s car” and “the oldest Volvo in North Carolina”are coextensive, then replacing the first with the second in(a) “Stan’s car is in the driveway” preserves truth-value. Sofar as this replacement shows, then, (a) is extensional. Asi

File: The Immortality Institute - The Scientific Conquest of Death ( -


  • proposal. He surmised that some of the cells in this cluster changed in a profound manner. When the largest animal was still a small cluster of cells – perhaps something like the ball of cells called Volvox, the microscopic pond water animal – some of these primordial and immortal cells specialized in a subtle way


  • l for their own immortality. This, Weismann argued, was the first time programmed death appeared. As Joseph Wood Krutch (1856) put it:The amoeba and the paramecium are potentially immortal... But for Volvox, death seems to be as inevi-table as it is in a mouse or in a man. Volvox must die, as Leeuwenhoek was to die because it had children and is no longer needed. When its time comes it drops quietly to

File: Steven Greer - Hidden Truth, Forbidden Knowledge -

  • amily" —which I was. He knew everything Iwas doing! And I said, "Well, that's true." He said, "It so happens that, I'mgoing to be over there meeting with the Rothschilds and the people who controlthe Volvo Corporation and some of the other big industrial concerns, becausethey're working with us."114I said, "Oh, I'm quite sure that's true." He suggested, "Let's rendezvous whilewe're in London together."

File: Zecharia Sitchin - Journeys to the Mythical Past -


  • o a un mlbardo dl annl luce. Ora d poaajamo splngcrc flno a IS miliardi dl an- ni Jucqe atudiare qulndl quelk pid giovul. che si sono formate poco dopo l! Big Bang. . Questo ci aiuteri a oapire come evolvono quest* fondamentail atrutture dell univer- se « a risoivere alcunl problem! insert tper- tl come queilo della materia occurs*, Franco Forest* Martin Figure 87 Father Funes, by then on his way to Ar

File: Zecharia Sitchin - Journeys to the Mythical Past -


  • o a un mlbardo dl annl luce. Ora d poaajamo splngcrc flno a IS miliardi dl an- ni Jucqe atudiare qulndl quelk pid giovul. che si sono formate poco dopo l! Big Bang. . Questo ci aiuteri a oapire come evolvono quest* fondamentail atrutture dell univer- se « a risoivere alcunl problem! insert tper- tl come queilo della materia occurs*, Franco Forest* Martin Figure 87 Father Funes, by then on his way to Ar

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