The Aquarian Conspiracy

Found in 70 Books

File: Bruce H. Lipton_ Steve Bhaerman - Spontaneous Evolution_ Our Positive Future (and a Way to Get There from Here)-Hay House (2009) -

  • elled by the high riskof iatrogenic illness or the skyrocketing cost of health care, more and moreindividuals are reclaiming control of their medical destiny.In the early 1980s, the breakthrough book The Aquarian Conspiracy by MarilynFerguson explored the ramifications of introducing new science into society’sinstitutions. Ferguson considered such questions as, “What if we fullyunderstood the implications of an Einstein

File: Daniel Estulin - Tavistock Institute - Social Engineering The Massesl -

  • ark_table_of_contents_11]The Age of Aquarius: Woodstock Music Festival[section-0010.html#auto_bookmark_table_of_contents_12]The Experiment Begins [section-0010.html#auto_bookmark_table_of_contents_13]The Aquarian Conspiracy [section-0010.html#a__idIndexMarker1291]Television [section-0011.html#auto_bookmark_table_of_contents_1]The Making of a Fascist Society[section-0011.html#auto_bookmark_table_of_contents_2]The Fascist

  • inthe age of the atomic and hydrogen bomb, crucial projects were being launched,that would shape the implementation of this Brave New World, and bring us,today, kicking and screaming to the world of the Aquarian Conspiracy. It isnoteworthy that one of the four directors of the Authoritarian Personalityproject, R. Nevitt Sanford, played a pivotal role in the 1950s’ and ’60s’experimentation and eventual mass usage of psy

  • interest groupswith far-sighted agendas financed the world’s most recognizable names.THE EARLY DAYSH.G. Wells, head of British foreign intelligence during World War I and thespiritual grandfather of the Aquarian Conspiracy, was a protege of leadingDarwinist T. H. Huxley, founder of the British Round Table intelligenceorganization along with Cecil Rhodes. The Round Table is one of the ‘opensecret’ secret societies direc

File: Mind Control, World Control -


  • ning b ehind the scenes in society, the real members of the conspira cy are often quite straightforward in saying what is going on. M arilyn Ferguson, a protege of Willis Harmon who derived he r book The Aquarian Conspiracy from Harmon's Changing Images, talked 108


  • iracies. Often networks take si milar actions without conferring with each other simply because t hey share so many assumptions. It might also be said that the sh ared assumptions are the collusion. "The Aquarian Conspiracy is, in effect, a SPIN of S PINs, a network of many networks aimed at social transforma tion. The Aquarian Conspiracy is indeed loose, segmented, evo lutionary, redundant. Its center is everywhere. Al

File: Occult Masonic Temple Of God -




  • CHAPTER 5 THE AQUARIAN CONSPIRACY The Aquarian Conspiracy Executive Intelligence Review In the spring of 1980, a book appeared called The Aquarian Conspiracy that put itself forward as a manifesto of the countercu


  • erstood "work of art."5 Aldous Huxley, along with his brother Julian, was tutored at Oxford by H.G. Wells, the head of British foreign intelligence during World War I and the spiritual grandfather of the Aquarian Conspiracy. Fer guson accurately sees the counte rculture as the realization of what Wells called The Open Conspiracy: Blue Pr ints for a World Revolution. The "Open Conspiracy," Wells wrote, "will appear first


  • tential went up in a cloud of hashish smoke. 'Changing Images' Now, fifteen years later, with nearly an en tire generation of American youth submerged in the drugs that flooded the nation's campuses, the Aquarian Conspiracy's Marilyn Ferguson is able to write: "There are legions of [Aquaria n] conspirators. They are in corporations, universities, and hospitals, on the faculties of public schools, in factories and doctor

File: Scarlet And The Beast -


  • in the world. Bernhardt is known to conspiracy researchers as the founder of the Bildebergers, precursor of the Trilateral Commission. Also present at this gathering was Marilyn Fergusson, author of The Aquarian Conspiracy. The fourteenth Dalai Lama of Tibet, "His Holiness" Tenzin Gyatso, was there. Coretta Scott King, wife of the late Martin Luther King and a leading proponent of world peace was registered as a guest.

File: Fritz Springmeier - Be Wise As Serpents -


  • piracies. Often networks take similar action without conferri ng with each other simp ly because they share so many assumptions. It migh t also be said that the shared assumptions are the collusion. "The Aquarian Conspiracy is, in effect, a SPI N of SPINs, a network of many networks aimed at social transformation. The Aquarian Conspiracy is indeed loose, segmented, evolutionary, redundant. Its ce nter is everywhere. Alt


  • f the recent important laws passed to im plement this contrived war are P.L. 99-570, P.L. 100-690, and t he Omnibus crime bill in 1991. 5. Marilyn Ferguson, Ne w Age writer, states in her famous book The Aquarian Conspiracy, p. 90, 'LSD gave a whole generation a religious experience.' But chemical satori is perishable, its effects too overwhelming to integrate into everyday life. Non-drug psychotechnologies o ffer a con


  • War on Poverty. NY: Free Press, 1969, p. 168. 3. Janowitz, Morris. The Last Half-Century: Societ al Change and Politics in America. Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press, 1978, p.13. 4. Ferguson, Marilyn. The Aquarian Conspiracy. L.A.,CA: J.P. Tarcher, 1980, p. 369. 5. De Riencourt, Amaury. The Coming Caesars. NY: Coward-McCann, Inc., 1957, p. 5. 6. The book Beyond Top Secret mentions that he wo rks for the CIA. Those attend

File: Fritz Springmeier - Bloodlines Of The Illuminati - Volume 2 -

  • me of the recent important laws passed to implement this contrived war are P.L. 99-570, P.L. 100-690, and the Omnibus crime bill in 1991. * Marilyn Ferguson, New Age writer, states in her famous book The Aquarian Conspiracy, p. 90, "LSD gave a whole generation a religious experience. But chemical satori is perishable, its effects too overwhelming to integrate into everyday life. Non-drug psycho-technologies offer a cont

File: Fritz Springmeier - Bloodlines Of The Illuminati -


  • ical satori is perishable, its effects too overwhelming to integrate into everyday life. Non-drug psychotechnologies offer a controlled, sustained movement toward that spacious reality. The annals of the Aquarian Conspiracy are full of accounts of passages: LSD to Zen, LSD to India, psilocybin to Psychosynthesis." 7. Checks by the FBI, and other federal agencies confirmed this. 8. Victims of Satanism have disclosed info

File: Fritz Springmeier - How The Illuminati Create An Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave -

  • e conspiracies.Often networks take similar action without conferring with each other simplybecause they share so many assumptions. It might also be said that the sharedassumptions are the collusion. "The Aquarian Conspiracy is, in effect, a SPIN ofSPINs, a network of many networks aimed at social transformation. The AquarianConspiracy is indeed loose, segmented, evolutionary, redundant. Its center iseverywhere. Although

File: Fritz Springmeier - Illuminati Bloodlines -

  • emical satori is perishable, its effects too overwhelming to integrate intoeveryday life. Non-drug psychotechnologies offer a controlled, sustainedmovement toward that spacious reality. The annals of the Aquarian Conspiracy are full ofaccounts of passages: LSD to Zen, LSD to India, psilocybin to Psychosynthesis." 7. Checks by the FBI, and other federal agencies confirmed this. 8. Victims of Satanism have disclosed infor

File: Fritz Springmeier - The Illuminati Formula Used To Create An Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave -


  • onspiracies. Often networks take similar action without conferring with each other simply because they share so many assumptions. It might also be said that the shared assumptions are the collusion. "The Aquarian Conspiracy is, in effect, a SPIN of SPINs, a network of many networks aimed at social transformation. The Aquarian Conspiracy is indeed loose, segmented, evolutionary, redundant. Its center is everywhere. Altho

File: Fritz Springmeier - The Illuminati Formula -


  • onspiracies. Often networks take similar action without conferring with each other simply because they share so many assumptions. It might also be said that the shared assumptions are the collusion. "The Aquarian Conspiracy is, in effect, a SPIN of SPINs, a network of many networks aimed at social transformation. The Aquarian Conspiracy is indeed loose, segmented, evolutionary, redundant. Its center is everywhere. Altho

File: Fritz Springmeier - Top 13 Illuminati Bloodlines -


  • ical satori is perishable, its effects too overwhelming to integrate into everyday life. Non-drug psychotechnologies offer a controlled, sustained movement toward that spacious reality. The annals of the Aquarian Conspiracy are full of accounts of passages: LSD to Zen, LSD to India, psilocybin to Psychosynthesis.” 7 Checks by the FBI, and other federal agencies confirmed this. 8 Victims of Satanism have disclosed inform

File: Gary Lachman - Revolutionaries Of The Soul -

  • By the time Gebser wrote this, in1973, ideas of a new consciousness had spread throughout the counterculture, andthe attempt to launch a new paradigm—known variously as the Aquarian Age, theNew Age, the Aquarian Conspiracy, and other titles—had taken root. Gebser diedthe same year, convinced that a new kind of consciousness was being born. Itwould be a difficult labor, however, and there was no guarantee againstmiscarr

File: Gary Lachman - Secret Teachers Of The Western World -

  • taneity” • TranspersonalPsychology • Roberto Assagioli • Alice Bailey • Spiritual Summer Schools • OlgaFröbe-Kapteyn and Casa Gabriella • Psychosynthesis • Aquarian Conspiracies •Marilyn Ferguson and The Aquarian Conspiracy • The Brain/Mind Bulletin • H. G.Wells and The Open Conspiracy • Channels, Crystals, and Other Accessories • Herecomes the New Age • Shirley MacLaine is out on a limb • Spiritual consumerism •The Lin

  • ciety” of people “closely connected by a community ofideas and of language.”30 [21_Notes.xhtml#EndnoteNumber717] By 1980, the samefeeling was prevalent and a book that came out that year confirmed it.The Aquarian Conspiracy by Marilyn Ferguson argued that something likeOuspensky’s “secret society” was happening, and provided plenty of evidence toprove it. Ferguson, a freelance journalist, was deeply involved in humanist

File: John Coleman - Club of Rome -


  • t react, Harmon decided to use Marilyn Ferguson as a front, to let the cat out of the bag. Harmon chose Marilyn Ferguson, a totally unknown untalented women who shot to fame as the alleged author of "The Aquarian Conspiracy," a translation into a book of fiction, but Harmon did not tell the public that Ferguson and all participants


  • The Club of Rome 47 were merely kept hirelings of the COR, and it was the COR that gave life to the Aquarian Conspiracy. This new version of an age-old co nspiracy first saw the light of day in 1960 and continued to grow like a cancer on the body- politic throughout 1968, spreading the post-industrial message of a cou

File: John Coleman - Conspiritor's Hierarchy - The Committee Of 300 -


  • . Th e nation was to be programmed to change and become so accustomed to such planned changes that it would hardly be noticeable when profound changes did occur. We have gone downhill so fast si nce "THE AQUARIAN CONSPIRACY" (the book title of Willis Harm on's technical paper) was written, that today, divorce d raws no stigma, suicide is at an all time high and raises few eyebr ows, social deviations from the norm and s


  • s are evil and must be hidden. Evil cannot stan d in the light of truth. In this book we shall find an almost complete lis t of the conspirators, their institutions, fronts and public ations. In 1980 the Aquarian Conspiracy was in full swing and its succe ss can be seen in every facet of our private and national life. Th e overwhelming rise in mindless violence, serial killers, teenage suicides, the unmistakable signs o


  • eric a,s largest newspapers and magazines. There had never been such an acrossthe-media-board free advertising campaign in the history of newspaper, radio and television and it cost the pro moters of the Aquarian conspiracy, NATO and the Club of Rome not one red cent. It was all absolutely free advertising for LSD, onl y thinly disguised as "art" and "culture." One of Ginsberg's closest friends, Kenny Love, pu blished a


  • softened up, our nation was now deemed ripe for the introduction of drugs which was to rival the prohib ition era in scope and the huge amounts of money to be made. Thi s too was an integral part of the Aquarian Conspiracy. The pr oliferation of drug usage was one of the subjects under study at th e Science Policy Research Unit (SPRU) at Tavistock's Sussex U niversity facility. It was known as the "future shocks" cente


  • derson, with emphasis on mind contr ol research and "future sciences." Included under the Stanford umbrella was Charles F. Kettering Foundation which developed the "Changing Images of Man" upon which the Aquarian Conspiracy r ests. Some of Stanford's major clients and contracts wer e at first centered around the defense establishment but, as S tanford grew, so did the diversity of its services: Applications of Behaviora

File: John Coleman - Freemasonry From A To Z -


  • final phase. It is significant that the leaders of the One World Order conspiracy are predomin antly Freemasons and in some cases, also Jesuits like Brzezinski, who is also an Aquarian. (A member of the Aquarian Conspiracy) They are in the vanguard of the struggle to overthrow the American Republic, which is such a hated thing in the eyes of the Black Nobility of Europe and the so-called aristocrats of America. The Bla

File: John Coleman - Tavistock Institute Of Human Relations -


  • rch/Psychology Department complex run by Hadle y Cantril, who was destined to play an increasingly i mportant role in developing the psychological profiling meth ods later to be used in manufacturing the Aquarian Conspiracy . In the same 1935-36 period, the first-time use was made of polling in presidential elections, under the impetu s of two newspapers owned by the Cowles family, the Minneapo lis Star-Tribune and the


  • 43 Aldous Huxley, who supervised the MK-Ultra LSD program that ran for 20 years. Willis Harman, a Stanford University director and m entor of "The Changing Images of Man" later disguised as "The Aquarian Conspiracy" passed off as the work of Mari lyn Ferguson. Michael Murphy, head of the Esalen Institute, estab lished by Huxley and others as the Center for "sensitivity training" and drug experiments. James F.T.


  • 52 The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) was c reated within the framework of the Aquarian Conspiracy, a project by the Social scientists at Stanford University und er the direction of Willis Harmon. NATO in turn formed and promoted a new branch called "The Club of Rome," th e name being designed to


  • 276 Wilson, The New Freedom. Arthur S. Link 1956 The Aquarian Conspiracy. Marilyn Fergusson Some Principles of Mass Persuasion. Dorwin Cartwright Journal of Humanistic Psychology. John Rawlings Reese Understanding Man's Behavior. Gordon Alport Invasion from Mars. Hadley C

File: Bloodlines of the Illuminati by Fritz Springmeier 1998 -


  • ical satori is perishable, its effects too overwhelming to integrate into everyday life. Non-drug psychotechnologies offer a controlled, sustained movement toward that spacious reality. The annals of the Aquarian Conspiracy are full of accounts of passages: LSD to Zen, LSD to India, psilocybin to Psychosynthesis." 7. Checks by the FBI, and other federal agencies confirmed this. 8. Victims of Satanism have disclosed info

File: Confessions of an Illuminati - Volume V -


  • ” One thing is certain: “the winds spreading the seeds of sorcery have reached gale proportions.” The words of a leading New Age spokesman, Marilyn Ferguson, author of the landmark New Age manifesto, The Aquarian Conspiracy: Personal and Social Transformation in the 1980's , speak to the magnitude of the forces in motion: “Broader than reform, deeper than revolution, this benign conspiracy for a new human agenda has tri

File: Freemasonry from A to Z -


  • final phase. It is significant that the leaders of the One World Order conspiracy are predomin antly Freemasons and in some cases, also Jesuits like Brzezinski, who is also an Aquarian. (A member of the Aquarian Conspiracy) They are in the vanguard of the struggle to overthrow the American Republic, which is such a hated thing in the eyes of the Black Nobility of Europe and the so-called aristocrats of America. The Bla

File: bloodlines2 -


  • some of the recent important laws passed to implement this contrived war are P.L. 99-570, P.L. 100-690, and the Omnibus crime bill in 1991. Marilyn Ferguson, New Age writer, states in her famous book The Aquarian Conspiracy , p. 90, "LSD gave a whole generation a religious experience. But chemical satori is perishable, its effects too overwhelming to integrate into everyday life. Non-drug psycho-technologies offer a con

File: NLP Mind Control In The 1990's -


  • en's first three years included Gerald Heard, Alan Watts, Arnold Toynbee, Linus Pauling, Norman O. Brown, Carl Rogers, Paul Tillich, Rollo May, and a young graduate student named Carlos Castaneda," ( The Aquarian Conspiracy , p. 137; emphasis mine). It was here at Esalen that "...Fritz Perls came to live..." in the 1960's. This new community, of which Perls was a part, was "...seeking ways the insights of this new human

File: Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke - Western Esoteric Traditions -


  • . 33 Popular New Age writers including Marilyn Ferguson and Lynn McTag- gart have swiftly responded to fi eld theories by incorporating them in a world- view that refl ects scientized esotericism. In The Aquarian Conspiracy (1980), her major manifesto for New Age spirituality, Ferguson included an extensive discussion of the theories of Ilya Prigogine, quantum theory, the holographic principle, and the work of Karl Prib


  • r Immortality: The Electric Patterns of Life (London: Neville Spearman, 1972). Stewart C. Easton, Rudolf Steiner: Herald of a New Epoch (Hudson, N.Y.: Anthropo- sophic Press, 1980). Marilyn Ferguson, The Aquarian Conspiracy: Personal and Social Transformation in the 1980s (London: Paladin Grafton, 1982). Clare Goodrick-Clarke, “Rationalist, Empiricist, or Naturphilosoph ? Samuel Hahne- mann and His Legacy,” Politica Her


  • hich includes a valuable bibliography. 33. Wouter J. Hanegraaff, New Age Religion and Western Culture: Esotericism in the Mirror of Secular Thought (Leiden: Brill, 1996), p. 63. 34. Marilyn Ferguson, The Aquarian Conspiracy: Personal and Social Transformation in the 1980s (London: Paladin Grafton, 1982), p. 198. 35. Lynn McTaggart, The Field: The Quest for the Secret Force of the Universe (Lon- don: HarperCollins, 2003)

File: Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke - Western Esoteric Traditions -


  • . 33 Popular New Age writers including Marilyn Ferguson and Lynn McTag- gart have swiftly responded to fi eld theories by incorporating them in a world- view that refl ects scientized esotericism. In The Aquarian Conspiracy (1980), her major manifesto for New Age spirituality, Ferguson included an extensive discussion of the theories of Ilya Prigogine, quantum theory, the holographic principle, and the work of Karl Prib


  • r Immortality: The Electric Patterns of Life (London: Neville Spearman, 1972). Stewart C. Easton, Rudolf Steiner: Herald of a New Epoch (Hudson, N.Y.: Anthropo- sophic Press, 1980). Marilyn Ferguson, The Aquarian Conspiracy: Personal and Social Transformation in the 1980s (London: Paladin Grafton, 1982). Clare Goodrick-Clarke, “Rationalist, Empiricist, or Naturphilosoph ? Samuel Hahne- mann and His Legacy,” Politica Her


  • hich includes a valuable bibliography. 33. Wouter J. Hanegraaff, New Age Religion and Western Culture: Esotericism in the Mirror of Secular Thought (Leiden: Brill, 1996), p. 63. 34. Marilyn Ferguson, The Aquarian Conspiracy: Personal and Social Transformation in the 1980s (London: Paladin Grafton, 1982), p. 198. 35. Lynn McTaggart, The Field: The Quest for the Secret Force of the Universe (Lon- don: HarperCollins, 2003)

File: Encyclopedia Of Occultism And Parapsychology Vol 1 -


  • date for the beginning of the Age of Aquarius. According to some calcu- lations, the Aquarian Age began as early as the seventeenth century, while others place it as late as the twenty-first century. The Aquarian Conspiracy Title of a 1980 book by Marilyn Ferguson. The title became a catchword to describe a new consciousness revolution involv- ing a leaderless network of many enlightened individuals to bring about radic


  • v. J. B. Ferguson. London, 1865. Ferguson, Marilyn (1938– ) New Age publisher, editor, and author. Ferguson was born April 5, 1938, in Grand Junction, Colorado, and is known for her best-selling book The Aquarian Conspiracy: Personal and So- Encyclopedia of Occultism & Parapsychology • 5th Ed. Ferguson, Marilyn 555


  • ew Age move- ment. She came to believe that society was undergoing a pro- found paradigm shift, a change in the basic metaphor used to explain life. She documented the rationale for her new belief in The Aquarian Conspiracy (1980), in which she uses a conspira- cy metaphor to postulate a consciousness revolution as distinct from a political, economic, or religious revolution. Through this quiet revolution an informal ne


  • in (also edited and published by Ferguson), but The Leading Edge focused on social aspects of the New Age (politics, relationships, business, schools, law, arts, religion) and other topics related to The Aquarian Conspiracy. The Leading Edge complemented the materials in Brain/Mind Bulletin, which covered such topics as learning, medicine, psychology, psychia- try, and right and left brain research. Last known address:

File: Encyclopedia Of Occultism And Parapsychology Vol 2 -


  • son-Wesley, 1983. Basil, Robert, ed. Not Necessarily the New Age. Buffalo, N.Y.: Prometheus Books, 1988. Celestine Vision. April 10, 2000. Ferguson, Marilyn. The Aquarian Conspiracy: Personal and So- cial Transformation in Our Time. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1980. Lewis, James R., and J. Gordon Melton, eds. Perspectives on the New Age. Albany, N.Y.: State University Press of


  • medicine. Included news of conferences and workshops, significant trends, books, and journals. Edited by Marilyn Ferguson, author of The Brain Rev- olution: The Frontiers of Mind Research (1973) and The Aquarian Conspiracy (1980). Last known address: Interface Press, P.O. Box 42211, Los Angeles, CA 90042. Newsletter of the Parapsychology Foundation Former publication of the Parapsychology Foundation, which appeared as


  • paedia of Mysticism and The Mystery Religions. Lon- don: Thames & Hudson, 1976. ———. Witchcraft Literature of Scotland. Edin- burgh: Edinburgh Bibliographical Society Papers, 1899. Ferguson, Marilyn. The Aquarian Conspiracy: Personal and Social Transformation in Our Time. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1980. Los Angeles: J. P. Tarcher/Houghton Mifflin; New York: Putnam Publishing Group, 1987. ———. The Frontiers of Mind R

File: Illuminati 666 -


  • ers in medicine, education, law, and psychology, who are trying to condition the Christian world into accepting this modern version of Nimrod's One Worl d Government. Marilyn Ferguson, the aut hor of The Aquarian Conspiracy who is a member of this Luciferian plot herself, states the following in her book on page 26: "The Aquarian Conspiracy represents the Now What. We have to move into the unknown:


  • The known has failed us too completely. "Taking a broader view of history and a deeper measure of nature, The Aquarian Conspiracy is a different kind of Revolution, with different revolutiona ries. It looks to the turnabout IN CONSCIOUSNESS OF A CRITICAL NU MRER OF INDIVIDUALS, ENOUGH TO BRING A RENEWAL OF SOCIETY." The Aqua ri

File: Robert Anton Wilson.Prometheus Rising.284 pages -


  • he psychedelic pioneers of the 1960s, the graduates of the Consciousness Movement of the 1950s-70s, the synthesizers of modern psychology and ancient Oriental mind- sciences. These persons are called the Aquarian Conspiracy by Marilyn Ferguson, one of their spokespersons. They are denounced as the Me Generation by Tom Wolfe, a time-traveler from New York, i.e., from the neurological past, from a culture crystallized bef

File: Sacred Texts - The Internet Book of Shadows -


  • ism, interfaith religion, feminism, abortion, holistic health, homeopathy, acupuncture, yoga and witch- craft." Goddam! I just knew that foul Illuminati had to be behind anything so Godless. (Ref my "The Aquarian Conspiracy Revealed", Children of Sekhmet Vol 3 No 2). Having said all that, it's claimed that the aim of the New Age is to unify the world under the Lord Maitreya, and centralising world food stocks and financ

File: What Is The Illuminati -


  • aders in medicine, education, law, and psychology, who are trying to condition the Christian world into accepting this modern version of Nimrod's One World Government. Marilyn Ferguson, the author of The Aquarian Conspiracy who is a member of this Luciferian plot herself, states the following in her book on page 26: "The Aquarian Conspiracy represents the Now What. We have to move into the unknown: The known has failed

File: Wouter J. Hanegraaff - Dictionary of Gnosis and Western Esotericism -


  • ing self- awareness within the cultic milieu of being a movement with shared goals. With a decade of per- spective, journalist Marilyn Ferguson (b. 1938) in her apologetic and highly influential book The Aquarian Conspiracy (1980) summed up the New Age as a gentle conspiracy of awakened and trans- formed individuals. (4) The 1980s saw the increas- ing dominance of the New Age sensu lato over the millennialist New Age se

File: Phil Hine - Techniques Of Modern Shamanism Vol 2 - Two Worlds And Inbetween -


  • iade The Elements of Shamanism - Neville Drury The Adventurer’s Way - Alawn Tickhill Flight of the Seventh Moon - Lynn Andrews The Gentle Arts of Aquarian Magic - Marion Green IMPRO - Keith Johnstone The Aquarian Conspiracy - Marilyn Ferguson Gaia: A New Look at Life on Earth - James Lovelock Stealing the Fire From Heaven - Stephen Mace

File: Brooke, Tal - When the World Will Be As One, The Coming New World Order (1989) -


  • 2 The Rainbow Bridge In his movie 2001, Stanley Kubrick had the edg e 15 years before Marilyn Ferguson ever portrayed where things were going in her bestseller, The Aquarian Conspiracy. B y the midsixties, Kubrick was both a change agent and a prophet who spoke through the medium of the 70-mm film. He cre ated whole new realities before audiences of millions. Long before New Age te


  • ric global religion. Perhaps the most significant publication to al ert the public to the reality of the New Age movement, and which w as on The New York Times bestseller list for the year 198 0, was The Aquarian Conspiracy by Marilyn Ferguson. This book s uddenly announced with unrelenting optimism that the New Ag e had officially had its genesis. It expounded the ag enda and beliefs of the New Age movement, its leader


  • tion 2, July 24, 1987. 2. Ibid., p. 78. 3. John Bode, "The Forum: Repackaged est?," The Chicag o Tribune, Feb. 27, 1985, Section 5. Chapter 9--Wheels of Influence: The Schoolroom 1. Marilyn Ferguson, The Aquarian Conspiracy, p. 283 . 2. Felix Frankfurter, "The Supreme Court and the Pub lic," Forum magazine, June 1930, pp. 232-33. 3. Francis Adeney, "Educators Look East," SCP journ al, Vol. 5, No. 1 (Winter 1981), p. 29.

File: Chronological History of the CFR - By Dennis Cuddy -


  • en meeting clandestinely behind closed doors. Rather, it is a "networking" of like-minded individuals in high places to achieve a common goal, as described in Marilyn Ferguson's 1980 insider classic, The Aquarian Conspiracy . Perhaps the best way to relate this would be a brief history of the New World Order, not in our words but in the words of those who have been striving to make it real. 1912 -- Colonel Edward M. Hou

File: Coleman - The Conspirators' Hierarchy - The Committee of 300 (1991) -


  • . Th e nation was to be programmed to change and become so accustomed to such planned changes that it would hardly be noticeable when profound changes did occur. We have gone downhill so fast si nce "THE AQUARIAN CONSPIRACY" (the book title of Willis Harm on's technical paper) was written, that today, divorce d raws no stigma, suicide is at an all time high and raises few eyebr ows, social deviations from the norm and s


  • s are evil and must be hidden. Evil cannot stan d in the light of truth. In this book we shall find an almost complete lis t of the conspirators, their institutions, fronts and public ations. In 1980 the Aquarian Conspiracy was in full swing and its succe ss can be seen in every facet of our private and national life. Th e overwhelming rise in mindless violence, serial killers, teenage suicides, the unmistakable signs o


  • eric a,s largest newspapers and magazines. There had never been such an acrossthe-media-board free advertising campaign in the history of newspaper, radio and television and it cost the pro moters of the Aquarian conspiracy, NATO and the Club of Rome not one red cent. It was all absolutely free advertising for LSD, onl y thinly disguised as "art" and "culture." One of Ginsberg's closest friends, Kenny Love, pu blished a


  • softened up, our nation was now deemed ripe for the introduction of drugs which was to rival the prohib ition era in scope and the huge amounts of money to be made. Thi s too was an integral part of the Aquarian Conspiracy. The pr oliferation of drug usage was one of the subjects under study at th e Science Policy Research Unit (SPRU) at Tavistock's Sussex U niversity facility. It was known as the "future shocks" cente


  • derson, with emphasis on mind contr ol research and "future sciences." Included under the Stanford umbrella was Charles F. Kettering Foundation which developed the "Changing Images of Man" upon which the Aquarian Conspiracy r ests. Some of Stanford's major clients and contracts wer e at first centered around the defense establishment but, as S tanford grew, so did the diversity of its services: Applications of Behaviora

File: FINAL WARNING - A History of the New World Order (2004) -


  • n of their plans. Although Maharishi Mahesh Yogi (who brought Transcendental Meditation to America) taught that the New Age began in 1975 when he inaugurated the “Age of Enlightenment,” the 1980 book The Aquarian Conspiracy: Personal and Social Transformation in the 1980’s by Marilyn Ferguson (published by J. P. Tarcher, Inc. in Los Angeles, CA) ignited the New Age movement into one of the fastest growing ‘religions’ to

File: Final Warning - A History of the New World Order by David Allen Rivera -


  • f their plans. Although Maharishi Mahe sh Yogi (who brought Transcendental Meditation to America) taught that t he New Age began in 1975 when he inaugurated the “Age of Enlightenment,” the 1980 bo ok The Aquarian Conspiracy: Personal and Social Transformation in the 1980’s by Marilyn Ferguson (published by J. P. Tarcher, Inc. in Los Angeles, CA) ignited the Ne w Age movement into one of the fastest growing ‘religions’ t

File: Final Warning - History Of The New World Order -


  • president Theodore Hesburgh, former German chancellor Willy Brandt, science fiction writer Isaac Asimov, physicist Fritjof Capra, and Megatrends author John Naisbitt. According to Marilyn Ferguson's The Aquarian Conspiracy: Personal and Social Transformation in the 1980's, published in 1980, which has become a handbook for action by the New Age movement, she claimed that the movement had grown to such an extent, that t

File: Healed Planet -


  • unorthodox cancer therapies and the sustained persecution of their proponents by government and colleagues runs counter to freedom of thought, much less freedom of choice." - Marilyn Ferguson (author The Aquarian Conspiracy) "Are Promising Treatments Being Blacked Out?", Leading Edge Bulletin, 1980 . "..Innovation is necessarily alternative...The advance is early branded as heresy ("quackery, charlatanry, fraud, hoax")

File: Illuminati Handbook -


  • oodrow W ilson School Carnegie Group Council on F oreign Relations T rilateral Commission G7 Stockholm Economic club W allenberg Industries Scandinavian Club V olvo FIA T International Energy Agency The Aquarian Conspiracy The Bilderbergers Left W ing Right W ing Red Brigades Social Democrat P arty Communist P arty Liberal P arty Republican P arty Labor P arty Socialist P arty The W orld Bank The State of Israel Americ

File: Livingstone, David - Terrorism and the Illuminati, A 3000 Year History (2007) -


  • - affiliated psychologist specializing in the supposedly racial characteristics of the “American Negro”. 27 The World Federation and Tavistock functioned to supply LSD to the United States as part of the Aquarian Conspiracy, through their agents, Aldous Huxley and Allen Dulles. Lysergic acid diethylamide, or LSD, was developed in 1943 by Albert Hoffman, a chemist at Sandoz A.B. a Swiss pharmaceutical house owned by S.G.


  • ugh IPS. 32 The infrastructure for providing the drugs that swamped the anti-war movement and the college campuses of the United States in the late 1960s was organized crime. The role of the Mafia in the Aquarian conspiracy was coordinated by John Maynar Hutchins. At only age twenty-eight, Hutchins was appointed dean of Yale Law School, where became one of the primary advocates for the Institute of Human Relations, Yale


  • 211 The Aspen Institute and the Club of Rome Part of the indoctrination process sought for through the Aquarian conspiracy was not only to degrade morals and immerse the public in numerous diversions, but also to inculcate the basic principles of the New Age cult, towards establishing a one-world-religion. The means of a


  • ritual for the healing of our Earth to be felt by those who are deciding Earth’s fate.” 13 Thus, the environmental movement, while helping to advance the cause of the oil industry, is an extension of the Aquarian conspiracy, incepted by Alice Bailey, designed ultimately to foster the acceptance a one-world- religion, based on the occult, or the New Age, as it is called. The Union for Natural Environment Protection, an e


  • Endnotes 303 Magazine. October 7, 1994. < psychiatry_eugenics.htm> 26 “The Aquarian Conspiracy.” Executive Intelligence Review. <http://www.> 27 Henderson, Dean. “The Shah of Iran and David Rockefeller”. excerpted from Geopolitics: The G


  • p. 754 2 Melanson, Terry. “Lucis (Lucifer) Trust, Alice Bailey, World Goodwill and the False Light of the World”.< Lucis_Trust.htm> 3 EIR, Dope Inc . Part IV; The Aquarian Conspiracy. Executive Intelligence Review. < le=AquarianConspiracy&Entity=OrwellG> 4 Chaitkin, Anton. “British Psychiatry: From Eugenics to Assas


  • Endnotes 305 10 quoted from: Penre, Wes. “Still Believe the New World Order is Just a Conspiracy Theory?” < conspiracy.htm> 11 EIR, Dope Inc . Part IV; The Aquarian Conspiracy. Executive Intelligence Review. < le=AquarianConspiracy&Entity=OrwellG> 12 Minnicino, Michael. “The Frankfurt School and Political Cor


  • Order, Chap. 9. < html#Chapter%209> 2 Peter Goodgame, “Globalists and the Islamists”, < Ikhwan/MB.htm> 3 EIR, Dope Inc . Part IV; The Aquarian Conspiracy. Executive Intelligence Review. < le=AquarianConspiracy&Entity=OrwellG> 4 Jasper, William F. “A New World Religion”, The New American

File: Martin - Depopulation of a Planet - Thinning Out the Useless Eaters - An Unspoken NWO Agenda -


  • to prepare a blueprint as to how this could be achieved. Tavistock directed Stanford Research to undertake the work under the direction of Professor Willis Harm on. This work later b ecam e known as The Aquarian Conspiracy . (11) To keep people everywhere from decidi ng their own destinies by m eans of one created cris is af ter a nother a nd then "m anaging" such crises. This will confuse and dem oralize the populatio

File: New World Order - Ralph Epperson -


  • and Evils of the Times, as quoted in CONSPIRACY AGAINST GOD, p. 210 18. Dr. Jose Arguelles, (from a pamphlet published by t he International Sacred Rites Festival, Haiku, Maui, H a- waii), p. 4-5 19. THE AQUARIAN CONSPIRACY, p., 412 20. FIRE IN THE MINDS OF MEN, p. 3 21. SAY NO TO THE NEW WORLD ORDER, p. 6 22. Alvin Toffler, quoted by the New American, (October 12,1987), p. 6 23. Gary North, Conspiracy, a Biblical View,




  • en, America's First Padlocked Chur ch, (Louisville, Nebraska: Fundamentalist Publications, 1983), p. 39 559. America's First Padlocked Church, p. 25 CHAPTER TWENTY-NINE: THE ATTACK ON THE FAMILY 560. THE AQUARIAN CONSPIRACY, p. 397 561. THE AQUARIAN CONSPIRACY, p. 397-398 562. Tucson Citizen, (July 6, 1989), p. 6A 563. THE COMMUNIST MANIFESTO, p. 47-48 564. CONSPIRACY AGAINST GOD AND MAN, p. 121 565. The New American, (

File: New World Order Or Occult Secret Destiny -


  • red that, “for the first time an American renaissance is taking place in all disciplines, br eaking the boundaries between them, transforming them at their farthest reaches—where they all converge.” (The Aquarian Conspiracy p.12) Speaking of the networks and web of influence, Ferguson proclaimed: “There are legions of conspirators... in corporations, universities, hosp itals, on the faculties of public schools, in facto

File: Power Elite And The Secret Nazi Plan -


  • d up to reality, but a hammer with which to shape it.” And concerning conditioning via television and movies, reflect upon the fact that Dr. David Hubel (mentioned by New Ager Marilyn Ferguson in her The Aquarian Conspiracy ) has described his research regarding the brain and vision, and how a line projected on a screen and tilted a certain way can cause the firing of a particular brain cell. Hubel then related this kno

File: Springmeier - Be Wise as Serpents - Christianity's Systematic Destruction (1991) -


  • piracies. Often networks take similar action without conferri ng with each other simp ly because they share so many assumptions. It migh t also be said that the shared assumptions are the collusion. "The Aquarian Conspiracy is, in effect, a SPI N of SPINs, a network of many networks aimed at social transformation. The Aquarian Conspiracy is indeed loose, segmented, evolutionary, redundant. Its ce nter is everywhere. Alt


  • f the recent important laws passed to im plement this contrived war are P.L. 99-570, P.L. 100-690, and t he Omnibus crime bill in 1991. 5. Marilyn Ferguson, Ne w Age writer, states in her famous book The Aquarian Conspiracy, p. 90, 'LSD gave a whole generation a religious experience.' But chemical satori is perishable, its effects too overwhelming to integrate into everyday life. Non-drug psychotechnologies o ffer a con


  • War on Poverty. NY: Free Press, 1969, p. 168. 3. Janowitz, Morris. The Last Half-Century: Societ al Change and Politics in America. Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press, 1978, p.13. 4. Ferguson, Marilyn. The Aquarian Conspiracy. L.A.,CA: J.P. Tarcher, 1980, p. 369. 5. De Riencourt, Amaury. The Coming Caesars. NY: Coward-McCann, Inc., 1957, p. 5. 6. The book Beyond Top Secret mentions that he wo rks for the CIA. Those attend

File: Tavistock Institute Of Human Relations - Shaping Moral, Spiritual, Cultural, Political, Economic Decline of USA -


  • rch/Psychology Department complex run by Hadle y Cantril, who was destined to play an increasingly i mportant role in developing the psychological profiling meth ods later to be used in manufacturing the Aquarian Conspiracy . In the same 1935-36 period, the first-time use was made of polling in presidential elections, under the impetu s of two newspapers owned by the Cowles family, the Minneapo lis Star-Tribune and the


  • 43 Aldous Huxley, who supervised the MK-Ultra LSD program that ran for 20 years. Willis Harman, a Stanford University director and m entor of "The Changing Images of Man" later disguised as "The Aquarian Conspiracy" passed off as the work of Mari lyn Ferguson. Michael Murphy, head of the Esalen Institute, estab lished by Huxley and others as the Center for "sensitivity training" and drug experiments. James F.T.


  • 52 The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) was c reated within the framework of the Aquarian Conspiracy, a project by the Social scientists at Stanford University und er the direction of Willis Harmon. NATO in turn formed and promoted a new branch called "The Club of Rome," th e name being designed to


  • 276 Wilson, The New Freedom. Arthur S. Link 1956 The Aquarian Conspiracy. Marilyn Fergusson Some Principles of Mass Persuasion. Dorwin Cartwright Journal of Humanistic Psychology. John Rawlings Reese Understanding Man's Behavior. Gordon Alport Invasion from Mars. Hadley C

File: Terrorism And The Illuminati - A Three Thousand Year History -


  • - affiliated psychologist specializing in the supposedly racial characteristics of the “American Negro”. 27 The World Federation and Tavistock functioned to supply LSD to the United States as part of the Aquarian Conspiracy, through their agents, Aldous Huxley and Allen Dulles. Lysergic acid diethylamide, or LSD, was developed in 1943 by Albert Hoffman, a chemist at Sandoz A.B. a Swiss pharmaceutical house owned by S.G.


  • ugh IPS. 32 The infrastructure for providing the drugs that swamped the anti-war movement and the college campuses of the United States in the late 1960s was organized crime. The role of the Mafia in the Aquarian conspiracy was coordinated by John Maynar Hutchins. At only age twenty-eight, Hutchins was appointed dean of Yale Law School, where became one of the primary advocates for the Institute of Human Relations, Yale


  • 211 The Aspen Institute and the Club of Rome Part of the indoctrination process sought for through the Aquarian conspiracy was not only to degrade morals and immerse the public in numerous diversions, but also to inculcate the basic principles of the New Age cult, towards establishing a one-world-religion. The means of a


  • ritual for the healing of our Earth to be felt by those who are deciding Earth’s fate.” 13 Thus, the environmental movement, while helping to advance the cause of the oil industry, is an extension of the Aquarian conspiracy, incepted by Alice Bailey, designed ultimately to foster the acceptance a one-world- religion, based on the occult, or the New Age, as it is called. The Union for Natural Environment Protection, an e


  • Endnotes 303 Magazine. October 7, 1994. < psychiatry_eugenics.htm> 26 “The Aquarian Conspiracy.” Executive Intelligence Review. <http://www.> 27 Henderson, Dean. “The Shah of Iran and David Rockefeller”. excerpted from Geopolitics: The G


  • p. 754 2 Melanson, Terry. “Lucis (Lucifer) Trust, Alice Bailey, World Goodwill and the False Light of the World”.< Lucis_Trust.htm> 3 EIR, Dope Inc . Part IV; The Aquarian Conspiracy. Executive Intelligence Review. < le=AquarianConspiracy&Entity=OrwellG> 4 Chaitkin, Anton. “British Psychiatry: From Eugenics to Assas


  • Endnotes 305 10 quoted from: Penre, Wes. “Still Believe the New World Order is Just a Conspiracy Theory?” < conspiracy.htm> 11 EIR, Dope Inc . Part IV; The Aquarian Conspiracy. Executive Intelligence Review. < le=AquarianConspiracy&Entity=OrwellG> 12 Minnicino, Michael. “The Frankfurt School and Political Cor


  • Order, Chap. 9. < html#Chapter%209> 2 Peter Goodgame, “Globalists and the Islamists”, < Ikhwan/MB.htm> 3 EIR, Dope Inc . Part IV; The Aquarian Conspiracy. Executive Intelligence Review. < le=AquarianConspiracy&Entity=OrwellG> 4 Jasper, William F. “A New World Religion”, The New American

File: Terrorism Of The Illuminati -


  • - affiliated psychologist specializing in the supposedly racial characteristics of the “American Negro”. 27 The World Federation and Tavistock functioned to supply LSD to the United States as part of the Aquarian Conspiracy, through their agents, Aldous Huxley and Allen Dulles. Lysergic acid diethylamide, or LSD, was developed in 1943 by Albert Hoffman, a chemist at Sandoz A.B. a Swiss pharmaceutical house owned by S.G.


  • ugh IPS. 32 The infrastructure for providing the drugs that swamped the anti-war movement and the college campuses of the United States in the late 1960s was organized crime. The role of the Mafia in the Aquarian conspiracy was coordinated by John Maynar Hutchins. At only age twenty-eight, Hutchins was appointed dean of Yale Law School, where became one of the primary advocates for the Institute of Human Relations, Yale


  • 211 The Aspen Institute and the Club of Rome Part of the indoctrination process sought for through the Aquarian conspiracy was not only to degrade morals and immerse the public in numerous diversions, but also to inculcate the basic principles of the New Age cult, towards establishing a one-world-religion. The means of a


  • ritual for the healing of our Earth to be felt by those who are deciding Earth’s fate.” 13 Thus, the environmental movement, while helping to advance the cause of the oil industry, is an extension of the Aquarian conspiracy, incepted by Alice Bailey, designed ultimately to foster the acceptance a one-world- religion, based on the occult, or the New Age, as it is called. The Union for Natural Environment Protection, an e


  • Endnotes 303 Magazine. October 7, 1994. < psychiatry_eugenics.htm> 26 “The Aquarian Conspiracy.” Executive Intelligence Review. <http://www.> 27 Henderson, Dean. “The Shah of Iran and David Rockefeller”. excerpted from Geopolitics: The G


  • p. 754 2 Melanson, Terry. “Lucis (Lucifer) Trust, Alice Bailey, World Goodwill and the False Light of the World”.< Lucis_Trust.htm> 3 EIR, Dope Inc . Part IV; The Aquarian Conspiracy. Executive Intelligence Review. < le=AquarianConspiracy&Entity=OrwellG> 4 Chaitkin, Anton. “British Psychiatry: From Eugenics to Assas


  • Endnotes 305 10 quoted from: Penre, Wes. “Still Believe the New World Order is Just a Conspiracy Theory?” < conspiracy.htm> 11 EIR, Dope Inc . Part IV; The Aquarian Conspiracy. Executive Intelligence Review. < le=AquarianConspiracy&Entity=OrwellG> 12 Minnicino, Michael. “The Frankfurt School and Political Cor


  • Order, Chap. 9. < html#Chapter%209> 2 Peter Goodgame, “Globalists and the Islamists”, < Ikhwan/MB.htm> 3 EIR, Dope Inc . Part IV; The Aquarian Conspiracy. Executive Intelligence Review. < le=AquarianConspiracy&Entity=OrwellG> 4 Jasper, William F. “A New World Religion”, The New American

File: Unholy Alliances -


  • nspirators into the churches of our land w ith the intent of wreaking havoc on the gospel of the Lord Jesus Chri st. Nothing has been left out. There is no respect even for God Himself. The author of the Aquarian Conspiracy, Marilyn Ferg uson, shows great insight into exactly how a politico-religious consp iracy would take place. She says that "A leaderless (unseen) but powerful n etwork is working to bring about radica


  • tment of Defense promote Zen, Transcendental Meditation, and other New Age techniques. Ferguson should know since she was a ke ynote speaker at the 1982 Department of Defense annual dinner. Her book, The Aquarian Conspiracy, describes New Age infiltration which in cludes members of the Cabinet, the White House staff, congressmen, and ev ery level of government. She explains that, "In bureaucracies, in every corn er of g


  • It is intended that the churches receive a good dos e of New Age propaganda. But do you suppose it will be a frontal approach against the Christian congregations? Of course not! Marilyn Fer guson, in the Aquarian Conspiracy, advised against a frontal atta ck. It only "hardens their position." 167 Another New Age strategist stated, "You can steer a large organization with subtle input." 168 So what is their plan? It is t


  • ezinski, Between Two Ages, p. 13. 79. Ibid., p. 15. 80. Ibid., p. 13. Chapter 9 The New Age 1. E.N. Sanctuary, Tainted Contacts, p. 68. 2. Ibid. 3. Ibid., p. 67. 4. Ibid., p. 68. 5. Marilyn Ferguson, The Aquarian Conspiracy: Personal and Social Transformation in the 1980s (J.P. Tarcher, Inc.: Lo s Angeles, 1980), p. 23. 6. Ibid., p. 369. 7. Ibid., p. 24. 8. Ibid. 293


  • The Externalization of the Hierarchy, (Lucis Publishing Company: New York, 1957), p. 67. 131. John Dunphy, The Humanist, "A Religion for the New Age," January- February, 1983. 132. Marilyn Ferguson, The Aquarian Conspiracy, p. 203. 133. Texe Marrs, Dark Secrets of the New Age, p. 238. 134. Ibid., p. 239. 135. Ibid., p. 44. 136. Cumbey, A Planned Deception, pp. 32-33. 137. Ibid., p. 45. 138. Ibid., p. 46. 139. Ibid., p.


  • aVedi Lafferty and Bud Hollowell, The Eternal Danc e, (Llewelyn Publications: St. Paul, MN, 1983), pp. 451-453. 166. Ibid. 167. Texe Marrs, Dark Secrets of the New Age, p. 205. 168. Marilyn Ferguson, The Aquarian Conspiracy, p.222. 169. Peter Roche de Coppens, Foreward, in F. Aster Barnw ell, The Meaning of Christ for Our Age, (Llewellyn Publicati ons: St. Paul, MN, 1984). 170. Marilyn Ferguson, The Aquarian Conspiracy,

File: Hidden Dangers Of The Rainbow -


  • rints for a new world order. How could this ever happen? What conditions must emerge to pave the way for a world takeover by the anti-christ, or Lord Maitreya or anyone else? Interestingly enough, in The Aquarian Conspiracy, Marilyn Ferguson comes flat out and makes an admission that the purpose of the LSD circulation in this country was to get people open, to get their channels open so they would have what she called a


  • exotic new theology had a vocabulary very similar to the books calling for the New World Order. I suspected a connection. @ 28. The pieces of the puzzle were still falling together when I chanced up The Aquarian Conspiracy by Marilyn Ferguson. This book contains the same unique vocabulary as that of the others. The author herself has great insight into this Movement and her book carries the message that radical change


  • ust 1978 journal to this threat." (2) I was relieved to see that somebody had shown some alarm. If the churches were not alarmed, they should be! How big is this Movement? Again, clues are given: (1) The Aquarian Conspiracy, Marilyn Ferguson, p.23. (2) Ibid.p.369. @ 28. "They have coalesced into small groups in every town and institution. They have formed what one called `national non- organizations.' Some conspirators


  • was the one she cited as the most important: karma. Admitting that it has something to do with Eastern religions, she insisted that it is much larger than the Eastern religions! I told her I had read The Aquarian Conspiracy. Growing cautious, she said that book was not an accurate representation of the New Age Movement. Unwilling to reveal my suspicions of the Movement as yet, I told her I had enjoyed the book and innoc


  • tice and concentrate on researching and exposing the New Age Movement. If indeed there is a movement afoot that is larger than Eastern religions and larger than the gargantuan enterprise described in The Aquarian Conspiracy, then we need to expose it for what it is!


  • ne of the scores of "psychotechnologies" promised to induce "transformation" - a euphemism for progressively deeper levels of demonic @ 54. influence. The New Age Movement, called by Marilyn Ferguson The Aquarian Conspiracy, and deriving its name from the so-called Age of Aquarius, encompasses a number of groups and submovements, such as: The Holistic Movement, Humanistic Psychology, Transpersonal Psychology, Humanistic


  • Conspiracy: Blueprints for a World Revolution by H.G.Wells. The "New Revelation" of the Movement has come forth in the prolific prose and poetry of Spangler. Marilyn Ferguson's The Aquarian Conspiracy, an important New Age manifesto, attempts to announce the popularize what the New Agers chose to publicly display in their Movement. Heavily extolling the joys of "altered states of consciousness," h


  • nd some overseas." Orders and inquiries for this directory were to be directed to NAM Directory, Box 1080G, San Rafael, California 94902. That particular edition was sold of $25.00. (10) Quoting from The Aquarian Conspiracy, page 216. Marilyn Ferguson was in her turn quoting anthropologists Luther Gerlach and Virginia Hine. (11) Ibid., pp. 216-217. @ 59. Guyana suicide/murder fiasco, the New Agers were most proud to cla


  • by Paul Hawken, Bantam Edition, 1976, New York, p. 327.) (13) From page 25 of Spiritual Community Guide, copyright (c) 1972 by "The Spiritual Community," Box 1080, San Rafael, California 94902. (14) The Aquarian Conspiracy, p. 217. @ 60. for the Aquarian Conspiracy of the New Age Movement: "The Aquarian Conspiracy is, in effect, a SPIN of SPINs, a network of many networks aimed at social transformation. The Aquarian Co


  • ar), Great Britain with its commonwealth of nations (spot like a lion), and the United States with its heterogenous mixture of people (like unto a leopard?). It will also feature a unified Europe. In The Aquarian Conspiracy, by Marilyn Ferguson, she stated that Europe was eminently presuitable for launching the new "political-spiritual" entity. Foster Bailey, husband of Alice Bailey, wrote in his book Running God's Plan


  • ." Alice Bailey organized the New Group of World Servers under the direction of her "Tibetan Master." The brochure also contained a recommended reading list for "more information." Marilyn Ferguson's The Aquarian Conspiracy was at the top of it. The verbal content of Creme's speech could only be classified as bizarre. However, the apparently bewitched audience failed to see it that way. According to Creme, the world cou


  • izing all information whatever and allowing anyone who desires access to this information. For example, all purchases and resources whatsoever would be computerized. (27) Marilyn Ferguson, writing in The Aquarian Conspiracy, said that the Movement was not dependent on any individual or organization because of its network composition. For example, the New Agers were proud to claim Jim Jones and his Peoples Temple as thei


  • in Wells' writings comes from The Aquarian Conspiracy. Wells is mentioned in that work as an author of importance in at least three places. A more important clue comes from the presses of Lucis Trust with its subsidiary Lucis Publishing Company. In thei


  • mothy Leary, et al - are not considered a blight on our society by the spokespeople for the New Age. Instead they are "tools for transformation." According to Marilyn Ferguson in her New Age classic, The Aquarian Conspiracy: "It is impossible to overestimate the historic role of psychedelics as an entry point drawing people into other transformative technologies. For tens of thousands of "left- brained" engineers, chemi


  • cial and social pressures of big business to attain their goals for world domination - a world to be peopled by those more schooled in mysticism than everyday commonsense. Marilyn Ferguson reports in The Aquarian Conspiracy @ 130. that they have managed to win the financial support of Lockheed Aircraft, Blue Cross-Blue Shield, the Rockefeller Foundation and others for holistic health forums. Again, while it is hard to a


  • ge their context to include support communities for personal growth, holistic health centers, healing services, meditation workshops, consciousness altering through music, even biofeedback training" (The Aquarian Conspiracy, p. 369). Chortling about this loss of orthodoxy within what are supposed to be the bastions of God the Father and Jesus Christ, she went on to state that "[N]ow the heretics are gaining ground, doct


  • ar their ugly heads in evangelical Christian books and publications. Some denominations have incorporated substantial portions or all of these points into the "agenda for the 80s." Marilyn Ferguson's The Aquarian Conspiracy has enjoyed the promotion of discussion groups in "many, many churches" according to an article appearing in August 1982, New Age Magazine. In a recent letter to my publisher, Marilyn Ferguson compla


  • times in his book, more than even Marilyn Ferguson in The Aquarian Conspiracy. Dressing up the New Agers' planned redistribution of the world's assets in Year of Jubilee language from the no-longer-applicable Old Testament code, Sine has Christians looking forward to exactly t


  • eremiah 17:9, KJV). This type of inward journey is usually achieved through a variety of psychotechnologies virtually guaranteed to induce demonic control. (6) Proverbs 3:6. @ 173. Marilyn Ferguson's The Aquarian Conspiracy lists scores of such "psychotechnologies." (7) Alice Bailey/Djwal Khul disciples were urged to keep a "spiritual diary" in which they would record the experiences gained through meditation and the ot


  • God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. "Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Eveery spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God: (7) Ferguson, Marilyn, The Aquarian Conspiracy, Los Angeles: J.P. Tarcher, Inc., 1980. See pages 86-87. The psychotechnologies range from hypnosis, sufism, and Silva Mind Control through Transcendental Meditation and hatha yoga. (8) Bailey, Alice


  • he reader warm fellings about the writers and their followers - the New Agers. Nevertheless, a commitment to speak the truth in love must be made and maintained if we are to help the first victims of the Aquarian Conspiracy - the New Agers themselves. They may be victims because they are under sophisticated forms of deception. They may be victims because they do not have full facts and are told only what their leaders w


  • gularly distributes, upon request, information pertinent to the NGWS. Benjamin Creme distributes brochures regarding the NGWS at his lectures. According to this brochure, those interested are to read The Aquarian Conspiracy by Marilyn Ferguson along with some of the Alice Bailey books for more information. The flyer also states that it is "based on the Alice Bailey teachings." It is interesting to note that Planetary Ci


  • frontier boundaries would die, dogma would die ... and Man would live. "He will possess something higher than these ... a great country, the Whole Earth ... and a great hope, the Whole Heaven." From The Aquarian Conspiracy. @ 221. For More Information The Aquarian Conspiracy................. by Marilyn Ferguson J.P. Tarcher, Inc.,1980 Esoteric Psychology Vol. 2.............. by Alice A. Bailey Lucis Publishing Co.,19


  • t's adherents have infiltrated orthodox medical, religious, governmental, business, and other organizations. B. It is known by many other names, including, but not limited to the following: @ 248. 1. The Aquarian Conspiracy; 2. The Age of Aquarias; 3. Humanistic Psychology; 4. Networking Movement; 5. New Thought Religion; 6. The New Church; 7. The Third Wave; 8. The Third Force; 9. New Consciousness; 10. Transcendental


  • selling, Book of te Month Club selection, the Aquarian conspiracy. II. Roots of the New Age Movement are found in some of the world's earliest recorded traditions: A. Many New Age esoteric hirtorians claim their traditions originated in Atlantis. 1. It is probably


  • C. The Movement claims, according to New Age writer Mark Satin, to have something for everybody (see New Age Politics). D. According to the Alice Bailey writings and Marilyn Ferguson, author of The Aquarian Conspiracy, the Movement has infiltrated every aspect of modern society. According to these writers, it has also infiltrated every organization and institution. D. Similarly to Hitler's Brownshirts, many youth


  • astika. See pages 161, 172 of Alice Bailey's A Treatise On Cosmic Fire and also Esoteric Astrology. This is also used widely within the Theosophical Society. 11. 666: That's correct! Even the logo on The Aquarian Conspiracy by Marilyn Ferguson distinctly resembles a 666. Page 79 of The Rays and the Initiations by Alice discusses some of the meaning and "sacred qualities" of the 666. A Treatise on Cosmic Fire states on p

File: Robert Anton Wilson - Prometheus Rising -


  • he psychedelic pioneers of the 1960s, the graduates of the Consciousness Movement of the 1950s-70s, the synthesizers of modern psychology and ancient Oriental mind- sciences. These persons are called the Aquarian Conspiracy by Marilyn Ferguson, one of their spokespersons. They are denounced as the Me Generation by Tom Wolfe, a time-traveler from New York, i.e., from the neurological past, from a culture crystallized bef

File: Robert Anton Wilson - Prometheus Rising -


  • he psychedelic pioneers of the 1960s, the graduates of the Consciousness Movement of the 1950s-70s, the synthesizers of modern psychology and ancient Oriental mind- sciences. These persons are called the Aquarian Conspiracy by Marilyn Ferguson, one of their spokespersons. They are denounced as the Me Generation by Tom Wolfe, a time-traveler from New York, i.e., from the neurological past, from a culture crystallized bef

File: Rupert Sheldrake, Terence McKenna, Ralph Abraham - The Evolutionary Mind -


  • t brings me to my particular focus for our conversation on the World Wide Web. It seems to me and to other people who are careful observers of the scene that the miracle for which we've been waiting, the Aquarian Conspiracy, is actually happening. The Internet is the substrate, the aphysical substrate as it were, for the creation of a new future. And of all the people who have predicted this event in some detail in the

File: Stanley Monteith - Brotherhood of Darkness -


  • ne to The Scottish Rite Journal when another magazine with the same name became available. The new magazine reflected the beliefs of the New Age. Marilyn Ferguson explained that movement in her book, The Aquarian Conspiracy: A leaderless but powerful network is working to bring about radical change in the United States. Its members have broken with certain key elements of Western thought, and they may even have broken c


  • ly P Hall, Lectures on Ancient Philosophy, Philosophical Research Society, Inc., 1984, p. 433. 113. Fisher, op cit. 114. Radio Liberty Interview, April 11, 2000, 4:00-5:00 p.m. 115. Marilyn Ferguson, The Aquarian Conspiracy, J. P Tarcher, Inc., Los Angeles, and Thomas Nelson and Sons, Ltd. Ontario, Canada, 1980, p. 23. 116. Ibid,, p 363 117. Manly P Hall, The Secret Destiny of America, Philosophical Research Society, In

File: Terence McKenna - Evolutionary Mind -


  • t brings me to my particular focus for our conversation on the World Wide Web. It seems to me and to other people who are careful observers of the scene that the miracle for which we've been waiting, the Aquarian Conspiracy, is actually happening. The Internet is the substrate, the aphysical substrate as it were, for the creation of a new future. And of all the people who have predicted this event in some detail in the

File: Terence McKenna - The Evolutionary Mind -


  • t brings me to my particular focus for our conversation on the World Wide Web. It seems to me and to other people who are careful observers of the scene that the miracle for which we've been waiting, the Aquarian Conspiracy, is actually happening. The Internet is the substrate, the aphysical substrate as it were, for the creation of a new future. And of all the people who have predicted this event in some detail in the

File: Wilson - Prometheus Rising -


  • n—the psychedelic pioneers of the 1960s, thegraduates of the Consciousness Movement of the 1950s-70s, thesynthesizers of modern psychology and ancient Oriental mind-sciences. These persons are called the Aquarian Conspiracy byMarilyn Ferguson, one of their spokespersons. They aredenounced as the Me Generation by Tom Wolfe, a time-travelerfrom New York, i.e., from the neurological past, from a culturecrystallized before

File: Modern Shamanism pt. 2 -


  • cea EliadeThe Elements of Shamanism - Neville DruryThe Adventurer’s Way - Alawn TickhillFlight of the Seventh Moon - Lynn AndrewsThe Gentle Arts of Aquarian Magic - Marion GreenIMPRO - Keith JohnstoneThe Aquarian Conspiracy - Marilyn FergusonGaia: A New Look at Life on Earth - James LovelockStealing the Fire From Heaven - Stephen Mace

File: Techniques of Modern Shamanism 2 -


  • cea EliadeThe Elements of Shamanism - Neville DruryThe Adventurer’s Way - Alawn TickhillFlight of the Seventh Moon - Lynn AndrewsThe Gentle Arts of Aquarian Magic - Marion GreenIMPRO - Keith JohnstoneThe Aquarian Conspiracy - Marilyn FergusonGaia: A New Look at Life on Earth - James LovelockStealing the Fire From Heaven - Stephen Mace

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  • ecent tendency of turning away from the label "New Age" is widespread. See James R. Lewis, "Approaches to the Study of the New Age Movement," in Lewis and Melton, Perspectives, 2.6. Marilyn Ferguson, The Aquarian Conspiracy: Personal and Social Transformation in the 1980s (1980; reprint, London, 1982).7. See, for example, J. Stillson Judah, The History and Philosophy of the Metaphysical Movements in America (Philadelphi

File: [Suha_Taji-Farouki]_Beshara_and_Ibn_'Arabi_A_Move( -


  • ever used these drugs, or had used them less intensively. Such drug use appears to have been even higher among joiners of Eastern NRMs specifically. Cf. authoritative New Age writer Marilyn Ferguson, The Aquarian Conspiracy: Personal and Social Transformation in the 1980s (Los Angeles, 1980), p. 89: ‘It is impossible to overestimate the historic role of psychedelics as an entry point drawing people into other transforma


  • regory Brown, eds, New Religious Movements (Concilium: Religion in the Eighties) (Edinburgh, 1983), 17–22The Encyclopaedia of Religion, ed. in chief, Mircea Eliade (New York, 1987) Ferguson, Marilyn. The Aquarian Conspiracy: Personal and Social Transforma-tion in the 1980s (Los Angeles, 1980)Forman, Robert. Grassroots Spirituality: What it is, Why it is Here, Where it is Going (Exeter, Devon, 2004)

File: Encyclopedia of Occultism and Parapsychology Vol 1 -


  • the date forthe beginning of the Age of Aquarius. According to some calcu-lations, the Aquarian Age began as early as the seventeenthcentury, while others place it as late as the twenty-first century.The Aquarian ConspiracyTitle of a 1980 book by Marilyn Ferguson. The title becamea catchword to describe a new consciousness revolution involv-ing a leaderless network of many enlightened individuals tobring about radical c


  • the Rev. J. B.Ferguson. London, 1865.Ferguson, Marilyn (1938–)New Age publisher, editor, and author. Ferguson was bornApril 5, 1938, in Grand Junction, Colorado, and is known forher best-selling book The Aquarian Conspiracy: Personal and So-Encyclopedia of Occultism & Parapsychology• 5th Ed.Ferguson, Marilyn555


  • he New Age move-ment. She came to believe that society was undergoing a pro-found paradigm shift, a change in the basic metaphor used toexplain life. She documented the rationale for her new beliefin The Aquarian Conspiracy (1980), in which she uses a conspira-cy metaphor to postulate a consciousness revolution as distinctfrom a political, economic, or religious revolution. Throughthis quiet revolution an informal netwo


  • letin (also edited and published by Ferguson),but The Leading Edge focused on social aspects of the New Age(politics, relationships, business, schools, law, arts, religion)and other topics related to The Aquarian Conspiracy. The LeadingEdge complemented the materials in Brain/Mind Bulletin, whichcovered such topics as learning, medicine, psychology, psychia-try, and right and left brain research. Last known address: P.O

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  • Addison-Wesley, 1983.Basil, Robert, ed. Not Necessarily the New Age. Buffalo, N.Y.:Prometheus Books, 1988.Celestine Vision. 10, 2000.Ferguson, Marilyn. The Aquarian Conspiracy: Personal and So-cial Transformation in Our Time. New York: St. Martin’s Press,1980.Lewis, James R., and J. Gordon Melton, eds. Perspectives onthe New Age. Albany, N.Y.: State University Press of New


  • yclopaedia ofMysticism and The Mystery Religions. Lon-don: Thames & Hudson, 1976. ———. Witchcraft Literature of Scotland. Edin-burgh: Edinburgh Bibliographical SocietyPapers, 1899. Ferguson, Marilyn. The Aquarian Conspiracy:Personal and Social Transformation in OurTime. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1980.Los Angeles: J. P. Tarcher/HoughtonMifflin; New York: Putnam PublishingGroup, 1987. ———. The Frontiers of Mind Resear

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  • ctioning behind the scenes in society, the real members of the conspiracy are often quite straightforward in saying what is going on. Marilyn Ferguson, a protege of Willis Harmon who derived her book The Aquarian Conspiracy from Harmon's Changing Images, talked 108


  • nspiracies. Often networks take similar actions without conferring with each other simply because they share so many assumptions. It might also be said that the shared assumptions are the collusion. "The Aquarian Conspiracy is, in effect, a SPIN of SPINs, a network of many networks aimed at social transformation. The Aquarian Conspiracy is indeed loose, segmented, evolutionary, redundant. Its center is everywhere. Altho

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  • on7' are part of our environment and as dangerous, if not more so than pollutants in the air we breathe. We as a nation, and individuals, were not prepared for the changes that were forced upon us by the Aquarian Conspiracy, therefore our response to this danger has been a falling-off of our ability to withstand and resist it. As a nation we have become fatigued, we are in psychological distress, of which widespread apa

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  • global short, a New World Order.' "[Now,] just what the future society was that these people are talking about was described, in a brief manner, by Marilyn Ferguson in her book, entitled The Aquarian Conspiracy . [And] she wrote [this]: 'The new world is the old ~ transformed.' "Another clue about what is in store for the future world was offered by Dr. James H. Billington, who received his doctorate as a R

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  • ism, interfaith religion, feminism, abortion, holistic health, homeopathy, acupuncture, yoga and witch- craft." Goddam! I just knew that foul Illuminati had to be behind anything so Godless. (Ref my "The Aquarian Conspiracy Revealed", Children of Sekhmet Vol 3 No 2). Having said all that, it's claimed that the aim of the New Age is to unify the world under the Lord Maitreya, and centralising world food stocks and financ

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