The Bilderbergers

Found in 127 Books

File: Antony C. Sutton, Patrick Wood - Trilaterals Over Washington (Parts 1 and 2) (1979-1981) -


  • -scenes power still exists. Of course this is another “nono” for the Establishment press; you won’t find this topic investigated by the Washington Post, and the New York Times. (6) In “The Prince and the Bilderbergers” (banned 3 Ma rch 1976) Tether hit the jackpot. Every self-respecting journalist knows that the Bilderberger secret comings and goings and meetings are just not to be reported in depth. But Tether ac

File: Antony Sutton - America's Secret Establishment - An Introduction To Skull And Bones -


  • ral Commission has 200 members world wide, but only 70 in the United States. These are younger organizations. The CFR dates from 1922, The Pilgrims from 1900, The Trilateral Commission from 1973, and the Bilderbergers from the 1950s. How many members of The Order are in the CFR? This is not the place for an exhaustive analysis, but a general idea can be gained from looking at names in The Order beginning with the

File: Angels And Demons -


  • ” “Do not insult us both.” “We have money.” “As do we. More than you can fathom.” Langdon flashed on the alleged Illuminati fortunes, the ancient wealth of the Bavarian stone masons, the Rothschilds, the Bilderbergers, the legendary Illuminati Diamond. “I preferiti,” the camerlegno said, changing the subject. His voice was pleading. “Spare them. They are old. They—” “They are virgin sacrifices.” The caller laughed

File: Dan Brown - 2000 - Angels & Demons -

  • ause?”“Do not insult us both.”“We have money.”“As do we. More than you can fathom.”Langdon flashed on the alleged Illuminati fortunes, the ancient wealth of theBavarian stone masons, the Rothschilds, the Bilderbergers, the legendaryIlluminati Diamond.“I preferiti,” the camerlegno said, changing the subject. His voice waspleading. “Spare them. They are old. They-”“They are virgin sacrifices.” The caller laughed. “T

File: Daniel Estulin - Shadow Masters -

  • made me wary of the real intentions ofanyone involved in “getting to the core” of a conspiracy, either big or small.“My general comment on the subject,” I wrote to Ventura’s people, “is thefollowing:The Bilderbergers were founded by circles associated with a former Nazi Partymember, Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands (who resigned from the Nazi Party asa qualification for marrying the Dutch princess). It was an a

  • und (IMF), World Bank and European Union demands; to his cost, herefused to surrender sovereignty. The empire expects nothing less.Australian journalist John Pilger, New StatesmanSLOBO RULES?In 1996, the Bilderbergers decided to get rid of then-Serbian president SlobodanMiloševic. Their master plan was put together during the 1996 meeting in KingCity, a small luxury town about 35 kilometers north of Toronto in Ont

  • the border but with littlesuccess.”1If the KLA were “allowed” to sell drugs and to profit from the sales, it isreasonable to infer that the entire operation was approved from the top down;that is, by the Bilderbergers themselves (through the usual set ofintermediaries such as the US Government, the British, German and the US secretservice agencies, the UN bureaucracy, pertinent NGOs, European Commissions andNATO,

File: Daniel Estulin - True Story Of The Bilderberg Group -

  • You can understand then, that toprotect them, I cannot mention these true heroes by name, only thank them forhelping me find out what was being said behind the closed doors of the opulenthotels where the Bilderbergers hold their annual meetings.Before we enter the realm of this exclusive club, it is important to recognizethat neither people nor organizations are absolutely “evil,” just as no one isabsolutely “good

  • blishingthis organization, he tested the idea for forming the commission at the 1972Bilderberg Group meeting in Knokke, Belgium.And guess what?Many of the same individuals who belonged to the CFR and the Bilderbergers alsojoined the Trilateral Commission. CFR members comprise Americans only. TheBilderberg Group is limited to members from the United States, Canada andWestern Europe. The Trilateral Commission brings

  • hat the West’sfinancial elite and Bilderbergers covet for their one-world order: state-plannedcapitalism.The fact is that members of the Establishment operating through “private”organizations such as the Bilderbergers, the CFR and theGame of MonopolyTrilateral Commission understand socialism as the ultimate power system forcontrol, a nd understand its ps ychology better than the Marxists do.^This iswhy their membe

  • pg]picture174 [images/picture174.jpg]picture175 [images/picture175.jpg]Top: Anti-bomb squad checking installations, 2005.Bottom: Photographer being arrested on a public sidewalk for taking pictures ofthe Bilderbergers in Canada, 2006.picture176 [images/picture176.jpg]picture177 [images/picture177.jpg]Top: CIA with Graham and Nooyi in the background.Bottom: CIA awaiting Paul Wolfowitz. The big fat guy is Agent Smil

  • rging economies. Third World states, for example, were insisting on cutsto EU and U.S. farm subsidies. The WTO liberalization drive collapsed inacrimony in Seattle in 1999 and again in Cancun in 2003.The Bilderbergers secretly agreed on the need to force the poor countries into aglobalized market for cheap goods while simultaneously forcing the poor intobecoming customers. The current rift with China is a good exa

File: David Icke - 1994 - The Robots' Rebellion -

  • e of the best way to run the world. It isthe Bilderberg Group’s permanent executive that runs the show, as it is withthese other front organisations. One of those invited to the Baden Baden meetingof the Bilderbergers in 1991, incidentally, was the then governor of Arkansas,one Bill Clinton, who went on to become President. He would not have becomePresident unless the elite wanted him to.*The aim of the Illuminati

File: David Icke - 1994 - The Robots' Rebellion -

  • e of the best way to run the world. It isthe Bilderberg Group’s permanent executive that runs the show, as it is withthese other front organisations. One of those invited to the Baden Baden meetingof the Bilderbergers in 1991, incidentally, was the then governor of Arkansas,one Bill Clinton, who went on to become President. He would not have becomePresident unless the elite wanted him to.*The aim of the Illuminati

File: David Icke - 1995 - And The Truth Shall Set You Free -

  • n after the Nazi invasion of the Netherlands and this ‘former’ Germanintelligence operative worked as a top military liaison with allied forces.34The man who persuaded Bernhard to be the frontman for the Bilderbergers was thatarch manipulator…Lord Victor Rothschild. The annual meeting of theAnglo-European-American Elite known as the Bilderberg Group was to become a keycomponent in the Elite network which forms the

  • he New World Order”,> > > Exposure magazine, Vol. 1, No. 2, (1993) p7> > > 14 “Black Magic Holds Sway Over A Paranoid Kremlin”, The European (May> > > 11th–15th 1995) p4> > > 15 In 1965, for example, the Bilderbergers met alongside Lake Como in> > > Italy, the ancient headquarters of the Order of Comocine, the forerunners> > > of the Medieval Masons. I spent a lot of time at Lake Como in 1995 before> > > later rea

File: David Icke - 1995 - And The Truth Shall Set You Free -

  • n after the Nazi invasion of the Netherlands and this ‘former’ Germanintelligence operative worked as a top military liaison with allied forces.34The man who persuaded Bernhard to be the frontman for the Bilderbergers was thatarch manipulator…Lord Victor Rothschild. The annual meeting of theAnglo-European-American Elite known as the Bilderberg Group was to become a keycomponent in the Elite network which forms the

  • he New World Order”,> > > Exposure magazine, Vol. 1, No. 2, (1993) p7> > > 14 “Black Magic Holds Sway Over A Paranoid Kremlin”, The European (May> > > 11th–15th 1995) p4> > > 15 In 1965, for example, the Bilderbergers met alongside Lake Como in> > > Italy, the ancient headquarters of the Order of Comocine, the forerunners> > > of the Medieval Masons. I spent a lot of time at Lake Como in 1995 before> > > later rea

File: David Icke - 1999 - The Biggest Secret -

  • Scholar), thehead of the Rockefeller Foundation and Secretary of State under John F. Kennedy;Joseph E. Johnson (CFR), head of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace(War!) and US Secretary for the Bilderbergers; Denis Healey (TC, RIIA, Comm 300,Fabian Society), the British Labour Party Minister of Defence from 1964–1970 andChancellor of the Exchequer 1974–1979; and Lord Boothby, who worked with WinstonChurc

File: David Icke - 1999 - The Biggest Secret -

  • Scholar), thehead of the Rockefeller Foundation and Secretary of State under John F. Kennedy;Joseph E. Johnson (CFR), head of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace(War!) and US Secretary for the Bilderbergers; Denis Healey (TC, RIIA, Comm 300,Fabian Society), the British Labour Party Minister of Defence from 1964–1970 andChancellor of the Exchequer 1974–1979; and Lord Boothby, who worked with WinstonChurc

File: David Icke - 2007 - The David Icke Guide To The Global Conspiracy -

  • the concentration camp atAuschwitz. Bernhard was born in 1911 as the German Prince of Lupp-Biesterfeld,and married Princess Juliana of the Netherlands in 1937. The man who persuadedBernhard to front the Bilderbergers was the arch manipulator Lord VictorRothschild. Bernhard remained chairman of the Bilderberg Group from 1954 untilhe resigned in 1976 after being implicated in the Lockheed bribery scandal, butDutch

File: David Icke - 2007 - The David Icke Guide To The Global Conspiracy -

  • the concentration camp atAuschwitz. Bernhard was born in 1911 as the German Prince of Lupp-Biesterfeld,and married Princess Juliana of the Netherlands in 1937. The man who persuadedBernhard to front the Bilderbergers was the arch manipulator Lord VictorRothschild. Bernhard remained chairman of the Bilderberg Group from 1954 untilhe resigned in 1976 after being implicated in the Lockheed bribery scandal, butDutch

File: David Icke - 2012 - Remember Who You Are -

  • rberg Group for decades andhe is largely responsible for bringing its manipulations to public attention.His sources within Bilderberg have proved to be very accurate over the years andhe reports that the Bilderbergers called for a ‘big war’ at their conference inSt Moritz, Switzerland, in the summer of 2011. Tucker sources quote KeithAlexander, director of the US National Security Agency, as saying that they need‘

File: David Icke - 2013 - The Perception Deception - Part Two -

  • es.This statement was reported by two French newspapers and Hilaire du Berrier, thevehemently anti-communist publisher of the Monte Carlo-based Hilaire du BerrierReports and a long-time researcher of the Bilderbergers.[../Images/00412.jpg]Figure 609: Amber Lyon is rare proper journalist in a sea of ignorance,compliance and acquiescence.Suppressing realityThere are some journalists, but only some, who do buck the s

File: David Icke - 2013 - The Perception Deception -


  • This statement was reported by two French newspapers and Hilaire du Berrier, the vehemently anti- communist publisher of the Monte Carlo-based Hilaire du Berrier Reports and a long-time researcher of the Bilderbergers. Figure 609: Amber Lyon is rare proper journalist in a sea of ignorance, compliance and acquiescence. Suppressing reality There are some journalists, but only some, who do buck the system as best the

File: David Icke - And The Truth Shall Set You Free -


  • Scholar), the head of the Rockefeller Foundation and Secretary of State under John F. Kennedy; Joseph E. Johnson (CFR), head of the Carnegie En dowment for International Peace and the US Secretary of the Bilderbergers; Denis Healey (TC, RIIA, Comm 300), the British Labour Party Minister of Defence from 1964-1970 and Chancellor of the Exchequer 1974-1979; Hugh Gaitsk ell, the future lead er of the British La bour P


  • lves to have 'arrived' on the international stage if they are invited to attend. The Bilderberg Group meets once a year a nd always in the strictest secrecy. The hotels are cleared of everyone except the Bilderbergers and hotel staff. The meetings discuss the strategy required over the follow ing twelve months to further the goals of the New World Order, an d it cooperates with associated organisations. Not a word


  • mber of journalists and media executives in the Bilderberg Group and in other strands in the network is very substantial, but try finding a word about these meet ings in the mainstream media. Behind the Bilderbergers are the Rothschi lds and the Rockefellers. Today Henry Kissinger is a major manipula tor, albeit as a puppet of t hose who really control him. Kissinger is an elite member of the Bild erberg Group, t


  • he Occult Roots of the New World Order", Exposure magazine, Vol. 1, No. 2, (1993) p7 14 "Black Magic Holds Sway Over A Paranoid Kremlin", The European (May llth-15th 1995) p4 15 In 1965, for example, the Bilderbergers met alongside Lake Como in Italy, the ancient headquarters of the Order of Comocine, the fore runners of the Medieval Masons. I spent a lot of time at Lake Como in 1995 before later realising its eso

File: David Icke - And the Truth Shall Set You Free, 21st Century Edition (2004) -


  • Scholar), the head of the Rockefeller Foundation and Secretary of State under John F. Kennedy; Joseph E. Johnson (CFR), head of the Carnegie En dowment for International Peace and the US Secretary of the Bilderbergers; Denis Healey (TC, RIIA, Comm 300), the British Labour Party Minister of Defence from 1964-1970 and Chancellor of the Exchequer 1974-1979; Hugh Gaitsk ell, the future lead er of the British La bour P


  • lves to have 'arrived' on the international stage if they are invited to attend. The Bilderberg Group meets once a year a nd always in the strictest secrecy. The hotels are cleared of everyone except the Bilderbergers and hotel staff. The meetings discuss the strategy required over the follow ing twelve months to further the goals of the New World Order, an d it cooperates with associated organisations. Not a word


  • mber of journalists and media executives in the Bilderberg Group and in other strands in the network is very substantial, but try finding a word about these meet ings in the mainstream media. Behind the Bilderbergers are the Rothschi lds and the Rockefellers. Today Henry Kissinger is a major manipula tor, albeit as a puppet of t hose who really control him. Kissinger is an elite member of the Bild erberg Group, t


  • he Occult Roots of the New World Order", Exposure magazine, Vol. 1, No. 2, (1993) p7 14 "Black Magic Holds Sway Over A Paranoid Kremlin", The European (May llth-15th 1995) p4 15 In 1965, for example, the Bilderbergers met alongside Lake Como in Italy, the ancient headquarters of the Order of Comocine, the fore runners of the Medieval Masons. I spent a lot of time at Lake Como in 1995 before later realising its eso

File: David Icke - Guide To The Global Conspiracy -


  • e concentration camp at Auschwitz. Bernhard was born in 1911 as the German Prince of Lupp-Biesterfeld, and married Princess Juliana of the Netherlands in 1937. The man who persuaded Bernhard to front the Bilderbergers was the arch manipulator Lord Victor Rothschild. Bernhard remained chairman of the Bilderberg Group from 1954 until he resigned in 1976 after being i mplicated in the Lockheed bribery scandal, but Du

File: David Icke - The Biggest Secret - The Book that Will Change the World (1998) -


  • holar), the head of the Rockefeller Foundation and Secretary of State under John E Kennedy; Joseph E. Johnson (CFR), head of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (War!) and US Secretary for the Bilderbergers; Denis Healey (TC, RIIA, Comm 300, Fabian Society), the British Labour Party Minister of Defence from 1964-1970 and Chancellor of the Exchequer 1974-1979; and Lord Boothby, who worked with Winston Ch

File: David Icke - The Biggest Secret -


  • holar), the head of the Rockefeller Foundation and Secretary of State under John E Kennedy; Joseph E. Johnson (CFR), head of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (War!) and US Secretary for the Bilderbergers; Denis Healey (TC, RIIA, Comm 300, Fabian Society), the British Labour Party Minister of Defence from 1964-1970 and Chancellor of the Exchequer 1974-1979; and Lord Boothby, who worked with Winston Ch

File: David Icke - The European Spider's Web -


  • derberger who sits atop the enormous European Union bureaucracy which tells "elected" governments what they can and cannot do. If we take the example of the UK you can see the constant hidden hand of the Bilderbergers and the Elite in the manipulation of the European "debate". The man behind the UK's entry into the European spider's web, sorry the EEC, was Bilderberger Ted Heath, the Conservative Prime Minister fr


  • s supported by another Victor Rothschild associate, the Labour leader and three times Prime Minister, Harold Wilson, a fellow Bilderberger. Further Labour Party support came from leading figures like the Bilderbergers - James Callaghan, who would later be Prime Minister; Denis Healey, who attended the first Bilderberg meeting in 1954 and a stream of those that followed; and Roy Jenkins, who would later be head of

File: David Icke - The Robots' Rebellion - The Story of the Spiritual Renaissance (1994) -


  • f the best way to run the world. It is the Bilderberg Group’s permanent executive that runs the show, as it is with these other front organisations. One of those invited to the Baden Baden meeting of the Bilderbergers in 1991, incidentally, was the then governor of Arkansas, one Bill Clinton, who went on to become President. He would not have become President unless the elite wanted him to. The aim of the Illumina

File: David Icke - The Robots' Rebellion -


  • f the best way to run the world. It is the Bilderberg Group’s permanent executive that runs the show, as it is with these other front organisations. One of those invited to the Baden Baden meeting of the Bilderbergers in 1991, incidentally, was the then governor of Arkansas, one Bill Clinton, who went on to become President. He would not have become President unless the elite wanted him to. The aim of the Illumina

File: David Wilcock - Ascension Mysteries -

  • earch, insider testimony, andpersonal risk for me to discover that there is a vast, secretive cult on Earththat considers Lucifer to be the good guy. Some people call this group the “NewWorld Order,” the Bilderbergers, the Trilateral Commission, or the Illuminati,but here we will call them the Cabal.This Cabal believes the Christian god is the embodiment of evil—suppressingknowledge, freedom, sexuality, and scient

File: Eustace Mullins - Secrets of the Federal Reserve (1993) -


  • 9 5 the 1960s, as growing attention ce ntered on the surreptitious governmental activities of the Council on Foreign Relations, subsidiary groups, known as the Trilateral Commission and the Bilderbergers, representing the identical financial interests, began operations, with the more important officials, such as Robert Roosa, being members of all three groups. __________________________ 41 William Gu


  • d Volcker and Solomon stands Robert Roosa, Secretary of the Treasury in Carter’s shadow cabinet, and representing Brown Brothers Harriman, the Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderbergers, and the Royal Economic Institute. He is a trustee of the 172 Rockefeller Foundation*, and a di rector of Texaco and American Express companies. Dr. Martin Larson points out that "The international c

File: Mind Control, World Control -


  • ian scheme. The New World Order plan would later be furthered b y such offshoot groups as the Council on Foreign Relations , the Trilateral Commission, the Club of Rome, the Tavist ock Institute, and the Bilderbergers, and realized in t he form of such institutions as the United Nations, the Internation al Monetary Fund, and the World Bank. None of these groups or t heir individual members have acted entirely on t

File: Scarlet And The Beast -


  • I.G. report also revealed that during the war Rockefeller's Standard Oil Company sold $20 million worth of petroleum products, including airplane benzene, to I.G. Farben. Prince Bernhardt, Founder of the Bilderbergers Grand Lodge Freemason Prince Bernhardt of the Netherlands, a major stockholder in Royal Dutch Shell, also backed Hitler. Bernhardt was a German-born Prince. After Hitler conquered Holland, Bernhardt


  • Oosterbeek, Holland. When Journalists heard of the gathering, but could not discover the name of the hush-hush group, they labeled the attendees the Bilderbergers. 126 The Bilderbergers have since met at least once a year. As we have learned in chapter 16, Bernhardt is today one of the Masonic Supreme Council Inspector Generals who frequents many neo-Nazi New


  • es, multinational corporations and international banks. Aristocrats and politicians are members as well, including our past President, George Bush. Our current President, Bill Clinton, is a member of the Bilderbergers, which we know is a cover for English Freemasonry's Round Table. And as a Rhodes Scholar, Clinton is an Anglophile (See Masonic details about President Clinton in Appendix 10). Since its founding the

File: Fritz Springmeier - Be Wise As Serpents -


  • chapter 1.2) Pope John Paul II- Jewish Freemason leading Catholic church into One-Worl d -Reli g ion of the New A g e. Rockefeller family- M e m b e r s of t h i s f a m i l y have been prominent in the Bilderbergers, CFR; t h e y have been one-worlders and have funded countless projects and groups to further t h e New Order's goals. (See appendix) F. Delano Roosevelt A 33° Mason. A key player for the New Order.


  • urch of Illumination. The three groups- the Black Nobility, the Satanists, and the claimed Blood Line of Jesus- have an outer gr oup of about 500 men who assemble once a year. This group is nicknamed the Bilderbergers. Altho ugh the heads of some of the largest newspapers attend, and their meetings are news worthy, the media do not cover their supersecret meetings. (More about the Bilderbergers in chapter 2.12.) T


  • ed Satan for generations. If we were as rich and powerful as the Rothschilds we might also think we were gods. And in addi tion to their power of wealth are the witchcraft powers they have attained . The Bilderbergers is an extension of 103


  • e the final decision on who is selected of the various candidates to be the world's King -Priest ruler that the public will worship. level 2- There is a t op circle or Round Ta ble of nine members of the Bilderbergers. Next is a policy committee of 13. The next level are the 3 inner core groups of the Bilderbergers. Each of the 3 inner core groups number 13, and are made up of members of the Prieure de Sion, Illu


  • one where in exchange for signing on a paper denying Christ as the head of the church, the churches received a tax exempt status. The top secret Operations Research Te chnical Manual TM-SW7905.1 that the Bilderbergers Policy Committee uses, which is discussed elsewhere (chapter 3.6) spells out one of their methods to subvert the Christ ians. Because the Church of Christ doesn't take a stand against military serv i


  • Masonic rule of France after the French Revolution. Yet, it wasn't until af ter W.W.I, that the One-World- Power could justify restricting the free travel of the nations with passport requirements. 6 THE BILDERBERGERS The alliance of the great powers can be seen in the meetings of the Bilderbergers. This group consists of leaders from the Black Nobility, th e Jewish Banking families, the Freemasons, and the Intern


  • te House, went through to see his reputation (which they had created) destroyed. Nixon wisely did not allow them to do to him what had happened to Forrestal. AN INTERRUPTION Why does the Sanhedrin of the Bilderbergers me ss around with inst alling and deposing men like Richard Nixon, rather than just ruling themse lves? Because they want happy slaves. Just like


  • as organized as a "covert intelligence front" fo r the House of Rothschild. It is highly probable that the B'nai B'rith wa s used as a Rothschild intelligence cover. The Rothschilds are prominen t in the Bilderbergers too. The Rothschilds were closely related to the Council of Fore ign Relations (CFR). Although many people today would not view the CFR as a secret society it was originally set up as part of a secre


  • crets to be revealed, the book's cont ents are not extremely controversial. Be Wise As Serpents goes beyond Who's Running America a nd reveals the secret groups such MJ-12 and the policy committee of the Bilderbergers who really make the decisions. The Energy Cartel, Who Runs The American Oi l Industry by Norman Medvin. This book exposes the unchecked concentration of power that allows the elit e through joint ven


  • BILDERBERGERS Chairman of the Bilderbergers Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands (mason) l954-1976 Lord Home of the Hirsel 1976-198? Peter Rupert Lord Carrington 19??-present Order of St. John 5. BRITISH INTELLIGENCE UNITED KINGDOM Chiefs, Secre

File: Fritz Springmeier - Bloodlines Of The Illuminati - Volume 1 -

  • ls their close connectionswith the full spectrum of Illuminati activities ranging from Freemasonry, theIlluminati itself, the Pilgrim Society, the Round Tables, Communism, FabianSocialism, CFR, RIIA. the Bilderbergers, as well as the various politically(that is Illuminati) tainted banks such as Chase Manhattan. Ava Alice MurielAstor was an occultist. She was born in 1902, was pretty but also a very seriouswoman. S

  • yond. * William Putnam Bundy (1917- )--Skull and Bones (Init. 1939), C.F.R, CIA (1951-61, once CIA always CIA), editor of CFR’s Foreign Affairs (1972- ), member of the Permanent Steering Committee of the Bilderbergers, Ass. Sec. of State, Far Eastern Affairs ’64-69, 1960 Staff Dir. of Presidential Commission on National Goals, Prof. MIT (1969-71), part of the law firm of Covington & Burling which represents many o

  • rmarried with the Balls and the Gardners. These other families are known tobe involved with the Illuminati and Satanism. For instance George W. Ball is onthe important permanent steering committee of the Bilderbergers and has attendedthe Bilderberger meetings that I know of starting with the original firstmeeting in 1954, plus in 1955, 1957, 1963, 1964, 1966, 1967, 1968, 1974, 1975.George W. Ball is also a member

  • r Turin where theDuke of Edinburgh and Baron Elie de Rothschild like to go and shoot birds. Theestate has many and it isn’t unusual for them to kill a thousand a day. Stavrosis an important leader of the Bilderbergers and a billionaire. He married HenryFord II’s daughter who was 38 years younger than he was, and divorced hershortly afterwards. He worked closely with David Rockefeller.Is the Onassis Bloodline Still

File: Fritz Springmeier - Bloodlines Of The Illuminati - Volume 2 -

  • andwas organized as a “covert intelligence front" for the House of Rothschild. Itis highly probable that the B’nai B’rith was used as a Rothschild intelligencecover. The Rothschilds are prominent in the Bilderbergers too. The Rothschildswere closely related to the Council of Foreign Relations (CFR). Although manypeople today would not view the CFR as a secret society it was originally set upas part of a secret so

  • gave large sumsof money to Billy Graham for his New York Crusade.The Dutch Connection TodayMany ex-Nazis and elite industrialists have made their homes in theGarderen-Putten area of the Netherlands. The Bilderbergers are building asuperhotel/conference center near this area. One of the companies involved inbuilding the hotel is the Nazi family of Nachanius. The Belgium-Dutch connectionto the Illuminati is not tri

File: Fritz Springmeier - Bloodlines Of The Illuminati - Volume 3 -

  • h for the Neuropsychiatrical Research Unit in San Diego for the U.S. Navy in ‘62-63. * Donald S. McDonald--Bilderberger Steering Committee (this is the select Illuminati group of men who actually run the Bilderbergers), Canadian Minister of Defense, Trilateral Commission, Canada’s Institute of International Affairs (the equivalent of our CFR). and the director of the following: DuPont of Canada. the elites Shell C

File: Fritz Springmeier - Bloodlines Of The Illuminati -


  • their close connections with the full spectrum of Illuminati activities ranging from Freemasonry, the Illuminati itself, the Pilgrim Society, the Round Tables, Communism, Fabian Socialism, CFR, RIIA. the Bilderbergers, as well as the various politically (that is Illuminati) tainted banks such as Chase Manhattan. Ava Alice Muriel Astor was an occultist. She was born in 1902, was pretty but also a very serious woman


  • Beyond . William Putnam Bundy (1917- )--Skull and Bones (Init. 1939), C.F.R, CIA (1951-61, once CIA always CIA), editor of CFR’s Foreign Affairs (1972- ), member of the PERMANENT STEERING COMMITEE of the Bilderbergers, Ass. Sec. of State, Far Eastern Affairs ’64-69, 1960 Staff Dir. of Presidential Commission on National Goals, Prof. MIT (1969-71), part of the law firm of Covington & Burling which represents many o


  • arried with the Balls and the Gardners. These other familIes are known to be involved with the Illuminati and Satanism. For instance George W. Ball is on the important permanent steering committee of the Bilderbergers and has attended the Bilderberger meetings that I know of starting with the original first meeting in 1954, plus in 1955, 1957, 1963, 1964, 1966, 1967, 1968, 1974, 1975. George W. Ball is also a memb


  • urin where the Duke of Edinburgh and Baron Elie de Rothschild like to go and shoot birds. The estate has many and it isn’t unusual for them to kill a thousand a day. Stavros is an important leader of the Bilderbergers and a billionaire. He married Henry Ford II’s daughter who was 38 years younger than he was, and divorced her shortly afterwards. He worked closely with David Rockefeller. IS THE ONASSIS BLOODLINE ST


  • was organized as a ,,covert intelligence front" for the House of Rothschild. It is highly probable that the B’nai B’rith was used as a Rothschild intelligence cover. The Rothschilds are prominent in the Bilderbergers too. The Rothschilds were closely related to the Council of Foreign Relations (CFR). Although many people today would not view the CFR as a secret society it was originally set up as part of a secret


  • largest toy company and the largest frozen food company in France. He is a director of Belgium’s Banque Lambert, and of DeBeers Consolidated Mines in South Africa. He is on the Steering Committee of the Bilderbergers. And his interests extend into Israel, where he is the chairman of Tri-Continental Pipelines. Chairman of the Israel Corporation, and chairman of Isrop, which controls the Israel General Bank. The li


  • Peter Rupert Lord Carrington, who is the chairman of the Bilderbergers. has been the Rothschild’s director of their Rio Tinto Zinc Corp. He also is director of Barclay’s Bank and part of the Trilateral Commission. Francois Mitterand, who has led France, is an extremely


  • e large sums of money to Billy Graham for his New York Crusade. THE DUTCH CONNECTION TODAY Many ex-Nazis and elite industrialists have made their homes in the Garderen-Putten area of the Netherlands. The Bilderbergers are building a superhotel/conference center near this area. One of the companies involved in building the hotel is the Nazi family of Nachanius. The Belgium-Dutch connection to the Illuminati is not


  • rch for the Neuropsychiatrical Research Unit in San Diego for the U.S. Navy in ‘62-63. Donald S. McDonald--Bilderberger Steering Committee (this is the select Illuminati group of men who actually run the Bilderbergers), Canadian Minister of Defense, Trilateral Commission, Canada’s Institute of International Affairs (the equivalent of our CFR). and the director of the following: DuPont of Canada. the elites Shell C

File: Fritz Springmeier - Illuminati Bloodlines -

  • ls their close connectionswith the full spectrum of Illuminati activities ranging from Freemasonry, theIlluminati itself, the Pilgrim Society, the Round Tables, Communism, FabianSocialism, CFR, RIIA. the Bilderbergers, as well as the various politically(that is Illuminati) tainted banks such as Chase Manhattan. Ava Alice MurielAstor was an occultist. She was born in 1902, was pretty but also a very seriouswoman. S

  • y & Beyond.William Putnam Bundy (1917- )--Skull and Bones (Init. 1939), C.F.R, CIA(1951-61, once CIA always CIA), editor of CFR’s Foreign Affairs (1972- ), memberof the PERMANENT STEERING COMMITEE of the Bilderbergers, Ass. Sec. of State, FarEastern Affairs ’64-69, 1960 Staff Dir. of Presidential Commission on NationalGoals, Prof. MIT (1969-71), part of the law firm of Covington & Burling whichrepresents many of t

  • rmarried with the Balls and the Gardners. These other familIes are known tobe involved with the Illuminati and Satanism. For instance George W. Ball is onthe important permanent steering committee of the Bilderbergers and has attendedthe Bilderberger meetings that I know of starting with the original firstmeeting in 1954, plus in 1955, 1957, 1963, 1964, 1966, 1967, 1968, 1974, 1975.George W. Ball is also a member

  • r Turin where theDuke of Edinburgh and Baron Elie de Rothschild like to go and shoot birds. Theestate has many and it isn’t unusual for them to kill a thousand a day. Stavrosis an important leader of the Bilderbergers and a billionaire. He married HenryFord II’s daughter who was 38 years younger than he was, and divorced hershortly afterwards. He worked closely with David Rockefeller.IS THE ONASSIS BLOODLINE STILL

  • and was organized as a ,,covertintelligence front" for the House of Rothschild. It is highly probable that theB’nai B’rith was used as a Rothschild intelligence cover. The Rothschilds areprominent in the Bilderbergers too. The Rothschilds were closely related to theCouncil of Foreign Relations (CFR). Although many people today would not viewthe CFR as a secret society it was originally set up as part of a secret s

  • gave large sumsof money to Billy Graham for his New York Crusade. THE DUTCH CONNECTION TODAYMany ex-Nazis and elite industrialists have made their homes in theGarderen-Putten area of the Netherlands. The Bilderbergers are building asuperhotel/conference center near this area. One of the companies involved inbuilding the hotel is the Nazi family of Nachanius. The Belgium-Dutch connectionto the Illuminati is not tri

  • search for the Neuropsychiatrical Research Unit in San Diego for theU.S. Navy in ‘62-63.Donald S. McDonald--Bilderberger Steering Committee (this is the selectIlluminati group of men who actually run the Bilderbergers), Canadian Ministerof Defense, Trilateral Commission, Canada’s Institute of International Affairs(the equivalent of our CFR). and the director of the following: DuPont ofCanada. the elites Shell Can

File: Fritz Springmeier - Top 13 Illuminati Bloodlines -


  • of Illuminati activities ranging from Freemasonry, the Illuminati itself, the Pilgrim Society, the Round Tables, Communism, Fabian Socialism, CFR, RIIA. the Bilderbergers, as well as the various politically (that is Illuminati) tainted banks such as Chase Manhattan. Ava Alice Muriel Astor was an occultist. She was born in 1902, was pretty but also a very serious woman


  • rried with the Balls and the (Gardners. These other familIes are known to be involved with the Illuminati and Satanism. For instance George W. Ball is on the important permanent steering committee of the Bilderbergers and has attended the Bilderberger meetings that I know of starting with the original first meeting in 1954, plus in 1955, 1957, 1963, 1964, 1966, 1967, 1968, 1974, 1975. George W. Ball is also a memb


  • urin where the Duke of Edinburgh and Baron Elie de Rothschild like to go and shoot birds. The estate has many and it isn’t unusual for them to kill a thousand a day. Stavros is an important leader of the Bilderbergers and a billionaire. He married Henry Ford II’s daug hter who was 38 years younger than he was, and divorced her shortly af terwards. He worked closely with David Rockefeller. IS THE ONASSIS BLOODLINE


  • was organized as a ,,covert intelligence front" for the House of Rothschild. It is highly probable that the B’nai B’rith was used as a Rothschild intelligence cover. The Rothschilds are prominent in the Bilderbergers too. The Rothschilds were closely related to the Council of Foreign Relations (CFR). Although many people today would not view the CFR as a secret society it was originally set up as part of a secret


  • largest toy company and the largest frozen food company in France. He is a director of Belgium’s Banque Lambert, and of DeBeers Consolidated Mines in South Africa. He is on the Steering Committee of the Bilderbergers. And his interests extend into Israel, where he is the chairman of Tri-Continental Pipelines. Chairman of the Israel Corporation, and chairman of Isrop, which controls the Israel General Bank. The li


  • been able to interview Rebecca Brown Yoder’s husband, who has been called by the Lord to strengthen the end time church. THEIR POWER IS EXTENSIVE Peter Rupert Lord Carrington, who is the ch airman of the Bilderbergers. has been the Rothschild’s director of their Ri o Tinto Zinc Corp. He also is director of Barclay’s Bank and part of the Trilateral Commission. Francois Mi tterand, who has led France, is an extremel


  • large sums of money to Billy Grah am for his New York Crusade. THE DUTCH CONNECTION TODAY Many ex-Nazis and elite industrialists have made their homes in the Garderen-Putten area of the Netherlands. The Bilderbergers are building a superhotel/conference center near this area. One of the companies involved in building the hotel is the Nazi family of Nachanius. The Belgium-Dutch connection to the Illuminati is not


  • ch for the Neuropsychiatrical Research Unit in San Diego for the U.S. Navy in ‘62-63. Donald S. McDonald - Bilderberger Steering Committee (this is the select Illuminati group of men who actually run the Bilderbergers), Canadian Minister of Defense, Trilateral Commission, Canada’s Institute of Internationa l Affairs (the equivalent of our CFR). and the director of the following:DuPont of Canada. the elites Shell C

File: None Dare Call It Conspiracy - Gary Allen -

  • of the Viet Cong for the killing of our sons in the field.It should not be surprising to learn that there is on the international level anorganizational equivalent of the CFR. This group calls itself the Bilderbergers.If scarcely one American in a thousand has any familiarity with the CFR, it isdoubtful that one in five thousand has any knowledge of the Bilderbergers.Again, this is not accidental.The strange name

File: None Dare Call It Conspiracy - Gary Allen -

  • of the Viet Cong for the killing of our sons in the field.It should not be surprising to learn that there is on the international level anorganizational equivalent of the CFR. This group calls itself the Bilderbergers.If scarcely one American in a thousand has any familiarity with the CFR, it isdoubtful that one in five thousand has any knowledge of the Bilderbergers.Again, this is not accidental.The strange name

File: Murder By Injection - Eustace Mullins -


  • ere are no racial differences in any of the various races of mankind; he denounces any mention of "superiority" or of differing skills as "ideological distortion." Dahrendorf is a prominent member of the Bilderbergers; he attended their meeting at Rye, New York from May 10-12, 1985. He is professor of Sociology at Konstanz University, as well as his other previously mentioned posts. Thus we find that the world's N


  • d of the Netherla nds joined the SS during the early 1930s. He then joined the board of an I. G. subsidiary, Farben Bilder, from which he took the name of his postwar supersecret policy making group, the Bilderbergers. Farben executives played an important role in organizing the Circle of Friends for Heinrich Himmler, although it was initially known as Keppler's Circle of Friends, Keppler being the chairman of an

File: Jim Keith - Mass Control -


  • terlocking controls and failsafe systems. These include the membership of media bosses and workers in such conclaves as the Council on Foreign Relations; Skull & Bones; the Trilateral Commission; and the Bilderbergers, among other groups. Many of the members of these organizations hold memberships in other related elitist social, political, and business groups, insuring coherent action amongst these ruling classma


  • or races. They are determined to create a one world order where Luciferianism can be openly practiced, and where such activities as pedophilia and bestiality will be legalized. Sullivan believes that the Bilderbergers are at the top of the heap in terms of international control, the “top of the top,” she says, and remarks that the members of the group associate mainly with each other, thus fostering a cultish ment

File: Jim Keith - Mass Control -


  • terlocking controls and failsafe systems. These include the membership of media bosses and workers in such conclaves as the Council on Foreign Relations; Skull & Bones; the Trilateral Commission; and the Bilderbergers, among other groups. Many of the members of these organizations hold memberships in other related elitist social, political, and business groups, insuring coherent action amongst these ruling classma


  • or races. They are determined to create a one world order where Luciferianism can be openly practiced, and where such activities as pedophilia and bestiality will be legalized. Sullivan believes that the Bilderbergers are at the top of the heap in terms of international control, the “top of the top,” she says, and remarks that the members of the group associate mainly with each other, thus fostering a cultish ment

File: Jim Keith - Saucers Of The Illuminati -


  • Thomas Huxley, a founder of the Rhodes Round Table, which was the base from which later well-known elitist control mechanisms such as the Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations, and the Bilderbergers were launched. Aldous Huxley was raised in the "Children of the Sun" (note the Sun orientation), a school for children of Round Tablers, and was tutored at Oxford by H.G. Wells who, during World War

File: Jim Marrs - Population Control - How Corporate Owners Are Killing Us -

  • rtainment and blood sports. The culture of death created by greedyglobalists has pervaded every aspect of American life.To some conspiracy researchers, these globalists are collectively referred to asthe Bilderbergers, a group of powerful men and women—many of them Europeanroyalty—who meet in seclusion each year reportedly to discuss the issues of theday. The group is called the Bilderbergers because its existence

  • ationalcorporations. These corporations are run by able administrators under the ordersof shadowy owners, whose names are largely unknown to the public, but many maybe found on the membership list of the Bilderbergers.If these current trends continue, humanity’s days on earth may be numbered. Byrecognizing the disastrous end awaiting the population and taking action now,the American public can begin to move toward

File: John Coleman - Conspiritor's Hierarchy - The Committee Of 300 -


  • two faction s, a political (left wing) power group and its former military all iance. The Club of Rome is still one of the most importa nt foreign policy arms of the Committee of 300—the other being the Bilderbergers. It was put together in 1968 from har d-core members of the original Morgenthau group on the bas is of a telephone call made by the late Aurellio Peccei for a new and urgent drive to speed up the pla


  • d control European affairs, the RI IA founded the Tavistock Institute, which in turn created NATO. Fo r Five years NATO was financed by the German Marshall Fund. Perh aps the most important member of the Bilderbergers, a forei gn policy body


  • ert Brand who went on to manage Lazard Freres. The Royal Inst itute of International Affairs was and remains totally inter faced with the British monarchy. Some of the spinoffs of the Round Table are the Bilderbergers, set up and run by Duncan Sandys, a p rominent politician and son-in-law of the late Winston Churc hill, the Ditchley Foundation, a secret banker's club which I exposed in my 1983 work, "Internationa

File: John Coleman - Freemasonry From A To Z -


  • resting on industrial capitalism. The motivating force, the reason for a One World conspiracy such as we see in its visible elements, the Club of Rome, the Mont Pelerin Society, the Cini Foundation, the Bilderbergers, and the Trilateral Commission, the Royal Society for International Affairs, the Council on Foreign Relations and the Aquarians, is the destruction of the Christian religion first, followed by other

File: John Coleman - Tavistock Institute Of Human Relations -


  • ll as intruding into private life, on a truly vas t scale. Tavistock developed profiles and programs for the C lub of Rome, the Cini Foundation, the German Marshall fund , the Rockefeller Foundation, the Bilderbergers, the CFR and the Trilateral Commission, the Ditchley Foundation, the Bank of International Settlements, the I.M.F. the United Na tions and the World Bank, Microsoft, Citibank, the New York S tock Exc

File: Joseph P. Farrell - Babylon's Banksters -


  • ide, as well as outside, the Group’s membership.” 48 A little further on he elaborates on who some of these sources were: the very hotel staff — the cooks, bellboys, waiters, cleaners and other staff the Bilderbergers took such pains to vet! 49 And as has been seen, Estulin also received the considerable help of intelligence agents from Russia. This fact will play a major role in our conclusions toward the end of


  • nowledge, are clueless about the formal structure behind the Bilderberg Group, and remain in absolute ignorance of the Group’s greater goals and universal objectives. A select few are invited because the Bilderbergers think they may be useful tools in their globalist plan and are later helped to reach very powerful selected positions. One-time invitees who fail to impress, however, are cast aside. 52 Note what we


  • points that do not fall into their “closed system” worldview, it is no surprise that it has taken active steps to remove from prominence those who espouse and/or act upon opposing views. For example, the Bilderbergers opposed President Charles De Gaulle’s creation of an independent French nuclear and thermonuclear arsenal because it threatened to make France too independent and nationalistic on the world geopoliti


  • 4. Tentative Conclusions and Implications: The Standard Interpretive Temptation All these considerations lead many people to what I call the “standard interpretive temptation” of the Bilderbergers and similar groups, 75 namely, that they constitute a more or less monolithic group whose power and competence is scarcely resistible, and whose planning and subtlety is so comprehensive that they se


  • ntrol of a country’s natural resources by the IMF, and greater freedom and independence for the people. It is this idea of developing nations taking charge of their own destinies that is repugnant to the Bilderbergers and their surrogates. This was confirmed on page 13 of the Bilderberg 1955 General Report: “In the field of atomic energy, scientific discovery was continually overtaking itself... . It could not be


  • book, Rape of the Constitution; Death of Freedom , Hatonn claims Prince Bernhard drew on his Nazi history in corporate management to encourage the “super secret policy-making group to call themselves the Bilderbergers after Farben Bilder, in memory of the Farben executives’ initiative to organize Heinrich Himmler’s “Circle of Friends” — elite wealth- building leaders who amply rewarded Himmler for his protection u


  • hanism of a “unilateral declaration of independence by Quebec” which would then, following the fragmentation of Canada, be absorbed piecemeal by the U.S.A. by the year 2000 (pp. 4-5). The contempt of the Bilderbergers for the perceptions of the general populace — perceptions they help to create and manipulate by their media organs — cannot better be illustrated than by this goofy scheme, for one cannot imagine Fre

File: Joseph P. Farrell - Babylons Banksters -

  • s outside, the Group’smembership.”48 [4372.xhtml#3424] A little further on he elaborates on who someof these sources were: the very hotel staff — the cooks, bellboys, waiters,cleaners and other staff the Bilderbergers took such pains to vet!49[4372.xhtml#3426] And as has been seen, Estulin also received the considerablehelp of intelligence agents from Russia. This fact will play a major role in ourconclusions towa

  • cknowledge, are clueless about the formal structure behind the Bilderberg Group,and remain in absolute ignorance of the Group’s greater goals and universalobjectives. A select few are invited because the Bilderbergers think they may beuseful tools in their globalist plan and are later helped to reach very powerfulselected positions. One-time invitees who fail to impress, however, are castaside.52 [4372.xhtml#3432]

  • iewpoints that do not fall into their “closed system”worldview, it is no surprise that it has taken active steps to remove fromprominence those who espouse and/or act upon opposing views.For example, the Bilderbergers opposed President Charles De Gaulle’s creation ofan independent French nuclear and thermonuclear arsenal because it threatened tomake France too independent and nationalistic on the world geopolitica

  • 4. Tentative Conclusions and Implications: The Standard Interpretive TemptationAll these considerations lead many people to what I call the “standardinterpretive temptation” of the Bilderbergers and similar groups,75[4372.xhtml#3478] namely, that they constitute a more or less monolithic groupwhose power and competence is scarcely resistible, and whose planning andsubtlety is so comprehensiv

  • his book, Rape of the Constitution; Death ofFreedom, Hatonn claims Prince Bernhard drew on his Nazi history in corporatemanagement to encourage the “super secret policy-making group to call themselvesthe Bilderbergers after Farben Bilder, in memory of the Farben executives’initiative to organize Heinrich Himmler’s “Circle of Friends” — elitewealth-building leaders who amply rewarded Himmler for his protection unde

File: Joseph P. Farrell - Financial Vipers of Venice -

  • lldemonstrate just how quickly the medieval super-companies mastered all thetechniques that many would now ascribe to the conspiratorial machinations ofmodern banksters, corporations, and groups like the Bilderbergers, the Councilon Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, and so on.One of the standard modern techniques—the winning of special monopolisticconcessions from the various governments in whose terri

File: Mind Control In The United States -


  • ion with free individuals in a free society? Author Jacobson presents example after example iden tifying the so-called Eastern Establishment, that coterie made up of the Council of Foreign Relations, the Bilderbergers, and other assorted el itists as the primary source. Even at the White House level, deception wa s practiced not only by that master deceiver, Richard Nixon, but also by Pr esidents Johnson, Carter,


  • ign Rela tions remains. 144 The "insiders" control both the Democrat and Republican parties. 145 There is, on the international level, an organizati on similar to the Council. This group calls itself the Bilderbergers, created by former Nazi SS storm trooper Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands. 146 Called "the most exclusive club of the Western establishment," the Bilderberg Group includes some of the world's most

File: Bloodlines of the Illuminati by Fritz Springmeier 1998 -


  • their close connections with the full spectrum of Illuminati activities ranging from Freemasonry, the Illuminati itself, the Pilgrim Society, the Round Tables, Communism, Fabian Socialism, CFR, RIIA. the Bilderbergers, as well as the various politically (that is Illuminati) tainted banks such as Chase Manhattan. Ava Alice Muriel Astor was an occultist. She was born in 1902, was pretty but also a very serious woman


  • Beyond . William Putnam Bundy (1917- )--Skull and Bones (Init. 1939), C.F.R, CIA (1951-61, once CIA always CIA), editor of CFR’s Foreign Affairs (1972- ), member of the PERMANENT STEERING COMMITEE of the Bilderbergers, Ass. Sec. of State, Far Eastern Affairs ’64-69, 1960 Staff Dir. of Presidential Commission on National Goals, Prof. MIT (1969-71), part of the law firm of Covington & Burling which represents many o


  • arried with the Balls and the Gardners. These other familIes are known to be involved with the Illuminati and Satanism. For instance George W. Ball is on the important permanent steering committee of the Bilderbergers and has attended the Bilderberger meetings that I know of starting with the original first meeting in 1954, plus in 1955, 1957, 1963, 1964, 1966, 1967, 1968, 1974, 1975. George W. Ball is also a memb


  • urin where the Duke of Edinburgh and Baron Elie de Rothschild like to go and shoot birds. The estate has many and it isn’t unusual for them to kill a thousand a day. Stavros is an important leader of the Bilderbergers and a billionaire. He married Henry Ford II’s daughter who was 38 years younger than he was, and divorced her shortly afterwards. He worked closely with David Rockefeller. IS THE ONASSIS BLOODLINE ST


  • was organized as a ,,covert intelligence front" for the House of Rothschild. It is highly probable that the B’nai B’rith was used as a Rothschild intelligence cover. The Rothschilds are prominent in the Bilderbergers too. The Rothschilds were closely related to the Council of Foreign Relations (CFR). Although many people today would not view the CFR as a secret society it was originally set up as part of a secret


  • largest toy company and the largest frozen food company in France. He is a director of Belgium’s Banque Lambert, and of DeBeers Consolidated Mines in South Africa. He is on the Steering Committee of the Bilderbergers. And his interests extend into Israel, where he is the chairman of Tri-Continental Pipelines. Chairman of the Israel Corporation, and chairman of Isrop, which controls the Israel General Bank. The li


  • Peter Rupert Lord Carrington, who is the chairman of the Bilderbergers. has been the Rothschild’s director of their Rio Tinto Zinc Corp. He also is director of Barclay’s Bank and part of the Trilateral Commission. Francois Mitterand, who has led France, is an extremely


  • e large sums of money to Billy Graham for his New York Crusade. THE DUTCH CONNECTION TODAY Many ex-Nazis and elite industrialists have made their homes in the Garderen-Putten area of the Netherlands. The Bilderbergers are building a superhotel/conference center near this area. One of the companies involved in building the hotel is the Nazi family of Nachanius. The Belgium-Dutch connection to the Illuminati is not


  • rch for the Neuropsychiatrical Research Unit in San Diego for the U.S. Navy in ‘62-63. Donald S. McDonald--Bilderberger Steering Committee (this is the select Illuminati group of men who actually run the Bilderbergers), Canadian Minister of Defense, Trilateral Commission, Canada’s Institute of International Affairs (the equivalent of our CFR). and the director of the following: DuPont of Canada. the elites Shell C

File: Freemasonry from A to Z -


  • resting on industrial capitalism. The motivating force, the reason for a One World conspiracy such as we see in its visible elements, the Club of Rome, the Mont Pelerin Society, the Cini Foundation, the Bilderbergers, and the Trilateral Commission, the Royal Society for International Affairs, the Council on Foreign Relations and the Aquarians, is the destruction of the Christian religion first, followed by other

File: bloodlines2 -


  • d was organized as a “covert intelligence front" for the House of Rothschild. It is highly probable that the B’nai B’rith was used as a Rothschild intelligence cover. The Rothschilds are prominent in the Bilderbergers too. The Rothschilds were closely related to the Council of Foreign Relations (CFR). Although many people today would not view the CFR as a secret society it was originally set up as part of a secret


  • largest toy company and the largest frozen food company in France. He is a director of Belgium’s Banque Lambert, and of DeBeers Consolidated Mines in South Africa. He is on the Steering Committee of the Bilderbergers. And his interests extend into Israel, where he is the chairman of Tri-Continental Pipelines. Chairman of the Israel Corporation, and chairman of Isrop, which controls the Israel General Bank. The li


  • been able to interview Rebecca Brown Yoder’s husband, who has been called by the Lord to strengthen the end time church. Their Power Is Extensive Peter Rupert Lord Carrington, who is the chairman of the Bilderbergers. has been the Rothschild’s director of their Rio Tinto Zinc Corp. He also is director of Barclay’s Bank and part of the Trilateral Commission. Francois Mitterand, who has led France, is an extremely


  • The Dutch Connection Today Many ex-Nazis and elite industrialists have made their homes in the Garderen-Putten area of the Netherlands. The Bilderbergers are building a superhotel/conference center near this area. One of the companies involved in building the hotel is the Nazi family of Nachanius. The Belgium-Dutch connection to the Illuminati is not

File: bloodlines3 -


  • rch for the Neuropsychiatrical Research Unit in San Diego for the U.S. Navy in ‘62-63. Donald S. McDonald--Bilderberger Steering Committee (this is the select Illuminati group of men who actually run the Bilderbergers), Canadian Minister of Defense, Trilateral

File: Secret Of The Federal Reserve -


  • m its members. In the 1960s, as growing attention centered on the surreptitious governmental activities of the Council on Foreign Relations, subsidiary groups , known as the Trilateral Commission and the Bilderbergers, representing the identical financial


  • Volcker and Solomon stands Robert Roosa, Sec retary of the Treasury in Carter’s shadow cabinet, and representi ng Brown Brothers Harriman, the Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderbergers, and the Royal Economic Institute. He is a trustee of the Rockefeller Foundation*, and a director of Texaco a nd American Express companies. Dr. Martin Larson points out that "The i nternational cons

File: Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke - Black Sun -


  • ost circle is the Order of the Garter. Circles within circles and names are named: for instance, Lord Car- rington, former British foreign secretary, is a Garter Knight, head of NATO, and chairman of the Bilderbergers. 43 In 1995 Helsing published Geheimgesellschaften 2 in the form of extended responses to interview questions. Here he denies the charge of anti-Semitism, claiming Jewish friends and colleagues, befo

File: Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke - Black Sun -


  • ost circle is the Order of the Garter. Circles within circles and names are named: for instance, Lord Car- rington, former British foreign secretary, is a Garter Knight, head of NATO, and chairman of the Bilderbergers. 43 In 1995 Helsing published Geheimgesellschaften 2 in the form of extended responses to interview questions. Here he denies the charge of anti-Semitism, claiming Jewish friends and colleagues, befo

File: Noam Chomsky - Class Warfare -


  • t conspiracy theories, because they’re quite prevalent. In a curious way, your work and Holly Sklar’s book on trilateralism are cited as evidence of conspiracy, somehow integrated with Freemasons and the Bilderbergers who all meet in the Bohemian Grove and the like. But it seems that if rhetoric is anti-regime, then there’s just a suspension of critical inquiry. There’s no insistence on evidence. Opinion is cited

File: Encyclopedia Of The Unusual & Unexplained Vol 2 -


  • The Gale Encyclopedia of the Unusual and Unexplained 17 Secret Societies C ertain scholars who have studied the makeup of the Bilderbergers insist that the group is controlled by the 10-man Inner Circle of the Illuminati. According to their claims, this secret cabal has painstakingly pre- pared an agenda for the masses of humanity into t

File: Illuminati 666 -


  • ce where they held their first meeting. In this case, it was the Bilderberg Hotel in Oosterbeek, Holland in May of 1954. Like the lacobin Clubs, Bolsheviks and the Council On Foreign Relations, Inc., The Bilderbergers are an aristocratic Secret Society for the superric h. It is made up from the worl d of international banking, polit ical circles, and business a nd professional people. They hol d top-secret meeting

File: What Is The Illuminati -


  • ago in establishing the existence of only one reality. Ever hear of the Illuminati? For the past two centuries, they have been condemned by nationalistic governments and mystical religions. How about the Bilderbergers, the Club of Rome, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission? They are semi-secret organizations that for the past several decades have been linked to one-world conspiracy theories.


  • through politically and religiously ruled governments. The modern-day tools of the Illuminati include international organizations such as the Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderbergers, the Club of Rome, and the outdated Freemasons. In addition to high-profile parasitical elites, those organizations comprise the most-influential, low-profile businesspeople throughout the world. Sti


  • , and the Golden-Helmet dynamics as detailed in the original Cassandra's-Secret manuscript. The institution-breaking accomplishments of the Illuminati along with their one-world organizations such as the Bilderbergers and the Trilateral Commission provide an advanced position from which the Civilization of the Universe can flower on this planet while peacefully vanishing the anticivilization and its manipulators.


  • where they held their first meeting. In this case, it was the Bilderberg Hotel in Ooster- beek, Holland in May of 1954. Like the lacobin Clubs, Bolsheviks and the Council On Foreign Relations, Inc., The Bilderbergers are an aristocratic Secret Society for the superrich. It is made up from the world of international banking, political circles, and business and professional people. They hold top-secret meetings an-

File: Peter Levenda - Angel And The Sorcerer -

  • cytheory, the umbrella organization for everything from the various Americanpolitical parties to the Ford Foundation, the Rockefellers, the Council onForeign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, and the Bilderbergers, not tomention the Socialists, the Communists, the Fascists and the Nazis.Admittedly, the US government did not do much to ameliorate the situation. Whenit was bruited about that there were as many u

File: Peter Levenda - Sinister Forces - Book 1 - The Nine -

  • ry Force (SHAEF) forthe remainder of the war. His files, collected at the Eisenhower Library,contain one on Hans Habe (Box 58) and another entire box on that notoriousbugaboo of conspiracy theorists, the Bilderbergers.Jackson had files on the Bilderbergers from 1955 to 1964. These files includeagendas, minutes of meetings, lists of participants at the Bilderbergermeetings, even a history of Bilderberger meetings.

File: America's Secret Establishment - An Introduction To The Order Of Skull And Bones -


  • ral Commission has 200 members world wide, but only 70 in the United States. These are younger organizations. The CFR dates from 1922, The Pilgrims from 1900, The Trilateral Commission from 1973, and the Bilderbergers from the 1950s. How many members of The Order are in the CFR? This is not the place for an exhaustive analysis, but a general idea can be gained from looking at names in The Order beginning with the

File: Atlantean Conspiracy -


  • the Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relat ions, and the Bilderbergers is well documented. The only question is the extent of their control and manipulation of major world events. Likewise, there is no question that members of these societies exert inordinate control ov


  • Rockefeller, Jacob, Guy, Evelyn, Emma, and Lynn For ester Rothschild, Sigmund and Eric Warburg. “The Bilderbergers meet once3or sometimes twice3a y ear. Those in attendance include leading political and financial figures fro m the United States and Western Europe. Prince Bernhard makes no effort to hide the fact


  • prisons or coke bottles littering the highways. Sin ce the Bilderbergers are a group of the Left they are allowed to go on in peace and qui et planning for 1984. The fact that there is heavy Rockefeller (Chase Manhattan Bank an d C.F.R.) influence in the media might also

File: Battle Hymn - Revelations Of The Sinister Plan For A New World Order -


  • and the Trilateral Commission on US policy becomes much more sinister due to the close connection these organizations enjoy with a non-American dominated group of international oligarchs and royals: the Bilderbergers. The Bilderberg Group In June 2010, the Dolce Hotel in Sitges, one of the most exclusive resorts in Spain, hosted a collection of powerful international bankers, politicians, intellectuals and busine


  • ions and pass the information along. Some theorized that the popularity of Dan Brown’s books revealing the Illuminati agenda had opened a lot of eyes to this ultra-secretive group of elites, known as the Bilderbergers. But who exactly are these guys? The Bilderberg group is a collection of powerful men and women — many from European royal families — who meet secretly each year to discuss current events and issues.


  • Soviet nuclear threat. Within de Gaulle’s government, Prime Minister Georges Pompidou and Ministers Antoine Pinay and Guy Mollet actively opposed their leader’s policy. All three were associated with the Bilderbergers. Another frustration to the group’s plans involved British nationalism, causing its politicians to hesitate in joining the European Common Market and later the European Union. This hesitance continue


  • g agenda. A challenge to her leadership of the Conservative Party caused Thatcher to resign in 1990. A similar fate befell President George H.W. Bush when, in its 1990 meeting at Glen Cove, New York, the Bilderbergers allegedly decided that debts owed to international banks required the US to raise taxes. Bush’s campaign of “Read my lips, no new taxes” fell on deaf ears within the group. Bush then signed one of th


  • gainst any attempt of freely looting the planet, especially the weak and poor nations of the world, and represented the most important impediment to the creation of a neo-colonial world empire.” That the Bilderbergers affect the lives of every American was never clearer than during 1973 energy crisis and its associated inflation. Supposedly caused by the OPEC oil embargo levied against the US for its support of Is


  • r plants in Third World nations, has been sold in the media as prevention of nuclear proliferation. But according to former MI-6 agent and author John Coleman, the real reason is that both the US and the Bilderbergers know that nuclear power would provide cheap and abundant energy, which would bring “Third World countries out of their backward state....Third World countries would gradually become independent of US


  • use he “would not run around naked.” He cited the ritualistic chantings which required members to strip naked. Gergen also resigned from 17 other interest groups, including the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderbergers and the CFR. In the July 22, 2004 edition of the New York Post, the Grove received another black eye when it was reported that a gay porn star who uses the stage name Chad Savage worked there as a va


  • The loss of Black has not affected the corporate control of news, however. Anthony Holder, former UN correspondent with the London Economist, admitted, “The Bilderbergers have been removed from our assignment list years ago by executive order.” William Glasgow, the Business Week senior writer tasked with covering international organizations, complained, “We are barely


  • d other Bilderberg watchers spread this news to various media outlets, which corroborated through government and private sources that Canada indeed was about to be partitioned. Writes Estulin: “They [the Bilderbergers] should have known that when people’s own freedom is at stake, no amount of ownership of the press would prevent secretaries, copy editors, writers, investigative journalists and indeed, management o

File: Battle Hymn - Revelations Of The Sinister Plan For A New World Order -


  • and the Trilateral Commission on US policy becomes much more sinister due to the close connection these organizations enjoy with a non-American dominated group of international oligarchs and royals: the Bilderbergers. The Bilderberg Group In June 2010, the Dolce Hotel in Sitges, one of the most exclusive resorts in Spain, hosted a collection of powerful international bankers, politicians, intellectuals and busine


  • ions and pass the information along. Some theorized that the popularity of Dan Brown’s books revealing the Illuminati agenda had opened a lot of eyes to this ultra-secretive group of elites, known as the Bilderbergers. But who exactly are these guys? The Bilderberg group is a collection of powerful men and women — many from European royal families — who meet secretly each year to discuss current events and issues.


  • Soviet nuclear threat. Within de Gaulle’s government, Prime Minister Georges Pompidou and Ministers Antoine Pinay and Guy Mollet actively opposed their leader’s policy. All three were associated with the Bilderbergers. Another frustration to the group’s plans involved British nationalism, causing its politicians to hesitate in joining the European Common Market and later the European Union. This hesitance continue


  • g agenda. A challenge to her leadership of the Conservative Party caused Thatcher to resign in 1990. A similar fate befell President George H.W. Bush when, in its 1990 meeting at Glen Cove, New York, the Bilderbergers allegedly decided that debts owed to international banks required the US to raise taxes. Bush’s campaign of “Read my lips, no new taxes” fell on deaf ears within the group. Bush then signed one of th


  • gainst any attempt of freely looting the planet, especially the weak and poor nations of the world, and represented the most important impediment to the creation of a neo-colonial world empire.” That the Bilderbergers affect the lives of every American was never clearer than during 1973 energy crisis and its associated inflation. Supposedly caused by the OPEC oil embargo levied against the US for its support of Is


  • r plants in Third World nations, has been sold in the media as prevention of nuclear proliferation. But according to former MI-6 agent and author John Coleman, the real reason is that both the US and the Bilderbergers know that nuclear power would provide cheap and abundant energy, which would bring “Third World countries out of their backward state....Third World countries would gradually become independent of US


  • use he “would not run around naked.” He cited the ritualistic chantings which required members to strip naked. Gergen also resigned from 17 other interest groups, including the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderbergers and the CFR. In the July 22, 2004 edition of the New York Post, the Grove received another black eye when it was reported that a gay porn star who uses the stage name Chad Savage worked there as a va


  • The loss of Black has not affected the corporate control of news, however. Anthony Holder, former UN correspondent with the London Economist, admitted, “The Bilderbergers have been removed from our assignment list years ago by executive order.” William Glasgow, the Business Week senior writer tasked with covering international organizations, complained, “We are barely


  • d other Bilderberg watchers spread this news to various media outlets, which corroborated through government and private sources that Canada indeed was about to be partitioned. Writes Estulin: “They [the Bilderbergers] should have known that when people’s own freedom is at stake, no amount of ownership of the press would prevent secretaries, copy editors, writers, investigative journalists and indeed, management o

File: Behold A Pale Horse Revisited - Secrets Of William Cooper -

  • ual y adapt to it? I’m a bitconfusedbecause the original title of this document makes it appear to be a governmenthandbook for adapting to the New World Order changes, rather than aninvestigationinto the Bilderbergers as Mr. Cooper seem to suggest.So, is this a threat coming from outside the U.S.? A threat directed at us fromal or partof our government? Or a threat directed towards this world from off-worlderswith

  • nd The Il uminati. Sure, I believe there is a secret group orgroups that are actual y running ourcountry, and maybe the World from the shadows. But who or what they are, I cantelyou, is certainly not the Bilderbergers and The Il uminati at least not anymore.These groups that have become household words, may just be a ruse, a distractionfrom the real groups. Whomever is real y running things would be too smart to b

  • p. The group was formed and met for the first time in 1952.They werenamed after the first publicly known meeting place, the Bilderberg Hotel. Thatpublicmeeting took place in 1954. They were nicknamed The Bilderbergers. Theheadquartersof this group is Geneva, Switzerland. The Bilderbergers evolved into a secretworldgovernment that now controls everything. The United Nations was then, and is nowaninternational joke.

File: Brooke, Tal - When the World Will Be As One, The Coming New World Order (1989) -


  • l banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreement s arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences."3 This i s almost a perfect description of the secret international mee tings of the Bilderbergers: "secret agreements arrived at in freq uent private meetings...." One fact that Quigley and others reveal is tha t the banking houses owned by the great family dynasties are also the banks behind the

File: Brotherhood And The Manipulation Of Society -


  • sters' oil cartel and the Bilderberg Group to massively inflate the price of oil. Conventionally, nuclear power forms the only credible alternative to fossil fuels so it had to de discredited. One of the Bilderbergers who agreed to the increase was Robert O. Anderson, owner of Atlantic Richfield Oil Co of the board of Kissinger Associates. He channelled huge sums of money into organisations to oppose nuclear fuel

File: Carr - Satan - Prince of This World (Luciferian conspiracy exposed) (1959) -


  • about reform in a feudal country.” In the jargon of the W.R.M. leaders this word “reform” means “subjugation.” Today we find Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands and Prince Philip of England active in the Bilderbergers and other international groups. Today, Weishaupt’s revised and modernized version of the Luciferian conspiracy is being furthered by the intellectuals who comprise the controlling influence in the Bi

File: Chronological History of the CFR - By Dennis Cuddy -


  • nt, proposed by GOP Senator John Bricker, would have provided that no treaty could supersede the Constitution, but it fails to pass by one vote. 1954 -- Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands establishes the Bilderbergers, international politicians and bankers who meet secretly on an annual basis. 1958 -- World Peace through World Law is published, where authors Grenville Clark and Louis Sohn advocate using the U.N. a


  • for another closed door meeting of the Bilderberg Society in Baden Baden, Germany. The Bilderbergers also exert considerable clout in determining the foreign policies of their respective governments. July, 1991 -- The Southeastern World Affairs Institute discusses the New World Order. In a program,

File: Coleman - The Conspirators' Hierarchy - The Committee of 300 (1991) -


  • two faction s, a political (left wing) power group and its former military all iance. The Club of Rome is still one of the most importa nt foreign policy arms of the Committee of 300—the other being the Bilderbergers. It was put together in 1968 from har d-core members of the original Morgenthau group on the bas is of a telephone call made by the late Aurellio Peccei for a new and urgent drive to speed up the pla


  • d control European affairs, the RI IA founded the Tavistock Institute, which in turn created NATO. Fo r Five years NATO was financed by the German Marshall Fund. Perh aps the most important member of the Bilderbergers, a forei gn policy body


  • ert Brand who went on to manage Lazard Freres. The Royal Inst itute of International Affairs was and remains totally inter faced with the British monarchy. Some of the spinoffs of the Round Table are the Bilderbergers, set up and run by Duncan Sandys, a p rominent politician and son-in-law of the late Winston Churc hill, the Ditchley Foundation, a secret banker's club which I exposed in my 1983 work, "Internationa

File: Cooper - Behold a Pale Horse (%231 underground bestseller of all time) (1991) -

File: David Icke - And the Truth Shall Set You Free, 21st Century Edition (2004) -


  • after the Nazi invasion of the Netherlands and this 'former' German intelligence operative worked as a top military liaison with allied forces.34 The man who persuaded Bernhard to be the frontman for the Bilderbergers was that arch manipulator.. .Lord Victor Rothschild. The annual meeting of the Anglo-European- American Elite known as the Bilderberg Group was to become a key component in the Elite network which fo


  • elves to have 'arrived' on the international stage if they are invited to attend. The Bilderberg Group meets once a year and always in the strictest secrecy. The hotels are cleared of everyone except the Bilderbergers and hotel staff. The meetings discuss the strategy required over the following twelve months to further the goals of the New World Order, and it cooperates with associated organisations. Not a word o


  • number of journalists and media executives in the Bilderberg Group and in other strands in the network is very substantial, but try finding a word about these meetings in the mainstream media. Behind the Bilderbergers are the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers. Today Henry Kissinger is a major manipulator, albeit as a puppet of those who really control him. Kissinger is an elite member of the Bilderberg Group, the T


  • he Grand, The Park, and The Palace, on a mountainside at Burgenstock in Switzerland. It was a rare occasion when they met in the same place twice. Coincidentally, I was on holiday in Switzerland when the Bilderbergers gathered and I was told of the meeting by Spotlight newspaper only a few days before I arrived. I went to Burgenstock before the meeting and again on their final day of discussions. What a difference


  • he Occult Roots of the New World Order", Exposure magazine, Vol. 1, No. 2, (1993) p7 14 "Black Magic Holds Sway Over A Paranoid Kremlin", The European (May llth-15th 1995) p4 15 In 1965, for example, the Bilderbergers met alongside Lake Como in Italy, the ancient headquarters of the Order of Comocine, the forerunners of the Medieval Masons. I spent a lot of time at Lake Como in 1995 before later realising its esot

File: David Icke - The Biggest Secret - The Book that Will Change the World (1998) -


  • Scholar), the head of theRockefeller Foundation and Secretary of State under John E Kennedy; Joseph E.Johnson (CFR), head of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (War!) and USSecretary for the Bilderbergers; Denis Healey (TC, RIIA, Comm 300, Fabian Society),the British Labour Party Minister of Defence from 1964-1970 and Chancellor of theExchequer 1974-1979; and Lord Boothby, who worked with Winston Chur

File: David Icke - The European Spider's Web -


  • derberger who sits atop the enormous European Union bureaucracy which tells "elected" governments what they can and cannot do. If we take the example of the UK you can see the constant hidden hand of the Bilderbergers and the Elite in the manipulation of the European "debate". The man behind the UK's entry into the European spider's web, sorry the EEC, was Bilderberger Ted Heath, the Conservative Prime Minister fr


  • s supported by another Victor Rothschild associate, the Labour leader and three times Prime Minister, Harold Wilson, a fellow Bilderberger. Further Labour Party support came from leading figures like the Bilderbergers - James Callaghan, who would later be Prime Minister; Denis Healey, who attended the first Bilderberg meeting in 1954 and a stream of those that followed; and Roy Jenkins, who would later be head of

File: David Icke - The Robots' Rebellion - The Story of the Spiritual Renaissance (1994) -


  • ne ofthe best way to run the world. It is the Bilderberg Group’s permanentexecutive that runs the show, as it is with these other frontorganisations. One of those invited to the Baden Baden meeting ofthe Bilderbergers in 1991, incidentally, was the then governor ofArkansas, one Bill Clinton, who went on to become President. Hewould not have become President unless the elite wanted him to.The aim of the Illuminati

File: Domhoff - Bohemian Grove and Other Retreats - A Study In Ruling-Class Cohesiveness (1974) -


  • rman emeritus of Connecticut General Life In- surance Company and a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Committee for Economic Development. Mr. Wilde was responding to a question about the Bilderbergers, a big-business meeting group whic h includes Western European leaders as well as American corporation and foundation direc- tors: Business has had over the years many different seminars and discussi

File: Eringer, Robert - The Global Manipulators, The Bilderberg Group Trilateral Commission Covert Power Groups of the West (1980) -


  • to accomodate over 100 Bilderberg participants. Even the Imperial's permanent guests were told to find lodgings elsewhere for the weekend. I managed a booking at the Imperial for three nights before the Bilderbergers moved in. On a Thursday, two days before the conference was due to begin, heavy lorries appeared at the back door of the Imperial's confer ence hall and workmen unloaded large wooden file cabinets an


  • erberg gavel. It now sits atop my desk, a trophy of my research. Like all others, I was thrown out of the hotel on the Friday to make way for American Secret Servicemen and Special Branch bodyguards. The Bilderbergers arrived later, mostly by way of a quiet entry through Exeter Airport 20 miles from Torquay. They held their hush-hush meetings and then, just as quietly, disappeared back to their respective banks, m


  • Getting down to Business French politics. According to the article published in 1967, the Bilderbergers decided to activel y support an opposition candidate to the nationalistic Charles de Gaulle. Gaston Def-ferre, the mayor of Marseilles and a Bilderberg participant in 1964, is the man the Bilderberg


  • s that the affair will breathe new life into that long-smouldering controversy over the role that the Bilderberg group and its clandestine get-togethers play in world economics and business affairs. "The Bilderbergers have always insisted upon clothing their comings and goings in the closest secrecy. Until a few years back, this was carried to such lengths that their annual conclave went entirely unmarked in the w


  • upon as supporting evidence by those who maintain that Bil- derbergism is an unseen force of great significance in world affairs that we ought to know a lot more about. "Any conspiratologists who has the Bilderbergers in his sights will proceed to ask why it is that, if there is so little to hide, so much effort is devoted to hiding it." 36

File: Eustace Mullins - Secrets Of The Federal Reserve -


  • 9 5 the 1960s, as growing attention ce ntered on the surreptitious governmental activities of the Council on Foreign Relations, subsidiary groups, known as the Trilateral Commission and the Bilderbergers, representing the identical financial interests, began operations, with the more important officials, such as Robert Roosa, being members of all three groups. __________________________ 41 William Gu


  • d Volcker and Solomon stands Robert Roosa, Secretary of the Treasury in Carter’s shadow cabinet, and representing Brown Brothers Harriman, the Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderbergers, and the Royal Economic Institute. He is a trustee of the 172 Rockefeller Foundation*, and a di rector of Texaco and American Express companies. Dr. Martin Larson points out that "The international c

File: Eustace Mullins - The World Order (1st Edition, 1985) -


  • he Mafia, refuses to acknowledge its own existence. Its subsidiaries come and go, but the O rder remains constant. When too many people discover the Council on Foreig n Relations, power is moved into the Bilderbergers, or the Trilateral Com mission. The Order’s control remains constant. The New York Times noted April 29, 1984 that 1400 officials were attending the annual meeting of the Council on Foun dations. The

File: Eustace Mullins - The World Order -


  • he Mafia, refuses to acknowledge its own existence. Its subsidiaries come and go, but the O rder remains constant. When too many people discover the Council on Foreig n Relations, power is moved into the Bilderbergers, or the Trilateral Com mission. The Order’s control remains constant. The New York Times noted April 29, 1984 that 1400 officials were attending the annual meeting of the Council on Foun dations. The

File: FINAL WARNING - A History of the New World Order (2004) -


  • y people in influential positions have come from their ranks, it certainly is reason enough to take note. But more than that, when you see their membership cross over into other organizations such as the Bilderbergers, Council on Foreign Relations, and Trilateral Commission; then you begin to see it as a possible breeding ground for people who are favorable to the international agenda that is leading to one-world


  • e dropped from their membership. On the national level, the Business Advisory Council and the Pilgrim Society are groups which form the inner circle of the CFR, while on the international level, it’s the Bilderbergers. James P. Warburg (banker, economist, a member of FDR’s brain trust, and son of Paul M. Warburg) of the CFR, told a Senate Foreign Relations Committee on February 17, 1950: “We shall have world gover


  • the establishment of the UN. The April 16, 1945 issue of Time magazine called him “one of the State Department’s brighter young men.” It was Hiss, and Joseph E. Johnson (who later became Secretary of the Bilderbergers) who wrote much of the UN Charter, patterning it after the Constitution of Russia, and the Communist Manifesto . An Associated Press dispatch from April 7, 1970 which appeared in the Los Angeles Time


  • FINAL WARNING: The Illuminati Influence on International Affairs The Bilderbergers hold annual meetings in locations all over the world. In Europe, the Rothschilds have hosted some of the meetings, while the meetings in 1962 and 1973, in Saltsjobaden, Sweden, were hosted by the Wal


  • ible, informal and off-the-record international forum in which different viewpoints can be expressed and mutual understanding enhanced.” However, Phyllis Schlafly wrote in A Choice Not An Echo , that the Bilderbergers are a “little clique of powerful men who meet secretly and plan events that appear to ‘just happen’.” ATLAS SHRUGGED In 1957, a 1,168 page book by Ayn Rand, called Atlas Shrugged , was published. Acc


  • could be accomplished through world government. The Club of Rome (COR) was established with a membership of 75 prominent scientists, industrialists, and economists from 25 countries, which along with the Bilderbergers, have become one of the most important foreign policy arms of the Roundtable group. Many of the COR executives were drawn from NATO, and they have been able to formulate a lot of what NATO claims are


  • problems that pose predicaments beyond the capacity of individual countries.” It almost sounds like the Club of Rome is the A-Team of internationalist groups. Just like how the proposals suggested by the Bilderbergers seem to gain acceptance, we have to worry that the same thing will happen with the COR. On September 17, 1973, they released a Report called the “Regionalized and Adaptive Model of the Global World S


  • FINAL WARNING: Sources J. C. Lewis. The Trilateral Commission , cassette tape. Liberty Lobby. “Spotlight on the Bilderbergers,” published by The Spotlight . Gordon Lindsay. The Antichrists Have Come (Voice of Healing Publishing Co.: Dallas, TX). ___. The Book of Revelation Made Easy (Voice of Healing Publishing Co.: Dallas,

File: Final Judgment - Missing Link in JFK Assassination Conspiracy -


  • use Publishers, 1966. Leek, Sybil and Burt Sugar. The Assassination Chain. N ew York: Corwin Books, 1976. Lewis, Ron. Flashback. Medford, Oregon: Lewcom Productions, 1933. Liberty Lobby. Spotlight on the Bilderbergers. Washington, DC: Liberty Lobby, 1997. Lilienthal, Alfred M. The Zionist Connection II. New Brunswick, New Jersey : North American, 1982. Loftus, John and Mark Aarons. The Secret War Against the Jews,


  • 77 Dennis Eisenberg, Uri Dan and Eli Landau. Meyer Lansky: Mogul of the Mob. (New York: Paddington Press Ltd., 1979), p. 272. 878 Congressional Record, April 11, 1964. 879 Liberty Lobby. Spotlight on the Bilderbergers. (Washington, DC: Liberty Lobby, 1997), p. 33. 880 The Danbury News - Times, June 21, 1974.

File: Final Warning - A History of the New World Order by David Allen Rivera -


  • people in influential positi ons have come from their ranks, it certainly is reason enough to take note. But more t han that, when you see their membership cross over into other organizations such as the Bilderbergers, Council on Foreign Relations, and Trilateral Commission; then you begin to see it as a possible breeding ground for people who are favorable to the international agenda that is leading to one)world


  • ropped from their membershi p. On the national level, the Business Advisory Council and the Pilgrim Society a re groups which form the inner circle of the CFR, while on the international level , it’s the Bilderbergers.


  • e establishment of the UN . The April 16, 1945 issue of Time magazine called him “one of the State Department’s brighter young men.” It was Hiss, and Joseph E. Johnson (who later became Secretary o f the Bilderbergers) who wrote much of the UN Charter, patterning it after the Con stitution of Russia, and the Communist Manifesto . An Associated Press dispatch from April 7, 1970 w hich appeared in the Los Angeles Ti


  • can scene.” McCarthy was the crusadin g Senator who revealed that communists had infiltrated high level posts within the U.S. Government. He didn’t die until 1957. David Rockefeller Joseph McCarthy The Bilderbergers hold annual meetings in locations all over the world. In Europe, the Rothschilds have hosted some of the meetings, w hile the meetings in 1962 and 1973, in Saltsjobaden, Sweden, were hosted by the W


  • le, informal and off)the) record international forum in which different viewp oints can be expressed and mutual understanding enhanced.” However, Phyllis Schlafly wrote in A Choice Not An Echo , that the Bilderbergers are a “little clique of powe rful men who meet secretly and plan events that appear to ‘just happen’.” Phyllis Schlafly ATLAS SHRUGGED In 1957, a 1,168 page book by Ayn Rand, called Atlas Shrugged ,


  • u ld be accomplished through world government. The Club of Rome (COR) was established with a membership of 75 prominent scientists, industrialists, and economist s from 25 countries, which along with the Bilderbergers, have become one of the most impo rtant foreign policy arms of the Roundtable group. Aurelio Peccei


  • April, 19, 1981, pg. 19. John Heron Lepper. Famous Secret Societies (Gryphon Books: Michigan, 1971), pg. 106)122. J. C. Lewis. The Trilateral Commission , cassette tape. Liberty Lobby. “Spotlight on the Bilderbergers,” pu blished by The Spotlight . Gordon Lindsay. The Antichrists Have Come (Voice of Healing Publishing Co.: Dallas, TX). ___. The Book of Revelation Made Easy (Voice of Healing Publishing Co.: Dallas

File: Final Warning - History Of The New World Order -


  • e dropped from their membership. On the national level, the Business Advisory Council and the Pilgrim Society are groups which form the inner circle of the CFR, while on the international level, it's the Bilderbergers. James P. Warburg(banker, economist, a member of FDR's braintrust, and son of Paul M. Warburg) of the CFR, told a Senate Foreign Relations Committee on February 17, 1950: "We shall have world governm


  • the establishment of the UN. The April 16, 1945 issue of Time magazine called him "one of the State Department's brighter young men." It was Hiss, and Joseph E. Johnson(who later became Secretary of the Bilderbergers) who wrote much of the UN Charter, patterning it after the Constitution of Russia, and the Communist Manifesto. An Associated Press dispatch from April 7, 1970 which appeared in the Los Angeles Times


  • eeting, he will be gone from the American scene." McCarthy was the crusading Senator who revealed that communists had infiltrated high level posts within the U.S. Government. He didn't die till 1957. The Bilderbergers hold annual meetings in locations all over the world. In Europe, the Rothschild have hosted some of the meetings, while the meetings in 1962 and 1973, in Saltsjobaden, Sweden, were hosted by the Wall


  • tended the meeting, said: "Today, Americans would be outraged if UN forces entered Los Angeles to restore order. Tomorrow, they will be grateful." Phyllis Schlafly wrote in A Choice Not An Echo, that the Bilderbergers are a "little clique of powerful men who meet secretly and plan events that appear to 'just happen.' " ATLAS SHRUGGED In 1957, an 1,168 page book by Ayn Rand, called Atlas Shrugged, was published. Ac


  • hich could be accomplished through world government. The Club of Rome was established with a membership of 75 prominent scientists, industrialists , and economists from 25 countries, which along with the Bilderbergers, have become one of the most important foreign policy arms of the Roundtable group. Many of the Club of Rome executives were drawn from NATO, and they have been able to formulate alot of what NATO cl


  • April, 19, 1981, pg. 19. Lepper, John Heron; Famous Secret Societies, Gryphon Books: Michigan, 1971, pg. 106- 122. Lewis, J. C.; The Trilateral Commission, cassette tape. Liberty Lobby; Spotlight on the Bilderbergers, published by The Spotlight. Lindsay, Gordon; America, Russia and Antichrist, Voice of Healing Publishing Co.: Dallas, TX, 1969. Lindsay, Gordon; The Antichrists Have Come, Voice of Healing Publishin

File: Gary Allen - None Dare Call It Conspiracy -


  • rbergcrs. Again, this is not acc idental. The strange name of this group is taken from t he site of the first m eeting in May, 1954 -the Hotel de Bilderberg-in Oostebeek, Holland. The man who created the Bilderbergers is His Royal Highness Prince Bernhard o f the Netherlands. The Prince is an im portant figure in Royal Dutch Petroleum (Shell Oil) and the Societe General de Belgique, a huge c onglomerate cartel wit


  • p lan ou r lives; or the New Y ork Tim es editorialists to b e pound ing their smoking typewriters, fumi ng abou t "the pub lic's right to kno w." But, of course, the landscape painters merely brush the Bilderbergers right out of existence a nd focus the pub lic's attention on something like the c ond itions in the prisons or coke bottles litt ering the highways. Since the Bilderbergers are a group of the Left (o

File: Healed Planet -


  • archers/theorists are familiar with. That organization is the offspring of secret societies and elite manipulators going back thousands of years. The favored grist for the conspiracy theorist mills - the Bilderbergers, the Freemasons, Bohemian Grove, Skull and Bones, the Trilateral Commission, the CIA/NSA and other alphabet soup federal agencies, defense contractors, European royalty and so on - are not in charge


  • private one and does not have a name that you would recognize. They stand far above the alphabet soup U.S. government agencies, transnational corporations and even international elite groups such as the Bilderbergers and Trilateral Commission. The sitting U.S. president is just another pretty face. As Fuller said, a new political system is not an answer to our problems. All political actors are “ stooges ” of the

File: Helsing - Secret Societies and Their Power in the 20th Century (1995) -


  • nde rs of THE secret society of our day from which a ll the others are conne cted to the Illuminati originated from – the “Committee o f 300”. As I will show you, the Club of Rome, the CFR, the RIIA, the Bilderbergers, the UN , the Round Table...all originate from the “Comm ittee o f 300” and therefore from the European Black Nobility families. Well, here comes the most important point. Dr. Coleman has bee n perfe


  • was Chan cellor Willy Brand t, a Jew, who’s real name was Herbert Ernst Karl Frahm, offspring of the famous Israelite family Frahm from Lube ck, Germ any. He was a memger of the Committee of 300 and the Bilderbergers. If the information of Mr. Rudo lph from Melle, G ermany who went to court against Mr. Kohl and the Jewish writer Jacov Lind is c orrect, Bunde skanzler (Chan cellor) Helmut Kohl is one of them too.


  • cts. William Coop er m aintains that the CIA was established e xpressly to screen the problem of the e xtra-terrestrials. They both say that the establishment of the internationa l secret elite group The Bilderbergers, abou t which we will talk at length later in the bo ok, was also for the screen ing of extra-terrestrial contact. Here I will dea l with the Bilderbergers only in a pu rely political context. [H: Wh


  • lderberg in Oosterbeek, Holland for the first time in May 1954 and later became known a s THE BILDERBE RGERS. Committee of 300 member Prince Bernhard o f the Netherland s became the first director of the Bilderbergers. (Explana tion later). One of the CIA members with a strong influen ce in the Vatican was Cardinal Spellman. He helped the CIA with the overthrow of democracy in Guatemala in 195 4. It was also Spell


  • ou t. To the elite coming from different branches of Freemasonry it offers worldwide meeting facilities for secret collabo ration, and it wants to give a b road er political basis to the influence of the Bilderbergers. Most European member had long-term contracts with the Rockefellers. It has abou t 200 – in contrast with the Bilderbergers perm ane nt – members. And you might imagine that POPE JOHN PA UL II did n


  • 129 CFR are the Bilderbergers and the DGAP (Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Auswartige Politic) – (Germ an Society for Foreign Policy). Through them the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung , the Bild-Zeitung and Die Zeit are also p art of t


  • NG ON YOU TO BLOW ALL YOUR OWN CH ANC ES , AND D IRECTLY SO THR OUGH GREE D AND AVA RICE ON YOUR OWN PA RT.] His opponen t in the 1992 presiden tial election, BILL CLINTON, is a member of the CFR, of the Bilderbergers and a life-long member of the Masonic Order of De Molay. Since the early Eighties Cli nton is also a member of the Trilateral C omm ission. His c losest advisors with the be st chan ces at lead ing p


  • itical advisor at the U.S. military government in Germany. In 198 8 the meeting was held in Telfz nea r Innsbruck, Austria, and German Chan cellor Helmut Kohl was attend ing. From June 6 to 9 , 199 0 the Bilderbergers met in Baden -Bade n, G erm any. One of the topics was the Marshall plan that propo sed a 10 0 billion do llar assistance to the CIA and in return demanded that the CIS states adop t the free-market


  • at representatives of the different parties s it here at the same table to discuss things in secret, only to confront each other the very next day with the severest accusation. No comm ent necessary! The Bilderbergers This s ecret organization was s tarted in May 1954 a t the Hotel de Bilderberg in Oosterbeek, Holland , by the Committee of 300 through Prince Bernha rd o f the Netherland s. The Bilderbergers are a


  • e – an d thus at forcing the New World Order. It offers the e lite coming from the different branches of Freemasonry world-wide meeting opp ortunities for secret co-operation an d it is meant to give the Bilderbergers a broade r political basis. Most European members had long stand ing contracts with the Rockefellers. The organization ha s abou t 200 , unlike the Bilderbergers, perm ane nt members. The Trilateral

File: Helsing, Jan van - Secret Societies and Their Power in the 20th Century (1995) -


  • nde rs of THE secret society of our day from which a ll the others are conne cted to the Illuminati originated from – the “Committee o f 300”. As I will show you, the Club of Rome, the CFR, the RIIA, the Bilderbergers, the UN , the Round Table...all originate from the “Comm ittee o f 300” and therefore from the European Black Nobility families. Well, here comes the most important point. Dr. Coleman has bee n perfe


  • was Chan cellor Willy Brand t, a Jew, who’s real name was Herbert Ernst Karl Frahm, offspring of the famous Israelite family Frahm from Lube ck, Germ any. He was a memger of the Committee of 300 and the Bilderbergers. If the information of Mr. Rudo lph from Melle, G ermany who went to court against Mr. Kohl and the Jewish writer Jacov Lind is c orrect, Bunde skanzler (Chan cellor) Helmut Kohl is one of them too.


  • cts. William Coop er m aintains that the CIA was established e xpressly to screen the problem of the e xtra-terrestrials. They both say that the establishment of the internationa l secret elite group The Bilderbergers, abou t which we will talk at length later in the bo ok, was also for the screen ing of extra-terrestrial contact. Here I will dea l with the Bilderbergers only in a pu rely political context. [H: Wh


  • lderberg in Oosterbeek, Holland for the first time in May 1954 and later became known a s THE BILDERBE RGERS. Committee of 300 member Prince Bernhard o f the Netherland s became the first director of the Bilderbergers. (Explana tion later). One of the CIA members with a strong influen ce in the Vatican was Cardinal Spellman. He helped the CIA with the overthrow of democracy in Guatemala in 195 4. It was also Spell


  • ou t. To the elite coming from different branches of Freemasonry it offers worldwide meeting facilities for secret collabo ration, and it wants to give a b road er political basis to the influence of the Bilderbergers. Most European member had long-term contracts with the Rockefellers. It has abou t 200 – in contrast with the Bilderbergers perm ane nt – members. And you might imagine that POPE JOHN PA UL II did n


  • 129 CFR are the Bilderbergers and the DGAP (Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Auswartige Politic) – (Germ an Society for Foreign Policy). Through them the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung , the Bild-Zeitung and Die Zeit are also p art of t


  • NG ON YOU TO BLOW ALL YOUR OWN CH ANC ES , AND D IRECTLY SO THR OUGH GREE D AND AVA RICE ON YOUR OWN PA RT.] His opponen t in the 1992 presiden tial election, BILL CLINTON, is a member of the CFR, of the Bilderbergers and a life-long member of the Masonic Order of De Molay. Since the early Eighties Cli nton is also a member of the Trilateral C omm ission. His c losest advisors with the be st chan ces at lead ing p


  • itical advisor at the U.S. military government in Germany. In 198 8 the meeting was held in Telfz nea r Innsbruck, Austria, and German Chan cellor Helmut Kohl was attend ing. From June 6 to 9 , 199 0 the Bilderbergers met in Baden -Bade n, G erm any. One of the topics was the Marshall plan that propo sed a 10 0 billion do llar assistance to the CIA and in return demanded that the CIS states adop t the free-market


  • at representatives of the different parties s it here at the same table to discuss things in secret, only to confront each other the very next day with the severest accusation. No comm ent necessary! The Bilderbergers This s ecret organization was s tarted in May 1954 a t the Hotel de Bilderberg in Oosterbeek, Holland , by the Committee of 300 through Prince Bernha rd o f the Netherland s. The Bilderbergers are a


  • e – an d thus at forcing the New World Order. It offers the e lite coming from the different branches of Freemasonry world-wide meeting opp ortunities for secret co-operation an d it is meant to give the Bilderbergers a broade r political basis. Most European members had long stand ing contracts with the Rockefellers. The organization ha s abou t 200 , unlike the Bilderbergers, perm ane nt members. The Trilateral

File: Henry Makow - Illuminati -


  • bes; Donovan; Javits; Mellon; Turner; Coffin; Heinz; MacLeish; Stanley; Pinchot; Whitney; Walker; Steadman; Taft... etc. A similar membership analysis could be made of other Illuminati fronts such as the Bilderbergers, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission and the Club of Rome. Yes it is probable that Jewish Sabbateans like the Rothschilds are the mainspring behind the Illuminati but there is

File: Hidden History Of Money -


  • in Versailles, France in 2003, although the reporter avoids digging too deep. Below is a picture of the First Bilderberg Club Meeting Hosted by the Monarchs of Holland in 1954. By the way, it was at the Bilderbergers 1996 meeting at a resort near Toronto (King City), that the fate of Kosovo was sealed, according to John Whitley, a British-born political analyst and Bilderberger watcher who now makes his ho me in


  • p Program at Oxford to indoctrinate promising young graduates for the purpose, and also establish a secret society [Royal Institute of International Affairs RIIA, which branched into the Round Table, the Bilderbergers, the CFR, the Trilateral, etc -- Ed] for leading business and banking leaders around the World who would work for the City to bring in their Socialist World government. Rothschild appointed Lord Alfr


  • ponsored the idea from the American side. No wonder, therefore, that right fr om day one, the Bilderberger agenda reflected first and foremost the interests of the oil industry. By the way, it was at the Bilderbergers 1996 meeting at a resort near Toronto (King City), that the fate of Kosovo was sealed, according to John Whitley, a British-born political analyst and Bilderberger watcher who now makes his home in T


  • ther Theodore M. Hesburgh, former president of Notre Dame University; and Shepard Stone of The Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies. The Aspen Institute is also a sister organization of the CFR and the Bilderbergers, is heavily funded by the Ford and Rockefeller Foundations and has been described as "a training and orientation school for prospective World government administrators. The State Department was invol

File: Illuminati Handbook -


  • edictions from the Bible correct? W ell, they might be. P ersonally, I'm not convinced Maitreya is the right one. (Please click here to read more about Maitreya. Be sure to follow all the links ...!) THE BILDERBERGERS One of the most powerful front groups of the Illuminati, which also works as a secret society in itself, is the Bilderberg group. This is a group, which was created in the beginning of the 50's by Pr


  • ustrial and commercial giants of the »trilateral nations«; the USA, Japan and W estern Europe. They are all members of the Elite, coming from different branches of F reemasonry world-wide for to give the Bilderbergers a broader political basis. The 200 members are permanent and in this case different from the Bilderbergers, who are invited, except for the Steering Committee. The T rilateral Commission controls thr


  • arnegie Group Council on F oreign Relations T rilateral Commission G7 Stockholm Economic club W allenberg Industries Scandinavian Club V olvo FIA T International Energy Agency The Aquarian Conspiracy The Bilderbergers Left W ing Right W ing Red Brigades Social Democrat P arty Communist P arty Liberal P arty Republican P arty Labor P arty Socialist P arty The W orld Bank The State of Israel American Medical Assosia

File: Informal Alliance - The Bilderberg Group And Transatlantic Relations During The Cold War -


  • gel spent several weeks in the United States and told Prince Bernhard: “My general impression is that the work of the Bilderberg is considered of the highest importance in this country not only among the Bilderbergers themselves but also very much at the top level in Washington.” 115


  • rg conference (October 4–6, 1957) in Fiuggi, near Rome, news quickly spread that the Soviet Union had just launched its Sputnik satellite into orbit. According to Denis Healey, the Sputnik shock left the Bilderbergers (particularly the Americans) “flabbergasted,” and it was immediately clear that this was an important development for the nuclear defense of NATO. 1 Given both the overwhelming Soviet advantage in co

File: Jim Marrs - Rule By Secrecy -


  • es: the Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations [take particular notice of the initials CFR as they crop up incessantly in the study of U.S. policy decisions and world conflicts), and the Bilderbergers. The Trilateral Commission publishes its membership as well as posi- tion papers, but its inner workings are secret. The CFR also publishes a membership roll, but members are pledged to secrecy regar


  • using relations with Japan to deteriorate. In addition, energy problems were growing in response to price increases by the Organiza- tion of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC). With rhe blessing of the Bilderbergers and the CFR, the Trilateral Com- mission began organizing on July 23-24, 1972, at the 3,500-acre Rocke- feller estate at Pocantico Hills, a subdivision of Tarrytown, New York. Participants in this pr


  • instruc- tions from David Rockefeller, Volcker had been the North American chairman of the Trilateral Commission as well as a member of those other secret groups, the Council on Foreign Relations and the Bilderbergers. He was replaced as chairman of the Federal Reserve during the Reagan administration by current chairman Alan Greenspan, also a member of the Trilateral Commission, the CFR, and the Bilderbergers. It


  • erful influence, if not outright con- trol, over U.S. policies for nearly the past century. But for almost fifty years, this influence has been shared with another closely connected secre- tive group—the Bilderbergers.


  • BILDERBERGERS The Bilderbergers are a group of powerful men and women—many of them European royalty—who meet in secret each year to discuss the issues of the day. Many suspicious researchers claim they conspire to manufacture and m


  • uropean foreign ministers, Holland's Prince Bernhard, and Polish socialist Dr. Joseph Hieronim Retinger, a founder of the European Movement after World War II. Retinger became known as the "father of the Bilderbergers." Retinger was brought to America by Averell Harriman (CFR), then U.S. ambassador to England, where he visited prominent citizens such as David and Nelson Rockefeller, John Foster Dulles, and then CI


  • emi- nitzer. Other noteworthy attendees have included J. William Fulbright, Henry Ford II, Georges-Jean Pompidou, Giscard d'Estaing, Helmut Schmidt, and France's Baron Edmond de Rothschild. "In fact, the Bilderbergers are a sort of unofficial CFR, expanded to an international scale," stated author Neal Wilgus. Author and former intelligence officer Dr. John Coleman claimed "The Bilderberger Conference is a creatio


  • have an interlocking leadership and a common vision of the world. David Rockefeller founded the Trilateral but shares power in the older Bilderberg group with the Rothschilds of Britain and Europe." The Bilderbergers usually meet once a year at plush resorts around the globe, and their activities are cloaked in total secrecy despite the attendance by top-level American media members. Although the group claims to


  • us brotherhood also made ample use of secret intelligence agencies in both Britain and America to further their plans. All this prompts several questions. If the CFR, the Trilateral Com- mission, and the Bilderbergers are simply innocent well-intentioned people working to bring about a peaceful and prosperous world, as they claim, then why all the secrecy? Why all the front organizations, some of which are the ant


  • Action, was decorated by the Knights of Malta for his liaison work between the Vatican, the CIA, and the European Movement of Joseph Retinger, the "Father of the Bilderbergers." "Today, the Order of Malta is believed to be one of the primary channels of communication between the Vatican and the CIA," wrote Baigent, Leigh, and Lincoln. "Today, there are no fewer than five o


  • SS in Switzerland. The von Moltkes were also heavily involved in the European unity movement, one facet of which was Retinger's American Committee on a United Europe. Recall that Retinger, "father of the Bilderbergers," was connected to Dulles and other CIA officials, CFR offi- cials, Averell Harriman, and David and Nelson Rockefeller. A close work- ing relationship was developed between the CIA and the Vatican, c

File: Jim Marrs - The Rise Of The Fourth Reich -


  • nization came about in the early 1950s, following discussions between Prince Bernhard and Dr. Retinger, a founder of the Europe an Movement after World War II. Retinger became known as the “father of the Bilderbergers.” Retinger was brought to America by Averell Harriman just aft er the war, when Harriman was U.S. ambassador to England. In America, Retinger visited prominent citizens, such as David and Nelson Rock

File: Jim Tucker - Jim Tucker's Bilderberg Diary -


  • Bilderberg: The Early Years 15 the Bilderbergers meet. Murden took the official line in his unusually candid interview when pressed on whether policy discussions, which included heads of state, such as U.S. Secretary of St ate Henry Kissinger and o


  • r basically the same outfit (the Fed-AIM) and drawing two checks, Irvine behaved. Irvine performed his Bilderberg mission well, but not well enough. Each year, more and mo re was being written a bout the Bilderbergers by independent, enlighte ned newspapers and periodicals in the United States and Europe led by The Spotli ght and now, following the demise of that newspaper in 2001, by American Free Press.


  • 22 Bilderberg Diary the Bilderbergers insisted would be of no news value that weekend. Theodore Eliot Jr., the honorary secretary-genera l for the U.S. Bilderberg subgroup and dean of the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts Uni


  • eting site. man in the State Department, thanks to the Bilderberg meetings, he had come to know the European leaders he worked with." You could perceive the relief felt by the establishment press and the Bilderbergers. Nor was the answer really as silly as it sounds. Ball was among a swarm of Bilderbergers placed at the top of the government by President John Kennedy in 1961. By the time of Carter's election in 19


  • mmit scheduled for May 28-30 in Williamsburg, Va., Eliot insisted on the term "private," rather than "secret." Many meetings are being held "privately" on the subject of world economics, he said, but the Bilderbergers tell everybody about their meetings and do not deserve the "secret" label. He was reminded that the Bilder bergers had denied their own existence for more than a decade, and only went public after re


  • ches, private telephone numbers and the confid ential (as opposed to the public) list of par- ticipants. I had relied, in part, on the contents of the portfolio in revealing what had transpired among the Bilderbergers behind the locked and guarded doors of the Arrowwood Hotel. Other informa-


  • g ers thought I was a member of the Bilderberg group. At the time, I was an anti-establishment free-lance writer based in Washington. I had used the pen named "Harrison Home" in order to confuse both the Bilderbergers and th eir brother group, the Trilateral Commission, about my identity. Word that I had been found out and that my credentials as a member of the congressional press galleries would be revoked came i


  • ident Reagan announced his space shield plan. The new development in Bilderberg world policy, emerging from its meeting June 2-5, was the plan to spend more on NATO, also a richly profitable venture. The Bilderbergers mapped out th eir strategy protected by armed guards who patrolled the only entrance to the Interalpen-Hotel Tyrol that sits above the tiny town of Telfs, 16 miles from Innsbruck. Most, perhaps all,


  • 64 Bilderberg Diary Harrison Center at 7 a.m. on May 11. And they did. I penetrated the Harrison Conferen ce Center three separate times, and the talk of raising taxes never ceased. The Bilderbergers claimed credit for Bush's recent agreement that, "Everything [would] be on the table" when the White House and congressional leaders met in a "budget summit" on May 15, 1990, two days after the close


  • 68 Bilderberg Diary reasons." Even as the secret meeting was in progress, the Bilderbergers' leading lackey papers were doin g their jobs: Both The New York Times and The Washington Post we re editorially calling for tax increases and denouncing the ad ministration for refusing to immediate


  • UN levy of 10 cents per barrel of oil coming from the Persian Gulf. It was to be sold as "temporary," lasting only long enough to rebuild Kuwait and feed the Kurds until they are back on their feet. The Bilderbergers approved of the move by their brother group. They knew that once people get used to a tax, it never is repealed. Ten cents a barrel would have a negligible effect on sales at the pump, and it could b


  • 76 Bilderberg Diary The Bilderbergers endors ed this sellout just days before the United States' annual Captive Nations Week, once the occasion for tolling church bells and prayers for freedom of enslaved peoples. Security Pierced In 199


  • e as Grimm and I patrolled both. Both entrances were guarded from mid- morning to 9 p.m. We took turns retiring to the brasserie to rest our feet, buy each other coffee and compare notes. Ironically, the Bilderbergers had expected this meeting to be more secret than ever, yet not one of them got out of a limousine without seeing television cameras boring in on him. Many tried to mask their dismay with deadpan face


  • ack to the strategy of lining up to form a human wall to prevent observation. By this method, we were able to identify many, but not all, of the arrivals. And we had fun adding to the discomfiture of the Bilderbergers. Now, after knowing who was inside, the next goal was to learn what mischief they were undertaking. On the second day, I visited my cab driver's friend, the barmaid at a hotel several blocks from the


  • of the former Soviet Union had a major presence as the Bilderberg organization gathered in Evian for its annual secret meeting on global strategy. The larger than usual number of attendees had caused the Bilderbergers to spill over into two hotels, the Royal and the Ermitage in this resort area. It also prom pted the tightest security of any meeting so far. There was some speculation Go rbachev, the former Soviet


  • ompanied by guard dogs. AFP's Christopher Bollyn took this photograph shortly before he was picked up and forcibly taken miles away by local authorities. Vietnam until the POW-MI A issue is resolved. The Bilderbergers were considering urging the Vietnamese gov- ernment to take a dramatic step: Admit that some communist troops held some Americans after the war en ded and claim they shot them all a few months later.


  • g the former Soviet Union because seven decades of communism made it impo ssible to conduct "business as usual," several speakers said during the June 2-5, 1994, meeting of the Bilderberg Group here. The Bilderbergers also named a joint committee, including some members of the Trilateral Commission, to seek "political stability" in Japan. The faces gathering at the sealed -off, exclusive compound of plush building


  • t on the meetings. While Bilderberg members disp layed dismay over political developments in 1994, it was the de epening economic crisis in Russia and the Baltic states that caused the most distress. The Bilderbergers had decided to exploit the rich resources of the former Soviet Union while meeting at Evian, France, in 1992. But, after using their immense in fluence to transfer countless billions to Russia so the


  • Helsinki, Finland 1994 101 Russia now pays more in interest on old debts than it receives in Western aid, he said. Thus, Kissinge r and the Bilderbergers were calling for more American aid to Russia so th at it can pay interest on loans from the international financial cartel, while the economic props will also make the beleaguered nation more vulnera


  • they don't fly coach or stay at the YMCA.) For 20 years, I spent my life pawing through Associated Press, United Press International, The New York Times and Los Angeles Times wires. Yet, I never knew the Bilderbergers existed until I joined Liberty Lobby and The Spotlight in May 1975. I just did no t believe such events could transpire in a complete news blackout. What else is this but a media cons piracy to silen


  • ence. The U.S. paper The Spotlight of Washingt on, D.C. claims that there is already a schedule for the founda tion of a world government. This paper has occupied itself for years with the subject of the Bilderbergers. "The political opening of the East and the demise of Margaret Thatcher of Great Britain are results of the Bilderbergers" strategies," said Spotlight correspondent James Tucker. Tucker is not presen


  • Pat Buchanan and France-firs t champion Jean-Marie Le Pen in France. The presence of Spotlight re aders and "right-wing extremists" picketing outside the gates of their gathering place also unnerved the Bilderbergers. "These pockets of resistance to social justice are a problem and must be dealt with seriously," said one, who spoke in a low voice believed by inside sources to belong to Rockefelle r. "But they can


  • egler Exposes Bilderberg Reproduced above is a portion of journalist Westbrook Pegler's 1957 article on Bilderberg. This is the very article Willis A. Carto read which motivated him to begin tracking the Bilderbergers. Pegler said: "Something very mysterious is going on when a strange assortment of 67 self-qualified, polyglot designers and arbiters of the economic and political fate of our western world go into a


  • se you are a Unite d States Senator. As a Senator your loyalty lies with your constituents, not to international bankers. Or, do you feel your Senatorial oath of office is s uperseded by your oath to the Bilderbergers? As your constituents, we want th e answers to these questions. Concerned Maryland Voters In this letter, concerned citizens in Maryland demanded to know why taxpayers had paid for Sen. Charles Mathi

File: Lina - Architects of Deception - Secret History of Freemasonry (2004) -


  • f the 33 rd degree, also took the initia- tive to the European Community and the Council of Europe. He was for a united Europe. He had unlimited access to the president of the United States. In 1955, the Bilderbergers discussed the need to create the European Community (EC). Eighteen months later, the Treaty of Rome was signed, and the EC was a fact. The steering committee of the Bild erbergers, which consists of

File: Lyne - Pentagon Aliens (1999) -


  • ankind's scientific history. Perhaps when our people are reduced to ignorant, scientifically-deprived yokels, we will have "nat ional security", and only the NSA., the CFR, the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderbergers and the Il luminati (all one and the same) will possess true scientific knowledge. What the Rosicrucians/Illuminati refer to as the "wisdom of the ages", is actually a collection of stolen and concea


  • e Dutch, like the Swiss and their banking interests, have always been acco mmodating, and named a hotel after their infamous guests, many years before the form al meeting in 1954. I first heard about the Bilderbergers in 1960, from a person w ho had known about them since before the depression. I once knew an old Dutchman who as a boy at the turn of the century, acted as an inconspicuous, secret cour ier, riding h

File: Mark Dice - Bilderberg Group - Facts & Fiction -

  • never be put through. “We’re not taking calls on that right now, sorry. Click.”If the person calling gave the call screener a bogus question and happened to beput on air and then asked the host about the Bilderbergers, they would beridiculed and the call would be dropped immediately (something that’s happenedto me many times).2 [part0013.html#footnote2]Why not take it seriously? Why pretend for so many years they

  • t and actually entered it into theofficial Congressional Record.His statement begins, “Mr. Speaker, on several occasions during recent months, Icalled the attention of our colleagues to activities of the Bilderbergers—anelite international group comprised of high government officials, internationalfinanciers, businessmen, and opinion-makers…”“This exclusive international aristocracy holds highly secret meetings an

  • claimed that talking about the Bilderberg Group was going down a “tin foilhat road,” and said he didn’t care about the Bilderberg Group, and then comparedthem to a toy company.In July 2010 he said, “The Bilderbergers had their meeting, I don’t really knowmuch about these people, and I don’t really care. I know probably more about theBuild a Bear people in the malls, and I know those people are brainwashing ourkid

  • the caller:92 [part0013.html#footnote92] Caller: I was curious—what’s your take on the theory that the Bilderberg Groupbasically groomed Obama [Colmes cuts off the caller] Colmes: Oh, cut it out with the Bilderbergers already, it’s a bunch of crap.C’mon. Caller: Well you hear a lot about it. Alan: Yeah, yeah, you hear a lot about it from conspiracy freaks.

  • inally decided to write an article which started offsaying, “The annual Bilderberg Conference will convene this weekend,thus throwing the Internet into a tizzy,” and that “Conspiracy theorists believethe Bilderbergers control the course of world events. That through crisis anduncertainty they steer society’s great developments with an ultimate goal ofestablishing a New World Order.”180 [part0013.html#footnote180]A

File: Martin - Depopulation of a Planet - Thinning Out the Useless Eaters - An Unspoken NWO Agenda -


  • national sovereignty. The Club of Rom e has been charged with th e task of overseeing th e regionalization and unification of the entire world; the Club could therefore be sa id to be one step above the Bilderbergers in the on e-world hierarchy. (COW s founder, Peccei, ha s been a close associate of the Bilderbergers. ) As far as I hav e been able to d eterm ine, most of the dir ectiv es f or the planning of the

File: None Dare Call It Conspiracy - Gary Allen -


  • rbergcrs. Again, this is not acc idental. The strange name of this group is taken from t he site of the first m eeting in May, 1954 -the Hotel de Bilderberg-in Oostebeek, Holland. The man who created the Bilderbergers is His Royal Highness Prince Bernhard o f the Netherlands. The Prince is an im portant figure in Royal Dutch Petroleum (Shell Oil) and the Societe General de Belgique, a huge c onglomerate cartel wit


  • p lan ou r lives; or the New Y ork Tim es editorialists to b e pound ing their smoking typewriters, fumi ng abou t "the pub lic's right to kno w." But, of course, the landscape painters merely brush the Bilderbergers right out of existence a nd focus the pub lic's attention on something like the c ond itions in the prisons or coke bottles litt ering the highways. Since the Bilderbergers are a group of the Left (o

File: None Dare Call It Conspiracy - Gary Allen -


  • rbergcrs. Again, this is not acc idental. The strange name of this group is taken from t he site of the first m eeting in May, 1954 -the Hotel de Bilderberg-in Oostebeek, Holland. The man who created the Bilderbergers is His Royal Highness Prince Bernhard o f the Netherlands. The Prince is an im portant figure in Royal Dutch Petroleum (Shell Oil) and the Societe General de Belgique, a huge c onglomerate cartel wit


  • p lan ou r lives; or the New Y ork Tim es editorialists to b e pound ing their smoking typewriters, fumi ng abou t "the pub lic's right to kno w." But, of course, the landscape painters merely brush the Bilderbergers right out of existence a nd focus the pub lic's attention on something like the c ond itions in the prisons or coke bottles litt ering the highways. Since the Bilderbergers are a group of the Left (o

File: Operation Vampire Killer 2000 -


  • keeping their oath not to divulge the Globalist plans to the public. Speak ing to his fellow conspirators at a meeting, June 1991 in Baden Baden, Germany, of yet one more infamous World Order group, the Bilderbergers, Mr. Rockefeller sai d: "We are grateful to the Washington Post, The New Yo rk Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have atten ded our meetings and respected their promis

File: Ralph Epperson - The Unseen Hand - An Introduction to the Conspiratorial View of History -


  • "conser- vative" who frequently states that there is "no con spiracy," and George Bush, Ronald Reagan's Vice President and a member o f the Trilateral Commission and the Council on Foreign Relations. THE BILDERBERGERS This group has no known formal name but has been ca lled the Bilder- bergers by the conspiratorialists who first discove red them at their 1954 meeting at the Bilderberg Hotel in Oosterbeek, Holl and

File: Ronald Cooke - The Vatican Jesuit Global Conspiracy -


  • and perhaps do not even believe is actual. This judgmental visitation of God upon succeeding genera- tions is because of IDOLATRY, not atheism nor pornography. It is great to make accusations against the Bilderbergers and the Insiders and the llluminati because almost everyone in the world can identify against such people. The very capability of being able to identify against them, we believe, points up the weakne

File: Satanic Rothschild Dynasty - Financial Wizzards And Wealthy Cults -


  • d was organized as a "covert intelligence front” for the House of Rothschild. It is highly probable that the B’nai B’rith was used as a Rothschild intelligence cover. The Rothschilds are prominent in the Bilderbergers too. The Rothschilds were closely related to the Council of Foreign Relations (CFR). Although many people today would not view the CFR as a secret society it was originally set up as part of a secret


  • largest toy company and the largest frozen food company in France. He is a director of Belgium’s Banque Lambert, and of DeBeers Consolidated Mines in South Africa. He is on the Steering Committee of the Bilderbergers. And his interests extend into Israel, where he is the chairman of Tri-Continental Pipelines. Chairman of the Israel Corporation, and chairman of Isrop, which controls the Israel General Bank. The li


  • been able to interview Rebecca Brown Yoder’s husband, who has been called by the Lord to strengthen the end time church. THEIR POWER IS EXTENSIVE Peter Rupert Lord Carrington, who is the chairman of the Bilderbergers, has been the Rothschild’s director of their Rio Tinto Zinc Corp. He also is director of Barclay’s Bank and part of the Trilateral Commission. Francois Mitterand, who has led France, is an extremely

File: Springmeier - Be Wise as Serpents - Christianity's Systematic Destruction (1991) -


  • chapter 1.2) Pope John Paul II- Jewish Freemason leading Catholic church into One-Worl d -Reli g ion of the New A g e. Rockefeller family- M e m b e r s of t h i s f a m i l y have been prominent in the Bilderbergers, CFR; t h e y have been one-worlders and have funded countless projects and groups to further t h e New Order's goals. (See appendix) F. Delano Roosevelt A 33° Mason. A key player for the New Order.


  • urch of Illumination. The three groups- the Black Nobility, the Satanists, and the claimed Blood Line of Jesus- have an outer gr oup of about 500 men who assemble once a year. This group is nicknamed the Bilderbergers. Altho ugh the heads of some of the largest newspapers attend, and their meetings are news worthy, the media do not cover their supersecret meetings. (More about the Bilderbergers in chapter 2.12.) T


  • ed Satan for generations. If we were as rich and powerful as the Rothschilds we might also think we were gods. And in addi tion to their power of wealth are the witchcraft powers they have attained . The Bilderbergers is an extension of 103


  • e the final decision on who is selected of the various candidates to be the world's King -Priest ruler that the public will worship. level 2- There is a t op circle or Round Ta ble of nine members of the Bilderbergers. Next is a policy committee of 13. The next level are the 3 inner core groups of the Bilderbergers. Each of the 3 inner core groups number 13, and are made up of members of the Prieure de Sion, Illu


  • one where in exchange for signing on a paper denying Christ as the head of the church, the churches received a tax exempt status. The top secret Operations Research Te chnical Manual TM-SW7905.1 that the Bilderbergers Policy Committee uses, which is discussed elsewhere (chapter 3.6) spells out one of their methods to subvert the Christ ians. Because the Church of Christ doesn't take a stand against military serv i


  • Masonic rule of France after the French Revolution. Yet, it wasn't until af ter W.W.I, that the One-World- Power could justify restricting the free travel of the nations with passport requirements. 6 THE BILDERBERGERS The alliance of the great powers can be seen in the meetings of the Bilderbergers. This group consists of leaders from the Black Nobility, th e Jewish Banking families, the Freemasons, and the Intern


  • te House, went through to see his reputation (which they had created) destroyed. Nixon wisely did not allow them to do to him what had happened to Forrestal. AN INTERRUPTION Why does the Sanhedrin of the Bilderbergers me ss around with inst alling and deposing men like Richard Nixon, rather than just ruling themse lves? Because they want happy slaves. Just like


  • as organized as a "covert intelligence front" fo r the House of Rothschild. It is highly probable that the B'nai B'rith wa s used as a Rothschild intelligence cover. The Rothschilds are prominen t in the Bilderbergers too. The Rothschilds were closely related to the Council of Fore ign Relations (CFR). Although many people today would not view the CFR as a secret society it was originally set up as part of a secre


  • crets to be revealed, the book's cont ents are not extremely controversial. Be Wise As Serpents goes beyond Who's Running America a nd reveals the secret groups such MJ-12 and the policy committee of the Bilderbergers who really make the decisions. The Energy Cartel, Who Runs The American Oi l Industry by Norman Medvin. This book exposes the unchecked concentration of power that allows the elit e through joint ven


  • BILDERBERGERS Chairman of the Bilderbergers Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands (mason) l954-1976 Lord Home of the Hirsel 1976-198? Peter Rupert Lord Carrington 19??-present Order of St. John 5. BRITISH INTELLIGENCE UNITED KINGDOM Chiefs, Secre

File: Syndicate - The Story Of The Coming World Government -


  • icy towards the settlement s. The 2003 Bilderberg meeting effected a U-turn in Israel's policy. It ca n therefore confidently be expected that all the Bilderberg recommendations wi ll be implemented. The Bilderbergers did, however, receive a setback w hen Donald Rumsfeld later announced that the US would not be paying an expected 22% of the $342.4m cost of a new "futuristic" NATO headqua rters building in Brussels


  • pped off Philby, causing him to flee to the Soviet Union. 8. For Kissinger, see Spotlight, May 29, 1989. Also se e Norris McWhirter and Rodney Atkinson, The Destruction of the Nation-State: "Per haps the Bilderbergers' greatest coup was the removal from office of Margaret Thatcher in November 1990 which had been planned at a meeting on the island of La Toja off t he Atlantic coast of Spain on the weekend of 11th M


  • esting 'the time may never be right' for a common European currency ... Major, finding himself in political quicksand, quickly recanted and again supports the common currency. Despite being a tool of the Bilderbergers since taking office, his momentary slip brought outrage, and Bilderberg influence forced Major to resign as part y leader and stand for election. But the only challenger to emerge was John Redwood, a

File: Tavistock Institute Of Human Relations - Shaping Moral, Spiritual, Cultural, Political, Economic Decline of USA -


  • ll as intruding into private life, on a truly vas t scale. Tavistock developed profiles and programs for the C lub of Rome, the Cini Foundation, the German Marshall fund , the Rockefeller Foundation, the Bilderbergers, the CFR and the Trilateral Commission, the Ditchley Foundation, the Bank of International Settlements, the I.M.F. the United Na tions and the World Bank, Microsoft, Citibank, the New York S tock Exc

File: Tuckett - Conspiracy Theories (semi-serious) (2004) -


  • around the ideal of utopic democracy which, he felt, could only be achieved by means of a one-world government. The conspiracy has infil- trated much of the history of the Western world, and includes the Bilderbergers, the Club of Rome, the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission. The Illuminati have always been closely linked to the Freemasons and, indeed, the start of the cult involved dominat

File: Richard Dolan - A.D. - After Disclosure -

  • oath.”When asked by one of the authors what this meant, the officer replied that,obviously, it meant someone else was in charge. When asked if this meant aninternational control group, something like the Bilderbergers, was in charge,his answer was, “Yes, something like that.”10[A.D._After_Disclosure_split_017.html#filepos738906]John Podesta, a senior advisor to President Clinton and the transition chief forthe Oba

File: Richard Dolan - UFOs For The 21st Century Mind -

  • of them believed the subject needed more intellectual rigor.Even those who were beginning to believe in a conspiracy of some sort were tameby standards of later years. No one spoke of the Illuminati, the Bilderbergers,or Bohemian Grove. If there was any belief in a conspiracy or cover-up,researchers confined their analysis to the U.S. Government. Such relative collegiality was even in evidence regarding the matter

File: Richard Dolan - UFOs and the National Security State - Volume 2 -

  • t the UFO community began to “let it all hang out.” Claims ofhuman-alien “deals,” and the reverse-engineering of extraterrestrial technologybegan to surface. Discussions of global control groups like the Bilderbergersand Illuminati seeped into the mix. Increasingly, claims were made about thevarious types of extraterrestrials said to be on Earth. The old guard found allof this distasteful, embarrassing, and wrong-

  • primarily forthe purpose of “alien communications.” The true MJ-12 group was born, saidCooper, during the early 1950s, when President Eisenhower brought NelsonRockefeller into the picture. Similarly, the Bilderbergers were founded in 1954,at least partly in order to enable the international elites to manage theUFO/alien situation. Other secret societies had connections to the secrecy,including the Jason Society, S

  • U.S. Presidency. Consider thefirm control held over the Presidencies of Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, RonaldReagan, and George Bush by such internationally based groups such as theTrilateral Commission, the Bilderbergers, and the Council on Foreign Relations(the last of which is formally an American group but entirely globalist inoutlook). The subjugation of the Presidency to such groups has hardly beendiscussed with

  • alstructure to facilitate this process. For many years, the U.S. Presidency hadbeen beholden to transnational-oriented entities such as the TrilateralCommission, the Council on Foreign Relations, and the Bilderbergers. Now, at theCold War’s end, the members of these groups, on behalf of the corporations theyowned, set about on an agenda.One facet of this was the promotion of the North American Free Trade Agreement

  • y the Cold War’send, it looked as though the center of gravity regarding UFO secrecy had shiftedaway from the official toward the unofficial . Perhaps it had always been so.Private power brokers like the Bilderbergers had exercised dominant king makingability for many years, and U.S. domestic and foreign policies had longreflected the interests of financial elites. Yet it is conceivable that controlover “the secre

File: Robert Anton Wilson - Cosmic Trigger 3 - My Life After Death -


  • 100 Robert Anton Wilson white (and nonwhite) males, also suspected of plotting against the rest of us. All of these suspicions about the Bilderbergers and Trilater- alists come from people who usually don ' t qualify as rich or male or even white themselves , not at all. I think this has the same explanation as the oddity noted by philosopher Georg

File: Robert Anton Wilson - Everything Is Under Control -


  • ranean Worlds , by Walter Kafton-Minkel, Loompanics Unlimited, Port Townsend, Wash., 1989 Prince Bernhard Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands appears in several popular conspiracy theories. He founded the Bilderbergers , the ultra-se- cretive group of rich white males who meet once a year and (ac- cording to those not personally rich enough, white enough, or male enough to get into the club) plot how to exploit the


  • brose Collector. See also: Gods of Eden , Kenneth Grant, Robert Morning Sky, Mothman Prophecies References: Bierce’s writings Columbia Concise Encyclopedia Webster’s Family Encyclopedia Bilderbergers The Bilderbergers, originally convened in Bilderberg, Netherlands, by Prince Bernhard , consists of males who are all very rich and almost all very white. Since they now meet in a different city every year, and only o


  • ut nobody on the outside knows what they call themselves.... Although suspected of all manner of high crimes and treasons by those who believe rich white males never do anything but hatch evil plots, the Bilderbergers have never been convicted of any crime in any court. (That just shows the extent of their control, according to the more ardent conspiriolo- gists.) The most nefarious fact about the Bilderbergers—as


  • royalty—was, in the consensus of UN correspondents, simple: “The Bilderbergers are too powerful and omnipresent to be ex- posed,” as French broadcaster Thierry de Segonzac put it . According to The Spotlight , both our current president, Bill Clinton , and our former president,


  • even imagined. The identity of the Con and all its members is known to J.R. “ Bob ” Dobbs, founder, Mahatma, Messiah, and CEO of the Church of the Sub-Genius /Sub-Genius Foundation. The Con includes the Bilderbergers, Trilateral Commission Sup- porters , the Illuminati , communist clones, Nazi hell creatures , interstellar bankers, and the leaders of all rival churches and cults. All Pinks (normal or “adjusted” h


  • spiriologists who have found Illuminati influence on 19th- and 20th-century politics/economics and finds them unconvincing. He tends to accept much of the recent and current conspiracy theories about the Bilderbergers , and a few other power groups, but judges all the evidence tracing them back to the Illuminati as weak and implausible. The book includes a reading list featuring some excellent works and a few real


  • Nixon and Reagan regimes ; • Alexander de Marenches, former chief of French Intelligence ; • William Casey , head of the CIA during the Iran-Contra conspiracy ; • Otto von Hapsburg, also a member of the Bilderbergers and part of the Merovingian bloodline, according to Michael Baigent, Henry Lincoln, and Richard Leigh; and • Licio Gelli, Roberto Calvi, and Michele “The Shark” Sindona , leaders of the P2 conspiracy


  • aigent, Henry Lincoln, and Richard Leigh produce elaborate bloodlines relating the Merovingians to many important persons in the modern world, including Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, founder of the Bilderbergers , and Otto von Hapsburg, member of both the Bilderbergers and the Knights of Malta . 298 / Everything is Under Control

File: Robert Anton Wilson - Illuminati Papers -

  • ything. 25 15 It’s the result of a civil warbetween Yankees and Cowboys. 23 17 It’s the 33° Masons. 5 5 It’s the Jesuits. 55 It’s the Elders of Zion. 2 2 It’s the Military-Industrial Complex. 1 2 It’sthe Bilderbergers. 1 2 It’s the Gnomes of Zürich. 1 2 It’s the LesbianVegetarians. 10 28 Miscellaneousc 2 2a. Source: Gallup, Roper, and Hogtied, Who’s Watching Whom (Washington, DC: USGovernment Printing Office, 1979

File: Robert Anton Wilson - Illuminati Papers -

  • ything. 25 15 It’s the result of a civil warbetween Yankees and Cowboys. 23 17 It’s the 33° Masons. 5 5 It’s the Jesuits. 55 It’s the Elders of Zion. 2 2 It’s the Military-Industrial Complex. 1 2 It’sthe Bilderbergers. 1 2 It’s the Gnomes of Zürich. 1 2 It’s the LesbianVegetarians. 10 28 Miscellaneousc 2 2a. Source: Gallup, Roper, and Hogtied, Who’s Watching Whom (Washington, DC: USGovernment Printing Office, 1979

File: Stanley Monteith - Brotherhood of Darkness -


  • w of Senator Goldwater's concern, but since CFR members control almost all of our media outlets, his warning was suppressed. Is the Council on Foreign Relations the dominant force in the world today? The Bilderbergers Those who came were not the heads of states, but those who give orders to heads of states other words, the kingmakers. -Phyllis Schlafly [28] Many competent researchers are convinced that the B


  • Why aren't the meetings of the Bilderbergers ever mentioned in the media? Because members of that organization control most of the major media outlets in the United States and Europe. Only a very powerful group can conceal its existence. Are th


  • leadership is one of the most important and successful in history. -David Rockefeller, 1973 [43] Did we really win the Cold War? Some people contend that communism is still a threat because the CFR, the Bilderbergers, Trilateral Commission, and the Club of Rome are communist front organizations. They justify that belief by noting that Mikhail Gorbachev, a lifelong member of the KGB and the former dictator of the


  • talk about democracy, their real goal is a world government under the control of an enlightened Elite.[55] The Socialist International coordinates its efforts with the CFR, the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderbergers, and the Club of Rome. All of them work to establish a world government. The only question is: Who will be in control?


  • days the CFR was the most powerful organization in the United States, yet most people had never heard of it.[11] In 1964, I read Phyllis Schlafly's book, A Choice Not an Echo, which introduced me to the Bilderbergers, and later I learned about the Trilateral Commission and the Club of Rome. When I studied those groups, I discovered they were committed to forcing the United States to accept the rule of the United


  • d power. Most Masons have no understanding of the mysterious arcanum arcanorum, but they are used by those who do. The occult religions are only part of our problem. The Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderbergers, the Trilateral Commission, the Club of Rome, and almost all of the other groups listed in chapter two can be traced back to the occult. Six of our last nine presidents have been members of the Counc

File: Keith - Mind Control, World Control - The Encyclopedia of Mind Control (1998) -


  • tarian scheme. The New World Order plan would later be furthered by such offshoot groups as the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, the Club of Rome, the Tavistock Institute, and the Bilderbergers, and realized in the form of such institutions as the United Nations, the International Monetary Fund, and the World Bank. None of these groups or their individual members have acted entirely on thei

File: Dulce Book -


  • The Dulce Book then used as a covert force to destroy American independence and make America subject to a Bavarian-backed New World Order. Remember even through the Bilderbergers consist of a "marriage of convenience" between Londonese Wicca Masons, Basilian Black Nobility and Roman Maltese Jesuits... the supreme controllers of the Bildeberger cult itself are the secret black

File: Gods Of Eden -


  • and Buddhism, An Historical Sketch, Barnes & Noble, Inc., New York, 1957 Erman, Adolf (trans. H. M. Tirard), Life in Ancient Egypt, MacMillan and Company, London, 1894 Evans, Medford, "The Prince and the Bilderbergers," American Opinion, Robert Welch (editor), Robert Welch, Inc., Belmont, October 1975 Fakhry, Ahmed, The Pyramids, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1961 Fay, Bernard, Revolution and Freemason

File: Pentagon Aliens -


  • ankind's scientific history. Perhaps when our people are reduced to ignorant, scientifically-deprived yokels, we will have "nat ional security", and only the NSA., the CFR, the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderbergers and the Il luminati (all one and the same) will possess true scientific knowledge. What the Rosicrucians/Illuminati refer to as the "wisdom of the ages", is actually a collection of stolen and concea


  • e Dutch, like the Swiss and their banking interests, have always been acco mmodating, and named a hotel after their infamous guests, many years before the form al meeting in 1954. I first heard about the Bilderbergers in 1960, from a person w ho had known about them since before the depression. I once knew an old Dutchman who as a boy at the turn of the century, acted as an inconspicuous, secret cour ier, riding h

File: Valdamar Valerian - Matrix III Volume 1 -


  • large contract with the U.S. Army; J.M. Raisman, chairman of Shell Oil UK Ltd, Lloyds Bank, and British Telecommunications; R.G. Dahrendorf, one of the world's most active socialists and a member of the Bilderbergers, having attended their May 10, 1985 meeting in Rye, New York. Current Federal Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan also attended and is Bilderberger member. 13. Hoffman LaRoche: The firms biggest seller w


  • States, claiming that "over-population" is a problem. 1932 - Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands joins the S.S, and then the board of an I.G. subsidiary, Farben Bilder, from which he took the name of the Bilderbergers. 1933 - I.G. Farben gives 4.5 million RM to Nazi Party. I.G. Farben is a Rothschild concern, 1933 - Adolph Hitler comes to power in Germany. 1936 - Goerings Four-Year industrial plan is launched. 193


  • y event, we would never know (until it is too late), what information government (and so many private agencies), have onus. Mass surveillance is here. It is not something that may come in the future. The Bilderbergerswho have gained in strength during the last twoyears, are known to have their own "pattern recognition technique". This is the jargon used by Tavistock Institute. The Bilderberger's security has compu

File: Valdamar Valerian - Matrix III Volume 2 -


  • ociety through the filter of the basal paradigm. Within the social paradigm are group paradigms that are models of existence held to be true by groups within a society. The National Security Council, the Bilderbergers, the United Nations, the Royal Society of England, the American Medical Association, various religious groups, scientists, political parties, biologists, the American Cancer Society, the Mafia, the A


  • t erudite, perhaps "Erasmus von Rotterdam", the great Renaissance Scholar re-incarnated, Prince Bernhard has great power amongst the Old European ~obii$", secret societies, powefil Masonic Orders and the Bilderbergers, and it is rumoured he has connections with some Illuminati groups. Well, we know it is not us, and St. Gerrnain is on a very long holiday! ( laughter) His agenda is that he wants to institute the ce

File: William Cooper - Behold A Pale Horse -


  • group was formed and met for the first time in 1952. They were named after the firs t publicly kno wn meeting place, the Bilderberg Hote l. That public meeting took place in 1954. They were nicknamed The Bilderbergers. The headquarters of this group is Geneva, Switzerland. The Bilderbergers evolved into a secret world gov- ernment that now controls everything. The United Nations was then, and is now, an internatio

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