Red Brigades

Found in 74 Books

File: Towers Of Deception -


  • deception, the fifth estate proved. Many “terrorist” events, sure to garner headlines all over the world, are similarly “false flag” operations, Tarpley writes, based on his 30 years of study of the Red Brigades, the Baader-Meinhof group and Al Qaeda. Tarpley is not alone in asserting that “international terrorism” — including 9/11 — is overwhelmingly the product of Western intelligence agencies. He pro- vid


  • Europe, 251 Radio Liberty, 251 Ralph, Diana, 340-341, 354 Ratigan, Dylan, 105 Rawalpindi, 107 Reagan, Ronald, 281-282, 287 Reasonable doubt, 46 Rebuilding America’s Defenses , 26, 109, 238, 308, 309 Red Brigades, 31 Reichstag Fire, 6, 237-238, 272-273 Reinhardt, Kelly, 338-339 Rense, Jeff, 187 Republican Party, 234, 326 Rice, Condoleezza, 21, 81, 94, 95, 158, 175 Rivera, Daniel, 73 Robertson, Leslie, 67 Robe

File: Webster Tarpley - 9-11 Synthetic Terror -


  • a press conference in Rome in September 1978. It was extensively if unfavorably reviewed in the newsmagazine Panorama . The main finding was that Moro had been killed by NATO intelligence, using the Red Brigades as tool and camouflage at the same time. The cause of the assassination was Moro’s determination to give Italy a stable government by bringing the Italian Communist Party into the cabinet and the par


  • r Toni Negri, Franco Piperno, and other leaders of the allegedly defunct Potere Operaio group. They were charged with being not just the ideologues and sympathizers, but part of the leadership of the Red Brigades. It was said that Calogero had been influenced by my Moro dossier. Today Negri is still operational from his jail cell, helping to inspire a regroupment of violent anarchist “criminal energy” groups


  • who played the main role in the explosions at the Oklahoma federal center.” (September 13, 2001) Ferdinando Imposimato, one of the most prominent investigating judges in Italy during the years of the Red Brigades, the Moro assassination, and the attempt to assassinate Pope John Paul II, also found it impossible to accept the Bush administration account.


  • ssive change, or with the establishment of international justice. Nothing could be further from the truth. If the Italian left of the 1970s and the German left of the same period sympathized with the Red Brigades or the Baader-Meinhof group/Red Army faction, they only showed their own stupidity, since both of these terrorist operations were created by and controlled by NATO intelligence. Similarly, any Arab w


  • arily masquerade as an authentic voice of the oppressed – be they Arabs, Moslems, workers, national minorities, or whatever. The terror groups cannot be labeled CIA or KGB – they must call themselves Red Brigades, Red Army faction, ETA, or al Qaeda. The false flag and false ideology allows the terror group to pretend that it is something that it is not, and to convince billions of naïve viewers of CNN or al J


  • . In March, 1978 this warning was followed by a terrorist attack on Moro’s motorcade, in which several of his security detail were killed. Moro himself was abducted. Responsibility was claimed by the Red Brigades. After two months of captivity, Moro was killed by his captors and his body found in the trunk of a car in downtown Rome. After his death, the PCI was not allowed to enter the government. As the exam


  • secret intelligence agencies of modern states. This discussion draws on the work of Andreas von Bülow, Gerard Wisnewski, Gianfranco Sanguinetti, and on my own research on the Moro assassination, the Red Brigades, and Italian terrorism in general. PATSIES “I’m just a patsy.” Lee Harvey Oswald, November 1963 Speaking of Guy Fawkes and his confreres, Father Gerard comments that “many intelligent men took for gr


  • on, which has been amply documented in the case of Italy in the case of Gladio, which we describe below. (Wisnewski 1994 395-400) Something quite similar has been established in regard to the Italian Red Brigades. In 1982 an important official of the Italian Justice Ministry in Rome, Giovanni Senzani, was arrested on the charge of being the head of the Red Brigades in the Naples area. Senzani had been the obj


  • information. As the original members suffered attrition, they were replaced by new recruits. One of these was Mario Moretti, reputedly the leader of the Red Brigades during the Moro kidnapping. More senior members complained from their jail cells that Moretti failed to pass on warnings of coming police raids, and sabotaged attempted jail breaks. Moretti advocated

File: Carroll Quigley - Tragedy & Hope (scanned) -


  • d in high mili- ar V circles in France and England until too late in 1940. It was sharplv c wllenged, even a decade earlier, by those who insisted that tanks should e organized in distinct units (armored brigades or divisions) and should used, without close infantry support, moving as perpendicular col- mns rather than in parallel lines against the defensive formations, and °uld seek to penetrate through thes

File: Carroll Quigley - Tragedy & Hope -


  • ld in high military circles in France and England until too late in 1940. It was sharply challenged, even a decade earlier, by those who insisted that tanks should be organized in distinct units (armored brigades or divisions) and should be used, without close infantry support, moving as perpendicular columns rather than in parallel lines against the defensive formations, and should seek to penetrate through

File: Carroll Quigley - Tragedy & Hope -


  • ld in high military circles in France and England until too late in 1940. It was sharply challenged, even a decade earlier, by those who insisted that tanks should be organized in distinct units (armored brigades or divisions) and should be used, without close infantry support, moving as perpendicular columns rather than in parallel lines against the defensive formations, and should seek to penetrate through

File: Carroll Quigley - Tragedy And Hope -


  • England until too late in 1940. It was sharply challenged, even a decade earlier, by those who insisted that tanks should be organized in distinct units (armored brigades or divisions) and should be used, without close infantry support, moving as perpendicular columns rather than in parallel lines against the defensive formations, and should seek to penetrate through

File: Colin Wilson - Criminal History Of Mankind -


  • lephone conversations. The ‘La Torre law’ failed to reach the statute book. On 30 April 1982, La Torre was ambushed and shot to death. General Alberto Dalla Chiesa, the policeman who had defeated the Red Brigades, was appointed prefect of Palermo. When he arrived with his new young wife, he had a foreboding that he would be killed. Dalla Chiesa pressed hard for the La Torre law to be passed, but the governmen

File: Colin Wilson - Criminal History Of Mankind -


  • lephone conversations. The ‘La Torre law’ failed to reach the statute book. On 30 April 1982, La Torre was ambushed and shot to death. General Alberto Dalla Chiesa, the policeman who had defeated the Red Brigades, was appointed prefect of Palermo. When he arrived with his new young wife, he had a foreboding that he would be killed. Dalla Chiesa pressed hard for the La Torre law to be passed, but the governmen

File: Colin Wilson - Serial Killers -

  • a general feeling that people who are willing to commitmurder for their political ideology are dangerous cranks who have no place in acivilised society. Groups like the Japanese Red Army, the Italian Red Brigades,the Baader-Meinhof gang and the Symbionese Liberation Army were hunted down withthe full approval of the public. The suicides of Ulrike Meinhof and AndreasBaader in 1977 seemed to symbolise the end o

File: Daniel Estulin - Tavistock Institute - Social Engineering The Massesl -

  • elop the capability to produce bombs.”49It was the same technique used by Francesca Alberoni, the University of Trento’sSchool of Sociology head, to create Italy’s “leftist” terrorist organization theRed Brigades. The Trento program was a social-work brainwashing program. Thesame modus operandi was used to create the Weathermen Underground as a terroristgroup.“Not only was there irrationalist anarchist indoct

File: Daniel Estulin - TransEvolution_ The Coming Age of Human Deconstruction -

  • rporations working on this new era technology is Honeywell, onwhose payroll was Egidio Giuliani. He was a full-time terrorist operative in the1970s and 80s, who supplied weapons and passports to both Red Brigades whokilled Aldo Moro, and the “black” fascists who bombed Bologna train station.Honeywell’s work is augmented with participation from Teledyne Scientific &Imaging and Columbia University.Teledyne is n

File: Daniel Estulin - True Story Of The Bilderberg Group -

  • hedestabilization of the Middle East — a prime goal — that much harder.”Coleman described with meticulous detail the sequence of events that paralyzedthe Italian nation: how Moro was kidnapped by the Red Brigades in the spring of1978 in broad daylight and subsequently brutally shot to death, with all of hisbodyguards murdered in cold blood. On November 10th, 1982, in a Rome courtroom,Gorrado Guerzoni, a close

File: Daniel Pinchbeck - How Soon is Now -

  • dt explore how a global revolution might become a universal phenomenon – andhappen quickly. Negri, a political philosopher, was jailed by the Italiangovernment in the 1980s, accused of supporting the Red Brigades, a leftistterrorist organization. In fact, it seems the government was just trying tosilence him. Hardt is a professor of political science at Duke University. Thetwo thinkers wrote a series of books

File: David Icke - 1999 - The Biggest Secret -

  • (Comm 300 designate)which was connected to the Michel Sindona-P2 Freemasonry scandal in Italy. TheElite P2 Freemasonry Lodge controlled by the Mussolini fascist, Lucio Gelli, wasthe force behind the Red Brigades terrorists in the 1970s who planted thedevastating bomb at Bologna railway station and murdered the leading politician,Aldo Morro, after Morro had rejected Henry Kissinger’s order to change hispolici

File: David Icke - 1999 - The Biggest Secret -

  • (Comm 300 designate)which was connected to the Michel Sindona-P2 Freemasonry scandal in Italy. TheElite P2 Freemasonry Lodge controlled by the Mussolini fascist, Lucio Gelli, wasthe force behind the Red Brigades terrorists in the 1970s who planted thedevastating bomb at Bologna railway station and murdered the leading politician,Aldo Morro, after Morro had rejected Henry Kissinger’s order to change hispolici

File: David Icke - 2007 - The David Icke Guide To The Global Conspiracy -

  • ents the Illuminati and theRothschilds, and he delivers their orders to Bush or whoever is president. Itwas the P-2 and its connected secret societies that were behind the terroristgroup known as the Red Brigades, which murdered both a judge investigatingCalvi’s bank and the prominent Italian politician, Aldo Moro, after he had beenthreatened with ‘consequences’ by Kissinger via US government officials. Moro’

  • Text/index_split_013.html#filepos154037]-5> [../Text/index_split_013.html#filepos154037], 93> [../Text/index_split_015.html#filepos377535]> and solidity 39 [../Text/index_split_013.html#filepos171707]Red Brigades 188 [../Text/index_split_018.html#filepos725455]Reed, Terry, Compromised: Clinton, Bush, And the CIA 453[../Text/index_split_032.html#filepos1712955]Reid, John 349 [../Text/index_split_027.html#filep

File: David Icke - 2007 - The David Icke Guide To The Global Conspiracy -

  • ents the Illuminati and theRothschilds, and he delivers their orders to Bush or whoever is president. Itwas the P-2 and its connected secret societies that were behind the terroristgroup known as the Red Brigades, which murdered both a judge investigatingCalvi’s bank and the prominent Italian politician, Aldo Moro, after he had beenthreatened with ‘consequences’ by Kissinger via US government officials. Moro’

  • Text/index_split_013.html#filepos154037]-5> [../Text/index_split_013.html#filepos154037], 93> [../Text/index_split_015.html#filepos377535]> and solidity 39 [../Text/index_split_013.html#filepos171707]Red Brigades 188 [../Text/index_split_018.html#filepos725455]Reed, Terry, Compromised: Clinton, Bush, And the CIA 453[../Text/index_split_032.html#filepos1712955]Reid, John 349 [../Text/index_split_027.html#filep

File: David Icke - 2013 - The Perception Deception - Part One -

  • nvolved operatives from many countries, most notably Italywhere one of its attacks was the Bologna railway station bombing in 1980 whichkilled 85 people and was blamed on a terrorist group called the Red Brigades todemonise communists. An Italian parliamentary investigation in 2000 heard thatthe bombing was actually carried out by ‘men inside Italian state institutionsand ... men linked to the structures of U

File: David Icke - 2013 - The Perception Deception -


  • olved operatives from many countries, most notably Italy where one of its attacks was the Bologna railway station bombing in 1980 which killed 85 people and was blamed on a terrorist group called the Red Brigades to demonise communists. An Italian parliamentary investigation in 2000 heard that the bombing was actually carried out by ‘men inside Italian state institutions and ... men linked to the structures o

File: David Icke - 2019 - The Trigger -


  • shed to demonise to justify increased government powers. Operation Gladio was behind the Bologna railway station bombing i,n 1980 which killed 85 people and was blamed on a terrorist group called the Red Brigades to discredit communists. An Italian parliamentary investigation in 2000 heard that the bombing was actually carried out by 'men inside Italian state institutions and ... men linked to the structures

File: David Icke - 2019 - The Trigger -


  • shed to demonise to justify increased government powers. Operation Gladio was behind the Bologna railway station bombing i,n 1980 which killed 85 people and was blamed on a terrorist group called the Red Brigades to discredit communists. An Italian parliamentary investigation in 2000 heard that the bombing was actually carried out by 'men inside Italian state institutions and ... men linked to the structures

File: David Icke - And The Truth Shall Set You Free -


  • ve heard suggestions that he's hated by the US. There is another view that this "hatred" is a front for CIA terrorist training based in Libya, which, it is said, has honed the skills of the IRA, th e Red Brigades, and ot her terrorist groups. It's hard to tell, but here I am looking only at the strange connections surrounding the Lockerbie bomb. The man who wrote the paper for Rona ld Reagan which proposed a

File: David Icke - And the Truth Shall Set You Free, 21st Century Edition (2004) -


  • ve heard suggestions that he's hated by the US. There is another view that this "hatred" is a front for CIA terrorist training based in Libya, which, it is said, has honed the skills of the IRA, th e Red Brigades, and ot her terrorist groups. It's hard to tell, but here I am looking only at the strange connections surrounding the Lockerbie bomb. The man who wrote the paper for Rona ld Reagan which proposed a

File: David Icke - Guide To The Global Conspiracy -


  • s the Illuminati and the Rothschilds, and he delivers their orders to Bush or whoever is president. It was the P-2 and its connected secret societies that were behind the terrorist group known as the Red Brigades, which murdered both a judge investigating Calvi's bank and the prominent Italian politician, Aldo Moro, after he had been threatened with 'consequences' by Kissinger via US government officials. Mor

File: David Icke - The Biggest Secret - The Book that Will Change the World (1998) -


  • omm 300 designate) which was connected to the Michel Sindona-P2 Freemasonry scandal in Italy. The Elite P2 Freemasonry Lodge controlled by the Mussolini fascist, Lucio Gelli, was the force behind the Red Brigades terrorists in the 1970s who planted the devastating bomb at Bologna railway station and murdered the leading politician, Aldo Morro, after Morro had rejected Henry Kissinger’s order to change his pol

File: David Icke - The Biggest Secret -


  • omm 300 designate) which was connected to the Michel Sindona-P2 Freemasonry scandal in Italy. The Elite P2 Freemasonry Lodge controlled by the Mussolini fascist, Lucio Gelli, was the force behind the Red Brigades terrorists in the 1970s who planted the devastating bomb at Bologna railway station and murdered the leading politician, Aldo Morro, after Morro had rejected Henry Kissinger’s order to change his pol

File: Mind Control, World Control -


  • While in prison in Pisa, Stark arranged to inform o n Renato Curcio of the Red Brigades, telling of a plot to as sassinate Judge Francesco Coco of Genoa, who was going to preside o ver a trial of fifty Red Brigadesmen. In June of 1976 Judge Coc o was murdered, as Stark had foretold. Ano

File: Scarlet And The Beast -


  • t humanity were hatched in that city." 84 For example, during the 1970s and 1980s, Genoud's Nazi International was the financial backer of the European right-wing terrorist organizations, such as the Red Brigades. Throughout the 1980s Genoud funded the PLO and other anti-Zionist Arab fronts. Moreover, he provided the finances for the plot to assassinate Pope John Paul II in St. Peter's Square on May 13, 1981.

File: John Coleman - Beyond the Conspiracy -


  • ost of good evidence that this is indeed what Gladio did, and his arguments shed light on the intriguing possibility that there might also have been an alliance with extreme left wing groups like the Red Brigades. After all, when Aldo Moro was kidnapped, shortly after which he was assassinated, he was physically on the way to the Italian parliament to present a progr am for a coalition government between the

File: John Coleman - Club of Rome -


  • ors the suppression of scientific development in the United States, Britain and Europe, and la tterly, Japan. COR is believed to have maintained some connections with terrorist organizations like the Red Brigades. This was implemented through arch-Socialist Bettino Craxi, a former leading player in the COR and a man known by intelligence agencies in France and Germany, to have had contacts in the Bader-Meinho

File: John Coleman - Conspiritor's Hierarchy - The Committee Of 300 -


  • while he was still the U.S. Secretary of State. The meteoric rise of the man the witness named as Kissinger will be dealt with l ater. It will be recalled that Prime Minister Moro was kidnaped by the Red Brigades in 1978 and subsequently brutally shot to death.


  • 8 It was at the trial of members of the Red Brigades that several of them testified to the fact that they knew of high-l evel U.S. involvement in the plot to kill Moro. When threaten ing Moro, Kissinger was obviously not carrying out U.S. forei gn poli


  • e of soc ialism to bring about the downfall of several Italian gove rnments since the Club of Rome was established in 1968. Among the se are the Black Nobility of Venice and Genoa, P2 Masonry and the Red Brigades, all working for the same goals. Police in vestigators in Rome working on the Red Brigades-Aldo Moro case cam e across the names of several very prominent Italian familie s working closely with this


  • t apparatus and negotiate with terrorists whenever terrorist activities take place. It will be recalled that it was Bettino Craxi who persuaded th e Italian and U.S. governments to negotiate with the Red Brigades kidnapers of Prime Minister Moro and General Dozier. As an aside , General Dozier is under orders not to talk about what happe ned to him. Should he break that silence, he will no doubt be m ade "a h

File: John Coleman - Freemasonry From A To Z -


  • carefully. You will then have a clear picture of who is behind international terrorism, and perhaps more important, proof Freemasonry is the demon force loose in the world today, responsible for the Red Brigades (successor to the Mason terrorist group La Roja — The Reds) and the many hundreds of organized terrorist groups on the rampage throughout the world! Another of Freemasonry's great est successes and a

File: Joseph P. Farrell - SS Brotherhood Of The Bell -


  • Griogieri 's murder, stating thar he "was struck down exclusively for his responsibility exercised following the Italian adhesion to the Star Wars project." And attributing the murder to the Italian Red Brigades. Of course, notes can easily be faked, and the fact that responsibility was claimed in only three cases is odd if two groups performed all the murdcrs. J1 One explanation, the obvious one, is that "i

File: Joseph P. Farrell - SS Brotherhood of the Bell -

File: Michio Kaku - Physics Of The Impossible -


  • ssions. Specifically, the remote viewers were asked to • locate Colonel Gadhafi before the 1986 bombing of Libya • find plutonium stockpiles in North Korea in 1994 • locate a hostage kidnapped by the Red Brigades in Italy in 1981 • locate a Soviet Tu-95 bomber that had crashed in Africa In 1995, the CIA asked the American Institute for Research (AIR) to evaluate these programs. The AIR recommended that the pr

File: Freemasonry from A to Z -


  • carefully. You will then have a clear picture of who is behind international terrorism, and perhaps more important, proof Freemasonry is the demon force loose in the world today, responsible for the Red Brigades (successor to the Mason terrorist group La Roja — The Reds) and the many hundreds of organized terrorist groups on the rampage throughout the world! Another of Freemasonry's great est successes and a

File: God's Banker - Rupert Cornwell -


  • y in Milan were some of the most newsworthy in recent Italian history. Aldo Moro, a former Prime Minister and President of the Christian Democrats, was kid - napped and murdered that May by left-wing Red Brigades terrorists. The following month President Leone (who had made Calvi a Cavaliere del Lavoro back in 1974) was driven from office by scandal. In the space of three months, there were three different Po


  • drini had just dropped his son off at school when his orange Renault 5 was ambushed by a commando of gunmen from the left-wing Prima Linea ("Front Line") terrorist group, a sister organization of the Red Brigades. He was killed instantly. Luca Mucci, the magistrate who took over the Calvi case, had to start again from scratch. Both a precious life, and time, had been lost. Calvi and the P-2, it must be presum


  • ice beyond 1979. In fact, pain and disillusion at the concocted scandal by which he had been smeared were decisive factors. An attack in its way as destabilizing of Italy's financial structure as the Red Brigades' murder of Moro had been of the country's politics, had been carried through successfully. Over the next three months soundings took place on the choice of Baffi's successor. Distinguished names were


  • little attention. The attention of the media was fixed upon the almost simultaneous murder in Rome of a colonel of the paramilitary carabinieri together with his driver, at the hands of a commando of Red Brigades terrorists. For 1979 was a year in which terrorism seemed to be spinning out of control, when hardly a day went by when the early morning news bulletins were not punctu ated by the first report of a


  • red. But for the next 48 hours an uneasy respite prevailed, favoured by the absence of any news, good or bad, about the missing Calvi. Police swiftly discarded the idea that he had been seized by the Red Brigades or some other terrorist group. They were suspicious, if not yet sure, that he had left the country; at his exact motives they could only guess. And, as a little timid support buying protected Banco A


  • Propaganda-2, see P-2 freemasons' lodge Puzo, Mario, 44 Radicals, 134 Ratti, Achille see Pius XI, Pope Ratti, Franco, 28, 29 Razza Padrona (Scalfari and Turani), 67 Recioto account, Zurich, 137, 235 Red Brigades, 91, 97, 103, 105, 186 Rekofinanz, 70, 252, 253 Republicans, 15, 113, 139.210 Rizzoli, Alberto, 223 Rizzoli. Andrea, 74, 75, 76 Rizzoli, Angelo, 74 Rizzoli, Angelo, Jnr, 16, 74, 75, 133, 135, 136, 13

File: Knight Templars - The Priory Of Sion -


  • body which controlled the P2 Masonic Lodge in Italy. (P2 controlled the Italian secret police in the 1970s, took money from the CIA and KGB, may have had a hand in the kidnapping of Aldo Moro by the Red Brigades, had 900 agents in other branches of the Italian government and the highest positions of the Vatican, bombed a train station and tried to blame it on the Communists, used the Vatican Bank to launder


  • body which controlled the P2 Masonic Lodge in Italy. (P2 controlled the Italian secret police in the 1970s, took money from the CIA and KGB, may have had a hand in the kidnapping of Aldo Moro by the Red Brigades, had 900 agents in other branches of the Italian government and the highest positions of the Vatican, bombed a train station and tried to blame it on the Communists, used the Vatican Bank to launder

File: Battle Hymn - Revelations Of The Sinister Plan For A New World Order -


  • nd political peace, would have strengthened Catholic opposition to Communism and made the destabilization of the Middle East — a prime goal — that much harder.” A left-wing terrorist group called the Red Brigades was blamed for kidnapping and incarcerating Moro in broad daylight and shooting him weeks after killing all of his bodyguards. But years later, Moro’s friend Gorrado Guerzoni dropped a bombshell in a


  • close associates testified that Kissinger had warned Moro to change his stabilizing policies in Italy “or you will pay dearly for it.” Moro’s murder had been blamed on the leftist terrorist group the Red Brigades. An article in the London Independent echoed this evidence and suggested Moro’s murder may have been arranged by the CIA with P2 members inside the Italian government. The P2 scandal spread to consum

File: Battle Hymn - Revelations Of The Sinister Plan For A New World Order -


  • nd political peace, would have strengthened Catholic opposition to Communism and made the destabilization of the Middle East — a prime goal — that much harder.” A left-wing terrorist group called the Red Brigades was blamed for kidnapping and incarcerating Moro in broad daylight and shooting him weeks after killing all of his bodyguards. But years later, Moro’s friend Gorrado Guerzoni dropped a bombshell in a


  • close associates testified that Kissinger had warned Moro to change his stabilizing policies in Italy “or you will pay dearly for it.” Moro’s murder had been blamed on the leftist terrorist group the Red Brigades. An article in the London Independent echoed this evidence and suggested Moro’s murder may have been arranged by the CIA with P2 members inside the Italian government. The P2 scandal spread to consum

File: Blum, William - Rogue State, A Guide to the World's Only Superpower (2002) -


  • s CIA Director, William Casey, a genuine anti- Soviet primitive, had been convinced that th e South Yemenis were part of a Soviet-run international ter-rorist netw ork, along with Cubans, the Italian Red Brigades and the IRA. 42 In reality, since 1979, the Soviet Union had been providing military support and advisers to both North and South, sometimes at the very same time, and even helped North Yemen to put

File: CIA In Iran - The 1953 Coup And The Origins Of The US-Iran Divide -


  • e it possible to begin thinking about the use of the forces within the Tehran gar- rison. The field reported that Tehran was garrisoned by five brigades, three infantry mountain brigades, and two armored brigades. In addition, four other military forces existed: the Gendarmerie, the police, the armed customs guard, and the forces under the military governor. It was also learned that the young Chief of Staff,

File: Chomsky - Fateful Triangle - The United States, Israel and the Palestinians (1999) -


  • anuary 11, 1982 (Italian). For more information, see Livia Rokach, “Israeli Terror in Europe,” The Dawn (Al Fajr) , Oct. 16. 1981. An Italian parliamentary inquiry confirmed Mossad efforts to aid the Red Brigades in an apparent effort to destabilize Italy. Roger Cohen, Reuter, Boston Globe , June 4, 1983.

File: Coleman - The Conspirators' Hierarchy - The Committee of 300 (1991) -


  • while he was still the U.S. Secretary of State. The meteoric rise of the man the witness named as Kissinger will be dealt with l ater. It will be recalled that Prime Minister Moro was kidnaped by the Red Brigades in 1978 and subsequently brutally shot to death.


  • 8 It was at the trial of members of the Red Brigades that several of them testified to the fact that they knew of high-l evel U.S. involvement in the plot to kill Moro. When threaten ing Moro, Kissinger was obviously not carrying out U.S. forei gn poli


  • e of soc ialism to bring about the downfall of several Italian gove rnments since the Club of Rome was established in 1968. Among the se are the Black Nobility of Venice and Genoa, P2 Masonry and the Red Brigades, all working for the same goals. Police in vestigators in Rome working on the Red Brigades-Aldo Moro case cam e across the names of several very prominent Italian familie s working closely with this


  • t apparatus and negotiate with terrorists whenever terrorist activities take place. It will be recalled that it was Bettino Craxi who persuaded th e Italian and U.S. governments to negotiate with the Red Brigades kidnapers of Prime Minister Moro and General Dozier. As an aside , General Dozier is under orders not to talk about what happe ned to him. Should he break that silence, he will no doubt be m ade "a h

File: Conjuring Hitler - How Britain And America Made The Third Reich -


  • ntieth century, from the plot of the Black Hand in Sarajevo to the political assassinations carried out by European revolutionary cells in the 1970s (for instance, the Meinhof gang in Germany, or the Red Brigades and their various counterparts of the extreme Right in Italy. By striking panic among the population, Italian terrorist squads progressively fomented a state of collective psychosis, which came to be


  • he said, ‘someone has got to be the bloodhound.’ The home front was now teeming with these marauding ghosts of the Thirty Years’ War and the resurrected barbarian clans of Tacitus’s Germania : splintered brigades of unshaven hunters – limbs of a single body blindly obedient to their fearless chief – were about to conquer the urban centers. ‘Principes pro victoria pugnant, comites pro principe (The chiefs fi g

File: David Icke - And the Truth Shall Set You Free, 21st Century Edition (2004) -


  • ave heard suggestions that he's hated by the US. There is another view that this "hatred" is a front for CIA terrorist training based in Libya, which, it is said, has honed the skills of the IRA, the Red Brigades, and other terrorist groups. It's hard to tell, but here I am looking only at the strange connections surrounding the Lockerbie bomb. The man who wrote the paper for Ronald Reagan which proposed a ca

File: David Icke - The Biggest Secret - The Book that Will Change the World (1998) -


  • (Comm 300 designate) which wasconnected to the Michel Sindona-P2 Freemasonry scandal in Italy. The Elite P2Freemasonry Lodge controlled by the Mussolini fascist, Lucio Gelli, was the force behindthe Red Brigades terrorists in the 1970s who planted the devastating bomb at Bolognarailway station and murdered the leading politician, Aldo Morro, after Morro had rejectedHenry Kissinger’s order to change his polic

File: Dope, Inc. - Britain's Opium War Against the U.S. (major expose of global drug trade) (1978) -


  • Italian Jewish banker George Mantello (aka George Mandel) in the affair. (8) It was believed that Mantello's Rome villa had been the first safehouse where Moro was brought after his abduction by the Red Brigades. Weapons found in a Carabinieri raid of Mantello's villa turned out to match the weapon used to kill Moro as well as that used in the 1977 Baader-Meinhof gang kidnapping-murder of West German industr


  • and the owner of Permindex's Capocetto subsidiary. Capocetto was revealed by several Italian journalists (40) to be the liaison between the B'nai B'rith International and such terrorist gangs as the Red Brigades and the Baader-Meinhof, as well as a string of neo-Nazi groups in West Germany and Italy. Implicated B'nai B'rith officials included B'nai B'rith International Director Schlumberger, B'nai B'rith Con


  • milies that imposed the fascist dictator in collaboration with Sir Winston Churchill. This grouping was known as Circo Rex ("Royal Circle") and is believed to exist today as the control point for the Red Brigades, the neofascist cells, and the Autonomi (a mass- based anarchist counterculture movement parallel to the youth movements out of which Mussolini recruited his Black Shirts.) The Pallavicini family, in


  • 318 DOPE, INC. this oligarchical network by arresting Paolo Sebregondi on charges of conspiring with the Red Brigades in the assassination of Aldo Moro. Sebregondi is the son of Countess Viondi and grandson of Princess Resta-Palla vicino, the former maid-in- waiting to the Queen of Italy. Paolo's brother, Stefano Se

File: Encyclopedia of Conspiracies and Conspiracy Theories -


  • ppress leftist political groups in Italy, including use of Mafia goons to intim- idate “Reds.” In the 1970s a rash of terrorist attacks by extreme left- and right-wing groups (including the notorious Red Brigades) destabilized the Italian gov- ernment, and while most of those cliques were sup- pressed by the early 1980s, endemic scandal and corruption marked a series of “revolving door” administrations during


  • BATF 54 “War on Drugs” 57, 81–82, 100 and James Watt 76 Reconstruction 43, 135, 302–303 and Rutherford B. Hayes 155–156 and Justice Dept. 196 and KKK 209 and White League 381–382 Red Army faction 62 Red Brigades 181 Reichstag fire 303 Reno, Janet 28, 61, 197, 242 Republican Party 5, 57, 70–71, 79, 155–156, 194, 209, 215, 263, 301–302, 305–306 Enron scandal 115–116 and “liberal media” 218 and oil companies 27

File: End Of the Cold War - European Unity, Socialism, And The Shift In Global Power -


  • counterparts in the rest of Europe. If there is any ambivalence in this formulation it is because the Federal Republic was heavy-handed beyond what Social Democrats could tolerate in dealing with the Red Brigades and the country's minuscule Communist party. Nevertheless a whole new generation has grown up and been educated to appreciate both democracy and a wider, more cosmopolitan worldview than their parent


  • s left wings of Social Christian parties. Neither of these is programmatically distinct from the Democratic Socialists. To be sure, the far left fringes of the Catholic left provided recruits for the Red Brigades in Italy in the early 1970s, but that was a period during which much of the unorthodox left experimented with ideas, and sometimes actions, inspired by Third World guerrillas. It remained a marginal

File: Fire In The Minds Of Men - James H. Billington -


  • f his Reglement de la Societe des Philadelphes, Nov 2S, 1797, in Pingaud, ]eunesse, 231-4, esp. articles s, 13-s, 13-6, 22-3, 2s. The five-pointed star was also the symbol of the terroristic Italian "Red Brigades" of the 1970s. IS4· The United Irishmen, founded in 1791 to establish links with the French Revolution, combined Catholics and Protestants under a secret, s-man center, which sought to work through s

File: Illuminati Handbook -


  • ns T rilateral Commission G7 Stockholm Economic club W allenberg Industries Scandinavian Club V olvo FIA T International Energy Agency The Aquarian Conspiracy The Bilderbergers Left W ing Right W ing Red Brigades Social Democrat P arty Communist P arty Liberal P arty Republican P arty Labor P arty Socialist P arty The W orld Bank The State of Israel American Medical Assosiation Psychiatry London T imes Bank o

File: Killing Hope -


  • e wing of MI6 (Britain's CI A) for whom he ha s provi ded valuable intell igence. The kidnapping and murder in 1978 of Aldo Moro, the leader of t he Chri stian Dem ocrats, which was attributed to the Red Brigades, appears now to have also been the work of Gladio agents p rovocateurs who inf iltrated the organization. Just prior to h is abduction, Moro had announced his intention to enter into a governmental c


  • ilitary af fairs s cholar M ichael Kla re ha s pointed ou t: Man y Latin American milita ry o fficers wou ld rat her co mmand elite u nits lik e j et figh ter sq uadro ns, naval flo tillas, o r arm ored brigades than slug it out with the guerrillas in lo ng , unspectacu lar jun gle ca mpaig ns. U.S. train ing p rog ram s are design ed, th erefore, t o em phasize th e im portan ce of co un tergu errilla o per

File: Lewis, Jon E. - The Mammoth Book of Cover-Ups (2008) -


  • se the remote viewing data was so accurate that programme workers needed eight martinis to recover. These included: Locating kidnapped Brigadier General James L. Dozier, who had been kidnapped by the Red Brigades in Italy in 1981 Disclosing that chemicals (for a weapons programme) would be transported from Tripoli to a port in the east of Libya aboard a ship named either Patua or Potua (in fact, a ship named

File: Lina - Architects of Deception - Secret History of Freemasonry (2004) -


  • he greatest revolution of Europe in 1848. The revolutionary commissar Venedy was leading the revolt in Berlin on 18 March 1848. The P2 Lodge as another example helped form the terror organization the Red Brigades in 1969. 9. They have installed totalitarian regimes, for instance in Russia in October 1917 and in China in 1949. (More about this in my book "Under the Sign of the Scorpion".) 10. Finally they want


  • he Red Brigade's (Briga te Rosse) many operations. Gelli and P2 get them started in 1969. La Repubblica was upset that among the P2 members was also th e Judge Guido Barbara, who was to prosecute the Red Brigades (Juan Maler, "Das Jiingste Gericht" / "The Doomsday", Buenos Aires, 1982, p. 25). P2 together with the Red Brigad es organized the kidnapping and murder of the Christian democrat leader Aldo Moro (pr


  • ed into a masonic arena for various illegal activities. Half an hour before the assault took place (at 8:30 a.m.), a radio station already broadcast the story that Aldo Moro had been kid- napped. The Red Brigades had their accomplices. An intelligence officer was present as can be seen from press photographs. He explained that he was to have lunch with a friend - but a 9 in the morning? All members of the cri


  • operation between the CIA, the KGB, the Mafia, the Red Brigades and the freemasons. At the interrogation many Red Brigades members admitted that they kne w the CIA was involved. The Italian writer Lionardo Sciascia and the film director Giuseppe Ferrara were conv


  • ally rendered him a 15-year prison sentence. He was, however, granted amnesty in 1955, after which he moved to Mexico. Exiled in Mexico, Castro got even more help from the communists. Veterans of the red brigades of Spain trained Castro in Mexico. The Mexican press accused them of being communist terrorists. The socialist President Lazaro Carden as and London's bankers protected them. Cardenas also provided t

File: Livingstone, David - Terrorism and the Illuminati, A 3000 Year History (2007) -


  • CIA and the Mafia. These operations were intended to discredit the increasingly popular Communist Party. In early 1978, Prime Minister Aldo Moro was kidnapped and later assassinated by the so-called “Red brigades”, a pro-Soviet terrorist group. Evidence now exists that shows Moro’s murder was orchestrated by P2, and that both the “Red” and “Black” brigades were heavily penetrated by US intelligence, who are c

File: Marshall, Peter - Demanding the Impossible, A History of Anarchism (2008) -


  • -cutters. Umanitd Nova was revived and Cesare Zaccaria helped found Volontd, which is still published today. But when the New Left emerged in Italy in the 196os it was strictly Marxist; the terrorist Red Brigades were especially authoritarian. An international anarchist congress held in Carrara in 1968 helped revive libertarian spirits despite the failure of the students' insurrection earlier in the year. In


  • France the same year. By the early 19705, the New Left had disintegrated as a coherent movement. In desperation, splinter groups like the Weathermen in the US, the Baader-Meinhof Gang in Germany, the Red Brigades in Italy, and the Angry Brigade in Britain, all of whose libertarian credentials were doubtful to say the least, resorted to bombings and kidnappings in order to speed up the collapse of the capitali


  • funeral 436; First World War 353; food production 627; freedom 37; imprisonment 435; influence 439, 515, 516, 520, 689; Ishikawa 525; Kropotkin editions 313; Malatesta friendship 347; revolution 634 Red Brigades 45z, 558 Red International 498 Reformation 78, 93, 96 Regeneraciiin 510, 512 Reich, Wilhelm 41, 1 49, 54 0 , 586, 592, 596 Reid, Jamie 493 Reinsdorf, August 481 Reitman, Ben 407-8 religion: Bakunin 8

File: NATO's Secret Armies - Operation Gladio and Terrorism in Western Europe -


  • n anonymous phone call. Inspecting the abandoned Fiat 500, one of the Carabinieri had opened the hood of the car that triggered the bomb. An anonymous call to the police two days later implicated the Red Brigades, a Communist terrorist group attempting to change the balance of power in Italy at the time through hostage- takings and cold-blooded assassinations of exponent s of the state. The police immediately


  • y closely with the Italian Military Secret Service, SID (Servizio Informazioni Difesa). Together they had engineered the Peteano terror and then wrongly blamed the militant extreme Italian left, t he Red Brigades. Judge Casson identified Ordine Nuovo member Vincenzo Vinciguerra as the man who had planted the Peteano bomb. Being the last man in a l ong chain of command, Vinciguerra was arrested years after the


  • kidnapped and often assassinated. Operating above a ll in the 1970s the death toll of the Red Brigades in Italy reached 75 people. The n, due to their limited military and strategic skills and experience they were round ed up, arrested, tried and imprisoned. On the other side of the Cold War spectrum


  • Senators asked the CIA for all records relating to the Red B rigades and the Moro affair in order to find out whether the CIA according to the Gladio domestic control task had indeed infiltrated the Red Brigades before they killed former Italian Prime Minister and leader of the DCI Aldo Moro in 1978. R efusing to cooperate, the CIA raised FOIA exemptions Bl and B3 and in May 199 5 declined all data and respo


  • arter s of the DCI and the headquarters of the PCI. Italy was in shock. The military secret service and acting Prime Minister Giulio Andreotti immediately blamed the left-wing t errorist organisation Red Brigades for the crime and cracked down on the left . 72,000 roadblocks were erected and 37,000 houses were searched. More than 6 millio n people were questioned in less than two months. While Moro was held c

File: NATO's Secret Armies -


  • n anonymous phone call. Inspecting the abandoned Fiat 500, one of the Carabinieri had opened the hood of the car that triggered the bomb. An anonymous call to the police two days later implicated the Red Brigades, a Communist terrorist group attempting to change the balance of power in Italy at the time through hostage- takings and cold-blooded assassinations of exponent s of the state. The police immediately


  • y closely with the Italian Military Secret Service, SID (Servizio Informazioni Difesa). Together they had engineered the Peteano terror and then wrongly blamed the militant extreme Italian left, t he Red Brigades. Judge Casson identified Ordine Nuovo member Vincenzo Vinciguerra as the man who had planted the Peteano bomb. Being the last man in a l ong chain of command, Vinciguerra was arrested years after the


  • kidnapped and often assassinated. Operating above a ll in the 1970s the death toll of the Red Brigades in Italy reached 75 people. The n, due to their limited military and strategic skills and experience they were round ed up, arrested, tried and imprisoned. On the other side of the Cold War spectrum


  • Senators asked the CIA for all records relating to the Red B rigades and the Moro affair in order to find out whether the CIA according to the Gladio domestic control task had indeed infiltrated the Red Brigades before they killed former Italian Prime Minister and leader of the DCI Aldo Moro in 1978. R efusing to cooperate, the CIA raised FOIA exemptions Bl and B3 and in May 199 5 declined all data and respo


  • arter s of the DCI and the headquarters of the PCI. Italy was in shock. The military secret service and acting Prime Minister Giulio Andreotti immediately blamed the left-wing t errorist organisation Red Brigades for the crime and cracked down on the left . 72,000 roadblocks were erected and 37,000 houses were searched. More than 6 millio n people were questioned in less than two months. While Moro was held c

File: Permindex - Britain's Assassination Bureau -


  • to the hands of some of the leading oligarchical families in Mexico. Many of these weapons were believed to have passed into the hands of the Liga 23 de Septiembre, Mexico's equivalent to the Italian Red Brigades. Where does the New York City attorney and former mouthpiece for Joe McCarthy fit into this picture? As we have already noted, Cohn has frequently been the host for secret get-togethers in sunny Acap

File: Tarpley, Webster Griffin - Barack H. Obama, The Unauthorized Biography (2008) -


  • ngs a key tool for the left wings of US, British and French intelligence during the phase of decolonization in the 1960s and 1970s. Fanon was also important for the European terrorists of the Italian Red Brigades and the German Baader-Meinhof group. Fanon, much more than Marx, must be seen as one of the permanent keys to Obama’s thinking. Obama turns out to be an ultra-left existentialist, with Fanonist-Sorel

File: Tarpley, Webster Griffin - Obama, The Postmodern Coup (2008) -


  • -controlled Palestinian crazies hijacked a German plane to Mogadiscio, Somalia. In 1977, gun-toting extremists engaged in firefights with police in the center of Rome, and in March 1978 the CIA’s own Red Brigades kidnapped and later murdered former Prime Minister Aldo Moro. Watch therefore for a new wave of terrorism against those who oppose Brzezinski’s plans. This brief account is indebted to the following

File: Terrorism And The Illuminati - A Three Thousand Year History -


  • CIA and the Mafia. These operations were intended to discredit the increasingly popular Communist Party. In early 1978, Prime Minister Aldo Moro was kidnapped and later assassinated by the so-called “Red brigades”, a pro-Soviet terrorist group. Evidence now exists that shows Moro’s murder was orchestrated by P2, and that both the “Red” and “Black” brigades were heavily penetrated by US intelligence, who are c

File: Terrorism Of The Illuminati -


  • CIA and the Mafia. These operations were intended to discredit the increasingly popular Communist Party. In early 1978, Prime Minister Aldo Moro was kidnapped and later assassinated by the so-called “Red brigades”, a pro-Soviet terrorist group. Evidence now exists that shows Moro’s murder was orchestrated by P2, and that both the “Red” and “Black” brigades were heavily penetrated by US intelligence, who are c

File: Unintended Consequences -


  • even bigger earful. Then I tapped some researchers from three differe nt universities, and got them to bring me up to speed on the philosophies and practices of terrorist groups around the world. The Red Brigades and the Baader - Meinhof in particular, in Italy and Germany. Do you realize that both those organizations do thing s to force the government to be more authoritarian? That that's one of their goals?

File: Webster Griffin Tarpley - 9-11 Synthetic Terrorism - Made in USA -


  • a press conference in Rome in September 1978. It was extensively if unfavorably reviewed in the newsmagazine Panorama . The main finding was that Moro had been killed by NATO intelligence, using the Red Brigades as tool and camouflage at the same time. The cause of the assassination was Moro’s determination to give Italy a stable government by bringing the Italian Communist Party into the cabinet and the par


  • r Toni Negri, Franco Piperno, and other leaders of the allegedly defunct Potere Operaio group. They were charged with being not just the ideologues and sympathizers, but part of the leadership of the Red Brigades. It was said that Calogero had been influenced by my Moro dossier. Today Negri is still operational from his jail cell, helping to inspire a regroupment of violent anarchist “criminal energy” groups


  • who played the main role in the explosions at the Oklahoma federal center.” (September 13, 2001) Ferdinando Imposimato, one of the most prominent investigating judges in Italy during the years of the Red Brigades, the Moro assassination, and the attempt to assassinate Pope John Paul II, also found it impossible to accept the Bush administration account.


  • ssive change, or with the establishment of international justice. Nothing could be further from the truth. If the Italian left of the 1970s and the German left of the same period sympathized with the Red Brigades or the Baader-Meinhof group/Red Army faction, they only showed their own stupidity, since both of these terrorist operations were created by and controlled by NATO intelligence. Similarly, any Arab w


  • arily masquerade as an authentic voice of the oppressed – be they Arabs, Moslems, workers, national minorities, or whatever. The terror groups cannot be labeled CIA or KGB – they must call themselves Red Brigades, Red Army faction, ETA, or al Qaeda. The false flag and false ideology allows the terror group to pretend that it is something that it is not, and to convince billions of naïve viewers of CNN or al J


  • . In March, 1978 this warning was followed by a terrorist attack on Moro’s motorcade, in which several of his security detail were killed. Moro himself was abducted. Responsibility was claimed by the Red Brigades. After two months of captivity, Moro was killed by his captors and his body found in the trunk of a car in downtown Rome. After his death, the PCI was not allowed to enter the government. As the exam


  • secret intelligence agencies of modern states. This discussion draws on the work of Andreas von Bülow, Gerard Wisnewski, Gianfranco Sanguinetti, and on my own research on the Moro assassination, the Red Brigades, and Italian terrorism in general. PATSIES “I’m just a patsy.” Lee Harvey Oswald, November 1963 Speaking of Guy Fawkes and his confreres, Father Gerard comments that “many intelligent men took for gr


  • on, which has been amply documented in the case of Italy in the case of Gladio, which we describe below. (Wisnewski 1994 395-400) Something quite similar has been established in regard to the Italian Red Brigades. In 1982 an important official of the Italian Justice Ministry in Rome, Giovanni Senzani, was arrested on the charge of being the head of the Red Brigades in the Naples area. Senzani had been the obj


  • information. As the original members suffered attrition, they were replaced by new recruits. One of these was Mario Moretti, reputedly the leader of the Red Brigades during the Moro kidnapping. More senior members complained from their jail cells that Moretti failed to pass on warnings of coming police raids, and sabotaged attempted jail breaks. Moretti advocated

File: Webster Tarpley - 9-11 Synthetic Terror -


  • a press conference in Rome in September 1978. It was extensively if unfavorably reviewed in the newsmagazine Panorama . The main finding was that Moro had been killed by NATO intelligence, using the Red Brigades as tool and camouflage at the same time. The cause of the assassination was Moro’s determination to give Italy a stable government by bringing the Italian Communist Party into the cabinet and the par


  • r Toni Negri, Franco Piperno, and other leaders of the allegedly defunct Potere Operaio group. They were charged with being not just the ideologues and sympathizers, but part of the leadership of the Red Brigades. It was said that Calogero had been influenced by my Moro dossier. Today Negri is still operational from his jail cell, helping to inspire a regroupment of violent anarchist “criminal energy” groups


  • who played the main role in the explosions at the Oklahoma federal center.” (September 13, 2001) Ferdinando Imposimato, one of the most prominent investigating judges in Italy during the years of the Red Brigades, the Moro assassination, and the attempt to assassinate Pope John Paul II, also found it impossible to accept the Bush administration account.


  • ssive change, or with the establishment of international justice. Nothing could be further from the truth. If the Italian left of the 1970s and the German left of the same period sympathized with the Red Brigades or the Baader-Meinhof group/Red Army faction, they only showed their own stupidity, since both of these terrorist operations were created by and controlled by NATO intelligence. Similarly, any Arab w


  • arily masquerade as an authentic voice of the oppressed – be they Arabs, Moslems, workers, national minorities, or whatever. The terror groups cannot be labeled CIA or KGB – they must call themselves Red Brigades, Red Army faction, ETA, or al Qaeda. The false flag and false ideology allows the terror group to pretend that it is something that it is not, and to convince billions of naïve viewers of CNN or al J


  • . In March, 1978 this warning was followed by a terrorist attack on Moro’s motorcade, in which several of his security detail were killed. Moro himself was abducted. Responsibility was claimed by the Red Brigades. After two months of captivity, Moro was killed by his captors and his body found in the trunk of a car in downtown Rome. After his death, the PCI was not allowed to enter the government. As the exam


  • secret intelligence agencies of modern states. This discussion draws on the work of Andreas von Bülow, Gerard Wisnewski, Gianfranco Sanguinetti, and on my own research on the Moro assassination, the Red Brigades, and Italian terrorism in general. PATSIES “I’m just a patsy.” Lee Harvey Oswald, November 1963 Speaking of Guy Fawkes and his confreres, Father Gerard comments that “many intelligent men took for gr


  • on, which has been amply documented in the case of Italy in the case of Gladio, which we describe below. (Wisnewski 1994 395-400) Something quite similar has been established in regard to the Italian Red Brigades. In 1982 an important official of the Italian Justice Ministry in Rome, Giovanni Senzani, was arrested on the charge of being the head of the Red Brigades in the Naples area. Senzani had been the obj


  • information. As the original members suffered attrition, they were replaced by new recruits. One of these was Mario Moretti, reputedly the leader of the Red Brigades during the Moro kidnapping. More senior members complained from their jail cells that Moretti failed to pass on warnings of coming police raids, and sabotaged attempted jail breaks. Moretti advocated

File: Webster Tarpley - Obama (1st edition) -


  • -controlled Palestinian crazies hijacked a German plane to Mogadiscio, Somalia. In 1977, gun-toting extremists engaged in firefights with police in the center of Rome, and in March 1978 the CIA’s own Red Brigades kidnapped and later murdered former Prime Minister Aldo Moro. Watch therefore for a new wave of terrorism against those who oppose Brzezinski’s plans. This brief account is indebted to the following

File: Robert Anton Wilson - Earth Will Shake (alt) -


  • re of the invisible and warring power holders and seekers beneath the veneer of civilized society. ... the M. A.F.I.A., the Jesuits, the Freemasons, the Dominicans, and the Rossos (forerunners of the Red Brigades). Sigismundo's search is complicated by the emerging stirrings of his manhood. He falls deeply in love with Maria Maldonado, the (Continued on back flap)

File: Chris Carter, Rupert Sheldrake - Science and Psychic Phenomena -

  • pants to acquire information about spatially andtemporally remote geographical targets, otherwise inaccessible by any knownsensory means.”When Army Brigadier General James Dozier was kidnapped by the Red Brigades innorthern Italy in 1981, the remote viewers in the program were assigned the taskof locating Dozier, with the idea that any information provided would be used asan adjunct to more conventional sourc

File: Dope, Inc. - Britain's Opium War Against The US -


  • Italian Jewish banker George Mantello (aka George Mandel) in the affair. (8) It was believed that Mantello's Rome villa had been the first safehouse where Moro was brought after his abduction by the Red Brigades. Weapons found in a Carabinieri raid of Mantello's villa turned out to match the weapon used to kill Moro as well as that used in the 1977 Baader-Meinhof gang kidnapping-murder of West German industr


  • and the owner of Permindex's Capocetto subsidiary. Capocetto was revealed by several Italian journalists (40) to be the liaison between the B'nai B'rith International and such terrorist gangs as the Red Brigades and the Baader-Meinhof, as well as a string of neo-Nazi groups in West Germany and Italy. Implicated B'nai B'rith officials included B'nai B'rith International Director Schlumberger, B'nai B'rith Con


  • milies that imposed the fascist dictator in collaboration with Sir Winston Churchill. This grouping was known as Circo Rex ("Royal Circle") and is believed to exist today as the control point for the Red Brigades, the neofascist cells, and the Autonomi (a mass- based anarchist counterculture movement parallel to the youth movements out of which Mussolini recruited his Black Shirts.) The Pallavicini family, in


  • 318 DOPE, INC. this oligarchical network by arresting Paolo Sebregondi on charges of conspiring with the Red Brigades in the assassination of Aldo Moro. Sebregondi is the son of Countess Viondi and grandson of Princess Resta-Palla vicino, the former maid-in- waiting to the Queen of Italy. Paolo's brother, Stefano Se

File: Hidden-Intercourse-Eros-and-Sexuality-in-the-History-of-Western-Esotericism -


  • cations. Then, at the end of the 1980’s, all of a sudden a group known as Prometeo/Agape in Milan, under the leadership of Paolo Fogagnolo (an ex-member of the dreaded revolutionary and pro-communist Red Brigades), published the so-called “Corpus” of Kremmerz in a small and strictly limited number of copies and at a high price.23 A veritable scandal broke loose, accusations of treason and theft, and even thre

File: Keith - Mind Control, World Control - The Encyclopedia of Mind Control (1998) -


  • While in prison in Pisa, Stark arranged to inform on Renato Curcio of the Red Brigades, telling of a plot to assassinate Judge Francesco Coco of Genoa, who was going to preside over a trial of fifty Red Brigadesmen. In June of 1976 Judge Coco was murdered, as Stark had foretold. Anothe

File: Valdamar Valerian - Matrix III Volume 1 -


  • f U.S contr . Both srlt~sfi and Israeli intelli- A Hit in Turkey ence have been accuses of Leu than a week before the am- <retly controlling such terrorist bush executton of Llma, the chief of as the Red Brigades, th~ security of the Israeli embassy in d Black September, and de ~nkara,=rke~ was killed by a them to eliminate ~olitical powertul car bomb. His murder nts and destabilize March 6 was clalmed by a s

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