Bank of International Settlement

Found in 65 Books

File: Antony C Sutton - The Federal Reserve conspiracy (1995, CPA Book Publisher) -


  • an international Federal Reserve System with power to control the world's financial and economic system. The elements of this global money machine can be traced back to the League of Nations and the Bank of International Settlements in the 1920s. After World War Two the International Money Fund and the World Bank were instituted to globalize credit and loans. Then in the late 1950s came th e Eurodollar market, now a vast intern

File: Antony C. Sutton - The Federal Reserve Conspiracy (1995, Tab Books) -

  • ine: aninternational Federal Reserve System with power to control the world's financialand economic system.The elements of this global money machine can be traced back to the League ofNations and the Bank of International Settlements in the 1920s. After World WarTwo the International Money Fund and the World Bank were instituted to globalizecredit and loans.Then in the late 1950s came the Eurodollar market, now a vast internatio

File: Daniel Pinchbeck - What Comes After Money -

  • n on thedollar at that time. Since then, an extraordinarily efficient and sophisticatedglobal communications infrastructure has been built to link and trade thesenational currencies. According to the Bank of International Settlements (BIS),the trading volume in the foreign exchange markets reached an impressive $4trillion per day in 2007, and the derivatives are not included in thatstatistic! Nobody questions the efficacy of the

File: David Icke - 1995 - And The Truth Shall Set You Free -

  • ion.A Global Elite banking network was created with central banks in each countryworking together to manipulate the system across Europe and the United States.This would later be coordinated from the Bank of International Settlements inBasle, Switzerland, and a thirteen-man elite on the International BankingCommission in Geneva, Switzerland. You’ll note that Switzerland is always leftalone when Europe goes to war. This is why. I

  • r came to power in the wake ofeconomic depression with the same basic ‘New Deal’ type solutions, and that bothwere advised by people connected with the American-German cartels and theElite-controlled Bank of International Settlements. What’s more, they both tookoffice in the same year, 1933! Small world, isn’t it? Indeed, it is the samesmall world occupied by Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan when they were inpower on both sid

  • ernational Intelligence InformationInstitute. This banking Elite is controlled by families like the Rothschilds,Rockefellers (Rockenfelders), Bilts and Goldbergs. Connecting with theCommission is the Bank of International Settlements, also in Switzerland, thecountry at the centre of the Elite financial network. The BIS helps tocoordinate the policies of the national central banks, like the United StatesFederal Reserve, the priva

  • regime 91 [../Text/index_split_014.html#filepos362577], 95> [../Text/index_split_014.html#filepos377451]> and Royal Institute of International Affairs 85> [../Text/index_split_014.html#filepos340949]Bank of International Settlements 42[../Text/index_split_012.html#filepos180533], 90[../Text/index_split_014.html#filepos358893], 91[../Text/index_split_014.html#filepos362577], 93[../Text/index_split_014.html#filepos370206], 161[..

File: David Icke - 1995 - And The Truth Shall Set You Free -

  • ion.A Global Elite banking network was created with central banks in each countryworking together to manipulate the system across Europe and the United States.This would later be coordinated from the Bank of International Settlements inBasle, Switzerland, and a thirteen-man elite on the International BankingCommission in Geneva, Switzerland. You’ll note that Switzerland is always leftalone when Europe goes to war. This is why. I

  • r came to power in the wake ofeconomic depression with the same basic ‘New Deal’ type solutions, and that bothwere advised by people connected with the American-German cartels and theElite-controlled Bank of International Settlements. What’s more, they both tookoffice in the same year, 1933! Small world, isn’t it? Indeed, it is the samesmall world occupied by Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan when they were inpower on both sid

  • ernational Intelligence InformationInstitute. This banking Elite is controlled by families like the Rothschilds,Rockefellers (Rockenfelders), Bilts and Goldbergs. Connecting with theCommission is the Bank of International Settlements, also in Switzerland, thecountry at the centre of the Elite financial network. The BIS helps tocoordinate the policies of the national central banks, like the United StatesFederal Reserve, the priva

  • regime 91 [../Text/index_split_014.html#filepos362577], 95> [../Text/index_split_014.html#filepos377451]> and Royal Institute of International Affairs 85> [../Text/index_split_014.html#filepos340949]Bank of International Settlements 42[../Text/index_split_012.html#filepos180533], 90[../Text/index_split_014.html#filepos358893], 91[../Text/index_split_014.html#filepos362577], 93[../Text/index_split_014.html#filepos370206], 161[..

File: David Icke - 1999 - The Biggest Secret -

  • .html#filepos346957], 396[../Text/index_split_044.html#filepos1408514], 406[../Text/index_split_044.html#filepos1445210]Bank of England Nominees Ltd – 382 [../Text/index_split_044.html#filepos1356481]Bank of International Settlements – 125[../Text/index_split_020.html#filepos472226], 129[../Text/index_split_020.html#filepos486749], 215[../Text/index_split_028.html#filepos767575]Banking System – 140 [../Text/index_split_022.html#

File: David Icke - 1999 - The Biggest Secret -

  • .html#filepos346957], 396[../Text/index_split_044.html#filepos1408514], 406[../Text/index_split_044.html#filepos1445210]Bank of England Nominees Ltd – 382 [../Text/index_split_044.html#filepos1356481]Bank of International Settlements – 125[../Text/index_split_020.html#filepos472226], 129[../Text/index_split_020.html#filepos486749], 215[../Text/index_split_028.html#filepos767575]Banking System – 140 [../Text/index_split_022.html#

File: David Icke - 2007 - The David Icke Guide To The Global Conspiracy -

  • an hybridcartel) and the BIS is based in Switzerland, one of the most important centresfor the Illuminati financial web. That’s why Switzerland is never attacked inthe Illuminati-engineered wars. The Bank of International Settlements interlockswith the European Central Bank (established in the Rothschild city of Frankfurtin 1998), World Bank, International Monetary Fund, World Trade Organisation andothers, to form the iron grip

File: David Icke - 2007 - The David Icke Guide To The Global Conspiracy -

  • an hybridcartel) and the BIS is based in Switzerland, one of the most important centresfor the Illuminati financial web. That’s why Switzerland is never attacked inthe Illuminati-engineered wars. The Bank of International Settlements interlockswith the European Central Bank (established in the Rothschild city of Frankfurtin 1998), World Bank, International Monetary Fund, World Trade Organisation andothers, to form the iron grip

File: David Icke - 2012 - Remember Who You Are -

  • ner of other disastersdesigned to destroy wealth and jobs. It has been planned that way. The Reptilianhybrid families control the national central banks, World Bank, InternationalMonetary Fund (IMF), Bank of International Settlements, European Central Bank,World Trade Organization, World Health Organization, United Nations, EuropeanUnion, NATO, on and on it goes. Control them? They created them – all of them –on their road to th

File: David Icke - And The Truth Shall Set You Free -


  • to power in the wake of economic depression with the same basic 'New Deal' type solutions, and that both were advised by people co nnected with the American-G erman cartels and the Elite- controlled Bank of International Settlements. What's more, they both took office in the same year, 1933! Small world, isn't it? Indeed, it is th e same small world occupied by Margaret That cher and Ronald Reagan wh en they were in power on bo


  • f the pe ople behind them were not the very same politicians, bankers, i ndustrialists, and academics who support and promote the policies of the Elite- controlled Internat ional Monetary Fund (IMF), Bank of International Settlements, and World Bank , which in turn, are responsible for the death, starvation, and suffer ing of billions of people ac ross the planet. One of the architects of the Global 2000 Report was Robert McNama


  • , the Organisation of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), and their stream of interconnected of fshoots, control th e world's economic development, along with other Elite gr oupings like the Bank of International Settlements and the In ternational Banki ng Commission. They decide who has development funds, what they are spent on, and the economic changes that must happen within nation states before any money changes han

File: David Icke - And the Truth Shall Set You Free, 21st Century Edition (2004) -


  • to power in the wake of economic depression with the same basic 'New Deal' type solutions, and that both were advised by people co nnected with the American-G erman cartels and the Elite- controlled Bank of International Settlements. What's more, they both took office in the same year, 1933! Small world, isn't it? Indeed, it is th e same small world occupied by Margaret That cher and Ronald Reagan wh en they were in power on bo


  • f the pe ople behind them were not the very same politicians, bankers, i ndustrialists, and academics who support and promote the policies of the Elite- controlled Internat ional Monetary Fund (IMF), Bank of International Settlements, and World Bank , which in turn, are responsible for the death, starvation, and suffer ing of billions of people ac ross the planet. One of the architects of the Global 2000 Report was Robert McNama


  • , the Organisation of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), and their stream of interconnected of fshoots, control th e world's economic development, along with other Elite gr oupings like the Bank of International Settlements and the In ternational Banki ng Commission. They decide who has development funds, what they are spent on, and the economic changes that must happen within nation states before any money changes han

File: David Icke - Guide To The Global Conspiracy -


  • k it is worth something. It's like a counterfeit note that has purchasing power only until someone holds it to the light and sees it's a fake. The policies of the central banks are coordinated by the Bank of International Settlements (BIS), formed in 1930, and its associated network. The bank's charter was drafted at the International Bankers Conference (a Reptilian hybrid cartel) and the BIS is based in Switzerland, one of the

File: David Icke - The Biggest Secret - The Book that Will Change the World (1998) -


  • son for that. The same Brotherhood now control the world banking and trading system via the central banking network, the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the World Trade Organisation, the Bank of International Settlements and so on. The


  • ious countries to ensure that anyone who sought to do this would be immediately crushed economically and politically. The main coordinating body between the interconnected central banks is called the Bank of International Settlements, based in the Brotherhood stronghold of Geneva, Switzerland. Just as the reptile Brotherhood control the monarchies because they are the monarchies, so they have created and controlled all the polit


  • 209 William of Orange, has been the spider at the centre of this web and so, too, since the 1930s, has the Bank of International Settlements in Switzerland. Like the Bank of England, the central banks were chartered by the descendants of the reptilian banking families of Genoa and Venice. The Rothschilds One bloodline which came from the


  • Lord (Balfour Declaration) - 220, 227 Balmoral -371, 414, 451, 453, 455-6, 460 Bank of England - 126, 208-9, 212, 255, 264, 266, 370, 375-7, 379-80, 382-3, 389, 399 Bank of England Nominees Ltd - 375 Bank of International Settlements - 122, 126, 209 Banking System - 137, 170, 208, 213, 429 Baphomet (Goat of Mendes) - 152, 293, 296, 299, 359, 365 Barati/Barat - (see also Britannia, Isis, Semiramis) - 7, 68-9, 72, 79, 92, 133, 138

File: David Icke - The Biggest Secret -


  • son for that. The same Brotherhood now control the world banking and trading system via the central banking network, the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the World Trade Organisation, the Bank of International Settlements and so on. The


  • ious countries to ensure that anyone who sought to do this would be immediately crushed economically and politically. The main coordinating body between the interconnected central banks is called the Bank of International Settlements, based in the Brotherhood stronghold of Geneva, Switzerland. Just as the reptile Brotherhood control the monarchies because they are the monarchies, so they have created and controlled all the polit


  • 209 William of Orange, has been the spider at the centre of this web and so, too, since the 1930s, has the Bank of International Settlements in Switzerland. Like the Bank of England, the central banks were chartered by the descendants of the reptilian banking families of Genoa and Venice. The Rothschilds One bloodline which came from the


  • Lord (Balfour Declaration) - 220, 227 Balmoral -371, 414, 451, 453, 455-6, 460 Bank of England - 126, 208-9, 212, 255, 264, 266, 370, 375-7, 379-80, 382-3, 389, 399 Bank of England Nominees Ltd - 375 Bank of International Settlements - 122, 126, 209 Banking System - 137, 170, 208, 213, 429 Baphomet (Goat of Mendes) - 152, 293, 296, 299, 359, 365 Barati/Barat - (see also Britannia, Isis, Semiramis) - 7, 68-9, 72, 79, 92, 133, 138

File: Eustace Mullins - Secrets of the Federal Reserve (1993) -


  • er, born in 1889, was partner in the Cologne Bankhaus, J.H. Stein & Co., which had been founded in 1788. After the Nazis gained power in 1933, Schroeder was appointed the German representative at the Bank of International Settlements. The Kilgore Committee in 1940 stated that Schroeder’s influence with the Hitler Administration was so great that he had Pierre Laval appointed head of the French Government during the Nazi Occupati

File: G. Edward Griffin - The Creature From Jekyll Island -


  • y by announcing it could not send any more money that year on its $85 billion debt. Federal Reserve Governor Henry Wallich rushed to Switzerland to negoti- ate an IMF loan of $4.5 billion through the Bank of International Settlements. The central banks of Europe and Japan provided $1.85 billion (about 40%); the rest came from the Federal Reserve. Commercial banks postponed payments on the principal for two years; but, with the i


  • President Clinton announced a bailout package of over $50 billion in loan guarantees to Mexico; $20 billion from the U.S. Exchange Stabilization Fund, $17.8 billion from the IMF, $10 billion from the Bank of International Settlements, and $3 billion from commercial banks. BRAZIL Brazil became a major player in 1982 when it announced that it too was unable to make payments on its debt. In response, the U.S. Treasury made a direct

File: G. Edward Griffin - The Creature from Jekyll Island -

File: G. Edward Griffin - World Without Cancer, The Story of Vitamin B17 (New Edition) (1997) -


  • utert.(2) Greutert's stock in trade was keeping "loose books" and creating financial mazes to conceal Farben ownership of companies. Schmitz was a director of the great Deutsche Reichsbank and of the Bank of International Settlements headquartered in Switzerland. And so, from the beginning, the leaders of I.G. Farben had been a part of the international banking structure. By the beginning of World War II, I.G. Farben had become

File: World Without Cancer -


  • utert.(2) Greutert's stock in trade was keeping "loose books" and creating financial mazes to conceal Farben ownership of companies. Schmitz was a director of the great Deutsche Reichsbank and of the Bank of International Settlements headquartered in Switzerland. And so, from the beginning, the leaders of I.G. Farben had been a part of the international banking structure. By the beginning of World War II, I.G. Farben had become

File: John Coleman - Beyond the Conspiracy -


  • os. Take control of all foreign and domestic policies of the United States a nd give the fullest support to supranational institutions such as the United Nations; the International Monetary Fund; the Bank of International Settlements and the World Court to supplant and undermine the U.S. Constitution before abolishing it altogether. ■ To penetrate and subvert all governments, and work from within them to destroy the sovereign in

File: John Coleman - Club of Rome -


  • nged by Richard Gardner, the former U.S. ambassador to Rome. One of the principal achievements arising out of the COR meeting was the pressure applied to President Reagan to retain the service of the Bank of International Settlements representative in the U.S., Paul Volcker, as head of the illegal Federal Reserve Banks. The Fede ral Reserve is not a U.S. Government institution, well-described by Louis T. McFadden, who called it


  • as a nation, a llow unlawful subversion of our sovereignty through political a nd economic decision making and we subordinate ourselves to supranational monetary institutions such as the IMF and the Bank of International Settlements, as long as the American Bar Association, "our" lawyers, "our" government, "our" congressmen and "our" private sector economy continue to please these subversive monetary agencies, these supra natio

File: John Coleman - Conspiritor's Hierarchy - The Committee Of 300 -


  • of all Foreign and domestic po licies of the United States. (18) To give the fullest support to supranational i nstitutions such as the United Nations (UN), the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the Bank of International Settlements (BIS), the World Court and, as far as possible, make local instituti ons of lesser effect by gradually phasing them out or bringing th em under the mantle of the United Nations. (19) Penetrate and s


  • il of Churches, the Circle of Initiates, the N ine Unknown Men, Lucis Trust, Jesuit Liberation Theologists, The Ord er of the Elders of Zion, the Nasi Princes, International Monetary F und (IMF), the Bank of International Settlements (BIS), the United Nations (U.N.), the Central, British Quator Coronati, Italian P2 Ma sonry—especially those in the Vatican hierarchy—the Central Intellig ence Agency, Tavistock Institute selected p


  • y pe for a One World Government legal system that will supplant al l others. As for central banks, essential in the planning of the New World Order, this is already very much a fait-accompli with the Bank of International Settlements dominating the scene at t he close of 1991. Private banks are fast disappearing in prepar ation for the


  • uch top in surance companies as Assicurazioni Generali of Venice and R iunione Adriatica di Sicurta, the largest and second larges t insurance companies in the world, who keep their bank account s at Bank of International Settlements in Swiss gold francs. Bot h control a multiplicity of investment banks whose turnover in stocks on Wall Street double that of U.S. investors.


  • nt of the Br itish Bankers Association, director of Morgan Grenfell—a powerful bank, director of Prudential Assurance, director of J. P. Morgan, director of the Bank of England, a board member of the Bank of International Settlements, a director of the giant Unilever conglomerate. Sir Reay Geddes, chairman of the giant Dunlop and Pirelli tyre companies, director of the Midland and Interna tional Banks, director of the Bank of En


  • ies were being readied to bring before the United States Senate by the year 2000. Rimmer de Vries, speaking for Morgan Guarantee, s aid it was high time that the United States became a membe r of the Bank of International Settlements. "There must be a reconsideration of U.S. hesitancy over the past 50 years," De Vries declared. Some British and German bankers, fearing possible violations of U.S. law, said that the Ditchley Grou

File: John Coleman - Diplomacy by Deception -


  • ten by Wells published in the "Banker" (a copy of which I found in the British Museum in London), Wells spelled out the future role of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the banker's bank, the Bank of International Settlements (BIS). Once we, the sovereign people, understand the role of international banks in fomenting wars, and then financing both sides, wars may well become a thing of the past. Until then, wars will rem


  • wner on earth. All roads must lead to socialism." In his book, "After Democ- racy," Wells clearly said that once world economic order is estab- lished (through the International Monetary Fund and the Bank of International Settlements), political and social order will be imposed. In the chapter on the Tavsitock Institute for Human Relations, it will be explained how Tavistock's "Operation Research" was to be the engine to bring a

File: John Coleman - Drug War Against America -


  • ption, de-nationalize and denaturalize everybody by injuring our ethical, religious and political life, our historic, econom ic and republican values. This is exactly the way in which the IMF and the Bank of International Settlement (BIS) are operating. I say without hesitation that these banks are nothing more than clearinghouses for the drug trade. The BIS aids any country, whic h the IMF wants to sink, by setting up ways and

File: John Coleman - One World Order Socialist Dictatorship -


  • e become embroiled, at the cost of millions upon millions of lives, not to mention the billions of dollars th ese wars generated, billions that went to the Wall Street and City of London bankers, the Bank of International Settlements, the World Bank etc., for which the people are still being taxed. Line item veto powers plus the illegal so-called Ex ecutive Orders will make a future tyrant-president of the caliber of Rooseve lt

File: John Coleman - Tavistock Institute Of Human Relations -


  • and programs for the C lub of Rome, the Cini Foundation, the German Marshall fund , the Rockefeller Foundation, the Bilderbergers, the CFR and the Trilateral Commission, the Ditchley Foundation, the Bank of International Settlements, the I.M.F. the United Na tions and the World Bank, Microsoft, Citibank, the New York S tock Exchange and so on. This is by no means a complete list of institutions in the hands of Tavistock planner

File: Joseph P. Farrell - Saucers, Swastikas and Psyops -

  • Component: The “Empire of Money”> [CR%214D52M4V3Q13S79AF04YTDN7DC6YP_split_020.html#filepos484800]> a. Dr. Quigley Again> [CR%214D52M4V3Q13S79AF04YTDN7DC6YP_split_020.html#filepos487661]> 2. The Nazi Bank of International Settlements> [CR%214D52M4V3Q13S79AF04YTDN7DC6YP_split_020.html#filepos499060]> a. The Problem of German War Reparations,> The Dawes and Young Plans, and the> Establishment of the BIS> [CR%214D52M4V3Q13S79AF04YT

  • tion of feudalism, for this is a crucial component of thelonger-term story, one which I hope to address in a future book.For our purposes of the moment, however, we note the crucial role played by theBank of International Settlements in Basle, a point to which we shall returnshortly. But to understand its central role in the tapestry of pre-World War Twofinancial arrangements, we need to look closer at the context of thoseinstru

File: Joseph P. Farrell - Third Way - The Nazi International, European Union, And Corporate Fascism -

  • andMolecule Monopolies [text00013.html]A.Prophecy from the Pages of a Novel [text00013.html#sec49]1.The Prophecy Itself [text00013.html#sec50]2.The Pattern in the Prophecy [text00013.html#sec51]B.The Bank of International Settlements: A Sovereign Bank without Borders andAbove Any Law [text00013.html#sec52]1.Prelude: Hjalmar Schacht [text00013.html#sec53]a.Reparations, Hyper-Inflation, and the Rentenmark [text00013.html#sec54]b.T

  • ions of power of their formerenemies.In short, if the United States, or the United Kingdom and British Commonwealthnations, or the European Union, or NATO, the policy pronouncements of the IMF orBIS (Bank of International Settlements) look increasingly Fascist, then this isbecause it is the result of the bargains and deals struck with the Fascist devilby elements of American intelligence at the end of the Second World War.German

  • lloi in some form or fashion, often in the guise of fiction. 6[text00013.html#fn6]So who was “Peter Oldfield” in reality?The answer is found in Hungarian author Adam Lebor’s one-of-a-kind study of theBank of International Settlements, The Tower of Basel: The Shadowy History ofthe Secret Bank that Runs the World. There, one discovers that “Peter Oldfield”was none other than Swedish banker Per Jacobssen (1894-1963), who, we arefur

  • hmidt government in response tothe latter’s secretive negotiations with d’Estang’s government in creating theExchange Rate Mechanism in the first place. This independence is, again,reminiscent of the Bank of International Settlements’ de facto sovereignty, andit prompted Connolly to ask “Why an unaccountable political role for such animportant institution is tolerated and even welcomed in German democracy is akey question…” (Con

  • military expenditures than to cast it in the evocativelanguage of religion? The Collider is a modern cathedral, no further inquiry orspeculation needed.2. The International Physics Equivalent of the Bank of International SettlementsDigging into what financial and management arrangements are publicly available,however, is particularly revealing, especially when considered in the context ofthe previous chapters of this book. It s

  • r viapatents and licensing agreements;(iv) As was seen, however, the only cartel of such international extent was I.G.Farben, which functioned as the principal component of the Nazi war machine;b)The Bank of International Settlements was conceived by German banker HjalmarSchacht as an independent “sovereign” entity ostensibly for the purpose tohandle war reparations payments, but functioned in practice, particularly duringthe wa

  • r via patentsand licensing agreements;(iv) As was seen, however, the only cartel of such international extent was I.G.Farben, which functioned as the principal component of the Nazi war machine;b)The Bank of International Settlements was conceived by German banker HjalmarSchacht as an independent “sovereign” entity ostensibly for the purpose tohandle war reparations payments, but functioned in practice, particularly duringthe wa

File: Michael Tellinger - Ubuntu - Contributionism - A Blueprint for Human Prosperity -


  • he three main banking institutions that feed the banks with an infinite supply of money and bail them out when they run into trouble. These are the World Bank, The International Monetary Fund and the Bank of International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland. Their power and control is immeasurable. They control our governments, the rise and fall of stock markets, the World Trade


  • lled by the Crown from Switzerland, which is the home and legal origin for the charters of the United Nations, the International Monetary Fund, the World Trade Organization, and most importantly, the Bank of International Settlements. Even Hitler respected the Crown bankers by not bombing Switzerland. The Bank of International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland, controls all the central banks of the G7 nations and far beyond. He

File: Michael Tellinger - Ubuntu Contribution A Blueprint for Human Prosperity -


  • he three main banking institutions that feed the banks with an infinite supply of money and bail them out when they run into trouble. These are the World Bank, The International Monetary Fund and the Bank of International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland. Their power and control is immeasurable. They control our governments, the rise and fall of stock markets, the World Trade


  • lled by the Crown from Switzerland, which is the home and legal origin for the charters of the United Nations, the International Monetary Fund, the World Trade Organization, and most importantly, the Bank of International Settlements. Even Hitler respected the Crown bankers by not bombing Switzerland. The Bank of International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland, controls all the central banks of the G7 nations and far beyond. He

File: Michael Tsarion - Atlantis, Alien Visitation And Genetic Manipulation -


  • is a student at the University of California. 1922 Coca-Cola plant built in Ashtabula, Ohio. The drink contains coal tar derivatives, flavoring, and massive amounts of sugar. 1922 Concept for future Bank of International Settlements created in Genoa, Italy. 1922 Illinois Medical Journal says AMA has become an autocracy. 1922 Tesla files various patents in the field of fluid mechanics.

File: Michael Tsarion - Weapons Of Mass Destruction Found -


  • litical game is played. Think we're joking? Saddam was merely a temporary pawn on the "Grand Chessboard" of the royal geopolitical strategists and their imperialist orgs, such as the IMF, World Bank, Bank of International Settlements, and Council on Foreign Relations, etc, that function, independently and collectively, as did the old British East India, Virginia, and Hudson Bay Companies. Each of them grow fatter on the economic

File: The Federal Reserve Cartel - The Eight Families -


  • 9/13/2021 The F ederal R eserve Cartel: The Eight F amilies eserve-cartel-the-eight-families/ 10 / 20 representatives met with Schacht at the Bank of International Settlements (BIS) in Basel, Switzerland. [13] T h e H o u s e o f R o c k e f e l l e r BIS is the most powerful bank in the world, a global central bank for the Eight Families who control the private central b

File: Rothschild Money Trust -


  • protocols. There is no other explanation of the secret "Council of the Jew- ish Agency" and its achievements. There is no other explanation of the Versailles peace treaty, th e League of Nations, the Bank of International Settlements, the International Labor Board, the deliberate impoverishment of the people of the world by the manipulations of the Elders, and for the present wars and past wars. This is all a definite progr am w


  • is the present objective of Jeroboam Rothschild and his secret 300 Elders of Zion. They have sought to incorporate this international bank- ing power and to give it a legal status by establishing the Bank of International Settlements but to date the undertaking has not proven to be very successful. Under the pretense of providing a clearing house for th e settlement of Germ an reparations an international conference was held by

File: Secret Of The Federal Reserve -


  • , born in 1889, was partner in the Cologne Bankhaus, J.H. Stein & Co., which had been founded in 1788. After the Nazi s gained power in 1933, Schroeder was appointed the German representative a t the Bank of International Settlements. The Kilgore Committee in 1940 stated that Schroeder’s influence with the Hitler Administratio n was so great that he had Pierre Laval appointed head of the French Gover nment during the Nazi Occupa

File: Murray Rothbard - America's Great Depression -


  • ts were not 240 America’s Great Depression 2 The New York Federal Reserve also continued to lead in collaborating with foreign central banks, often against the wishes of the administration. Thus, the Bank of International Settlements, an attempt at an inter-central banks’ central bank, instigated by Montagu Norman, treated the New York Bank as America’s cen - tral bank. Chairman of the BIS’s first organizing committee was Jackso


  • ewton D., 174, 273, 290 Baker, Ray Stannard, 197 Balch, Emily Green, 251 Balderston, C. Canby, 311 Balfour, Arthur, 175 Ballantine, Arthur, 330 Bancroft, Hugh, 269–70 Bank credit, See Banking; Credit Bank of International Settlements, 240, 258, 260 Bank of Belgium, 145 Bank of England, 144, 146, 150, 153, 155, 156, 162, 258–60 Bank of France, 144, 152, 154, 175, 258–59 Bank of Italy, 145, 152 Bank of Poland, 145 Banking bank hol

File: Tao. The Pathless Path, Vol 1 -


  • t gas company; Arthur Cotton, the greatest wheat speculator; Richard Whitney, President of the New York Stock Exchange; Albert Fall, a member of the President’s Cabinet; Leon Fraser, President of the Bank of International Settlements; Jesse Livermore, the greatest ’bear’ on Wall Street; and Iver Krueger, head of the greatest monopoly. Twenty-five years later, Charles Schwab died in bankruptcy, having lived on borrowed money for

File: Peter Levenda - Hitler Legacy -

  • l Archives and Records Administration, Spring 1999, vol. 31, no. 1.)Image [../Images/00047.jpeg]Treasury Secretary Henry Morgenthau at the Bretton Woods conference during hisattempt to close down the Bank of International Settlements.Image [../Images/00048.jpeg]Krunoslav Draganovic, the Croatian Catholic priest who created the first Ratlinein order to help members of the Nazi Croatian Ustase government escape toArgentina. He lat

  • _000.html#c15-ft110] Jeffrey D. Simon, Lone WolfTerrorism: Understanding the Growing Threat, New York: Prometheus, 2013.111 [../Text/part0025_split_001.html#c15-ft111] Clinton Library, Working Draft,“Bank of International Settlements 1938-1948, Preliminary Report”, May 16, 2000.112 [../Text/part0025_split_002.html#c15-ft112] See the author's UnholyAlliance, New York: Continuum, 2002, pp. 303–308.113 [../Text/part0025_split_002.h

File: Analysis of Tragedy and Hope - Carroll Quigley -


  • or financial problems of the world, as well as on many of the economic and political problems, especially in reference to loans, payments, and the economic future of the chief areas of the globe. The Bank of International Settlements, B.I.S. is generally regarded as the apex of the structure of financial capitalism whose remote origins go back to the creation of the Bank of England in 1694. Page 325 It was set up to be the world


  • itical problems, especially in reference to loans, payments, and the economic future of the chief areas of the globe. JCT: So it's fair to say that the state of the world is their responsibility. The Bank of International Settlements, B.I.S. is generally regarded (9 of 28)22.5.2005 19:18:00


  • f financial capitalism whose remote origins go back to the creation of the Bank of England in 1694. JCT: Only as far as Quigley sees. Astle points out that they had an international banking cartel, a Bank of International Settlements, several millennia ago and it's difficult to believe given our continual history of agony and war that they took a break from control for a millennium or two. No, it's just that this historian could

File: Armstrong, George - Rothschild Money Trust (2008) -


  • he protocols. There is no other explanation of the secret "Council of the Jewish Agency" and its achievements. There is no other explanation of the Versailles peace treaty, the League of Nations, the Bank of International Settlements, the Internation- al Labor Board, the deliberate impoverishment of the people of the world by the manipulations of the Elders, and for the present wars and past wars. This is all a definite program


  • t is the present objective of Jeroboam Rothschild and his secret 300 Elders of Zion. They have sought to incorporate this international banking power and to give it a legal status by establishing the Bank of International Settlements but to date the undertaking has not proven to be very successful. Under the pretense of providing a clearing house for the settlement of German reparations an international conference was held by go

File: Brotherhood And The Manipulation Of Society -


  • thschild agent) and J.F. Kennedy had proposed to revive government printed money just before he too was removed in the same way. The Elite-controlled banking system is partly co-ordinated through the Bank of International Settlements in Switzerland and handled in individual countries by the national central banks which are either private banks (e.g. US Federal Reserve) or privately controlled banks under a facade of nationalisat


  • similar situation, offering a 'New Deal' type solution in the wake of serious economic depression. Both Hitler and Roosevelt were advised by people connected with the American-German cartels and the Bank of International Settlements. Meanwhile, Britain had adopted a policy of appeasing Germany. This was promoted by the PM Neville Chamberlain as advised by Round Table members such as Lord Halifax, Lord Lothian, Leopold Amery and

File: Coleman - Diplomacy by Deception - Account Treasonous Conduct by Britain and United States (1993) -


  • r on earth. All roads must lead to soci alism." In his book, "After Democ- racy," Wells clearly sa id that once world econo mic order is estab- lished (through the International Monetary Fund and the Bank of International Settlements), political a nd social order will be imposed. In the chapter on the Tavsitock Institute for Human Relations, it will be explained how Tavistock's "Ope ration Research" was to be the engine to bring

File: Coleman - The Conspirators' Hierarchy - The Committee of 300 (1991) -


  • of all Foreign and domestic po licies of the United States. (18) To give the fullest support to supranational i nstitutions such as the United Nations (UN), the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the Bank of International Settlements (BIS), the World Court and, as far as possible, make local instituti ons of lesser effect by gradually phasing them out or bringing th em under the mantle of the United Nations. (19) Penetrate and s


  • il of Churches, the Circle of Initiates, the N ine Unknown Men, Lucis Trust, Jesuit Liberation Theologists, The Ord er of the Elders of Zion, the Nasi Princes, International Monetary F und (IMF), the Bank of International Settlements (BIS), the United Nations (U.N.), the Central, British Quator Coronati, Italian P2 Ma sonry—especially those in the Vatican hierarchy—the Central Intellig ence Agency, Tavistock Institute selected p


  • y pe for a One World Government legal system that will supplant al l others. As for central banks, essential in the planning of the New World Order, this is already very much a fait-accompli with the Bank of International Settlements dominating the scene at t he close of 1991. Private banks are fast disappearing in prepar ation for the


  • uch top in surance companies as Assicurazioni Generali of Venice and R iunione Adriatica di Sicurta, the largest and second larges t insurance companies in the world, who keep their bank account s at Bank of International Settlements in Swiss gold francs. Bot h control a multiplicity of investment banks whose turnover in stocks on Wall Street double that of U.S. investors.


  • nt of the Br itish Bankers Association, director of Morgan Grenfell—a powerful bank, director of Prudential Assurance, director of J. P. Morgan, director of the Bank of England, a board member of the Bank of International Settlements, a director of the giant Unilever conglomerate. Sir Reay Geddes, chairman of the giant Dunlop and Pirelli tyre companies, director of the Midland and Interna tional Banks, director of the Bank of En


  • ies were being readied to bring before the United States Senate by the year 2000. Rimmer de Vries, speaking for Morgan Guarantee, s aid it was high time that the United States became a membe r of the Bank of International Settlements. "There must be a reconsideration of U.S. hesitancy over the past 50 years," De Vries declared. Some British and German bankers, fearing possible violations of U.S. law, said that the Ditchley Grou

File: Conjuring Hitler - How Britain And America Made The Third Reich -


  • ; if it is true that the Anglo-Americans traded heavily with and offered fi nancial support to the Nazis, continuously and deliberately from the Dawes loans of 1924 to the conspicuous credits via the Bank of International Settlements in Basle of late 1944; 1 if it is true that the encounter in Cologne of January 4, 1933, in von Schröder’s manse was the decisive factor behind Hitler’s appointment as Chancellor; if it is true that

File: David Icke - And the Truth Shall Set You Free, 21st Century Edition (2004) -


  • . A Global Elite banking network was created with central banks in each country working together to manipulate the system across Europe and the United States. This would later be coordinated from the Bank of International Settlements in Basle, Switzerland, and a thirteen-man elite on the International Banking Commission in Geneva, Switzerland. You'll note that Switzerland is always left alone when Europe goes to war. This is why


  • me to power in the wake of economic depression with the same basic 'New Deal' type solutions, and that both were advised by people connected with the American-German cartels and the Elite- controlled Bank of International Settlements. What's more, they both took office in the same year, 1933! Small world, isn't it? Indeed, it is the same small world occupied by Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan when they were in power on both


  • The two signatures on the document confirming Schacht's appointment on March 17th 1933, were Adolf Hitler and the Rothschild frontman, Max Warburg.12 In 1930, Schacht also founded the Global Elite's Bank of International Settlements in Basle, Switzerland. In England, a key figure was Montagu Norman (Comm 300), governor of the Rothschild-controlled Bank of England, and a close friend of Schacht. In fact they were so close that S


  • the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and the Morgan National City Bank; Hermann Schmitz (German), president of American I.G. and I.G. Farben and on the boards of both the German Central Bank and the Bank of International Settlements; Walter Teagle (US), director of Federal Reserve Bank of New York, the Rockefellers' Standard Oil of New Jersey, trustee of the Roosevelt Foundation, and close friend of the President; W.H. von Rath


  • ts if the people behind them were not the very same politicians, bankers, industrialists, and academics who support and promote the policies of the Elite-controlled International Monetary Fund (IMF), Bank of International Settlements, and World Bank, which in turn, are responsible for the death, starvation, and suffering of billions of people across the planet. One of the architects of the Global 2000 Report was Robert McNamara


  • ational Intelligence Information Institute. This banking Elite is controlled by families like the Rothschilds, Rockefellers (Rockenfelders), Bilts and Goldbergs. Connecting with the Commission is the Bank of International Settlements, also in Switzerland, the country at the centre of the Elite financial network. The BIS helps to coordinate the policies of the


  • Reserve, a move he had hinted at two years earlier.4 Within days of taking office he did precisely that. Eddie George, the Bank of England Governor, is a former executive of both the Elite-controlled Bank of International Settlements and the International Monetary Fund (IMF). 222 ...and the truth shall set you free


  • MF), the Organisation of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), and their stream of interconnected offshoots, control the world's economic development, along with other Elite groupings like the Bank of International Settlements and the International Banking Commission. They decide who has development funds, what they are spent on, and the economic changes that must happen within nation states before any money changes hands

File: David Icke - The Biggest Secret - The Book that Will Change the World (1998) -


  • reasonfor that. The same Brotherhood now control the world banking and trading system viathe central banking network, the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, theWorld Trade Organisation, the Bank of International Settlements and so on. The


  • arious countries to ensure that anyone who sought to do thiswould be immediately crushed economically and politically. The main coordinating bodybetween the interconnected central banks is called the Bank of International Settlements,based in the Brotherhood stronghold of Geneva, Switzerland. Just as the reptileBrotherhood control the monarchies because they are the monarchies, so they have createdand controlled all the politica


  • 209William of Orange, has been the spider at the centre of this web and so, too, sincethe 1930s, has the Bank of International Settlements in Switzerland. Like the Bank ofEngland, the central banks were chartered by the descendants of the reptilian bankingfamilies of Genoa and Venice.The RothschildsOne bloodline which came from the rep


  • four, Lord (Balfour Declaration) - 220,227Balmoral -371, 414, 451, 453, 455-6, 460Bank of England - 126, 208-9, 212, 255, 264,266, 370, 375-7, 379-80, 382-3, 389, 399Bank of England Nominees Ltd - 375Bank of International Settlements - 122, 126,209Banking System - 137, 170, 208, 213, 429Baphomet (Goat of Mendes) - 152, 293, 296,299, 359, 365Barati/Barat - (see also Britannia, Isis,Semiramis) - 7, 68-9, 72, 79, 92, 133, 138,361,

File: Eustace Mullins - Secrets Of The Federal Reserve -


  • er, born in 1889, was partner in the Cologne Bankhaus, J.H. Stein & Co., which had been founded in 1788. After the Nazis gained power in 1933, Schroeder was appointed the German representative at the Bank of International Settlements. The Kilgore Committee in 1940 stated that Schroeder’s influence with the Hitler Administration was so great that he had Pierre Laval appointed head of the French Government during the Nazi Occupati

File: Fry - Waters Flowing Eastward - The War Against the Kingship of Christ (1988) -


  • try there is now a Central Ba nk, which has well-defined functions, including esp ecially the regulation of the volume of money. But these Ce ntral Banks in turn come under a super-Central Bank , the Bank of International Settlements, though at the mo ment there is some indication that this Bank's func tion will be transferred to the World Bank working in co-oper ation with the International Fund. However that may be, it is the

File: Global Sovereign's Handbook - Johnny Liberty -


  • that false dialectic as the two orthodox schools of economics — the Keynesian and Monetarist dominate world finances. Keynes dictates the functions of the World Bank/IMF while Monetarism rules at the Bank of International Settlements, the international central bank of the Group of Ten. Progressives have missed the point, according to Mark Evans, writing in Flatland Magazine. The issue that should have been getting attention all


  • 5 billion dollars. 54 The rise of both Hitler and FDR followed the same strategy. Collapse the economy. Borrow more from the banks. Impose “New Deal” solutions. Take advice from the elite- controlled Bank of International Settlements. Economic sanctions, limited loans and high-interest rates created the foundation for Hitler's rise to power and FDR's dominance in America as well. Liberty League was set-up by the Elite to oppose

File: Hidden History Of Money -


  • e speculators borrow OPM (other peoples’ money) from one nation and invest it in another. These funds create "bubbles". When these "bubbles" burst and assets depreciate, guess who ho lds the bag? The Bank of International Settlements last year estimated the turnover in exchange and interest rates derivatives markets at $2 .4 trillion a day!! In five days' time the sum of this gambling equals America's gross domestic product year


  • its at the Fed and these deposits constitute their reserves, on which they can and do pyramid ten times the amount in checkbook money. [this is extended on the World scale with the World Bank and the Bank of International Settlements] Here's how the [legalized Banklords’] counterfeiting process works in today's world. Let's say that the Federal Reserve, as usual, decides that it wants to expand (i.e., inflate) the mo ney supply.


  • England, Bank of France, Bundesbank, Federal Reserve, etc. • Centralization of regional economies: European Monetary Union, NAFTA, etc. • Centralization of the World economy: IMF, World Bank, B.I.S. (Bank of International Settlements), GATT, etc. • Centralized World Governments: UN, EU, etc., i.e. total enslavement and fascist tyranny by them. • Monopolization of the World’s gold: IMF controls two-thirds of the suppl y about 700


  • mployees of the Federal Reserve System related to items. The fed has acted directly as bank of "l ast resort." Normally, loans to other countries would be made by the International Monetary Fund, the Bank of International Settlements or other entities which are primarily funded by the Fed. In the case of Mexico, however, the Fed made a loan directly to that country after the President by-passed Congress and issued an Executive O


  • t Britain moved to consolidate her g ains. After the treacherous si g nin g awa y of American rights at the 7- p ower conference at London in Jul y , 1931, which p ut the Fed under the control of the Bank of International Settlements, Great Britain be g an to ti g hten the han g man's noose around the neck of the United States. "She abandoned the gold standard and embarked on a cam p ai g n of bu y in g u p the claims of forei g


  • ld not be p aid to them. "I think that American citizens should be entitled to treatment at least as good as that which the person is extendin g to foreign governments, foreign central banks, and the bank of International Settlements. I think a veteran of the World war, with a $20.00 g old certificate, is at least as much entitled to receive his own g old for it, as an y international banker in the city of New York or London. "B


  • a repudiation of the notes of the U.S. in order that the g old value of the said currenc y mi g ht be g iven to p rivate interests, forei g n g overnments, forei g n central banks of issues, and the Bank of International Settlements, and the p eo p le of the U.S. to be left without g old or lawful mone y and with no currenc y other that a p a p er currenc y irredeemable in g old, and I char g e them with havin g done this for t


  • At this point the money changers were attempting to consolidate the central banks under the guise of peacemaking. To stop future wars they put forward the formation of a World central bank named the Bank of International Settlements, a World court called the World Court in the Hague, and a World executive for legislation called the League of Nations. All central banks of the World hold U.S. dollar reserves equivalent to the loc


  • ies passing through the D.T.C. never belonged to the titled buyers and sellers, but in effect to this private co rporation which appears to be privately owned by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York! Bank of International Settlements (B.I.S.) The Mother of All Central Banks There is one more bank to watch out for (in addition to the World Bank/IMF, and note the Babylonian Tower of Babel design). It’s the B.I.S. in Basel, Switzer


  • oreign-exchange market dominated by dollar hegemony is the venue for US superpower financial imperialism (see US dollar hegemony by Henry C. Liu , April 11, 2002 ). A Bank of International Settlement (BIS) regime of global network of central banks whose main function is to protect the value of privately controlled money through unemployment and slave wages is a world order of failed states, not s


  • gh level players in the oligarchy which controls the upper strata of the NWO. The decision making nerve centers of this effort are in London (especially the City of London), Basel Switzerland [B.I.S. Bank of International Settlements], and Brussels (NATO headquarters). The United Nations, along with all the agencies working under the UN umbrella, such as the World He alth Organization (WHO), are full time players in this scheme.


  • were defending their Countries which didn't even exist. The millions of innocent people who died for nothing. Isn't it obvious why Switzerland is never involved in these fiascoes? That is where the "Bank of International Settlements" is located. Wars are manufactured to keep your eye off the ball. You have to have an enemy to keep the illusion of "Government" in place. * 39. The "United States" did not declare Independence from


  • orm until around 1897", when the China opium trade was legalised. Theodore Herzl orga nized this Jewish super-organization at the First Zionist Congress in Basel, Switzerland, headquarters of the BIS Bank of International Settlements, the mother of all banks. Its purpose was to manage the political power of Rothschild's huge kingdom which was rapidly absorbing the wealth of the


  • England, Bank of France, Bundesbank, Federal Reserve, etc. • Centralization of regional economies: European Monetary Union, NAFTA, etc. • Centralization of the World economy: IMF, World Bank, B.I.S. (Bank of International Settlements), GATT, etc. • Centralized World Governments: UN, EU, etc., i.e. total enslavement and fascist tyranny by them. • Monopolization of the World’s gold: IMF controls two-thirds of the suppl y about 700

File: How I Clobbered Every Bureaucratic Cash-Confiscatory Agency Known to Man (2005) -


  • ssion. USA financed the building of Germany’s infrastructure in the 1930s. All those who died defending their non-existent ‘countries’ died in vain. Switzerland is ‘neutral’ because this is where the Bank of International Settlements is located. Wars are simply a red herring to keep us believing that government is necessary. Crime Impeding Commerce, via Breach of Contract, is the only crime. USA: 27 CFR 72.11- code of federal re

File: Illuminati Handbook -


  • igades Social Democrat P arty Communist P arty Liberal P arty Republican P arty Labor P arty Socialist P arty The W orld Bank The State of Israel American Medical Assosiation Psychiatry London T imes Bank of International Settlement BBC NBC Royal families of England, Holland, Denmark, Spain, Sweden Der Spiegel Sandoz (LSD -producers) P enthaouse Magazine Playboy Magazine The Round T able International Monetary F und T errorism C

File: Jim Marrs - The Rise Of The Fourth Reich -


  • became con - vinced that the fi g ht against the Young Plan was unavoidable if complete collapse of Germany was to be prevented.” Finance between Germany and the Allied nations was controlled by t he Bank of International Settlements (BIS), headquartered in Basel, Switzerland. It was the brainchild of Hjalmar Horace Greeley Schacht, president of the Reichsbank (in 1930, he resigned in protest to the Young Plan but was reappointe


  • f the Rome-Berlin Axis.” Partners in Schroeder, Rocke feller and Company included Avery Rocke - feller, nephew of John D., Baron Bruno von Schroeder in London, and Ku rt Freiherr von Schroeder of the Bank of International Settlements and the Gestapo in Cologne. Attorneys for the firm were John Foster


  • lfour Declaration, 137 Banker’s Trust of New York, 210 banking industry: Hitler supported by, 27–28, 34–35, 151, 162 see also specific banks Bank of England, 28, 29, 119, 137 B ank of France, 29, 119 Bank of International Settlements (BIS), 24, 29, 30, 119, 213 Bank of Italy, 29 Bank of Manhattan, 30, 214 Bank of New York, 112 Banna, Hassan al-, 207 Banque de Paris et des Pays-Bas, 214 Bara, Michael, 175–76 Barbie, Klaus, 135 Ba

File: Jim Tucker - Jim Tucker's Bilderberg Diary -


  • cut, USA Donilon, Thomas E., Executive Vi ce President, Fannie Mae, USA Draghi, Mario, Vice Chairman and Managing Director, Goldman S achs International [Chairman of the Deputies of the Group of Ten, Bank of International Settlements], Italy Eizenstat, Stuart, Covington & Burling, USA Eldrup, Anders, Chairman of the Board of Dir ectors, Danish Oil & Gas Consortium, Denmark Feldstein, Martin S., President and CEO, National Bureau

File: Nazi Hydra In America -


  • ms was requisitioned by Donovan from his job in New York of plotting Nazi submarine routes to serve in Europe. While the Helms family was not rich his grandfather served as the first president of the Bank of International settlements. During the autumn of 1945, Dewitt Clinton Poole was sent to Germany to interrogate important Nazis. During the war Poole headed Foreign Nationalities Branch of the OSS. Poole directed OSS efforts t


  • The Nazi Hydra In Fascist America — 386 — Bank of International Settlements formed. 1933: On January 4, 1933, Hitler was invited to the Schroeder Bank by a group of industrialists. The industrialists gave Hitler the money to overcome his financial problems in turn for a ple


  • ts and top Nazi banking officials. After the investigation into his money laundering Dulles resigned from the OSS and returned to New York. He then sought out Thomas McKittrick the former head of the Bank of International Settlements. The Nazis had moved a large amount of their assets from Switzerland to Argentina. Dulles soon went to work for a staggering number of Argentinean clients. Dulles and Donovan agreed that every effor


  • hat option. These statements and others within Gautier’s report make it clear that the Portuguese wanted the Nazi gold and a clean slate from the Swiss money launders. 50 Initially, Portugal used the Bank of International Settlements and Yugoslav National Bank in Basel to launder the Nazi gold. However, starting in 1941 with the Nazi invasion of Yugoslavia, Portugal was forced to look for other ways to launder the gold. Also, on


  • decided to move their money out of Germany before the end of the war. Allen Dulles was instrumental in helping them move their assets to Argentina through Switzerland at first. Dulles had ties to the Bank of International Settlements (BIS) through his connection with the Schroder Bank, a Nazi Bank. Recently the BIS has confirmed a 4 billion dollar purchase of gold from the Nazis during WWII. The amount here is tiny relative to t

File: One World Order -


  • e become embroiled, at the cost of millions upon millions of lives, not to mention the billions of dollars th ese wars generated, billions that went to the Wall Street and City of London bankers, the Bank of International Settlements, the World Bank etc., for which the people are still being taxed. Line item veto powers plus the illegal so-called Ex ecutive Orders will make a future tyrant-president of the caliber of Rooseve lt

File: Pawns In The Game - William Guy Carr -


  • aly, Spain, and Japan to back him in his determination to challenge the power of the Cartels and Monopolies financed and controlled by the international bankers, particularly their “Brain-child,” the Bank of International Settlements. The German Reich abrogated the clause in the constitution which made Dr. Hans Luther, the president of the Reichsbank, a permanent fixture. Until the change was made, the president of the Reichsban

File: Rothschild Money Trust -


  • protocols. There is no other explanation of the secret "Council of the Jew- ish Agency" and its achievements. There is no other explanation of the Versailles peace treaty, th e League of Nations, the Bank of International Settlements, the International Labor Board, the deliberate impoverishment of the people of the world by the manipulations of the Elders, and for the present wars and past wars. This is all a definite progr am w


  • is the present objective of Jeroboam Rothschild and his secret 300 Elders of Zion. They have sought to incorporate this international bank- ing power and to give it a legal status by establishing the Bank of International Settlements but to date the undertaking has not proven to be very successful. Under the pretense of providing a clearing house for th e settlement of Germ an reparations an international conference was held by

File: Syndicate - The Story Of The Coming World Government -


  • 64 The Syndicate the Rothschilds and Rockefellers. Through the 1930s the Rothschilds had less influence on world finance, and the first head of the Bank of International Settlements, a joint creation of the world's banks in 1930, was a "Rockefellerite." 89 "Rockefellers" took the lead in financing both Hitler and Stalin, and profited accordingly.

File: Tavistock Institute Of Human Relations - Shaping Moral, Spiritual, Cultural, Political, Economic Decline of USA -


  • and programs for the C lub of Rome, the Cini Foundation, the German Marshall fund , the Rockefeller Foundation, the Bilderbergers, the CFR and the Trilateral Commission, the Ditchley Foundation, the Bank of International Settlements, the I.M.F. the United Na tions and the World Bank, Microsoft, Citibank, the New York S tock Exchange and so on. This is by no means a complete list of institutions in the hands of Tavistock planner

File: Ron Paul - Pillars of Prosperity, Free Markets Honest Money Private Property (2008) -


  • ollars to save creditors who had unwisely invested in Mexico prior to the crisis of two years ago. Much of this $50 billion also included U.S. credit extended through the IMF, the World Bank, and the Bank of International Settlements, much of which is yet to be repaid. Second, foreign government welfare, and there is no better name for it, takes money out of the productive sectors of the econ- omy—the paychecks of middle-class A

File: Apocrypha Discordia -


  • you know who in 1923 was:1. President of the largest steel company?2. President of the largest gas company?3. President of the New York Stock Exchange?4. Greatest wheat speculator?5. President of the Bank of International Settlement?6. Great Bear of Wall Street?These men should have been considered some of the world’s most sucessfulmen. At least they found the secret of making money. Now more than 46 yearslater, do you know what

File: Valdamar Valerian - Matrix III Volume 1 -


  • von Finck Franco Orsini Bonacassi- Orsini Black Nobi 1 i ty Alba Family Baron Pierre Lambert - Belgian Rothschilds Sir Jocelyn Hambro- Hambro Banking (UK) -7Control of. United States Stock Markets t- Bank of International Settlements (BIS) Banca Del Suizzeria Italiana (BSI) _I Flight Capital Investments (LUGANO) I Some Other Drug Money Laundering and Clearing Houses Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank, Orion Bank, Bank of Ireland Bank o


  • Bacteria, Self-Directed Evolution of Bacteriology, Veterinary Bal ance and consc i ousness Bands, Auric, Human, Frequencies of Bands, Auric, Moving Images in Bank of Credit and Commerce International Bank of International Settlements, Drug Money Bank of Nova Scotia Barclay Bank Bases, military, closure of Basic Scientific Concepts and Knowledge Bayer, A.G., information about BCCI and the CIA BCCI , connecti ons with CIA BCCI, In

File: Valdamar Valerian - Matrix III Volume 2 -


  • Bechtel, is a student at the University of California. Coca-Cola plant built in Ashtabula, Ohio. The drink contains coal tar derivatives , flavoring, and massive amounts of sugar. Concept for future Bank of International Settlements created in Genoa, Italy. Illinois Medical Journal says AMA has become an autocracy. Tesla files various patents in the field of fluid mechanics. By 1922, more than 100 radiologists died fiom X-ray i

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