Der Spiegel

Found in 129 Books

File: Webster Tarpley - 9-11 Synthetic Terror -


  • e Welt . Heidelberg: Palmyra, 2002. Schmitt , Carl. Positionen und Begriffe . Hamburg, 1940. Sheehy , Gail. Middletown, America: One Town’s Passage from Trauma to Hope . New York: Random House, 2003. Der Spiegel . Inside 9-11: What Really Happened . New York: St. Martin’s Press, 2001. Sell , Louis. Slobodan Milosevic and the Destruction of Yugoslavia . Durham NC: Duke University Press, 2000. Stevens , Sir Jo

File: Daniel Estulin - Shadow Masters -

  • se, really replying to nosy independent investigators may not be in theinterests of someone’s farsighted agenda.But, there was more to the campaign against Bout.On January 7, 2002, the German weekly, Der Spiegel, claimed that Bout helpedarrange the sale of up to 200 Russian T-55 and T-62 tanks to the Taliban. Thetanks were alleged to have been transported by one of Bout’s airfreightcompanies. Reportedly, und

  • 516]De Monarchia Mundi 6 [index_split_008.html#filepos32587]Der Kosovo-Konflikt. Wege in einen vermeidbaren Krieg (The Kosovo Conflict: Roadto an Avoidable War) 86 [index_split_013.html#filepos257421]Der Spiegel 169 [index_split_017.html#filepos491055]DeStefano, Anthony M. 113 [index_split_015.html#filepos332599]Deutch, John 110 [index_split_015.html#filepos324236]Direction Générale de la Sécurité Extérieure

File: David Icke - 1990 - It Doesn’t Have To Be Like This -


  • , and I offer you one stunning example of the lunacy the Green Party would free us from. The details of a N.A.T.O. exercise to rehearse the actual conduct of a war were leaked to the German magazine, Der Spiegel. The exercise put into practice the 'general political guidelines' for the use of nuclear weapons decided by N.A.T.O.'s Planning Group. The story was reported by The Observer in the spring of 1989: '


  • 158 IT DOESN'T HAVE TO BE LIKE THIS German sensibilities into account N.A.T.O. Command ordered other allies to fire them. According to reports Der Spiegel obtained, the scenario then departed from any reality. The Soviet Union did not (according to the N.A.T.O. theory) respond with nuclear weapons, but continued its conventional push and the N.A.T.O. S

File: David Icke - 1995 - And The Truth Shall Set You Free -

  • soners? Mediaorganisations supporting the RIIA include ABC News Intercontinental Inc; CBSNews; NBC News Worldwide Inc; Britain’s Channel Four TV and IndependentTelevision News (ITN); Fuji Television; Der Spiegel; The European; The FinancialTimes; The Guardian; The Independent and Independent On Sunday; The Observer;Daily Telegraph; The Times; The Scotsman; The Yorkshire Post; Reuters, theinternational news a

File: David Icke - 1995 - And The Truth Shall Set You Free -

  • soners? Mediaorganisations supporting the RIIA include ABC News Intercontinental Inc; CBSNews; NBC News Worldwide Inc; Britain’s Channel Four TV and IndependentTelevision News (ITN); Fuji Television; Der Spiegel; The European; The FinancialTimes; The Guardian; The Independent and Independent On Sunday; The Observer;Daily Telegraph; The Times; The Scotsman; The Yorkshire Post; Reuters, theinternational news a

File: David Icke - 2013 - The Perception Deception - Part Two -

  • e American psychiatrist Leon Eisenberg(Rothschild Zionist), known as the ‘scientific father of ADHD’, eventuallyagreed. Eisenberg, the son of Russian Jewish immigrants, was quoted by theGerman weekly Der Spiegel as saying seven months before his death in 2012: ‘ADHDis a prime example of a fictitious disease’. Yes, a fictitious disease that hasmade a staggering fortune for Big Pharma and destroyed the lives o

File: David Icke - 2013 - The Perception Deception -


  • merican psychiatrist Leon Eisenberg (Rothschild Zionist), known as the ‘scientific father of ADHD’, eventually agreed. Eisenberg, the son of Russian Jewish immigrants, was quoted by the German weekly Der Spiegel as saying seven months before his death in 2012: ‘ADHD is a prime example of a fictitious disease’. Yes, a fictitious disease that has made a staggering fortune for Big Pharma and destroyed the lives

File: David Icke - 2016 - Phantom Self -


  • cial deep underground bases 'DUMBS' 91 Defense Intelligence Agency I. DIAi 289 Demiurge, the 104, 107 see a/so Reptilians democracies , uselessness of 122-J Democratic Party (USJ 125 Demosthenes 30 3 Der Spiegel 353 di,1bctes 229, 325-<> Diamandis . Peter H. 378 Diana, Princess of Wales 118, 119, 121, 180, 189 Dick, Cressida 281 dimet~ltl) •ptamine CDMTI 37 Dinham . Andy 212 nissidents, disappearance of 343

File: David Icke - 2016 - Phantom Self -


  • cial deep underground bases 'DUMBS' 91 Defense Intelligence Agency I. DIAi 289 Demiurge, the 104, 107 see a/so Reptilians democracies , uselessness of 122-J Democratic Party (USJ 125 Demosthenes 30 3 Der Spiegel 353 di,1bctes 229, 325-<> Diamandis . Peter H. 378 Diana, Princess of Wales 118, 119, 121, 180, 189 Dick, Cressida 281 dimet~ltl) •ptamine CDMTI 37 Dinham . Andy 212 nissidents, disappearance of 343

File: David Icke - 2019 - The Trigger -


  • sion over which gates some of the planes left from with different ones reported. Flight 11 was reported to have left from Gate 26 at Boston Logan and later Gate 32. Journalists from the German weekly Der Spiegel say they established that Flight 11 left from Gate 26 and that boarding started at 7.35am. The 9I11 Commission said boarding began at 7.15am and left from Gate 32. There are also discrepancies in sta


  • st that the Israelis knew about 9I11 beforehand. He quotes one intelligence source as asking 'how could they not have known?' This would explain the behaviour of the 'Dancing Israelis'. German weekly Der Spiegel reported: An entire troop of Israeli terror investigators disguised as students took to the tracks of Arabic terrorists and their cells in the USA between December 2000 and April 2001. During their u

File: David Icke - 2019 - The Trigger -


  • sion over which gates some of the planes left from with different ones reported. Flight 11 was reported to have left from Gate 26 at Boston Logan and later Gate 32. Journalists from the German weekly Der Spiegel say they established that Flight 11 left from Gate 26 and that boarding started at 7.35am. The 9I11 Commission said boarding began at 7.15am and left from Gate 32. There are also discrepancies in sta


  • st that the Israelis knew about 9I11 beforehand. He quotes one intelligence source as asking 'how could they not have known?' This would explain the behaviour of the 'Dancing Israelis'. German weekly Der Spiegel reported: An entire troop of Israeli terror investigators disguised as students took to the tracks of Arabic terrorists and their cells in the USA between December 2000 and April 2001. During their u

File: Erich Von Daniken - Gold Of The Gods -


  • lves by the enormous quantities of debris excavated while making the runnels. As I credit them with an advanced technology, they were presumably equipped with a thermal drill of the kind described in Der Spiegel for April 3, 1972, which reported it as the latest discovery. The scientists of the U.S. Laboratory for Atomic Research at Los Alamos spent a year and a half developing the thermal drill. It has noth

File: Erich Von Daniken - History Is Wrong -

  • t the people of the future believethat any ingression onto the sites would be “tantamount to inviting some sort of‘supernatural act of retribution.’”58 [part0008.xhtml#ch02not58] The Germanperiodical Der Spiegel noted at the time: “As such warnings tend rather toattract rather than dismay the curious, Sebeok also recommended seeding theground around the site with the disgusting smell of long-lasting stink bo

  • tion 1990, pp. 435–56. Washington, D.C.:National Geographic Society, 1990.Sitchin, Zecharia. The 12th Planet. New York: Stein & Day, 1976.“Stinkbomben in Atomlagen.” (“Stink bombs in Nuclear Sites.”) Der Spiegel, issueno. 51, 1981.Volkrodt, Wolfgang. Es war ganz anders: Die intelligente Technik der Vorzeit.(It Wasn’t Like That: The Intelligent Technology of Prehistory.) Munich: HerbigVerlag, 1991.Voynich, Wi

File: Erich von Daniken - Ancient Alien Question -

  • we were going extended for hundreds of miles> under the soil of Ecuador and Peru.”> Then, one of the world’s biggest potential discoveries soon turned sour.> Journalists from the German publications Der Spiegel and Stern interviewed> Moricz, who now denied ever having been in the cave with von Däniken. This> undermined von Däniken’s credibility (though skeptics will argue he had none> to begin with), and, f

File: Erich von Daniken - Gods Never Left Us -

  • uts through the DNA stringat precisely the desired place.25 [notes.html#ch03note25] It is a surgicalprocedure on the genome—“genome editing.” “CRISPR works like child’s play,” theGerman news magazine Der Spiegel quotes the German geneticist Rudolf Jaenisch.26[notes.html#ch03note26]People who have no idea about what happens inside a cell rant about geneticallymodified food and warn with a wagging finger again

  • an, neither mister nor ms., but MXShupe. “Jamie Shupe is now MX Shupe, and MX Shupe is waiting for a new ID cardin which it will not say male or female but ‘nonbinary’” writes the German newsmagazine Der Spiegel.7 [notes.html#ch05note7] I suppose next there won’t be any“rapist” or “stay-at-home.” (Translator’s note: Both are masculine nouns inGerman.) Either, after all, we are all gender-neutral.“These Roman

  • , M. Es gibt keine menschlichen Gene.Bern/Göttingen, 1997.23 [ch03.html#ch03note23]. “Auferstehung der Toten,” Die Welt, May 23, 2008.24 [ch03.html#ch03note24]. Grolle, Johan. “Das Wesen Des Lebens,” Der Spiegel,13 (2016).25 [ch03.html#ch03note25]. Imhalsy, Patrick and Elisa Forster. “So arbeitet dieGen-Schere,” NZZ, February 7, 2016.26 [ch03.html#ch03note26]. “Lenkwaffe im Zellkern,” Der Spiegel, no. 18 (20

File: Erich von Daniken - Gods Were Astronauts -

  • ic was found in Palestine, one was immediately ready toconvert every little detail into alleged proof for the truth of the Bible. Whatis really going on here was investigated in a critical article in Der Spiegelabout three works on Bible archaeology: 'All three volumes were full ofarchaeological pseudo-revelations.'31 Very little in the Exodus book fits theSinai peninsula but a lot, on the other hand, does f

  • et ought to be revealed to theworld. Why, if the contents were so harmless, was it necessary finally topublish the secret?Because the whole story does not stick. As early as 1983, German news magazineDer Spiegel wrote:There is proof in books that have yellowed with age that it was not humankindbut the Vatican who had to be afraid of the publication of the secret.57The popes decidedly helped to make a phenome

  • Grosse Brockhaus [German Popular Dictionary], Wiesbaden, 1954.30 Salibi, Kamal: Die Bibel kam aus dem Lande Asir [The Bible Originated in theLand of Asir (Saudi Arabia)], Reinbek bei Hamburg, 1985.31 Der Spiegel No. 39 / 1985: 'Hat die Bibel doch nicht Recht?' [Was the BibleWrong?]32 Wüstenfeld, Ferdinand: Geschichte der Stadt Medina [A History of the City ofMedina], Göttingen, 1860.33 von Däniken, Erich: Wi

File: Erich von Daniken - In Search Of The Gods -


  • ht Cen ter. Public Affairs Office, Aug, 5, 1966. NA SA Mar shall Space Fli ght Cen ter. Public Affairs Office, Sept. 26, 1966. NASA Marshall Space Flight Center. Public Affairs Office, Sept.29, 1966. Der Spiegel, No. 46, Nov. 6, 1967. Stern, No. 47, Nov. 9, 1967. Die Zeit, No. 46, Nov. 7, 1967; No. 47, Nov. 25, 1967; No. 51, Dec. 22, 1967. Zweites Deutsches Fernse hen (German TV2): "Invas ion aus dem Kosmos?

File: Erich von Daniken - Remnants of the Gods -

  • of 16 April 1993.36 [ch04.html#ch04note36]. SPIEGEL Online of 29 May 2011.37 [ch04.html#ch04note37]. Mysteries No. 21, Edition 4, 2011.38 [ch04.html#ch04note38]. “Chefren-Pyramid—Fluch des Pharaos.” Der Spiegel, No.33, 1969.39 [ch04.html#ch04note39]. Al-Maqrizi. Das Pyramidnkapitel in Al-Makrizi’s“Hitat.” Translated by Dr. Erich Graefe. Leipzig, 1882.40 [ch04.html#ch04note40]. von Däniken, Erich. Falsch inf

File: Graham Hancock & Robert Bauval - The Message of the Sphinx -

  • and boldimagination.[265] [index_split_017.html#filepos318496] All articles appeared between 17 and19 April 1993.[266] [index_split_017.html#filepos318979] Several major international journals(Stern, Der Spiegel, etc.) also published articles and pictorials.[267] [index_split_017.html#filepos319410] Not published in the press butmentioned in Ancient Skies magazine No. 3/1993, 17. Jahrgang, p. 4.[268] [index_

File: Graham Hancock - The Message Of The Sphinx -


  • , but it never happened. A press conference was scheduled. It never happened.’ 19 In late 1994, Gantenbrink announced in Paris that he was willing to 15 Several major international journals ( Stern, Der Spiegel, etc.) also published articles and pictorials. 16 Not published in the press but mentioned in Ancient Skies magazine No. 3/1993, 17. Jahrgang, p. 4. 17 Reuters wire, Cairo 16 April 1993. 18 Sunday Te

File: Graham Hancock - Underworld - The Mysterious Origins of Civilization -

  • artly man-made. Theycan’t help but be anything else.DR WICHMANNThe third geologist, German science writer Dr Wolf Wichmann, has definiteopinions and expresses them with certainty. In 1999 he informed Der Spiegelmagazine – who had taken him to Yonaguni – that he regards the underwatermonument as entirely natural. He made just three dives on the main terraces andthen declared: ‘I didn’t find anything that was

  • c_9780307548566_epub_c27_r1.htm#c27-ftn9a] Schoch, op. cit., 11210. [Hanc_9780307548566_epub_c27_r1.htm#c27-ftn10a] See discussion in Heaven’sMirror11. [Hanc_9780307548566_epub_c27_r1.htm#c27-ftn11a] Der Spiegel, 34/199912. [Hanc_9780307548566_epub_c27_r1.htm#c27-ftn12a] Der Spiegel, 34/199913. [Hanc_9780307548566_epub_c27_r1.htm#c27-ftn13a][], Articles14. [H

File: Gregg Braden - The Science of Self-Empowerment (2019, Hay House) -

  • GEROUS CONCLUSIONSIn October 1988, renowned astrophysicist Stephen Hawking summed up thetraditional scientific view of how we fit into the big picture of the universe.In the German weekly publication Der Spiegel, he was quoted as saying, “We arejust an advanced breed of monkeys on a minor planet of a very average star. Butwe can understand the universe. That makes us something very special.”11[endnotes.xhtml

  • mption].11. [chapter07.xhtml#nf164] Stephen Hawking, from an interview published in aGerman magazine (translator unknown). Von Klaus Franke and Henry Glass. “Wiralle wollen wissen, woher wir kommen,” Der Spiegel, vol. 42 (October 17, 1988).Available at:[].12. [chapter07.xhtml#nf165] Richard Dawkins. “Review

File: Kenny Ausubel - When Healing Becomes A Crime -


  • d Epithelial Cancer (Stuttgart: Hippo krates Ve rlag, 1990); "A Dull We apon: Che motherapy Almost Useless in Tr eating Ad­ vanced Organic Cancer -Provocative Theses at the Hamburg Cancer Congr ess," Der Spiegel, 3.3.90, pp. 174-76; Abel, Cytostatic Therapy of Advanced Epithelial Tu mors: A Critique (Stuttgart: Hippo krates Ve rglag, 1990). 71 D. Black, "The Paradox of Medical Care," J.R. Colleg e of Physici


  • e clinical trials in non-s mall cell lung cancer ," Breast Cancer Journal, Vo l. 54, 1986, pp. 661-67. 8 1 Anony mous, "Ein Gnadenloses Zuvi el an Therapie: Te il Zwe ifel an Den Chemischen Waff en," Der Spiegel, Vo l. 26, 1987. 8 2 Moss, Questioning Chemother apy, pp. 56-57. 83 Vincent T. DeVita Jr. et al., [edit ors], Cancer: Principles & Practice of Oncology (Philadelp hia: J .B. Lippi ncott, 1993 ) . 84

File: Max Gerson - Censured for Curing Cancer -


  • ny, in the summer of 1961? You haven't seen a word about it? Strange, because nearly every newspaper, tabloid and magazine in all Europe and in many other countries of the world covered it fully; and Der Spiegel — the German equivalent of our Time magazine — gave it an unheard - of 12 pages, with Dr. Issels' picture on the cover. The issue in this trial was: "Can a doctor explore new ways of treatment of ter


  • at? Is this at all a trial? What has this doctor done? Especially since he only adds his therapy, to cure the incurable, to the orthodox methods. Is it necessary to have such trials at all? Concluded Der Spiegel: "It is practically impossible to say who is ri ght and who is wrong. Nobody comes out either clean or dirty. Nobody really knows what cancer is. "Maybe in one to three years we might know," said rad

File: Seeds of Destruction -


  • lm, despite the fact it represented 0.5% of gross revenues . 22 . Dow Agrosciences Lie, Plaintiff-Appellee Versus Dennis Bates et al., United States Court of Appeals, Fifth Circuit, 11 June 2003. 23. Der Spiegel, 8 February 2004. 24. Gottfried Glockner as interviewed by Klaus Faissner, "Der Genmais und das grosse Rindersterben", Neue Bauernkoordination Schweiz, abstiml gentechmais_rinders

File: Side Effects Death - Confessions Of A Pharma-Insider -


  • ethods that reduce human thinking to supposedly simple mechanisms – and let pills appear to be a logical consequence? The figures in Germany and the United States are compared in the German magazine, Der Spiegel:


  • rrent medical prescription report, the active ingredient in Ritalin ® , methylphenidate, was prescribed 20 times more frequently in 2004, than it was in 1995.” 105 And, you can sense it already, even Der Spiegel’s author noticed: “many manufacturers save themselves the effort of testing, whether and at what doses these drugs are suitable for kids.” The epidemic of depression is a prime example of this strate

File: Jim Keith - Octopus -


  • round covert operations in Albania. These men had gotten into the illegal gun and dr ug trade back then and had contin- ued in that business ever since. Martin Killian, a Washington correspondent for Der Spiegel , also spoke to Casolaro about the conspiratorial entity Casolaro was by now calling “the Octopus,” a cabal which Casolaro believed had been started Chapter 12: A Sea Creature Surfaces V

File: Joseph P. Farrell - Covert Wars and Breakaway Civilizations -


  • eath’s Remarks of Feb. 16, 2012 to the House of Lords: “Something is Very Seriously Wrong” 79 d. Analysis of Lord Blackheath’s Remarks of Feb 16, 2012 83 e. The Gold Discrepancy: The House of Lords, Der Spiegel Magazine in Germany, and Dr. Hjalmar Schacht 91 5. The Filipino Bearer Bonds Saga, and Some Miscellanies 94 6. Summary and Implications 98 B. An Earlier Episode: The Vatican, the Mob, Industrial-Scal


  • w it at the time, was an important clue that indeed the Italian authorities may have known something. “Indeed, the anomalies of the story only grew. Bloomberg and a number of other sources, including Der Spiegel in Germany and Asia News , reported the almost “Heydrich-like” quality of the bonds “were all so well executed that they were ‘indistinguishable from the real o nes. ’“ 5 Others began to notice the a


  • st implicated in the scam. But, for the moment, we must examine the other component of Lord Blackheath’s statements: the discrepancies in amounts of gold. e. The Gold Discrepancy: the House of Lords, Der Spiegel Magazine in Germany, and Dr. Hjalmar Schacht Amid the many detailed assertions in Lord Blackheath’s comments to the House of Lords, there was, it will be recalled, a figure he cited from his friend L


  • ere are Schacht’s own words recounting this visit from his autobio graphy: 

 9 No Author, “Germans Fret About their Foreign Gold Reserves,” Der Spiegel, May 15, 2012, breaks- out -in-germany- over -forei gn-gold-reserves-a-833289.html


  • anyone ’s estimations—knew good and well what was going on, and that by publishing the incident in his memoirs, he was sending a message to the financial powers of New York. It is noteworthy that the Der Spiegel article is implying that the very same attitude is in place in the succe ssor Bundesbank to this day! 5. The Filipino Bearer Bond Saga, and Some Miscellanies Incredibly, the Japanese, Spanish, and It


  • thor). “Dundonald’s Destroyer.” North American Review. November 1914, 656-661. 1914nov -0656?View=PDF. (No Author). “Germans Fret About Their Foreign Gold Reserves.” Der Spiegel. May 15, 2012. /germany/debate-b reaks -out -in- germany -over -foreign-gold- reserves - a-833289.html (No Author). “John de Menil.” Wikipedia. (No Author). “JP Mo

File: Joseph P. Farrell - Covert Wars and Breakaway Civilizations -


  • eath’s Remarks of Feb. 16, 2012 to the House of Lords: “Something is Very Seriously Wrong” 79 d. Analysis of Lord Blackheath’s Remarks of Feb 16, 2012 83 e. The Gold Discrepancy: The House of Lords, Der Spiegel Magazine in Germany, and Dr. Hjalmar Schacht 91 5. The Filipino Bearer Bonds Saga, and Some Miscellanies 94 6. Summary and Implications 98 B. An Earlier Episode: The Vatican, the Mob, Industrial-Scal


  • w it at the time, was an important clue that indeed the Italian authorities may have known something. “Indeed, the anomalies of the story only grew. Bloomberg and a number of other sources, including Der Spiegel in Germany and Asia News , reported the almost “Heydrich-like” quality of the bonds “were all so well executed that they were ‘indistinguishable from the real o nes. ’“ 5 Others began to notice the a


  • st implicated in the scam. But, for the moment, we must examine the other component of Lord Blackheath’s statements: the discrepancies in amounts of gold. e. The Gold Discrepancy: the House of Lords, Der Spiegel Magazine in Germany, and Dr. Hjalmar Schacht Amid the many detailed assertions in Lord Blackheath’s comments to the House of Lords, there was, it will be recalled, a figure he cited from his friend L


  • ere are Schacht’s own words recounting this visit from his autobio graphy: 

 9 No Author, “Germans Fret About their Foreign Gold Reserves,” Der Spiegel, May 15, 2012, breaks- out -in-germany- over -forei gn-gold-reserves-a-833289.html


  • anyone ’s estimations—knew good and well what was going on, and that by publishing the incident in his memoirs, he was sending a message to the financial powers of New York. It is noteworthy that the Der Spiegel article is implying that the very same attitude is in place in the succe ssor Bundesbank to this day! 5. The Filipino Bearer Bond Saga, and Some Miscellanies Incredibly, the Japanese, Spanish, and It


  • thor). “Dundonald’s Destroyer.” North American Review. November 1914, 656-661. 1914nov -0656?View=PDF. (No Author). “Germans Fret About Their Foreign Gold Reserves.” Der Spiegel. May 15, 2012. /germany/debate-b reaks -out -in- germany -over -foreign-gold- reserves - a-833289.html (No Author). “John de Menil.” Wikipedia. (No Author). “JP Mo

File: Joseph P. Farrell - Nazi International -

  • pressed when German military think tanksopenly reasserted the German claims to sovereignty and “Germany’s nuclearweapons research program.”34 Even the publisher of Germany’s popular “liberal”magazine Der Spiegel (The Mirror) openly declared that situations could beconceived that Germany would have to have its own nuclear deterrent “in spite ofexisting treaties.”35 Yet, with world attention focused on Iran’s

File: Joseph P. Farrell - Reich Of The Black Sun -


  • anovitch Titarenko, a former military translator on the staff of Mars hal Rodion Malinovsky, who handled the Japanese capitulation to Russi a at the end of the war. As reported in the German magazine Der Spiegel in 1992, Titarenko wrote a letter to the Central Co mmittee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. In it, he reported that there were actually three bombs dropped on Japan, one of which, dropped

File: Joseph P. Farrell - Reich of the Black Sun -

File: Joseph P. Farrell - Saucers, Swastikas and Psyops -

  • Mythos> [CR%214D52M4V3Q13S79AF04YTDN7DC6YP_split_015.html#filepos268929]> a. The Belluzo Allegations> [CR%214D52M4V3Q13S79AF04YTDN7DC6YP_split_015.html#filepos268984]> b. The Schriever Allegations in Der Spiegel> [CR%214D52M4V3Q13S79AF04YTDN7DC6YP_split_015.html#filepos274509]> c. Dr. Richard Miethe> [CR%214D52M4V3Q13S79AF04YTDN7DC6YP_split_015.html#filepos275407]> d. George Klein and Habermohl> [CR%214D52M4

  • the Nazi saucermythos is that, in fact, the first prototypical developments were not of fieldpropulsion craft, but of suction turbine—jet—craft with vectored exhausts.b. The Schriever Allegations in Der Spiegel(The Mirror) Belluzo made his statements in Italy on March 27, 1950, and these statementswere followed a mere three days later, on March 30, 1950, with the first claimsfor the Nazi development of such

File: Joseph P. Farrell - Third Way - The Nazi International, European Union, And Corporate Fascism -

  • 65 [text00009.html#fn65] Indeed, Adenauer was not above conspiring withknown Nazis and Nazi organizations, as a secret meeting was attended by Nazileaders in response to an invitation from Adenauer. Der Spiegel broke the storyof the meeting—brokered by former SS officer Carl Cerff—on February 6, 1957. Thepurpose of the meeting? To ensure the support of the radical right for Adenauerin the 1957 elections. 66

  • on of Nazi Germany’s, and that at the heart ofit, lay the component chemical companies that had organized and founded thecartel. 56 [text00010.html#fn56] Indeed, on March 15, 1976, the German magazineDer Spiegel published a chart of the organization of the West German nuclearindustry, and it reads like a Who’s Who of wartime Nazi atom bomb research andthe companies involved in it: Bayer A.G., Hoechst A.G., D

File: Venturing Beyond - Law and Morality in Kabbalistic Mysticism -


  • udies in the Kabbala Literature . Ed. Joseph Hacker. Tel-Aviv: Tel-Aviv Univer- sity Press, 1976 (Hebrew). G rabes ,H erbert . Speculum, Mirror und Looking-Glass: Kontinuita ̈ t und Originali- ta ̈ t der Spiegelmetapher in den Buchtiteln des Mittelalters und der englischen Literatur des 13. bis 17. Jahrhunderts .Tu ̈ bingen: M. Niemeyer, 1973. G raetz ,H einrich . History of the Jews , vol. 4. Philadelphia:

File: v19n2 MAPS Research Update 2009 -


  • /PTSD therapist training seminar in June along with her co-ther - apist Sergio Marchevsky, MD. Three out of 12 subjects have completed the study. Swiss LSD Study Generates Positive Media Attention in Der Spiegel On July 9, 2009, Der Spiegel, a respected and popular Ger - man news magazine, profiled a MAPS-sponsored clinical trial of LSD-assisted psychotherapy for people with anxiety associated with life-thre

File: v19n3 MAPS Financial Report - Fiscal Year 2008-09 -


  • fe-threatening illnesses has continued to enroll subjects. We hope to pass the halfway point of the treat - ment phase in 2010. The study has been receiving excellent media attention with articles in Der Spiegel and the Guardian. We have been looking at all of our protocols with an eye toward ways to save money. With that in mind, we have removed some outcome measures that we determined were redundant, and w

File: Maximillien De Lafayette - Hitler’s Doubles -

  • arshal Zhukov which clearly indicated that nothing forsure could be said about Hitler’s fate and disappearance.Russian General Boltin:In 1965, Russian General Boltin told Eric Kirby, correspondent of Der Spiegelthat the Kremlin had no proof –whatsoever– that Hitler has committed suicide.The FBI:FBI memo: “A large wealthy German colony in Argentina affords tremendouspossibilities... as a refuge for Hitler....

File: Michael E. Salla - Insiders Reveal Secret Space Programs & Extraterrestrial Alliances -

  • reprinted in Germany and less than a week later led to anotherscientist, Rudolph Schriever, revealing his own work in the Nazi flying saucerprogram. Schriever said the following in his interview with Der Spiegel,published on March 30, 1950, about the flying saucer design he called“Flugkreisel” (Flight Gyro): > He said that the project had been developed by him and his team at BMW's> Prague [Pilsen] works unt

File: Dictionary of Symbols -


  • Paris, 1937. HAATAN, Abel. Traité d’Astrologie judiciaire . Paris, 1895. HARLESS, G. C. A. Jacob Böhme und die alchymisten . Berlin, 1870. HARTLAUB, G. F. Der Stein der Weisen. Munich, 1959. — Zauber der Spiegels . Munich, 1951. HAUTECOEUR, Louis. Mystique et architecture. Symbolisme du cercle et de la coupole . Paris, 1954.

File: Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke - Black Sun -


  • tings and the revelation that German engineers had worked on fly- ing disks during the Third Reich. In March 1950, Flugkapitän Rudolf Schriever (b. 1910) gave an interview to the German news magazine Der Spiegel . He described how he had begun pondering solutions for vertical take- off while working as a chief pilot at Eger (now Cheb) in 1942. He designed a central domed cabin for the crew and controls that


  • tevideo paper El Dia and the sensational U.S. maga- zine The National Police Gazette all carried similar stories; McKale, Hitler , pp. 138, 222–23, notes 4, 6. 9. “Untertassen—sie fliegen aber doch,” Der Spiegel (30 March 1950), pp. 33–35. 10. “Fliegende Untertassen—eine deutsche Erfindung,” Die 7 Tage: Illustrierte Wochenschrift aus dem Zeitgeschehen , No. 26 (27 June 1952), p. 1; “Fliegende Unter- tasse=De


  • d by Nick Lowles and Steve Silver, pp. 28–30. 5. “Shut down the peddlers of hate,” Searchlight , No. 256 (October 1996), pp. 7–18 (p. 10). 6. Searchlight , No. 256 (October 1996), p. 13. 7. Quoted in Der Spiegel , 6 April 1992, p. 29. 8. Christopher T. Husbands, “Militant Neo-Nazism in the Federal Republic of Ger- many in the 1990s,” in The Far Right in Western and Eastern Europe , edited by Luciano Cheles,

File: Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke - Black Sun -


  • tings and the revelation that German engineers had worked on fly- ing disks during the Third Reich. In March 1950, Flugkapitän Rudolf Schriever (b. 1910) gave an interview to the German news magazine Der Spiegel . He described how he had begun pondering solutions for vertical take- off while working as a chief pilot at Eger (now Cheb) in 1942. He designed a central domed cabin for the crew and controls that


  • tevideo paper El Dia and the sensational U.S. maga- zine The National Police Gazette all carried similar stories; McKale, Hitler , pp. 138, 222–23, notes 4, 6. 9. “Untertassen—sie fliegen aber doch,” Der Spiegel (30 March 1950), pp. 33–35. 10. “Fliegende Untertassen—eine deutsche Erfindung,” Die 7 Tage: Illustrierte Wochenschrift aus dem Zeitgeschehen , No. 26 (27 June 1952), p. 1; “Fliegende Unter- tasse=De


  • d by Nick Lowles and Steve Silver, pp. 28–30. 5. “Shut down the peddlers of hate,” Searchlight , No. 256 (October 1996), pp. 7–18 (p. 10). 6. Searchlight , No. 256 (October 1996), p. 13. 7. Quoted in Der Spiegel , 6 April 1992, p. 29. 8. Christopher T. Husbands, “Militant Neo-Nazism in the Federal Republic of Ger- many in the 1990s,” in The Far Right in Western and Eastern Europe , edited by Luciano Cheles,

File: Dictionary Of Symbols -


  • orme. Paris, 1937.HAATAN, Abel. Traité d’Astrologie judiciaire. Paris, 1895.HARLESS, G. C. A. Jacob Böhme und die alchymisten. Berlin, 1870.HARTLAUB, G. F. Der Stein der Weisen. Munich, 1959.— Zauber der Spiegels. Munich, 1951.HAUTECOEUR, Louis. Mystique et architecture. Symbolisme du cercle et de lacoupole. Paris, 1954.

File: Encyclopedia Of Occultism And Parapsychology Vol 1 -


  • he perpetrator of this practical joke was hardly, it seems, a sincere believer in the wonders of alchemy. Jean de Meung’s book on alchemy was published as Le Miroir d’alchymie (1557) and in German as Der Spiegel der Alchy- mie (1771), but some critics believe it is spurious. Also doubtful- ly attributed to de Meung are the poetical treatises Les Remon- strances de Nature à l’Alchimiste errant and La Reponse

File: Matter - The Other Name For Illusion -


  • 35- Cumhuriyet Bilim Teknik Dergisi (Cumhuriyet Science and Technology Journal), 7 July 2001, no. 746, p. 18; Der Spiegel, 1/2001. 36- Ferid Kam, M.Ali Ayni, Ibni Arabi'de Varlik Dusuncesi (The Idea of Being in Ibn Arabi), p. 37 37- Materyalist Felsefe Sözlü¤ü (Dictionary of Materialist Philosophy), Istanbul, Sosyal Yay

File: From Death to Deathlessness -



File: The Last Testamentvol1 -


  • pter #2 Chapter title: I Change With Reality 19 July 1985 pm in Jesus Grove [NOTE: This discourse is published in th e book: The Last Testament, Volume 1, as Chapter 5.] ERICH WIDDEMAN & RAINER WEBER DER SPIEGEL HAMBURG, WEST GERMANY QUESTION: BHAGWAN, BEFORE WE STAR T, I'D LIKE TO MAKE A COUPLE OF THINGS CLEAR. I DON'T KNOW WHAT MA ANAND SHEELA HAS TOLD YOU ABOUT THE WAY WE LIKE THESE DISCUSSIONS GOING. WE

File: The Last Testamentvol2 -


  • am going to have immense fun. I am really excited. I was sick... I became healthy! I have not become healthy by an y medicine, but just the excitement has proved of tremendous help. Q: IN THE RECENT DER SPIEGEL INTERVIEW YOU CALLED HITLER A TRUE AND GREAT LEADER -- DO YOU STAND BY THIS OR WERE PERHAPS YOU QUOTED OUT OF CONTEXT? A: He was certainly a great leader, but he was a crackpot! There is no contradic



File: The Last Testamentvol4 -






  • ped tape transcript and has not been edited or published, as of August 1992. It is for reference use only. The interviewer's remarks have been omitted where not relevant to Osho's words] INTERVIEW BY DER SPIEGEL QUESTION: YOURS HAS BEEN THE CLASSICAL RETURN OF THE NATIVE. NOW THAT YOU ARE BACK IN INDIA, DO YOU THINK THIS TIME YOU WILL BE ABLE TO IMPROVE THE QUALITY OF ENVIRONMENT IN INDIA? A: It is not the c

File: Arthur R. Butz - The Hoax of the Twentieth Century (third, 2003 revised and expanded edition) -


  • og raphy. In theory, the law is supposed to prevent only the avail ability of things to youth, but when non- 489 Spotlight (Washington), May 8, 1978. 490 Rassinier (1978). 491 Rassinier (1979). 492 Der Spiegel , December 4, 1978, p. 14f. 493 Der Spiegel , April 9, 1979, p. 232ff; National Zeitung (Munich), February 16, 1979, p. 6.

File: Banged Up - Survival As A Political Prisoner In 21st Century Europe -


  • ks from their homes for me to autograph. I have sold probably two mil - lion books in Germany and Austria, including 67 , 000 hardback copies of Rommel ( Hoffmann & Campe) alone; it was serialised in Der Spiegel for five weeks. Several of my books were in the prison library—I remember seeing the German editions of my Hitler biography Hitler’s War (Herbig Ver - lag), and The Destruction of Convoy PQ.17 ( Bert


  • site announced it. The Government now had to admit that yes, the British historian was being held in one of their jails, though no charges had yet been brought. some magazines and newspapers incuding Der Spiegel suggested that I had expected to be arrested, that I had been out to provoke; they might see the codeword Copenhagen preparation was proof. In fact I was always steeled for the worst: I was a Boy Sco


  • banged up 3 of one major championship football match in northern Italy at which a section of the crowd unfurled a banner reading irving libero for the television cameras. Der Spiegel ran a fine five-page article which attracted angry letters from my opponents, including Hungarian writer Paul Lendvai, who snarled that my book Uprising  was anti-Semitic (my book mentioned that all


  • smuggled into a rowdy international press confer - ence at Stern ’s Hamburg building, I stun the journalists with proof that the “ Hitler Diaries” for which they have paid millions are all forgeries. Der Spiegel mocks its rival’s fiasco with a cover-story. I alone have copies of the forged diary pages (right). By Krokodil to Vienna

File: Barbara Kulaszka - 'Did Six Million Really Die' (1998) -


  • al controversy raged over the correct number of victims. 2. Serge Klarsfeld. Le mémorial de la déportation des Juifs de France (Paris: Klarsfeld, 1978). 3. The 1977 letter from Dr. Richard Korherr to Der Spiegel is reproduced in the testimony of Udo Walendy infra. 4. G. M. Gilbert. Nuremberg Diary (New York: Farrar, Straus, 1947)


  • chambers and the reliance on the Nuremberg trials to prove their case. (28-7791 to 7804) In the article, Walendy reproduced a letter which was sent by former SS statistician, Dr. Richard Korherr, to Der Spiegel in 1977: The well-known, racially persecuted writer H.G. Adler, previously resident in Prague, now in London, wrote in the foreword to the second edition to his extraordinary book Theresienstadt 1941


  • 601 Unfortunately, Der Spiegel is publishing the claim of the English historian Irving that in the spring of 1942, at Himmler's order, I calculated the number of Jewish victims. In fact, these figures along with the text were deli


  • Investigation Bureau (BKA) indicates that portions of The Diary of Anne Frank had been altered or added after 1951, casting doubt over the authenticity of the entire work, the West German news weekly Der Spiegel has disclosed. The diary, a day-to-day account of the anguish of a young Jewish girl and her family hiding in (sic) their Amsterdam home during the Nazi invasion, has touched the hearts of millions.


  • publicly discredited as a false witness in Germany, who had gone to the United States, and who was a fugitive from the law in his own country of Germany. This had been published in a long article in Der Spiegel in 1965. (31-8453 to 8456) Six Million Did Die made no mention of this although it was already known at the time of its publication in 1978 that Graebe had been found to be a false witness in the oth


  • but Korherr himself is still alive and has challenged it," said Irving. "He said he did not mean that when he wrote it...He wrote a very long letter, as I understand it, to the German news magazine, Der Spiegel, a very irritated letter saying he's fed up with his report always being adduced as evidence that there was a mass murder of the Jews. The report that he wrote was quite a straightforward statistical

File: Billionaire Democracy - The Hijacking Of The American Political System -

  • rpolitical systems produce more equitable economic outcomes because their“landless” are kings.That is not America, and foreign observers know it, exemplified by Germanjournalist Marc Hujer writing in Der Spiegel: “During the last few decades, . .. [America] has been a country in which the rich have become richer, and thepoor poorer, and in which the middle class seems to be disappearing and, withit, the sens

  • 15 [Contents.html#CH015][images/common.jpg]Closing the “Hate Factories”: Avoiding the Farce Feared by Madison[Contents.html#CH015a]Facebook: “The Hate Factory.”1 [Notes.html#C15F01]—Jan Fleischhauer, Der Spiegel, October 2016What they’re doing [the POPS, or privately owned public spaces] is introducingall of these bad sites into our ecosystem and not having the means to monitorthem appropriately and effectiv

  • ent%2Fkonsumforscher-gfk-kkr-schickt-pro-sieben-chef-in-den-aufsichtsrat%2F19630950.html&edit-text=&act=url]37 [Chapter01.html#rC1F37]. Marc Hujer, “What Potatoes Say About the State of USDemocracy,” Der Spiegel, August 17, 2012.38 [Chapter01.html#rC1F38]. Editorial, “US Republican ‘Cranks’ Threaten Growth:Swan,” Brisbane Times, September 21, 2012.39 [Chapter01.html#rC1F39]. See “Measuring US Against the Wor

  • ist), 78 [Chapter04.html#page_78]DeLay, Tom (congressman), 33 [Chapter01.html#page_33], 55[Chapter03.html#page_55] “K Street Project,” 68 [Chapter04.html#page_68]DCLeaks, 213 [Chapter14.html#page_213]Der Spiegel, 24 [Chapter01.html#page_24], 215 [Chapter15.html#page_215]DeSilver, Drew (economist), 43 [Chapter02.html#page_43]–46[Chapter02.html#page_46]Devins, Neal (law professor), 84 [Chapter05.html#page_84]D

File: Black, Edwin - IBM and the Holocaust, The Strategic Alliance Between Nazi Germany and America's Most Powerful Corporation (2001) -


  • many launched th eir own investigations in Europe, carefully scouring local archives and qu estioning experts to inde- pendently verify my information. The long roster of distinguished media included Der Spiegel and Stern in Germany; the Sunday Times in England; L'Express and Le Monde in France; Newsweek, The Washington Post, and Reform Judaism i n the United States; Algemeen Dagblad in Holland; and many mor

File: Blum, William - Rogue State, A Guide to the World's Only Superpower (2002) -


  • al politics: showing off muscles, obtrusive , intimidating...The Americans, in the absence of limits put to them by anybody or anythi ng, act as if they own a ki nd of blank check in their "McWorld." Der Spiegel, Germany's l eading news magazine, 1997 1 The United States is good. We try to do our best everywhere. Madeleine Albright, 1999 2 A world once divided into two armed camps now recognizes one sole and


  • rnal Sentin el, October 31, 2001, p. 10A 11 Fox network: "Special Report with Brit Hume", November 5, 2001 12 Washington Post, November 12, 2001, p.Cl 13 Miami Herald, September 12, 2001, p.23 14 The Der Spiegel interview was tran slated by Jost Lang and can be found in full at the Emperors Clothes webs ite: warn.htm 15 Washington Post, December 26, 2001, p.16 16 Ibid., Dece


  • 19 Baltimore Sun, December 10 and 15, 1995, part of six^part series on the NSA; Wayne Madsen, "Crypto AG: The NSAs Trojan Whore?" Co vert Action Quarterly (Washington, DC), #63, winter 1998, p.36-42; Der Spiegel (Hambur g, Germany), September 2,1996, p.206-11 20 Duncan Campbell's article of September 3, 1999 can be found on the website of TechWeb: 21 Agence

File: Chomsky - Fateful Triangle - The United States, Israel and the Palestinians (1999) -


  • banese citizens of Palestinian origin, one was a Palestinian refugee, and one an Egyptian. A lengthy account of the experiences of one prisoner in Israel and in Ansar appears in the German periodical Der Spiegel . This man, a Leba- nese Shiite Muslim (the largest religious group in Lebanon), was taken prisoner on July 2, when his village was officially “liberated” by the IDF. At 4:30 AM the village was awake


  • . 14, 1983, citing interviews in the Lebanese journal Al Safir and the Paris journal Libération ; Yediot Ahronot , citing the London Times , March 18, 1983; Ha’aretz , March 18, 1983 (translated from Der Spiegel , March 14, 1983). 149. Times (London), June 16; Randal, Washington Post , June 19; David Blundy, Times (London), July 18; Trudy Rubin, Christian Science Monitor , Aug. 5; New York Times , June 21, 1


  • ere there had been some resistance. They also claim that they were accompanied by Israelis in Phalangist uniforms. See “One Day in the life of a Phalangist,” Ha’aretz , Feb. 18, 1983; translated from Der Spiegel , Feb. 14, 1983.

File: Chomsky - Pirates and Emperors, Old and New - International Terrorism in the Real World (2002) -


  • e's victims was found murdered with a note pinne d to his chest reading "Terror against Terror" - inciden tally, the name adopted by an Israeli terrorist gro up, and the heading of the cover story in Der Spiegel on the U. S. terror bombing of Libya in April 1986. A UN Secu rity Council resolution calling for condemnation of "Isr aeli practices and measures against the civilian po pulation in southern Lebanon


  • ealers" among oth er possibilities (including Klan or neo-Nazi groups, s ome suspected; the disco was frequented by black GI s and Third World immigrants). Washington's war is "a mea ns of politics," Der Spiegel continued, "insofar as the enemy is as small as Grenada and Libya - and the ad versary is as ideal a scoundrel as Qaddafi"; and no European leader should have any illusions that Euro pe's concerns or


  • ). 20. Guardian (London), March 2, 6, 1985. 21. Ilya, Jerusalem Post, February 27, 1985; Magnus Linklater, Isabel Hilton and Neal Ascherson, The F ourth Reich (Hodder & Stoughton, London, 1984, 111); Der Spiegel, April 21, 1986 (see chapter 3); New York Times, March 13, 1985. 22. Ihsan Hijazi, New York Times, January 1, 1986; Hijazi notes that the reports from Israel differed. 23. Christian Science Monitor,


  • he final target." As had already been reported, the F-llls bombed a res ide ntial neighborhood in Tripoli. 37. Associated Press, April 14, 1986. 38. James Markham, New York Times, April 25, 1986. 39. Der Spiegel, April 21, 1986; the front cover fe atures the phrase "Terror against Terror," a well-k nown Gestapo slogan, presumably not selected by accident . See also Norman Birnbaum's article, same issue. 40.

File: Clash Of Civilizations -


  • te, 1993), pp. 53-60. 47 . International Herald Tribune, 25 August 1995, p. 5. 48 . J. Mohan Malik, “India Copes with the Kremlin’s Fall,” Orbis, 37 (Winter 1993), 75. Chapter 10 1 . Mahdi Elmandjra, Der Spiegel, 11 February 1991, cited in Elmandjra, “Cultural Diversity: Key to Survival in the Future,” (First Mexican Congress on Future Studies, Mexico City, 26-27 September 1994), pp. 3, 11. 2 . David C. Rapo

File: David Icke - And the Truth Shall Set You Free, 21st Century Edition (2004) -


  • ers? Media organisations supporting the RIIA include ABC News Intercontinental Inc; CBS News; NBC News Worldwide Inc; Britain's Channel Four TV and Independent Television News (ITN); Fuji Television; Der Spiegel; The European; The Financial Times; The Guardian; The Independent and Independent On Sunday; The Observer; Daily Telegraph; The Times; The Scotsman; The Yorkshire Post; Reuters, the international new

File: David Irving - Banged Up [2008] Survival as a Political Prisoner in 21st Century Europe -


  • ks from their homes for me to autograph. I have sold probably two mil - lion books in Germany and Austria, including 67 , 000 hardback copies of Rommel ( Hoffmann & Campe) alone; it was serialised in Der Spiegel for five weeks. Several of my books were in the prison library—I remember seeing the German editions of my Hitler biography Hitler’s War (Herbig Ver - lag), and The Destruction of Convoy PQ.17 ( Bert


  • site announced it. The Government now had to admit that yes, the British historian was being held in one of their jails, though no charges had yet been brought. some magazines and newspapers incuding Der Spiegel suggested that I had expected to be arrested, that I had been out to provoke; they might see the codeword Copenhagen preparation was proof. In fact I was always steeled for the worst: I was a Boy Sco


  • banged up 3 of one major championship football match in northern Italy at which a section of the crowd unfurled a banner reading irving libero for the television cameras. Der Spiegel ran a fine five-page article which attracted angry letters from my opponents, including Hungarian writer Paul Lendvai, who snarled that my book Uprising  was anti-Semitic (my book mentioned that all


  • smuggled into a rowdy international press confer - ence at Stern ’s Hamburg building, I stun the journalists with proof that the “ Hitler Diaries” for which they have paid millions are all forgeries. Der Spiegel mocks its rival’s fiasco with a cover-story. I alone have copies of the forged diary pages (right). By Krokodil to Vienna

File: Devil's Chessboard - Allen Dulles, The CIA, And The Rise Of America's Secret Government -

  • lreadyin Adenauer’s doghouse for another scandal that had broken the previous year,when Gehlen was accused of leaking classified information about West Germany’snuclear armament plans to the magazine Der Spiegel. The leak—which wascalculated to damage Adenauer’s defense minister, yet another rival ofGehlen—made the chancellor so furious that he had considered ordering Gehlen’sarrest, finally deciding against

  • nd, 566–68, 575DeMille, Cecil B., 148democracy, 205, 282–83, 352, 550, 604Democratic Party, 24, 148, 163–64, 200, 207–8, 353, 356, 430, 495, 609–10Dempsey, Jack, 206Depression, 44–45, 152, 174–75, 197Der Spiegel, 284de-Stalinization, 247détente, 246, 281, 452–53Devlin, Lawrence R., 382–87, 389Dewey, Thomas E., 145–47, 149, 166–67, 169–71, 193, 199–200, 207, 219diamond industry, 385Dick, Philip K., 290Dickins

File: Dissecting the Holocaust - The Growing Critique of ‘Truth’ and 'Memory' (2003) -


  • ct. But it is always profitable to know why one does so, and what such deviations from the truth entail [...] . While truth is not always good, lies are much more often evil [...] . ” Ernest Skalski, Der Spiegel , no. 30/1990, p. 111 “A democracy requires free citizens who are willing to say publicly unpopular things to provoke critical debate.” Robert Reich, Los Angeles Times , May 13, 1998, p. B13 Througho


  • guage media that the undemocratic Ger- man “ Auschwitz Lie law ” ought to be abolished, and the sooner the better. 59 Heinz Höhne, for many years the editor of the leftist German weekly news magazine Der Spiegel , also recently commented critically on the ever-intensifying inquisition to which his colleagues are subjected: “But if historians, in the course of their research, touched on this Manichaean idea o


  • e’ perspective of the German crimes against the Jews and also did not wish to expose the Jews as perpetrators. 166 Even- tually Sack did succeed in finding a German publisher. 159 Cf. R. Augstein, in Der Spiegel , no. 6, February 5, 1996, pp. 100-125. 160 Cf. for the ongoing discussion in Russia expert Wolfgang Strauß in Staatsbriefe , no. 3 & 4/1996, no. 8 & 9-10/1996, no. 4, 9, 10 & 11-12/1997 (online: vho


  • ions.” 173 K.-H. Janßen, “ Die Rattenfänger ”, Die Zeit , December 31, 1993, p. 51. 174 R. Wassermann, “ Die Justiz hat Klarheit ”, in Die Welt , April 28, 1994, p. 4. 175 Josef Fischer, according to Der Spiegel , no. 28/1987. 176 J. Fischer to Bernard-Henri Lévy, FAZ , Feb. 18, 1999, p. 46. 177 Lawyer H. Stomper, quoted as per Herbert Verbeke (ed.), op. cit. (note 32), p. 56. 178 H. de With, MdB (SPD), in t


  • d capacity of the crematoria there was no leeway left for the removal of the victims of alleged ‘mass gassings’. 43 Cf. FAZ , Oct. 14, 1993; Die Welt , Sept. 27, 1993; Welt am Sonntag , Oct. 3, 1993; Der Spiegel , 49/1993; L’Express , Sept. 23, 1993; Libération , Sept. 24, 1993; Le Monde , Sept. 26, 1993; Le Nouvel Observateur , Sept. 30, 1993. 44 A different approach to this document was given by S. Crowell


  • e German edition of Pressac’s latest book, there are some 470,000 to 550,000 gassed Jews and some 710,000 victims altogether. 53 In 2002, Fritjof Meyer, an editor of Germany’s largest weekly magazine Der Spiegel , published an article in which he stated, the death toll of Auschwitz did not exceed 510,000, of which not more than 356,000 were allegedly gassed. 54 What number will be “ judicially noticed ” in 2


  • forced laborers in the Volkswagenwerke in Wolfsburg: H. Mommsen, M. Grieger, Das Volkswagenwerk und seine Arbeiter im Dritten Reich , Econ, Düsseldorf 1996; P. Bölke, “ Der Führer und sein Tüftler ”, Der Spiegel 45 (1996), p. 138f. 42 W. N. Sanning has since reconsidered this theory; personal communication.


  • tion camp is being steadily reduced, the overall number of victims alleged for the Holocaust remains the same. 67 But the matter takes a turn 63 Cf. Jüdische Allgemeine Wochenzeitung , July 26, 1990; Der Spiegel 30/90, 111; Süddeutsche Zeitung , Sept. 21, 1990; Die Tageszeitung , July 18 and 19, 1990; cf. also F. Piper, Die Zahl der Opfer von Auschwitz , Verlag Staatliches Museum in Oswiecim, Auschwitz 1993.


  • 87 See also Carlo Mattogno, “ Sonderbehandlung. Georges Wellers und der Korherr-Bericht ”, VffG 1(2)(1997), pp. 71- 75 (online: 88 Korherr’s Letter to the Editor, Der Spiegel , no. 31 (1977). p. 12: “ The allegation that I stated that over a million Jews died as a result of special treatment in the camps of the Government General and the Warthegau is likewise untrue. I mu


  • were sentenced to death, three re- ceived twenty years each in a penal camp. 9 The letters of Yad Vashem are reproduced as facsimiles in P. Marais, op. cit. (note 6), pp. 209f. The German maga- zine Der Spiegel , no. 27, March 27, 1967, published a rear view of a completely unsuspicious Red Cross lorry, claiming without proof that this was a “ NS-gas vehicle ”, cf. P. Marais, ibid. , p. 195. 10 M. Beer, op.


  • tually an official German authority admitted in 32 E. Varlin, Israël souviens toi! Think of it, Israel! Israel denke daran! , E. Varlin Edition, Paris 1935; cf. U. Walendy, HT No. 34, 1988, p. 38. 33 Der Spiegel No. 40, Oct. 10, 1966, p. 101; cf. H. Eschwege, op. cit. (note 23), p. 266. Illustration 8: caricature from the French work Israël souviens-toi! Think of it, Israel, Israel, denke daran , ed. by E. V


  • n this volume. 42 Ill. a): R. Schnabel, op. cit. (note 37), p. 397; Ill. b): H.-A. Jacobsen and H. Dollinger (eds.), Der Zweite Weltkrieg in Bildern und Dokumenten , v. I, Desch, Munich 1952, p. 100; Der Spiegel No. 51/1966, p. 86; Ill. c): M. Dor, R. Fe- dermann, Das Gesicht unseres Jahrhunderts , Econ, Düsseldorf 1960, p. 168; cf. U. Walendy, Bild-“Dokumente”... , op. cit. (note 4), pp. 40ff. Illustration


  • he Death Camp Treblinka , Holocaust Library, New York 1979, pp. 260f.; cf. U. Walendy, Bild-”Dokumente”... , op. cit. (note 4), pp. 14ff. 44 Ill. a): S. Einstein, op. cit. (note 43), p. 200; Ill. b): Der Spiegel No. 53/1966, p. 48 ; G. Schoenberner, op. cit. (note 39), p. 97; cf. U. Walendy, Bild-”Dokumente”... , op. cit. (note 4), pp. 18ff. 45 Ill. a): R. Schnabel, op. cit. (note 37), p. 244; Ill. b): C. Si


  • s pointed out that the Jewish population of France made up approximately 15% of all Résistance military operatives (despite the fact that Jews made up less than 1% of the total population of France). Der Spiegel, 7/1993, p. 54. 20 Joseph Billig, Les camps de concentration dans l’économie du Reich hitlérien , Presses Universitaires de France, Pa- ris 1973, p. 20. 21 Arno J. Mayer, Der Krieg als Kreuzzug, Rowo


  • d III. 53 For the most graphic description, cf. the testimony of Schultze, engineer with the firm Topf & Söhne, in a KGB in- terrogation; cf. G. Fleming in The New York Times , July 18, 1993, p. E19; Der Spiegel 40/1993, p. 154. 54 Oddly enough, in the basement of crematorium II, in the vestibule leading to the mortuaries, one finds a good num- ber of gardening tools (shovels, spades etc.) partly covered by


  • J.-C. Pressac, op. cit. (note 9), pp. 469ff. 119 Cf., e.g. , Jüdische Allgemeine Wochenzeitung , July 26, 1990; Hamburger Abendblatt , July 25, 1990; Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung , July 18, 1990; Der Spiegel 30/91, p. 111; Süddeutsche Zeitung , Sept. 21, 1990; Die Tageszei- tung , July 18 and 19, 1990; Vorarlberger Nachrichten , Aug. 22 and 29, 1990. 120 D. Czech, Auschwitz Chronicle, 1939-1945 , Henry H

File: Douglas - Gestapo-Chief - The CIA and Heinrich Müller (1998) -

File: Douglas - Gestapo-Chief - The CIA and Heinrich Mller (1998) -


  • eed those heretofore attributed to them ." 29 In the process of putting together the report, the CI staff undertook some new inquiries of its own. A re-reading of a 1963 article in the German week ly Der Spiegel, which discussed the exhumation of Mueller's West Berlin "grave" that year, revealed that a mysterious woman in Berlin unrelated to Mueller had purchased the headstone. 30 Perhaps this purchase too w


  • ggests that this source was Ladislas Bittman.[TN] 28. Memo [A]-19267, 9 December 1970, Mueller file, vol. 1. 29. The 9 December 1971 memo is in Mueller file, vol. 2. 30. "Gestapo-Müller - Kein Nazi," Der Spiegel, 16 October 1963, copy in Mueller file. 31. Chief, WOMUSE, via Chief, EUR, to [CIA/EUR], [CIA/EUR] 22899, 7 October 1970, Mueller file, vol. 1. 32. Memo [CIA/EUR] 22984, 15 December 1970, Mueller fil

File: Douglas - The CIA Covenant - Nazis in Washington (Muller journals) (1999) -


  • ceed those heretofore attributed to them ." 29 In the process of putting together the report, the CI staff undertook some new inquiries of its own. A re-reading of a 1963 article in the German weekly Der Spiegel, which discussed the exhumation of Mueller's West Berlin "grave" that year, revealed that a mysterious wo man in Berlin unrelated to Mueller had purchased the headstone. 30 Perhaps this purchase too


  • ggests that this source was Ladislas Bittman.[TN] 28. Memo [A]-19267, 9 December 1970, Mueller file, vol. 1. 29. The 9 December 1971 memo is in Mueller file, vol. 2. 30. "Gestapo-Müller - Kein Nazi," Der Spiegel, 16 October 1963, copy in Mueller file. 31. Chief, WOMUSE, via Chief, EUR, to [CIA/EUR], [CIA/EUR] 22899, 7 October 1970, Mueller file, vol. 1. 32. Memo [CIA/EUR] 22984, 15 December 1970, Mueller fil

File: Engdahl, William - A Century of War, Anglo-American Oil Politics and the New World Order (1993) -


  • dead- line of January 17. Their role in Iraq was discreetly ignored by var- ious Washington-linked exposes. Instead, through channels directly linked to British and Ameri- can intelligence, Hamburg's Der Spiegel and influential Republi- can Senators such as Jesse Helms, began an all-out offensive against Germany, alleging that German technology exports of what were dubbed "dual use" technologies had enabled

File: Fire In The Minds Of Men - James H. Billington -


  • r's "Rienzi," Oxford, I977, 25-8, brings out the influence on Wagner of the Saint-Simonian Heinrich Laube and the idea of art as propaganda for a new "organic" era. 34. "Enge ls: Volkswut mit Liebe," Der Spiegel, I974, Jul I, 88-g. 35. Gaubert, Cons pirateurs, 47, 57; Fleischman, Napoleon, IOS-I5. 36. E. Giglio- Tos, Albori de Libertii. Gli studenti di Torino nel r8 2 I , Turin/ Genoa/M ilan, I906, 27 ff. 37

File: Germar Rudolf -Rudolf Report-Expert Report on Chemical and Technical Aspects of Gas Chambers of Auschwitz -


  • lly come as a surprise that fi- nally even the mainstream historians and media are taking notice of them: In May 2002, Fritjof Meyer, a senior editor at Germany’s larg- est, left-wing weekly magazine Der Spiegel , stated in an article that documents and witness statements re garding the alleged gas chambers in the crematoria II and III of Birkenau “rather indicate that attempts were made in March and April o


  • G ERMAR R UDOLF · T HE R UDOLF R EPORT 352 It should be pointed out here that in May 2002, Fritjof Meyer, an editor of Germany’s largest, left-wing weekly magazine Der Spiegel , stated in a scholarly article addressing the alleged death toll of Ausch- witz that the evidence indicates only some failed test gassings for the Birkenau crematoria, but no mass murder on a genoci


  • , 64, 65, 66, 74, 194, 195, 216, 244 Kreislaufverfahren: 63, 64, 65, 70, 72, 108, 132, 137 , 152, 216, 217, 218 Degussa AG: 171 , 293, 388 Dejaco, Walter: 45, 89 Delta, B.C.: 246 Demjanjuk, John: 348 Der Spiegel: 148 , 206 , 352 Detia Freyberg GmbH: 293 Detscher: 338 Deutsche Ausrüstungs-Werke: 68, 110 Deutsche Presseagentur: 17, 179, 180, 273, 383, 385, 386, 387, 390, 394, 396, 398, 400, 401, 413 Deutschlan

File: Healed Planet -


  • I know of, on an American-based TV station. Reuters - Far less biased than the American mainstream media. Al Jazeera and here - Virtually the Arab version of CNN. Asia Times - Good analysis from Asia Der Spiegel - German media in English. The Guardian - A leading British web site. Far better than the American mainstream media. Unfortunately, the British press is the least trusted media in Europe, but I canno

File: Hidden History Of Zionism -


  • he "investigation" concluded, predictably, that the Israelis were merely negligent in underestimating "Arab blood lust," but had no direct role in the massacre of Sabra and Shatila. The German weekly Der Spiegel , however, carried an interview on February 14, 1983, with one of the killer militia, who recounted not only his own role in the slaughter, but described direct Israeli participation. The article was

File: Hitler's Heirs -


  • out he was never a Nazi. In 1950, the West German Federation of Trade Unions published an account of Globke's career in a White Paper called "Enemies of Democracy." In 1953, the influential newspaper Der Spiegel charged that Globke and Dr. Otto Lenz , State Secretary for Domestic Affairs in the Chancellery, were trying to create a Goebbels- type "super ministry, . . in which the two most important ele- ments

File: Hitler's War and the War Path -


  • of Führer orders without the slightest written evidence of their existence. John Toland, Pulitzer prize-winning author of a Hitler biography published in the United States, appealed emo- tionally in Der Spiegel for historians to refute my hypothesis, and they tried by fair means and foul. Perplexed by Himmler’s handwritten note about a phone conversation with Heydrich from Hitler’s bunker on November  , 


  • /  ), and Jodl; on interrogations and inter- views of those concerned; and on the fragmentary shorthand notes of Hitler’s last sta ff conferences salvaged by Heinz Lorenz in  and published in Der Spiegel , No.  ,  (their authenticity is established beyond doubt by o ffi cial British papers I have seen). page 811 A German translation of the British  st Army Group’s ‘ Eclipse ’ folder is in Gene

File: Hoggan - The Myth of the Six Million (1969) -


  • rrors. The authors claim there "can be no doubt at all" that Göring and Goebbels were behind the 1933 Reichstag fire, although Fritz Tobias, "Stehen Sie auf, Van der Lubbe!" (Stand Up, Van der Lvbbe, Der Spiegel, Oct. 23, 1959 ff.) has proved conclusively that none of the National Socialists had any connection with the Reichstag fire. Equally wrong is the contention that Herschel Grynszpan, the Jewish assass

File: ING Bank - Attacking Iran (2007) -


  • even weeks. The ideal would be to achieve all goals in a very short period of time. The greater scale of the attack compared to 1981 means the immediate costs to Israel may be higher, potentially 9 Der Spiegel , October 2004, cited in http://www.globalse 10 11 Sunday Times , 7 January 2007 12 A ground inv

File: Illuminati Handbook -


  • st P arty The W orld Bank The State of Israel American Medical Assosiation Psychiatry London T imes Bank of International Settlement BBC NBC Royal families of England, Holland, Denmark, Spain, Sweden Der Spiegel Sandoz (LSD -producers) P enthaouse Magazine Playboy Magazine The Round T able International Monetary F und T errorism Cosa Nostra Oil Cartel The Round T able New Age Religions Universities RAND Labo

File: Immaculate Deception - The Bush Crime Family Exposed -


  • nus found a reservation for a “BUSH”, made on September 28, 1980, together with a second for a “WACHS”. What made this discovery so remarkable was that the hotel’s management had told a reporter from Der Spiegel who had checked m-late in 198~that it had no records of the September-October 1980 period. S&L-October Surprise links are corroborated by another person who Barbara Honegger, author of October Surpri

File: Informal Alliance - The Bilderberg Group And Transatlantic Relations During The Cold War -


  • Organization and membership 99 Ma rion Gräfin Dönhoff and Theo Sommer (participant in the 1960 Ha rvard International Seminar), Der Spiegel ’s Rudolf Augstein, and Die Süddeutsche ’s Günter Gaus (another International Seminar participant). 72 Having met Fritz Erler, Carlo Schmid, and Kurt Georg Kiesinger at the 1957 Bilderberg conference


  • 252, 264 Deferre, Gaston (1964) 245–6, 248 Dehousse, Ferdinand (1955–1) 124 Democratic Party 41–2, 66, 100, 191 democracy 16, 18, 38, 48, 65, 67–8, 81, 91, 105, 121–2, 129, 137, 149–50, 156, 210, 267 Der Spiegel 99; Spiegel affair 238 détente 130, 179, 246, 248, 253, 255; see also Cold War; Harmel Report; peaceful coexistence Deutsch, Karl 81 Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik (DGAP) 107, 215 Devel

File: Irving - Hitler's War and the War Path (1979) -


  • ce of Führer orders without the slightest written evidence of their existence. John Toland, Pulitzer prize winning author of a Hitler biography published in the United States, appealed emotionally in Der Spiegel for historians to refute my hypothesis, and they tried by fair means and foul. Perplexed by Himmler’s handwritten note about a phone conversation with Heydrich from Hitler’s bunker on Novem- ber  ,


  • /  ), and Jodl; on interrogations and inter- views of those concerned; and on the fragmentary shorthand notes of Hitler’s last sta ff conferences salvaged by Heinz Lorenz in  and published in Der Spiegel , No .  ,  (their authenticity is established beyond doubt by o ffi cial British papers I have seen). page 811 A German translation of the British  st Army Group’s ‘ Eclipse ’ folder is in Gen

File: JJ Luna - How to be Invisible -


  • 1 HOW THIS BOOK CAN MAKE YOU INVISIBLE Governments keep a lot of secrets from their people . . . Why aren't the people in return allowed to keep secrets from the government? —PHILIP ZIMMERMAN, DER SPIEGEL Sometimes life has a way of appearing as nothing more than a string of minor and major disasters, a series of challenges that, when considered in their totality, can overwhelm even the most levelhead

File: Jasper - Global Tyranny Step By Step - The United Nations and the Emerging New World Order (1992) -


  • reignty with in the European Community in favor of this Community and, as I hope, also in favor of [a] European parliament equipped with full rights. — German Foreign Minister Hans-Dietrich Genscher, Der Spiegel , September 25, 1989 Twenty years ago, when the process began, th ere was no question of losing sovereignty. That was a lie, or at any rate, a dishonest obfuscation. — Sir Peregrine Worsthorne, Londo

File: Jasper, William F. - Global Tyranny Step by Step, The United Nations and the Emerging New World Order (1992) -


  • reignty with in the European Community in favor of this Community and, as I hope, also in favor of [a] European parliament equipped with full rights. — German Foreign Minister Hans-Dietrich Genscher, Der Spiegel , September 25, 1989 Twenty years ago, when the process began, th ere was no question of losing sovereignty. That was a lie, or at any rate, a dishonest obfuscation. — Sir Peregrine Worsthorne, Londo

File: Jim Marrs - The Rise Of The Fourth Reich -


  • t he got his ideas aft er discovering postwar German articles mentioning a former Luft waff e engineer, Flugkapitan Rudolph Schriever. According to infor­ mation gleaned by Harbinson from articles in Der Spiegel, Bild am Son - ntag, Luftfahrt International, and other German publications, Schriever cla imed to have designed a “fl ying top” prototype in 1941, which was ac­ tually test- fl own in June 1942. In


  • NAZI WONDER WEAPONS 61 the Soviet Union in 1945. As reported by the German magazine Der Spiegel in 1992, Piotr Titarenko had written a letter to the Communist Party Central Committee, in which he stated that the three atomic bombs were dropped on Japan. One of these, dropped on Nagasaki prior t

File: Jim Tucker - Jim Tucker's Bilderberg Diary -


  • een the German press, television stations and the only Am erican newspaper present, The Spotlight, which I reported for at th e time. Among my collaborators were Dr. Hans-Ulrich Grimm, a reporter for Der Spiegel, and Jorge Briller, head of a five-man television team from Baden-Baden. There were many more, but getting their names was difficult as they were busy exchanging information in limited English. One w

File: Kardel - Adolf Hitler - Founder of Israel - Israel in War - With Jews (1997) -


  • Intelligence Service, were so unbelievable that even at the Nuremberg trial, being po sed to search for the truth, this data was not permitted to be taken into account. However, the weekly maga zine "Der Spiegel" ("The Mirror") had no reservation in us ing the number of "six million" taken from the Gerstein's documents. Hence it assessed:


  • 162 REFERENCES 1. "Der Spiegel" ("The Mirror") magazine, 24/ 73, p. 124. 2. Bernt Engelmann, "Deutschland ohne Juden" ("Germany Without Jews") Schneekluth 1970, p.240. 3. Joachim C. Fest, "Hitler" , Ullstein 1973, p. 1047. 4. Joac

File: Killing Hope -


  • , was the head of the largest publishin g co nglom erate in W estern Europe , standi ng as a tower of pro- Western and anti-communist s entiment. The publisher of the inf luential W est German weekly Der Spiegel, Rudolph Augstein, has observed : "No single m an in Germ any, before or af ter Hitler, with the possible exce ption of Bismarck or the two em perors, has had so much power as Springe r." His relatio

File: Lina - Architects of Deception - Secret History of Freemasonry (2004) -


  • Wolfgang Hanel's sensational findings were published in 1983 in the revisionist historical magazine Journal of Historical Review. Two years later, two influential German periodicals. Die Zeit and Der Spiegel, admitted that Hanel was right. In a lengthy article, Der Spiegel wrote that Rauschning's book "Hitler Speaks" is a falsi- fication, a distortion from the first page to the last... "Hanel not only pr


  • at is Illuminati) methods that so well suited the masonic communists as the masonic Nazis, can never be adequate for fully develo ped people. Goebbels was reported to say openly: "Lenin is my idol!" (Der Spiegel, No. 46, 1986). Goebbels was impressed with Sergei Eisenstein's propaganda film "The Battleship Potyomkin". He emphasized: "A person who has no fixed view of the world, could become a bolshevik throu

File: Lina - Under the Sign of the Scorpion - Rise and Fall of the Soviet Empire (2002) -


  • ess than the number of those who perished in the countries, which the communists took over. Milovan Djilas, one of the best-known exposers of communism, stated in an interview for the German magazine Der Spiegel (also published in the Swedish daily newspaper Svenska Dagbladet, 13th April 1983) that he believed the idea of communism had evolved from the culture of the West, from Judaism, from the Utopian phil


  • the Berlin wall. It was the Jew Kurt Goldstein who conceived the idea of building such a wall. The Jewish Party chief at the time, Walter Ulbricht, immediately approved the idea. This was revealed in Der Spiegel (No 16, 1991). That evil plan was realised on the 15th and 16th of August 1961. I can mention here that the relatives of those who were shot trying to cross the wall had to pay for the bullets. The d

File: Manning - Martin Bormann - Nazi in Exile (1981) -


  • agent for the Society for German-American Cooperation, an umbrella for such firms as Mannesman A.G. of Diisseldorf, Rheinmetall of Diisseldorf, Flick A.G. of Diisseld orf, Daimler-Benz of Stuttgart, Der Spiegel magazine of West Germany, the Stat e of Hesse in Frankfurt, and Bayer Aspirin an d Pharmaceuticals. When Chair- man Fulbright opened hearings in the Senate on May 14, 1963, Julius Klein was hesitant


  • want to put away the past, "the darkest chapter of German history," as former Chancellor Willy Brandt declares, and move forward in a spirit of common reconciliation. Mr. Brandt told th e editors of Der Spiegel, the West German newsweekly, at the occasion of an editorial round- table in June 1978, that "our people, of which millions became Nazis, cannot live with a wound remaining open ... it is not right t

File: Mattogno & Graf - Treblinka - Extermination Camp or Transit Camp (2004) -


  • t Man or Mass murderer?) 500 and Yoram Sheftel‘s Defending “Ivan the Terrible.” The Conspiracy to Convict John Demjanjuk . H. P. Rullmann, for- mer correspondent of the German left-wing news magazine Der Spiegel for Yugoslavia and Chairman of the German-Croatian Society, throws light not only upon the early history of the course up until then of the Demjanjuk trial (when the book appeared this trial was stil


  • again drastically to 631,000 to 711,000. 931 For the present, the last retrenchment of the front in this ongoing retreat came in May of 2002, when one of the editors of Germany’s largest newsmagazine Der Spiegel , Fritjof Meyer, wrote in the geopolitical German magazine Osteuropa with reference to allegedly new research results that ‘only’ half a million died in Auschwitz, which is still an exaggeration by a


  • reading this book does not have to lead to such a reaction. Frit- jof Meyer, for example, reacted quite differently. For many years, he was a leading editor of Germany’s biggest weekly news magazine Der Spiegel , a dedicated left-wing medium that has always been, and still is promoting the orthodox version of the Holocaust with verve. Meyer can perhaps be de- scribed as one of Germany’s media experts on thi

File: NATO's Secret Armies - Operation Gladio and Terrorism in Western Europe -


  • man, and shared a com mon culture. With a conviction based on experience both the CIA and the MI6 therefore nicknamed the BND the 'leaky intelligence service'. 46 And the leading German news magazine Der Spiegel after the end of the Cold War concluded: 'T he KGB and the Stasi in East Berlin could place moles in the highest positions i n Pullach [BND headquarters], with access to the complete personal staff..


  • e. Unmasking of a Secret Army in Turkey' , and reported that the Counter- Guerrilla had their headquarters in the building of the US military secret service DIA in Turkey. 84 The German news magazine Der Spiegel with a long r eport on Gladio highlighted the parallels between the Greek and the Turkish Gladio 241


  • 5,1990. 15 No author specified, Spinne unterm Schafsfell. In S udeuropa war die Guerillatruppe besonders aktiv - auch bei den Militdrputschen in G riechenland und der Turkei? In: German news magazine Der Spiegel, Nr. 48, Novem ber 26,1990. 16 Mario Coglitore (ed.), La Notte dei Gladiatori. Omi ssioni e silenzi della Repubblica (Padova: Calcusca Edizioni, 1992), p. 131. 17 Quoted in Coglitore, Gladiatori, p.


  • , p. 27. 3 No author specified, Spinne unterm Schafsfell. In S udeuropa war die Guerillatruppe besonders aktiv - auch bei den Militarputschen in G riechenland und der Turkei? In: German news magazine Der Spiegel, Nr. 48, Novem ber 26, 1990. 4 Presse- und Informationsamt der Bundesregierung. Pr essemitteilung Nr. 455/90, durch Hans Klein, November 14, 1990. See also Muller, Gla dio, p. 30. 5 No author specifi


  • Ar my; 1993-1997 Gen. George A Joulwan, US Army; 1997-2000 Gen. Wesley K. Clark, US Army. 17 Jonathan Kwitny, The CIA's Secret Armies in Europe. In: The Nation, April 6, 1992, p. 445. 18 German daily Der Spiegel, Nr. 47, p. 20, November 1 9, 1990. 19 Pietro Cedomi, Services Secrets, Guerre Froide et ' stay-behind' Part III. Repetoire des resaux S/B. In: Belgian periodical Fire! Le Magazin de l'Homme d'Action


  • 2. 34 Ibid., pp. 43-47. 35 Simpson, Blowback, p. 260. 36 No author specified, Schnuffler ohne Nase. Die Pann en und Pleiten des Bundesnach- richtendienstes in Pullach. In: German weekly news magazine Der Spiegel, Nr. 17, 1995. 37 German 1990 stay-behind report. 38 Miiller, Gladio, p. 109. 39 Glahn, Patriot, p. 48. 40 Ibid., p. 74. 41 German 1990 stay-behind report. 42 Ibid. 43 Ibid. 44 Ibid. 45 Mecklenbrug,


  • teidigungsminister und Bundeswehrgenerale wussten angeblich von nichts. Die Spuren fuhren nach Pullac h, zur 'stay-behind organisation' des Bundesnachrichtendienstes. In: German weekly ne ws magazine Der Spiegel, November 19, 1990. 72 No author specified, Das blutige Schwert der CIA. N achrichten aus dent Kalten Krieg: In ganz Europa gibt es geheime NATO Konvnandos, die de nt Feind aus dem Osten widerstehen


  • , p. 29. 4 No author specified, Spinne unterm Schafsfell. In S udeuropa war die Guerillatruppe besonders aktiv - auch bei den Militarputschen in G riechenland und der Turkei? In: German news magazine Der Spiegel, Nr. 48, November 26, 1990. And Leo Muller, Gladio. Das Erbe des Kalten Krieges. Der NATO Gehei mbund und sein deutscher Vorlaufer (Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1991), p. 55. 5 Murtagh, Rape, p. 30. 6 Ibid., p.


  • , 1990. 40 No author specified, Spinne unterm Schafsfell. In S udeuropa war die Guerillatruppe besonders aktiv - auch bei den Militdrputschen in G riechenland und der Turkei? In: German news magazine Der Spiegel, Nr. 48, Novem ber 26, 1990. 17 THE SECRET WAR IN TURKEY 1 Edward Herman and Frank Brodhead, The Rise and Fall of the Bulgarian Connection (New York: Sheridan Square Publications, 1986), p. 45. In th


  • pare also: No author specified, Spinne unterm Schafsfell. In Sude uropa war die Guerillatruppe besonders aktiv - auch bei den Militarputschen in G riechenland und der Turkei? In: German news magazine Der Spiegel, Nr. 48, Novem ber 26, 1990. 11 Celik, Turkische Konterguerilla, p. 45. 12 Ibid., Turkey's Killing Machine. 13 Asian and Bozay, Graue Wolfe, p. 55. 14 Ibid. 15 Celik, Turkische Konterguerilla, p. 51.


  • : Die geheime Terr ororganisation der Nato (Berlin: Elefanten Press, 1997), p. 128. 65 Turkish magazine Kurtulus Nr. 99, September 19, 199 8. Quoting Gunes, September 3, 1987. 66 German news magazine Der Spiegel: Spinne unterm Sch afsfell: In Sudeuropa war die Guerrilla truppe besonders aktiv - auch bei den Mil itarputschen in Griechenland und der Turkei?, November 26, 1990, pp. 173-177. 67 Celik, Turkey's K

File: NATO's Secret Armies -


  • man, and shared a com mon culture. With a conviction based on experience both the CIA and the MI6 therefore nicknamed the BND the 'leaky intelligence service'. 46 And the leading German news magazine Der Spiegel after the end of the Cold War concluded: 'T he KGB and the Stasi in East Berlin could place moles in the highest positions i n Pullach [BND headquarters], with access to the complete personal staff..


  • e. Unmasking of a Secret Army in Turkey' , and reported that the Counter- Guerrilla had their headquarters in the building of the US military secret service DIA in Turkey. 84 The German news magazine Der Spiegel with a long r eport on Gladio highlighted the parallels between the Greek and the Turkish Gladio 241


  • 5,1990. 15 No author specified, Spinne unterm Schafsfell. In S udeuropa war die Guerillatruppe besonders aktiv - auch bei den Militdrputschen in G riechenland und der Turkei? In: German news magazine Der Spiegel, Nr. 48, Novem ber 26,1990. 16 Mario Coglitore (ed.), La Notte dei Gladiatori. Omi ssioni e silenzi della Repubblica (Padova: Calcusca Edizioni, 1992), p. 131. 17 Quoted in Coglitore, Gladiatori, p.


  • , p. 27. 3 No author specified, Spinne unterm Schafsfell. In S udeuropa war die Guerillatruppe besonders aktiv - auch bei den Militarputschen in G riechenland und der Turkei? In: German news magazine Der Spiegel, Nr. 48, Novem ber 26, 1990. 4 Presse- und Informationsamt der Bundesregierung. Pr essemitteilung Nr. 455/90, durch Hans Klein, November 14, 1990. See also Muller, Gla dio, p. 30. 5 No author specifi


  • Ar my; 1993-1997 Gen. George A Joulwan, US Army; 1997-2000 Gen. Wesley K. Clark, US Army. 17 Jonathan Kwitny, The CIA's Secret Armies in Europe. In: The Nation, April 6, 1992, p. 445. 18 German daily Der Spiegel, Nr. 47, p. 20, November 1 9, 1990. 19 Pietro Cedomi, Services Secrets, Guerre Froide et ' stay-behind' Part III. Repetoire des resaux S/B. In: Belgian periodical Fire! Le Magazin de l'Homme d'Action


  • 2. 34 Ibid., pp. 43-47. 35 Simpson, Blowback, p. 260. 36 No author specified, Schnuffler ohne Nase. Die Pann en und Pleiten des Bundesnach- richtendienstes in Pullach. In: German weekly news magazine Der Spiegel, Nr. 17, 1995. 37 German 1990 stay-behind report. 38 Miiller, Gladio, p. 109. 39 Glahn, Patriot, p. 48. 40 Ibid., p. 74. 41 German 1990 stay-behind report. 42 Ibid. 43 Ibid. 44 Ibid. 45 Mecklenbrug,


  • teidigungsminister und Bundeswehrgenerale wussten angeblich von nichts. Die Spuren fuhren nach Pullac h, zur 'stay-behind organisation' des Bundesnachrichtendienstes. In: German weekly ne ws magazine Der Spiegel, November 19, 1990. 72 No author specified, Das blutige Schwert der CIA. N achrichten aus dent Kalten Krieg: In ganz Europa gibt es geheime NATO Konvnandos, die de nt Feind aus dem Osten widerstehen


  • , p. 29. 4 No author specified, Spinne unterm Schafsfell. In S udeuropa war die Guerillatruppe besonders aktiv - auch bei den Militarputschen in G riechenland und der Turkei? In: German news magazine Der Spiegel, Nr. 48, November 26, 1990. And Leo Muller, Gladio. Das Erbe des Kalten Krieges. Der NATO Gehei mbund und sein deutscher Vorlaufer (Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1991), p. 55. 5 Murtagh, Rape, p. 30. 6 Ibid., p.


  • , 1990. 40 No author specified, Spinne unterm Schafsfell. In S udeuropa war die Guerillatruppe besonders aktiv - auch bei den Militdrputschen in G riechenland und der Turkei? In: German news magazine Der Spiegel, Nr. 48, Novem ber 26, 1990. 17 THE SECRET WAR IN TURKEY 1 Edward Herman and Frank Brodhead, The Rise and Fall of the Bulgarian Connection (New York: Sheridan Square Publications, 1986), p. 45. In th


  • pare also: No author specified, Spinne unterm Schafsfell. In Sude uropa war die Guerillatruppe besonders aktiv - auch bei den Militarputschen in G riechenland und der Turkei? In: German news magazine Der Spiegel, Nr. 48, Novem ber 26, 1990. 11 Celik, Turkische Konterguerilla, p. 45. 12 Ibid., Turkey's Killing Machine. 13 Asian and Bozay, Graue Wolfe, p. 55. 14 Ibid. 15 Celik, Turkische Konterguerilla, p. 51.


  • : Die geheime Terr ororganisation der Nato (Berlin: Elefanten Press, 1997), p. 128. 65 Turkish magazine Kurtulus Nr. 99, September 19, 199 8. Quoting Gunes, September 3, 1987. 66 German news magazine Der Spiegel: Spinne unterm Sch afsfell: In Sudeuropa war die Guerrilla truppe besonders aktiv - auch bei den Mil itarputschen in Griechenland und der Turkei?, November 26, 1990, pp. 173-177. 67 Celik, Turkey's K

File: Nazi Hydra In America -


  • ian Democrats, Rainer Barzel stepped down. After leaving politics Barzel accepted a lucrative post at a Frankfurt law firm. Barzel managed to earn $700,000 in legal fees from the Flick Group for what Der Spiegel depicted as phantom services. Barzel’s choice for a successor was none other than Helmut Kohl. Kohl has admitted to accepting payments totaling $53,000 from the Flick group during the years1977-79. T


  • ’s superior resigned as a matter of conscience. Globke filled his position. As chief legal advisor and head of Jewish Affairs Globke was a direct participant in the Holocaust. On Spetemeber 28, 1960, Der Spiegel reported Globke had direct dealings with Eichmann. The article quoted testimony from war criminal Max Marten, who had been convicted of war crimes. Eichmann, had requested Marten to send 20,000 Jews

File: New Underworld Order -


  • les: 'Neither give heed to fables...' 50 . 'And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables' 51 . On 17th October 2005, 'Spiegel OnLine', the In ternet version of 'Der Spiegel', carried a lead story entitled P OPE B ENEDICT XVI C HANNELS J OHN P AUL II, in which it reported that in the course of the first extensive TV interview of his Papacy, the former Cardinal Ratzinger


  • Ceremonial of Darkness and Fire' 50 . He was unnamed. Figure 60: Pope Benedict XVI, elected in 2005, with his Opus Dei aide, Georg Ganswein. Both are from Bavaria, the home of the German llluminati. Der Spiegel reported on 17th October 2005 that the Pope 'channels' his predecessor - i.e., he communes with a lying familiar spirit.


  • HE GNOSTICISM OF SIMON MAGUS This appears to be what was happening in the Vatican Palace in 2005. Pope Benedict XVI made it quite plain in a Polish television interview on 16th October, according to 'Der Spiegel', that he is in regular touch with a being that he delusionally believes to be Pope John Paul II [see page 294]. However the dead do not communicate with the living, although evil spirits do. Therefo

File: One World, Ready Or Not - William Greider -


  • illion marks) was made overseas. From 1988 to 1992, BMW reduced its taxes paid to German authorities from 545 million marks to 31 million. Its chief financial officer, Volker Doppelfeld, bluntly told Der Spiegel: "We're trying to incur our expenditures where the taxes are highest and that is in Germany." 20 American companies played the same game. IBM reported to its stock- holders that a third of its worldw


  • ABB details are from David de Pury, "Can Europe Keep Up?" International Economy, January 1994. Swissair and Edzard Reuter comment from Hans-Peter Martin and Harald Schumann, "All Hindrances Removed," Der Spiegel, December 1993 (translated by Justin Fox). IBM disc-drive shift: Dow-Jones News Service, August 4, 1994. Intra-Europe movements: Multinationals and the National Interest: Playing by Different Rules,


  • ntability for the tax subsidies. As a practical matter, it would require federal action — perhaps even a constitutional amendment — to shut down the practice. 20. BMW taxes: "All Hindrances Removed," Der Spiegel, December 1993. 21. IBM's tax avoidance was cited by Robert S. Mclntyre, "The Hidden Enti- tlements," Citizens for Tax Justice, April 1995. Intel's case was described by Michael J. Mclntyre, "Overrul

File: Reich Of The Black Sun -


  • anovitch Titarenko, a former military translator on the staff of Mars hal Rodion Malinovsky, who handled the Japanese capitulation to Russi a at the end of the war. As reported in the German magazine Der Spiegel in 1992, Titarenko wrote a letter to the Central Co mmittee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. In it, he reported that there were actually three bombs dropped on Japan, one of which, dropped

File: Texe Marrs - Codex Magica - Secret Signs, Mysterious Symbols, and Hidden Codes of the Illuminati -


  • e massacred by Lenin and the Communists. But, in recent times, Russia, under Gorbachev, Yeltsin, and Putin, has once again officially returned the Empire to the key symbol of the double-headed eagle. Der Spiegel, a popular German news magazine, carried this telling depiction of "Czar Boris" (President Boris Yeltsin) on its cover, with the revived official seal on his breast.

File: Webster Griffin Tarpley - 9-11 Synthetic Terrorism - Made in USA -


  • e Welt . Heidelberg: Palmyra, 2002. Schmitt , Carl. Positionen und Begriffe . Hamburg, 1940. Sheehy , Gail. Middletown, America: One Town’s Passage from Trauma to Hope . New York: Random House, 2003. Der Spiegel . Inside 9-11: What Really Happened . New York: St. Martin’s Press, 2001. Sell , Louis. Slobodan Milosevic and the Destruction of Yugoslavia . Durham NC: Duke University Press, 2000. Stevens , Sir Jo

File: Webster Tarpley - 9-11 Synthetic Terror -


  • e Welt . Heidelberg: Palmyra, 2002. Schmitt , Carl. Positionen und Begriffe . Hamburg, 1940. Sheehy , Gail. Middletown, America: One Town’s Passage from Trauma to Hope . New York: Random House, 2003. Der Spiegel . Inside 9-11: What Really Happened . New York: St. Martin’s Press, 2001. Sell , Louis. Slobodan Milosevic and the Destruction of Yugoslavia . Durham NC: Duke University Press, 2000. Stevens , Sir Jo

File: Lucifer Principle -


  • h or reality, Oxford University Press, New York, 1992, p. 8. 48. Daniel Platlea, "Islamic Fever--Too Hot For Churches," Insight, January 22, 1990, p. 34. "The Fight For African Souls," reprinted from Der Spiegel, Hamburg, Germany, in World Press Review, June 1992, p. 48. 49. Dr. Raphael Danziger, Joel Himelfarb, Mindy Weisenberg, "Schwarz 'Optimistic' On South Africa's Prospects," Near East Report, August 3,


  • orld Press Review, September, 1991, p. 34. Jacques Girardon, "A Veiled Future For Algeria: fundamentalist power gives rise to uncertainty," L'Express, Paris, and "Will Algeria Become a Second Iran?," Der Spiegel, Hamburg, Germany, both in World Press Review, August, 1990, pp. 32-33. 58. Stanley Reed, "Jordan And The Gulf Crisis," Foreign Affairs, Winter 1990-1991, p. 28. 59. Phebe Marr, "The Islamic Revival:


  • , When Prophecy Fails: A Social and Psychological Study of a Modern Group that Predicted the Destruction of the World, Harper Torchbooks, New York, 1966. "The Fight For African Souls," reprinted from Der Spiegel, Hamburg, Germany, in World Press Review, June 1992, p. 48. Dr. Julian Fliederbaum, Dr. Ari Heller, Dr. Kazimierz Zweibaum, Suzanne Szejnfinkel, Dr. Regina Elbinger and Fajga Ferszt, "Metabolic Chang


  • Andrew Liebman, writer, director and producer of "The Secret of Life: Conquering Cancer," BBC-TV, London and WGBH, Boston, 1993. "Life in the Unpromised Land: East Germans Migrate to the West," Der Spiegel, reprinted in World Press Review, November, 1988, p. 17. Bruce W. Lincoln, Red Victory: A History of the Russian Civil War, Simon and Schuster, N.Y., 1989. R.P. Lister, Genghis Khan, Stein and Day, N


  • ctives on Physical and Biological Evolution. Robert R. Wilken, "Marcion," The Encyclopedia of Religion, Mircea Eliade, ed., MacMillan Publishing, New York, 1987. "Will Algeria Become a Second Iran?," Der Spiegel, Hamburg, Germany, in World Press Review, August, 1990, p. 33. Rosalind Williams, "Reindustrialization Past and Present," Technology Review, NovemberDecember, 1982. James A. Williamson, The Evolution

File: Going Clear Scientology, Hollywood, and the Prison of Belief by Lawrence Wright -

  • ministrationto post suicide warnings on the labels of two psychiatric drugs within days ofhis interview with Lauer.“If someone wants to get off drugs, I can help them,” Cruise told the Germanmagazine Der Spiegel, in April 2005. “I myself have helped hundreds of peopleget off drugs.”HAGGIS HAD SENT a rough cut of his movie Crash to the Toronto Film Festival, animportant venue for independent films that are lo

File: Church of Satan (2002) -


  • of the Ahnenerbe-SS is contained in the Jeweled Tablets of Set and in the archives of the Temple of Set’s Order of the Trapezoid. 389 Hoehne, Heinrich, The Order of the Death’s Head . Hamburg: Verlag der Spiegel, 1966. 390 See Chapter #23 concerning Metropolis and Chapter #25 concerning The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari . 391 Ravitz, Leonard J., M.S., M.D., F.R.S.H., “Electromagnetic Field Monitoring of Changing-S

File: Church of Satan (2009) -


  • of the Ahnenerbe-SS is contained in the Jeweled Tablets of Set and in the archives of the Temple of Set’s Order of the Trapezoid. 390 Hoehne, Heinrich, The Order of the Death’s Head . Hamburg: Verlag der Spiegel, 1966. 391 See Chapter #23 concerning Metropolis and Chapter #25 concerning The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari . - 242 -

File: Michael Aquino - Neutron Bomb -


  • ears. See Time, October 29, 1979, page #26.331Richardson, James L., Germany and the Atlantic Alliance: The Interaction of Strategy and Politics. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1966, page #70.332Der Spiegel, March 15, 1976.- 109 -

File: Emperor Wears No Clothes -


  • , Italy, Germany, et al. Hemp has been recognized as the hottest fabric of the 1990s by Rolling Stone, Time, Newsweek, Paper, Detour, Details, Mademoiselle, The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, Der Spiegel, ad infinitum. All have run, over and over again, major stories onindustrial and nutritional hemp. Additionally, hemp grown for biomass could fuel a trillion-dollar per year energy industry, while im

File: Salvia Divinorum - Research Information Center -


  • New York im Drogenhimmel." Von Orson Willis. Hamburg, Germany. The New Zealand Herald. July 19, 2001 edition. "Mexican Mind Bender Like a Legal LSD, Say Users." Bridget Carter. Auckland, New Zealand. Der Spiegel. July 23, 2001 edition. "Azteken-Drogen erobern die Welt." Anonymous. Hamburg, Germany. The Los Angeles Times. August 14, 2001 edition. "A Legal Hallucinogen, at Least for Now." Anne-Marie O'Connor.

File: Codex Magica - Texe Marrs -


  • e massacred by Lenin and the Communists. But, in recent times, Russia, under Gorbachev, Yeltsin, and Putin, has once again officially returned the Empire to the key symbol of the double-headed eagle. Der Spiegel, a popular German news magazine, carried this telling depiction of "Czar Boris" (President Boris Yeltsin) on its cover, with the revived official seal on his breast.

File: Lux in Tenebras - The Visual and Symbolic in Western Esotericism -


  • ch einer runden Kugel sehn, da das + durchginge (+) [sic]: dann es ist ein Auge der Ewigkeit, das man nicht mahlen kann, es ist das Auge des Wesens aller Wesen, bedeutend das Auge Gottes, welches ist der Spiegel der Weisheit, da von in which this image is presented to the reader/viewer helps animate what could otherwise appear as a merely static representation of a trichotomous on-tology by attempting to inc

File: Paulo Coelho A Warrior's Life - Fernando Morais -


  • period, Eleven Minutes sold 328,000copies in Italy. So The Zahir is selling almost 30 per cent more. Now are you happy?’‘Yes, of course. And what about Germany?’‘There The Zahir is in second place on Der Spiegel’s best-seller list, after The DaVinci Code.’As well as Hungary, Italy and Germany, the author asks for information about salesin Russia and wants to know whether Arash Hejazi, his Iranian publisher,



  • eath”). Exactly when the observer recognizes hisown—distorted—image in the mirror, he understands that he has been trans-formed into Actaeon because he saw the naked goddess. ‘Man kann alsosagen, daß der Spiegel in der Mitte des Gewölbes das Zentrum eines ludi-schen und gleichzeitig selbstdestruktiven Vorgangs war, bei dem Galeazzoerneut die metamorphische Erfahrung Aktäons auf einer visuellen Ebeneerlebte’6

File: blatter-fur-angewandte-okkulte-lebenskunst-1950 -


  • iger Arbeiter schaffen und dieses ist ein Schreibtisch und ein Bücherregal. Es braucht kein prachtvoller Bücher-schrank zu sein. Für okkulte Zwecke ist ein grosser, vom Fussboden bis zur Decke reichender Spiegel nötig (möglichst mit Quecksilberbelag) mit einer Vor-richtung, diesen zeitweise verhängen zu können. Ein kleiner Tisch ist nötig, ein Räuchergefäss, ein Gong. Ferner eine verschließbare Truhe zum Auf


  • -nigen Hockers bedienen. Wird ein magischer Spiegel benutzt, so ist dieser im Kreis so zu platzieren, daß bequem hineingeschaut werden kann. Man vergesse aber nicht, ihn vorher ge-mäß den Anweisungen der Spiegelpraxis zu behandeln. Steht ein größerer 1950 - 204

File: blatter-fur-angewandte-okkulte-lebenskunst-1951 -


  • schreiben, Dich näher aufzuklären, um Dich zu hüten. Dein Weg führt Dich durch diese astralen Welten, denn Du weißt, Dein Ziel liegt höher. So will ich Dir heute schreiben über diese Magie, die sich der Spiegel und der Kristalle bedient, über die Du noch wenig weißt, denn Euere westliche Literatur gibt über diese Art der Magie nur wenig Auskunft. In den einzelnen Schriften steht viel Falsches. Selbst in den


  • dere Sympathie-Magie, bei deren Gelingen nur der Zu-fall eine große Rolle spielt. Nun zum magischen Spiegel selbst ! Beachte zunächst stets den Zweck, den Du mit dem Spiegelexperiment verfolgst. Soll der Spiegel Kräfte anziehen und wegnehmen, oder soll er Mittel zur Kon-zentration sein und Kräfte ausstrahlen? Oder willst Du den Schwingungen fremder Wesen durch den Spiegel oder die Kristallkugel die Möglichke


  • wird, noch manche Ergänzung des hier Gesagten geben werde, manches Dir heute noch Unklare erläutere, für das Du heute noch nicht reif genug bist. Die Anlage zur Erzielung guter Resultate besonders in der Spiegelmagie liegt im Menschen selbst. Menschen, die in einem erdgebundenen Zeichen geboren wurden, haben fast nie diese immerhin seltene Gabe. Die besten Zeichen für Magie sind, zumal wenn der Mond in ihnen


  • Sadebaum. Die Räuchermittel der Tierkreiszeichen sind nur ergänzend den Mitteln der sie beherrschenden Planeten hinzuzufügen. Mischung 10 - 20 gr. Die Experimente nimm bei offenem Fenster vor, so daß der Spiegel oder die Ku-gel das Mondlicht trifft. Ist dieses nicht möglich, so verwende reine, möglichst geweihte Wachskerzen. Die Kerzen müssen im Dreieck so zueinander stehen, daß ihre Lichtstrahlen in der Kug


  • haft, zum Nutzen Deiner Entwicklung, denn Deine medialen Zähigkeiten sind von uns erkannt, sie sollen und müssen verwandt werden. Bereits in den ältesten Mysterienschulen wurde die wunderbare Wirkung der Spiegelmagie gelehrt und geübt. Es besteht ein gewisser harmonischer Zusam-menhang zwischen den Farben und den Spiegeln. Durch eine harmonische oder auch disharmonische Anwendung kann man eine sehr starke Be


  • schen Schlaf zu versenken. Die Schreckwirkung und der magische Einfluß der Spiegel wirkt noch lange im Unterbewußtsein nach und das Medium ist willen-los in starkem Maße. Das schwarze Zimmer benutze stets am Sonnabend, dem Saturntage. Betritt den Raum nie, ohne - wie vorher gesagt

File: blatter-fur-angewandte-okkulte-lebenskunst-1952 -


  • sche Kenntnisse , wie sie ein Kursus oder ein gutes Lehrbuch vermittelt. 2. Kenntnis der "magisch" wirksamen Aspekte, wie sie in den Tabellen der MAGISCHEN BRIEFE und im Logenschulvortrag über "Magie der Spiegel und Kristalle" zu finden ist. 3. Eine Selbstschulung zum magischen Experiment, wie sie in den "Praktischen Vorbereitungen zur Magie" mustergültig gegeben ist. Anm. 9) Für den fortschrittlichen Schüle

File: blatter-fur-angewandte-okkulte-lebenskunst-1955 -


  • uß vom Einzelnen selbst gefunden werden. Deshalb stand am Architrav des Apolloheiligtums in Delphi das oft zitierte und selten verstandene : „Erkenne Dich selbst!“ Unser eigenes, persönliches Ich muß der Spiegel werden, in welchem wir das große, göttliche Selbst erblicken, das durch uns hindurchgeht, um immer wie-der neu geboren zu werden in den folgenden Verkörperungen. Und wenn unser kleines, in sich verkr

File: blatter-fur-angewandte-okkulte-lebenskunst-1956 -


  • sich die zugeschriebenen Ge-schmack-, Gehör- und Ton-Wahrnehmungen einstellen, die zu den Tattwa ge-hören, mehr oder weniger stark. Man kann diese Tattwa-Experimente auch koppeln mit den Experimenten der Spiegelmagie (siehe Studienheft Februar 51 „Spiegel- und Kristall-Magie“), wie ja überhaupt die Beachtung der Tattwa und der Gestirnstunden zu dem prakti-schen magischen Rüstzeug gehört. ---------------- Die


  • schnitte lassen die Fülle der Probleme ahnen, mit denen sich der Verfasser auseinandersetzt, so z.B.: „Urwelttage und Lebens-schöpfung“. – „Die Urschöpfung des Lebens im Lichte der Kosmobiologie“. – „Der Spiegel des Kosmos im Leben der Natur“. – „Das instinktive und das persönliche Ich“. – „Ichsein und Ursein.“ – „Die Erleuchtung des Menschen.“ – „Gott und Teufel.“ – „Diesseits und Jenseits.“ – u.s.w. Eine S


  • Abschnitte lassen die Fülle der Probleme ahnen, mit denen sich der Verfasser auseinandersetzt, so z.B.: „Urwelttage und Lebens-schöpfung“ – „Die Urschöpfung des Lebens im Lichte der Kosmobiologie“ – „Der Spiegel des Kosmos im Leben der Natur“ – „Das instinktive und das persönliche Ich“ – „Ichsein und Ursein“ – „Die Erleuchtung des Menschen“ – „Gott und Teu-fel“ – „Diesseits und Jenseits“ u.s.w. Eine Schrift,

File: blatter-fur-angewandte-okkulte-lebenskunst-1957 -


  • its der Sphären des sichtbaren Universums, zurückkehren. Sein geschultes Bewußtsein -Nous, das die Ideen enthält (welches die Urbilder dessen sind, was in der vergänglichen Welt abgebildet wird), ist der Spiegel, worin sich die Gott-heit reflektiert oder nach Quispel -ein Prisma, das das indifferente Urlicht in seine Farben auseinanderfallen läßt-. Am Anfang waren Gott und das Chaos -Fuit deus et hyle-. Beid


  • D EERRGGEEBBNNIISSSSEE VVOONN SSPPIIEEGGEELL--MMAAGGIIEE von Gregor A. Gregorius Im Jahre 1925 beschäftigte sich ein dem Autor persönlich bekannter junger In-genieur und Maler besonders eingehend mit der Spiegel-Magie. Er war ein hoch-intelligenter, an sich nüchtern denkender Mensch, frei von Illusionen. Er war in der damals in Berlin sehr aktiven Loge „Fraternitas Saturni“ in einem besonderen Zirkel magisch

File: blatter-fur-angewandte-okkulte-lebenskunst-1958 -


  • Schleier. Er lebt einmal in dieser Welt und einmal in der Spiegelwelt. In allen wahren Anschauungen begründet sich der Zwang zur Unterwerfung des Men-schen unter sein Schicksal, als Folge der Übertretung göttlicher Lebensgesetze. Früher einmal führten die menschlic

File: blatter-fur-angewandte-okkulte-lebenskunst-1960 -


  • n, die er braucht zu seinem neuen Aufbau. Aber wer ist der wahrhaft Erkennende? ... Wer ist der wahrhaft Wissende im esoterischen Sinne? Das sind Fragen, die immer wieder aufsteigen werden. Im-mer wieder spiegelt sich Saturn in uns, der uns antreibt, ohne es für Grausamkeit zu erachten, als falsch Erkanntes zu zerstören. Wenn Sie diese Gedanken durchdenken, so wird Ihnen manches vielleicht klar werden über d

File: blatter-fur-angewandte-okkulte-lebenskunst-1961 -


  • a! Hast Du Deinen Atem rhythmisiert und fühlst Du Dich vollkommen ruhig und harmonisch, so nimm den Spiegel und lasse in entsprechender Haltung die Na-sen-Atmungsströme auf die Spiegelfläche gleiten. Der Spiegel ist zuvor gut zu entoden! An der sich dann bildenden Hauchfigur siehst Du, welches Tattwa schwingt. Nun konzentriere Dich auf die Farbe des betreffenden Tattwas, und sie wird sich Dir offenbaren. All


  • Gericht und beim Eingang des Mutterleibes anlangt, aus dem es demnächst wiedergeboren wird. Die ganze Hierarchie der Götter wohnt diesem Gericht bei, in dem der Spiegel des Karma oder der Seele eigene Vergangenheit das abschliessende Zeugnis bil-det. Es wird eine Gerichtsscene geschildert unter dem Vorsitz von YAMA RAJA, dem feurigen Herrn des Todes, bei dem die gut

File: blatter-fur-angewandte-okkulte-lebenskunst-1962 -


  • des „glücklichen Zeitalters“ an, dessen Vollendung erreicht ist, wenn auch das letzte Viertel des Geistigen durch saturnische Erkenntnis gewonnen wurde. Dann würde die 2. Phase von Figur 4 in der Spiegelung auf der Astralebene aussehen, wie sie Figur 5 aufweist. Das aber ist der auf dem Kopf stehende, seitenverkehrte Jupiter, welches Bild sich in der Rückspiegelung auf die Erde als das rechte Jupiter

File: magische briefe 5 -


  • aufzuklären, um Dich zu hüten. Dein Weg führtDich durch diese astralen Welten, denn Du weißt,Dein Ziel liegt höher.So will ich Dir heute schreiben über diese Magie,welche sich der Spiegel und der Kristalle bedient.über die Du noch wenig weißt.Euere westliche Literatur gibt über diese Art derMagie nur wenig Auskunft. In den einzelnen Schriftensteht viel Falsches. Selbst in den Archiven


  • niedereSympathiemagie, bei deren Gelingen nur der Zufalleine große Rolle spielt.Nun zum magischen Spiegel selbst. Beachte zunächststets den Zweck, welchen Du mit dem Spiegel-experiment verfolgst,Soll der Spiegel Kräfte anziehen und wegnehmen,oder soll er Mittel zur Konzentration sein undKräfte ausstrahlen? Oder willst Du den Schwin-gungen fremder Wesen durch den Spiegel oderdie Kristallkugel die Möglichkeit


  • Sonnengeflecht. Bei der Sexual-magie besonders die Geschlechtsteile. Den Tischbedecke mit schwarzem Seidentuch oder schwarzemSamt, ebenso den Stuhl, auf welchem Du sitzt,Für die einfachen Experimente der Spiegelmagiegenügt obiger Kreis, bei den reinen Beschwörungenist noch manches andere zu beachten.Solltest Du irgendwelche Wesen wahrnehmen, sobrich das Experiment ab und warte auf neueWeisungen, welche ich D


  • rschaft, zum NutzenDeiner Entwicklung, denn Deine medialen Fähig-keiten sind von uns erkannt, sie sollen und müssenverwandt werden.Bereits in den ältesten Mysterienschulen wurdedie wunderbare Wirkung der Spiegelmagie gelehrtund geübt. Es besteht ein gewisser harmonischerZusammenhang zwischen den Farben und denSpiegeln. Durch eine harmonische oder auch dis-harmonische Anwendung kann man eine sehrstarke Beeinf


  • kann die Wirkung noch unter-stützt werden durch in regelmäßigen Intervallengegebene Gongschläge auf einen abgestimmtenGong, der genau in dem Ton des betreffendenTagesplaneten schwingt. Die Anordnung der Spiegelkann bei den letzten religiösen Übungen eine anderesein, indem Du nur drei Spiegel verwendest, welchesich im Dreieck gegenüberstehen.Beschwörungen, welche Du vornimmst, um Wesender Astralebene zu rufe

File: Gospel of Thomas and Christian Origins -


  • aceofradicalcriticism?Wasitjustanotherlate,heretical,idiosyncraticgospeloflittleornorelevancetoChristiantheologyinthefirstcenturyorthetwentieth?2For an account of the controversy see Werner Harenberg,Der Spiegel on the NewTestament,trans.JamesBurtness(NewYork:Macmillan,1970),pp.1–24.3TheDeathofGod:TheCultureofOurPost-ChristianEra(NewYork:GeorgeBraziller,1961).4“TheGospelofThomasandtheNewTestament,”VC11(1957)

File: COS -


  • s of the Ahnenerbe-SS is contained in the Jeweled Tablets of Set and in the archives of the Temple of Set’s Order of the Trapezoid.390 Hoehne, Heinrich, The Order of the Death’s Head. Hamburg: Verlag der Spiegel, 1966.391 See Chapter #23 concerning Metropolis and Chapter #25 concerning The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari.- 242 -

File: (Social, economic, and political studies of the Middle East and Asia 83) Mystic Regimes_ Sufism and the State in Iran, from the Late Qajar Era to the Islamic Republic-Brill Academ -


  • r).39 Particularly legen-dary, D¿var’ and other ideologues of the Islamic Republic have often quoted Nur noch ein Gott kann uns retten, one of Heideggerøs last, prophetic communications (published in Der Spiegel, May 1976). Bitterly perceptive, SHAYEGAN (1997: 115-7) analysed the newest phase in transnational Orientalism40 thus: A twentieth-century German philosopher had to devote some attention to the ›hist

File: Going Clear - Lawrence Wright -


  • ministration to post suicide warnings on the labels of two psychiatric drugswithin days of his interview with Lauer.“If someone wants to get oʃ drugs, I can help them,” Cruise told the Germanmagazine Der Spiegel, in April 2005. “I myself have helped hundreds of peopleget off drugs.”HAGGIS HAD SENT a rough cut of his movie Crash to the Toronto Film Festival, animportant venue for independent ɹlms that are loo

File: Encyclopedia of Occultism and Parapsychology Vol 1 -


  • s. The perpetrator ofthis practical joke was hardly, it seems, a sincere believer in thewonders of alchemy.Jean de Meung’s book on alchemy was published as LeMiroir d’alchymie (1557) and in German as Der Spiegel der Alchy-mie (1771), but some critics believe it is spurious. Also doubtful-ly attributed to de Meung are the poetical treatises Les Remon-strances de Nature à l’Alchimiste errant and La Reponse del

File: Hitler's Flying Saucers -


  • these is Rudolf Schriever. Schriever was involved in a German saucers project which sometimes bears his name. As a source of information, he wrote an article on German saucers for the very respected Der Spiegel magazine (1). 29


  • individual sources cited, an effort will be made to describe the type of evidence each cited reference uses when that information is available. CHAPTER TWO Reliable Sources Sources and References 1. Der Spiegel, March 30, 1959, Article and interview of Rudolf Schriever 2. Epp, Joseph Andreas, telephone communication and personal letters 3. Epp, Joseph Andreas, 1994, Die Realitaet der Flugscheiben Ein Leben


  • llegerkalender Internationales Jahrbuch der Luft-und Raumfahrt 24. Combined Intelligence Committee Evaluation Reports, Combined Intelligence Objectives Subcommittee, Evaluation Report 149, page 8 25. Der Spiegel, March 30, 1959, "Untertassen Sie fliegen aber doch" Article about and interview of Rudolf Schriever 26. Zunneck, 1998, page 119 27. This written statement, translated from Bavarian dialect to High G

File: UFO Diaries -


  • by Econ-Verlag as Erinnerungen an die Zukunft ]. —— In Search of Ancient Gods . Heron, Michael (trans.). London: Corgi Books, 1975. von Junzt, Erich. Die Unaussprechlichen Disketten . Magdeburg: Auf Der Spiegel GmBH, 1956. Va l l e e , Ja c q u e s . Forbidden Science: Journals, 1956–1969 . New York: Marlowe & Company, 1996. Wa s h i n g t o n , Pe t e r. Madame Blavatsky’s Baboon: Theosophy and the Emergen

File: Viktor Schauberger - Nature as teacher - New principles in the working of nature (1998) -


  • lion cu yds) of water would have been retained, and the recent enormously destructive inundations would have been totally impossible. As a result, Germany must now sp end 10,000m Marks (see report in Der Spiegel, 32, 1954) merely to alleviate the grossest water damage. No scientist knows how it could have happened. Were it known, then the madness and stupidity of de-spiritua lising or de-magnetising the bloo

File: Viktor Schauberger - The Energy Evolution -


  • in many large Swiss lakes and in many German and other lakes, the mysterious deterioration of both lake and river water had been elected. In its issue of the 9th of June 1954, the Hamburg periodical 'Der Spiegel' reported that at present at least 10,000 million marks would have to be outlaid in Germany in order to rectify the most blatant depredations in the mismanagement of water resources. The German river

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