Oil Cartel

Found in 73 Books

File: Solving 911 - The Deception That Changed The World -


  • cause once pushed into the open this complicity proved capable of serving the cause of Western power politics in the region. The immens e profits that have flowed into the coffers of Western drug and oil cartels as a consequence of the Anglo - American control over the opium production of occupied - Afghanistan and the oil of occupied - Iraq amply illustrate Rokach's point that Israeli false - fla g terror

File: Webster Tarpley - 9-11 Synthetic Terror -


  • arranged by the Anglo-American oil cartel or their agents. His friends are determined to keep his memory alive, and to secure justice for him some day. The third recipient of my thanks is the late Professor Taras Vasilievich Muranivsky of th


  • ne of the attempts to assassinate De Gaulle was successful. Another example was Enrico Mattei, the head of the Italian state oil company ENI. Mattei challenged the hegemony of the US-UK seven sisters oil cartel. He offered Arab oil producers a 50-50 split of the profits, far more than the Anglo-Americans were offering, and he was willing to help the Arabs with their own economic development. Mattei was grow
  • e on the part of the CIA and its alliances, among them some of the French Algerians who were also the enemies of de Gaulle. After Mattei’s death, ENI began to abide by the rules of the Anglo-American oil cartel. The classic example of political assassination was the murder of President Kennedy. Kennedy had been alerted by the Bay of Pigs debacle to the treachery and incompetence of CIA director Allen Dulles


  • E FAKE OIL SHOCKS OF THE 1970s Building on the lies of the Club of Rome and the Limits to Growth , Wall Street, the City of London, and the Federal Reserve, backed by the Seven Sisters Anglo-American oil cartel, decided to jack up the price of oil to save the dollar while making western Europe and Japan foot the bill. This cynical maneuver was associated with Henry Kissinger’s Kippur War in the Middle East
  • p the price. The plan for the entire exercise had been provided by Lord Victor Rothschild, the sometime head of a think tank attached to Royal Dutch Shell, the dominant force within the Seven Sisters oil cartel. The operation had been discussed at a meeting of the self- styled Bilderberger Group of finance oligarchs held at Saltsjöbaden, Sweden on May 11- 13, 1973. The effect of the oil price hike was to cr


  • igures like Berezvosky, Potanin, Smolensky, Friedman, and Khodorkhovsky. Khodorkhovsky seized control over most of the Siberian oil reserves, and appeared ready to sell them off to the Anglo-American oil cartel. The beginning of the end for the oligarchs came with the resignation of Yeltsin and the elevation of Putin to the Russian presidency on December 31, 1999. The KGB officer Putin tended to repress the


  • obvious basis of mutual advantage. A celebrated case is that of Enrico Mattei, the president of the Italian state oil company, ENI. Mattei was famous for challenging the Anglo-American Seven Sisters oil cartel’s dominance of Arab nations by offering the Arabs an alternative partner and a better deal: a fifty-fifty split in place of the lopsided 60-40 or worse profit sharing offered by the Anglo-American ca

File: Carroll Quigley - Tragedy & Hope (scanned) -


  • t American oil companies, which had briefly hoped that they might rep'ac AIOC in the Persian area, decided that their united front with AH-' in the world cartel was more valuable to them. This world oil cartel had developed from a tripartite agreem e signed on September 17, 1928 by Royal Dutch-Shell, Anglo-Iranian* and Standard Oil. The three signers were Sir Henri Deterding of S»e Sir John (later Lord) Ca
  • ountry. Iranian funds in Britain were blocked; its purchases British-controlled markets were interrupted; and its efforts to sell abroad were frustrated by a combination of the British Navy and world oil cartel (which closed its sales and distribution facilities Iranian oil). These cut off a substantial portion of the Iranian g° ve ment's revenues and forced a drastic curtailment of government expe tures. T

File: Carroll Quigley - Tragedy & Hope -


  • e American oil companies, which had briefly hoped that they might replace AIOC in the Persian area, decided that their united front with AIOC in the world cartel was more valuable to them. This world oil cartel had developed from a tripa rtite agreement signed on September 17, 1928 by Royal Dutch -Shell, Anglo- Iranian, and Standard Oil. The three signers were Sir Henri Deterding of Shell, Sir John (later L

File: Carroll Quigley - Tragedy & Hope -


  • e American oil companies, which had briefly hoped that they might replace AIOC in the Persian area, decided that their united front with AIOC in the world cartel was more valuable to them. This world oil cartel had developed from a tripa rtite agreement signed on September 17, 1928 by Royal Dutch -Shell, Anglo- Iranian, and Standard Oil. The three signers were Sir Henri Deterding of Shell, Sir John (later L

File: Carroll Quigley - Tragedy And Hope -


  • e American oil companies, which had briefly hoped that they might replace AIOC in the Persian area, decided that their united front with AIOC in the world cartel was more valuable to them. This world oil cartel had developed from a tripartite agreement signed on September 17, 1928 by Royal Dutch-Shell, Anglo-Iranian, and Standard Oil. The three signers were Sir Henri Deterding of Shell, Sir John (later Lord


  • sell oil abroad were frustrated by a combination of the British Navy and the world oil cartel (which closed its sales and distribution facilities to Iranian oil). These cut off a substantial portion of the Iranian government's revenues and forced a drastic curtailment of government expenditur

File: Daniel Estulin - Tavistock Institute - Social Engineering The Massesl -

  • Hitler’s financial agent, “an Abwehr spymaster in the UnitedStates and Sullivan and Cromwell’s German representative. As a result, theDulles law firm acquired three major German concerns as Standard Oil cartelpartners. Among them was the murderous I.G.Farbenindustrie, which was, with theKruppwerks, the principal user of concentration camp slave labor for the Nazis’blitzkrieg economy.”14The Dulles family ha

File: Daniel Estulin - True Story Of The Bilderberg Group -

  • ording to sources, Bilderbergers estimated the extractable world’s oil supplyto be at a maximum of 35 years under current economic development andpopulation. However, one of the representatives of an oil cartel remarked thatwe must factor into the equation both the population explosion and economicgrowth and demand for oil in China and India. Under the revised conditions,there is apparently only enough oil

  • . TheBilderbergers openly wondered at the medium-term repercussions of this deal. AnAmerican investment banker asked just how much oil was expected to flow throughthis pipeline. Another member of the oil cartel offered 65-80 million tons peryear as a ballpark figure.The 2005 German ElectionsT he Bilderbergers also discussed how to dust off the “boring” image of AngelaMerkel, Germany’s “future leader,” ahead
  • picked up by the Dow Jones Newswire service on January17, 2005. The implications of this should be self-evident. The reason that thereis virtually no exploration or refinery construction is that the oil cartel,represented by the most powerhil members within the Bilderberg group, such asthe Rockefellers, Peter Sutherland [BP] and Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands,understand there is no more significant oil t

File: David Icke - 1995 - And The Truth Shall Set You Free -

  • at, myfriends, is the ‘free’ trade the economists, politicians, and newscorrespondents tell us we desperately need more of. The word in my head at thismoment does not bear repeating.The Seven Sisters Oil CartelWorking alongside the banks, and owned by the same people, are the oilcompanies. These are responsible for countless coups and conflicts and thegrotesque manipulation of sovereign countries. As late a
  • 0,000,000. Eventually the ‘oil wars’ between therival companies ended in the late 1920s with an agreement finalised atAchnacarry, Sir Henry Deterding’s Scottish Castle. This created theAnglo-American oil cartel which became known as the Seven Sisters. The meetingbetween Deterding, John Cadman of Anglo-Persian Oil (BP), and Franklin D.Roosevelt’s close friend, Walter Teagle, of the Rockefellers’ Standard Oil
  • y’s biggest non-communist resistance organisation in the SecondWorld War. It was Mattei who coined the term Seven Sisters. He wanted aself-sufficient Italy which was independent of the Anglo-American oil cartel. Ashead of the State energy company, ENI, he established a network of petrolstations across Italy which rivalled those of Shell and Esso. This expanded intorefineries, a vast chemical plant, a tanker
  • n worth of shares inStandard Oil of California, better known as Chevron. At the time of his death,Mattei was arranging to meet President Kennedy, who, according to someresearchers, was pressuring the oil cartel to reach agreement with the Italians.A year later Kennedy himself was assassinated.The oil companies, governments, intelligence agencies, the banks, themultinationals, the media: all of these are ind
  • f the public eye,I don’t know. I do hope the first one is the case. If you know what happened tothe WCB, please let me know.The Nuclear Power ‘Sting’One effect of the oil price shocks which the Elite oil cartels had to suppresswas the move to nuclear power. I have great reservations about nuclear power andI feel it is just a middle stage before we realise it is possible to harness thenatural energies of Pla
  • ble to harness thenatural energies of Planet Earth to give us all the safe, non-polluting, warmthand power that we need. What is clear, however, is that there has been awell-organised campaign by the oil cartels to discredit and destroy nuclearpower as a credible alternative to oil. What follows will provide more cause forreflection by the environmental movement, and give you another example of howthe netwo
  • ngerwas a consultant to the National Security Council of John F. Kennedy. The FordFoundation report pressed for ‘alternative’ energy sources like wind and solarpower, and dismissed nuclear power. The oil cartel is quite happy with theconventional green ‘alternatives’ because they do not have the credibility toreplace oil. They fear other alternatives, however, like nuclear power and,especially, the free ene

  • an oilman. Much of his colossal fortune comes from oil and thosecompanies provided the bulk of his election funds. When Bush policies led to arise in the price of oil, both his income and that of the oil cartel went up byenormous amounts. It was the same for another oilman, James Baker, Bush’ssecretary of state. In the wider sense, the more the Arab oil producers could bedivided, the more power the United S

  • os298233]-6[../Text/index_split_013.html#filepos301962]Senator Must Die, The 277 [../Text/index_split_021.html#filepos1055223]Seven Arts 273 [../Text/index_split_021.html#filepos1040773]Seven Sisters Oil Cartel 230 [../Text/index_split_020.html#filepos882833]-3[../Text/index_split_020.html#filepos893751]sex 432 [../Text/index_split_028.html#filepos1637253]-3[../Text/index_split_028.html#filepos1641015]Shack

File: David Icke - 1995 - And The Truth Shall Set You Free -

  • at, myfriends, is the ‘free’ trade the economists, politicians, and newscorrespondents tell us we desperately need more of. The word in my head at thismoment does not bear repeating.The Seven Sisters Oil CartelWorking alongside the banks, and owned by the same people, are the oilcompanies. These are responsible for countless coups and conflicts and thegrotesque manipulation of sovereign countries. As late a
  • 0,000,000. Eventually the ‘oil wars’ between therival companies ended in the late 1920s with an agreement finalised atAchnacarry, Sir Henry Deterding’s Scottish Castle. This created theAnglo-American oil cartel which became known as the Seven Sisters. The meetingbetween Deterding, John Cadman of Anglo-Persian Oil (BP), and Franklin D.Roosevelt’s close friend, Walter Teagle, of the Rockefellers’ Standard Oil
  • y’s biggest non-communist resistance organisation in the SecondWorld War. It was Mattei who coined the term Seven Sisters. He wanted aself-sufficient Italy which was independent of the Anglo-American oil cartel. Ashead of the State energy company, ENI, he established a network of petrolstations across Italy which rivalled those of Shell and Esso. This expanded intorefineries, a vast chemical plant, a tanker
  • n worth of shares inStandard Oil of California, better known as Chevron. At the time of his death,Mattei was arranging to meet President Kennedy, who, according to someresearchers, was pressuring the oil cartel to reach agreement with the Italians.A year later Kennedy himself was assassinated.The oil companies, governments, intelligence agencies, the banks, themultinationals, the media: all of these are ind
  • f the public eye,I don’t know. I do hope the first one is the case. If you know what happened tothe WCB, please let me know.The Nuclear Power ‘Sting’One effect of the oil price shocks which the Elite oil cartels had to suppresswas the move to nuclear power. I have great reservations about nuclear power andI feel it is just a middle stage before we realise it is possible to harness thenatural energies of Pla
  • ble to harness thenatural energies of Planet Earth to give us all the safe, non-polluting, warmthand power that we need. What is clear, however, is that there has been awell-organised campaign by the oil cartels to discredit and destroy nuclearpower as a credible alternative to oil. What follows will provide more cause forreflection by the environmental movement, and give you another example of howthe netwo
  • ngerwas a consultant to the National Security Council of John F. Kennedy. The FordFoundation report pressed for ‘alternative’ energy sources like wind and solarpower, and dismissed nuclear power. The oil cartel is quite happy with theconventional green ‘alternatives’ because they do not have the credibility toreplace oil. They fear other alternatives, however, like nuclear power and,especially, the free ene

  • an oilman. Much of his colossal fortune comes from oil and thosecompanies provided the bulk of his election funds. When Bush policies led to arise in the price of oil, both his income and that of the oil cartel went up byenormous amounts. It was the same for another oilman, James Baker, Bush’ssecretary of state. In the wider sense, the more the Arab oil producers could bedivided, the more power the United S

  • os298233]-6[../Text/index_split_013.html#filepos301962]Senator Must Die, The 277 [../Text/index_split_021.html#filepos1055223]Seven Arts 273 [../Text/index_split_021.html#filepos1040773]Seven Sisters Oil Cartel 230 [../Text/index_split_020.html#filepos882833]-3[../Text/index_split_020.html#filepos893751]sex 432 [../Text/index_split_028.html#filepos1637253]-3[../Text/index_split_028.html#filepos1641015]Shack

File: David Icke - 2001 - Children Of The Matrix -

  • all the banks.It is the samewith the transnational corporations, political parties, secretsocieties, mediaempires, and the military. If you go high enough, all thetransnational corporations(like the oil cartel), major political parties, secretsocieties, media empires, and themilitary (via NATO, for instance), arecontrolled by the same pyramids and thesame people who sit at the top of all thepyramids. In th
  • w all thesestrands are connected is the key to lifting the veil. Thereare pressure groupsfighting and uncovering the facts about environmentaldestruction, poisoned food,vaccinations, the drug cartel, oil cartel,transnational corporations of every kind,corruption in government, the bankingscam. Third World debt, manipulation ofwars, poverty, cancer, AIDS, child abuse,Satanic ritual sacrifice, media suppressi

File: David Icke - 2001 - Children Of The Matrix -

  • all the banks.It is the samewith the transnational corporations, political parties, secretsocieties, mediaempires, and the military. If you go high enough, all thetransnational corporations(like the oil cartel), major political parties, secretsocieties, media empires, and themilitary (via NATO, for instance), arecontrolled by the same pyramids and thesame people who sit at the top of all thepyramids. In th
  • w all thesestrands are connected is the key to lifting the veil. Thereare pressure groupsfighting and uncovering the facts about environmentaldestruction, poisoned food,vaccinations, the drug cartel, oil cartel,transnational corporations of every kind,corruption in government, the bankingscam. Third World debt, manipulation ofwars, poverty, cancer, AIDS, child abuse,Satanic ritual sacrifice, media suppressi

File: David Icke - 2002 - Alice In Wonderland And The World Trade Center Disaster -

  • s the same with the transnational corporations, politicalparties, secret societies, media empires and the military. If you go high enoughin this structure all the transnational corporations (like the oil cartel),major political parties, secret societies, media empires and the military (viaNATO, for instance), are controlled by the same families who sit at the top ofthe biggest pyramids. In the end there is

  • can Intelligence coup calledOperation AJAX, which removed the Iranian Prime Minister Dr Mohammad Mossadeghin 1953. The Illuminati wanted him ousted after he nationalised oil productionand removed the oil cartel’s power over his people. The British bloodline PrimeMinister Winston Churchill was also behind the coup and Mossadegh was replacedby the dictatorship of the Shah of Iran who reversed the oil national
  • genocidal affects of the sanctions. Hissuccessor, Hans von Sponeck, did the same in February 2000. The US governmentresponse was to try to discredit the two men. The “oil for food” farce providesthe oil cartel with cheap Iraqi oil; 40% of Iraqi’s oil, exchanged to buy food,ends up in the United States at knock-down prices because of the sanctionsimposed by the United States and supported by the Illuminati

  • n a series of major oil development and pipeline projectsin central and south Asia. Of course, the Bushes, Vice President Dick Cheney andmany others in the US government are closely involved with the oil cartel. TheMahfouz-Al-Amoudi companies, Delta Oil, Nimir Petroleum and Corral Petroleum,formed international consortiums with United States oil giants Pennzoil (Bushfamily), Texaco, Unocal, Amerada Hess and

  • enseSecretary Dick Cheney! At the same time Cheney was supporting sanctions againstIraq that have so far produced around a million dead children. (What happenedthere to “constructive engagement”?)The oil cartel benefits enormously from cheap oil pumped by Iraq in the UnitedNations’ (Illuminati) “oil-for-food programme”. Many Illuminati companies andfront men are benefiting from contracts with Iraq and other
  • igure 8).23 Specialists suggestthat the Caspian area might contain the world’s third largest oil and naturalgas reserves after the Gulf region and Siberia, and it has been the number onetarget of the oil cartel and its political representatives since themanufactured break-up of the former Soviet Union aided by Illuminati front man,Mikhail Gorbachev (see And The Truth Shall Set You Free and The Biggest Secre
  • er would ultimately become master of the pipelines which,> some time in this century, will transport the oil and gas from the Caspian> basin to an energy-avid world.” 29Different place, same namesThe oil cartel and its political cronies and associates are working together tomaximise their power and profits. One example is the Azerbaijan InternationalOperating Company (AIOC), which is a consortium involving
  • to sanctions andrestrictions on US aid to the country. This was made law through section 907 ofthe 1992 Freedom Support Act. Cheney has pressed for the repeal of this sectionto release funds for the oil cartel’s operations in Azerbaijan and has lobbiedconstantly for sanctions to be lifted on Iran and other countries to easethrough the Illuminati oil agenda he represents. He is also among those lobbyingfor
  • jani army.By 1997, Pennzoil, Unocal, Amoco and Exxon had invested $5 billion in Azerbaijanand, as we have seen so many times, forcibly controlling the population toensure unchallenged control for the oil cartel is a constant strategy. Compliantdictatorships are good for business and I include “democracies” in that also.The Azerbaijan government is now serving the interests of this American andBritish takeov

  • untry in 1996 except for the region inthe north that was still held by the Northern Alliance.29 Far from opposing theTaliban, the United States government, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, and the US andSaudi oil cartel were delighted with their rise to power. Indeed they were allinvolved in providing the finance and weaponry that allowed it to happen. From aragbag of students, the Taliban had, in little more than a

  • soared and Iraq hasdeveloped the world’s highest rate of childhood leukaemia. Some 70% of Iraqiwomen are now anaemic, and two coordinators of the so-called “oil-for-food”programme, which provides the oil cartel with cheap Iraqi oil, have resigned andspoken out against the genocidal affects of the sanctions. Now, as I write, Bushand Blair are trying to overcome opposition around the world, and justify themas

  • tml#filepos454356]B> Babylon 3 [../Text/index_split_011.html#filepos26176]> Bahrain, oil 82 [../Text/index_split_013.html#filepos320363]> Baker, James 84 [../Text/index_split_013.html#filepos328304]> oil cartel 114 [../Text/index_split_014.html#filepos454356]> Bakhsh, Abdullah Taha 80 [../Text/index_split_013.html#filepos312895]-1> [../Text/index_split_013.html#filepos316507]> Balkans, drugs 119 [../Text/in

File: David Icke - 2002 - Alice In Wonderland And The World Trade Center Disaster -

  • s the same with the transnational corporations, politicalparties, secret societies, media empires and the military. If you go high enoughin this structure all the transnational corporations (like the oil cartel),major political parties, secret societies, media empires and the military (viaNATO, for instance), are controlled by the same families who sit at the top ofthe biggest pyramids. In the end there is

  • can Intelligence coup calledOperation AJAX, which removed the Iranian Prime Minister Dr Mohammad Mossadeghin 1953. The Illuminati wanted him ousted after he nationalised oil productionand removed the oil cartel’s power over his people. The British bloodline PrimeMinister Winston Churchill was also behind the coup and Mossadegh was replacedby the dictatorship of the Shah of Iran who reversed the oil national
  • genocidal affects of the sanctions. Hissuccessor, Hans von Sponeck, did the same in February 2000. The US governmentresponse was to try to discredit the two men. The “oil for food” farce providesthe oil cartel with cheap Iraqi oil; 40% of Iraqi’s oil, exchanged to buy food,ends up in the United States at knock-down prices because of the sanctionsimposed by the United States and supported by the Illuminati

  • n a series of major oil development and pipeline projectsin central and south Asia. Of course, the Bushes, Vice President Dick Cheney andmany others in the US government are closely involved with the oil cartel. TheMahfouz-Al-Amoudi companies, Delta Oil, Nimir Petroleum and Corral Petroleum,formed international consortiums with United States oil giants Pennzoil (Bushfamily), Texaco, Unocal, Amerada Hess and

  • enseSecretary Dick Cheney! At the same time Cheney was supporting sanctions againstIraq that have so far produced around a million dead children. (What happenedthere to “constructive engagement”?)The oil cartel benefits enormously from cheap oil pumped by Iraq in the UnitedNations’ (Illuminati) “oil-for-food programme”. Many Illuminati companies andfront men are benefiting from contracts with Iraq and other
  • igure 8).23 Specialists suggestthat the Caspian area might contain the world’s third largest oil and naturalgas reserves after the Gulf region and Siberia, and it has been the number onetarget of the oil cartel and its political representatives since themanufactured break-up of the former Soviet Union aided by Illuminati front man,Mikhail Gorbachev (see And The Truth Shall Set You Free and The Biggest Secre
  • er would ultimately become master of the pipelines which,> some time in this century, will transport the oil and gas from the Caspian> basin to an energy-avid world.” 29Different place, same namesThe oil cartel and its political cronies and associates are working together tomaximise their power and profits. One example is the Azerbaijan InternationalOperating Company (AIOC), which is a consortium involving
  • to sanctions andrestrictions on US aid to the country. This was made law through section 907 ofthe 1992 Freedom Support Act. Cheney has pressed for the repeal of this sectionto release funds for the oil cartel’s operations in Azerbaijan and has lobbiedconstantly for sanctions to be lifted on Iran and other countries to easethrough the Illuminati oil agenda he represents. He is also among those lobbyingfor
  • jani army.By 1997, Pennzoil, Unocal, Amoco and Exxon had invested $5 billion in Azerbaijanand, as we have seen so many times, forcibly controlling the population toensure unchallenged control for the oil cartel is a constant strategy. Compliantdictatorships are good for business and I include “democracies” in that also.The Azerbaijan government is now serving the interests of this American andBritish takeov

  • untry in 1996 except for the region inthe north that was still held by the Northern Alliance.29 Far from opposing theTaliban, the United States government, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, and the US andSaudi oil cartel were delighted with their rise to power. Indeed they were allinvolved in providing the finance and weaponry that allowed it to happen. From aragbag of students, the Taliban had, in little more than a

  • soared and Iraq hasdeveloped the world’s highest rate of childhood leukaemia. Some 70% of Iraqiwomen are now anaemic, and two coordinators of the so-called “oil-for-food”programme, which provides the oil cartel with cheap Iraqi oil, have resigned andspoken out against the genocidal affects of the sanctions. Now, as I write, Bushand Blair are trying to overcome opposition around the world, and justify themas

  • tml#filepos454356]B> Babylon 3 [../Text/index_split_011.html#filepos26176]> Bahrain, oil 82 [../Text/index_split_013.html#filepos320363]> Baker, James 84 [../Text/index_split_013.html#filepos328304]> oil cartel 114 [../Text/index_split_014.html#filepos454356]> Bakhsh, Abdullah Taha 80 [../Text/index_split_013.html#filepos312895]-1> [../Text/index_split_013.html#filepos316507]> Balkans, drugs 119 [../Text/in

File: David Icke - 2003 - Tales From The Time Loop -

  • s the same with the transnational corporations, politicalparties, secret societies, media empires and the military. If you go high enoughin this structure all the transnational corporations (like the oil cartel),major political parties, secret societies, media empires and the military (viaNATO, for instance), are controlled by the same families who sit atop thebiggest pyramids. In the end there is a global

  • genocidal effects of the sanctions. Hissuccessor, Hans von Sponeck, did the same in February 2000. The US governmentresponse was to try to discredit the two men. The ‘oil for food’ farce providedthe oil cartel with cheap Iraqi oil. Forty per cent of Iraq’s oil, exchanged tobuy food, ended up in the United States at knock-down prices because of thesanctions imposed by the United States and Britain to the im
  • r cent of Iraq’s oil, exchanged tobuy food, ended up in the United States at knock-down prices because of thesanctions imposed by the United States and Britain to the immense benefit of theIlluminati oil cartel.The forces of freedom and liberty have also been bombing Iraq with weaponscontaining spent uranium and this has led to the birth of babies with horribledeformities and disease (Figures 8 and 9). Sinc

  • ill end up in the United States, some to be used in the humansacrifice rituals of these sick people who trace their bloodlines back to theland of Sumer and Babylon that is now Iraq. The United States oil cartel,through Cheney’s Halliburton, has control of the Iraqi oil, the second biggestreserves in the world. The US multinationals have control of Iraqi governmentadministration, industry and commerce. The U

File: David Icke - 2003 - Tales From The Time Loop -

  • s the same with the transnational corporations, politicalparties, secret societies, media empires and the military. If you go high enoughin this structure all the transnational corporations (like the oil cartel),major political parties, secret societies, media empires and the military (viaNATO, for instance), are controlled by the same families who sit atop thebiggest pyramids. In the end there is a global

  • genocidal effects of the sanctions. Hissuccessor, Hans von Sponeck, did the same in February 2000. The US governmentresponse was to try to discredit the two men. The ‘oil for food’ farce providedthe oil cartel with cheap Iraqi oil. Forty per cent of Iraq’s oil, exchanged tobuy food, ended up in the United States at knock-down prices because of thesanctions imposed by the United States and Britain to the im
  • r cent of Iraq’s oil, exchanged tobuy food, ended up in the United States at knock-down prices because of thesanctions imposed by the United States and Britain to the immense benefit of theIlluminati oil cartel.The forces of freedom and liberty have also been bombing Iraq with weaponscontaining spent uranium and this has led to the birth of babies with horribledeformities and disease (Figures 8 and 9). Sinc

  • ill end up in the United States, some to be used in the humansacrifice rituals of these sick people who trace their bloodlines back to theland of Sumer and Babylon that is now Iraq. The United States oil cartel,through Cheney’s Halliburton, has control of the Iraqi oil, the second biggestreserves in the world. The US multinationals have control of Iraqi governmentadministration, industry and commerce. The U

File: David Icke - 2012 - Remember Who You Are -

  • o its ‘aid’organisation USAID for ‘ongoing humanitarian needs and those that can beanticipated’, and another $500 million would be given to ‘companies supplyingfuel and vital humanitarian goods’ (the oil cartel and Illuminati corporationslike Halliburton). The third $500 million would be allocated to the ‘TemporaryFinancial Mechanism’ (TFM) for ‘salaries and operating expenses of Libyan civilservants, food

File: David Icke - 2013 - The Perception Deception - Part Two -

  • that the people promoting and drivingthe climate change agenda – and profiting from it through carbon trading (see AlGore) and other means – are those behind the banks and corporations, includingthe oil cartel, that are dismantling the ecosystem. The Rockefeller family hasput multi-millions into the Green movement for goodness sake. The Club of Romeis pressing for a global carbon tax and a ‘new economic or

File: David Icke - 2013 - The Perception Deception -


  • at the people promoting and driving the climate change agenda – and profiting from it through carbon trading (see Al Gore) and other means – are those behind the banks and corporations, including the oil cartel, that are dismantling the ecosystem. The Rockefeller family has put multi-millions into the Green

File: David Icke - Alice In Wonderland And The World Trade Center Disaster -


  • the same with the transnational corporations, political parties, secret societies, media empires and the military. If you go high enough in this structure all the transnational corporations (like the oil cartel), major political parties, secret societies, media empires and the military (via NATO, for instance), are controlled by the same families who sit at the top of the biggest pyramids. In the end there


  • Intelligence coup called Operation AJAX, which removed the Iranian Prime Minister Dr Mohammad Mossadegh in 1953. The Illuminati wanted him ousted after he nationalised oil production and removed the oil cartel's power over his people. The British bloodline Prime Minister Winston Churchill was also behind the coup and Mossadegh was replaced by the dictatorship of the Shah of Iran who reversed the oil nation


  • Bush family crime 55 sanctions. His successor, Hans von Sponeck, did the same in February 2000. The US government response was to try to discredit the two men. The "oil for food" farce provides the oil cartel with cheap Iraqi oil; 40% of Iraqi's oil, exchanged to buy food, ends up in the United States at knock-down prices because of the sanctions i mposed by the United States and supported by the Illumina


  • en fear and love. oil development and pipeline projects in central and south Asia. Of course, the Bushes, Vice President Dick Cheney and many others in the US government are closely involved with the oil cartel. The Mahfouz-Al-Amoudi companies, Delta Oil, Nimir Petroleum and Corral Petroleum, formed international consortiums with United States oil giants Pennzoil (Bush family), Texaco, Unocal, Amerada Hess


  • 108 This "world" is only an illusion and we can change it any time we want. It's just a choice right now between fear and love. The oil cartel benefits enormously from cheap oil pumped by Iraq in the United Nations' (Illuminati) "oil-for-food programme". Many Illuminati companies and front men are benefiting from contracts with Iraq and oth


  • eed different factions of them) are desperate to control contain the world's third largest oil and natural gas reserves after the Gulf region and Siberia, and it has been the number one target of the oil cartel and its political representatives since the manufactured break-up of the former Soviet Union aided by Illuminati front man, Mikhail Gorbachev (see And The Truth Shall Set You Free and The Biggest Sec


  • er would ultimately become master of the pipelines which, some time in this century, will transport the oil and gas from the Caspian basin to an energy-avid world." 29 Different place, same names The oil cartel and its political cronies and associates are working together to maximise their power and profits. One example is the Azerbaijan International Operating Company (AIOC), which is a consortium involvin


  • sanctions and restrictions on US aid to the country. This was made law through section 907 of the 1992 Freedom Support Act. Cheney has pressed for the repeal of this section to release funds for the oil cartel's operations in Azerbaijan and has lobbied constantly for sanctions to be lifted on Iran and other countries to ease through the Illuminati oil agenda he represents. He is also among those lobbying f
  • i army. By 1997, Pennzoil, Unocal, Amoco and Exxon had invested $5 billion in Azerbaijan and, as we have seen so many times, forcibly controlling the population to ensure unchallenged control for the oil cartel is a constant strategy. Compliant dictatorships are good for business and I include "democracies" in that also. The Azerbaijan government is now serving the interests of this American and British tak

File: David Icke - Alice in Wonderland and the World Trade Center (Chap 1-7) (2002) -


  • the same with the transnational corporations, political parties, secret societies, media empires and the military. If you go high enough in this structure all the transnational corporations (like the oil cartel), major political parties, secret societies, media empires and the military (via NATO, for instance), are controlled by the same families who sit at the top of the biggest pyramids. In the end there


  • Intelligence coup called Operation AJAX, which removed the Iranian Prime Minister Dr Mohammad Mossadegh in 1953. The Illuminati wanted him ousted after he nationalised oil production and removed the oil cartel's power over his people. The British bloodline Prime Minister Winston Churchill was also behind the coup and Mossadegh was replaced by the dictatorship of the Shah of Iran who reversed the oil nation


  • Bush family crime 55 sanctions. His successor, Hans von Sponeck, did the same in February 2000. The US government response was to try to discredit the two men. The "oil for food" farce provides the oil cartel with cheap Iraqi oil; 40% of Iraqi's oil, exchanged to buy food, ends up in the United States at knock-down prices because of the sanctions i mposed by the United States and supported by the Illumina


  • en fear and love. oil development and pipeline projects in central and south Asia. Of course, the Bushes, Vice President Dick Cheney and many others in the US government are closely involved with the oil cartel. The Mahfouz-Al-Amoudi companies, Delta Oil, Nimir Petroleum and Corral Petroleum, formed international consortiums with United States oil giants Pennzoil (Bush family), Texaco, Unocal, Amerada Hess


  • 108 This "world" is only an illusion and we can change it any time we want. It's just a choice right now between fear and love. The oil cartel benefits enormously from cheap oil pumped by Iraq in the United Nations' (Illuminati) "oil-for-food programme". Many Illuminati companies and front men are benefiting from contracts with Iraq and oth


  • eed different factions of them) are desperate to control contain the world's third largest oil and natural gas reserves after the Gulf region and Siberia, and it has been the number one target of the oil cartel and its political representatives since the manufactured break-up of the former Soviet Union aided by Illuminati front man, Mikhail Gorbachev (see And The Truth Shall Set You Free and The Biggest Sec


  • er would ultimately become master of the pipelines which, some time in this century, will transport the oil and gas from the Caspian basin to an energy-avid world." 29 Different place, same names The oil cartel and its political cronies and associates are working together to maximise their power and profits. One example is the Azerbaijan International Operating Company (AIOC), which is a consortium involvin


  • sanctions and restrictions on US aid to the country. This was made law through section 907 of the 1992 Freedom Support Act. Cheney has pressed for the repeal of this section to release funds for the oil cartel's operations in Azerbaijan and has lobbied constantly for sanctions to be lifted on Iran and other countries to ease through the Illuminati oil agenda he represents. He is also among those lobbying f
  • i army. By 1997, Pennzoil, Unocal, Amoco and Exxon had invested $5 billion in Azerbaijan and, as we have seen so many times, forcibly controlling the population to ensure unchallenged control for the oil cartel is a constant strategy. Compliant dictatorships are good for business and I include "democracies" in that also. The Azerbaijan government is now serving the interests of this American and British tak

File: David Icke - And The Truth Shall Set You Free -


  • friends, is the 'free' trade the economists, politicians, and news correspond ents tell us we desp erately need more of. The word in my head at this moment does not bear repeating. The Seven Sisters Oil Cartel Working alongside the banks, and owne d by the same pe ople, are the oil companies. These are responsible for countless coups and conflicts and the grotesque manipulation of sovereign countries. As l


  • ,000. Eventually the 'oil wars' between the rival comp anies ended in the late 1920s with an agreement fina lised at Achnacarry, Sir Henry Deterding's Scottish Castle. This created the Anglo-American oil cartel which became known as the Seven Sisters. The meeting between Deterding, John Cadm an of Anglo-Persian Oil (BP), and Franklin D. Roosevelt's close fri end, Walter Teagle, of the Rockefellers' Standard


  • th of shares in Standard Oil of California, better known as Chevron. At the ti me of his death, Mattei was arranging to meet Presid ent Kennedy, who, according to some researchers, was pressuring the oil cartel to reach agreement with the Italians. A year later Kennedy himself was assassinated. The oil companies, governments, intelligence agencies, the banks, the multinationals, the media: all of these are


  • public eye, I don't know. I do hope the first one is the case. If you know what happened to the WCB, please let me know. The Nuclear Power 'Sting' One effect of the oil price shocks which th e Elite oil cartels had to suppress was the move to nuclear power. I have great reservations about nucl ear power and I feel it is just a middle stage before we realise it is possibl e to harness the natural energies o
  • to harness the natural energies of Planet Earth to give us all the safe, non-polluting, warmth and power that we need. What is clear, however, is that there has been a well-organised campaign by the oil cartels to discredit and destroy nuclear powe r as a credible altern ative to oil. What follows will provide more cause for reflection by the en vironmental movement, and give you another example of how the
  • was a consultant to the National Security Council of John F. Kennedy. The Ford Foundation report pressed for 'alternativ e' energy sources like wind and solar power, and dismissed nuclear power. Th e oil cartel is quite happy with the conventional green 'alternati ves' because they do not have the credibility to replace oil. They fear other altern atives, however, li ke nuclear power an d, especially, the f

File: David Icke - And the Truth Shall Set You Free, 21st Century Edition (2004) -


  • friends, is the 'free' trade the economists, politicians, and news correspond ents tell us we desp erately need more of. The word in my head at this moment does not bear repeating. The Seven Sisters Oil Cartel Working alongside the banks, and owne d by the same pe ople, are the oil companies. These are responsible for countless coups and conflicts and the grotesque manipulation of sovereign countries. As l


  • ,000. Eventually the 'oil wars' between the rival comp anies ended in the late 1920s with an agreement fina lised at Achnacarry, Sir Henry Deterding's Scottish Castle. This created the Anglo-American oil cartel which became known as the Seven Sisters. The meeting between Deterding, John Cadm an of Anglo-Persian Oil (BP), and Franklin D. Roosevelt's close fri end, Walter Teagle, of the Rockefellers' Standard


  • th of shares in Standard Oil of California, better known as Chevron. At the ti me of his death, Mattei was arranging to meet Presid ent Kennedy, who, according to some researchers, was pressuring the oil cartel to reach agreement with the Italians. A year later Kennedy himself was assassinated. The oil companies, governments, intelligence agencies, the banks, the multinationals, the media: all of these are


  • public eye, I don't know. I do hope the first one is the case. If you know what happened to the WCB, please let me know. The Nuclear Power 'Sting' One effect of the oil price shocks which th e Elite oil cartels had to suppress was the move to nuclear power. I have great reservations about nucl ear power and I feel it is just a middle stage before we realise it is possibl e to harness the natural energies o
  • to harness the natural energies of Planet Earth to give us all the safe, non-polluting, warmth and power that we need. What is clear, however, is that there has been a well-organised campaign by the oil cartels to discredit and destroy nuclear powe r as a credible altern ative to oil. What follows will provide more cause for reflection by the en vironmental movement, and give you another example of how the
  • was a consultant to the National Security Council of John F. Kennedy. The Ford Foundation report pressed for 'alternativ e' energy sources like wind and solar power, and dismissed nuclear power. Th e oil cartel is quite happy with the conventional green 'alternati ves' because they do not have the credibility to replace oil. They fear other altern atives, however, li ke nuclear power an d, especially, the f

File: David Icke - Tales From The Time Loop -


  • same with the translational corporations, political parties, secret societies, media e mpires and the military. If you go high enough in this s tructure a ll the translational corporations (like the oil cartel), major political parties, secret societies, media e mpires and the military (via NA TO, for instance), are c ontrolled by the same families who sit atop the biggest pyramids. In the e nd there is a


  • elligence c oup called Operation AJAX, which removed the Iranian Prime Minister Dr Mohamm ad Mossadegh in 1 953. The Illuminati wanted h im ousted after he nationalised oil production and removed the oil cartel's power over his people. The British blood line Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, was also behind the c oup . Mossadegh was replace d by the dictatorship o f the Shah o f Ir an who reversed the oil


  • l effects of the sanctions. His successor, Hans von Spon eck, did the same in February 2000 . The US gov ernment respon se was to try to discredit t he two men. The 'oil for food ' farce provided the oil cartel with cheap Iraqi oil. Forty p er cent of Iraq's oil, exchanged to buy food, ended up in the United States at kno ck-down p rices because of the sanctions imposed by the United States and Britain to t
  • t of Iraq's oil, exchanged to buy food, ended up in the United States at kno ck-down p rices because of the sanctions imposed by the United States and Britain to the immense benefit of the Illuminati oil cartel. The forces of freedom and 1 iberty h ave a lso b een bo mbing Iraq with weapon s containing spent uranium and this has led to the birth o f babies with ho rrible deformities and d isease (Figures 8


  • d up in the United States, some to b e used in the human sacrifice rituals of these sick p eople who trace their blood lines back to the land o f Sumer and Babylon that is now Iraq. The United States oil cartel, through Cheney's Halliburton, has control of the Iraqi oil, the second biggest reserves in the world. The US multinationals have control of Ir aqi government administration, indu stry and commerce.

File: David Icke - Tales from the Time Loop (2003) -


  • same with the translational corporations, political parties, secret societies, media e mpires and the military. If you go high enough in this s tructure a ll the translational corporations (like the oil cartel), major political parties, secret societies, media e mpires and the military (via NA TO, for instance), are c ontrolled by the same families who sit atop the biggest pyramids. In the e nd there is a


  • elligence c oup called Operation AJAX, which removed the Iranian Prime Minister Dr Mohamm ad Mossadegh in 1 953. The Illuminati wanted h im ousted after he nationalised oil production and removed the oil cartel's power over his people. The British blood line Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, was also behind the c oup . Mossadegh was replace d by the dictatorship o f the Shah o f Ir an who reversed the oil


  • l effects of the sanctions. His successor, Hans von Spon eck, did the same in February 2000 . The US gov ernment respon se was to try to discredit t he two men. The 'oil for food ' farce provided the oil cartel with cheap Iraqi oil. Forty p er cent of Iraq's oil, exchanged to buy food, ended up in the United States at kno ck-down p rices because of the sanctions imposed by the United States and Britain to t
  • t of Iraq's oil, exchanged to buy food, ended up in the United States at kno ck-down p rices because of the sanctions imposed by the United States and Britain to the immense benefit of the Illuminati oil cartel. The forces of freedom and 1 iberty h ave a lso b een bo mbing Iraq with weapon s containing spent uranium and this has led to the birth o f babies with ho rrible deformities and d isease (Figures 8


  • d up in the United States, some to b e used in the human sacrifice rituals of these sick p eople who trace their blood lines back to the land o f Sumer and Babylon that is now Iraq. The United States oil cartel, through Cheney's Halliburton, has control of the Iraqi oil, the second biggest reserves in the world. The US multinationals have control of Ir aqi government administration, indu stry and commerce.

File: Occult Ether Physics -


  • atomic hydrogen is "free", ex cept, unlike sunshine, you could produce as much as you wa nt, any time, day or night, summer or winter, rain or shine; the farmer would no longer be dependent upon the oil cartels for his energy, and could run his machin ery and heat his barns "free". He could tell the fuel suppliers and the banks to screw themselves. People in the far Alaskan north coul d heat large spaces w


  • . Scha fflander's lighter liquid hydride system, which uses solar-vol taics to generate the hydrogen, would be a wonderful wa y to store and deliver hydrogen for the atomic hydrogen process. Goodbye, oil cartels , hello atomic hydrogen, it's pay- back time! By the way, the reason my "cold fusion" process (using my weird. lead -based cathode) which I tested back in 1980, worked so well (see Space Aliens from

File: William Lyne - OCCULT ETHER PHYSICS_ 4th Revised and Expanded Edition_ Tesla’s _Ideal Flying Machine_ and the Conspiracy to Conceal It (2012, Creatopia Productions) -

  • from atomic hydrogen is“free”, except, unlike sunshine, you could produce as much as you want, anytime, day or night, summer or winter, rain or shine; the farmer would no longerbe dependent upon the oil cartels for his energy, and could run his machineryand heat his barns “free”. He could tell the fuel suppliers and the banks toscrew themselves. People in the far Alaskan north could heat large spaceswithou
  • systems. Schafflander’s lighter liquidhydride system, which used solarvoltaics to generate the hydrogen, would be awonderful way to store and deliver hydrogen for the atomic hydrogen process.Goodbye oil cartels, hello atomic hydrogen, it’s pay-back time!By the way, the reason my “cold fusion” process (using my weird lead-basedcathode) which I tested back in 1980, worked so well was because Langmuir, backin

File: G. Edward Griffin - World Without Cancer, The Story of Vitamin B17 (New Edition) (1997) -


  • .... Because of a cartel of the natural rubber producers, the United States found itself facing an all-out war without an adequate rubber stock-pile. And because of the operation of the I.G.-Standard Oil cartel, no effective program for making synthetic rubber was underway.(1) Aluminum is another material that is essential for modern warfare. But here, too, cartel influence stood in the way of American deve


  • links through investments in many foreign "competitors." These included Royal Dutch (Shell Oil) and a half interest in the Soviet Nobel Oil Works. What influence the Rockefellers exert through their oil cartel, as impressive as it is, is peanuts compared to what they have accomplished in later years through the magic of international finance and investment banking. That part of the story begins in 1891 whe

File: The Great Libertarian Offer -


  • erations. First, the desire for fuel efficiency was born in the 1970s when U.S. price controls on oil and natural gas kept oil companies from developing new petroleum sources to compete with the OPEC oil cartel. Once the government removed those controls in 1981, oil production boomed, oil prices plummeted, and there was no longer a need to conserve oil. But the EPA continues to pretend that fuel efficiency

File: Seeds of Destruction -


  • orld agricul- ture, under terms defined by US agribusiness. WTO rules would open the legal and political path to the creation of a global "mar- ket" in food commodities similar to that created by the oil cartel under the Rockefeller Standard Oil group a century before. Never before the advent of agribusiness had agriculture crops been viewed as a pure commodity with a global market price. Crops had always b

File: World Without Cancer -


  • .... Because of a cartel of the natural rubber producers, the United States found itself facing an all-out war without an adequate rubber stock-pile. And because of the operation of the I.G.-Standard Oil cartel, no effective program for making synthetic rubber was underway.(1) Aluminum is another material that is essential for modern warfare. But here, too, cartel influence stood in the way of American deve


  • links through investments in many foreign "competitors." These included Royal Dutch (Shell Oil) and a half interest in the Soviet Nobel Oil Works. What influence the Rockefellers exert through their oil cartel, as impressive as it is, is peanuts compared to what they have accomplished in later years through the magic of international finance and investment banking. That part of the story begins in 1891 whe

File: John Coleman - Diplomacy by Deception -


  • ent Bush. The Gulf War was a continuation of earlier efforts to wrest control of Iraqi oil from its rightful owners and to protect the entrenched position of British Petroleum and other majors of the oil cartel for the Committee of 300. The Balfour Declaration is the kind of document for which the British became infamous. In 1899, they had pressed deception against the tiny Boer Republics in South Africa to


  • ssadegh. Because of this, British Petroleum appealed to the British government to "put an end to the nuisance Mossadegh was creating." Churchill, eager to comply with the demands of the Seven Sisters oil cartel (made up of the seven major British and American oil companies in the Middle East), asked the U.S. for help. A talented, well-educated and astute politician from a wealthy back- ground, Mossadegh's d

File: John Coleman - Tavistock Institute Of Human Relations -


  • Wilson s ent American troops to their death in France to "make t he world safe for democracy.") Bush the elder suddenly began vilifying and demonizing the Iraqi president to sui t the purposes of his oil cartel friends, and, as in the case of the Kaiser in 1913, it worked. Not many people remembered the ploy put on by Wilso n, otherwise they might have noticed the striking simi larity in what President Bush


  • for his acts of defiance of the U.S. Constitution. This is not the first time that Elizabeth had rewarded American law breakers with high honors. British and American cultists and Illuminists in th e oil cartels are still carrying out a war of attrition against I raq in 2005. They will not stop until they have laid their greed y, bloodstained hands on Iraq's oil riches in the mann er in which Milner stole t

File: John Coleman - We Fight For Oil -


  • ..........................................85 Chapter 10: Dr. Mossadegh Battl es the Cartel .................................................... 93 Chapter 11: Enrico Mattei takes on the Seven Sisters Oil Cartel....................... 101 Chapter 12: Royal Dutch Shell........................................................................... 107


  • Oman under the watchful eye of the CIA an d to a lesser extent, MI6. I am reminded of the striking similarity between the East India Company (forerunner of the Committee of 300) and the Seven Sisters oil cartel. Granted a charter in 1600 during the reign of Elizabeth I, the East India Company received a second charter from Charles II, the Stuart king, giving it the right to wage wars, make peace and conduct


  • revenues falling from $40 million in 1951 to less than $2 million at the start of 1952. Dr. Mossadegh, like Mohammed Reza Pahlavi, the Shah of Iran, had no idea of the power and clout of the American oil cartels and BP. Mossadegh, who came from a wealthy family, was a gifted and talented politician, but he was portrayed all over the world as a silly little man running around Teheran in pajamas, immersed in


  • his imperial mast ers. The cost to the American taxpayer of this illegal adventure in 1970 was in excess of $1 billion. The only party who benefited from the underhand treachery was the Seven Sisters oil cartel and their paid puppets that had made it all possible. Although he did not know it at the time, the Shah was to suffer the same fate as Mossadegh and at the hands of the very same imperialist clique o


  • f Bari with 18,000 tons of Iranian crude oil. Bolstered by his success, Mattei proceeded to African and Asian nations with oil reserves to strike similar deals. One of the things that most upset th e oil cartel of Britain and the U.S. was ENI's offer to build refineries in the countries with oil deposits, which would be locally-owned and make them full partners. The return for ENI was in the form of exclusi
  • ed before, what came out of the discussions between Russian Foreign Trade Minister Patolitschev and Mattei left them r eeling and set trans-Atlantic alarm bells ringing wildly. The worst fears of the oil cartel were realized


  • ed. There is a postscript to this "Unsol ved Mystery." At the time the plane crashed and ended his life, Mattei was scheduled to meet with U.S. President John F. Kennedy. High on their agenda was the oil cartel which Kennedy was known to mistrust and secretly hate, especially because of its close relations with the CIA that had long disturbed him. It was well known in his inner circle that Kennedy regarded


  • s are also known as the "Olympians." They control production of crude oil, refineries and shipping, except in Russia and now, Venezuela. It is estimated that as much as 75% of the profits made by the oil cartel comes from "downstream" companies such as refining, storage, shipping, plastics, petrochemicals and so on. The second largest refinery in th e world owned and controlled by the cartel is located at P


  • et Union, nor can we leave uncha llenged the assertion that these companies are engaged in a criminal conspiracy for the purpose of predatory exploration. Acheson's position was altogether false. The oil cartel was, and still is, engaged in imperial predatory ra pe of oil-producing countries, and their activities in interfering with, or making foreign policy decisions based on their best interests, is a dan
  • illicit relationship, and in any case, wasn't it Churchill, with the full approval of the petroleum industry, who invited the Russians to join in the invasion of Iran and also Iraq? The power of the oil cartel was never in doubt. Truman's Attorney General had warned years before that the world should be free of control of the imperial petroleum industry: The world petroleum cartel is an authoritarian domin


  • was successful. Poor Mossadegh, not being aware that Rockefeller and Eisenhower were in cahoots, kept right on appealing to Eisenhower, who, bei ng the pathetic plaything of the Rockefellers and the oil cartel, did nothing to stop the illegal activities of the CIA in Iran. After Mossadegh was ousted, the Shah returned to Iran, but soon became disillusioned when he discovered ~ thanks to the work of Dr. Mos


  • an to write Venezuela's petroleum laws that led to a nasty strike in Maracaibo in 1922. But the information provided by the Shah was to be his undoing. The civil proceedings in Washington against the oil cartel members began to fizzle and even as Kermit Roosevelt was going at it hammer and tongs in Teheran, Eisenhower instructed his Attorney General to work out a face-saving compromise between the courts an
  • rs began to fizzle and even as Kermit Roosevelt was going at it hammer and tongs in Teheran, Eisenhower instructed his Attorney General to work out a face-saving compromise between the courts and the oil cartel, one which, in his words ". . . would protect the interests of the free world in the Near East as a major source of petroleum supplies." Even more astounding, Eisenhower then instructed the Attorney
  • r lives away in the interests of the petroleum indus try, we can certainly see where Khomeini might be justified in such a characterization. Throughout the near-farcical civil proceedings against the oil cartel members, the State Department continuously referred to the defendants as "the so-called petrol eum cartel" knowing full well that there was nothing "so-called" about the Seven Sisters and the partici


  • it to a nation of laws, and not of men. The modern-day robber barons fleece the American people at the pumps in the most brazen and sham eless fashion in their long, brazen and shameless history. The oil cartel is ruthless, well-organized and


  • selves obscene profits at the cost of the American motorist. Theirs is a racket which makes th e wealth of the combined Mafia "families" in America look like pocket change, and perhaps that makes the oil cartel members racketeers. Why is the RICO statute not being enforced against the Petroleum Industry? Thanks to their agents in the legislature, they have been able to get away with "grand theft, gasoline"
  • them put an end to the bare-faced robbery at the gasoline pumps, which because of their silence, has become a perm anent fixture on the American landscape. Be sure of one thing, the racketeers of the oil cartel will not stop until they have imposed a price of $4.50 per gallon on all of us.


  • industry. The conspirators are the inheritors of the 18 th Century secret order with blueprint laid down by Adam Weishaupt and his Order of the Illuminati, the illuminated ones. The list of prominent oil cartel men who are members of the Illuminati has never been made public, but all indications point to it being a substantial number. We will confine this to a brief account of the Illuminati. The objective


  • 180 Dr. John Coleman Union. The Rockefeller circle planne d to seize control of Persian Gulf oil from the British-Persian Oil cartel and seize control of Southeast Asian oil from Royal Dutch Shell. In 1939 and 1940, the Germans and Italians did not attack Russia as the "Big Three" (a Tavistock- created tag) had expected. Instead,


  • a Conventions, precipitously launching a bombing ra id of Baghdad. The illegal war against Iraq ended all the standing Iraqi agreements with Russia, Germany and France. Unbeknown to the Seven Sisters oil cartel, serious reprisals would follow a scant three years later. The outcry of the European nations against Bush and the Neo-Bolshevik attack on Iraq was immediate. The puerile excuse given to the wo rld w

File: Roberts, Archibald E. - The Most Secret Science (1984) -


  • unable to supply the Communist satellite countries in the Far East across more than 20,000 miles of ocean. So the Soviets went shopping on the international oil market and made a deal with the world oil cartel to provide most of the liquid fuels for the Communist war machines in Korea and Vietnam. To supply the oil, the Rockefeller interests used mainly the Arabian-Amerci an Oil Company (ARAMCO), which is

File: Murray Rothbard - America's Great Depression -


  • e effort. Some well owners found that they could evade the troops and decrees and smuggle “hot oil” out of the state, but this “loophole” of freedom was finally closed by the New Deal. To bolster the oil cartel, the Federal budget of 1932 included a tariff on imported crude oil and on petroleum products. This made the domestic cartel more effective, but it also reduced American exports of petroleum. 42 It i

File: Analysis of Tragedy and Hope - Carroll Quigley -


  • #6 million a year. 6) The company drew many persons to arid and uninhabited areas and then provided very little of the costs of housing, education, or health. 7) AIOC as a member of the international oil cartel reduced its oil production and thus reduced Iran's royalties. 8) AIOC continued to calculate its payments to Iran in gold at #8.1 per ounce for years after the world gold price had risen to #13 an ou


  • he country. Iranian funds were blocked; its purchases in British controlled markets were interrupted; its efforts to sell oil abroad were frustrated by a combination of the British Navy and the world oil cartel (which closed sales and distribution facilities to Iranian oil). These cut off a substantial portion of the Iranian government's revenues and forced a drastic curtailment of government expenditures.

File: Atlantean Conspiracy -


  • he same with the transnational corporations, political parties, secret societies, media empires and the military. If you go high enou gh in this structure all the translational corporations (like the oil cartel), m ajor political parties, secret societies, media empires and the military (via NATO , for instance), are controlled by the same families who sit atop the biggest pyramids . In the end there is a g

File: Battle Hymn - Revelations Of The Sinister Plan For A New World Order -


  • o the Bush family and to Secretary of State James Baker. What was good news to them also was good news to the oil magnates who supported them with campaign funds, including the Rockefeller-controlled oil cartel. What went unreported was the benefit this war seemed to promise the globalists, who had often stated their preference for a one-world military force. Some authors believe the Persian Gulf War was in

File: Battle Hymn - Revelations Of The Sinister Plan For A New World Order -


  • o the Bush family and to Secretary of State James Baker. What was good news to them also was good news to the oil magnates who supported them with campaign funds, including the Rockefeller-controlled oil cartel. What went unreported was the benefit this war seemed to promise the globalists, who had often stated their preference for a one-world military force. Some authors believe the Persian Gulf War was in

File: Brotherhood And The Manipulation Of Society -


  • nipulated to serve the Elite.). The oil and petrochemical industries form the backbone of the Elite's income and recruitment. The oil price shocks in the 1970s were manipulated by the 'Seven Sisters' oil cartel and the Bilderberg Group to massively inflate the price of oil. Conventionally, nuclear power forms the only credible alternative to fossil fuels so it had to de discredited. One of the Bilderbergers

File: Brown, Ellen Hodgson - The Web of Debt, The Shocking Truth About Our Money System 3rd (2008) -


  • y were the Mor- gan/Wall Street/Cleveland faction in the East (the Wicked Witch of the East) and this Rockefeller-backed contingent from Ohio, the state of McKinley, Hanna, and Rockefeller’s Standard Oil cartel. Hanna was an industrialist who was a high school friend of John D. Rockefeller and had the financial backing of the oil giant. 16 Dorothy and her friends learned that the Witch of the West had ensla


  • r face financial ruin. By 1890, Rockefeller owned all of the independent oil refiners in the country and had a monopoly on worldwide oil sales. In 1911, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the Standard Oil cartel was a “danger- ous conspiracy” that must be broken up “for the safety of the Repub- lic.” (“Conspiracy” is a legal term meaning an agreement between two or more persons to commit a crime or accomplis


  • ppressed competition. 12 International strategist Henry Kissinger would say much later that whoever controlled oil controlled the world. That was true so long as the world was powered by oil, and the oil cartel evidently intended to keep it that way. Early in the twentieth century, energy genius Nikola Tesla was reportedly on the verge of developing “free energy” that would be independent of both fossil fue


  • rnational corporate/banking/military cartel. 4 President Eisenhower warned in his 1961 Farewell Address of the encroaching powers of the military- industrial complex. To that mix Gibson would add the oil cartel and the Morgan-Rockefeller banking sector, which were closely aligned. Kennedy took a bold stand against them all. How he stood up to the CIA and the military was revealed by James Bamford in a book

File: Coleman - Diplomacy by Deception - Account Treasonous Conduct by Britain and United States (1993) -


  • nt Bush. The Gulf War was a continuation of earlier efforts to wrest control of Iraqi oil from its rightful owners and to protect the entrenched position of British Petrol eum and other majors of the oil cartel for the Committee of 300. The Balfour Declaration is the kind of document fo r which the British became infamous. In 1899, they had pressed deception against the tiny Boer Republics in South Africa t


  • degh. Because of this, British Petroleum appealed to the British government to "put an end to the nuisance Mossadegh wa s creating." Chur chill, eager to comply with the demands of the Se ven Sisters oil cartel (made up of the seven major British and American oil companies in the Middle East), asked the U.S. for help. A talented, well-educated and astu te politician from a wealthy back- ground, Mossadegh's

File: David Icke - Alice in Wonderland and the World Trade Center (Chap 1-7) (2002) -


  • s the same with the transnational corporations, political parties, secret societies,media empires and the military. If you go high enough in this structure all thetransnational corporations (like the oil cartel), major political parties, secretsocieties,media empires and the military (via NATO, for instance), are controlled bythe same families who sit at the top of the biggest pyramids. In the end there is


  • can Intelligence coup called Operation AJAX,which removed the Iranian Prime Minister Dr Mohammad Mossadegh in 1953. TheIlluminati wanted him ousted after he nationalised oil production and removed theoil cartel's power over his people. The British bloodline Prime Minister WinstonChurchill was also behind the coup and Mossadegh was replaced by thedictatorship of the Shah of Iran who reversed the oil national


  • •The Bush family crime 55sanctions. His successor, Hans von Sponeck, did the same in February 2000. The USgovernment response was to try to discredit the two men. The "oil for food" farceprovides the oil cartel with cheap Iraqi oil; 40% of Iraqi's oil, exchanged to buyfood, ends up in the United States at knock-down prices because of the sanctionsimposed by the United States and supported by the Illuminati


  • tween fear and love.oil development and pipeline projects in central and south Asia. Of course, theBushes, Vice President Dick Cheney and many others in the US government areclosely involved with the oil cartel. The Mahfouz-Al-Amoudi companies, Delta Oil,Nimir Petroleum and Corral Petroleum, formed international consortiums withUnited States oil giants Pennzoil (Bush family), Texaco, Unocal, Amerada Hess an


  • 108 This "world" is only an illusion and we can change it any time we want. It's just a choice right now between fear and love.The oil cartel benefits enormously from cheap oil pumped by Iraq in the UnitedNations' (Illuminati) "oil-for-food programme". Many Illuminati companies andfront men are benefiting from contracts with Iraq and other


  • ndeed different factions of them) are desperate to controlcontain the world's third largest oil and natural gas reserves after the Gulf regionand Siberia, and it has been the number one target of the oil cartel and its politicalrepresentatives since the manufactured break-up of the former Soviet Union aidedby Illuminati front man, Mikhail Gorbachev (seeAnd The Truth Shall Set You FreeandThe Biggest Secret).


  • hpower would ultimately become master of the pipelines which, some time in thiscentury, will transport the oil and gas from the Caspian basin to an energy-avid world."29Different place, same namesThe oil cartel and its political cronies and associates are working together tomaximise their power and profits. One example is the Azerbaijan InternationalOperating Company (AIOC), which is a consortium involving


  • to sanctions and restrictionson US aid to the country. This was made law through section 907 of the 1992Freedom Support Act. Cheney has pressed for the repeal of this section to releasefunds for the oil cartel's operations in Azerbaijan and has lobbied constantly forsanctions to be lifted on Iran and other countries to ease through the Illuminati oilagenda he represents. He is also among those lobbying for
  • jani army.By 1997, Pennzoil, Unocal, Amoco and Exxon had invested $5 billion inAzerbaijan and, as we have seen so many times, forcibly controlling the populationto ensure unchallenged control for the oil cartel is a constant strategy. Compliantdictatorships are good for business and I include "democracies" in that also. TheAzerbaijan government is now serving the interests of this American and Britishtakeov

File: David Icke - And the Truth Shall Set You Free, 21st Century Edition (2004) -


  • my friends, is the 'free' trade the economists, politicians, and news correspondents tell us we desperately need more of. The word in my head at this moment does not bear repeating. The Seven Sisters Oil Cartel Working alongside the banks, and owned by the same people, are the oil companies. These are responsible for countless coups and conflicts and the grotesque manipulation of sovereign countries. As lat


  • 00,000. Eventually the 'oil wars' between the rival companies ended in the late 1920s with an agreement finalised at Achnacarry, Sir Henry Deterding's Scottish Castle. This created the Anglo-American oil cartel which became known as the Seven Sisters. The meeting between Deterding, John Cadman of Anglo-Persian Oil (BP), and Franklin D. Roosevelt's close friend, Walter Teagle, of the Rockefellers' Standard O


  • s biggest non-communist resistance organisation in the Second World War. It was Mattei who coined the term Seven Sisters. He wanted a self-sufficient Italy which was independent of the Anglo-American oil cartel. As head of the State energy company, ENI, he established a network of petrol stations across Italy which rivalled those of Shell and Esso. This expanded into refineries, a vast chemical plant, a tan
  • orth of shares in Standard Oil of California, better known as Chevron. At the time of his death, Mattei was arranging to meet President Kennedy, who, according to some researchers, was pressuring the oil cartel to reach agreement with the Italians. A year later Kennedy himself was assassinated. The oil companies, governments, intelligence agencies, the banks, the multinationals, the media: all of these are


  • e public eye, I don't know. I do hope the first one is the case. If you know what happened to the WCB, please let me know. The Nuclear Power 'Sting' One effect of the oil price shocks which the Elite oil cartels had to suppress was the move to nuclear power. I have great reservations about nuclear power and I feel it is just a middle stage before we realise it is possible to harness the natural energies of
  • to harness the natural energies of Planet Earth to give us all the safe, non-polluting, warmth and power that we need. What is clear, however, is that there has been a well-organised campaign by the oil cartels to discredit and destroy nuclear power as a credible alternative to oil. What follows will provide more cause for reflection by the environmental movement, and give you another example of how the ne
  • r was a consultant to the National Security Council of John F. Kennedy. The Ford Foundation report pressed for 'alternative' energy sources like wind and solar power, and dismissed nuclear power. The oil cartel is quite happy with the conventional green 'alternatives' because they do not have the credibility to replace oil. They fear other alternatives, however, like nuclear power and, especially, the free


  • oilman. Much of his colossal fortune comes from oil and those companies provided the bulk of his election funds. When Bush policies led to a rise in the price of oil, both his income and that of the oil cartel went up by enormous amounts. It was the same for another oilman, James Baker, Bush's secretary of state. In the wider sense, the more the Arab oil producers could be divided, the more power the Unite

File: David Icke - Tales from the Time Loop (2003) -


  • the same with the translational corporations, political parties, secret societies, media empires and the military. If you go high enough in this structure all the translational corporations (like the oil cartel), major political parties, secret societies, media empires and the military (via NATO, for instance), are controlled by the same families who sit atop the biggest pyramids. In the end there is a glob


  • Intelligence coup called Operation AJAX, which removed the Iranian Prime Minister Dr Mohammad Mossadegh in 1953. The Illuminati wanted him ousted after he nationalised oil production and removed the oil cartel's power over his people. The British bloodline Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, was also behind the coup. Mossadegh was replaced by the dictatorship of the Shah of Iran who reversed the oil nationa


  • nocidal effects of the sanctions. His successor, Hans von Sponeck, did the same in February 2000. The US government response was to try to discredit the two men. The 'oil for food' farce provided the oil cartel with cheap Iraqi oil. Forty per cent of Iraq's oil, exchanged to buy food, ended up in the United States at knock-down prices because of the sanctions imposed by the United States and Britain to the
  • ent of Iraq's oil, exchanged to buy food, ended up in the United States at knock-down prices because of the sanctions imposed by the United States and Britain to the immense benefit of the Illuminati oil cartel. The forces of freedom and 1iberty have also been bombing Iraq with weapons containing spent uranium and this has led to the birth of babies with horrible deformities and disease (Figures 8 and 9). S


  • l end up in the United States, some to be used in the human sacrifice rituals of these sick people who trace their bloodlines back to the land of Sumer and Babylon that is now Iraq. The United States oil cartel, through Cheney's Halliburton, has control of the Iraqi oil, the second biggest reserves in the world. The US multinationals have control of Iraqi government administration, industry and commerce. Th

File: Devil's Chessboard - Allen Dulles, The CIA, And The Rise Of America's Secret Government -

  • livanand Cromwell petroleum clients soon after President Eisenhower took office bysabotaging a Justice Department antitrust case against the Seven Sisters oilgiants. The price-fixing case against the oil cartel, a holdover from the Trumanyears, was reduced from a criminal to a civil charge and convenientlytransferred to Foster Dulles’s jurisdiction, the first time in U.S. history thatan antitrust case was h

  • leading player in the private security field. Maheu’s firm washired to help sabotage an agreement between Niarchos’s business rival AristotleOnassis and the Saudi royal family that the international oil cartel and theDulles brothers feared would corner the oil shipping business and harm Westerninterests. The oil caper involved a series of shady maneuvers aimed at smearingthe reputation of Onassis—and perha

File: Ecoscience - John Holdren -


  • primarily to those in the Middle East. In 1974 alon e, this flood amounted to some $75 billion more than would have been transferred under the ear lier price structure, and it left the nations of the oil cartel with an estimated cash surplus of $6 5 billion. 23 This does not include increases in


  • d to the bankruptcy of some of the weaker industrial nations, such as Italy. The Organization for Economic Cooperation an d Development (OECD) estimated conservatively that by 1980 the members of the oil cartel would have about $300 billion in petrodollars. 25 And the petroleumimporting nations would have accu mulated trading deficits equal to that amount. Where might the ____________________ 21 For extens


  • ucers  but in many ways that seems more attractive than such alternatives as spending dollar and gold reserves ( they would be exhausted in a year or so) or gradually selling their countries to the oil cartel . Meanwhile, the world monetary system has been threa tened by a crisis of confidence. Will nations attempt to pay their oil bills by simply pr inting money, or by restricting imports from OPEC and i


  • All the rich nations must by now recognize that the ir fates are inextricably bound up with those of the LDCs  the OPEC oil cartel and the Indian A bomb should have made this crystal clear. They must further recognize that their accustomed p atterns of using resources cannot continue much longer  if depletion and rising price

File: Engdahl, William - A Century of War, Anglo-American Oil Politics and the New World Order (1993) -


  • ed behind the scenes as part of the British government secret intelligence services, was perhaps the most influential international business figure of his day. In 1928 he organized the Anglo-American oil cartel Red Line Agreement to carve up the Middle East; in 1932-33 he was a key behind-the- scenes financial backer to the German NSDAP party of Hitler. German Foreign Minister Walther Rathenau was assas- si


  • rs had been resolved. The oil wars, which had shaken the world for more than a decade, were finally resolved in a "ceasefire," which resulted in creation of the the enormously powerful Anglo-American oil cartel, later dubbed the "Seven Sisters." The peace agreement was formalized in 1927, at the Achnacarry, Scotland castle of Shell's Sir Henri Deterding. John Cadman, representing the British government's An


  • sing oil from Mossadegh's nationalized oil supply. This was in Italy. More specifically, it was the founder of a new Italian state enterprise, who later caused severe headaches for the Anglo-American oil cartel—Enrico Mattei. Enrico Mattei had "Entschlossenheit" (determination) in the clas- sical Prussian meaning of the term. He was the leader of the larg- est non-communist resistance organization in Italy


  • In 1957 Italian industrialist Enrico Mattei defied what he called the "Seven Sisters" oil cartel interests, by signing an agreement to provide Italian industrial technology for Iranian oil with Iran's Shah. French President 'Charles de Gaulle and German Chancellor Konrad Adenauer established a c

File: FINAL WARNING - A History of the New World Order (2004) -


  • economy, and they do control the corporate structure of the United States, if not the world, there just may be something to this book, and maybe we should consider it a warning. THE SEVEN SISTERS One oil cartel is the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, known as OPEC, which is made up of Iran, Iraq, Venezuela, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Algeria, Indonesia, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, and the United Arab Em

File: Final Warning - A History of the New World Order by David Allen Rivera -


  • onomy, and they do control the cor porate structure of the United States, if not the world, there just may be somethi ng to this book, and maybe we should consider it a warning. THE SEVEN SISTERS One oil cartel is the Organization of Petroleum Exp orting Countries, known as OPEC, which is made up of Iran, Iraq, Venezuela, Ku wait, Saudi Arabia, Algeria, Indonesia, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, and the United Ar ab

File: Final Warning - History Of The New World Order -


  • FINAL WARNING: Chapter Seven THE SEVEN SISTERS One oil cartel is the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, known as OPEC, which is made up of Iran, Iraq, Venezuela, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Algeria, Gabon, Indonesia, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, and the United

File: Healed Planet -


  • , it is difficult to know exactly when the Rockefeller Empire began wrapping its tentacles around the Middle East, but scholars who have investigated those matters say that the world ’ s first global oil cartel was formed in 1920, between Standard Oil, Royal Dutch Shell (today Shell Oil) and Anglo-Iranian (today British Petroleum). [250] Whatever the case may be, oil politics guided the dismemberment of the

File: Henry Makow - Illuminati -


  • Director of the European Petroleum Union (EPU), an oil cartel. The E.P.U. was "an international association of industrialists whose object was to make the greatest possible profit on their products." The EPU represented the Rothschild interests, the Nobel inter

File: Hidden History Of Money -


  • There is a major conflict of interest: those who create money get to give themselves loans to buy out other businesses. 23. Monopolies and cartels must not be allowed, whether it’s banking cartels or oil cartels. 24. Banks create money out of thin air and distribute it, unevenly throughout the economy, at interest. 25. The Fed is expected to combat inflation; instead it has allowed the dollar to lose over 7


  • ational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and World bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries." David Rock efeller... Baden-Baden, Germany 1991; , oil cartel owner, and builder of the World Trade Center destroyed by pre- installed explosive demolitions on September 11, 2001. Henry Kissinger, Bilderberger Conference, Evians, France, 1991: "Today, America w


  • f his oil holdings being broken apart by the U.S. government in 1911, John Rockefeller set out to control the World's energy reserves. World War I was the strategy of the Rockefeller/Rothschild World oil cartel (Standard, Shell, British Petroleum) to take over the colonies of France, Holland, Spain and Portugal. The engines of war now ran on petroleum-based products, so ownership of oil could now determine
  • 1920s, and the big companies were soon worrying instead about an oil glut. By 1919, the Oil Empire, not based on countries or nations, but on private corporations, now ruled the World. The Big Three oil cartel, which controlled oil in the Persian Gulf and Southeast Asia areas, wanted to gain control over the vast oil reserves in the southern part of the Soviet Union. They financed the fascist regimes in Ge


  • etroleum Institute 1918 - cartel • Tom Connolly & Texas Railroad Commission 1919 • "Many Faces of Texas" from Time, 1/17/1964 • East Texas field around Dallas - Dad Joiner, H.L. Hunt U.S. joins World oil cartel • Achnacarry 1928 - Deterding and "Gulf-plus system" • "informal empire" - not government • Exxon but not Chevron ARAMCO in Saudi Arabia • Abd Al-Aziz ibn Saud captured Riyadh Jan. 15, 1902, from the


  • ence, the Iraqi "insurgents" are fighting for us all. American soldiers are horribly deceived and misused. Far from being a World power, the United States has been a tool of the international banking-oil cartel at least since World War One. Conspiracy is like the weather. Everyone talks about it but no one does anything about it. Like the weather, there is not much we can do. The majority of people are held

File: Illuminati Handbook -


  • yal families of England, Holland, Denmark, Spain, Sweden Der Spiegel Sandoz (LSD -producers) P enthaouse Magazine Playboy Magazine The Round T able International Monetary F und T errorism Cosa Nostra Oil Cartel The Round T able New Age Religions Universities RAND Labor Unions Different Law firms Du P ont Coca Cola P epsi Cola Levi Strauss General Electric F ord Industries Sony Boeing Company Rockefeller F o


  • ston for Joseph K ennedy. Also involved was a heroin deal with F ranklin and Elliott Roosevelt. 1934: Onassis, Rockefeller and the Seven Sisters (major oil companies) signed an agreement, outlined an oil cartel memo: Beat the Arabs out of their oil, ship it on Onassis's ships; Rockefeller and the Seven Sisters to get rich. All this was done.

File: Jim Marrs - Rule By Secrecy -


  • e deeply involved in the oil business. Any Bush policy which increased the price of oil meant more profit to his companies, those of his oilmen supporters and, of course, to the Rockefeller-dominated oil cartel. An added bonus was that any conflict which divided the Arab world would only strengthen the power of rhe U.S., Britain, and Israel in the region. A coalition of countries fighting for the United Nat

File: Lewis, Jon E. - The Mammoth Book of Cover-Ups (2008) -


  • Boston for Joseph Kennedy. Also involved was a heroin deal with Franklin and Elliott Roosevelt. 1934: Onassis, Rockefeller and the Seven Sisters (major oil companies) signed an agreement, outlined an oil cartel memo: Beat the Arabs out of their oil, ship it on Onassis’s ships; Rockefeller and the Seven Sisters to get rich. All this was done. Roberts, studying journalism and physics at the University of Wisc

File: Lyne - Occult Ether Physics - Tesla's Hidden Space Propulsion System and the Conspiracy to Conceal It (1997) -


  • atomic hydrogen is "free", ex cept, unlike sunshine, you could produce as much as you wa nt, any time, day or night, summer or winter, rain or shine; the farmer would no longer be dependent upon the oil cartels for his energy, and could run his machin ery and heat his barns "free". He could tell the fuel suppliers and the banks to screw themselves. People in the far Alaskan north coul d heat large spaces w


  • . Scha fflander's lighter liquid hydride system, which uses solar-vol taics to generate the hydrogen, would be a wonderful wa y to store and deliver hydrogen for the atomic hydrogen process. Goodbye, oil cartels , hello atomic hydrogen, it's pay- back time! By the way, the reason my "cold fusion" process (using my weird. lead -based cathode) which I tested back in 1980, worked so well (see Space Aliens from

File: Nazi Hydra In America -


  • rk and Washington field offices, likewise he removed the FBI from the background checks. 15 Others were involved in the cover up at the time as well. In 1945 the navy captured documents from the Nazi oil cartel, Kontinentale Ol A. G. Konti headed by former Reichsbank officer Karl Blessing. A young naval officer was assigned to review those Konti documents. Allen Dulles had personally vouched for Blessing's

File: One World, Ready Or Not - William Greider -


  • 16 The emerging cartels were unstable, however, because they lacked the ability to enforce price-output agreements and keep individual producers from cheating by undercutting the price levels (OPEC's oil cartel struggles constantly with the same problem). Cartels led producers to other variants — mergers and trusts, holding companies, industrial groupings that shared assets or managed markets more systemati

File: Parenti, Michael - Against Empire, The Brutal Realities of U.S. Global Domination (1995) -


  • illing into his oil reserves and was trying to bolster the oil price he could get. His temerity in putting consi derations about his own country’ s economy ahead of the interests of the international oil cartel suddenly made him an unpopular personage in Washington. Second, thanks to the major networks, the Gulf War served as a video promotional event for the military - industrial complex, a rescue operatio

File: Ralph Epperson - The Unseen Hand - An Introduction to the Conspiratorial View of History -


  • eason to believe that the principle ownership of OPEC is not primarily Arabian but international, including American. Dr. Carroll Quigley, in his massive book entitled T ragedy and Hope, discussed an oil cartel formed in 1928: This world cartel had developed from a tripartite a greement signed on September 17, 1920 by Royal Dutch Shell, Anglo- Iranian, and Standard Oil. These agreed to manage oil prices on

File: Tarpley, Webster Griffin - Barack H. Obama, The Unauthorized Biography (2008) -


  • he only Democrat who opposed it. Clinton wanted to apply the New Deal method by lifting the 18¢ per gallon federal gasoline tax, and shifting the resulting tax burden to a windfall profits tax on the oil cartel to keep the Highway Construction Fund replenished and maintain jobs on the front. Obama cited a myriad of reactionary pro-Wall Street economic charlatans to assert that this was pandering; he lost th

File: Tarpley, Webster Griffin - Obama, The Postmodern Coup (2008) -


  • Khomeini’s seizure of power in Iran was a new fake oil crisis, with a 200% increase in energy prices. This constituted the second great oil hoax perpetrated on the world economy by the Anglo-American oil cartel and its Wall Street and City of London owners. Carter tended to attribute rising oil prices to an actual scarcity, rather than to the reality of oligopolistic machinations and price gouging. FAKE OIL

File: Tavistock Institute Of Human Relations - Shaping Moral, Spiritual, Cultural, Political, Economic Decline of USA -


  • Wilson s ent American troops to their death in France to "make t he world safe for democracy.") Bush the elder suddenly began vilifying and demonizing the Iraqi president to sui t the purposes of his oil cartel friends, and, as in the case of the Kaiser in 1913, it worked. Not many people remembered the ploy put on by Wilso n, otherwise they might have noticed the striking simi larity in what President Bush


  • for his acts of defiance of the U.S. Constitution. This is not the first time that Elizabeth had rewarded American law breakers with high honors. British and American cultists and Illuminists in th e oil cartels are still carrying out a war of attrition against I raq in 2005. They will not stop until they have laid their greed y, bloodstained hands on Iraq's oil riches in the mann er in which Milner stole t

File: Webster Griffin Tarpley - 9-11 Synthetic Terrorism - Made in USA -


  • arranged by the Anglo-American oil cartel or their agents. His friends are determined to keep his memory alive, and to secure justice for him some day. The third recipient of my thanks is the late Professor Taras Vasilievich Muranivsky of th


  • ne of the attempts to assassinate De Gaulle was successful. Another example was Enrico Mattei, the head of the Italian state oil company ENI. Mattei challenged the hegemony of the US-UK seven sisters oil cartel. He offered Arab oil producers a 50-50 split of the profits, far more than the Anglo-Americans were offering, and he was willing to help the Arabs with their own economic development. Mattei was grow
  • e on the part of the CIA and its alliances, among them some of the French Algerians who were also the enemies of de Gaulle. After Mattei’s death, ENI began to abide by the rules of the Anglo-American oil cartel. The classic example of political assassination was the murder of President Kennedy. Kennedy had been alerted by the Bay of Pigs debacle to the treachery and incompetence of CIA director Allen Dulles


  • E FAKE OIL SHOCKS OF THE 1970s Building on the lies of the Club of Rome and the Limits to Growth , Wall Street, the City of London, and the Federal Reserve, backed by the Seven Sisters Anglo-American oil cartel, decided to jack up the price of oil to save the dollar while making western Europe and Japan foot the bill. This cynical maneuver was associated with Henry Kissinger’s Kippur War in the Middle East
  • p the price. The plan for the entire exercise had been provided by Lord Victor Rothschild, the sometime head of a think tank attached to Royal Dutch Shell, the dominant force within the Seven Sisters oil cartel. The operation had been discussed at a meeting of the self- styled Bilderberger Group of finance oligarchs held at Saltsjöbaden, Sweden on May 11- 13, 1973. The effect of the oil price hike was to cr


  • igures like Berezvosky, Potanin, Smolensky, Friedman, and Khodorkhovsky. Khodorkhovsky seized control over most of the Siberian oil reserves, and appeared ready to sell them off to the Anglo-American oil cartel. The beginning of the end for the oligarchs came with the resignation of Yeltsin and the elevation of Putin to the Russian presidency on December 31, 1999. The KGB officer Putin tended to repress the


  • obvious basis of mutual advantage. A celebrated case is that of Enrico Mattei, the president of the Italian state oil company, ENI. Mattei was famous for challenging the Anglo-American Seven Sisters oil cartel’s dominance of Arab nations by offering the Arabs an alternative partner and a better deal: a fifty-fifty split in place of the lopsided 60-40 or worse profit sharing offered by the Anglo-American ca

File: Webster Tarpley - 9-11 Synthetic Terror -


  • arranged by the Anglo-American oil cartel or their agents. His friends are determined to keep his memory alive, and to secure justice for him some day. The third recipient of my thanks is the late Professor Taras Vasilievich Muranivsky of th


  • ne of the attempts to assassinate De Gaulle was successful. Another example was Enrico Mattei, the head of the Italian state oil company ENI. Mattei challenged the hegemony of the US-UK seven sisters oil cartel. He offered Arab oil producers a 50-50 split of the profits, far more than the Anglo-Americans were offering, and he was willing to help the Arabs with their own economic development. Mattei was grow
  • e on the part of the CIA and its alliances, among them some of the French Algerians who were also the enemies of de Gaulle. After Mattei’s death, ENI began to abide by the rules of the Anglo-American oil cartel. The classic example of political assassination was the murder of President Kennedy. Kennedy had been alerted by the Bay of Pigs debacle to the treachery and incompetence of CIA director Allen Dulles


  • E FAKE OIL SHOCKS OF THE 1970s Building on the lies of the Club of Rome and the Limits to Growth , Wall Street, the City of London, and the Federal Reserve, backed by the Seven Sisters Anglo-American oil cartel, decided to jack up the price of oil to save the dollar while making western Europe and Japan foot the bill. This cynical maneuver was associated with Henry Kissinger’s Kippur War in the Middle East
  • p the price. The plan for the entire exercise had been provided by Lord Victor Rothschild, the sometime head of a think tank attached to Royal Dutch Shell, the dominant force within the Seven Sisters oil cartel. The operation had been discussed at a meeting of the self- styled Bilderberger Group of finance oligarchs held at Saltsjöbaden, Sweden on May 11- 13, 1973. The effect of the oil price hike was to cr


  • igures like Berezvosky, Potanin, Smolensky, Friedman, and Khodorkhovsky. Khodorkhovsky seized control over most of the Siberian oil reserves, and appeared ready to sell them off to the Anglo-American oil cartel. The beginning of the end for the oligarchs came with the resignation of Yeltsin and the elevation of Putin to the Russian presidency on December 31, 1999. The KGB officer Putin tended to repress the


  • obvious basis of mutual advantage. A celebrated case is that of Enrico Mattei, the president of the Italian state oil company, ENI. Mattei was famous for challenging the Anglo-American Seven Sisters oil cartel’s dominance of Arab nations by offering the Arabs an alternative partner and a better deal: a fifty-fifty split in place of the lopsided 60-40 or worse profit sharing offered by the Anglo-American ca

File: Webster Tarpley - Obama (1st edition) -


  • Khomeini’s seizure of power in Iran was a new fake oil crisis, with a 200% increase in energy prices. This constituted the second great oil hoax perpetrated on the world economy by the Anglo-American oil cartel and its Wall Street and City of London owners. Carter tended to attribute rising oil prices to an actual scarcity, rather than to the reality of oligopolistic machinations and price gouging. FAKE OIL

File: Michael Aquino - Ghost Rides -

  • eOldsmobile 442, Chevrolet Chevelle SS396, BuickSkylark GranSport, Shelby Mustang GT-350/500,Plymouth Road Runner, AMC Javelin SST, Corvette427). In October the Arab nations controlling theMideastern oil cartel OPEC got their collective buttskicked by US-backed Israel in the Yom Kippur War,and they decided to level America’s karma with anoil embargo. And back in those pre-frakking daysOPEC had a lock on the

File: Coup Of The Aliens - Coup For A New Order -


  • gov ernments of the world, being under control of international bankers as they are, do not wish for the general public to know too much about alternative propulsion systems since it could upset the oil cartels and their greedy monopolistic empires. Can you imagine how much international bankers stand to lose with all the stock shares they have invested in oil? There are other reasons for secrecy as well,

File: Dulce Book -


  • - some say thousands -- and give them immunity and new identities in such institutions as U.S. Intelligence, the Military-Industrial complex, the Space agencies, and the various Rockefeller-connected oil cartels such as ARCO, STANDARD [EXXON], ZAPATA, etc., corporations that were supported by the Bavarian-based secret-society lodges, corporations that had actually sold oil to the Nazi's during World War II

File: Valdamar Valerian - Matrix III Volume 1 -


  • judged the moment ripe for launch- ing a for-hire drilling company, Zapata .OK- shore, a Delaware corporation that would offer its services to the companies making up the Seven Sisters international oil cartel in drilling underwater wells. Forty percent of the offshore company's stock would be owned by the origi- nal Zapata fin. The new company would also be a buyer of offshore royalty leases. Uncle Herbie

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