Coca Cola

Found in 100 Books

File: Towers Of Deception -


  • founder and editor of Newtopia Magazine. 53. Ron Curran, “Buying into the News,” San Francisco Bay Guardian, October 8, 1997. 54. Brian Salter, “‘Alternative’ media paymasters: Carlyle, ALCOA, Xerox, Coca Cola?” posted on, September 29, 2002. Cited at 55. Joan Coxsedge with Ken Coldicutt and Gerry Harant, Rooted in Secrecy: The

File: roj_annual1955 -


  • he is going to follow that line when he becomes Royal Director. You don’t have to be afraid of him because although he is serious-looking sometimes, might I say that he has a heart of gold. He likes Coca Cola; so, if you want to get in with him, buy him a bottle of Coca Cola. I submit the following report which is unanimous. REPORT OF THE NOMINATING COMMITTEE It is the unanimous recommendation of the Nomi

File: Anarchy Works - Peter Gelderloos -


  • e a closer look at horizontal decision-making. For years, groups had been working together against local forms of exploitation. Among other efforts, they had managed to defeat the plan to construct a Coca Cola plant which would have consumed much of the available drinking water. When the rebellion erupted in Oaxaca City, a majority of the residents decided to take action. They convoked Zaachila’s first pop

File: Anarchy Works - Peter Gelderloos -


  • e a closer look at horizontal decision-making. For years, groups had been working together against local forms of exploitation. Among other efforts, they had managed to defeat the plan to construct a Coca Cola plant which would have consumed much of the available drinking water. When the rebellion erupted in Oaxaca City, a majority of the residents decided to take action. They convoked Zaachila’s first pop

File: Antony Sutton - The Best Enemy Money Can Buy -


  • . Armco Steel Minnesota Mining Bunge Corporation Monsanto Cargill Occidental Petroleum Caterpillar Owens Illinois Chase Manhattan Pepsi Co. Chemical Bank Phibro-Salomon Clark Equipment Phillip Morris Coca Cola Ralston Purina Con Agra Rohm & Haas Continental Grain Seagram Corning Glass Stauffer Chemical Deer & Company Tendler-Beretz Associates Dow Chemical Tenneco Inc. Dresser Industries Union Carbide E. I.

File: Antony Sutton - Trilaterals Over America -


  • th at least one or two directors always on the Trilateral Commissi on. Pepsi is one of the gung ho New World Order firms and as you will remember, was first into Communist China and only second after Coca Cola into Soviet Russia. The famous MacNeil-Lehrer Newshour is financed by Archer Daniels Midland, a global corporation with Trilateral Dwayne Andreas as Chairman. Pepsi Cola also finances MacNeil Lehrer.

File: Missing Lands - Uncovering Earth’s Pre-flood Civilization - Freddy Silva -

  • ped open,revealing a wide assortment of everything one could need for the jungle home:washing powder, razors, stockings, an assortment of packaged food, and thatsymbol of western economic prosperity, Coca Cola. A dozen women of various agesand walking ability materialized from nowhere as though by teleportation,surrounded the truck and pointed at things inside."You show passport now, señor."This was immigr

File: Colin Wilson - God Of The Labyrinth -

  • egroes there a few years back.’ ‘What had they been doing?’‘Setting fire to hayricks.’ Some of the areas of woodland we strolled throughwere pretty, but I was amazed by the quantity of rusty tins and Coca Colabottles lying in the undergrowth. We leaned on a fence to watch the oilderricks, and I suddenly noticed that Donelly was wearing a revolver in aholster underneath his jacket. ‘What’s that for?’ ‘In ca

File: Colin Wilson - Serial Killer Investigations -


  • y was enough to make their eyes light up. They all smoked pot – when they could afford it. They also popped pills – Seconal, Nembutal, Phenobarbital, Quaaludes, even aspirin, washed down with beer or Coca Cola. But because it was cheap, spray paint was the easiest way of obtaining a quick ‘high’. Although one boy collapsed and died when he tried to play football after a long paint-sniffing session, it made

File: Colin Wilson - Serial Killer Investigations -


  • y was enough to make their eyes light up. They all smoked pot – when they could afford it. They also popped pills – Seconal, Nembutal, Phenobarbital, Quaaludes, even aspirin, washed down with beer or Coca Cola. But because it was cheap, spray paint was the easiest way of obtaining a quick ‘high’. Although one boy collapsed and died when he tried to play football after a long paint-sniffing session, it made

File: Colin Wilson - Supernatural -

  • a bullet, and a silver button flewacross the kitchen; it had come out of the bedroom drawer of Jesse’s wife, Pat.Geller was standing by the refrigerator with a bottle of milk in one hand and atin of Coca Cola in the other when it happened. Another odd feature of thisincident is that the button—if it came from the bedroom drawer—must have somehowtravelled through three walls to reach the kitchen. ‘Interpen

File: Daniel Estulin - True Story Of The Bilderberg Group -

  • y areannually attended by Presidents of the International Monetary Fund, the WorldBank, and Federal Reserve; by chairmen of 100 of the most powerful corporationsin the world such as Daimler Chrysler, Coca Cola, British Petroleum (BP), ChaseManhattan Bank, American Express, Goldman Sachs, and Microsoft; by VicePresidents of the United States, Directors of the CIA and the FBI, SecretariesGeneral of NATO, Ame

  • rofessor of Political Science, Columbia University,New York, NY; Visiting Professor, Graduate Research Institute for PolicyStudies, Tokyo Douglas Daft, former Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, TheCoca Cola Company, Atlanta, GA Lynn Davis, Senior Political Scientist, The RANDCorporation, Arlington, VA; former U.S. Under Secretary of State for ArmsControl and International Security Lodewijk .1. R. dc Vin

  • bert 97Claes, Willy 36Clarke, Kenneth 47Clarridge, Dewey 118Clayton, William 122Clinton, Bill xiii, 22, 33, 52, 81, 88, 99,109-111, 128, 298, 318Clinton, Hillary 88, 318Club ol Rome 17, 50, 89, 96, 97Coca Cola xivCoefheients Club 38Cohen, William viii, 66, 109, 111Colby, William E. 110Cold War Begins: Soviet-AniericanConflict Over Eastern Europe, The 109Coleman, John 34, 44, 45, 50, 51, 55, 57-59, 114, 286

File: David Icke - 1990 - It Doesn’t Have To Be Like This -


  • World now live because they have been forced or encouraged off the land. There were also many sexual taboos that were passed on by the natural culture that also helped to limit population growth. The Coca Cola culture that we have imposed on the Third World for our benefit and in our arrogance has shattered these societies and generated enormous confusion, fear, instability and insecurity. So they see thei


  • d foreign policies, further afield. It is not a case of going back, but of mixing the wisdom of the past with the knowledge of the present. If we are to do this, the tidal wave of what you might call Coca Colaism must be repelled. Greens appreciate that, emotionally, people prefer smaller groups where there is personal contact. We get lost, lonely and uncomfortable when any organisation gets too large, dis

File: David Icke - 1995 - And The Truth Shall Set You Free -

  • , the Ford Foundation,the Kettering Foundation, the Lilly Endowment, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund,and the Thyssen Foundation, with smaller amounts donated by organisations likeGeneral Motors, Exxon, Coca Cola, Time magazine, CBS, and the Wells FargoBank.45 The Commission made its headquarters at 345 East 46th Street, New York.One of the first ambitions for David Rockefeller and his Trilateral Commissionwa

  • 5954]Coal and Steel Community, European 148[../Text/index_split_017.html#filepos582053]-9[../Text/index_split_017.html#filepos586074]Coates, Priscilla 385 [../Text/index_split_024.html#filepos1475711]Coca Cola 158 [../Text/index_split_017.html#filepos618839]cocaine 288 [../Text/index_split_021.html#filepos1095668]-9[../Text/index_split_021.html#filepos1099310], 310[../Text/index_split_022.html#filepos11878

File: David Icke - 1995 - And The Truth Shall Set You Free -

  • , the Ford Foundation,the Kettering Foundation, the Lilly Endowment, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund,and the Thyssen Foundation, with smaller amounts donated by organisations likeGeneral Motors, Exxon, Coca Cola, Time magazine, CBS, and the Wells FargoBank.45 The Commission made its headquarters at 345 East 46th Street, New York.One of the first ambitions for David Rockefeller and his Trilateral Commissionwa

  • 5954]Coal and Steel Community, European 148[../Text/index_split_017.html#filepos582053]-9[../Text/index_split_017.html#filepos586074]Coates, Priscilla 385 [../Text/index_split_024.html#filepos1475711]Coca Cola 158 [../Text/index_split_017.html#filepos618839]cocaine 288 [../Text/index_split_021.html#filepos1095668]-9[../Text/index_split_021.html#filepos1099310], 310[../Text/index_split_022.html#filepos11878

File: David Icke - 1999 - The Biggest Secret -

  • oads owned some of America’s prime real estate. Much of thislegislation is in the 1854 Congressional Record. The Payseurs’ Lancaster Railwaywas, through the Alabama Mineral Company, the controller of Coca Cola, PepsiCola, General Motors, Boeing, Ford and Standard Oil.After the manipulated American Civil War in the 1860s, all railroads and realestate owned by the supporters of the losers, the southern Confe

  • cycle goes on expanding.The cocaine trade out of South America is run by the same people through theiragencies like the CIA. Cocaine comes from the coca leaf and, until 1903, it wasused in the drink, Coca Cola, hence its name. I detail the CIA’s role in thecocaine networks and how they set up the Colombian drug cartels in …And TheTruth Shall Set You Free. Also in that book you will find the background to t

  • , Credit Suisse, Robert Fleming, Kleinwort Benson, British Airways,Cadbury Schweppes, Jardine Matheson, Rothmans, the Rothschilds, Exxon, Mobil,Amoco, Texaco, Chevron, Brown and Root, General Motors, Coca Cola, andBechell.78 [../Text/index_split_045.html#filepos1461744] A directory of theBlack Nobility if ever I saw one. Defence Systems Ltd was established in 1981,again the early years of the Thatcher regi

File: David Icke - 1999 - The Biggest Secret -

  • oads owned some of America’s prime real estate. Much of thislegislation is in the 1854 Congressional Record. The Payseurs’ Lancaster Railwaywas, through the Alabama Mineral Company, the controller of Coca Cola, PepsiCola, General Motors, Boeing, Ford and Standard Oil.After the manipulated American Civil War in the 1860s, all railroads and realestate owned by the supporters of the losers, the southern Confe

  • cycle goes on expanding.The cocaine trade out of South America is run by the same people through theiragencies like the CIA. Cocaine comes from the coca leaf and, until 1903, it wasused in the drink, Coca Cola, hence its name. I detail the CIA’s role in thecocaine networks and how they set up the Colombian drug cartels in …And TheTruth Shall Set You Free. Also in that book you will find the background to t

  • , Credit Suisse, Robert Fleming, Kleinwort Benson, British Airways,Cadbury Schweppes, Jardine Matheson, Rothmans, the Rothschilds, Exxon, Mobil,Amoco, Texaco, Chevron, Brown and Root, General Motors, Coca Cola, andBechell.78 [../Text/index_split_045.html#filepos1461744] A directory of theBlack Nobility if ever I saw one. Defence Systems Ltd was established in 1981,again the early years of the Thatcher regi

File: David Icke - 2003 - Tales From The Time Loop -

  • t appear in the dream in the form of a banana, forinstance, or, if you’re not so lucky, an asparagus. At the website of JimHagart’s Semi Subliminal World, you can find subliminals highlighted in otherCoca Cola products like Dr Pepper, Lilt and Fanta.5 They include distortedfaces, ‘gremlins’ and the usual sexual themes. By the way, the target market ofDiet Coke is overwhelmingly women and the subliminal use

File: David Icke - 2003 - Tales From The Time Loop -

  • t appear in the dream in the form of a banana, forinstance, or, if you’re not so lucky, an asparagus. At the website of JimHagart’s Semi Subliminal World, you can find subliminals highlighted in otherCoca Cola products like Dr Pepper, Lilt and Fanta.5 They include distortedfaces, ‘gremlins’ and the usual sexual themes. By the way, the target market ofDiet Coke is overwhelmingly women and the subliminal use

File: David Icke - 2012 - Remember Who You Are -

  • ats (bankers) as prime ministers of both Italy and Greece. They wereYale student Mario Monti, a former European Commissioner, leading member of theBilderberg Group and former international advisor to Coca Cola and GoldmanSachs; and Lucas Papademos, the former vice-president of the European CentralBank, Senior Economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, Governor of theBank of Greece and visiting profes

File: David Icke - 2013 - The Perception Deception - Part Two -

  • . The Council was headed by Prime Minister Mario Monti, aEuropean chairman of the Trilateral Commission, leading member of the exclusiveBilderberg Group and international advisor to Goldman Sachs and Coca Cola. Heand his unelected government of technocrats (see Brzezinski’s book) wasappointed in the face of Italy’s engineered debt crisis(Problem-Reaction-Solution). Spain and many other countries are limiti

  • guretoday is ... every seven hours. Then people ask why the cases of diabetes andobesity are absolutely soaring (Fig 720). How do the authorities deal with that?They blame only the consumer and allow Coca Cola and MacDonald’s to sponsor theOlympic Games to associate their names and images with lean, fit young people.Biological scientist Dr Hans-Peter Kubis led a study at Bangor University inWales into the

File: David Icke - 2013 - The Perception Deception -


  • The Council was headed by Prime Minister Mario Monti, a European chairman of the Trilateral Commission, leading member of the exclusive Bilderberg Group and international advisor to Goldman Sachs and Coca Cola. He and his unelected


  • oday is ... every seven hours . Then people ask why the cases of diabetes and obesity are absolutely soaring ( Fig 720 ). How do the authorities deal with that? They blame only the consumer and allow Coca Cola and MacDonald’s to sponsor the Olympic Games to associate their names and images with lean, fit young people. Biological scientist Dr Hans-Peter Kubis led a study at Bangor University in Wales into t

File: David Icke - 2016 - Phantom Self -


  • ompulsory for everyone everywhere using fear and other manipulations to gather support (Fig 468). The World Health Organization (WHO) has asked the [nternational Food and Beverage Alliance (including Coca Cola, PepsiCo and McDonalds) for ad,·ice on how to overcome public 'vaccine hesitancy'. They ad vised to forget facts and deal in emotion: 'Reason leads to conclusions, while emotion leads to action.' All

File: David Icke - 2016 - Phantom Self -


  • ompulsory for everyone everywhere using fear and other manipulations to gather support (Fig 468). The World Health Organization (WHO) has asked the [nternational Food and Beverage Alliance (including Coca Cola, PepsiCo and McDonalds) for ad,·ice on how to overcome public 'vaccine hesitancy'. They ad vised to forget facts and deal in emotion: 'Reason leads to conclusions, while emotion leads to action.' All

File: David Icke - 2019 - The Trigger -


  • . Singh described him as 'one of the only one or two people who had access to the source code at Ptech' which was the key to the entire program. She said ' ... it would be like having the formula for Coca Cola, basically.' Singh continued: By the end of the day when I was finished with certain parts of the investigations, it was clear to me that there was no way Ptech could have done all of this without a

File: David Icke - 2019 - The Trigger -


  • . Singh described him as 'one of the only one or two people who had access to the source code at Ptech' which was the key to the entire program. She said ' ... it would be like having the formula for Coca Cola, basically.' Singh continued: By the end of the day when I was finished with certain parts of the investigations, it was clear to me that there was no way Ptech could have done all of this without a

File: David Icke - And The Truth Shall Set You Free -


  • Ford Founda tion, the Kettering Foundation, the Lilly Endow ment, the Rockefeller Brot hers Fund, and the Thyssen Foundation, with smaller amounts donated by organisations like General Motors, Exxon, Coca Cola, Time magazine , CBS, and the Wells Fargo Bank. 45 The Commission made its headquarters at 345 East 46th Street, New York. One of the first ambitions for David Rockefeller and his Trilateral Commissi

File: David Icke - And the Truth Shall Set You Free, 21st Century Edition (2004) -


  • Ford Founda tion, the Kettering Foundation, the Lilly Endow ment, the Rockefeller Brot hers Fund, and the Thyssen Foundation, with smaller amounts donated by organisations like General Motors, Exxon, Coca Cola, Time magazine , CBS, and the Wells Fargo Bank. 45 The Commission made its headquarters at 345 East 46th Street, New York. One of the first ambitions for David Rockefeller and his Trilateral Commissi

File: David Icke - Tales From The Time Loop -


  • you see it? dream in the form of a banana, for instance, or, if you're not so lucky, an asparagus. At the website of Jim Hagart's Semi Subliminal World, you can find subliminals highlighted in o ther Coca Cola produ cts like Dr Pepper, Lilt and Fanta. s They include distorted faces, 'gremlins' and the usual sexual themes. By the way, the target market of Diet Coke is overwhelming ly women and the sublimina


  • he general pop ulation ".17 He says that the 'Santa Claus' story is an example of this. The myth o f Father Christmas or St Nicholas is an o ld Pagan tale a nd h e was depicted wearing g reen. It was Coca Cola who g ave him a red suit in a massive a dvertising campaign and h e beca me kno wn as Santa - an anagram of Satan. Swerdlow writes: "Satanism and Satanic rituals have g rown e xponen tially s ince th

File: David Icke - Tales from the Time Loop (2003) -


  • you see it? dream in the form of a banana, for instance, or, if you're not so lucky, an asparagus. At the website of Jim Hagart's Semi Subliminal World, you can find subliminals highlighted in o ther Coca Cola produ cts like Dr Pepper, Lilt and Fanta. s They include distorted faces, 'gremlins' and the usual sexual themes. By the way, the target market of Diet Coke is overwhelming ly women and the sublimina


  • he general pop ulation ".17 He says that the 'Santa Claus' story is an example of this. The myth o f Father Christmas or St Nicholas is an o ld Pagan tale a nd h e was depicted wearing g reen. It was Coca Cola who g ave him a red suit in a massive a dvertising campaign and h e beca me kno wn as Santa - an anagram of Satan. Swerdlow writes: "Satanism and Satanic rituals have g rown e xponen tially s ince th

File: David Icke - The Biggest Secret - The Book that Will Change the World (1998) -


  • ds owned some of America’s prime real estate. Much of this legislation is in the 1854 Congressional Record. The Payseurs’ Lancaster Railway was, through the Alabama Mineral Company, the controller of Coca Cola, Pepsi Cola, General Motors, Boeing, Ford and Standard Oil. After the manipulated American Civil War in the 1860s, all railroads and real estate owned by the supporters of the losers, the southern Co


  • le goes on expanding. The cocaine trade out of South America is run by the same people through their agencies like the CIA. Cocaine comes from the coca leaf and, until 1903, it was used in the drink, Coca Cola, hence its name. I detail the CIA’s role in the cocaine networks and how they set up the Colombian drug cartels in .. And The Truth Shall Set You Free. Also in that book you will find the background


  • Credit Suisse, Robert Fleming, Kleinwort Benson, British Airways, Cadbury Schweppes, Jardine Matheson, Rothmans, the Rothschilds, Exxon, Mobil, Amoco, Texaco, Chevron, Brown and Root, General Motors, Coca Cola, and Bechell. 78 A directory of the Black Nobility if ever I saw one. Defence Systems Ltd was established in 1981, again the early years of the Thatcher regime, and its rise was meteoric thanks to it

File: David Icke - The Biggest Secret -


  • ds owned some of America’s prime real estate. Much of this legislation is in the 1854 Congressional Record. The Payseurs’ Lancaster Railway was, through the Alabama Mineral Company, the controller of Coca Cola, Pepsi Cola, General Motors, Boeing, Ford and Standard Oil. After the manipulated American Civil War in the 1860s, all railroads and real estate owned by the supporters of the losers, the southern Co


  • le goes on expanding. The cocaine trade out of South America is run by the same people through their agencies like the CIA. Cocaine comes from the coca leaf and, until 1903, it was used in the drink, Coca Cola, hence its name. I detail the CIA’s role in the cocaine networks and how they set up the Colombian drug cartels in .. And The Truth Shall Set You Free. Also in that book you will find the background


  • Credit Suisse, Robert Fleming, Kleinwort Benson, British Airways, Cadbury Schweppes, Jardine Matheson, Rothmans, the Rothschilds, Exxon, Mobil, Amoco, Texaco, Chevron, Brown and Root, General Motors, Coca Cola, and Bechell. 78 A directory of the Black Nobility if ever I saw one. Defence Systems Ltd was established in 1981, again the early years of the Thatcher regime, and its rise was meteoric thanks to it

File: Blacks Law - 4th Edition -


  • inguish- es a food product, mixture, or compound from any other food product, mixture, or compound. Cres- cent Mfg. Co. v. Wilson, D.C.N.Y., 233 F. 282, 285; U. S. v. Forty Barrels and Twenty Kegs of Coca Cola, 241 U.S. 265, 36 S.Ct. 573, 580, 60 L.Ed. 995, Ann.Cas.1917C, 487. NAME AND ARMS CLAUSE. The popular name in English law for the clause, sometimes inserted in a will or settlement by which property


  • -surface water other than that of a running stream, open, visible, clearly to be traced. Mosier v. Caldwell, 7 Nev. 363. PERCOLATING WATERS. See Water. PERDIDA. A synonym of damages. Ponce De Leon v. Coca Cola Bottling Co., D.C.Puerto Rico, 75 F.Supp. 966. PERDONATIO UTLAGARLZE. L. Lat. A pardon for a man who, for contempt in not yielding obedience to the process of a court, is outlawed, and afterwards of

File: Astral Projection -


  • r, sometimes you may not hear the sound at all before you leave. Another sensation one can feel just before leaving the body is the energy feelings, you sor t feel like as if your body is filled with coca cola. These sensations may or may not occur while pr ojecting, but at least for me they are there most of the times. Often most when I project I get both the buzzing sound and energy sensations. People al


  • lked about the buzzing sound, that could already be a thing that makes you shocked. There also usually are sensations in the body when you are leaving. It feels a s if though your body is filled with coca cola, it sparkles everywhere. Whatever you do, do not get bothered/get scared of these sensations while attempting to AP. Focus your mind on j ust leaving the body. And don ́t get angry if you fail the fi


  • r arms and in to your body. Don ́t think about it too much, just feel it. If all goes well you should feel a firey tingling sensation in the arms which then fades into the body. It feels sort of like coca cola being in your body. When this feeling is felt you should be able to release from your body with ease. - While out of body, energy can be used as a lucidity enhancer. In fact, I find this to be the be
  • I find this to be the best lucidity enhacer of them all. The technique is simple, just spread out your arms like a bird and suck energy, feel the energy enter your body. You should feel the the same coca cola effect if all goes well. - It should be possible to do a projection to the real time etheric pl ane if you absorb enough energy in the buzzing sound state. However, it takes very good concentration s

File: Erich von Daniken - In Search Of The Gods -


  • vide fronds for roofing, and threw down nuts which the men skilfully cut open to offer us the milk in a gesture of welcome. In this heat coconut milk quenches the thirst better than a whole carton of Coca Cola. It consists of 45 per cent water, the rest being valuable albumen, fat, car­ bohydrates and minerals, offered free and in profusion by nature. Teeta reappeared in strange compan y. A skinny old woma


  • h Pakistan from north to south. It is what makes the country viable. Although it was long past noon, the heat got even worse. About every 40 km we passed small settlements where soft drinks-naturally Coca Cola like everywhere else in the world-were on sale at stalls. That afternoon we both drank 14 bottles, but our tongues were still stuck to our palates. There are as many buses in Pakistan as there are Fi

File: Encyclopedia Of Alternative Medicine -


  • many have tasted it and do not even know it. In the 1800s, a pharmacist in Georgia took extracts of kola, sugar and coca and mixed them with carbonated water. His accountant tasted it and called it ‘‘Coca Cola.’’ Today, Coca-Cola still uses kola in its original recipe. Respiratory conditions Kola is widely used as a treatment for whooping cough and asthma , as the caffeine acts as a bronchodi- lator, expan


  • latability of Vehicles for Activated Charcoal in Pediatric Volunteers.’’ Pediatric Emergency Care 18 (February 2002): 19 21. Malhotra, S., R. K. Dixit, and S. K. Garg. ‘‘Effect of an Acidic Beverage (Coca Cola) on the Pharmacokinetics of Carbamazepine in Healthy Volunteers.’’ Methods and Findings in Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology 24 (January February 2002): 31 33. Morton, J.F. ‘‘Widespread Tannin I


  • n K and, 4:2353 Coal tar shampoos and salves, 2:661 662, 674 Cobalain. See Vitamin B12 Cobalamin. See Vitamin B12 Cobb angle, for scoliosis measurement, 4:2005 Cobra position, for constipation, 1:599 Coca Cola, kola nut in, 2:1287 Cocaine, 1:256; 4:2160 2161 Coccinia indica, for diabetes, 2:689 Cocculus Indicus dizziness, 2:713 Me ́ nie ` re’s disease, 3:1466 motion sickness, 3:1521 Coccus Cacti, for whoop

File: GMO Corporate Charlatans vs Organic Heroes -


  • Organic leaders supporting Prop 37 Donated: $3,861,775 Corporate agribusiness ghting Prop 37 Donated: $32,439,114 PEPSICO $1,716,300 COCA COLA $1,164,400 KELLOGG $632,500 SMUCKER $387,000 GENERAL MILLS $520,000 MONSANTO $7,100,500 $1,076,300 CONAGRA WWW.CORNUCOPIA.ORG DEAN FOODS $253,000 $250,000 $290,000 $50,000 $2,500 $25,000 $100,000 $34

File: Gerson Tapes - Transcripts -


  • there was no cancer in the body? When the pancreas, however, is tied up with lots and lots of protein eating - two eggs and bacon for breakfast with a glass of milk, maybe a hamburger for lunch and a Coca Cola, maybe then a snack in the afternoon and steak or fish for dinner (that’s the normal American diet, right? - vastly excessive in protein and fat), the body cannot handle it. Where is the pancreas goi


  • nia as well as other states. Whereby studying their diets and seeing the tremendous levels of sugars these kids consume from their sugared cereals to the snack in mid-morning, the sweet rolls and the Coca Colas and the ice creams and the desserts and the lollipops and so on, huge amounts of sugar when they added it up in the course of a day. When these kids were talked to and learned about the influence of


  • They did autopsies on them. Many of them had arteriosclerosis, severe arteriosclerosis, they could have led to heart attacks within a very short time. In their middle to late 20s. Drinking, smoking, Coca Cola, sugars, terrible diets, white flours. That’s not the way the human body is supposed to function. Another thing you want to remember is, if you give your body empty calories that have no enzymes, vit

File: History_Food -


  • oves that before the Phocaeans landed there had been some kind of Greek penetration into the territory of the Salii. As the original vessel is unlikely to have fallen from the sky, like the bottle of Coca Cola which falls among Bushmen in a famous film, the original model may have made a long journey before ending up in the hands of the Neolithic inhabitants of what is now La Pègue, who liked it and copied


  • concludes: ‘Big companies wait for smaller firms to try a new project out before entering the fray themselves. Several American multinationals such as Raston Purina, the giant animal feed group, and Coca Cola, have now begun to move their pieces on the board.’ France-Aquaculture has sold the patent of a hatchery producing 200 million baby prawns a year to the southern United States; the secret of successf

File: Murder By Injection - Eustace Mullins -


  • incorporated both Kuhn, Loeb Co. and Lehman Brothers investment banking houses into Shearson Lehman Hutton; he was formerly with Morgan Guaranty Trust, and is now director of Bristol Myers drug firm, Coca Cola, Fire-mans Fund Insurance, chairman of Memorial Sloan Kettering, and Rockefeller University; James S. Ro ckefeller, director of Cranston Print Works; Laurance Rockefeller, who is director of Reader's


  • titution and the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Ford Foundation, and the super-secret Ditchley Foundation set up by W. Averell Harriman during World War II; McHenry is also a director of Coca Cola and International Paper; Carolyn K. Davis, who was dean of the school of nurses at University of Michigan 1973-75, Health and Human Services since 1981; she is also a director of Johns Hopkins. Other


  • anufacturers Hanover Bank and the Manufacturers Hanover Trust, and trustee of Presbyterian Hospital, New York; James D. Robinson III, chairman of American Express, director of Shearson Lehman Hutton, Coca Cola, Union Pacific, Trust Company of Georgia, chairman of Rockefeller's Memorial Hospital for Cancer and Allied Diseases, Board manager of the Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, council member of Rockefeller

File: Natural Hygiene - Man´s Pristine Way Of Life -


  • to anything.” If coffee is enjoined, he will have “only a little weak coffee, it was mostly water.” He will have a small lunch after the theatre, “not enough to count, just a sandwich and a bottle of Coca Cola.” These chronic sufferers are likely to ask: “Doctor, can you do anything for me?” Such sufferers want somebody to do something for them; they do not want to do for themselves. The correct answer to

File: Persecution And Trial Of Gaston Naessens -


  • anyone, anywhere in the world, who could offer something better than just a case of whiskey? "They shook their shoulders and said: 'No!' "So I repeated: 'Anybody! I don't care if he uses a mixture of Coca Cola and pigeon droppings, I mean anyone with some ideas, as crazy as they might seem. Anyone at all!' "But they hadn't anyone to suggest. Well, on the spot, I swore an oath that I would devote a great pa


  • s implied that any patient who got well had regained his health not due to the treatment itself, but only due to his or her belief that the product, actually no more effective than distilled water or Coca Cola, had worked to effect a cure. Is this not an example of exactly how "peer review," brought up in Beverly Rubik's article on "Frontier Science," disposes of new knowledge? Because a product has no "pe

File: History Of A Free Nation -


  • . When England announced it would regulate colo- nial trade more strictly, the colonies rebelled. In the War of 1812 the United States fought for the right of its ships to carry on trade at any port. Coca Cola being distributed in Israel nations for investment opportuni- ties. Latin America, the Pacific, and East Asia attracted American business capital, and United States interests in those areas expanded.

File: Jim Keith - Mass Control -


  • s had been brief in duration, 1/3000th of a second, and had been projected every five seconds during the airing of motion pictures. It was reported that popcorn sales rose almost sixty percent, while Coca Cola sales increased almost twenty percent. 11 • At about the same time as Vicary’s announcement, the Los Angeles television station KTLA announced that they would be commencing with subliminal broadcasts

File: Jim Keith - Mass Control -


  • s had been brief in duration, 1/3000th of a second, and had been projected every five seconds during the airing of motion pictures. It was reported that popcorn sales rose almost sixty percent, while Coca Cola sales increased almost twenty percent. 11 • At about the same time as Vicary’s announcement, the Los Angeles television station KTLA announced that they would be commencing with subliminal broadcasts

File: John Coleman - Conspiritor's Hierarchy - The Committee Of 300 -


  • des itself on its diversity; it helped NASA with its space programs and helped to promote new youth fash ions and ideas, youth rebellion and alienation for the Commi ttee of 300, ostensibly funded by Coca Cola. Hudson may be quite properly classified as one of the Committee of 300's BRAIN-W ASHING establishments. Some of its nuclear war scenarios m ake for very interesting reading and, if they can be obtai

File: Kevin Trudeau - Natural Cures They Don't Want You To Know About -


  • top eating it, they will get headaches, become nauseous, they'll be upset, depressed and anxious until they eat some more of the food, very similar to opium or cocaine." Is this crazy? Well, remember Coca Cola? Coca Cola was colored sweetened water which had cocaine in it. Coca Cola was the name because Coca referred to the coca plant and Cola referred to the cola nut. The cola nut had the caffeine, and th


  • ddicted to it. We know that drugs, which are simply chemicals, can be incredibly physically and emotionally addictive. This practice is not new. In the book The Real Thing: The Truth and Power at the Coca Cola Company, the story of how cocaine was an important ingredient in Coca-Cola is exposed. One of the main reasons cocaine was such an important ingredient was that the consumer unknowingly became addict


  • ink them. I would never in a million years drink a diet soda because the chemi- cal sweeteners, in my opinion, are some of the most toxic things you could put in your body. On occasion I will drink a Coca Cola from a bottle, not a can. The problem, however, with virtually all carbonated beverages is they block calcium absorption. Calcium is one of the most important building blocks of nutrition. What about


  • ct when the exact opposite is true. The food industry's products actu- ally cause disease. Consider that cigarettes were once advertised as being good for your health and designed to i mprove health. Coca Cola was also originally advertised as a drink that had dramatic health benefits. • Go to and I will show you every single letter that I have received and sent to the FTC. You will

File: Kevin Trudeau - Natural Cures They Don't Want You To Know About -


  • top eating it, they will get headaches, become nauseous, they'll be upset, depressed and anxious until they eat some more of the food, very similar to opium or cocaine." Is this crazy? Well, remember Coca Cola? Coca Cola was colored sweetened water which had cocaine in it. Coca Cola was the name because Coca referred to the coca plant and Cola referred to the cola nut. The cola nut had the caffeine, and th


  • ddicted to it. We know that drugs, which are simply chemicals, can be incredibly physically and emotionally addictive. This practice is not new. In the book The Real Thing: The Truth and Power at the Coca Cola Company, the story of how cocaine was an important ingredient in Coca-Cola is exposed. One of the main reasons cocaine was such an important ingredient was that the consumer unknowingly became addict


  • ink them. I would never in a million years drink a diet soda because the chemi- cal sweeteners, in my opinion, are some of the most toxic things you could put in your body. On occasion I will drink a Coca Cola from a bottle, not a can. The problem, however, with virtually all carbonated beverages is they block calcium absorption. Calcium is one of the most important building blocks of nutrition. What about


  • ct when the exact opposite is true. The food industry's products actu- ally cause disease. Consider that cigarettes were once advertised as being good for your health and designed to i mprove health. Coca Cola was also originally advertised as a drink that had dramatic health benefits. • Go to and I will show you every single letter that I have received and sent to the FTC. You will

File: MUFON Journal - October 1990 -


  • , have passed from oddities of language into acceptable everyday use. Computer terminology is full of similar examples, as is English in general, including the absorption of trademarks like Xerox and Coca Cola into common usage. So when I first pasted up a layout using a capital UFO balanced on either side by Mufon and Journal, I was esthetical- ly hooked. I don't say it's absolutely and irrevocably right,

File: Malcolm Gladwell - Tipping Point -

  • d over again. Marketers feel the same way.There is a maxim in the advertising business that an advertisement has to beseen at least six times before anyone will remember it. That’s a useful lessonfor Coca Cola or Nike, who have hundreds of millions of dollars to spend onmarketing and can afford to saturate all forms of media with their message. Butit’s not all that useful for, say, a group of people trying

  • reak of food poisoning thatswept through several public schools in Belgium in the summer of 1999. Itstarted when forty two children in the Belgian town of Bornem becamemysteriously ill after drinking Coca Cola and had to be hospitalized. Two dayslater, eight more schoolchildren fell sick in Brugge, followed by thirteen inHarelbeke the next day and forty two in Lochristi three days after that — and onand on

File: Michael Tsarion - Atlantis, Alien Visitation And Genetic Manipulation -


  • trates his “icepick tech- nique” at the University of Virginia in Charlotteville. 1948 The Rockefeller milk trust sells frozen products and pasteurized milk in North Carolina, closely allied with the Coca Cola company which sells large quantities of carbonated soft drinks. 1948 In North Carolina, Dr. Benjamin P. Sandler reveals that sugar and starches lower the blood sugar level, producing hypoglycemia, an


  • the Korean War to occur. 1950 The 1948 findings of Dr. Sandler in North Carolina are denigrated in the public media, which claims that Sandler’s findings are a “myth.” 1950 Rockefeller Milk Trust and Coca Cola force return to previous levels of sugar and dairy product consumption. Polio levels rise to pre-1949 level. 1950 John McCone becomes Under Secretary of the Air Force. 1950 The Korean War begins. Wil

File: Corpus Juris Secundum -


  • s v. Metropoli- tan Life Ins. Co., 33 A.2d 650, 153 Pa.Super. 51 Trostel v. Reading Steel Products Corporation, 31 A.2d 909, 152 Pa.Super. 273 Gerber v. Jones, 30 A.2d 534, 151 Pa.Super. 489 Smith v. Coca Cola Bottling Co., 33 A.2d 488, 152 PaJSuper. 445 Smolinsky v. Metropolitan Life Ins. Co., 26 A,2d 131. 149 Pa.Super. 72 Moyer v. Reading Co., 24 A.2d 48, 147 Pa.Super. 178 Watson v. Metropolitan Life Ins

File: Money Manipulators -


  • 00,000 Intl. Silver 8,021,500b 131,500 3,828,125 125,000 Texaco (12) 7,815,500 98,000 5,719,813 86,500 Litton Industries 7,618,236a 71,032 4,060,000 68,162 Gulf Oil 7,280,000 104,000 4,060,000 72,500 Coca Cola 7,239,375 58,500 3,427,000 46,000 Royal Dutch (16) 7,068,750 162,500 5,328,125 155,000 * Not including 32,530,936 shares of Ford Motor non-voting Class “A” stock. a Reflects 2½% stock dividend. b Ref

File: Death is Divine -


  • u are different than it. You are not thinking, you are the one who sees thinking. You just have to awaken in remembrance that I am the witness. Let thought go on moving. Now if Ram-Ram comes along or Coca Cola comes along, if anything comes along let thought go on moving. You are standing far off looking – peacefully. You are neither for nor against. You don’t say aha! a good thought has come. If you say t

File: From the False to the Truth -


  • was worried that everybody would be drinking and I might feel left out. Knowing it from many other previous experiences, I had to go to the host and say, ”Don’t be worried about me. You just give me Coca Cola as if I am also drinking with everybody.” But he would say, ”They will think you are also drinking alcohol.” I said, ”Let them think that, it is no problem. What is the problem? It simply shows I am


  • aster, to be naked, to be celibate, to be eating one time only in a day, sleeping on a hard bed, not allowing women any closeness, eating only certain things? If you see Gautam Buddha drinking even a Coca Cola, you will not anymore consider him enlightened – he has not even transcended Coca Cola. I don’t drink Coca Cola, but I love it. I cannot drink it because of my physicians; Devaraj is after me, Shunyo

File: Om Shantih Shantih Shantih -


  • ou should say to your wife, ‘I love you darling.’” It does not matter whether you love or not. It is a question of coexistence; otherwise she is going to create trouble. Bring roses and ice cream and Coca Cola just as symbols of your love. But in America data has been collected showing that everything has a life of only three years: marriages last only three years – that is the average; jobs last only thre


  • e things which have become almost necessary just because advertisements go on forcing you – and then your mind starts clicking. Now in this whole world, there is only one thing that is international: Coca Cola. Even in the Soviet Union...! Even I have to drink Coca Cola. That is the only international brotherhood, The Coca Cola Brotherhood. There are thousands of things which are not necessary, but they ar

File: Satyam Shivam Sundram -


  • ce to lie down. I have seen pictures of sea beaches. Even the ocean must be laughing at the stupidity of these people. For a few minutes they will lie down, and then they need ice cream and they need Coca Cola. And they have brought their portable television sets and everybody is listening to his transistor. And then the time is over, because again there is the marathon race back towards home. On holidays

File: Sermons in Stones -



File: Take It Easy, Vol 2 -


  • rica is so restless. People can’t sit silently; they have to do something or other. If there is nothing to do then they have to repeat Rama-Rama-Rama or Coca-Cola-Coca-Cola-Coca-Cola – but something. Coca Cola is a great mantra: repeat it and you will have all the benefits of transcendental meditation. What happens when you repeat a mantra? It just gives your restlessness something to do. It becomes concen

File: Tao. The Golden Gate, Vol 2 -


  • s. You have problems – you go to somebody like Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and you ask him that, ”I am very much worried, anxious, tense. What should I do?” And he says, ”You do TM. You repeat this mantra: Coca Cola, Coca-Cola, Coca-Cola. Go on repeating fifteen minutes morning, fifteen minutes evening. It will help.” It will help you to repress the problem, but only to repress; the problem is not solved. How th

File: The Osho Upanishad -


  • ’ does not matter. As the ultimate comes, you disappear. The happening is simultaneous, there is no gap. It is not that the ultimate comes and you say, ”Thank you, sir. Sit down; what will you take – Coca Cola, Fanta, Seven-Up? What will you take?” There is no time, not even to say ”thank you.” The moment the ultimate descends, you are already gone. He comes only in the space where you used to be, in your

File: The White Lotus -


  • uru to appear at his darshan – reception time – he saw this visitor in the crowd which had come to pay its respects. ”Yes?” he said to her at once. ”Who is the greatest man in the world?” she asked. ”Coca cola,” answered the guru without a moment’s hesitation. Afterwards his chief assistant asked him why he had given such a strange answer. ”What secret wisdom is this, O Great Master?” ”Well,” said the maha

File: Yoga2 -


  • CHAPTER 5. THE MASTER OF MASTERS says, ”Enough” But the mind says, ”A little more. It is so tasty.” This is desire. Your body says, ”I am thirsty,” but the body never says for Coca Cola. The body says, ”Thirsty” – you drink. You cannot drink water more than is needed, but Coca Cola you can drink more. It is a mind phenomenon. Coca Cola is the only universal thing in this age – even

File: Yoga4 -


  • not sleep, they need tranquilizers. And Transcendental Meditation is nothing but a tranquilizer -- it soothes you. You continuously repeat a certain word: Ram, Ram, Ram. Any word will do: Co ca.Cola, Coca Cola -- that will do; it has nothing to do with Ram. Coca-Cola w ill be as perfect as Ram, or even more so, because it is more relevant. You re peat a certain word continuously; the

File: Jerold J Abrams - The Philosophy of Stanley Kubrick -


  • hink I’d go into combat with loose change in my pocket?” Desperate, Mandrake insists that the colonel put a bullet in the soda machine to get some quarters to make the call: M andrake : Colonel. That Coca Cola machine. I want you to shoot the lock off it. There may be some change in it. Bat Guano : That’s private property. M andrake : Colonel, can you possibly imagine what is going to happen to you, your f

File: Antony Sutton - Trilaterals over America -


  • th at least one or two directors always on the Trilateral Commissi on. Pepsi is one of the gung ho New World Order firms and as you will remember, was first into Communist China and only second after Coca Cola into Soviet Russia. The famous MacNeil-Lehrer Newshour is financed by Archer Daniels Midland, a global corporation with Trilateral Dwayne Andreas as Chairman. Pepsi Cola also finances MacNeil Lehrer.

File: Best Enemy Money Can Buy -


  • . Armco Steel Minnesota Mining Bunge Corporation Monsanto Cargill Occidental Petroleum Caterpillar Owens Illinois Chase Manhattan Pepsi Co. Chemical Bank Phibro-Salomon Clark Equipment Phillip Morris Coca Cola Ralston Purina Con Agra Rohm & Haas Continental Grain Seagram Corning Glass Stauffer Chemical Deer & Company Tendler-Beretz Associates Dow Chemical Tenneco Inc. Dresser Industries Union Carbide E. I.

File: Coleman - The Conspirators' Hierarchy - The Committee of 300 (1991) -


  • des itself on its diversity; it helped NASA with its space programs and helped to promote new youth fash ions and ideas, youth rebellion and alienation for the Commi ttee of 300, ostensibly funded by Coca Cola. Hudson may be quite properly classified as one of the Committee of 300's BRAIN-W ASHING establishments. Some of its nuclear war scenarios m ake for very interesting reading and, if they can be obtai

File: David Icke - And the Truth Shall Set You Free, 21st Century Edition (2004) -


  • he Ford Foundation, the Kettering Foundation, the Lilly Endowment, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, and the Thyssen Foundation, with smaller amounts donated by organisations like General Motors, Exxon, Coca Cola, Time magazine, CBS, and the Wells Fargo Bank.45 The Commission made its headquarters at 345 East 46th Street, New York. One of the first ambitions for David Rockefeller and his Trilateral Commission

File: David Icke - Tales from the Time Loop (2003) -


  • you see it? dream in the form of a banana, for instance, or, if you're not so lucky, an asparagus. At the website of Jim Hagart's Semi Subliminal World, you can find subliminals highlighted in other Coca Cola products like Dr Pepper, Lilt and Fanta.s They include distorted faces, 'gremlins' and the usual sexual themes. By the way, the target market of Diet Coke is overwhelmingly women and the subliminal u


  • from the general population".17 He says that the 'Santa Claus' story is an example of this. The myth of Father Christmas or St Nicholas is an old Pagan tale and he was depicted wearing green. It was Coca Cola who gave him a red suit in a massive advertising campaign and he became known as Santa - an anagram of Satan. Swerdlow writes: "Satanism and Satanic rituals have grown exponentially since the media b

File: David Icke - The Biggest Secret - The Book that Will Change the World (1998) -


  • oads owned some of America’s prime real estate. Much ofthis legislation is in the 1854 Congressional Record. The Payseurs’ Lancaster Railwaywas, through the Alabama Mineral Company, the controller of Coca Cola, Pepsi Cola,General Motors, Boeing, Ford and Standard Oil.After the manipulated American Civil War in the 1860s, all railroads and real estateowned by the supporters of the losers, the southern Confe


  • ycle goes on expanding. The cocaine trade out of South America is run by thesame people through their agencies like the CIA. Cocaine comes from the coca leaf and,until 1903, it was used in the drink, Coca Cola, hence its name. I detail the CIA’s role inthe cocaine networks and how they set up the Colombian drug cartels in .. And The TruthShall Set You Free. Also in that book you will find the background to


  • g, CreditSuisse, Robert Fleming, Kleinwort Benson, British Airways, Cadbury Schweppes,Jardine Matheson, Rothmans, the Rothschilds, Exxon, Mobil, Amoco, Texaco,Chevron, Brown and Root, General Motors, Coca Cola, and Bechell.78 A directory ofthe Black Nobility if ever I saw one. Defence Systems Ltd was established in 1981,again the early years of the Thatcher regime, and its rise was meteoric thanks to itssu

File: Eustace Mullins - The World Order (1st Edition, 1985) -


  • easurer of M.A. Hanna Co. 1 962-63, and director of Hartford Fire Insurance, and Hartford Accident & In demnity; Charles W. Duncan, Jr., dep. Sec. Defense, 1977-79, Sec. Dept of Energ y 1979-81, chmn Coca Cola International, chmn Coca Cola Europe, director Humb le Oil Co.; Melvin C. Holm, pres & CEO Carrier Corp., director N.Y. Telephone, Mutual of New York SKF Industries; Antonia Chandler Hayes, wife of A


  • d War Dept. 1942; Warren M. Shapleigh, pres. Ralston Purina, director J.P. M organ, Morgan Guaranty Trust, Brown Group First Natl Bank St. Louis; Jame s D. Robinson III, chairman AMAX, Bristol Myers, Coca Cola, Union Paci fic, Trust Co. of Ga., was asst to pres. Morgan Guaranty Trust 1961-68, tr ustee Rockefeller Univ.


  • Foundation gave IPR $233,000. Jessup was a member of the wealthy Stotesbury family, partners o f J.P. Morgan. His brother John Jessup was a wealthy banker, president Equitable Trust Co., director of Coca Cola and Diamond State Telephone C o.

File: Eustace Mullins - The World Order -


  • easurer of M.A. Hanna Co. 1 962-63, and director of Hartford Fire Insurance, and Hartford Accident & In demnity; Charles W. Duncan, Jr., dep. Sec. Defense, 1977-79, Sec. Dept of Energ y 1979-81, chmn Coca Cola International, chmn Coca Cola Europe, director Humb le Oil Co.; Melvin C. Holm, pres & CEO Carrier Corp., director N.Y. Telephone, Mutual of New York SKF Industries; Antonia Chandler Hayes, wife of A


  • d War Dept. 1942; Warren M. Shapleigh, pres. Ralston Purina, director J.P. M organ, Morgan Guaranty Trust, Brown Group First Natl Bank St. Louis; Jame s D. Robinson III, chairman AMAX, Bristol Myers, Coca Cola, Union Paci fic, Trust Co. of Ga., was asst to pres. Morgan Guaranty Trust 1961-68, tr ustee Rockefeller Univ.


  • Foundation gave IPR $233,000. Jessup was a member of the wealthy Stotesbury family, partners o f J.P. Morgan. His brother John Jessup was a wealthy banker, president Equitable Trust Co., director of Coca Cola and Diamond State Telephone C o.

File: FINAL WARNING - A History of the New World Order (2004) -


  • Products; R. J. R. Nabisco; R. H. Macy; Federated Department Stores; Gimbel Brothers; J. C. Penney Company; Sears, Roebuck & Company; May Department Stores; Allied Stores; American Express; PepsiCo; Coca Cola; Pfizer; Bristol-Myers Squibb; Hilton Hotels; and American Airlines. In September, 1922, when the CFR began publishing its quarterly magazine, Foreign Affairs , the editorial stated that its purpose


  • will help erect ... a world order.” This self-proclaimed “outsider” filled many of his administrative posts with establishment insiders from the Rockefeller Foundation, the Brookings Institution, and Coca Cola. Extracted from Coke, were George Ball, Clark Clifford, Samuel P. Huntingdon, Marshall Shulman, Richard Gardner, Henry Owen, Robert Roosa, and J. Paul Austin. Because of the extent to which he used t

File: Final Warning - A History of the New World Order by David Allen Rivera -


  • ill help erect ... a world order.” This self)proclaimed “outsider” filled many of his administrative posts with establishment insiders fr om the Rockefeller Foundation, the Brookings Institution, and Coca Cola. Extracted fro m Coke, were George Ball, Clark Clifford, Samuel P. Huntingdon, Marshall Shulman, R ichard Gardner, Henry Owen, Robert Roosa, and J. Paul Austin. Because of the ex tent to which he use

File: Final Warning - History Of The New World Order -


  • s will help erect...a World Order." This self-proclaimed "outsider" filled many of his administrative posts with establishment insiders from the Rockefeller Foundation, the Brookings Institution, and Coca Cola. Extracted from Coke, were George Ball, Clark Clifford, Samuel P. Huntingdon, Marshall Shulman, Richard Gardner, Henry Owen, Robert Roosa, and J. (8 of 41) [0

File: Illuminati Handbook -


  • agazine Playboy Magazine The Round T able International Monetary F und T errorism Cosa Nostra Oil Cartel The Round T able New Age Religions Universities RAND Labor Unions Different Law firms Du P ont Coca Cola P epsi Cola Levi Strauss General Electric F ord Industries Sony Boeing Company Rockefeller F oundations Reader's Digest US Government International Monitary F und F ederal Reserve System W orld Bank

File: King, A. and Schneider, B. - The First Global Revolution, A Report by the Council of the Club of Rome (1991) -


  • ure of die planet of between 1.5°C and 4.5°C. It is extremely difficult for the world public to appreciate that this invisible and apparently harmless gas which bubbles up from our whisky and soda or Coca Cola, and which we ourselves exhale, is a potential eliminator of our prosperity and lifestyles. Assuming that the present industrial practice of burning fossil fuels continues, saturation point might be

File: New Underworld Order -


  • rance policies can be stolen and scammed). In hot temperatures, aspartame underg oes a chemical reaction, becoming formaldehyde - explaining the phenome non of Gulf War Syndrome. The vast supplies of Coca Cola containing aspartame that were delivered for consumption by the troops in the Middle East lay for weeks on the tarmac in temperatures of up to 140 degrees Fahrenheit. The Chief Executive O fficer of


  • Fellowship, or The Family. The Fellowship and its predecessor organization s have used Jesus in the same way that McDonald's uses golden arches [M - the occultic 13th letter of the alphabet -Ed] and Coca Cola uses its stylized script lettering. Jesus is a logo and a slogan for The Fellowship. Jesus is used to justify The Fellows hip's access to the highest levels of government and business, in the same wa

File: Nield, Michael - The Police State Road Map (2004) -


  • the Food Marketing Institute, Home Depot, and B ritish supermarket chain Tesco, as well as some of the world's larges t consumer goods manufacturers including Procter and Gamble, Phillip Morris, and Coca Cola it may not be long before RFID-based surveillance tags begin appearing in every store-bought item in a consumer's home . (56) Confidential docum ents obta ined by CASP IAN from the AutoID Center show

File: Power Elite -

  • rent industries andusually along the eastern seaboard. Represented on the golf course areContinental Can, Young and Rubicam, General Electric, Cities Service OilCompany, Studebaker, Reynolds Tobacco, Coca Cola, and Republic Steel.5[ch15_notes.html#ch10en5] Between June 1953 and February 1955, Mr. Eisenhowergave 38 ‘stag dinners,’ at which ‘he has entertained 294 businessmen andindustrialists, 81 administra

File: Trilaterals Over America -


  • th at least one or two directors always on the Trilateral Commissi on. Pepsi is one of the gung ho New World Order firms and as you will remember, was first into Communist China and only second after Coca Cola into Soviet Russia. The famous MacNeil-Lehrer Newshour is financed by Archer Daniels Midland, a global corporation with Trilateral Dwayne Andreas as Chairman. Pepsi Cola also finances MacNeil Lehrer.

File: Unintended Consequences -


  • hind the two men. *** "So what's going on in your business?" Raymond asked Tony Keams as he took a sip of his coffee. "Only big news lately is this Becker - Allied thing." Tony Kearns took a drink of Coca Cola. "Yeah, I heard about that. We tried to get their business, but Allied went with MacKinnon instead. Old man Lambert was one irritable senior partner when that happened, I'll tell yo u that." "Interes

File: Guillen, Monsenor Dr. Rafael Rodriguez - The Vatican's Mafia (2003) -


  • journalists, Cardinals, proprietors etc . . . Show the riches which the Vatican Mafia now possesses in the 20th century. And it's not the offerings, as we are told. Instead of a cross and b ottle of coca cola inhis Popemobile, he probably has a machine gun, because he is the major stock holder o f the businesses in the USA, including armaments and contraceptives' laboratories. What a mockery! Why do they

File: The Vatican's Mafia - Guillen, 2003 -


  • journalists, Cardinals, proprietors etc . . . Show the riches which the Vatican Mafia now possesses in the 20th century. And it's not the offerings, as we are told. Instead of a cross and b ottle of coca cola inhis Popemobile, he probably has a machine gun, because he is the major stock holder o f the businesses in the USA, including armaments and contraceptives' laboratories. What a mockery! Why do they

File: Vatican's Mafia -


  • journalists, Cardinals, proprietors etc . . . Show the riches which the Vatican Mafia now possesses in the 20th century. And it's not the offerings, as we are told. Instead of a cross and b ottle of coca cola inhis Popemobile, he probably has a machine gun, because he is the major stock holder o f the businesses in the USA, including armaments and contraceptives' laboratories. What a mockery! Why do they

File: Cure for Cancer - The Rick Simpson Protocol -


  • d quite well although sometimes oil does line the tube a little but it’s never been blocked. The secret it to pour it down while it’s still very warm.” Angela “I know it sounds terrible, but a little coca cola through the tube to flush it after administering viscous stuff, or just to clean clogs in general works well. An old RN standby.” Ellen S urgery or o il ? “You’d never take my tits, when I can ingest

File: Robert Anton Wilson - Cosmic Trigger 3 - My Life After Death -


  • y imbeciles we will find present among the 100 persons in the Senate ... 1, 10,25,53,90 or whatever ... To use an example less amusing but perhaps clearer : in Aristotelian logic , we must classify a Coca Cola can as either present in the refrigerator or not present in the refrigerator. In Koryzbskian n-valued logic, we can estimate the probability that the coke remains in the refrigerator, from 0 per cent

File: Psychedelic_Review_10 -


  • micrograms), and found no sig- of the proposition is true, anything can be nificant damage. The authors suggest thai said in the first half; e.g. "if you drink other tissues of the body must also be Coca Cola before breakfast, your children examined. These findings are confirmed b} may be...etc." Of course logic has never those of Petrakis (11), who found no dif- been of prime concern to the mass media fe

File: Last Minute Survival Secrets -


  • , slowly pour a small amount of Coca-Cola around the terminals. When the Coke stops fizzing, remove the cables. 2. Secure both cables away from the battery terminals. 3. Slowly pour a small amount of Coca Cola over the white powder on the terminals. 4. Wait for the Coke to stop fizzing. 5. Pour a small amount of Coke over the metal connectors on the battery cables to remove any remaining corrosion. 6. Use

File: Survival Nutrition -


  • inerals. It’s just water, which is fine. I don’t think of water as a source of minerals. These bottled water companies, they take city water, which is crap water. Bottled water companies like Dasani, Coca Cola, Pepsi and whatever, what they do is just take city water and then they filter it, usually through a reverse osmosis system. Then they add some minerals and bottle that. Then they say it has added mi

File: Worst Case Scenario Survival Handbook -


  • diving cinematographer and skydiving coordination specialist. He has designed, coordinated, and filmed skydiving stunts for numerous television commercials, including Mountain Dew, Pepsi, MTV Sports, Coca Cola, and ESPN.

File: Paulo Coelho A Warrior's Life - Fernando Morais -


  • oks, The Alchemist, Maktub andEleven Minutes–all of them pirate copies, bought in the street for US$7 each. In theearly afternoon, the five go to a restaurant for a quick lunch washed down with Fanta,Coca Cola, tea and mineral water. Although there is wine and beer available, the meal isgoing to be paid for by Ahmed, a Muslim, and good manners require that no alcohol bedrunk.Once the engagements with the p

File: Hoodoo Conjuration WItchcraft Rootwork (4) -


  • An ' the devil tol' me to drink tha ' likker an ' boy I'm �ellin' yo ' -my little daughtah could tell yo ' - I came back downstairs, I be­&in to git real sick. She po'ed the likker an' she po'ed the Coca Cola in. The Coca Cola floatin' in the likker an' I came back downstairs an ' in about 30 �utes I got deathly sick an' I got so sick I jis' layed across de bed . An' •is same little girl whut was standin

File: Hoodoo Conjuration Witchcraft Rootwork (1) -


  • vah be uneasy, undahstan', about her leavin' him any mo'. An' ah guess five or six months aftah dat - him an' I used tub meet up dere at dis Ware 's Barber Shop an ' he always wanta buy me a cigar or Coca Cola ah say ah want. An' he tell me , he say, ''Mr. Smith , yo 1 cert' inly fixed mah home up - ah haven' t had any mo' trouble." (Now, those candles , you are supposed to use black candles, but because y


  • ws] de hollah of mah foot chere . Dampen it an ' scrape dat dead skin back -back dis way from de toe, den compound dat [claps hands], turn it brown [parch it], put it in whiskey [clap] , wine [clap], coca cola [clap ], or dampen it an' sp rinkle in de candy - chocolate candies, anything whut dey eat - anybody -millionaire -' don 't care who he is - got him. [This is the way he is speaking.] (Love you - but

File: Hoodoo Conjuration Witchcraft Rootwork (2) -

File: exu -


  • fate. Finally we should remember that it is important to be careful with this Exu if one has children at home, as this Exu loves to inspire children to mischief.Sacred Items: Guaraná, sweet liquors, coca cola, cigarettes and sweets, red, blue and black candles, flowers and toys.Iconography: His form is often of a small Exu or a child holding a trident, but his manifestations are so varied that it is impos

File: Disclosure Project Briefing Documents -


  • the US governm ent, but FOR the US governm ent by private industry . And private industry keeps secrets even better than USAPS. It m akes sense: After all these y ears no body knows the form ula for Coca Cola. Not even the President of the United States can get it. The form ula is secret, and private. 29


  • ogical revolutions based on advanced ET technologies. No wonder the corporate, m ilitary -industrial com plex interest and secrecy exceeds even that of the governm ent related USAPS. The form ula for Coca Cola has nothing on this. The bureaucratic inertia of large secret operations is y et another m atter. After decades of operations, and of lies, public deceptions and wor se, how does such a group unravel

File: UFO Diaries -


  • gdoms. Our destination was Ica’s plaza de armas , and as we entered the teeming square my senses were filled by a cavernous space ringed by enormous billboards and epileptically f lashing neon signs: Coca Cola, Samsung, Ford and a horde of other craven multinationals proclaiming their suzerainty over this city and its populace. There was not a llama or bowler hat in sight – Ica was as far from the Peru of

File: Valdamar Valerian - Matrix III Volume 2 -


  • - a structure that has not been approved for human use by the FDA. The "Aspartame Technical Committee" The infamous ATC consists of NutraSweet Company, Ajinomoto Company (Searle's Japanese licensee), Coca Cola Company, Pepsico, Royal Crown Cola Company, Seven-Up, General Foods and other manufacturers and users of aspartame, who grant research funding for the purpose of generating fraudulent assurances of s


  • , demonstrates his "icepick technique" at the University of Virgina in Charlotteville. The Rockefeller milk trust sells fiozen products and pasteurized milk in North Carolina, closely allied with the Coca Cola company who sells large quantities of carbonated soft drinks. These substances prove to be instrumental in preparing the bodies of Americans for the upcoming polio epidemic with bovine proteins and s


  • ng the way for the Korean War to occur. The 1948 hdiigs of Dr. Sandler in North Carolina are denegrated in the public media, who claims that Sandlers findings are a "myth." Rockefeller Milk Trust and Coca Cola force return to previous levels of sugar and dairy product consumption. Polio levels rise to pre- 1949 level. John McCone becomes Under Secretary of the Air Force. Two levels to the underground base

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